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REMEMBER JESUS CHRIST 2 TIMOTHY 2:8 Pastor Stephen Muncherian April 11, 2004 |
In a puff of smoke, the genie was gone, and in his place was the financial section of the local newspaper. Joyfully, the man sat down to peruse his trophy - he could invest with certainty - his fortune was made. As he sat down the man happened to notice the back page of the financial section which was the obituaries. The name at the top of list caught his attention. It was his! (1) Doesn’t that seem like life sometimes? One step forward - two steps back? A while back I read a poem by a 10th grader that has stuck in my mind. I’d like to share it with you. Listen to the heart of this teenage girl.
In emptiness. Shakespeare summed up the feeling of so many when he wrote: "Life is....a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." (2) We live in a world in deep trouble. We’re surrounded by war and death and drugs and hatred - a society adrift - without right or wrong - empty of meaning and full of despair - depressed - delusioned - wondering about the future - if there is one. All of which can be nothing compared to what often burdens our own hearts. This morning we’re challenged to remember the greatest event in human history - the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thinking about where we live our lives - its important for us remember His resurrection tomorrow as well as today. Its easy to come to a religious service - to put flowers on a cross - to sing the songs and listen to the music - maybe even half-heartedly believing all this. What significance will all this have for us tomorrow? As the memory of this fades. As we face the realities of our lives. This morning I’d like to share one verse of Scripture with you. Please turn with me to 2 Timothy 2:8 - to a letter written by an old man - chained in a prison - facing death. Not a position of great hope. A letter written to a young man charged with pastoring an infant church in a hostile - pagan city - in a society of distorted values and confused thinking - much like our society today. If your there with me - let’s read this verse out loud together. 2 Timothy 2:8: "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel." The Apostle Paul writes, in whatever circumstance we may find ourselves - tomorrow - "Remember Jesus Christ." First - Paul writes: Remember Jesus Christ - RISEN FROM THE DEAD Try that with me, “Remember Jesus Christ risen from the dead.” The Romans and Jews took tremendous security precautions to make sure that Jesus stayed dead and in the tomb - to protect against potential fraud and lies by the disciples of Jesus. The tomb was shut with a stone which would have taken several men considerable effort to move - an Imperial Seal was put on the grave - any tampering with this would have been easily noticed. A Roman guard - impartial to Hebrew religious politics - highly disciplined and skilled was placed to guard the tomb - if they failed at their duty they’ be executed - no questions asked. When Mary, John, Peter and others arrived on Sunday morning - the stone was rolled to the side - the tomb was empty. The burial clothes lay undisturbed - the body had disappeared from within them. A thief would have stolen the body - linen wrappings and all. Or, if the wrappings had been removed they would have been disturbed. Jesus left the tomb supernaturally. Later - the women and the disciples saw - heard - ate with - and even touched Jesus. 500 brethren saw Jesus at one time. 50 days later Peter preached about Jesus' resurrection and thousands gathered to hear Him - people who were in a position to know the facts about the resurrection. No one offered him a rebuttal. That silence is powerful. If the resurrection was a hoax - where was the out cry against the witnesses? The silence of Jesus' enemies and the lack of historical evidence against the resurrection is almost as powerful as the evidence for the resurrection. Of all the theories offered to disprove the resurrection - all of these have been solidly discredited by one historical scholar after another. Not one shred of evidence has ever been given to support these claims - including the body of Jesus Christ. Josephus - a Jewish historian - a man who was definately not a believer in Jesus Christ - writing shortly after the resurrection - Josephus writes this: "Now, there was about this time Jesus....He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold...." (3) “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead.” The resurrection is a certainty. That means that our belief in the Divine power and authority of Jesus Christ is not an empty faith - or wishful thinking - or a religious faith tradition. When we're tempted to fear - when despair grips our hearts - when we face uncertainty and difficulty - remember that there is One who has risen from the dead. Who has overcome all of this - who at the time He chooses - according to His power and authority - will bring an end to the insanity and injustice of this world. (John 16:33) Second - Paul writes: Remember Jesus Christ - DESCENDANT OF DAVID Try that with me, “Remember Jesus Christ descendant of David.” Next to Jesus Christ, we probably know more about Kind David than anyone else in Scripture. What images come to mind with David? David the shepherd - David the sinner - David the unfortunate father - David the warrior - David the King. Always there's this sense of God's presence and purposeful movement in the earthy humanity of David's life. Jesus was born a descendant of King David - a fulfillment of prophecies given over 1,000 years before. (2 Samuel 7:8-17; Psalm 132:11,12; Jeremiah 23:5-8) Jesus was born in the city of David - Bethlehem - another fulfillment of prophecy. (Micah 5:2) The Old Testament contains several hundred prophecies given to identify the Messiah - all of which were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Only God could do this. (4) That Jesus was born a descendant of David demonstrates God’s purposeful movement in our humanity. Jesus was born in the humility of a stable - born into humanity - to live - to suffer - to die. The trials of Jesus show that God is at work. Six separate trials. Each one a mockery of justice. Jesus knew - even before the first accusation - He knew the purpose and result of these trials - formalities leading to the cross (John 12:27,47). Jesus told His disciples, “No one has taken [My life] from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.” (John 10:17,18) The death of Jesus shows us God’s compassion for us in the circumstances of our humanity and the lengths to which God will go to love us (John 3:16). Jesus blindfolded and beaten - mocked and ridiculed - having a crown of thorns shoved down upon His head. His beard plucked. Then He’s scourged. His skin shredded - ripped open. Forced to carry His heavy cross to the site of His own crucifixion. His death by suffocation. Jesus told His disciples, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends.” (John 15:13,14a) God’s purposeful working in our humanity. The writer of Hebrews puts it this way: "Consider Him - remember Jesus - who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." (Hebrews 12:3) Jesus purposefully identifies with us. Purposefully brings into our humanity His own Divine love and mercy and grace and wisdom. David Livingstone - the great 19th century explorer and missionary to Africa - said, "I go through the jungles of Africa and Jesus is by my side." (5) Samuel Rutherford, the great Scottish reformer of the 17th century - jailed and martyred for his faith - as he faced certain death said this, "Jesus spoke to me by His Spirit, He witnessed to my heart, that His grace should be sufficient. What peace I have this day. I shall sleep in Christ, and when I awake I shall be satisfied with His likeness." With human counselors - we make an appointment - maybe one hour once a week - and pay to pour out our lives - hoping for some type of help. Please understand there is a time and place when a good Christian counselor can be of great help. Yet - in Isaiah 9:6 - Isaiah writes that Jesus is the Wonderful Divine Counselor. Jesus takes all of God's divine wisdom - and applies it with loving merciful gracious affinity - to every moment and in every circumstance of our lives. When our days are full of difficulty and struggle - remember Jesus Christ - descendant of David. Talk with Him - trust Him - listen to Him. He is there for us. Then third - Paul writes: Remember Jesus Christ - ACCORDING TO MY GOSPEL Try that with me, “Remember Jesus Christ according to my gospel.” Paul - here - is writing from his heart. This is his gospel. His testimony of life with Jesus Christ. Paul’s testimony is familiar to us - as it was to Timothy. Saul held the coats of those stoning Stephen - as Stephen was martyred for his faith. Saul - believing Christians to be heretics and blasphemers and worthy of death - Saul sets out to destroy the church. He led the persecution - dragging men and women out of their homes and throwing them into prison - scattering believers from Jerusalem through Judea and Samaria. If we’d have been there he would have come after us. Saul zealously - righteously - serving God. Lets’ say we were to take 20 of the best long jump athletes in the world out to Yosemite Lake - to the boat dock out there. We’d give them instructions, “We want you to jump as far as you can.” Some of them might jump 28 or 29 feet. Someone might set a new world’s record and jump over 30 feet. But, they’d all end up in the water a long way from the other shore. Sin is like that. Even if we’re a righteous as Saul we still fall short of the standard of God’s holiness. We just can’t reach God on our own. On the road to Damascus - Saul pursuing Christians - encountered the resurrected and living Jesus Christ. Saul became Paul - the great evangelist - theologian - missionary - perhaps the one person - aside from Jesus Christ who has had the greatest impact on our faith. (Galatians 1:11,12, 2 Timothy 1:11) Not because Saul was anything special. But, because - as Saul trusted in Jesus as his resurrected Savior - God made him - through the broken body and spilled blood of Jesus Christ which is able to cleanse us of sin - through resurrection power of Jesus Christ which is able to transform our lives - God graciously - mercifully - and lovingly took Saul and made him into Paul. Paul - who had brought to martyrdom many Christians - himself died a martyr - beheaded in Rome. Writing to Timothy - in chains in that Roman prison where he would die - Paul says, "Remember Jesus Christ" - this is my testimony - He lives!!! The disciples had seen their Master die. Because of this - they had lost all hope. Jesus had told them He would die and be raised. In fact, it was an integral part of His claims. But, they were down-trodden, utterly disheartened, and meeting in secret - obscure - places. But something happened. They personally met the resurrected Jesus. For the disciples - Jesus' resurrection began a cleansing - life-changing - transforming experience. After encountering our risen Savior - the disciples were joyous - fearless - speaking out publicly - willing to endure torture and even death - 11 of them died as martyrs - and John died in exile - a prisoner of the Roman government. Who would die for a hoax - a cruel joke - a resurrection that never happened? Their lives were transformed and they preached the Gospel of the resurrected Jesus Christ - the forgiveness of sin - life with Jesus today - eternal victory over death. Since the resurrection of Jesus the lives of billions of men - women - and children have been transformed forever. I can tell you - without reservation - that I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ - not only because of the historical event - but, because He has changed my life as well. I know Jesus personally. He is alive. Anyone one else want to testify with an “Amen!” that He’s alive? God has given each of us an invitation - not just to celebrate an historical event - but, an invitation to realize the power of Jesus' resurrection in our lives - not just today - but tomorrow and beyond. Because Jesus has risen from the dead - we know that He offers us forgiveness for our sins - a restored relationship with God - that He will walk with us in life - bringing His healing and transforming power into the deepest hurts and fears we hide. Wherever you may be in life - remember Jesus Christ - risen from the dead - descendant of David - testified of by those whose life He has transformed.