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LIVING FOCUSED FORWARD 1 PETER 4:1-11 Series: Living For Heaven In A Hell Bound World - Part Seven Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 21, 2012 |
Please join me at 1 Peter 4:1: Since therefore Christ suffered in the
flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking,
for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased
from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in
the flesh no longer for human passions but for the
will of God. For the time that is past
suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do,
living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies,
drinking parties, and lawless idolatry. With
respect to this they are surprised when you do not
join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they
malign you; but they will give account to Him who is
ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is why the gospel was preached
even to those who are dead, that though judged in
the flesh the way people are, they might live in the
spirit the way God does. The end of all things is at hand;
therefore be self-controlled and sober minded for
the sake of your prayers. Above all,
keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers
a multitude of sins.
Show hospitality to one another without
grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to
serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied
grace: whoever
speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever
serves, as one who serves by the strength that God
supplies—in order that in everything God may be
glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him
belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Let’s unpack these verses. This morning
we’re looking at Living Focused Forward. The key that unlocks what Peter is
writing here is in verse 7. In verse 7
Peter writes: “The end of all things is at
hand.” “The end” has the idea of what comes at
the end of a series of events. For
thousands of years history - as a series of events -
history has been moving to a conclusion - to an end. “All things” means... all things. Not just
some things - or a few things. But all
things. All
things are moving to their end. To the point
where those things no longer exist - period - finished
- been there done that - done. There are a few exclusions. For example
- the Church goes into eternity. The Word of
God is forever. What Peter is focused on here are the
things of this world that come to an end. Politics.
Who wins the next election. The future
direction of America.
Being a Democrat or a Republican. That all has
an end. War - revolution - civil unrest. Iran having
nukes. The
Taliban. The
Arab Spring. The
Occupy Movement.
What’s going on in Syria. All that has
an end. Natural Disasters. Earthquakes,
Tsunamis, floods, drought, hurricanes, global warming,
the next ice age.
Fairy shrimp and vernal pools. All that has
an end. Suffering, sickness, sorrow, depression,
all those things we get anxious about - whether the
Giants will win today.
All have an end. Persecution - what’s about to happen to
the believers Peter is writing to - the kind of
persecution and suffering that our siblings in Jesus
experience today - what probably will happen here in
America. All
that has an end. Wealth - all those needs and wants. The world’s
economic and social system. The Dow is
up - the Dow is down.
The price of oil.
Gas at $4.50 a gallon. All those
things that people climb over other people to achieve. Those things
that we are so easily impressed with - that we cling
to for security.
All that has an end. On Tuesday - the week before Jesus was
crucified - Jesus and the disciples are coming out of
the Temple. The
disciples are talking about how impressive the Temple
complex is. Which
it was. An
amazing complex of buildings and an hub of activity. The center
of the nation’s spiritual life. It was
impressive. One of the disciples says to Jesus, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful
stones and wonderful buildings.” And
Jesus says to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will
not be left here one stone upon another that will not
be thrown down.” Which
happened. There
was an end. (Matthew
21; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-36) Then Jesus goes off on this teaching
about the end times - epochs of history and war and
suffering and tribulation all moving to an end that
will come. Then
Jesus goes off teaching about His return and being
ready for His return. Its a lesson in perspective - in living
focused forward.
Our giving undue importance to what has only
temporal value - giving value to what one day will
have no value - who’s value has an end. And instead
giving importance - focusing our lives on what has
real - lasting - eternal value. Are we processing together? That all
these things have an end - that truth should change
our perspective of all these things - the importance -
the value - we place on all these things that are
moving towards an end that will come. Peter writes, “The end of all things is at hand.” How close is your hand? Its right
there. “At
hand” in the original Greek has the idea of being near
- close enough to touch.
“All these things are ready, now, for the
end.” The Bible speaks of the immediacy of
Jesus’ return. Jesus
could come at any moment. We could
picture Jesus in heaven - at the right hand of the
Father - waiting for one word from His throne: “Go!” And He goes. He comes. Theologians call this the Doctrine of
Immanence - meaning that Jesus could return now - its
immediate. “When?” “Now!” Which is something we understand. We look at
events in the Middle East - we look at natural
disasters - we experience our society coming apart at
the seams - moral degradation - and a world that’s
becoming more anti-Christian - more anti-God - and so
on. As
Christians - as those who believe that Jesus is
returning - we look at the intensity of what’s going
on and ask, “Is Jesus coming back soon? Is this it? Is this the
end?” Peter’s point in writing about the end
being “at hand” - nearness - writing to believers
facing persecution and suffering - Peter’s emphasis is
that whatever they’re facing - whatever the issues
surrounding them - and us - it has a
certain coming end - Jesus is coming - that end could
be “now.” Let’s be careful. The return
of Jesus is immanent because it hasn’t happened yet. We’re
together? The
return of Jesus is immanent because it hasn’t happened
yet. But
that isn’t the point. If we were to read through the New
Testament we’d see that the writers - and Jesus
Himself - they all looked at Jesus’ return as
something that will happen - that will happen suddenly
catching people by surprise - and that we need to be
living ready for the end which is coming. For every generation there’s an intensity
- a repetition of sin - characteristics of life in a
world in rebellion against God - a world bound for
Hell - events and actions - that remind us that Satan
is at work against God and His people - that remind us
that Jesus will return and that we need to be living
in readiness for the end which is coming. Question - knowing that the end of all
things is at hand:
What could you be focused on? How could
you be living? When people find out they don’t have long
to live it tends to rearrange how they live. Suddenly
relationships with family take on a whole deeper
meaning. Schedules
change. Priorities
shift. If you could know that an earthquake was
going to level your house and you had five minutes
warning what would you do? Would you
start landscaping the back yard? Finally
start that kitchen remodeling project? Pull out a
croquet set and start knocking a little wooden ball
through wickets?
“The end of all things is at hand”
calls us to urgency and simplicity. Urgency
knowing that time is short. Simplicity
in that we need to focus on the essentials - what’s
really important. In the time God gives us here - now -
living focused forward - we need to be living focused
on what has real value. Are we together? Okay, Hanging on
to that truth - let’s go back and pick up what Peter
writes starting in verse 1 - how do we live focused
forward? Verses
1 to 6 are focus
on Our Testimony. Let’s
repeat that together.
“Our testimony.” Verse 1:
Since therefore Christ suffered in the
flesh That “therefore” reaches back to
everything that Peter has written so far about Jesus. What we’ve
looked at on previous Sundays. Jesus’ suffering and death to pay for our
sins and His resurrection to give us new life. The reality
that those who have responded to the Gospel - to God’s
grace - who’ve responded in faith - we’ve died to our
old lives of sin - all that’s been put to death - and
we’ve begun anew - God has given us new life in Jesus. Therefore because of everything that God
has graciously done for us in Christ - therefore
because God has given us new life in Jesus - therefore
- Peter urges us - verse 1 - arm yourselves “Arm yourselves” is a military term. A soldier
picking up weapons in preparation for battle. Which is a
theme we see over and over again the New Testament. We’re in a
spiritual battle.
Are we together on that? God hasn’t sent us into the world on some
kind of vacation cruise - touring around in a comfort
zone of what the world has to offer - stuffing
ourselves at the world’s buffet. To somehow
kick back and relax - to enjoy the scenery - spending
our time and talent and treasure on ourselves - while
we’re waiting for Jesus to come and take us to heaven. God has sent us into the world as
soldiers on a tour of duty on a battlefield. We’re
engaged in a fierce conflict on foreign soil. The
consequences are eternal. The enemy
will stop at nothing to take us out of the battle - to
distract us or destroy us. Way too many Christians need to wake up
to that reality.
We need to take up the armor of God that Paul
writes about in Ephesians 6. We need to
steel ourselves against the attacks of our adversary. We need to
arm ourselves - to fight - to occupy the ground that
God has won for us in Christ..
Peter - in verses 1 to 3 - gives four
realities of our life in Christ - the ground we
occupy. Arm
yourself with these - the reality of where you stand
in Christ. First - verse 1: whoever has suffered in the flesh
has ceased from sin - In Christ we no longer serve sin as our
master. Second - verse 2: so as to live for the rest of the
time in the flesh no longer for human passions - meaning that in the time we have left
we don’t need to be living controlled by human passion
- desiring the “just this side of Hell” crud of this
world. Third - but for the will of God
- meaning instead we can live according to the will of
God. Fourth - For the time that is past suffices for
doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in
sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking
parties, and lawless idolatry - meaning “enough already.” The time for
sin is over. In
Christ, the door has been slammed shut on godless
living. Amen! Verse 4:
With respect to this -
with respect to the way you’re living in Christ - they - those living
without Christ - are surprised when you do not join them
in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you;
The word for “malign” in Greek is
“blasphemeo” - the word we get “blasphemy” from - to
speak slanderously against God - against God’s things. In the
context here - against God’s people. “What do you mean you don’t do that? Who do you
think you are?” We looked at this two Sunday’s ago. There’s a
name for people who live trusting Jesus as their
Savior - who live surrendered to God. They’re
called targets. We’ve
got bulls eyes drawn on us. Verse 5 - Peter explains why - but they - those apart
from Christ living in the crud of this world - they will give account to Him who
is ready to judge the living and the dead. Live for God - and our very presence is
going to get a reaction.
Most probably not favorable. Why? Because our
presence is a reminder that there is a righteous
standard that one day - when all this comes to an end
- one day we’re all going to give an account for how
we’ve lived our lives. Chuck Swindoll says, “That kind of reminder will make any
fast-living pagan despise believers as “speed bumps”
of life.” (1) Verse 6:
For this is why the gospel was preached
even to those who are dead, that though judged in the
flesh the way people are, they might live in the
spirit the way God does. Stay with me. When we live
engaged in the battle - armed against the attacks of
our enemy - living in the reality of life in Christ -
occupying the ground Jesus won for us on the cross -
what Peter describes in verses 1 to 3 - the world must
take notice. They may not appreciate us and how we’re
living. But
when we live - armed and occupying - living for God -
others are confronted with their need for Jesus. Some who are
now spiritually dead - may in fact - come to life in
Christ because of His testimony through us. There is
urgency and a huge essential value in our living that
way. Do you see what Peter is getting at here? In the time
God gives us until Jesus returns - in the battlefield
of this world - it is urgent and essential that we maintain our testimony of life in
Christ that others may come to Christ. Bill Bright - founder of Campus Crusade -
Cru - now living in heaven - in 2003 Bill Bright wrote
the forward to his son’s book - “God is the issue” -
Bill Bright wrote this:
“Without question, the greatest
difference between the America of 1776 and the America
of 2003 - or we could say 2012 - the greatest
difference - is the banishment of the God of the
Bible - the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God
and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ - from the public
square. To
that fundamental flaw in the fabric of our modern
culture can be traced the weakening of every moral
seem since. Only
by restoring God to His rightful place as the central
issue in all of human life - political, spiritual,
moral, economic, philosophical - will there be
sufficient motivation and reason to correct what ails
America.” (2) Grab that:
Abortion isn’t the issue. God is. Abortion,
homosexuality, active euthanasia, pornography,
declining morality, a miserable economy, a government
run amok - are all important issues. But issues
with an end point.
Those are all important. But they’re
symptoms. The
deeper issue is God. The world - our Adversary Satan - would
love to have us engage - to do battle focused solely
on the symptoms.
But as Christians engaged in a battle - with
the clock running - we need to engage the battle where
its essential. God
is the issue. How do we bring God back to the center? Answer: Live the
life God has called us to live in Christ. Maintain our
testimony. When we Christians stop having abortions
and tolerating homosexuality - especially in the
church - and supporting the killing of the elderly. When
Christians stop viewing pornography - even soft porn
on TV or in movies.
When we stop compromising with the immorality
of the world. When we finally stop allowing the world
to set our agenda - running us ragged with all the
things we have to do - to the exclusion of honoring
God with our time.
When Christians stop allowing the world to set
our financial priorities with things we just can’t
live without so that we go without honoring God with
our finances. When
we stop allowing the world to take the best of what we
have to offer so that we have only token service -
energy - what’s left over for serving God. When we actually live the life that God
has called us in Christ to live - regardless of the
temptation to compromise with the world - regardless
of the response we get from the world - we will stick
out in a way that is noticeable and totally offensive
- then the world will notice - and God - and what it
means to live surrendered to Him - God will be the
central focus of our testimony in the world - even
that some of those who are dead may live. Let’s go on. Verses 7 to
11 focus on Our Service. Let’s
repeat that together.
“Our Service.” Four essentials that we need to be
urgently focused on.
essential: Prayer. Clear
minded - self-controlled - habitual prayer. Watching the nightly news can positively
unhinge someone.
Thinking about potential outcomes to the coming
election can make one contemplate moving to another
country - or at least a commune in Montana. Prayer - spending time with God - beyond
having a quick list of our ideas or request -
but spending time with God in prayer - in silence - in
praise - in lament - just talking over what’s tearing
apart our heart - God uses that prayerful time with
Him to quiet our hearts - to clear our minds and
refocus us on Him and what’s really important in life. Have you
experienced that? If we’re panicking we’re not praying. God uses prayer to calm us and center us
on Him - on what is a whole lot larger and more
lasting than our perspective of things. To get our
focus off of ourselves and on to Him - that life is
about God and not us - about what He is doing in the
world. Life
is about what God is doing - or what He desires to do
- in us and through us in the world.
essential: Fervent
love for others. Verse
8: keep loving one another earnestly,
since love covers a multitude of sins.
Jesus said that at the end “The love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12). Paul wrote
Timothy that in the last days people would become “lovers of themselves.” (2 Timothy 3:2). That’s true. Isn’t it? People’s
love for each other has been replaced by the love of
self. Peter calls the church to a different
marching order. Keep
loving one another - earnestly - fervently. The word has
the idea of an athlete straining to reach the finish
line - total dedicated commitment of everything we are
- to loving each other. The rationale is interesting. “Love covers a multitude of sins.” Sin is like a cancer. It grows -
unnoticed at first - but becomes more persuasive -
more pervasive - as time goes on. Unless
something breaks the cycle. Love breaks
the power of sin. God loves.
Jesus comes.
Jesus dies.
Trust God and we learn to live life focused on
more than ourselves. When we bear each others burdens - when
we lift up those who are weighed down - when we weep
with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice
- we counter the wounds of the world. Revenge,
self-indulgence, denial, blame - they all give sin
strength. Love
overpowers - overcomes - sin.
In the first century world there were no
family friendly motels - swimming pools - continental
breakfast. Right? Inns were
more like brothels.
Dangerous places to be. Those
Christians who traveled depended on the hospitality of
other believers to put them up. That’s a
reality behind what Peter writes here. When we invite people into our home we
make whatever arrangements are appropriate. Usually that
means cleaning the house up a bit. Or preparing
a meal. Sometimes
that means preparing a bed - setting out towels. What has
been a huge blessing is for us to be able to do that
with believers from out of town - missionaries -
pastors - siblings in Christ. The word - in Greek - the word that Peter
uses for “show hospitality” goes way beyond all that. It means to
love strangers. To
show hospitality to aliens - foreigners. For the Jew
that would mean hospitality to Gentiles. Responding
to those in need who have no housing - no home - who
are emotionally ravaged - desperate - needing shelter. Showing
hospitality to those who cannot give anything back. Hospitality costs - maybe money - maybe
time. It
can be inconvenient and often times frustrating. Let’s be careful - there is a degree of
discernment here.
Peter is not calling us to enable people to
leach off of us while they sit back and fulfill their
lazy, parasitic cravings. But most of
us would have a long way to go to get into the “being
leached off of” category. “To grumble” has the idea of muttering
under our breath.
The source of grumbling is our heart. Sacrificial hospitality - as Peter
defines it - sacrificial hospitality comes from our
heart surrendered to God - knowing that all we’re
being hospitable with is ultimately His anyway -
trusting God and loving others with what God has
blessed us with - runs hugely counter to the selfish
love of the world around us. Fourth
essential - verse 10:
“Serve one another.” When we come to Christ - and the Holy
Spirit takes up residence within us - the Spirit gives
to us spiritual gifts - each of us receives a gift - a
God enabled - God directed - capacity to serve with
the Body of Christ.
Verse 10 says that each one of us has
received a gift and those are varied according to
God’s grace. If
we were to do a study on Spiritual Gifts - looking
through the passages in Romans and 1 Corinthians and
Ephesians - we’d find listed there at least 17
different gifts. In verse 11 Peter gives two examples. First -
speaking the very words of God - meaning that the
message is God’s not ours. Second -
serving with the strength God supplies - meaning that
service is about God not us. Notice that
the focus of all this on others - not us. We are to steward those gifts. To use our
God given spiritual gift as God directs us to use it. As Peter
writes here - that use is directed towards others. No Christian is a spectator. Each is a
steward. Meaning
don’t hold back.
Time is short.
The end is at hand. Don’t use
what God gives you to serve yourself. Serve
others. Prayer centers us on God - on His
purposes for the time that we have left. In that time
we are to serve others - in the Church - outside the
Church. Verse 11 - in order that in everything God may be
glorified through Jesus Christ. When we serve others - because of what
God has graciously done for us in Christ - God is
glorified. The
testimony of our lives is about Him not us. Which is
where it must be if - in the time that remains - if
our lives are to count for what is essential - that
others may come to know Jesus as their Savior. Peter’s bottom line: “To Him belong the glory and dominion
forever and ever.
Reading the Book of Revelation - the
description of what comes after the end - there’s a
vision the Apostle John was given of heaven - of the
new Jerusalem. A
description that includes a foundation made out of
jewels - gates made out of pearls - streets paved with
the purist gold.
(Revelation 21:10-21) Somehow we process all that as valuable. Probably
because we make a comparison - what’s here with what’s
there - seems similar - and think “Oh that’s valuable.” But - if the streets are paved with gold
- how valuable is asphalt? Seems like a
pretty empty thing to long for. Doesn’t it? Or, if we’re
focused on crowns and rewards and how large a mansion
we get - then that’s all about us. Imagine
spending eternity focused on us. The point of what’s revealed to John is
in part symbolic and in part that the real value isn’t
in the stuff that’s there. The real
value of a city is its people. Its who
dwells there. Dominion
includes people.
Glory is the testimony of those people. Those who’ve
gone before us and those who will be there because God
used us to lead them to Jesus. John writes - in Revelation 21:22 - that
God - Jesus - is the center of worship. His glory
shines and fills the city. We will
dwell there - face to face - with Jesus. The Lord God
will be our light for ever and ever. The value of
heaven is who’s there.
God. “To Him belong the glory and
dominion forever and ever. Amen.” I can’t even begin to process the reality
of all that. But
I do know that it’s a whole lot more valuable than
asphalt. A
whole lot more valuable than the stuff of this world
that’s coming to an end. Hugely more of a motivation to maintain
our testimony and to live serving others that they’ll
be there with us to live in God’s dominion bringing
glory to Him - dwelling in His glory forever and ever.
This world is bound for Hell. The end of
all things is at hand.
What could you be focused on? How could
you be living? _________________________ 1. Charles R. Swindoll, Insights on James, 1 and 2 Peter - Zondervan, 2010 2. Forward to “God Is The Issue”, Brad
Bright, Bright Media Foundation, 2003 General reference: Charles R.
Swindoll, Insights on James, 1 and 2 Peter - Zondervan, 2010 |