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TREASURE 1 CHRONICLES 29:10-17 Series: Lessons in Sovereignty - a.k.a. Stewardship - Part Three Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 11, 2016 |
is the third Sunday of Advent - meaning it is of vital
crucial importance for us to realize that there are only
14 more shopping days until Christmas. The clock is
ticking. So,
in an effort to be helpful… a few
suggestions in case you still have some shopping to do. First - at $39.99 is
this remote controlled 57 inch long flying fish. Recommended
for kids 8 and up.
It comes in two styles: Clownfish -
shown here. And
Great White Shark.
Imagine what fun you can have with that. Terrorizing
the cat or a small child. Second - a la Back to
the Future - for only $720 Nike’s HyperAdapt 1.0
self-lacing shoes.
These are really cool. They use a
magnetic charge and there’s button on the tongue of the
shoe that lets you tighten and loosen the laces. Third suggestion - for
only $499.99 - just in time for Rogue One -this 4000
plus piece Lego Death Star. Which comes
with free shipping.
the last two Sundays we’ve been focused on the
sovereignty of God and stewardship. Time, talent,
and today… Treasure.
Tis the season.
we’ve been seeing is that as we come to understand
stewardship - to live as stewards of what the sovereign
God entrusts us with for the reasons the sovereign God
entrusts us with those resources - stewardship helps us
to sort through all the demands on our time and talent
and treasure and to lead us in the quality of life that
we’re really longing for.
That God desires for us to live. Are we
together? Living
where we live our lives - out there - and sometimes even
in here - it’s way too easy to get wrapped up in a
mindset where the focus is on us and not God. We’re
bombarded with that every day. That’s where
our culture is. Life
is about us - fulfilling our wants - satisfying our
desires. Success
- happiness is when I get what I want. We are
entitled to... whatever.
It’s easy for all of us to get caught up in that
and to not even be aware of it. The
reality is that all that self stuff comes up empty. When we’re
focused on ourselves - obeying our own passions - and
not obeying God we’re actually living in sin. And sin is
self-destructive. Sin
destroys our relationships - our community - gnaws at
how we feel about ourselves. Sin always
leaves us empty and needing more. Sin can never
satisfy because satisfaction can only be found in God.
stewardship of time - what we looked at two Sundays ago
- the stewardship of time is the sacrificial surrender
of all of our God given time to God in order for Him to
accomplish through us what He has enabled and called us
to do. The
stewardship of talent - which we looked at - the
stewardship of talent is the sacrificial surrender of
all of our God given abilities to God in order for Him
to accomplish through us what He has enabled and called
us to do. Which
is a huge contrast.
Isn’t it? Focus
on self verses focus on God. Living by what
is self-destructive and destroying our lives and the
lives of those around us verses living in the fullness
of God’s blessing - His presence and purpose and peace. Today
we’re coming to the stewardship of treasure - what we do
with our stuff - our financial resources - dollars and
cents - and things we own - or that we’re paying the
bank for the privilege of having. How we can
live with all that focused on God and not us. This morning we’re
looking at 1 Chronicles 29:10-17. Before we read
these verses we need some back-fill on what’s going on. The
last chapters of 1 Chronicles come at the end of David’s
life - about 970 or so B.C. In those
chapters we read about David finishing up with God’s
plan for his life. God
had used David to establish God’s people in the land. To subjugate -
wipe out - defeat Israel’s enemies. To secure the
borders - unify God’s people under one king. So David was a
warrior who’d killed men in battle. He had blood
on his hands. So
God’s plan was that David’s son Solomon - not David the
bloody warrior - Solomon would build God’s Temple in
Jerusalem. But
while Solomon built the temple God allowed David to do
the prep work. In
these last chapters of 1 Chronicles - as David is coming
to the end of his life - we read about David’s gathering
and organizing everything needed to build God’s temple
in Jerusalem. David
bought the land the temple was built on. David gathered
together - what today would amount to billions of
dollars worth of gold and silver and bronze and precious
stones and other materials. Billions
with a capital “B”.
One nail - made out of gold - weighed 20 ounces. At the current
value of gold that’s about $23,000 plus for a nail. How many nails
do you have in your house? Lots. How many nails
were in this temple? Lots. David lined the
inside of the temple with 23 tons of gold. What's
that worth… a
lot. David
gathered together billions of dollars worth of gold and
silver and bronze and precious stones and other
materials - organized all that in preparation for
building. He
laid out the plans - hired the contractor - organized
the labor force - organized the civic officials - got
the government on board - got all the permits - did all
the environmental studies.
David organized the priesthood to run the place. Then
David got the whole nation primed and pumped - focused
and ready - to build this incredible structure which was
to be the focal point of their relationship with God -
the central place of their worship - their devotion -
their sacrifice - serving God - glorifying God. As
his life is coming to an end, David - the last chapters
of 1 Chronicles records for us - that David gathers the
nation before him - in one massive assembly of people -
and once again lays out before the people this vision of
the temple - what - in this last season of his life -
what he’s given himself to doing - prepping for the
temple to be built. Then
- in front of this assembly of God’s people - in a final
act of giving everything he has to God’s work - over and
above everything he’s already given and assembled - he
gives even more. David
gives his personal fortune - the wealth of the king. It’s an
astounding gift of gold and silver. Then,
reading 1 Chronicles 29:5 - David challenges the people: “Who
then will offer willingly, consecrating himself today to
the Lord?” “Who’s
willing to join me in giving everything to God’s work?” (1 Chronicles 29:5) The
response is unreal.
It’s off the charts. David’s sons -
the heads of the tribes of Israel - the military
leadership - the overseers of the workforce - the
leadership of God’s people assembled in this massive
assembly - the nation responds by bringing this offering
to God - to be used in building God’s temple. What amounts
to billions and billions in gold and silver and brass
and iron - jewels and precious stones. The wealth of
a nation. Out
of their hearts they “just” give. Then
they rejoiced. Because
when this over-the-top offering had been brought forth -
they realized how freely so much had been given without
any self-focused - what do I get out of it -
expectation. They’d
offered willingly.
No coercion.
No gimmicks.
No guilt. Just
pure from the heart joy in being able to give to God. God’s people
giving from hearts sold to out to God - God’s people
giving over-the-top and with joy to God’s work. Which
brings us to 1 Chronicles 29 - starting at verse 10 -
which is David’s response to this outrageous outpouring
of giving by God’s people. Let’s
read together starting at verse 10:
Group One: Therefore
David blessed the Lord in the presence of all the
assembly. And
David said, “Blessed are You, O Lord, the God of Israel
our father, forever and ever.” Group Two: “Yours,
O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and
the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the
heavens and in the earth is Yours. Yours is the
kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head above all.” Group One: “Both
riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all. In Your hand
are power and might, and in Your hand it is to make
great and to give strength to all. And now we
thank You, our God, and praise Your glorious name.” Group Two: “But
who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able
thus to offer willingly?
For all things come from You, and of Your own
have we given You.
For we are strangers before You and sojourners,
as all our fathers were.
Our days on the earth are like a shadow, and
there is no abiding.” Group One: “O
Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided
for building You a house for Your holy name comes from
Your hand and is all Your own. I know my God,
that You test the heart and have pleasure in
uprightness.” Group Two: “In
the uprightness of my heart I have freely offered all
these things, and now I have seen Your people, who are
present here, offering freely and joyously to You.” Verses
10 to 13 focus on The God Who Gives. God
really blessed David with the ability to put things into
words. Didn’t
He? Verses
10 to 13 are an amazing description of the sovereign
“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness” There’s nothing -
there’s no one - no thing - that is greater than God. God alone is
the greatest in rank - in goodness - in grace - in mercy
- in compassion - in whatever - except sin of course. God is the
greatest. David
says, “Yours,
O Lord is… the power.”
No one - no thing - is
more powerful than God.
The Lord God Almighty created everything. He has power
and control over it all.
He sustains it by His power. What God wills
His creation to do... it does. “Yours, O Lord is… the glory” describes God’s
reputation - His character - His attributes - who God is
and what God does.
“Yours, O Lord is… the victory” “Victory” translates
the Hebrew word “nat-sakh” which has the idea of
permanence. God
doesn’t get surprised by stuff that knocks Him off His
game plan. Meaning
that with absolute confidence we can hang onto the
reality that God - in Jesus - has won victory over the
crud of this world.
We have the certain hope of victory over death -
of eternity with God.
Living in His victory is a certainty that will
never change - because God does not change. Permanence
assures victory. “Yours, O Lord is… the majesty.” The splendor. The image in
Hebrew is of a powerful majestic war horse in battle. No one - no
thing is more honorable - more beautiful - of greater
grandeur and splendor than God. David
summarizes all that:
all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Yours.” It’s
all God’s. Everything. In heaven -
creation apart from the earth - all of that out there. And on earth -
terra firma. All
that is declares the beyond comprehendible reality of
who the sovereign God is:
His greatness - His power - His glory - His
victory - His majesty. “Yours is the kingdom… You are
exalted as head above all.” It’s
all God’s. His
is the dominion. He
is King of kings and Lord of lords - the sovereign
potentate of His creation. The
bottom line definition of sovereignty is that God alone
upholds all things by His power and determines their
just end. He
is in complete control. Which
is astounding to marinate in. No one is
forcing God to be merciful and gracious and loving
towards us. To
save us. To
forgive us. To
place us into an eternal relationship with Him. God
is not obligated to us for anything. We can’t earn
any of that. God
isn’t flippant about all that. He’s not going
to get fed up with us - change His mind and “poof” no
more anything. The
sovereign God - before anything was anything - God knew
what He was getting Himself into with you and me. And
He did. And
here we are. And
the sovereign God is taking all this exactly where God
has purposed for it to go. Isn’t
that mind popping?
Praise God!
Amen? Verse
12 - “Both
riches and honor come from You.” Where else could they
come from? In
God’s hand alone is ultimate power and might - the
authority to rule - to make great - to strengthen - to
bestow riches and honor on whomever He chooses. Riches meaning
wealth. Honor
meaning the reputation - the respect - that comes to
those who use their wealth with Godly wisdom. God
alone is the greatness - the power - the glory - the
victory - the majesty.
Meaning the source of it all is... God. All that we
have comes from... God.
The ruler of it all is... God. The final end
of it all is... God.
God who is sovereign. Which
is why - verse 13 - David exclaims - we
thank you, our God, and praise Your glorious name.” Because
of Who God is - and all of what God has given to us - we
give thanks to You - our God. We praise Your
glorious name. Literally: “We
boast in You - in who You are. Not us. There is no
self in this. But
because You are the God who has given so much to us we
praise Your glorious name.” We
need to let that sink in to our day-to-day. The
foolishness of mankind’s attitude towards wealth. We’re fighting
over little pieces of the pie. Struggles for
power. Wars
over land and who has what stuff. Nations and
peoples and families in conflict. We’re
selfishly hanging on to our little crumbs. What’s mine. What I’m
entitled to. No
wonder we’re stressed. When
it all belongs to... God.
It all comes from... God. Even the stuff
of life itself. The
sovereign God who gives.
Not out of obligation. But because He
chooses to love us - graciously - mercifully - lavishly.
14 to 17 focus on The People Who Gave. Verse
14: “But
who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able
thus to offer willingly?
For all things come from You, and of Your own
have we given You.”
we together on the “from the heart attitude” response
that David is describing here. We wouldn’t
have anything to give if the God who gives hadn’t given
it to us in the first place. David is a guy
who gets it. Verse
15: For
we are strangers before You… Literally the Hebrew
has the idea of resident aliens.
16: O
Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided
for building You a house for Your holy name comes from
Your hand and is all Your own. We’re
together with David? What
do we have that God hasn’t given to us? Nothing. What can we
give God that hasn’t first come from God? Nothing. It all comes
from... God. The
sovereign God who chooses to give it to us. The stewardship of
treasure is the sacrificial surrender of all of our God
given physical resources to God in order for Him to
accomplish through us what He has enabled and called us
to do. The
sovereign God gives to His people resources to be used
according to His purposes - in this situation - to build
the temple. Verse
17 is the bottom line.
know my God, that You test the heart and have pleasure
in uprightness. In
the uprightness of my heart I have freely offered all
these things, and now I have seen Your people, who are
present here, offering freely and joyously to You.” Verse
17 is the why the bottom line of why we succeed or fail
at the stewardship of treasure. Stewardship
isn’t about dollars and cents and stuff. It’s about the
heart. David
says - verse 17 - “In
the uprightness of my heart I have freely offered all
these things,” “Uprightness”
translates the Hebrew word - “yashar” - which means
straightforward - no deviation to the left of right. Like an
unending road through the desert with no curves - smooth
- straight - forever.
No wavering or holding back. Wholeness of
heart. The
heart of man or woman that isn’t divided but is totally
God’s. “Freely”
is the opposite of compulsion. Being drafted
verses choosing to volunteer. “Joyously”
translates the Hebrew word “samach” which means…
joyously. Joy
being the heart level realization of the presence and
pleasure of God. David’s
giving from a heart that is 100% committed - whole
heartedly committed to giving to God from what God has
given Him to give.
Not because he’s being forced to give but because
at the core of who he is he knows that the only
reasonable response to the sovereign God’s generosity is
to give back everything to God. David’s
giving is motivating God’s people to give. Gods’ people
are giving freely - joyously. Giving and
realizing the presence and blessing and purpose of God
being lived out in their lives.
sold some property.
Brought the proceeds to the congregation - Peter
and the apostles. Said
they were giving all of the profit to God. But they’d
kept back a part of if for themselves. And they both
ended up dead. Peter
nailed them: “Why
has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit
and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of
the land?” (Acts 5:1-11) Was
the problem the amount they gave? No. Problem was
with? Their
hearts. David
says that when we give to God - using God’s resources
according to God’s purposes - it’s God who examines our
hearts for uprightness - wholeness. The Hebrew
word for heart was what?
“Lebab.” Remember
that from last Sunday? God
examines our hearts - scrutinizes what’s going on deep
within us as we give.
God knows our motivation. Whether we
give because we have to or because we long to. Longing to
give meaning we get who God is. Giving is
about God not us. God
examines our hearts is God using our stewardship of
treasure to show us where our hearts are in relationship
to Him. Who
are we really serving with what God has entrusted us
with. The
heart is where we succeed or fail at stewardship of
treasure. Stewardship
of treasure isn’t about stuff. It’s about our
heart. God
is pleased when He finds wholeness there - a heart - a
life that’s totally God’s.
Not because all this is about God’s ego and God
needing more stuff.
But because God who loves us knows that when we
focus on Him with our stewardship of dollars and cents
and stuff - focusing on Him leads us to the life that is
the kind of life that we were created by God to live. Life
where we’re trusting God for everything. Purposeful -
from the heart - giving up self-will - self-focus - to
God. God
gets the glory and we experience God’s unending
blessings. Processing all that… Thinking
about what whole heartedly stewarding God’s dollars,
cents, and stuff might look like in real time - Two take
homes. First - three nuts and bolts basic
principles of stewardship. Hopefully
these are familiar. 1 Corinthians 16:1-4: Now
concerning the collection for the saints: as I directed
the churches of Galatia, so you also are to do. On the first
day of every week, each of you is to put something aside
and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will
be no collecting when I come. And when I
arrive, I will send those whom you accredit by letter to
carry your gift to Jerusalem. If it seems
advisable that I should go also, they will accompany me. Brief
backstory: Jerusalem
at the time that Paul is writing this - Jerusalem was a
fairly poor city. There’d
been a famine that had decimated the economy. The church in
Jerusalem - whether because of the economy or
persecution - the church was in pretty bad shape. Paul is
instructing the churches of Galatia and Asia and
Macedonia - along with the church here in Corinth -
instructing them to take up a collection to help the
Jerusalem Church take care of the needy there. As
Paul writes he touches on three principles of
stewardship that are more about the depth and
uprightness of our heart relationship with God than
about dollars and cents and stuff. Hugely helpful
for us to think about while we’re thinking through our
own stewardship. First
is The Principle of Regularity. In
verse 2 Paul writes:
the first day of every week.” The
first day is the day Jesus rose from death. Every Sunday
we celebrate that resurrection and the life we have
because Jesus resurrected.
Paul writes, with that reality in mind - that
life in Jesus - give.
Every first day of every week - week in and week
out - give. That’s
- The Principle of Priority. Paul
writes, “Each
one of you is to put something aside and store it up…” so that when I come
what you’re already prepared to give what will be taken
to Jerusalem. In
the day to day stewarding decisions we make leading up
to Sunday God’s part is intentionally set aside first. Set aside for
the collection on Sunday.
Set aside before the rest of it gets spent. It may seem intelligent to take
care of all our necessities - especially when
we’re living right on the line financially - seems
intelligent to take care of our necessities and then to
look around to see if something is left over for God. But honestly -
it’s amazing how many “necessities” we
have that can eat up our resources. Isn’t it? When
God comes second it’s amazing how the necessities never
seem to really get taken care of. And this - the
reverse is also true.
When we give to God first it’s amazing how all
the real necessities get taken care of. How often
we’re brought back to the face-to-face reality that it’s
God who’s taking care of us - not us with our clever
ideas. Priority
is intentionally setting aside God’s share first - off the top
- the gross - the net - whatever - not the bottom. Which will reorganize
our life. Which
is what stewardship should do. Get us focused
on God. Trusting
God in how we do life.
10% 50%
- at the heart level that’s not the issue. The question
is not, “How
much do I have to give?” but,
“How much can
I give?” Paul
writes, “as
he may prosper.” “Prosper” in the Greek
has to do with the journey we’re on through life. Not
necessarily earning 6 figures. But success at
doing the day-to-day stuff of life. “Prosper”
in the Greek is in the passive. Meaning that
it’s what God does to us.
God supplies to us what we need in order to be
successful in the day-to-day of life according to His
purposes. In
every decision we make about using resources - going out
to lunch after church - where we go on vacation - where
we live - where we go to school - how we’re upgrading
our house - what we drive - getting a short verses a
trenta and on and on - we need to be thinking about
God’s purposes in giving us the resources we’re using. It’s
not that God is saying that we should never go on
vacation or we should never go out to eat. Proportional
is when God has priority in every one of those
decisions. Proportional
stewardship means honestly and prayerful examining of
our real needs - to consider our income
- our God given resources - our blessings - in order
to determine - in obedience - what share
God would have us give - for His glory. Those
are three principles that hopefully are helpful in for
us to do a heart level reality check of how were
stewarding dollars and cents and stuff. The second take home are some suggestions
of what God might lead you into in your giving. There
are some amazing opportunities right here at Creekside -
as we’re Serving the World. God enabling
us to use His resources together as His congregation in
ways that go beyond what individually we could be doing. Some examples: 178 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas
Child. Financial
support - meeting needs of our Christian siblings in
other areas of the world.
Vacation Bible School. AWANA. Scholarships
for camps and ministries.
Helping youth to winter camp. Missions Teams
- last summer to Armenia.
In April to Mexico and in June to Nepal. Serve the Church - to have this building is
a huge blessing of God. Praise God for these and other life
changing opportunities that God blesses us with the
resources to steward together right here at Creekside. Praise God for
what He allows us to do together. To Him alone
be the glory. Expanding
that - there are two URL’s on your Message Notes. These are
two suggestions of many to get the mental juices
flowing. To pray about and see what God may lead
you to do. Maybe these become family stewarding
opportunities. One URL is for Gospel
for Asia. Which
opens up their Christmas Gift Catalogue. Amazing opportunities. (http://www.gfa.org/gift/all) You
could supply someone with a chicken or a water buffalo -
an outdoor toilet or well for a village. There’s a
widows and abandoned children fund. You can build
a church - supply Bibles - sponsor a missionary. Great eternity
changing opportunities. Then
there’s a URL for Voice of the Martyrs. (https://www.christmascare.com) That
URL opens up the opportunity to supply Christmas Care
Packs for children of persecuted Christians. Or to supply
Village Outreach Kits that are used to equip frontline
workers with materials for evangelism and discipleship. And there are
other opportunities there. These are suggestions
to get the mental juices flowing. What are way
more important than flying fish and self-lacing shoes
and a Lego Death Star.
Just saying.
_________________________ Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |