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EMPOWERED Acts 2:1-13 Series: Who We Are - Part Three Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 26, 2019 |
are in study of the first 2 chapters of the Book of
Acts looking at Who We Are as the church - as
Creekside. Which
is not a question, “Who are we?” But we're exploring
the answer - this is who we are. We’ve
looked at two truths so far from chapter 1: We are
witnesses and we are members. If you were
unable to be with us those messages are online. We
are witnesses of the gospel of Jesus Christ - here in
Merced and wherever God may use us as witnesses. Which on
some level might cause us to seize up. What that
might mean. Just
from the perspective of sharing the gospel with people
here in Merced - being intentional about that. We’re not
all gifted evangelists.
But we are all called to witness. The
scope of that might be a tad overwhelming to think
about. And
that, in Christ we’re members of Christ’s church is
also a tad intimidating.
What that means in terms of mutual
accountability and mutual submission and commitment to
each other to being here - consistently - regularly -
as a priority that re-orientates whatever else is
going on in our lives.
Just thinking about that - in the midst of what
else is going on in our lives - is overwhelming. It makes us
tired just thinking about what that might mean. What’s
on the wall here:
Love God - Love Others - Serve the Church -
Serve the World - what it means to be Creekside. To do all
that with excellence that honors God as God deserves
to be honored is pretty intense to think about. Which
is why what we’re looking at today is so crucial for
us to make sure we’re clear on. The
empowering we need to be all that doesn’t come from
us. Which
would lead to epic crash and burn failure if it did. The
empowering we need to be the church comes from God. In Christ, we are
empowered to be Christ’s church. Let’s
say that together:
“We are empowered.” To
quote Allistair Begg - a quote that probably will
sound familiar and may sound familiar again at some
point: A church is not a homogeneous club of
people like us with whom we would naturally like to go
on vacation. Rather,
it is a supernatural fellowship of people very unlike
us in whom we are bound in Christ. (1) Creekside
- we are - a supernatural fellowship of generally
unlike people bound together by God in Christ
according to God’s purposes - as witnesses and members
- for God’s glory.
How does that happen? Answer: God. Quoting
Thabiti Anyabwile - another hopefully familiar quote: Whether your Christian life began
yesterday or thirty years ago, the Lord’s intent is
that you play an active and vital part in His body,
the local church.
He intends for you to experience the local
church as a home more profoundly wonderful and
meaningful than any other place on earth. (2) What
God intends - which is amazing and good - for His
glory - what God intends, God empowers. Please
join me at Acts 2. This morning as we
come together before God’s word if you would allow me
to mispronounce the names of these people and places
for us - let me read for us beginning at verse 1. When the day of Pentecost arrived, they
were all together in one place. And suddenly
there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing
wind, and it filled the entire house where they were
sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared
to them and rested on each one of them. And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to
speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them
utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem
Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this
sound the multitude came together, and they were
bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in
his own language.
And they were amazed and astonished,
saying, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is
it that we hear, each of us in his own native
language? Parthians
and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia,
Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and
Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to
Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and
proselytes, Cretans and Arabians—we hear them telling
in our own tongues the mighty works of God.” And all were amazed and perplexed, saying
to one another, “What does this mean?” But others
mocking said, “They are filled with new wine.” We
are going to divide these verses up into 3 easier to
digest sections.
Section one is Pentecost. Verses 1 to
4. Since
this a very familiar passage - and we are at the end
of a school year - it seems appropriate to test our
knowledge and take s short quiz. So, if you
will get out your mental styluses... Question #1: Where does
the name Pentecost come from? Answer: It comes
from the Greek number “pente” meaning 50 because it
falls 50 days after the Passover Sabbath. Pentecost
being the Greek name for Shavout or The Feast of Weeks
which is the Jewish Festival that takes place 50 days
after Passover. Question #2: What was
Pentecost, Shavout, or The Feast of Weeks?
is impossible today because there’s no… Temple in
Jerusalem. Which
was also true - back in Leviticus 23 - when God gave
the instructions for Shavout. Back in
Leviticus - God’s people were camped at Mount Sinai -
just after being freed from Egypt. Possessing
Jerusalem wasn’t even on the radar. No
Jerusalem. No
temple. God’s
instructions are a significant prophetic statement by
God. God
promising His people that one day they’d possess the
promised land. Raise
crops there. First
fruits that they’d be able to bring to a Temple yet to
be built in Jerusalem.
Which God did.
