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CONVICTED Acts 2:14-36 Series: Who We Are - Part Four Pastor Stephen Muncherian June 2, 2019 |
you join me at Acts 2:14.
We are moving forward in our study of the first 2
chapters of the Book of Acts looking at Who We Are as
the church - as Creekside.
To quote again that
familiar quote from Allistair Begg: A
church is not a homogeneous club of people like us with
whom we would naturally like to go on vacation. Rather, it is
a supernatural fellowship of people very unlike us in
whom we are bound in Christ. (1) Creekside
is - we are - a supernatural fellowship of generally
unlike people bound together by God in Christ - as
members of Christ’s church and as witnesses of the
gospel - empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish what
God intends - for God’s glory. Which
is astounding to think about. That God would
choose to use us in His “Big Picture” - Genesis to
Revelation - history spanning - work of redeeming
mankind from our depravity and the disaster of our sin
and restoring us to a God made right relationship with
Him through Christ’s work on the cross. Each of us -
individually and collectively - we have a God given part
in all of that. This morning we are at
Acts 2 - starting at verse 14 and going on down through
verse 36. Which
is the answer to the question we left off with last
Sunday. Which
was… Acts
2:12: “What
does this mean?” Brief
backfill: Last
Sunday we looked at Pentecost.
the followers of Jesus met that day suddenly there was a
sound like a mighty rushing wind that filled the place
where they were. Which
was loud enough to attract people from all over
Jerusalem. Something
like individual fires appeared and distributed itself on
each person. Then
these people that were from all over everywhere heard -
in the dialects of where they’d come from - they heard
the people with the fire on them - proclaiming the
working of God. These
representatives of the world - these Pentecost pilgrims
- were amazed and perplexed. Meaning they
had brain freeze and a lot of questions - trying to
process what they’re experiencing. Some
of them asked - verse 12:
does this mean?” Others were more
sarcastic - they said - verse 13: “They’re
drunk.” What
we’re looking at this morning is Peter’s answer to that
response. Specifically
the question: “What
does this mean?” Or we might ask
ourselves this morning:
does this mean for me?” So this is a lot of
verses. Which
we’re going to notice - as we read through these - is a
lot of what Peter says and also what Peter quotes. So to help us
read through these verses and to see more of what Peter
is getting at - we’re going to divide into two groups.
you stand with me before God’s word and let’s read
together. But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted
up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea
and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to
you, and give ear to my words. For these
people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only
the third hour of the day.
of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of
Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works
and wonders and signs that God did through Him in your
midst, as you yourselves know—this Jesus, delivered up
according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God,
you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. God raised Him
up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not
possible for Him to be held by it.
I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch
David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is
with us to this day.
Being therefore a prophet and knowing that God
had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of
his descendants on this throne, he foresaw and spoke
about the resurrection of the Christ, that He was not
abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption. This Jesus God
raised up, and of that we are all witnesses. Being
therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having
received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit,
He has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing
and hearing.
“Let all the house of Israel therefore know
for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ,
this Jesus Whom you crucified.” Peter is answering the
question “What
does this mean?” He begins with
what this doesn’t mean. They’re
not drunk. Peter is standing with the eleven other
disciples - which includes the newly selected Matthias. The way that
this reads in Greek gives the idea that the 12 of them
looked at each other and agreed - in that moment - that
Peter was the one who should give the answer. So Peter - the always has his foot in his
mouth fisherman from Galilee - Peter steps up and gives
this - to the point - grounded in Scripture which he
quotes from memory - empowered by the Holy Spirit -
answer to the question. Peter
begins: “Men
of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem.” Some translations
render it “fellow Jews.”
Wherever you’ve come from - we’re all here
together now. In this place. At this time. “We’re
all Jews.” The
third hour of the would have been - in the way the Jews
divided up the day into 12 hour time periods - would
have been 9:00 in the morning. Which Peter
emphasizes and his "fellow Jews" would have gotten the
significance of that.
16:8 - which is a passage these “fellow Jews” would have
known - Exodus 16:8 gives the pattern of eating bread in
the morning and only eating meat at night. Jews only
drank wine while eating meat. Meaning
- as every “fellow Jew” listening to Peter would have
known - it was way too early to be eating meat and
therefore way too early to be drinking wine - and way
too early to be drunk. The
charge of drunkenness is really about these “fellow
Jews” rejecting the work of God by accusing the
believers of sinful moral failure - their failing to
obey God’s instructions.
