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LIVING IN HOLINESS 1 PETER 1:13-21 Series: Living For Heaven In A Hell Bound World - Part Two Pastor Stephen Muncherian September 2, 2012 |
This morning we’re going on with our
study of 1 Peter.
In your bulletin there are Message Notes that
will be helpful for you.
You’ll notice that there is no “Taking It Home”
part of the notes.
That’s because we’re providing a Sermon Based
Study that we’re making available for our Life Groups
and others who are interested. You’ll find
those Study Notes on the table in the entrance or on
our website. Coming to 1 Peter - the title of our
study is “Living for Heaven in a Hell bound world.” Which
describes the struggle that we go through in life. As Christians one of the realities that
we struggle with - that we’re often painfully aware of
- is that we live in two worlds. Our home is
in Heaven - we long to be there - and yet we live here
on earth - in a world that is in serious serious
trouble. (Cartoon)
...You have to come out. It’s the
first day of school.”
“No! I
refuse to go. They
can get someone else to teach my classes.” Do you ever feel like that? Just let me
text it in and go back to bed. Let someone
else deal with reality today. Here in 1 Peter - Peter is writing about
that struggle - where the rubber the meets the asphalt
of life. How
do we live for Heaven in a Hell bound world? Please join me at 1 Peter 1 - starting
down at verse 13.
Verses 13 to 21 - the section of Peter’s letter
that we’re looking at today - Peter’s How to live is
about living in holiness. If we’re
going to live for Heaven in a Hell bound world then -
Peter writes - we need to live in holiness. Verses 13 to
21 are how we do that. 1 Peter 1 -
starting at verse 13:
Therefore - meaning
because of God’s grace - which what Peter has written
about in verses 1 to 12 - what we looked at last
Sunday. The
undeserved favor of God.
Therefore - because of God’s grace. Because when
we were undeserving - unworthy - rebelling and
disobedient to God - worthy of God’s condemnation and
punishment - eternity in Hell - God, knowing every
ugly thing we’ve ever done - are doing - and ever will
do - knowing that we could never measure up - never
earn or achieve salvation or anything even coming
close to what we needed to be right before God - God
because He is grace - Jesus goes to the cross - dies
in our place taking our penalty for our sin - as we
confess our sin, trust God with our lives, and claim
Jesus as our Savior - God puts on Him all of the sin,
condemnation, and wrath that should have been ours and
gives to us the righteousness of Jesus. Jesus gets our death. We get life
with God. Because
God is gracious.
God’s grace changes everything. Changes our
trajectory in life.
Changes our relationship with Him. The life we
get to live. Forgiven
of our sins. Free
of the penalty of sin.
Forever with God - living out His great
purposes for our lives. That reality is a truth that we need to
embrace at the core of who we are every day and every
second that God gives us breath to live. To let that
truth - that we are receivers of God’s grace - that
God is gracious to me - to embrace that truth so that
God’s grace really does change everything about how we
do life - everything about how we live for Heaven in a
Hell bound world. Peter writes, “Therefore - because
God is gracious - therefore, preparing your minds for
action, and being sober minded, set your hope fully on
the grace that will be brought to you at the
revelation of Jesus Christ. Let’s pause and grab Peter’s point. Picture someone wearing a toga - a long
robe - very middle eastern of the first century. Picture
that? Around town - doing business - hanging
out - a person would wear that robe with the folds
hanging down around their ankles. But before
someone would head off on a journey or go off to work
they would bind up this long robe - gather it up - tie
it up around their waist. Picture
that? Reason being they’re preparing for
action. Stuff
is going to happen here that we need to be ready for
and not tripping over our toga. In the original Greek that describes what
the word “preparing” means. Gird up the
toga of your mind.
Be prepared for what’s coming. Peter goes on: “and being sober minded.” Meaning - think clearly - keep your
thoughts under control.
When stuff happens a sober minded person isn’t
going to come apart mentally. They’re
going to think through the situation - work the
problem. Do
the WWJD thing. Peter goes on: Set your hope fully
- meaning don’t let circumstances distract you from
what you need to stay focused on - set your hope fully on the grace that
will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus
Christ. - keep focused on all that God has
promised you - that’s coming to you when Jesus comes
back. What Peter is getting at is that even
though we’re living in a world with serious anti-God
issues - trials and temptations - and distractions and
things to trip us up - our focus needs to rise above
all that - to God Who is higher - to God Who is
sovereign - to God Who gracious. Let’s grab the big picture here. Not just the
temporal today stuff that we let mess us up. When we go out of here and get nailed
with a this side of hell moment - are we going to get
up on our own little pedestal of self-worth and wallow
in how we’ve been wronged or put together our clever
little solutions of how to deal with things? Or are we going embrace the truth that
God is gracious - still in control of things - that
life is about Who?
God and all that He has for us. And so will
we trust Him? Set
our minds and thoughts and focus on Him? Peter writes, “Be prepared for what’s going to happen
to you out there.
Get your minds off of this world that’s bound
for hell and focus on what God by His grace has for
you in Jesus Christ.” Peter’s first “Live in Holiness” how to
is for us to Elevate Our Focus. Let’s
say that together.
“Elevate our focus.” Going on - verse 14: As obedient children, do not be
conformed to the passions of your former ignorance,
but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in
all your conduct, since it is written “You shall be
holy, for I am holy.” Peter’s second “How to live in holiness”
is for us to Live Separate. Let’s
say that together:
“Live separate.” He pleases God even in his sleep. He chooses to reconcile his free will
with God’s sovereignty. He is humble even when he’s proud. He is repentant even though he has never
sinned. When God seeks wisdom God seeks him. He is... the most holy man alive. Verse 16 is brutal. “You shall be holy, for I am
holy.” How are we suppose to process that? Speaking
just for myself - just last year I sinned. I think. At least
once - maybe twice. What does it mean for a Christian to be
holy? Does
that mean not smoking or drinking or playing cards or
swearing - walking around with a grim look like we
just drank concentrated lemon juice - taking with
“thees” and “thous” - trying to sound all pious? Peter’s
“You shall be holy, for I am holy” is a quote from Leviticus - God speaking
to His people through Moses. The quote -
in context - reads like this: “For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate
yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy… For
I am the Lord who brought you up out of the land of
Egypt to be your God.
You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:44,45) Leviticus 20:26 takes that same command
“Be holy” and connects it with the role of Israel as
God’s special people.
“You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord
am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that
you should be mine.” What we understand of God’s holiness is
that God is “other than” His creation. God is
completely separate.
We have holy matrimony because two people
commit themselves to a unique intimate relationship -
separating themselves from others and uniquely to each
other in a marital relationship. We have the
Holy Scriptures because God the Holy Spirit inspired
authors to write what is totally unique - separate -
from anything else that’s been written. God separates His people from all the
other people’s of the world because God chooses to do
so. God
chooses Abraham.
Chooses to make his descendants into a great
nation. Chooses
to preserve His people in Egypt. Chooses to
deliver them out of Egypt. Chooses to
give them the Promised Land. God’s people are to be uniquely separate
as God’s people because the holy God has chosen them -
separated them out - to be holy - His holy people. What Peter is writing of here is God’s
calling of His people to live separate. Simon
Kistenmaker - in His commentary on this passage in 1
Peter - Kistenmaker says this, “God calls
His people to be holy because He is holy. Among
God’s characteristics....none is more significant than
His holiness....the descriptive adjective “holy”
reveals God’s absolute purity....The state and action
of God’s being. God
is sinless, cannot be influenced by sin, and in His
holiness destroys sin.”
As believers in Jesus Christ - those upon
whom God has chosen to lavish His grace - we are God’s
people. We
are called to live holy - separate from the world
around us. Notice that Peter does not write that
we’re to sell everything and head off to Montana and
live in some kind of utopian commune waiting for Jesus
to return. Peter
doesn’t say that.
Peter writes that we are to live right here -
right now - in the life meets the asphalt reality of
today - verse 14 - obedient to God. That means
that today we no longer conform our lives to the
passions that we conformed to before we came to faith
in God. Now that you know those things are wrong
now you need to choose to not go there. And that is
hard. Yes? Remember Moses and the 10 plagues? God’s people
were where? Egypt. Living as
slaves. Building
cities for the Pharaohs.
Crying out to God. God sends
Moses with the message for His people, “I hear your pain.” Ten plagues - God taking out Pharaoh and
his army - humbling the most powerful nation on earth
- and the parting of the Red Sea later - God’s people
are headed out across the desert for the Promised
Land. Along the way God’s people live in
complete holiness - purity before God. Right? Not exactly. Even knowing
what they knew about God and what God had delivered
them from - there was the whole golden calf thing. The whole we
don’t have water and food thing. We like
Egypt better. Moses
and Aaron are a couple of shlameals. Basically
God’s people turned out to be a bunch of whiners. And yet time and time again God comes
through for His people.
Proving that He - their God - is trustworthy
and totally beyond able to do whatever is necessary to
take care of His people and fulfill His promises to
them. Finally this bunch of whiners gets across
the desert to where they can see the Promised Land. They’re
right there on the border of Edom. And God’s
people - several million strong - a huge irresistible
force - knowing all that God has done for them and all
that God has promised them - God’s people send a
message to the king of Edom - not demanding his
surrender - “Go fall on your sword before we wipe you
out” - but God’s people plead with the king of Edom to
let them pass through his land - promising to stay on
the main highway - not to touch or take anything - or
be offensive in any way.
They even promise to pay for damages or to pay
for anything they might need. When king of Edom shows up with an army
God’s people stick their tails between their legs and
head off back into the wilderness - dejected and
defeated. (Numbers 20:14-21) Why?
Why didn’t they just trust God and go in a
slaughter their enemies - enemies that for generations
to come were going to be a huge problem for them? One of the
last Edomites was Herod who attempts to kill Jesus. Why? Why not move
forward into all that God had promised them instead of
whining about giants in the land and retreating? Grab this:
You can take slave out of Egypt but its way
harder to take Egypt out of the slave. They’re
still thinking like slaves. Not the
conquering people God has separated them out to be. And that’s why we struggle to live holy. Because even
though God has separated us - redeemed us - set us
free from our former passions - we still live thinking
that we’re bound by all that crud that’s heading for
Hell. Jesus said, “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to
sin.” Sin becomes our master - we end up
serving sin - mind, soul, and body. Hard to let
go of that. Jesus
goes on, “If the Son sets you free, you will be
free indeed.” (John
8:34,36) Are we together? If God sets
us free - think from slavery in Egypt - if God chooses
to lavish His grace on us - setting us apart as His
people - freeing us through the blood of Jesus - our
Passover lamb - then we are - present tense - done
deal - are free indeed. What we need to let go of is the
mentality of a slave and to embrace the mentality of
one set free by God. To live holy means that we need to
embrace the truth of God’s grace - to get our hearts
and minds - the core of who we are - wrapped around
the reality that God has freed us - separated us out
from all of that. Because as Peter says, God has chosen us
to be holy. Which
means that holiness isn’t dependent on our efforts. Living holy
is about our waking up to the reality that - in Christ
by God’s grace - we already are a holy man or women of
God. Amen? How does that mind change happen? Peter
writes, “Do not be conformed to the passions of
your former ignorance.” Being conformed means allowing those
former passions to shape our lives - to mold us - to
squeeze us into their image - to bind our hearts and
minds in an unholy alliance to this world. To not be conformed means choosing to break
free of whatever binds us - enslaves us - to our
former passions. Physically we may not be there. But mentally
we’re very much tied to the past. Rejecting sin means rejecting the lies of
sin. The
lies we accumulate and hang on to as we go through
life. “You’re stupid - worthless - human
garbage. You’ll
never amount to anything. You’re a
failure. You’re
damaged goods. Look
how you’ve messed up.”
Or maybe more of mind bender, “You’re better than those people. We expect
great things from you.
Don’t let us down.” Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are truly
my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the
truth will set you free.” (John 8:31,32) As God’s people - Christ’s disciples -
grab onto what God says about you. You are the
one that God has lavished His grace upon - who He
makes holy through the blood of Jesus Christ. Who God
forgives and restores to live out His great purposes
through you - now and forever. Maybe tradition binds you. Traditions
in our culture. Traditions
in our families.
Our world is focused on self and
self-gratification - sexual immorality - drunkeness -
drugs - gluttony - greed - and we could go on. In some of
the places we’ve come from those are part of the way
things are - traditions - customary expectations of
how people live.
Former ignorance that needs to be turned from. Jesus speaking to the great tradition
keepers of God’s people - Jesus asked the Pharisees, “Why do you break the commandment
of God for the sake of tradition?” (Matthew 15:3). When it comes to sin - even generational
sin - lifestyles and attitudes and examples of sinful
behavior that we’ve picked up from our upbringing and
we’re passing on to our children - when it comes to
sin true repentance is essential.
True repentance meaning not that we want
God to free us from the guilt feelings we have over
our sin so that we can go on living however we want to
keep on living. But
true repentance meaning that our desire is to turn
from that sin - to renounce it - to reject it - and to
never go back. To
place our lives in God’s hands to do with whatever He
needs to do to free us from bondage to that sin. Let’s be clear. Repentance
isn’t about our being clever about dealing with our
sin. That’s
how we got into this mess in the first place. Repentance
means choosing to turn from - to renounce - to reject
our sin - and grab hold of God’s hand and letting Him
lead us out of the crud of our sin whatever that
takes. Do
you hear the mind changing in that? Dealing with what binds us to our sin
means repenting of whatever needs repenting of -
confessing whatever needs confessing - seeking
restitution and forgiveness and resolution of whatever
needs restituting - forgiving - and resolving. Cut off
relationships and behavior and opportunities for sin. Don’t hide
it. Deal
with. Do
whatever God leads you to do. Bottom line: Turn to God. Follow God. Do it. If we do not honestly deal with our sin
and the lies and traditions of sin then that sin will
bind us - keep us enslaved. Our
Adversary will use it and keep on using it to tear us
down and keeping us living for Hell when we should be
living separated as God’s holy people. Embrace this - “If the Son has set you free” - what are you? Free indeed. In Christ -
you are holy. So
live separate for Him.
Let go of Egypt.
Peter’s third “How to live in holiness”
is to Revere God.
Let’s repeat that together: “Revere God.” It seems like most people today like to
talk about God being a God of love and mercy and grace
- about the blessings of God. But talking
about fearing God and God as judge makes a whole lot
of people - even some Christians - fearing God and God
as our judge makes people really uncomfortable. They just
don’t want to go there. But Peter doesn’t mince words - writing
about the impartial justice of the God Who demands
holiness. Hebrews 12:21 tells us that when Moses -
in front of Mount Sinai - Moses saw the fire - the
cloud - heard the thunderous voice of God - Moses was
so frightened that Moses exclaimed, “I’m terrified and trembling.” Scripture tells us that our response to
God is to be like that:
“Worshiping God with holy fear and awe. Our God is a
consuming fire.”
(Hebrews 12:28,29) Philippians 2:12 says that we are to live
out our salvation “with fear and trembling.”
Peter writes that if we’re going to call
God our Father - like Jesus taught His disciples to
pray - “Our Father” - very intimate - if we’re going
to call God our Father then we must speak and act -
verse 14 - as “obedient children.” We need to
reverence our Father knowing that one day we’re going
to give to Him an accounting for how we’ve lived our
lives here on earth.
He’s going to hold us accountable for our
obedience or lack of. Paul writes - Romans 14:12 - “Each of us will give an account
of himself to God.” Believer
and non-believer - doesn’t matter. God is going
to hold all of us individually and impartially
accountable for how we’ve lived here on earth. 2
Corinthians 5:10:
“For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive
what is due for what he has done in the body, whether
good or evil.” One day - maybe not too far down the line
of future history - one day we’re all going to stand
before God as our judge.
As believers - God is going to reward us plus
or minus according to how we lived. 1
Corinthians 3:10-15 tells us that when everything
comes out in the open God is going to be the one to
say, “This deserves reward and this doesn’t.”
judgment will separate what is rewardable from what is
not rewardable - commendable from not commendable.
Some of us will make it into heaven with
tons of accolades here on earth and very few rewards
from God - if any.
Some of us will make it into heaven being
hardly noticed here but hugely rewarded by God. God knows
the motivation behind why we do what we do. Is it for
Him or ourselves. Are we together? God will
judge our works and expose our motives with
impartiality. How’s
that for motivation - a gut check - for how you’re
living your life?
Peter writes - it doesn’t matter what our
circumstances are - we need to live in reverence of
God - our Father.
Respecting Him.
Honoring Him.
Living separate for Him. In holiness
as His people. Verse 18 - Elevate your thinking - live
separate - revere God - knowing that you were ransomed from the
futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with
perishable things such as silver and gold, but with
the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb
without blemish or spot. Verse 20:
He - Jesus - was foreknown before the foundation of
the world but was made manifest - revealed - in the last times for the sake of you who
through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from
the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and
hope are in God. Peter’s fourth “How to live in holiness”
is to Focus On Jesus. Let’s
repeat that together.
“Focus on Jesus.” This
is what? The Great Wall of China. Took
hundreds of years to build. With all its
branches - it measures around 13,000 miles in length. A gigantic structure which cost
an immense amount of money and labor to build. When it was finished, it
seemed impregnable. But the
enemy breached it.
Not by breaking it down or going around it. They did it
by bribing the gatekeepers. “A fence is only as strong
as its’... weakest
link.” Satan looks
for our weakest links.
The place we are most vulnerable to attack. And then
he’s very subtle. We must remain focused on Jesus because
our primary battlefield is our mind. Our
Adversary sets his sights on our minds. If Satan can
get us focused someplace else - what’s coming at us -
wounds - how others let us down - what we’ve failed at
- past sins - if he can get us focused anyplace else
rather than the hope we have in Jesus we’re toast. Peter writes that we conduct ourselves
with holy lives - verse 18 - by “knowing that we were ransomed - purchased out of slavery - not by perishable things
- the cheap and temporal stuff of this world - but with the precious
- priceless - blood of Christ.” If Jesus isn’t your Savior you’re still a
slave to sin - a slave bound in this world heading for
Hell. Realize
it or not. Admit
it or not. Without
Jesus you’re in bondage to your desires, impulses, and
ignorance - spiritually blind - shackled by sin -
tossed around and abused by the world and demons. Life is
futile and frustrating.
There is no point and no purpose to your life. And there is no way you can help
yourself. Your
only help must come from outside. Jesus provided that help - provided the
only solution - the only payment valuable enough - not
silver and gold - but His priceless blood. Paid that
ransom on the cross to buy your freedom - to break
your chains - to give you the life you were created to
live. The only thing keeping any of us back
from that life - that freedom - is our own pride - our
own selfish reluctance - to accept God’s gracious
offer of eternal life - to step by faith out of our
futility and darkness into the light of the life God
has purchased for us through the blood of Jesus. Peter writes - verse 20 - that God
foreknew. God
has been working His plan down through the ages of
human history. That
plan meant that His Son - Jesus - would set aside the
privileges of heaven - the prerogatives of His
divinity - to take on everything it means to be human
- voluntarily take on Himself the cross on our behalf
- so that - verse 21 - our faith and hope can be in
what God has graciously done for us. There is no other solid basis for faith
and hope in a hell bound world than the reality that
Jesus took it all on Himself and rose triumphant -
ready to lead us in His victory. Like Peter who when he stepped out of the
boat - focused on Jesus - he was walking on water. When he
focused on the storm - he sank. When we
focus on ourselves living in this world we’re toast. When we
focus on Jesus and His victory we’re triumphant in
Him. Toast
or triumph? Peter warns us: Don’t let
our Adversary mess with your mind. To live holy
means we must stay focused on Jesus. Thinking about what Peter writes and
living out there - four steps for us to take... First: Be very
careful about what you let into your mind. Peter
tells us to bind up the toga of our mind. Prepare. Be sober. Elevate our
thinking. The
eyes are the gateway to the mind. There’s a
very close connection between the two. Be careful
what you allow your eyes to focus on. Keep them
away from the things of Hell. Keep them
focused on the things of God. Second:
Separate yourself from sin. The
world is constantly putting out a culture of sin
without mentioning the disastrous consequences of that
sin. Grab
on to the consequences.
Think through the reality of what it will mean
if you don’t deal with your sin. So deal with
what needs to be dealt with. Repent of
what needs to be repented of. Separate
yourself from sin. Third:
Renew your reverence for God. Respecting
God doesn’t just happen on Sunday morning at 10:00
a.m. while we’re singing worship songs here at
Creekside. Right? Reverence
for God should be the 24/7/365 - God my life is
totally yours - messed up - broken - wounded and
wanting - my life is all yours to lead me today and do
with as you will.
Take time every day to renew your Father-child
relationship with God.
To seek Him in prayer and the exploration of
His word and in worship. Fourth:
Every day refocus on Jesus. As
our Adversary nails you with “just this side of Hell”
type people and events and temptations - it is so easy
to start to drift.
Whatever happens work at staying focused. A verse of
Scripture on the bathroom mirror. Listening to
Christian music in the car. Reading a
devotional or Scripture at lunch. Whatever
works. Keep
refocusing on Jesus.
_________________________ Additional reference: Charles R.
Swindoll, Insights on James, 1 and 2 Peter - Zondervan, 2010 |