God gave His people the land, crops, and the
Temple. Which
is about our having faith in God. Faith in the
God who always does what God says God will do. God’s
people had to have faith in God when they brought
their first fruits to God - like when we tithe of our
finances - or give of our God given time and abilities
- they’re trusting that God will take care of their
needs. If
God doesn’t come through with second fruits - the next
harvest - or our next pay check - we’re going hungry. But we have
faith in God. What
God says God will do God will do. Pentecost
or shavout is about faithfully and obediently trusting
the God Who supplies everything His people need. What God
intends, God empowers.
Question #3: What are the
other 2 great annual festivals? Answer: Passover
and… Tabernacles. The
first - in the order of how these festivals were
celebrated during the year - the first festival on the
calendar was Passover.
What Jesus had celebrated with His disciples. The
second festival was Pentecost which comes... 50 days
after Passover. The
third festival was Tabernacles that came at the end of
the harvest approximately 4 months after Pentecost. In the fall
- in September or October - depending on how it falls
on the calendar. It
is important for us to see how those three festivals
are linked. How
they connect the dots of what we’ve been studying
through for 2 plus years. Genesis to
Revelation. God’s
big picture. Adam’s
fall - our depravity and sin. What God is
doing to restore what our sin has removed us from
which is a righteous relationship with Him. The Good
News - Gospel - of Jesus Christ. And where we
fit into all that as the Church of Jesus Christ. Hang
on to something.
There’s a reason why we’re looking at all this. On
one hand, Pentecost was connected with faith and
obedience and first fruits and the harvest. What was
taking place about now. On
the other hand - Pentecost - in the time of Jesus -
Pentecost in traditional Judaism is also tied to the
giving of the Ten Commandments. Israel
camping at the foot of Mount Sinai. Moses on the
mountain. Which
- according to Exodus 19 - which took place 50 days
after the Exodus - meaning Passover. Passover -
then 50 days later - Moses on Mount Sinai. Pentecost. Passover
being the festival that celebrated God’s redeeming
Israel - buying them out of their bondage in Egypt. Think
bondage to the sin of this world. God
delivering them - saving them from all that - through
the shedding and application of the blood of the
Passover lamb. Meaning
Israel’s first born live. Right? Because...
the lamb’s blood is applied to the door posts and
lintels. God
passes over His people.
Egypt’s first born get dead. And God’s
people get out of Egypt free. Our
hearing in that, the cross and our redemption from
bondage to this world and our sin - and our
deliverance - our salvation - by the blood of the Lamb
of God - Jesus - us hearing all that in Passover, is
intentional. Pentecost
- the giving of the Ten Commandments - what unites
God’s people together in what it means to be God’s
people to live as God’s people in faithful obedience
to God - is tied to that.
third festival is... Tabernacles. Which is the
harvest festival that takes place in the fall. Four months
later. How
many months? Four. Meaning
in the four months between Pentecost and Tabernacles
seeds are planted - raised - and in the fall… crops
are harvested. Jesus
told His disciples:
“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four
months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell
you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are
white for harvest…”
(John 4:35-38) Jesus
point comes in verse 38:
“I sent you to reap…” “It’s time
to harvest.” “Go
harvest.” The
work of the Church - saved by the blood of the Lamb -
Passover - united and empowered by the Holy Spirit at
Pentecost - harvesting - witnessing until the return
of Jesus - Tabernacles - when we - His harvest - are
gathered in and up to heaven. We’re
together? How
these festivals connect.
Where Pentecost - and the coming of the Holy
Spirit - is all part of what God has been
intentionally doing since before Adam. The
significance of Pentecost for us today. So
it’s Pentecost. Jerusalem
is packed with people.
In the midst
of this large crowd gathered for Pentecost and the
festival - are about 120
disciples that we talked about
last Sunday - a pretty diverse group. Gathered
together in one place.
Probably near the Temple. Disciples
- faithfully and obediently - doing what Jesus
instructed them to do.
Waiting together in Jerusalem until the Holy
Spirit came upon them so they can move out as
witnesses of Jesus - harvesters. Question
#4: Why a
mighty rushing wind? Answer: The Greek
word “pneuma” is used for both wind and spirit. Wind being a
demonstration of God the Holy Spirit at work. Jesus
said, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you
hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes
from or where it goes.
So it with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) Ezekiel
prophesied of the wind as the breath of God blowing
over dry bones in a valley and filling them with new
life. Something
that the Jews were looking forward to as what would
usher in the Messianic age. (Ezekiel
37:9-14) This
sound of wind rushing and filling the entire house
displays the coming of the almighty God powerfully,
intimately, personally blowing into the disciples -
all of them - renewing them - empowering them as
witnesses of the Messiah Jesus. Question #5: Why what
appears to be divided tongues of fire?
John prophesied that
the Messiah’s disciples would be baptized “with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” (Luke 3:16). The fire
appears like little tongues. Individual
tongues resting on each individual disciple -
empowering each individual disciple member of Christ’s
church. Meaning
what was - in the Old Covenant - the dwelling of God
with the nation of Israel - now with the New Covenant
established by Jesus - the presence of God rests on
each believer. “Tongues as of fire” - verse 3 - and “other tongues” - verse 4 - are the same word in Greek
“glossa” - which can either mean the tongue - meaning
our physical tongue - or a tongue - meaning a
language. “Other”
means… “other.” A
language different - other than - what they were
speaking. “Utterance”
isn’t whispering quietly. Shhh… It’s
bold. Out
there - declaring by the power and working of the Holy
Spirit - the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation!!! Life!!! Mighty
rushing wind - hurricane force - history altering
witnessing. The
emphasis of wind and fire and tongues is the personal
relationship the disciples have with God through the
work of Jesus on the cross. Their
individual redemption and witnessing of that
redemption by the power and working of the Holy
Spirit. Let’s
pull all that together. The
disciples - those who are saved by the work of The
sacrificed lamb Jesus - think Passover - who are in
Jerusalem because Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem
so that when the Holy Spirit came upon them - God
enabling them to live as His people - think Pentecost
- they would be empowered to be His witnesses from
Jerusalem outward - harvesters - think Tabernacles. We
have no record of Jesus’ saying how long they needed
to wait or what that empowering would be like. But they’re
waiting obediently and faithfully. We’re going
to be witnesses - harvesters. That’s who
we are. Serve
the world - witness of Jesus. Serve the
world. 50
days after the resurrection… 10 days after Jesus said
wait - the disciples are waiting - in one accord -
praying - preparing - expecting the fulfillment of
what Jesus said would happen. Which
is the personal response to God part of Pentecost -
Shavout - faith and obedience. Being
exactly where they needed to be in order to be
empowered and used by God in His - Genesis to
Revelation - big picture - this is what I’m doing to
deal with your sin and restore you to relationship
with Me - and how you are a part of what I’m doing. We
live in an instant society. Instant
communication. Instant
gratification. Instant
information. Instant
food. Instant
recognition. Instant
results. We
don’t do patient well.
Waiting… We
sometimes wonder why God doesn’t move. Why certain
things don’t happen - maybe in our lives or in our
family or our kids - or the community or here at
Creekside. We’re
grinding away at grinding away. Hanging on
and hanging in. Looking
for results that don’t seem to be happening. How
with everything else going on in my life am I suppose
to witness and do
the member thing that seems like just one more thing
on my list? Where
in all of that is this abundant life that Jesus is
talking about? Where
is the powerful working of the Spirit? Which
is hard because our faithful and obedient waiting
doesn’t come with an expiration date that we get to
put on the label.
10 days or 50 or whatever. The moving
of the Spirit and the timing of that is a God thing. Which
should be encouraging.
Hard. But
encouraging. Waiting
with expectation for God to move. The Holy
Spirit will come.
God in His time will blow through us. Fire will
come. Witnessing
will commence. The
power and presence of God working in and through us. In
His time and His way - God will do what is way beyond
our imagining. The
abundant amazing reality of life with the living God
is there waiting as promised. Sometimes
God gives us glimpses of Him at work while we’re
waiting. Because
He is working. Which
is hugely exciting to think about. And also
hugely challenging. Because
all that means we need to be on God’s time schedule
for what God will do - not our time schedule with our
expectations of what we want God to do. We’re
together? Great
astounding promises.
Faithful and obedient while waiting. What God
intends, God empowers.
to verse 5 - what comes next is Combustion. What happens
when all that comes together. And at this sound the multitude came
together, and they were bewildered, because each one
was hearing them speak in his own language. The
Greek word translated “language” is “dialektos” which
is where we get our English word… “dialect.” English
is divided into 3 main dialects which are? British,
Australasia, and North American. Those three
main divisions get subdivided down into an amazing
number of local really diverse dialects to the point
where people speaking one dialect of English are
almost unintelligible to someone speaking another
dialect of English.
Meaning - basically you gots to be from there
to understand what’s being said. Point
being: These are
uneducated fisherman - from Galilee - which has its own
dialect. And
they’re speaking using the local dialects of the people gathered in Jerusalem from
all over the place.
