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PENTECOST ACTS 2:1-13 Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 17, 2015 |
There’s a
story about a pastor who was going to be teaching on the
Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. He wanted to
make his sermon very dramatic. So he called
the church janitor to help him. “Sam,” he said, “On Sunday I’m
going to preach on Jesus’ baptism. I’m going to
ask you to go up into the dome of the church and stay
there. When
I come to the high point in my sermon and I say, ‘and
the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove,’ I want
you to drop a pigeon from the dome.” Sam
- the janitor - promised to do as he was told. On Sunday
morning the pastor began his sermon. At the point
when he said, “...and the Holy
Spirit descended upon Him like a dove” he looked up at the dome. But there was
no pigeon. So
the pastor repeated the phrase a little louder. Still no
pigeon. Then
he yelled, “Sam, where’s the
pigeon?” Sam yelled
back, “Pastor, the cat
has eaten the pigeon.
Would you like me to throw down the cat?” Sometimes
when we talk about the Holy Spirit there’s a bit of
confusion in our minds - Who He is - what He does. This morning
we’re focusing on Pentecost - the coming of the Holy
Spirit - the work of the Holy Spirit in birthing and
empowering the Church.
Pentecost - on our Free Church radar screen -
isn’t something that we often focus on. But it is
immensely important to each one of us. We’re going
to be looking at Acts 2 - the Pentecost passage - and
looking at Pentecost from a perspective that hopefully
will help us understand more clearly what God is doing -
and some of what He desires to do in and through us. What
difference Pentecost makes in our lives. Before we
come to Acts 2 we need to grab The Background of Pentecost. We
want to back up in time a bit to John 21. John 21
records an event that takes place in the period of time
between Jesus’ resurrection and the coming of the Holy
Spirit on Pentecost.
Its evening - the setting is the shore of the Sea
of Galilee. John
21:1 - After
this -
after the events of the resurrection - and the first two
times the resurrected Jesus has been
with the disciples -
after this Jesus revealed
Himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias - the Sea of
Galilee -
and He revealed Himself
in this way. Simon
Peter, Thomas (called the Twin), Nathanael of Cana in
Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his
disciples were together.
Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to
him, “We will go with you.” They went out
and got into the boat, but that night they caught
nothing. On
the Sea of Galilee fishing was done at night. Fisherman used
torches to attract fish to the boat and then caught them
nets. That
night - even though these were skilled fisherman - that
night they caught nothing. Verse 4: Just as the day
was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the
disciples did not know that it was Jesus. In
the twilight of the early morning - about 100 yards from
the shore - it was impossible to see who was standing
there. Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any
fish?” They
answered Him, “No.”
He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side
of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast
it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of
the quantity of fish.
That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to
Peter, “It is the Lord!” Therefore - meaning like déjà vu - a “we’ve
done this before” moment of recognition. The disciple whom
Jesus loved - who we know was John - John suddenly connects the dots and realizes who’s on
the shore. John
tells Peter, “Its
the Lord.” Going on in
verse 7: When Simon Peter
heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment,
for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the
sea. The
other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full
of fish, for they were not far from the land, but about
a hundred yards off. When they got out on land, they saw a
charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and
bread. Jesus
said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just
caught.” So
Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full
of large fish, 153 of them. And although
there were so many, the net was not torn. 153 being an exact number. Point being
that this really did happen and its not some fish story.
12: Jesus
said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” Now none of the of
the disciples dared to ask Him, “Who are you?” They knew it
was the Lord. Jesus
came and took the bread and gave it to them, and so the
fish. This
was now the third time that Jesus was revealed to the
disciples after He was raised from the dead. (John 21:1-14) Let’s
picture this scene together. The disciples had
been through the betrayal - the trial - the crucifixion
- Jesus’ death. Each of these
disciples in their own way struggling within as they
went through these gut wrenching events. Their faith was put to the test. Then the
disciples met the
resurrected Jesus.
Imagine - He died and now He’s alive. They’d seen the empty
tomb - shared a meal together - seen Him pass through
walls. Thomas
worships Jesus when his
doubts have been removed. A transforming
experience for the disciples. Everything
they’ve hoped and believed and lived for is really true and certain. The response
to all that’s just taken place comes in verse 3. Seemingly with
nothing else to do, Peter says, “I’m
going fishing.” After all that has happened the disciples
go fishing - back to the life they grew up with - the
companionship with the others - the memories of past times together - the familiar - the comfortable - the routine. When
the disciples get to shore - the fire is going - the
fish are cooking - the bread is ready. Jesus says, “Bring
your fish and come to breakfast.” That whole scene is just a tad surreal. Isn’t it? The disciples
sitting on the shore of the Sea of Galilee - a beautiful
peaceful morning - having breakfast with Jesus.
Who just a few days
earlier was crucified. Is
now resurrected from
death. And
now they’re having breakfast by the sea. Having
breakfast with God. We saw Jesus
do that crucifixion thing.
Which was kind of harsh. Jesus had us
really worried. But
now He’s alive again.
So its okay.
We can go on now.
“John could you
pass the bread?” “Jesus
would you like another fish?” “Pardon me,
but do you have any Grey Poupon?” Have you
ever been where these guys were at? Crisis can
turn us towards God.
Which isn’t a bad thing. In the midst
of great drama - the really hard stuff of life - we tend
to have a greater sense our need for God and to turn
Him. That’s
a good thing. Except
for this: Crisis
can turn us towards God.
Calm - status quo - calm can turn us to
complacency. There’s a
warning here for us.
How easily we can slip back into the familiar -
the status quo of life. We did the
Resurrection Sunday thing.
That was pretty neat. But kinda
fading in our memories.
A lot has happened in our lives since then. There’s
another potluck at the end of the service today. School’s
almost over. Summer’s
coming. We’re
thinking about vacation.
Personally we’re pretty much okay. Reasonable
health. Income
- kinda happening.
We can go down this mental list and feel pretty
comfortable. Bible study
starts to lose our sense of need to be in the word and
our openness to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we
get lazy and start reading what others think about the
Bible rather intentionally reading and studying and
marinating in it for ourselves. Prayer
looses its urgency - our sense of desperation and crying
out need when we’re in crisis. Worship
together becomes routine.
Something that will still be there next Sunday. Almost like
all this is about us.
Somehow we loose sight of the astounding reality
of being drawn together before the holy God our creator
- who saves us by His grace not our merit. We give -
maybe tithe - and
feel free to spend the rest as we choose. Sharing our
faith happens - kinda.
But not intentional. Service is on
our time. Let’s be
honest. We
all can slip into comfortable patterns of a complacent
life where we forget the urgency of what we’re involved
with. Church
- relationship with God - where we’re comfortable enough
with what is. Pentecost -
especially for us today - Pentecost is God popping our
little bubble world that we cocoon ourselves in - a
reality check about what it means to live life as a
follower of the resurrected Jesus Christ - empowered and
under the control of the Holy Spirit. We live in
touch with the living almighty one true holy creator God
- our creator. We’re
in the midst of the spiritual battle for the eternal
destiny of mankind.
When we live in the reality of Pentecost there is
no way to live complacent in the reality of all that. God empowers
us - to live life on the edge - out of our bubble. Life with
purpose. Life
lived in the hands of the living God living out the
reality of His resurrection power in us. That is the
fullness of life that - bottom line - we all crave to
experience. We
have been created to live.
Way different than what we often settle for - the
mediocrity of stumbling through life by our own whit,
wisdom, and working.
Coming to
the book of Acts. In Acts 1:4 - Jesus commanded
His disciples - His followers - those who believed - “not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the
promise of the Father”
In Acts 1:8 Jesus
says, “You
will receive power - the power to
live and do what I’ve commanded you to do - you
will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
you, and - then - you will
be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
was the second of the three great yearly Hebrew
festivals. The first -
in the order of how these festivals were celebrated
during the year - the first festival on the calendar was
Passover. What
Jesus had celebrated with His disciples. The second festival
was Pentecost. Pentecost
is Greek for… 50. Pentecost
took place 50 days after Passover. The third
festival was Tabernacles that came at the end of the
harvest approximately 4 months after Pentecost. In the fall -
in September or October - depending on how it falls on
the calendar. Pentecost on
one hand was connected with the harvest that was taking
place about now. But
Pentecost - in the time of Jesus - Pentecost was also
tied to the giving of the Ten Commandments. Moses on Mount
Sinai. Which
- according to Exodus 19 - which took place 50 days
after the Exodus. Exodus
meaning Passover. Pentecost
- Moses on Mount Sinai - 50 days later. Which is an
important link for us to follow. Hang on to
something. Passover
being the festival that celebrated God’s redeeming
Israel - buying them out of their bondage in Egypt -
think bondage to the sin of this world. God delivering
them - saving them from all that - through the shedding
and application of the blood of the Passover lamb. Israel’s
first born live. Right? Because... the
lamb’s blood is applied to the door posts and lintels. God passes
over His people. Egypt’s
first born get dead.
And God’s people get out of Egypt free. Hearing in
that the cross and our redemption from bondage to this
world and our sin - and our deliverance - our salvation
- by the blood of the Lamb of God - Jesus - is
intentional. Pentecost -
the giving of the Ten Commandments - what unites God’s
people together in what it means to be God’s people to
live as God’s people in obedience to God - is tied to
that. If we
can hear in that God giving the Holy Spirit to form the
Church - the body of Christ - and to empower us to live
as God’s people - witnessing of Jesus - there’s
intention in that as well. The third
festival is... Tabernacles. Which is the
harvest festival that takes place in the fall. Four months
later. Meaning
between Pentecost and Tabernacles crops are planted -
raised - and in the fall… harvested. Can we hear
Jesus saying, “Do you not say,
‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell
you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are
white for harvest…
I sowed. You
reap.” Luke records Jesus saying, “Pray for
harvesters.” (John 4:35-38; Luke 10:2) The work of
the Church - saved by the blood of the Lamb - Passover -
united and empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost -
harvesting - until the return of Jesus - Tabernacles -
when we - His harvest - are gathered in and up to
heaven. We’re
together? How
these festivals fit - where Pentecost - and the coming
of the Holy Spirit - is all part of what God has been
intentionally doing since before Adam. The
significance of Pentecost for us today. So Jerusalem
is packed with people.
In the midst of
this large crowd gathered for Pentecost and the festival
- are these 120 disciples doing what Jesus
commanded them to do - waiting together in Jerusalem. Acts 2 brings us to The Experience of Pentecost. Acts
2:1: When the day of
Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly
there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing
wind, and it filled the entire house where they were
sitting. And
divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested
on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them
utterance. This
is what Jesus said would happen - the coming of the
Holy Spirit. The
Holy Spirit comes with wind - which represents God’s
power in our lives.
He comes with fire - which represents God’s
purifying of our lives from sin. He comes and
gives the use of tongues - which were languages known to
those who were around them. Languages -
which enabled the followers of Jesus to boldly - with
clarity and sincerity - witness of Jesus Christ. Verse 5: Now there were
dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation
under heaven. And
at this sound - the rushing wind
- the multitude came
together, and they were bewildered, because each one was
hearing them - the disciples
- speak in his own
language. And
they were amazed and astonished, saying, “Are not all
these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it
that we hear, each of us in his own native language? The Greek
word translated “language” is “dialektos” which is where
we get our English word… “dialect.” In Armenia
they speak... Armenian.
But a village in one valley can speak a different
dialect of Armenian than a village in another valley. Same basic
language. Different
words. Different
accent. Makes
it easy to recognize where someone is from because of
how the speak. Hard
to understand what they’re saying if we don’t know they
dialect. For example. The word in
Armenian for bride is “hars.” In one village
that word is pronounced “horse.” Instead of “I married my
hars.” “I
married my... horse.” Which
can get confusing. Point being: These are
uneducated fisherman - from Galilee - which has its own dialect. And they’re speaking using the local dialects of the people gathered in Jerusalem from
all over the place.
The disciples not only have the different
dialects right - all the local vocabulary and idioms -
they’ve even got the accent down. They’re
speaking like they were natives - born and raised in all
those different places. The word for
“bewildered” has the idea of brain freeze. These devout
men from all these different places were hearing this
and their brains locked up - overloaded - by trying to
process all that. Verse 9 -
tells us where these people were from: Parthians and
Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea
and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia,
Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and
visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans
and Arabians—we hear them telling in our own tongues the
mighty works of God.”
Looking at the map
just makes what the Holy Spirit is doing here so much
more bewildering. Notice
that all the four corners of the compass get mentioned. Which is
true of our service today.
All four corners of the compass and all the
continents - besides Antarctica - are being represented
the languages we’re hearing in today’s service. “Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents
of Mesopotamia - are all to the east of Jerusalem
- then to the north - Judea
and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phyrgia and Pamphylia - Roman provinces
of Asia Minor - then south and west to - Egypt and the parts of Lybia belonging to Cyrene - in northern
Africa - then west - visitors
from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and - lastly southeast - Arabs. From all over the known world - from every nation
they’d come to
Jerusalem for Pentecost - with the sound
of the rushing wind this huge crowd had been attracted
to these 120 disciples - and now they said, “we hear them
telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.” The Application of Pentecost Verse
12: And all were
amazed and perplexed - literally astonished and a at a total
loss - with no explanation for what they were hearing -
saying to one
another, “What does this mean?” But others
mocking said, “They are filled with new wine.” Meaning, they’re drunk. That
question resonates.
“What does this
mean?” If we were to keep
reading in chapter 2 - which I encourage you to do - not
now but maybe this afternoon. If we were to
keep reading in chapter 2 - Peter gets up and Peter
gives the answer to the question. This is what
this means. Rather
than read through Peter’s whole sermon - here in a
nutshell is his answer. The reason for the wind and the little fires and all these people speaking in different
languages - your dialects - the reason for Pentecost - isn’t because they’re drunk. Its because
they’re Holy Spirit empowered witnesses. This is about
God at work. God
doing what God said He would do. God who’s been
working through out our history. God who raised
up from the dead the Jesus whom you crucified. Jesus who is
both the Lord and the Messiah - the Savior. Peter who’s
waited in Jerusalem.
Peter who’s been empowered by the Holy Spirit. Peter who
answers the question - witnessing of Jesus. And about
3,000 people repent of their sins. Become
followers of Jesus.
They become
Holy Spirit empowered witnesses of Jesus. Processing all that… What does this
mean for us? We can get
so distracted by so many peripheral issues. Too often when we hear about Pentecost we
end up in a discussion about being “Pentecostal.” Discussions
about people drooling and rolling on floors and running
around sanctuaries.
Sometimes even Christians can mock Christians. Just saying. We get
locked up in debates about if these are known languages or a heavenly language? Some
special prayer language? Is
everyone suppose to speak in tongues? Did this just
happen back then? Can it happen today? What about being baptized in the Spirit? What about
prophecy and visions and dreams? The debate
goes on and on endlessly creating division and distraction
from the purpose of the Church. Please hear
this. If we
are believers in Jesus Christ - then we are pentecostal. The Church of
Jesus Christ was born on Pentecost. We shouldn’t
let the abuse or misuse, by some, of being pentecostal,
keep us from trusting the Holy Spirit in our lives and
experiencing the blessing and joy of being pentecostal. God has a work
that He desires to do in us and through us. There’s a day of
judgment coming - a harvest - and the church needs to be about the work
of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being
witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth. Or,
geographically - in terms of distance from Jerusalem -
if Merced isn’t the end of the earth you can see it from
here. Welcome
to the mission field. When eternity comes the Church -
those of us who are in Jesus - the saving blood of the Lamb
having been applied to our lives - the Church will enter into eternity with God. The opportunity to invite others to join us
in eternity will be gone forever. Language - signs - spiritual gifting -
these are all tools - means - to accomplish the great
purpose of the Church on earth - which is to proclaim the salvation of God - to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. Amen!
And yet -
too many churches today spend time and energy endlessly
debating issues that lead no one to salvation. Issues that
have very little impact on where people really live
their lives. Many
churches sleep in a religious stupor or traditions
dreaming about the past.
Our own little religious bubble worlds. Too many
Christians live in a self-indulgent complacent comfort
zone - wasting God’s resources - while the time to share
Jesus with our neighbors
grows shorter - their bondage grows stronger - their
desperation grows greater. There is a great need today -
perhaps greater than there has ever been - a tremendous
need for men and women - for churches - to be where God
wants us to be - waiting upon Him - to be led and empowered by the Holy
Spirit - to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. A few years
back a number of pest control companies from California
to Florida put microscopic bar codes on 350 cockroaches
and set them free in 14 cities in 13 states. Did you hear
about this? If
someone actually caught one of these cockroaches -
depending on the bar code - a person could win anywhere
from $100 to a Volkswagen Bug to the grand prize of
Aside from
how bazaar that was - thinking about the size of the US
- what opportunity would anyone have of finding the
million dollar cockroach?
Its impossible. (1)
Which is
often how we feel about the Christian life. Its hard -
knowing where most of us live our lives - its hard to
get a grip on Pentecost - on pentecostal living. God empowering
His people to transform the world of men - compelling us
to move beyond the familiar - the ordinary. Most of us are
just trying to reach ordinary. We hear the
wake up call. The
alarm goes off. But
we hesitate. We
often see ourselves as inadequate for what we know we’re
called to. Which
nags at us. We can
compare ourselves to others: “They’re more
educated. They’re
more gifted at sharing.
They’ve got more time or more experience.” Or looking
at Creekside we can compare ourselves to other churches: “Such-and-such a
church has X number of people attending. They have this
ministry or that staff.”
Who cares? What God may
do through others isn’t the issue. Our feelings
of inadequacy - what often are excuses we hide behind -
all that isn’t the issue. The question
is: How
does God desire to use us to impact the places where we do life with His
gospel? What
does that mean? Billy
Graham, in his book, The Holy Spirit, shares about a man who looked at the obituary
column of his local newspaper. Have you heard this? To his surprise he saw his own name -
indicating that he had just died. At first he
laughed about it. But
pretty soon his stunned friends and family began to call
to inquire and offer sympathy to this man’s immediate
family. Finally, in irritation, he called
the newspaper editor and angrily reported that - even
though he had been reported dead - he was very much
alive. The
editor was apologetic and in a flash of inspiration said, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. Tomorrow I’ll
put your name in the birth column.” (2) Here’s the
spiritual truth: We
need to die in order live.
We need to first come to the Passover. To let go of
our idea that life is about us and what we do for God. To trust God
with our lives. Imagine the
disciples trying to go out and witness - obeying God -
living for God by their own power and cleverness. Ever been
there? Real
quick we come face to face with our own inadequacy. Living and
witnessing of Jesus in our own power only proves our
inadequacy. No
wonder we hesitate.
Why would anyone ever be attracted to Jesus if
all they see are our stumbling efforts at doing life? Jesus said,
“Wait in
Jerusalem.” To wait is to die. To totally
surrender ourselves to God - His timing and work in our
lives. To
die to ourselves so that the only thing living in us is
of God. So
that when people look at our lives they see only God at
work. The
witness is of God. Jesus said,
“Don’t be anxious
how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what
you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not
you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking
through you.” (Matthew
Which is
Pentecost. The
world-wide witness of the Church is impossible without
the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit. Dying leaves
us wide open to the work of the Holy Spirit in and
through us. The
Holy Spirit came. He took these 120
disciples - gathered together - held together only by a
mutual experience with Jesus Christ - He baptizes them
into one Body - infills them - empowers them -
transforms them into the Church of Jesus Christ - to
boldly proclaim the gospel - beginning with that crowd in Jerusalem - and transforming the world of men. ___________________ 1. AP Broadcast
Publication date: 2000-05-03 - KCBS web site 2. Billy Graham, The Holy Spirit, Word Books, Waco,
Texas, 1978, page 211 Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |