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LIVING UNDER AUTHORITY 1 PETER 2:13-3:7 Series: Living For Heaven In A Hell Bound World - Part Five Pastor Stephen Muncherian September 23, 2012 |
Tuesday, November 6th is what? Election
day. President
Obama or Governor Romney. Who will be
elected? That
is a huge question.
Isn’t it?
Who will be elected? I struggle with the answer to that
question. Thinking
about where our country has fallen to - in my usually
upbeat and optimistic view of things I really don’t
think in the long run its going to matter one way or
the other who gets elected. Am I alone
in that? Unless something changes dramatically at
the fundamental core of who we are as a nation -
regardless of who gets elected - we’re still headed
downward morally - spiritually - if not economically. We’re in
serious serious trouble. Sometimes I think about the America I was
raised in. Maybe
I’m getting older and that’s what you do when you get
older. We
starting thinking nostalgic thoughts. But, if you’ve been around a bit - you
remember things like most people went to church on
Sunday. Stores
were closed on Sundays.
There was a moral sense - even if you weren’t a
Christian - some kind of sense of accountability to
God. People
at least understood that Jesus Christ was more than a
swear word. What’s common language today was shocking
back then. People
generally didn’t dress like prostitutes. Back then we
knew what a belt was - and we used it. We left our
homes unlocked. Our
cars unlocked. There
was a respect for other people and our government -
notice our government not the government - which is
how we refer to it today. There was
sense back then that our government really was
responsive to the people. Describe that America to anyone under the
age of 25 and it feels like were describing a foreign
country. What kind of country are our kids and our
grandkids going to live in? I’m not very
optimistic that its going to be better. Am I alone
in this? One more question: What does
all that mean for the Body of Christ? For the
church. For
those seeking to live Godly - seeking to live for
Heaven in a Hell bound world - in an America which is
not “one nation under God” - where the government and
society is becoming increasingly intolerant - if not
hostile - to Christians.
What will that be like? What does
that mean for us today?
Because in many ways - what’s coming next is
already here. Would you join me at 1 Peter 2 - starting
at verse 13. This
next section of Peter’s first letter - what we’re
coming to this morning - focuses on Living Under Authority. Would
you say that with me?
“Living under authority.” How do we
live under authority while living for heaven in a hell
bound world? 1 Peter 2 - verse 13: Be subject for the Lord’s sake to
every human institution, whether it be to the emperor
as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish
those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is
the will of God, that by doing good you should put to
silence the ignorance of foolish people. Let’s pause and unpack what Peter is
saying here. Peter’s writes that we are to be subject
to human authority because of the Lord. Be subject translates a Greek word that
means to order under another - to rank top to bottom. It was a
military term that described someone voluntarily -
consciously - willingly - deferring to the commands -
to the authority of someone else. Someone
higher in rank. Then Peter gives us examples of what he
means by human authority. Example One: The emperor supreme - meaning Caesar - in Rome. Today in
kind of a similar way we can think “President” - the
top rulers in the nation - leadership in Washington -
or Sacramento. Second Example are those sent by the
emperor - the governors - who are sent to enforce the will of
the Emperor - the government. To punish
those who are breaking the law and to reward those who
are obeying the law. Today we might think of this as judges -
enforcing the laws of the land - ruling for or against
ordinary citizens in cases involving the law - in
situations that may result in punishment or may result
in some benefit to the citizen. We’re
together? I struggle with the implications of what
Peter is writing here.
In fact as I was studying through this passage
and thinking about getting up here and sharing with
you all I got to thinking that maybe I’m not the best
example of what Peter is commanding us to do. If you’ve hung around me for a bit you
know that I’m pretty quick to criticize where our
government has gone.
And, pretty quick to share some deep concerns
that I have about where it seems we’re going. And, as our
country spins politically and morally and spiritually
away from God I am not a happy camper when it comes to
this whole idea of submitting to Rome. Peter is writing this letter from... Rome
- in about early 64 A.D.
The Emperor Peter is writing about is... Nero. Nero who
came to the throne in 54 A.D. when his great-uncle
Claudius died. Nero
who ruled until 68 A.D. when he was forced from the
throne and in June of 68 committed suicide. Nero was not very friendly towards
Christians. Nero
was the emperor who used Christians as living torches
to light his garden parties. In the
summer of 64 there was a fire in Rome and Nero used
the occasion to launch an empire wide persecution of
Christians. In the summer of 64 - just a few months
after Peter writes this letter of 1 Peter - Peter is
executed - crucified.
Which is important for us to grab onto. As he’s
writing this letter - about submission - Peter can see
his martyrdom coming. Peter is writing to Christians - Jew and
Gentile - living in what is now north and western
Turkey. Christians
dispersed throughout the Roman provinces of Pontus,
Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. Christians
who are no longer considered a Jewish sect. Which means
they’re no longer protected by Roman law - meaning
they are wide open to any type of persecution the
government wishes to level at them. Point being that what was about to happen
to Peter in Rome - his martyrdom - was a fire that was
about to spread throughout the Empire - suffering and
persecution and martyrdom. Since
Christians were no longer protected as a Jewish sect
it was about to become open season on Christians. These
siblings in Jesus - strangers in a strange land - they
could see that fire coming. Which is important for us to hang on to. What Peter
is writing here is not some trite religious platitude. This a real
time command for the place where the chariot wheels
meet the real time paving stones of life. Its not hard to imagine that Peter’s
readers then like Peter’s readers today might have
wondered about the practical implications of what
Peter is writing.
“Is He nuts?” Still together? In verse 15 Peter writes, “For this is the will of God.” That’s intense. Peter
playing the “God Card.”
People say, “I wish I knew what God’s will for me
is.” Well
here it is. In
black and white and multiple translations. Let’s be careful. What is
God’s will? Going
on - verse 15:
that by doing good you should put to
silence the ignorance of foolish people. God’s will is for us to submit to human
authority so that the result is that those who are
foolish and so therefore ignorant will be put to
silence. The
word for “silence” has the idea of speechless - unable
to answer - defeat in a debate. All kinds of nasty things were being said
about Christians - baseless rumors - accusations. “They’re loyal to a different
Emperor.” “They’re
a rebellious sect.”
“They subversives.” “They want
to overthrow the government.” Or
today we hear things like: “They’re easily brainwashed,
easily led, hate speaking, intolerant, homophobes.” All of which is hugely ignorant of what a
true Christian really is. Peter’s point is that - when Christians
really do live as Christians - living in submission to
human authority - the accusations can’t hold up. Those who
speak them will be left speechless. Which means
they will have to listen - at least acknowledge the
reputation - the testimony - of God’s people. What we need to grab here is the big
picture. Which
is a whole lot bigger than which political party
controls Washington.
We submit to whoever is President regardless of
whether we voted for him or not. We submit to
the decisions of our lawmakers even though there are
times when we may think their decisions are senseless
and excessive. We
submit - not because we’re blind nationalists without
the ability to think for ourselves - but because - as
Peter writes - this is the will of God. At stake here - in our submission - the
larger picture is the testimony of the church - the
testimony and reputation of God’s people and
ultimately God Himself - in a hell bound world. Testifying
of Jesus that others may turn to Him and avoid Hell is
a whole lot bigger than playing Democrat or
Republican. Would
you agree? Peter didn’t say it was easy. He
personally understood the difficulty in this - even
more than we do.
Peter didn’t say this was easy. But, Peter
did say this is how God’s people are to live. “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to
every human institution.” Be
subject. Let’s
say that together.
“Be subject.” Let’s go on - verse 16: Live as people who are free, not
using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living
as servants of God.
Honor everyone.
Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the
emperor. How do we submit? Live as
those whom God has freed. Live Free. Let’s
say that together.
“Live free.” Grab this:
Living free is how we live because of who we
are regardless of the circumstances we’re in. Living free
is about who you are in Christ not the circumstances
you’re living in. When we were undeserving - unworthy -
rebelling and disobedient to God - worthy of God’s
condemnation and punishment - eternity in Hell - God,
knowing every ugly thing we’ve ever done - are doing -
and ever will do - knowing that we could never measure
up - never earn or achieve salvation or anything even
coming close to what we needed to be right before God
- God because He is grace - Jesus goes to the cross -
dies in our place taking our penalty for our sin - as
we confess our sin, trust God with our lives, and
claim Jesus as our Savior - God puts on Him all of the
sin, condemnation, and wrath that should have been
ours and gives to us the righteousness of Jesus. Jesus gets our death. We get life
with God. Because
God is gracious.
God’s grace changes everything. Changes our
trajectory in life.
Changes our relationship with Him. The life we
get to live. Forgiven
of our sins. Free
of the penalty of sin.