Peter’s reply is in effect: “We
are as devout as any fellow Jew in Jerusalem.” Sadly - it’s pretty common for Christians
to reject what God is doing or to discount what God
maybe doing to get our attention - God desiring to show
us more about Himself or God wanting to deal with issues
in our lives. It
is way more common for us to try and give that some
lesser or different meaning - and to try and discredit
the messenger - to avoid dealing with the implications
of what we’re seeing. There are tons of Christians moving
sideways through life who are not coming clean
before God and not allowing God to deal with their
issues. Maybe
that’s out of fear of what that change may mean - the
unknown implications of all that - we at least
understand how things are for us now - even if it’s
painful. God
opening up something different to us can be scary. Which usually means pointing out the
pastor’s short comings - or the weak points of the
congregation - whatever excuse can be made to not allow
God to deal with what God is showing us or chewing on us
about or to justify our rejection of all that. That’s just too far out of the box. It must mean
something else. They’re
drunk. We’re
out of here. Peter’s answer - what this is not - the
attempt to dismiss this as some moral failure - being
drunk - is just flat out wrong. We are as
righteous and as God fearing as the next “fellow Jew.” So, you got to
deal with the personal implications of what this does
mean. Verse 16 - What this does mean. Peter begins with a “but”
which in Greek is a
whole lot more emphatic than it sounds in English. It’s major
push back. It's not
that. It's this. This is what you
must respond to. Peter’s
answer has way more depth than we have time to study
through this morning.
So to pull this together in a way that we can
work through we’re
going to focus on two things: Thing One: What God said
- which are Peter’s Old Testament quotes. And thing two: What God did -
which is Peter’s application of those quotes to what God
did. Let’s
plunge in. Peter begins by quoting what God said
through the prophet Joel.
(Joel 2:28-32) Why
quote Joel? Joel
because the “fellow Jews” present at Pentecost would
have known that Joel prophesied about the last days and
the coming day of the Lord. The
“last days” - verse 17 - is a phrase the Bible uses to
describe the time when God begins the messianic age in
which God grants his blessings to His people who repent
from sin and God pours out His Spirit on His people. Last days that
come before the end of history. As
Christians we understand the last days to mean the time
between the first coming of Jesus and Jesus’ second
coming. For
just about 2,000 years we’ve been living in the last
days. Days
when God is using the church
to carry the Gospel to all mankind. And 100 years from now
- if Jesus hasn’t come back and any of us are still here
- we’ll look back and remember that these were the good
old last days. The “Day
of the Lord” - verse 20 - is
a phrase used in the Bible to describe a series of
future climatic events
that take place over a period of time as
God is bringing history to a close. A coming time
of destruction, famine, darkness, mourning, and war. The great final judgment when men will
enter into eternal life with God or eternal death and
damnation. Joel
prophesied concerning both the last days and the Day of
the Lord. So
here at Pentecost - God revealing Himself at work
through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit - wind and
fire and tongues - believers without distinction being
given the ability to prophesy and declare the works of
God. Some
of what Joel predicted was what those in Jerusalem were
experiencing. Or
enough of it so that they were asking, “Does
what this means mean that this is it?” Which
we do today. Right? Are the events
happening today the events just preceding the return of
Jesus? What
do these events mean? Notice
- reading the rest of what Peter quotes here - not all
of what Joel had predicted had taken place or has taken
place - even today. On the
day of Pentecost there were no wonders in the heavens
and signs on the earth. Not in the
full sense of the way Joel describes it. Which
means - as Scripture often does with prophecy - we’re
given a glimpse of what’s coming. There’s a
present day fulfillment that points to a future fulfillment. We’re in the
last days now. And
the future Day of the Lord will come. Which
was a passing of time between the beginning of the end
and the end itself - that these “fellow Jews” didn’t
understand - that prompted their question - and why
Peter quotes Joel. Peter
quoting Joel is clarify what God said through Joel about
what God said He would do - what God said would lead to
the end and coming judgement. What you all
are experiencing now is the beginning of all that. Which is about
Jesus. Because
God said - verse 21 - when we finally arrive at the end
- on day of the Lord - it shall be that
everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be
saved. The only
salvation when judgment comes -
salvation on the Day of the Lord is through Jesus
Christ. Those
who call on His name - the name of the Lord -
who have trusted in what He has done on the
cross and through His resurrection. Trusting in
Jesus as their Savior,
only those people will be saved from eternal judgment. Going on to verse 22
Peter points out what God did to demonstrate that Jesus
really is the Savior that God used Joel to speak about. Peter
begins “Men
of Israel” The way that Peter uses
the phrase - emphasis “Israel” - that phrase is aimed at
their religious identity and their national identity. Peter
reminding them that it was God who called out Israel
from the people’s of the world - God Who made them to be
a people and covenanted with them - God Who made
promises to them through the patriarchs. We are the
nation of God. Men
of Israel. Jesus
of Nazareth identifies which Jesus we’re talking about. Jesus being a
common name. Tying
Jesus in with a familiar location in the north of
Israel. Up
in the Sea of Galilee.
The town of Nazareth there Jesus grew up. Worked with
His father as a carpenter.
Jesus of Nazareth was known to the crowd. The ministry
of Jesus was known - especially the mighty works and
wonders and signs. Peter
declares these all were acts of the Covenant God of
Israel through Jesus.
The sick are healed. The lame walk. The blind see. Thousands are
fed from almost nothing.
Storms are calmed.
The dead are raised. Including
Lazarus who was probably there with the disciples.
spectacle of Jesus’ crucifixion was public. 3 hours
before Jesus dies the sky goes dark. When He dies
there’s a rock splitting earthquake. The Temple curtain
is torn top down.
What God did. At
the death of Jesus tombs were opened and dead believers
came out of the graves.
Many of those recently resurrected would have
been there listening to Peter. What God did. Peter
goes on - this Jesus - the One attested to you by God -
by what God did - you all had Him crucified by the hands
of lawless men. Lawless
meaning that the Romans - Gentiles - were not tied to
the Covenant Law of God like the Jews were. And yet, law
meaning that the law of the time wouldn’t allow the Jews
to put anyone to death.
Which meant the Jews had to collude with the
lawless Gentile Romans to kill Jesus. Which is what
that back-and-forth trial with Pontius Pilate was about. The
Gentiles crucified Jesus.
But you all brought Him to trial. The
responsibility for His death is yours. You can't
duck out of that. The
spectacle of Jesus’ crucifixion was public. So was His
resurrection. The
empty tomb. His
appearances and teaching and hanging out and ascending
up to heaven. Then
there’s this mighty rushing wind sound and tongues like
fire and peoples speaking in different dialects. Demonstrations
of the outpouring of the Spirit. Wonders and
signs above and below.
What God did.
God raised Him up.
is at work here and it all points to Jesus. The Messiah. The Savior. The One Who’s
name we are to call on and be saved. Then - verse 25 -
Peter quotes King David - from Psalm 16. Which was a
familiar Psalm that got used in the synagogues. People knew
it. (Psalm
16:8-11) In
Psalm 16 David is writing about his own relationship
with God. What
Peter tells us later in verse 30 is God speaking
prophetically through David about our hope in Christ. David
writes that the Lord is before him. Literally in
the Hebrew this is about David’s choice to keep the Lord
before him. To
keep looking at God no matter what. David’s choice
to put his trust in the Lord. God
at his right hand is about the nearness of God. God being
there with David - strengthening David - defending David
- being there for David through whatever came at David
in life. David
is unshaken in his circumstances. At the heart
level he’s glad. He’s
praising God. He’s
living with hope. All
because of his relationship with God. Then
the ultimate. Death.
Why? Because God
will not let His Holy One see corruption - decay and
decomposition. In
Hebrew the “Holy One” is a word that describes someone
who’s right before God - blessed of God. Which David
was. “Holy
One” is also an Old Testament title given to the
Messiah. Which
is a double meaning that Peter’s “fellow Jews” “men of
Israel” would have understood. David
is speaking prophetically about his own death but also
his hope of resurrection because God’s Holy One - the
Messiah - will not remain in the grave but be
resurrected. God
speaking through David - what God said. What God has
promised - made known to David and though David. Even in death
- the end point of the path of life - what is a common
experience for us all - there is gladness in the
presence of God. Hope
that God will bring to life to the righteous. Because of
Messiah Jesus. We
will live. Then - verse 29 -
Peter goes on to apply what God said to what God did. Peter applying
Psalm 16 to Jesus. Peter
addresses them as “brothers.” Notice that
we’ve gone from “fellow Jews” gathered in Jerusalem from
all over - to “men of Israel” - meaning same religion
and nation - to “brothers.” Same blood. Same nation. Same issues. Same
experiences. There’s
deepening affinity here.
Not top down finger pointing arrogance. But Peter
identifying himself with his listeners. What
this is about is about us.
What convicts us. What we are guilty of. Peter
identifies David as the “patriarch” - which is a
reminder of Israel’s golden era. David the
great king. Respected. Revered. Currently
dead. Who’s
buried in David’s tomb?
David. His
tomb was known - just outside Jerusalem to the south. Some have even
speculated that an early gathering point of the church
was at the tomb of David.
They might have been able to see it from where
they were. Peter
identifies David as a prophet. Meaning that
David - even though speaking of himself - David is
speaking prophetically of someone else - Jesus - God’s
Holy One - the Messiah. Verse 30 - Peter says
that God had sworn an oath to David. Recorded in
numerous Scripture passages is the declaration of God
that He would place a descendant of David on David’s
throne forever. (Psalm
132:11,12; Matthew 5:17; Luke 1:32,33; John 18:36;
Romans 10:4) That
oath - that promise - was a promise that the nation was
hanging on to. Especially
during the Roman occupation. That they are
were waiting for - praying for - hoping to see the day
that God would fulfill His promise. The
Messiah was to fulfill that role of forever King - which
Jesus did - for us “brothers.” Which is
Peter’s - what God has done - application Jesus’
arrest and trial and death are all according to the plan
and foreknowledge of God.
Jesus’ resurrection is according to the plan of
and foreknowledge of God. Jesus
is alive because the God of the Covenant did not abandon
His Righteous One to Hades but resurrected Him. Jesus couldn’t
be held by death because God is at work here fulfilling
His covenant promises.
God raised Him. That
Jesus had claimed to be the Messiah was a claim that
they all had heard.
That God had attested to the truth of that claim
was a reality that they had all had seen. That God had
raised Jesus from the dead was fact that they had all
had witnessed. David’s
tomb is occupied. Jesus’
tomb is empty. He’s
alive because the God of the Covenant did not abandon
the Righteous One to Hades but resurrected Him. Jesus couldn’t
be held by death because God is at work here fulfilling
His covenant promises.
God raised Him up. Peter
says we’re all witnesses of that. You all are
seeing and hearing the Spirit poured out. Joel’s last
days are here.
For David did not ascend into the heavens,
but he himself says, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, sit at
My right hand, until I make Your enemies your
footstool.’ David
hasn’t ascended to heaven.
But Jesus has.
Peter’s quote here is forcing his listeners to
think for themselves about the implications of that
reality. Everyone
agreed that the Messiah - the
Christ - would be a descendant of David. The Messiah
will sit on the throne of David because the Messiah -
the Christ - is a descendant of David. In
Psalm 110 - under inspiration of the Holy Spirit - God -
David writes of a conversation between “the Lord” -
which in Hebrew is the name Yahweh - God. Yahweh saying
to “my Lord” - which in Hebrew is the title “adonai” -
meaning “lord” or “master.” Which
here is the title given to the One that Yahweh
designates as ruling over God’s people on the thrown of
David - the coming Messiah - because
everyone agreed that Psalm 110:1 is talking about the
coming Messiah. “My God said to my Lord...” God had promised to put
the Messiah’s enemies “under your feet” - under the feet
of the Messiah. Which
- in Old Testament battle imagery - meant forcing a
defeated enemy - a commander or king - to lie down in
the dust in front of whoever had defeated them - so that
the conqueror could put his foot on the neck of the
defeated enemy - a position of total humiliation and
subjection - usually before decapitation. Reading
on through Psalm 110 - the descendant of David - the
Messiah - is described not only as all conquering - but
in apocalyptic terms as crushing the kings and rulers of
the whole earth on the day of God’s wrath - the Day of
the Lord. And
in spiritual terms as being a priest forever - an
eternal priesthood not tied to the Levitical priesthood. And as someone
who will judge all the nations. So
in Psalm 110 - pulling all that together - which
everyone agreed was about the Messiah - what God is
promising the Messiah is the complete defeat of his
enemies - absolute pre-eminence, power, authority,
majesty - emphasis lordship - mastery that can only be
appropriately descriptive of God. The
conclusion that Peter is leading His listeners to come
to is what God declared through David - that the Messiah
- the Christ - in the flesh and blood of His humanity is
not merely the Son of David. But in realty
the ascended into heaven Messiah - the Christ - is
greater than David.
And, in fact - the Messiah is God. And if Jesus
really is the Messiah.
Then Jesus is…
God. Jesus
sits on the right hand of God - meaning Jesus has the
power and authority of God. He - Jesus -
is that forever King - the King of kings and Lord of
lords - the forever potentate not only of Israel but of
all His creation.
bottom line point of application - being convicted -
guilt and desperation for grace that cannot be dismissed
or explained away.
That each of us must deal with. Each of
responding to the personal implications of what this
does mean. Verse
36: “Let
all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that
God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus Whom
you crucified.” “God has made Him…” does not mean that God
created Jesus or that Jesus earned the position. But that the
big picture purposes of God have been accomplished -
fulfilled - in Jesus.
God has made Jesus of Nazareth to be both Lord
and Christ. And
you crucified Him. You
may have forced the Romans to do it. But, you
crucified Him. You
knew what God had said.
You knew what God had promised. You saw God at
work. God
fulfilling His promises.
God attesting to Jesus as Lord and Christ. And you
crucified God in the flesh - your Lord and Christ. Lest
any one of us fall into some kind of spiritual arrogance
let’s remember... so did we. We
pierced Him. We
bruised Him. We
crushed Him. He
bore our sins upon Himself. He was
forsaken for us. As
we deserve to be. Our sin condemns us. God's
verdict upon our lives is just and deserved. Jesus
went to the cross and was resurrected for all our
individual sins. Brothers
and sisters that is the between the eyeballs reality
that demands our response. Heart level ongoing
brokenness and surrender to God. Next
Sunday we’re going to look more at responding to the
Gospel - Conversion.
But before we come to conversion we need to be
convicted of our sin.
To be the church means we are convicted. Processing all that… The
Gospel is not the good news that we’re okay. That God is
love and that Jesus wants to be our friend and that God
has a wonderful plan and purpose for our lives. Too
often we get the benefits of the gospel confused with
the gospel itself. Quoting
Mark Dever: “Fundamentally,
we don’t need just joy or peace or purpose. We need God,
Himself. Since
we are condemned sinners, then, we need His forgiveness
above all else. We
need spiritual life.
When we present the gospel less radically, we
simply ask for false conversions and increasingly
meaningless church membership lists, both of which make
the evangelization of the world around us more
difficult.” (2) The gospel is not the
good news that we’re okay.
The gospel is the good news that convicts us. To
live convicted before the cross - personally convicted
of my sin and guilt - is to see that the man dying on
the cross is dying there because of me - for me. That being
convicted changes everything about life now and forever. To
be convicted means living daily before the cross -
broken - contrite - crying out to God - deeply
appreciative of His grace.
Living in the daily awareness that life is truly
a gift of God’s grace to be lived out according to His
purposes and for His glory alone. There
is no room for arrogance or pride or avoidance in that
depth of being convicted.
To be convicted will radically change our
attitude and actions towards loving God and loving
others and serving others and serving the world. _______________ 1. Allistair Begg, Sermon: Membership
Matters - Romans 12:1-10, September 6, 2015,
truthforlife.org 2. Mark Dever, What Is A Healthy Church? (Wheaton, IL, Crossway Books, 2007), page
77 Series
references: Thabiti
M. Anyabwile, What
Is A Healthy Church Member? (Wheaton, Il, Crossway
Books, 2008) Mark
Dever, What
Is A Healthy Church? (Wheaton, IL,
Crossway Books, 2007) Charles
R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s
Living Insights New Testament Commentary, Volume 5: Insights on
Acts (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016) Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |