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MEMBERS Acts 1:12-26 Series: Who We Are - Part Two Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 19, 2019 |
Sunday we began a study of the first 2 chapters of the
Book of Acts looking at Who We Are as the church - as
Creekside. Which
is not a question, “Who are we?” But we're exploring
the answer - this is who we are. Last
Sunday we studied Acts 1:1-11 and focused on the truth
that we are witnesses of Jesus Christ. If you were
not able to be with us last Sunday you can go back and
listen to last Sunday’s message which is online. This morning - we’re
focused on this truth - that we are members. In Christ we
are members of Christ’s church. Let’s
say that together:
“We are members.” Paul
writes to the church in Rome: “For as in one body we have many members,
and the members do not all have the same function, so
we, though many, are one body in Christ, and
individually members one of another.” (Romans 12:4,5) When
God, by His grace, brings us into a relationship with
Jesus, He brings us into a relationship with all who
are in Christ. We
are members together of the Body of Christ. Which is totally different than any other
membership or relationship that we might be a part of. Membership
in the Body of Christ is a whole lot different than
being members of Costco or AAA - or any other
relationship we may experience. Yes? Quoting Thabiti
Anyabwile: Whether your Christian life began
yesterday or thirty years ago, the Lord’s intent is
that you play an active and vital part in His body,
the local church.
He intends for you to experience the local
church as a home more profoundly wonderful and
meaningful than any other place on earth. (1) Different relationship. Different
purpose. In
Christ we are members of Christ’s body. To quote Allistair
Begg - a quote that probably will sound familiar and
may sound familiar again at some point: A church is not a homogeneous club of
people like us with whom we would naturally like to go
on vacation. Rather,
it is a supernatural fellowship of people very unlike
us in whom we are bound in Christ. (2) Creekside
- we are - a supernatural fellowship of generally
unlike people bound together by God in Christ
according to God’s purposes and for God’s glory. This
morning, we are exploring the significance of what
that means. Specifically
what it means that we are members - individually -
collectively - of Christ’s Body - the Church. Please join me at
Acts 1 - verse 12.
And if you’re able, please stand together as we
come before the Word of God together. And would
you read with me our passage for this morning. Then they returned to Jerusalem from the
mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a
Sabbath day’s journey away. And when
they had entered, they went up to the upper room,
where they were staying.
Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and
Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of
Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of
James. All
these with one accord were devoting themselves to
prayer, together with women and Mary the mother of
Jesus, and His brothers. In those days Peter stood up among the
brothers (the company of persons was in all about 120)
and said, “Brothers, the Scripture had to be
fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by
the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a
guide to those who arrested Jesus. For he was
numbered among us and was allotted his share in this
ministry.” (Now this man acquired a field with the
reward of his wickedness, and falling headlong he
burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed
out. And
it became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
so that the field was called in their own language
Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.) “For it is written in the Book of Psalms,
‘May his camp become desolate, and let there be no one
to dwell in it’; and ‘Let another take his office.’ So one of the men who have accompanied us
during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and
out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until
the day when He was taken up from us—one of these men
must become with us a witness to His resurrection. And they put forward two, Joseph called
Barsabbas, who was also called Justus, and Matthias. And they
prayed and said, “You, Lord, Who know the hearts of
all, show which one of these two You have chosen to
take the place in this ministry and apostleship from
which Judas turned aside to go to his own place. And they
cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and
he was numbered with the eleven apostles. We’re going to break
down these verses into three easier to digest
sections. The
first is verses 12 to 14 - which is The Gathering. Jesus
has just ascended into Heaven. The angels
have told the disciples that Jesus is going to come
back. So
in obeying Jesus - the disciples have come back down
from the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem. To this
upper room. Which
is perhaps “the” upper room where they’d shared the
Passover Meal. And
obeying Jesus’ instructions - to wait until they’re
baptized with the Holy Spirit. This
is the gathering of the - before the coming of the
Holy Spirit - what is yet to be - but will be - the
church in Jerusalem. Imagine
what this would have been like. What Luke
describes by “they were staying” - verse 13.
Begg’s. Not
necessarily people we’d take with us on vacation. Which
has the understandable potential for a lot of drama. A gathering
of diverse people - waiting for an indefinite period
of time - in the midst of tense and uncertain
circumstances - for what will come next. Which
is something that we sadly understand. Gatherings
of the church that turn toxic. Each
of us can easily and subtlety get focused on our needs
and our wants and what too often fuels our egos and
our agendas. Not
dealt with stuff in our lives that clashes with not
dealt with stuff in other people’s lives. Stuff that
comes out - often spatters - when we feel threatened
or nor in control - or just plain afraid or uncertain
of what may come next. Satan
is really good at prompting drama fueled by our own -
not surrendered to God - egos and pride. Satan who is
continually working to distract us from God’s purposes
by getting us focused on our purposes not God’s
purposes. What
would it take to get a group of unlike people gathered
in room for an extending period of time under tense
circumstances to descend into dysfunctional drama? Luke
says that - verse 14:
“all these with one accord were devoting
themselves to prayer.” What
brand of chariot did the disciples use? A Honda. Because they
were in one... Accord. “...with one accord” - literally the Greek
has the idea that they were together with one mind -
one single minded purpose. They were in
agreement together on why they were there. There
a lot of ideas out there as to what the church should
be. There’s
a lot of ideas even within the church of what it means
to be the church.
What the church should be doing and what church
should be like. Some
of those ideas are actually pretty good. Some aren’t
even close. Paul - writing to Timothy
- Paul describes the church as “...the household of God,
which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of
the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15 NASB) The
truth is the gospel. The
gospel is about Jesus.
The gospel is Jesus. Jesus is the
big picture - Who and what God is doing to redeem us
from our depravity and sin and to restore us to a made
right - righteous - relationship with Him. The gospel is that
by grace alone through faith alone by Christ alone we
are saved. Those
who believe the gospel, who by faith receive Jesus as
their Savior, become children of God. (John 1:12) We
saw this last Sunday.
What Jesus said they were to be. We
are witnesses of the gospel. We are the
people that God has called together in Christ - given to proclaim the truth of the gospel
- to uphold it and support it in the world - even
Merced. These
people were
single minded - in agreement as to their purpose
together. Believers
in Jesus and His resurrection they had a message to
proclaim. They
were gathered - waiting -
in obedience to Jesus - for the Holy Spirit to come and work
in them and through them - binding them together -
teaching them - leading them to get that message out. All these with one accord - single minded
purpose - were devoting themselves to prayer, “Devoting”
is a good translation but inadequate. What Luke is
describing is the depth of their passionate commitment
to prayer. The
word in Greek has the idea of looking for
opportunities to pray.
Being constantly ready to pray. Praying
without letting anything distract us from prayer. Praying and
not letting up. Constant
attention to prayer.
Praying for hours - for however long God leads
them to pray. All of them - not just the leaders - not
just the original 11 disciples - but all of them - were continually
passionately heart level devoted to prayer.
that cries out to God to protect us from the working
of Satan. Crying
out to God to remove anything from us that keeps us
back from His perfect will. Prayer
that cries out to God for opportunities and boldness
to witness of the gospel. To serve Him
according to His will. Prayer
that praises God for all that He’s done and is doing
and will do in us an through us for His glory. Prayer - not just a congregational prayer
said by the pastor - or short prayers to begin or end meetings
- prayer before meals or before going to bed. But prayer - continual prayer - devotion
to prayer - habitual prayer - is at the core of the
life of a congregation. Prayer
that God uses to guard us from dysfunctional drama and
keep us focused and together
moving ever closer
to the heart and mind and will of
God. Maybe
we know that. If
we’ve been around church for a while we’ve heard that. But -
thinking about those gathered in that upper room -
that should do more than remind us. That should
heart level challenge us.
that true of us? Beginning in verse
15 - Peter identifies The Problem. Verse
15: “In those days” which were the 10
days between Jesus’ ascension and the Feast of
Pentecost - which was 50 days after the Passover. Meaning Luke
is expanding outward to a gathering that included
about 120 persons and was probably someplace else
rather than the upper room. Maybe even
near the temple.
stands up in the midst of this larger gathering of the
brothers - generic for brethren and sisteren - and
identifies the problem of needing to replace Judas. And Peter
gives two reasons why they need to replace Judas. The first is
about Judas and the second reason is about God. Reason number one is
pretty obvious and well known. Even though
Judas was numbered among us and shared in the ministry
he became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. To
which Luke gives us some parenthetical back fill about
Judas. Judas
buying a field had spilling his guts over it. We
don’t know a whole lot about Judas. Speculation
is that Judas and his father Simon were from the town
of Kerioth - about 30 miles south of Jerusalem in
Judea. Which
is where his name probably comes from “ish-ker-ioth”
Judas from Kerioth.
Judas Iscariot. Peter
tells us that Judas was numbered among us. Judas is on
the list of disciples.
One of the 12 appointed by Jesus. Loved by
Jesus. Discipled
by Jesus. One
of the 12 who’d been with Jesus during His ministry
following wherever Jesus went. Judas had
been in the boat on the sea - in the storm. He’d seen
the miracles and the exorcisms. Judas had
seen and heard all that Jesus had done and taught. Peter
says, Judas had a share in the ministry. Judas went
out with the other disciples proclaiming the kingdom -
calling people to repentance and faith. Judas had
helped when Jesus had fed thousands with a few loaves
of bread and fish.
we know that Judas was the treasurer for Jesus and the
disciples and a thief who seemingly cared more about
money and politics than about Jesus as His Messiah. Judas was
skimming off the top.
he had picked up this piece of land - that Luke
references - maybe as an investment. Maybe for a
future residence.
We don’t know. But,
Judas took the 30 pieces of silver - maybe all
he needed to finally pay off the land - took the 30
pieces of silver - kissed Jesus and betrayed him to
the soldiers. We
know that Judas - when he realized what he had done - regretted what
he’d done. He threw the money at the feet of the chief
priests and went out to the land he was buying and
hung himself. Apparently
with a cheap rope which broke which leaves Judas
beside himself. The
priests had taken the money - paid off the potter
who’d owned the field - and the field was used as a
place to bury people who had no one else or no place
else to be buried. Which
- Luke tells us - became well known to the people of
Jerusalem. In
the Hebrew mindset Jews avoided bodies. And this
whole scene was gross and shameful. Someone who
hung themselves was seen as cursed by God and if a
body wasn’t buried on the same day even the land was considered
unclean. So
they’d given the field a nickname in Aramaic: Akeldama -
meaning “Field of Blood.” (cf. Deuteronomy
21:23; Matthew 27:3-10) Pulling all that
together - we need to be clear on this: While Judas
was with Christ, Judas was not in Christ. Judas is the real
time illustration of what Jesus taught - Matthew 7:22: “On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord,
Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out
demons in Your name, and do many mighty works in Your
name?’ And
then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart
from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’” (Matthew 7:22,23) Meaning
that being a member of the church is not about having
our name on a list someplace or in a database - being
somehow with Christ - identified with Christ and His
church. Identified
by what we do or what we say. Outward
expressions of a religious affiliation. A religious
affiliation that will ultimately be about us and what
we choose to associate with - to one degree or another
- or not. Being
a member of the church means first of all that we are
in Christ. It
means yielding our lives to Him - trusting in Christ
as our Savior and yielding to Him as our Lord and
turning away from our sin in true repentance. Being
in Christ meaning that whatever fruit is produced in
us is because we are in Him - remaining in Him -
drawing our strength and the very essence of our lives
from Him. Being
in Christ means that we do not just taste the fruits
of the Spirit - perhaps experiencing their benefit and
help. But
that we are - in Christ - indwelt by the Holy Spirit
being transformed inwardly day-by-day into the
likeness of our Savior Jesus Christ - which is
evidenced by the growing demonstration of the fruits
of the Spirit in our character and manner of life. Being
in Christ meaning Christlikeness which is evidenced in
our service of God and our willingness to kneel before
others with the gifts God has given to us to be their
servant, not for ourselves, but for their benefit and
God’s glory. Reason
number one is about Judas. We need to
replace Judas because while he was numbered with us he
never really was with us. He was with
Christ. Not
in Christ. Judas
is no longer with us. Reason
two is about God.
The big picture of what God is doing about our
brokenness and sin and separation from God. God working
to restore what our sin has removed us from - the
righteous relationship that God desires for us to have
with Him. Peter
says - verse 16 - “the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which
the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of David
concerning Judas” God
is a work here. God
has spoken through Jeremiah - almost 600 years earlier Jeremiah had
spoken of the potter’s field. (Jeremiah 19:1-13) God
has spoken through Zechariah - 450 years earlier Zechariah had
spoken of the 30 pieces of silver. (Zechariah
11:12,13) Jesus
was betrayed by Judas - delivered to the chief priests
who delivered Jesus to the rulers who delivered Him to
Pilate. Which
Peter says - Acts 2:23a - that Jesus was “delivered up according to the definite
plan and foreknowledge of God…” Isaiah
53:10a: “It was the will of the Lord to crush
Him, He has put Him to grief…” Here Peter quotes of David -
songs of David that foreshadow the Messiah. Two Psalms
in which the enemies of David represent the enemies of
the Messiah Psalm
69:25 - “May their camp be a desolation...” predicts the demise
of the Messiah’s enemy. Psalm
109:8 - “May another take his office” gives direction for
what will come next. Coming to verses
21-26 - Peter proposes The Solution. Which is to
select a replacement for Judas. Two
criteria for the new Apostle are given. First,
he must have been with us from the beginning. He’s got to
be someone who’s followed Jesus from the beginning of
Jesus’ ministry. Second,
he must be a witness of the resurrection. He has to
have personally interacted with the risen Jesus. Why? Because our faith is based
on the factual actual big picture working of God in
the real time of human history. Today
we have the New Testament. So our faith - our decisions - the choices - the
commitment we make to follow after God - all that is
grounded in the true factual
testimony of Scripture.
Example after example - teaching after
teaching - account after
account - of how God operates and promises to act
according to His - big picture - will
and purposes. But
in the time when the New Testament was being written
during the apostolic age - which was up until the
death of John - the source and authority of
theological truth was... the apostles. The
first-century believers depended on the apostles to
reprove and correct and train - to teach and disciple. Which meant
that the apostles themselves needed to have been
personally taught and trained - discipled - by Jesus
Himself - from the beginning.
- thinking forward - these apostles would face the
same religious and political leadership that had
provoked the Roman authorities to torture and crucify
Jesus. Leadership
that needed the followers of Jesus - not just to stay
silent - but to cave in and recant. So
an apostle had to be so personally convicted of the
truth of the gospel that he was willing to die -
witnessing - for the truth of the gospel. Conviction
that first hand personal experience could provide. In
a very real sense an a apostle is a real time witness
of what it means to be heart level “in Christ.” To follow
the apostle was to follow someone who had and was
following Jesus. So,
the decision is before them. Who will be
the new Apostle?
Two men are brought
forward. Two
men who are both equal in their qualifications. The group
prays and draws lots.
Which means that they probably had two stones
which they threw like dice. One stone
was marked Barsabbas and one stone was marked
Matthias. Whoever’s
stone gets chosen get’s to be the new apostle. Which
sounds a whole lot like rolling dice in some casino. Seemingly a
flippant way to make such an important decision. But, it was
little more dignified than that. Proverbs 16:33 says, “The lot is cast into
the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.” In this interim time
of waiting - culturally - all
they knew to do was to toss the stones and see how
they fell. Spiritually
they understood that the decision was in God’s hands. Which
what they prayed in verse 24: “Lord, You know the hearts of these men. You know
where they are in their relationship with you. You know
which one of these men is the one you’ve chosen to
replace Judas. Lord
reveal Your will.” Let’s
be careful. What’s
here is less about the decision being made and the
process of making that decision but more so what’s
here is about the people making that decision and
going through that process. A real time
example of what it means to be the church. Specifically
- the membership of the church in operation. Which
is often messy and may leave us with some questions. Like who’s
dice are we using at today’s congregational meeting. If
we’ve been around church for a while maybe this isn’t
new information.
But there’s comfort in that for us and a
challenge. Comfort
in knowing that the early church wasn’t perfect. Read the
Epistles. Half
what’s there is about dealing with problems. Which
means that - as messed up as we think we are and as
imperfectly as we may do things - because God is still
God - and God by His grace has redeemed us and made us
to be the church of Jesus Christ - God is not through
with us and in fact has great future opportunities for
us if we are willing to trust Him and follow Him
there. Which
is the challenge - to stay in prayer together and
under the authority of God’s word together - as we
make decisions together - rather than getting
distracted into drama because of our own issues. Pulling
together what we’re looking at here - what we’re
seeing is a supernatural gathering of unlike people
who could very easily have descended into drama and
“game over” destruction - who instead are “in Christ”
focused on obeying Christ - praying together and
seeking to be together under the authority of
Scripture - following after the will and working of
God. Processing all that... Two
takeaways. First: They had a
list. They had a
list and they knew who was on it. The
early church knew its members. They counted
them. The
120 gathered here in Acts 1 including the apostles and
who to choose the replacement apostle from. 3,000
on Pentecost. 5,000
a few days later.
They knew who their people were. They had
records. Widows
needing assistance.
They knew who the troublemakers were. They knew
who should be held up as examples for the rest. From
Matthew to Revelation there are lists of those who are
on the list. Identifiable
and committed members of the local church. When
the apostles wrote to churches they knew who was in
the church. They
knew who they were writing to. Those in the
church knew who was in the church. They knew
that the letter was addressed to them. All
of the metaphors for the church in the New Testament
that describe an organic and spiritual
interconnectedness - joined body parts - a building -
a spiritual household - a holy priesthood - only make
sense - they only become real - when we gather
together as members of a local church. Church
leadership. Church
discipline. Voting. The close
relationship of believers - mutual accountability -
encouraging and strengthening one another - being used
by God to grow each other towards God - loving God -
loving others - serving the church - serving the world
together - that only makes sense - that can only
happen - if there’s some known - identifiable -
distinct gathering of local believers who are in
Christ committed to each other. Which means that membership in the local
church - Creekside - isn’t about having our name added
to a list or being in our data base. Being a member of Creekside is
formalizing in a tangible way our personal willingness
to be committed to the fellowship here. Being here
with you all matters.
This is my family. This is my
place. I
belong here with you as we together follow what God
has for us together. The
very witness of the church - who we are as the church
- is dependent on our being committed to each other -
in Christ - members of the local church. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that
you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love
one another. By
this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34,35) The character of our love towards each
other - our mutual commitment to each other and our
together devotion to Jesus - distinguishes us as
followers of Jesus.
That we love each other as Jesus loves us. The best
place for us to love each other as Jesus loves us is
our commitment together as the local church -
Creekside. They
had a list. They
knew who was on the list. Takeaway number two: They
gathered together. Our tendency is towards isolation. Towards our
own security and where we feel safe and in control. Sin driven
tendencies that Satan exploits to create disfunction
and drama and destruction. Tendencies
that draw the heart felt admonishment of the writer of
Hebrews: “And let us consider how to stir up one
another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet
together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one
another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing
near.” (Hebrews 10:24,25) Not
too many years ago becoming a Christian meant joining
with a local church.
Commitment and participation in the local
church. Today
people have a different attitude towards all that. Many
churches require nothing of those who attend. No mutual
accountability - especially to leadership. No
expectations of service or participation or even
conformity to a doctrinal statement. Maybe
they fear that all that will drive people away. Maybe people
in our culture just balk at that kind of commitment
anyway. Maybe
Christians are just indifferent and it doesn’t matter
to them. Or
they’re ignorant and just don’t know what the Bible
teaches. Or
they’re independent minded people who just want to
come into a church - consume what they need - and
leave when the want. Some people say, “Church for me is on the radio - or the
TV - or the internet.” Which is true. That’s
church that’s about them. It’s about
me, myself, and I.
But it’s not God’s definition of what it means
to be the church. To quote Allistair
Begg: The entire New Testament is about being
“in Christ” and being “in Christ,” being in the
Church. You
can’t be “in Christ” without being “in Church.” And if
someone says, “I am in Christ” and not “in Church,”
then either they are not “in Christ” or they don’t
understand what it means to be “in Christ.” (3) In Christ, we are members of Christ’s
church. There
is an example here for us of what that means. What we are
to consider how we can stir one another up to pursue
together. The
church gathered together in obedience to Jesus. They were
together devoted in prayer. Together,
devoted in mutual submission to the word of God. Committed
together in pursuing God’s will for their gathering.
_______________ 1. Thabiti M. Anyabwile, What Is A Healthy Church Member? (Wheaton, Il,
Crossway Books, 2008) page 14 2. Allistair Begg,
Sermon: Membership Matters - Romans 12:1-10, September 6, 2015,
truthforlife.org 3. Ibid. Series
references: Thabiti
M. Anyabwile, What Is A Healthy Church Member? (Wheaton, Il,
Crossway Books, 2008) Mark
Dever, What Is A Healthy Church? (Wheaton,
IL, Crossway Books, 2007) Charles
R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 5:
Insights on Acts (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016) Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |