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LIVING BY GRACE 1 PETER 1:1-12 Series: Living For Heaven In A Hell Bound World - Part One Pastor Stephen Muncherian August 26, 2012 |
This morning we’re beginning a study of 1
Peter. There
are Bibles someplace under a chair in front of you. Please join
me at 1 Peter 1 - chapter 1 - verse 1. In your
bulletin there are Message Notes that will be helpful
for you. Starting
this Sunday there is no “Taking It Home” part of the
notes. That
is because - starting today - we are providing - out
by the coffee and on line-on on our website - a Sermon
Based Study. Which
we’re making available for our Life Groups and others
who are interested. Coming to 1 Peter - we’ve given our study
the title “Living for Heaven in a Hell bound world.” Which
describes much of what Peter is teaching in this
letter. And
probably describes a whole lot of what we often feel
in life. One of the realities that we struggle
with as Christians is that we’re aware - often
painfully aware - that we live in two worlds. Our home is
in Heaven - we long to be there - and yet we
live here on earth - in a world that is in serious
serious trouble - that’s on a trajectory for judgment. A couple of Sundays ago we said that life
often feels like we’re passengers on the Titanic. We know the
iceberg is coming but all we can do is start singing
“Nearer My God To Thee.”
That conflict - that struggle - isn’t
something new. Its
been felt by all of humanity - knowing that something
is wrong and the longing for something different -
something better.
Here in 1 Peter - Peter is writing about that
struggle - where the rubber the meets the road - how
do we live for Heaven in a Hell bound world. 1 Peter 1 - starting at verse 1 - this is
Peter’s greeting - his howdy: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
to those who are elect exiles of the dispersion in
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. According to
the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the
sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus
Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace
and peace be multiplied to you. Let’s pause and unpack Peter’s greeting
together. The letter of 1 Peter is written by who? Peter. Peter -
apostle of Jesus Christ. Let’s think about what we know about
Peter. By
occupation Peter was a what? A fisherman
from Galilee. His
father’s name was John.
His brother was Andrew - another disciple of
Jesus. They’re
occupation was catching fish. By character Peter was... a character. Peter was
just a tad rough around the edges - a work in
progress. Most
of us can relate to Peter. Yes? Usually Peter is rushing ahead without a
whole lot of forethought. Peter
was the guy who hacked off the ear of the slave in the
Garden of Gethsemane - defending God with pointy
swords. And yet, Peter - jumping out of the boat
- Peter is the only guy - with the lone exception of
Jesus - Peter is the only guy who - by faith - ever
walked on water.
Peter says things. Things that
given some fore thought he probably wouldn’t have
said. The
whole “Jesus, I’ll never deny You” thing.
Major oops. And yet, Peter is the guy who first
confessed, “Jesus - You are the Christ, the Son of
the living God.”
Jesus is the Messiah and God. Jesus says
that truth - Peter’s testimony of who Jesus is -
Savior and God - that truth is the rock upon which the
church will be built.
A huge revelation of God coming from Peter’s
lips. Jesus chose Peter to follow Him - to
learn how to become a fisher of men. Jesus saw
things in Peter that the others didn’t see. Peter’s
given name was what?
Simon. Jesus
gave him the name Peter - Greek for “rock.” Peter
becomes stability - provides leadership for the
disciples. Towards
the end of Jesus ministry on earth, Jesus tells Peter,
“When you were young, you were able to do
as you liked; you dressed yourself and went wherever
you wanted to go.
But when you are old, you will stretch out your
hands, and others will dress you and take you where
you don’t want to go.” Jesus
- Scripture tells us - Jesus told Peter that to let
Peter know what kind of death was waiting ahead for
Peter. (John
21:18,19 TNLT) Which is huge. Peter - as
he’s writing this letter of 1 Peter - Peter is in
Rome. He’s been there since 62 A.D. It is now
probably early 64 A.D.
In the summer of 64 - just a few months after
Peter writes this letter of 1 Peter - Peter is
executed - crucified - during the Emperor Nero’s
persecution of the Christians. Peter - as
Jesus told him - Peter being led where he did not want
to go. As
he’s writing this letter Peter can see his martyrdom
coming. Point being: Peter’s
living in a world he knows is bound for Hell - but his
eyes are on heaven. The second thing we want to unpack here
in Peter’s greeting is who Peter is writing to. Peter
addresses his letter, “to those who are elect exiles of the
dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and
Bithynia.” Looking
at the map. Those
are all Roman provinces in what is now northern
Turkey. Peter
addresses his letter to the “elect exiles living in
the dispersion” of these provinces.
“This isn’t a place we’d choose
for ourselves. Nothing
feels like home.
Everything is strange. We’re not in
Kansas anymore.” Peter’s
description fits the Jews who had come to trust in
Jesus as the Messiah - Jews who were living a long way
from Jerusalem - but also Jews who had been kicked out
of their families - their nation. Jewish
believers who had been exiled from their own people. Peter’s description fits Jews and
Gentiles who were trying to live Godly in an ungodly
society. Who
treasured heaven but lived displaced - scattered -
through out a world increasingly hostile to God’s
people. Up until the 60’s AD - the Roman
government considered Christians to be a Jewish sect. So
Christians were protected under the same laws that
protected the Jews.
Among all the pagan religions in the Roman
Empire Judaism was the only legal religion not
required to offer sacrifices to the emperor. But - as Christianity took on a Jew and
Gentile identity - as synagogues kicked the Christians
out - the Christians didn’t fit under the official
umbrella of exemption and protection. What was about to happen to Peter in Rome
- his martyrdom - was a fire that was about to spread
throughout the Empire - suffering and persecution and
martyrdom. Since
Christians were no longer protected as a Jewish sect
it was about to become open season on Christians. These
siblings in Jesus - strangers in a strange land - they
could see that fire coming. Are we together? Here in
Merced - trying to live Godly in a society moving away
from God - where it is becoming increasing non-PC to
be a Christian who’s courageously living for Christ. Living for
Heaven in a Hell bound world. Then notice this, Peter writes, “You are elect -
Greek word: “eklectos”
- meaning choice - you are elect -
chosen - exiles of the dispersion.” There’s
an election coming.
Yes? We
get to choose. We
can vote for the men on the left or the men on the
right - or someone else.
Sometimes who we choose doesn’t get elected. Right? But that’s what election is. Choice. Selection. We don’t
always get our choice.
But God does.
God chooses us.
God elects us. That
reality has had theologians arguing for centuries. It raises
tons of questions.
And the more we think about it our brains start
to sizzle. Our
free will verses God’s sovereignty - God’s choosing. How can we
understand what that means? Which is a great discussion for a
different time. Because
its not Peter’s point.
Peter’s point is that God has chosen us -
exiles - dispersed - resident aliens - living here. Hold onto this: God has chosen to have a relationship
with you and God has done everything necessary to make
that relationship a reality. Tell yourself that: “God chooses me.” Peter writes on: We are
chosen - verse 2 - chosen “according to the foreknowledge of God
the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for
obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his
blood.” Foreknowledge means that God knows what will happen. Foreknowledge
is knowing with complete certainty what will happen
before whatever is going to happen happens. Generally we
tend to think about God’s foreknowledge in that God
knows what will happen - future tense. Which He
does. But foreknowledge also means that God
knew before creation was creation what would happen. Before
anything existed God knew everything that would happen
in His creation. That raises tons of questions and we can
hear brains sizzling.
Which is a discussion for another time. Not Peter’s
point. Peter’s point is that before creation was
creation - hold onto this: God knowing
before creation was creation all that would happen in
His creation - including all the circumstances of our
lives - our family tree with all its fruits and nuts -
and how we grew up - and all the ways we’ve messed up
in life - the good - the bad - the ugly - of even the
stuff yet to come in our lives - God chose you to have
a relationship with Him. Isn’t that cool? Then Peter writes - we are chosen… in the sanctification of the
Spirit That is that God the Holy Spirit -
because of God choosing to do this for us - God the
Holy Spirit chooses to work in our lives setting us
apart - making us holy - unique as God’s people set
apart to live lives which bring honor and glory to
Him. God
chooses to clean us up - from the inside out - to heal
and restore and renew us - to bind up what’s broken. Like Jesus - seeing in Peter what no else
saw - God sees us as only God can uniquely see us. God the Holy
Spirit is a work in His people transforming us into
the person that God has uniquely created us to be. Way cool.
Yes? Then Peter writes that God chooses to do
that so that we can live lives set apart by the blood
of Jesus - our sins washed away - we’re cleansed by
the blood of Jesus poured out on the cross - Jesus
dying in our place - so that we can live lives in
obedience to Jesus Christ. To live as
those who’s sins are forgiven. Totally cool. Even more cool. Did you
notice the Trinity?
All three persons of the Godhead are mentioned
here. The
Father knows and so purposes - the Spirit enters in
and sanctifies - the Son saves by His work on the
cross. The
Triune God choosing to save His people - to restore us
- to a right - obedience - God glorifying relationship
with Him.. Hold on to the inestimable value of each
one of us to God - the priceless value of your life -
to God and what God chooses to do in bringing you into
a relationship with Him. Then - going on in verse 2 - why Peter is writing this letter - verse 2 - “May grace and peace be multiplied to
you” Grace is what? The
undeserved favor of God.
God doing for us what we could never do for
ourselves. God’s
Riches At Christ’s Expense. While we were still sinners - openly
rebelling against God - undeserving - unworthy - if
anything, well worth being judged and justifiably sent
to Hell - God even knowing every ugly thing that we’ve
ever done and ever will do - God sends Jesus - because
of God’s undeserved love - because God is grace -
Jesus goes to the cross - dies in our place - takes on
Himself our sin - takes the penalty for our sins -
takes the wrath of God which should have been ours -
takes all that on Himself. And while Jesus gets God’s judgment
poured out on Him - when we trust in Jesus as our
Savior - confessing our sin and our need for God’s
salvation and forgiveness - and give our lives by
faith to God - when we trust in Jesus as our Savior -
Jesus gets our sin and judgment and we get Jesus’
righteousness. God
chooses to give us our relationship with Him. Grace is amazing. Isn’t it? Grace comes from God. Grace is a
part of the character of God. It’s a
description of who God is. God is
grace. Which
means that there are depths of what grace is that we
just can’t process.
But God is the God who is grace and who
desires for us to know His grace. God defines
grace - displays grace - on the cross of Christ. Grace is not
a part of God’s plan of salvation. Salvation is
a display of God’s grace. God in His
sovereignty choosing to make known His grace to us. Peter writes that grace and peace come
from God. God’s
grace and peace go together. God is the
one who multiplies these in our lives. When we know
God’s grace - when we can process God’s graciousness
towards us enough to trust that God is gracious to us
- we will know His peace regardless of our
circumstances. Look at human history, conflict is pretty
consistent. Right? Sometimes we don’t have to look farther
than our own families - or our own hearts. The events
of this world can rob us of peace. We constantly struggle to
feel safe, less anxious, more in
control of our lives.
We wonder what will happen to our families and
friends. Biblical peace is way more than just an
absence of conflict. A number of First Century Roman and Greek
tombs have the epitaph, “No Hope.” The
philosophy of the day was despair - meaningless
existence - no real purpose to life - emptiness. Pilate asked
Jesus, “What is truth?” That’s the
hopeless cynicism of the day. Doesn’t
sound too far off from today does it? Before we came to Jesus - before we knew
God’s grace poured out on our lives - we were like
that - separated from God - on our own - with no hope
and no future. There’s
no peace in that. Apart from God’s grace - we struggle -
we’re locked in a conflict that at its core is a
result of our sin - our disobedience - those things
that we’ve done that are against God’s will. By our sin
we’ve made ourselves to be enemies of God. We’ve made
ourselves worthy of His wrath - of eternal
separation from Him - forever punishment of the worst
kind. Biblical peace is sense of well being - a
settledness in our hearts - a knowing deep within that
God has graciously chosen to make us right before Him. That because
of what God has done for us we’re no longer enemies of
God - without hope - without purpose - alone against
the world - waiting for His wrath. Which is what Peter is getting at here -
the intertwining of grace and peace. God’s peace
in our hearts. Because
God is gracious to us - no matter what’s going on in
our relationships - our marriage - our homes - the
world around us - regardless of whether we’re facing
persecution and martyrdom or just trying to live Godly
at home or work or school - because we know God’s
grace we can know God’s peace. May God’s grace and peace be multiplied -
lavished on you - poured into your life to the
fullest. The
source of it all is in God. Grab on to this. Hold on to
this for yourself:
God’s grace changes everything. Say
that with me, “God’s grace changes everything.” Before we move on - take a moment to try
and process the significance of all that. Where you’ve
come from. Where
God has brought you.
How you’ve been set free by the grace of the
sovereign Holy Triune God of Creation demonstrating
His grace in Jesus.
If we let the depth of that rattle around in
our minds it should shake us to the core of who we are
- changing us forever. God’s grace changes everything. Coming to verses 3 to 12 Peter is going
to gives us some glimpse of what that means in real
time for our lives. Look with me starting at verse 3: Blessed be the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ!
According to His great mercy, He has caused us
to be born again to a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an
inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and
unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power
are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready
to be revealed in the last time. Let’s pause there. Only God
can cause us to be spiritually alive. Only God can
change our eternal destiny by ending our separation
from Him. Peter
says that God has caused us to be “born
How many
times have we said, “If I only
knew then what I know now.” If we could
just go back and start over we’d really do some things
differently. But
physical life isn’t like that. But, to be
again” means
that we do get a new beginning - only this time God
initiates the birth.
God offers us His solution to the problem of
our sin and separation from Him. Jesus said
to Nicodemus, “Unless one is born of water - meaning by repentance of from our
sins - and the
Spirit - meaning
the transforming
work of the Holy Spirit in our lives - he cannot
enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:1-21) When we’re finally willing to agree with God that we’re hopelessly dying in our sin
- when we are finally willing to turn from living life
our way - to let die our efforts at living life - when
we choose to turn towards God - to throw ourselves
down before God’s grace and mercy and trust that Jesus
really has done everything that needs to be done on
our behalf - when we finally die to ourselves then God
does something
only He can do - God causes us to be spiritually
reborn into a right relationship with Him. The Bible -
from Genesis to Revelation - contains one long appeal
by God for us to come to Him - to trust Him and to
live in His salvation. In
verse 4 - Peter describes what God’s salvation means
for us. He
says that we’re
born again to a “living hope....an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled,
and unfading, kept in heaven for you…” Our hope isn’t like the worthless stuff
we keep piling up around us - investments and things
that our culture tells us are what we need. Stuff that
only leaves us empty and needing more and we can’t
take with us anyway. Our hope is a living hope. It’s a hope
to live by - today as we go through the stuff of life
- and to have an expectation for - that its ours in
the life to come. Our hope is in an inheritance that
doesn’t perish - meaning it doesn’t get old - wear out
- and break down.
The warranty never expires. Our hope is
undefiled. Its
pure - exactly what God promises it to be. No bait and
switch. Its
unfading - literally the word means perennial - like a
plant that keeps blooming year after year after year -
as amazing and beautiful now as it was as it will be
forever. Then in verse 5 - Peter writes that those God has caused to be
born again through faith we know that God guards us
His own power for a salvation ready to be revealed in
the last time. Have you heard the story about the group of pioneers who were
making their way across the central plains to a place
that had opened up for homesteading? They were
slowly traveling along in covered wagons drawn by oxen
- moving towards this free land and the hope of
starting a new life. One day
they were terrified by a long line of smoke on the
horizon ahead of them in the west. The fire
line stretched for miles across the prairie. It didn’t
take long to realize that the dried grass was burning
quickly and the fire was coming toward them. A few days
earlier they had crossed a river but there was no way
they could turn back and reach it in time. They
couldn’t go around the fire. They
couldn’t go back. They were in big trouble. One man
seemed to have an understanding of what to do. He gave the
command to set fire to the grass behind them. Then, when
the space behind them was burned, the whole group of
pioneers moved back on it. They
were saved because they stood where the fire had
already been. Hard stuff happens in life. Ultimately
death destroys our bodies - probably will. But God is
in control. God
is all-powerful. By faith we know that our inheritance in
heaven will be there.
It’ll be there because God will always be
there. By
faith we know that God will raise us immortal to live
in our inheritance with Him. Do we fully understand that? No. But we know
for certain that God will do it because we know the
kind of gracious God we have. Verse 6:
In this you rejoice, though now for a
little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by
various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your
faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it
is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and
glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Peter doesn’t down play or try to sugar
coat the hard stuff of life. But he does
offer us a reason to rejoice in the midst of it - in
spite of it. Pain
and suffering are the result of fallen sinful world. But while
all that isn’t good, God is bringing good -
accomplishing His purposes - using all that to turn
our attention from our selves to God - to prove and
strengthen our faith - to bring about a deeper more
useful relationship with God that glorifies and honors
our Savior Jesus.
Verse 8:
Though you have not seen Him, you love
Him. Though
you do not now see Him, you believe in Him and rejoice
with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory,
obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of
your souls. We can rejoice while were going through
stuff because we have confidence in the unseen power
of Jesus. Have
you ever experienced this? When you’re
going through really hard stuff - when you turn to
Jesus - we realize more clearly that He really is
there. The
fog goes away and what remains is Jesus and out trust
in Him.
Are we together? We don’t
rejoice because we’re getting nailed - getting our
heart ripped out and our guts rearranged - all that is
some kind of wonderful thing we love experiencing. Its all
good. We rejoice because we have a permanent
inheritance guaranteed by God. Who protects
and shields us. Who’s
with us in the midst of all of the worst of life -
growing us and using us to His glory - and Who
promises to deliver us into eternity with Him. Verse 10:
Concerning this salvation, the prophets
who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours
searched an inquired carefully, inquiring what person
or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating
when He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the
subsequent glories.
It was revealed to them that they were serving
not themselves but you, in the things that have now
been announced to you through those who preached the
good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven,
things into which angels long to look. What Peter is getting at here is that we
have a vantage point in history that the Old Testament
prophets didn’t have. The prophets looked forward to what God
would do - God’s gracious salvation through the coming
Messiah - God’s pouring out of His Spirit on His
people - the awesomeness of dwelling in God’s kingdom
forever. But
they didn’t fully understand everything God was
telling them to prophesy about. When we see God’s graciousness poured out
into our lives through Jesus - when we see the church
- what God is doing in the present age in us and
though us as individuals and as the church - what
we’re seeing and what we’re a part of is God’s
unfolding work in history. We rejoice
because we see that God is on track - faithful for
what He has done - faithful in what He is doing - and
we know He is faithful to what He will do. In verse 12 Peter writes that we have an
understanding of God at work that even the angels
don’t fully get.
Angels don’t know what it is to experience
first hand God’s salvation - His grace poured out into
the lives of sinners.
But we do.
And for all the reasons we can rejoice. Rejoice because - in the midst of a Hell bound
world God’s grace changes everything. Rejoice -
meaning we need to get our focus off of the world
and Hell and get our focus on God and all that by His
grace He’s given us. Three questions - thinking about our
response to what Peter writes. Question Number One: Do you know God’s grace? Personally? Not just
knowing about Him.
But have you given your life to Him? Have you
been born again into the living hope that Peter writes
about? Question Number Two: Are you trusting the God who is gracious? Whatever
the circumstances of your life are you giving your
life to God - daily - doing whatever it takes to keep
focused on Him - to grow in your trust - in your
relationship with Him?
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