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LEADERSHIP 1 TIMOTHY 3:1-13 Series: Essentials of the Church - Part Five Pastor Stephen Muncherian August 11, 2002 |
I recently read a quote from Zig Ziglar’s book, See You At The Top - where Zig Ziglar is writing about John Henry Fabre, the great French naturalist, who conducted an unusual experiment with some Processionary Caterpillars. It seems that these caterpillars blindly follow the one in front of them - which is why they’re called “Processionary Caterpillars.” Fabre carefully arranged them in a circle around the rim of a flowerpot, so that the lead caterpillar actually touched the last one, making a complete circle. In the center of the flowerpot he put pine needles - which is food for the Processionary Caterpillar. The caterpillars started around this circular flowerpot. Around and around they went, hour after hour, day after day, night after night. For seven full days and seven full nights they went around the flowerpot. Until finally, they dropped dead of starvation and exhaustion. With and abundance of food less than six inches away. They literally starved to death because they confused activity with accomplishment. What is accomplishment for the Church? When Paul writes this letter to Timothy - Timothy is pastoring in Ephesus. Ephesus in many ways was like San Francisco. It was a large city. A crossroads and port city. A tourist destination. A political and religious center. Like San Francisco it was city where sin was part of the culture. Prostitution was part of their religion. Satanists, witches, worship of a Mother Goddess of the Earth - practices we see in the New Age Movement today - all were openly a part of the scene in Ephesus. The entire city indulged in sin - so much so that we could say that sin was politically correct. Kind of reminds you of San Francisco doesn’t it? In Ephesus it was hard to be a Christian. There was a great need for Godly leadership. But, in looking in 1 Timothy 1 and elsewhere - we find that the leadership of the Ephesian church was as corrupt as the society they were living in. The leadership of the Ephesian church is described as men who had rejected their faith. They’d become shipwrecked spiritually. They were teaching all kinds of strange doctrines that mixed human philosophy and different religious beliefs and traditions in with the Gospel. Does that sound familiar? With all these interfaith movements and liberal teachings in and outside the church? The result was that the church was being led around and around in fruitless discussions over secondary issues. It was lacking in purpose and vision - in Godly direction. People were dying spiritually and hurting each other. The one thing the church wasn’t doing was penetrating Ephesus with the Gospel. We - as the Church - are called to penetrate the world with Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s the purpose of the Church. What God desires to accomplish through us. To do that it’s essential that we have Godly leadership. That’s what Paul is writing about in 1 Timothy 3. The Essential of Godly Leadership. Look with me at what Paul writes. 1 Timothy 3:1: It is a trustworthy statement - this is a truth that stands the test of time - you can depend on this - if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do - this is a good thing he desires to do. Before we go on, we need to understand what Paul means by the “office of overseer.” Many people have the idea that Paul is talking about pastors, priests, bishops, or some kind of church governing structure with a professional clergy at the top - or seemingly at the top. The pastors are the overseers. But, in the New Testament there’s never a description of that kind of a professional top down leadership over a local church or over a lot of churches over widespread areas. This massive top down governing structure that some churches have fallen into just doesn’t exist in Scripture. What Paul is describing is different. The Greek word for “overseer” is “episkopos” - in Armenian “yebisgobos” or “bishop.” The bottom line is that Paul is describing a position - or office - of someone who watches - who guards - who has oversight of the church ministry. Closely related to this “overseer” is the word “elder.” It’s a known fact that - among Armenians - you’re still young even if you’re in your 80’s. Until you’re 90 something you haven’t matured enough to reach respectability as an elder statesmen of the community. The Hebrews had the same idea. Elders were mature men who had proven themselves over and over again - and so gained the respect to be called “elders.” When Paul writes to Titus - who was pastoring on the island of Crete - Paul tells Titus to appoint “elders” to the office of “overseer.” (Titus 1:5-7) What Paul is saying is that within the local church God is raising up men - “elders” - to this position - of “overseer.” But, rather than just being older - these elders had spiritual maturity that qualified them to be overseers of the Church. Here are the qualifications - how do we recognize the men God is raising up to spiritual leadership - verse 2: An overseer, then, must be above reproach - Godly leaders will be accused of wrongdoing. Stand up for God and you become a target. Above reproach means the accusation has no basis - it won’t stick. It doesn’t mean that an overseer hasn’t ever done anything wrong. We’d all be trouble if that was true. But, it means that the sin has been dealt with honestly - openly - moving the man forward in the pursuit of godliness. The overseer is the husband of one wife - he’s not an adulterer - but a one woman man - committed to one woman - his wife - whom he loves. The overseer is temperate - calm - not jumping from one thing to another - prudent - self controlled - able to keep his mouth shut - respectable - he has order and purpose to his life - hospitable - he’s open to strangers and promotes fellowship in the church. The overseer is able to teach - There are godly men who fulfill the other requirements but they’re not gifted to teach. Overseers teach. This is crucial because overseers are to be able to explain the Scriptures and to correct those who misuse or misunderstand them. There’s a second idea here too - overseers must be teachable. In order to teach they need to first be in the Scriptures themselves - growing in their own walk with God. Going on - verse 3: The overseer is not addicted to wine or pugnacious - violent - maybe as result of being drunk - but gentle - desiring to work through problems in a reasonable way - peaceable - he’s not stirring up trouble in the congregation - free from the love of money. Verse 4: He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?). This doesn’t mean that there are never problems in his home. The question is how does he handle those problems. Which is a tremendous test of how a man will handle problems in the church. Will he run away from them or deal with them in love and grace? Verse 6: and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil. He needs to be a convert. He must have a testimony of a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ. And, he needs to have a track record. A new convert may mean well - but its easy to become impressed with our position rather than to be impressed with God and His graciousness towards us. It takes time and experience to learn to humbly trust God and follow Him rather than ourselves. It’s dangerous to move people too quickly into leadership - dangerous for them - dangerous for the church. Verse 7: And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. Which is something that we constantly see happening around us - scandal that destroys the testimony of the Gospel. Those are the qualifications for “overseers.” Men - open to God’s work in their own lives - raised up by God who are to guide the church by their own life example. Men of prayer who teach God’s Word and hold the congregation accountable to live in obedience to God. (John 21:15-17; Acts 20:29-31; 1 Timothy 5:7; Hebrews 13:7; James 1:27; 1 Peter 5:2,3) In verse 8, Paul turns to the office of Deacon. A different kind of leading in ministry. In Acts 6 we read that a problem came up in the Jerusalem church. The church had gone in size from being a handful of disciples to a community numbering in the thousands. The Apostles tried. But, they couldn’t keep up with the needs of that many people. So a problem came up. The church had food distribution ministry - a way of caring for needy people. But, certain widows were not being adequately cared for. When they brought this problem to the Apostles - the overseers - the Apostles told them to choose 7 men - and they gave certain qualifications - how to choose these men - 7 men who were to take care of the problem. Then the Apostles or “overseers” said, “It’s not right for us to neglect the preaching of God’s word in order to serve tables.” (Acts 6:2) That word “serve” is “diakonos” - the word we get “deacon” from. This is the first time we see the ministry of deacons in the church. “Overseers” - men who focus on guarding, guiding, and teaching. And, “deacons” - men and women whom God raises up to serve the practical needs of the church. Here are the qualifications - how we recognize deacons. 1 Timothy 3:8: Deacons likewise must be men of dignity - serious - not double-tongued - not to be given to pleasing people by saying one thing to one person and another thing to someone else. Deacons speak the truth. Deacons are not addicted to much wine - they’re not alcoholics - or fond of sordid gain - not taking advantage of situations to gain money - especially if their going to be in situations where they’re going to be discretely handling the church’s money. Verse 9: but holding to the mystery of the faith - a deacon must have a testimony of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He or she believes the Gospel - with a clear conscience - a deacon lives what they profess to believe. Verse 10: These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. A man shouldn’t be shoved into a position of responsibility without first being given some initial assignment and being watched to see how he does. Verse 11: Women must likewise be dignified - same word as with the men - not malicious gossips - malicious meaning that they use information to slander others - but temperate, faithful in all things - responsible - trustworthy - someone who you can count on to follow through. Verse 12: Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. We talked about this with regard to overseers. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. In thinking all this through - trying to get beyond just looking a two lists of qualifications to think about what all this means for us today - there are three thoughts of application I’d like to share with you. First: When it comes to leadership in the church there are standards set by God. In a way, it’s almost offensive to hear this. We know this. Why does Paul have to make such a big point about this? And yet, in too many churches today, leaders are selected based on popularity - or because of their financial status - or because they’ve been faithful in their service. Maybe they’ve just been around longer than anyone else. Or, maybe they’re the only one who’s volunteered. Probably some of that was going on in Ephesus. The Head of the Church is Jesus. It’s His Church. His ministry not ours. When looking for Godly leaders - if we’re going to move forward as a church - we need to recognize those God is raising up to leadership - those that God qualifies. Leadership not focused on themselves - or maintaining the status quo - focused on church activities. But leadership that will lead us forward because they themselves are being led forward by God. Second thought of application: Aspiring to leadership is a good thing. In verse 1, Paul says, “desiring” to do the work of an overseer is a good thing. The word for “desire” in Greek has the idea of passion - burning lust - insatiable longing. Imagine the next time the nominating committee goes out looking for volunteers and finds the whole church full of people burning up with desire to serve. In verse 13 Paul writes that those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. Serving God transforms our lives. Gives us the confidence in our relationship with God that we need to live life. That's worth passionately desiring. Church leadership is the most exciting job on earth. “It’s not just a job. It’s an adventure.” To be in the center of what God is doing on earth - as His human channel through which the mind and will of the living God is active in the lives of His people - what they can do and how they can move forward accomplishing His ministry - goes beyond the ability to put into words. It’s never dull. It is a noble - honorable - purposeful task. Third thought of application: Bottom line - What we’re really talking about here is being open to God’s work in our lives. Our CACC Bylaws tell us that we have a Church Council and 4 Deacons. But in reality there are a number of men that God can raise up to positions of oversight. There are a lot of Deacons in the church. People who serve in our Children’s Ministry - with our Youth and College & Career - in music ministry - in missions - collecting offerings and ushering - visiting and praying with others - who work in the garden and the kitchen - people who serve in ways that get absolutely no recognition - people who serve voluntarily - willingly - repeatedly - Sunday after Sunday - week after week - in ministry in order for our congregation to be able to move forward in accomplishing the purpose of the church - penetrating our community with Gospel. These two lists that Paul has here - overseers and deacons - these are tough lists. But that’s okay. Reading these should challenge us to think about our own testimony and service for God. God wants to grow us in our relationship with Him and use us in ways we could never imagine on our own. As the Church - God calls us to penetrate the world with Gospel of Jesus Christ. To do that it’s essential that we have Godly leadership. The question is who are those leaders? |