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How Can I Know Jesus?

God loves you so much that He gave His Son, Jesus, to die on a cross so that you can know Him. God's desire is give you an abundant life now and an eternal relationship with Him. The most important decision in life is whether to accept or reject Jesus as our Savior. Knowing Jesus is a personal decision that each of us is called on to make. 
The links below will take you to an explanation of how you can know Jesus.  Please contact us if you have questions about what it means to know Jesus or have come to trust in Him as your Savior.  We would like to hear from you.

How Can I Know Jesus?  (Explanation in English)

How Can I Know Jesus?  (Explanation in English and Armenian)

What It Means To Be A Christian  What exactly is a Christian?  This resource provides the answer from truths found in the Bible.  

The Bible teaches that each of us is like a child who needs to develop and grow in our relationship with God.  If you have come to know Jesus as your Savior we wish to encourage you take the following steps of growth.  Along with the resources listed below, additional resources are available on our RESOURCES page.


  • Try starting with the Gospel of John, reading a chapter each day.

  • "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word (of God), that you may grow..."  (1 Peter 2:2)


It is crucial that each follower of Jesus be intentionally reading and studying through the Bible.  Without reading and studying the Bible for ourselves we are limited in knowing what we believe and why.  We run the risk of basing our beliefs on what someone else says about God's word rather than on what God Himself has said.  The tools below are given to help you move through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and so to gain greater insight into Who God is, the scope and depth of God's plan of redemption, and what it means to live in a redeemed relationship with God.  The first tool is an overview of the Bible.  The second tool is a means of moving through Scripture in one year.  The third tool is a list of all the chapters of the Bible and so can be a help to you for moving through the Bible at your own pace.

The Bible At A Glance - the organization of the Bible
Read Through The Bible in One Year
Read Through The Bible Listing by Chapter

  • Spend time each day talking with God.

  • "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God..."  (Philippians 4:6)


Guidelines For Prayer

  • Regularly attend a church that honors Jesus Christ and teaches you the Bible.

  • "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'"  (Psalm 122:1)

  • "God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him, must worship in spirit and truth."  (John 4:24)


How To Find A Good Church

  • With Christians who will help you grow in faith.

  • "We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ."  (1 John 1:3)


The series below is a progression through the foundational Christian beliefs.  You can study through these truths on your own.  Our suggestion is that you gather with others who will study through them with you.  Perhaps you can join with a Bible study at a local church that is progressing through a study of foundational Christian beliefs.  Whatever you do, don't go it alone.  Get with other Christians to hang out together while helping each other move forward in your relationship with Jesus.

Foundation Study Overview
Foundation Study #1 - The Bible (Summary)
Foundation Study #2 - The Bible (Study of)
Foundation Study #3 - God
Foundation Study #4 - Jesus Christ
Foundation Study #5 - Holy Spirit
Foundation Study #6 - Angels
Foundation Study #7 - Man
Foundation Study #8 - Sin
Foundation Study #9 - Salvation
Foundation Study #10 - The Church
Foundation Study #11 - End Times

  • Tell others what Jesus means to you!

  • "But you will receive power, when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  (Acts 1:8)