October 1, 2009 America is a land of rugged individualists. “Going it alone” is seen as a virtue. But not so in the church - the household of God - the Body of Christ. The Christian life was never meant to be
lived in isolation. When
we come to Jesus we come to community.
A community patterned after the intimate
relationship of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit). That community
relationship may seem strange to those around us. Sometimes it even seems
strange in the church. But
a community we are. Someone has said that a Christian without
a church is an orphan. We
are meant for each other. We
need the community of the church. It has been said that everyone needs
three types of people in their lives: Pacers - those who go before us either living
or dead (i.e. authors, church leaders from the past). Pacers mentor and counsel us
from their life experiences as we follow them through
life. Racers - peers that can look us in the eye and
honestly tell us, “I know exactly what you’re going
Racers who will run with us - hanging in there
with us and (when needed) who will offer wise counsel.
Tracers - people younger than us who can mentor
us from the coming up generation and into whom we can
pour our lives. I greatly
appreciate hanging around our youth.
Not only do I feel less geriatric. But, I learn tons about
life. The Apostle Paul put it this way: “As for you, my son,
be strong through the grace that is ours in union with
Christ Jesus. Take the
teachings that you heard me proclaim in the presence
of many witnesses, and entrust them to reliable
people, who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:1,2) Do you see the three groups? Paul the Pacer. Timothy the Racer. The “reliable people” are
Tracers. A community of
people who together are moving forward through life
with Jesus. Mentoring is the process of pouring out
the experience of our life with Jesus into the lives
of others. It is the
process of encouraging others to live life with Jesus
as we have learned to live life with Jesus - to follow
Jesus with us through life. Moses talked about mentoring when he
warned parents of the dangers of not mentoring. “Never forget these
commands that I am giving you today.
Teach them to your children.
Repeat them when you are at home and when you
are away, when you are resting and when you are
working. Tie them on your
arms and wear them on your foreheads as a reminder. Write them on the doorposts
of your houses and on your gates.”
(Deuteronomy 6:6-9) How intense is that?
24/7/365 parents are called upon to mentor. Everything they are and have
is given to the essential role of mentoring. The same is true of the
church. We must mentor. Without mentoring the church
is one generation away from disaster. To mentor is not easy.
It would be easier to pursue rugged
individualism. Mentoring
involves transparency - honesty about our failures,
attitudes, and success. Mentoring
means patience - hanging in there with people who “just don’t get it.” Mentoring requires humility - stepping back and letting
others excel where we’ve muddled along. In the community of the church, good or
bad, we’re all mentors and we all need mentoring. Let me encourage you to not
hold yourself back from what God has designed to meet
your needs and from the awesome opportunity of God
using you in the life of others. |