Forever with God - living out His great
purposes for our lives. Have you heard that? Sure. Almost
to the point where half way through hearing it
something goes off in our brain and we say to
ourselves, “Self - I’ve heard this.” Been there. Done that. And we start
to tune out. Are
we together? But that reality is a truth that we need
to remind ourselves of at the core of who we are every
day and every second that God gives us breath to live
because it is way too easy to take God’s grace for
granted - to put our lives on spiritual auto pilot -
and to get totally messed up in the circumstances of
our lives - even our response to authority. We need to embrace the truth of God’s
grace - to let that reality rattle around at the core
of who are - to let that truth - that we are receivers
of God’s grace - that God is gracious to me - to
embrace that truth so that God’s grace really does
change everything about how we do life - everything
about how we live for heaven in a hell bound world. Even our
submission to human authority. Jesus said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be
free indeed.” (John 8:36) God in Christ sets us free. We are
chosen by the Sovereign Almighty God of Creation to be
His before even creation was creation - to be His
children - that He might lavish His grace on us - to
set us free from bondage to our sins - to forgive us
and heal us and renew us and rebuild our lives and to
give to us the inheritance that He has reserved for
His children - the riches of heaven - a forever with
Him that begins the day we say “Yes” to His grace. And nothing in this world can change that
reality. We
are free because God sets us free and no circumstance
of this life - no government - no human authority -
can ever change that realty. So Peter,
writes: “Live free.” Verse 16 - “Don’t use your freedom to cover up evil”
- Christians aren’t perfect just
forgiven. That
can be hypocrisy in action - a testimony of arrogance
and an excuse for sin.
Peter writes - as those whom God has freed live
“as servants of God.”
Serve God not self. Four quick commands - how...: Honor everyone - regardless of their faith in Jesus -
regardless of their godless lifestyles - regardless of
their attitude towards Christians. Love the brotherhood and sisterhood - love our siblings in Jesus
unconditionally. Fear God - which is about reverence for God. Honor the emperor. God
must always have our reverence. We obey God
first. Acts
5:29 - Peter speaking to the leadership of Israel - “We must obey God rather than men.” Huge subject for a different time. But, when
God’s law comes in conflict with man’s law always obey
God’s law. But grab this: We must
honor the emperor - who may hate us - hate his own
people - may hate God - and in the case of Nero, is a
nut case. Those are tough. Yes? A difficult
balancing act. Notice
- none of them are optional. None of them
depend on any of those people being deserving or
earning our honor or respect or our submission. What our
subjection does depend on is our serving God. As God’s freed people - knowing at the
core of who we are that we are recipients of God’s
grace - we are commanded to choose not to serve our
own selfish prerogatives - turning our freedom into an
opportunity to sin - to take care of number one. But knowing who we are in Jesus - we are
to live free by freely choosing to serve others so
that God - our master - would be glorified. So that He
gets the glory - His kingdom is moved forward - and by
God’s grace - some of those who we serve outside the
church may see the character of God coming through
those in the church - and so they may also come to
know God’s grace and themselves trust Jesus as their
Savior. How do we live under authority in a hell
bound world? Be
Subject. Live
Free. What Peter gives us next are three
examples of what that looks like in real time. First: The Example of Servants. Verse 18:
Servants, be subject to your masters with
all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also
to the unjust. For
this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one
endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. For what
credit its it if, when you sin and are beaten for it,
you endure? But
if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this
is a gracious thing in the sight of God The kind of servant that Peter is writing
about here - in Peter’s day was really a domestic
slave. Let’s
grab that picture. Being a domestic slave was in many ways
very different than the hideous racist system of
slavery of recent history and the deplorable
slave-trafficking that goes on today. Slavery in
Peter’s day was more of a social or economic or
political institution rather than based on race and
ethnicity. In Peter’s day the slave population of
the Empire was somewhere around 40% of the population. There were a
number of ways a person could become a slave. The Romans acquired slaves as spoils of
war. Children
of slaves became property of their masters. Abandoned
children could be brought up as slaves. Slaves were
bought and sold - in many cases thought of as tools -
shovels - rakes - not necessarily people. People sold themselves into slavery to
pay off debts or fulfill obligations. There were
even Romans who were slaves. What a slave did varied depending on
where they lived - what their skills were - the status
of their masters.
Some were miners.
Some were even physicians. Some were
domestic slaves - servants who cooked - kept house -
even acted as teachers and role models for the kids. One major similarity between then and now
is that the treatment of slaves depended solely on the
temperament and whim of their masters. Which is
what Peter is focusing on. Masters could treat their slaves well -
even set their slaves free - in which case a slave
could assume the same social status as their master. Or masters
could beat them mercilessly - even to death. Who cared? Well… the slave - the servant - cared. Peter’s instruction to servants is to
show respect to their masters whether or not the
master is just or unjust. Regardless
of how they treat you - respect them. Before we go on we need to understand
that when Peter talks about grace - “this is a gracious thing” - Peter has two shades of meaning in
mind. Which
is a tad confusing.
Grab on to the Peter’s first meaning. Which means
we need to think about grace as behavior that God
rewards. Behavior
that God commends. If you get disciplined because you
deserve it. You
deserve it. Why
would God ever pat you on the back and say “Well done”? But if you
get treated unjustly - meaning that what you were
doing didn’t warrant how you were being treated -
Peter writes, this is a gracious thing - its something
that God looks on with grace - its commendable in
God’s eyes. Point being: Live free by
respecting your master - enduring - whether or not
they treat you justly and God will reward you for it.
Verse 21:
For to this you have been called, because
Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example,
so that you might follow in His steps. He committed
no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth. When He was
reviled, He did not revile in return; when He
suffered, He did not threaten, but continued
entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly. He Himself
bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might
die to sin and live to righteousness. By His
wounds you have been healed. For you were
straying like sheep, but have now returned to the
Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. Nobody suffered as unjustly as Jesus. Right? The only man
who ever lived in complete obedience to God - who
never committed any sin - never deceived us - always
lived and spoke God’s truth - that man was Jesus. And yet
Jesus was misunderstood by His listeners - maligned by
His enemies - forsaken by His family - betrayed and
abandoned by His followers - tortured by those
enforcing the law - executed by politicians. Through all that - verse 23 - Jesus -
when people were reviling Him - saying all kinds of
things against Him - Jesus never gave it back to them. When they
physically abused Him, He never made any threats of
retaliation. We
would have understood if He had. All that is
something we do.
But He didn’t. Jesus could have called down legions of
angels to take out His accusers. Could have
asked God for a few strategic lightening bolts. Could have
utter one word and “poof” - no more creation. But Jesus
endured unjust treatment. How?
How did Jesus go through all that suffering? Verse 23 -
Jesus continued - which means continued. Jesus -
during all of what was happening to Him - He didn’t
stop - He kept on - He continued - entrusting His life
to God. Jesus
entrusted Himself to the graciousness of God. God who
would commend Jesus and God Who would act justly
towards those who treated Him - Jesus - unjustly. Let’s be really careful here. Because this
is Peter’s second shade of meaning for grace. Which is how
we usually think of grace. God’s riches
at Christ’s expense.
Getting what we do not deserve. When we think about God commending us we
tend to think about what God does for us. God seeing
the injustice we suffer.
God making things right. God’s
vengeance on others.
Even if we don’t see it in the immediate sense
we comfort ourselves by thinking that God will reek
havoc on our oppressors in the end. Let’s be
honest. How did Jesus endure all that suffering? By focusing
on God burning out His adversaries or on God redeeming
His adversaries?
This is where God’s commendation and God’s
graciousness intertwine.
Verse 24 - Jesus - the just dying for the
unjust - is about God’s healing our souls so that we
can live a new life of righteousness. What Jesus did - His reward - His
commendation - was our forgiveness. Remember, “Father forgive them because they’re
ignorant foolish people who have no clue what they’re
doing.” (Luke 23:34) Can you hear
yourself in that? If we’re suffering - enduring - and
what’s going in our minds is how unjust all this -
we’re missing the point of the big picture - which
centers in God’s grace - which is that our oppressors
need Jesus - as do we. In that sense, grace and commendation are
intertwined. Are
we together? What Peter writes here is a restatement
of Isaiah. Remember
Isaiah 53? Listen
to this description of Jesus. “He was despised and rejected by
men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and
as one from whom men hide their faces He was despised,
and we esteemed Him not.
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our
sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God,
and afflicted. But
He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed
for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that
brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed. All we like
sheep have gone astray; we have turned - every one -
to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the
iniquity of us all.”
(Isaiah 53:3-6) Did you grab the “all we like sheep” part
at the end? Peter
brings us to that in verse 25 - “You all were like straying sheep.” But God corralled you - returned you to
the Shepherd - the Overseer - literally the guardian
of your souls. That’s
where we need to keep our focus - especially if we’re
to live in such a way that others will be drawn to
personally trust Jesus as their Shepherd. Peter writes - verse 21 - Jesus is our
example. Literally
the word in Greek means that Jesus is our model - He’s
the pattern that we need to copy. As Jesus
suffered unjustly for doing God’s will so Christian
servants may have this calling. Choose to
submit to unjust authority - whether that’s at work or
school or out the community - whatever the human
institution. Follow
the pattern. Physically we may not be free but
spiritually - in Christ - by God’s grace - we’re
always free. Being
a servant is an example of what it means to live free
regardless of the circumstances. How we do that is to keep trusting in God
- our Shepherd - our Guardian. That’s
big picture - heaven focused thinking in a hell bound
world. We’re going to briefly touch on Peter’s
next two examples.
Briefly because if we really get into these
we’re going to be here until Youth Group at 4. Chapter 4
begins with Peter using wives and husbands as examples
of submission to authority. Wow - that statement alone is pretty
loaded. Isn’t
it? Look with me at chapter 3 - verse 1 -
example number one:
Wives: Likewise - meaning with
the same teaching in mind - likewise, wives, be subject to your own
husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word,
they may be won without a word by the conduct of their
wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct. Pause with me. Be careful. Just looking
at what Peter writes here. Why are
wives to be subject to their own husbands? So that if
their husband is not a believer - or at least not
obeying God’s word - think unjust behavior - they -
their husbands will see the example - the respectful
conduct - of their wives and come to trust in Jesus as
their Savior. Do you hear big picture thinking in that? Heaven
focused? God
entrusting? This
isn’t about me. Its
about the eternal destiny of my husband. Verse 3:
Do not let your adorning be external -
the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold
jewelry, or the clothing you wear - but let your
adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the
imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which in God’s sight is very precious - think commendable - For this is how the holy women who hoped
in God - think continued entrusting their lives
to God - how the holy women who hoped in God used
to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own
husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are
her children - you’re living following her example - if you do good and do not fear anything
that is frightening. Frightening is easy to do. Number one
need of a women?
Relational security. A husband
disobedient to the word is a frightening thing. Peter writes
- entrust yourself to God. Wives are an example of submission when
husbands are not submittable. (Cartoon)
“After 39 years and 11 months of
stubbornly wandering the desert, Moses’ wife decides
to ask for directions to The Promised Land.” How
do they do that?
From example number one - slaves - focus on the
big picture of God’s grace. Entrust
yourself to God.
From the example of wives - focus on your
relationship with God.
Do you see that? Understand that Peter is not advocating
frump wife. That’s
not his point. Peter’s
point is don’t focus on the externals. Focus on
what makes you a Godly women. Deepening your relationship with God -
growing to be come the women He’s created you to be -
learning to love Him - understanding His love for you. That’s the
answer to fear. It’s
the strength you need to respect your husband and the
character that God will use to win your husband to
Himself. Third example - Husbands. Chapter
3 - verse 7: Likewise
- meaning with the same teaching in mind - likewise, husband, live with your
wives in an understanding way, showing honor - think respect - submission - to the woman as the weaker vessel,
since they are heirs with you of the grace of life - do you hear commendation and grace in
that? - so that your prayers may not be hindered. Which means that our attitude towards our
wives is connected to our relationship with God. There’s a difference between putting up
with our wives and living with our wives. An
understanding means knowing - appreciating - caring
about her intimate desires. Men - marriage isn’t about us. Our wives -
are God’s gift to us - to the partnership of marriage
- to be our partners in the issues of life. Even though
they’re different from us - physical being one of
them. Even
though we’re called to different roles. They’re
still created in God’s image. As God’s
daughters our wives are joint heirs of His promises. Peter uses husbands as an example of
humility. While
our culture may tell us something completely different
- some macho thing - we are to set ourselves aside -
to live sacrificially - to cherish and nurture and
encourage our wives to be the women that God has
created them to be. The issue isn’t whether our wives are
living godly or not.
The issue is obedience - humility before God as
we sacrifice for our wives. Humility
that begins with us.
Do you hear big picture in that? Living for
heaven in a hell bound world. Taking
ourselves down a notch in submission to God that
others - especially our wives - might be drawn closer
to Him? Question:
Where’s your focus these days? Is it on
Washington or Heaven?
Is it on who wins the next election or on the
Shepherd and Overseer of your soul? Assuming
that your focus is on God and His big picture - how
could that change your attitude - your response - to
what’s happening around us? _________________________ General reference: Charles R.
Swindoll, Insights on James, 1 and 2 Peter - Zondervan, 2010 |