The disciples not only have the different
dialects right - all the local vocabulary and idioms -
they’ve even got the accent down. They’re
speaking like they were natives - born and raised in
all those different places. The
word for “bewildered” has the idea of brain freeze. “Amazed”
meaning totally confused. “Astonished”
meaning totally at a loss for words - speechless. These
pilgrims from all these different places were hearing
this and their brains locked up - overloaded - by
trying to process all that. Looking at the map
makes what the Holy Spirit is doing here so much more
brain freezing. “Parthians and
Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia - are all to the east of Jerusalem - then to
the north - Judea
and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phyrgia and Pamphylia - Roman
provinces of Asia Minor - then south and west to - Egypt and the parts of
Lybia belonging to Cyrene - in
northern Africa - then west - visitors
from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and - lastly southeast - Arabs. Pilgrims
from all
over the known world - from every nation they’d come to Jerusalem for Pentecost - with the sound of the
rushing wind this huge crowd had been attracted to these
120 disciples - and now they said, “we hear them telling in our own tongues - our own languages -
the mighty works of God.”
number one - verse 12:
“What does this mean?” That
question resonates... even today. What does
this mean for us as a congregation? As
individuals? To
where we live our lives today? Response
number two: “They’re filled with new wine.” They’re drunk. Which is the
often the response from people who refuse to
acknowledge the working of God and how they need to
respond to His working.
It must be something else. It must have
some natural explanation. If we were to keep
reading in chapter 2 - where we’re going next Sunday -
Peter gets up and gives a more complete answer to the
question. This
is what this means.
But for our purposes this morning - in a
nutshell Peter’s answer is this: The reason for the wind and the
little fires and all these people speaking in different
languages - your dialects
- the reason for Pentecost - shaout
- isn’t because they’re
drunk. It’s
because each of them is a Holy Spirit empowered
witness to each of you.
This is about God at work. God doing
what God promised He would do. God who’s
been working through-out our history. God who
raised up from the dead the Jesus whom you crucified. Jesus who is
both the Lord and the Messiah - the Savior. You need to
choose how you’re going to respond to God at work. Peter
who’s waited in Jerusalem. Peter who’s
been empowered by the Holy Spirit. Peter who
answers the question - witnessing of Jesus. And about
3,000 people repent of their sins. Become
followers of Jesus.
They become
Holy Spirit empowered witnesses of Jesus. Processing all that…
thinking about what it means for us to be
empowered by God for what He intends for us. Christians
have lost so much time and wasted so many resources
endlessly debating types of tongues and infillings and
baptizings and giftings and losing sight of the big
picture of what God has been doing since before Adam. Language - signs - spiritual gifting -
these are all tools - means - to accomplish the great
purpose of the Church on earth - which is to
proclaim the salvation of God - to be witnesses of
Jesus Christ in the time that
remains. When
eternity comes the Church - those of us who
are members of
Christ’s church - the saving blood of the Lamb having
been applied to our lives - the Church will enter into eternity
with God. The opportunity to witness - to
invite others to salvation - to
join us in eternity will be gone forever. Which
is true. Yes? But
hearing that is like listening to some of the speeches
given at a graduation.
“I’d like to thank my parents, my
teachers…” “We’ve
changed so much.”
“After all the hard work we finally made it.” “Go class of
2019!” And
this scary thought:
“It’s our turn to make our mark in the
world.” Which
we can smile at - because - those of us who’ve been
around the block a couple times - while we may
appreciate the optimism in that we realize they have
no clue about what comes next. God
has a work that He desires to do in us and through us
- what God intends, God empowers - intellectually that
makes sense. But
at the heart level that’s intimidating because none of
us has a clue about what comes next. Which is
where we began. Being
the church - just personally following Jesus - that
can - at times - be overwhelming. Knowing
where most of us live our lives - it’s hard to get a
grip on Pentecost - on pentecostal living. God
empowering His people to transform the world of men -
compelling us to move beyond the familiar - the
ordinary. Be
witnesses. Be
members. Most
of us are just trying to reach ordinary. Grab
this: Pentecostal
living - living empowered by the Holy Spirit - isn’t
about clinging to our little picture of how God does
things. Or,
about comparing ourselves to anyone else or the
circumstances of someone else. Or, how hard
we have it or what we have to struggle with. Or, our
getting hung up on our feelings of failure and
inadequacy. Or,
our being fearful and wondering how we’ll ever survive
what comes next. Being
empowered by the Holy Spirit is about moment by moment
- yielding our lives - in faithful obedience to God
for whatever He intends for us - knowing that He will
empower us - He will supply to us all we need to live
in faithful obedience to Him. Thinking
about that in real time... Ever see these “most
dangerous selfies”?
What is probably counter intuitive for most of
us. Palm
sweating just to look at. Jesus
said, “Wait in Jerusalem.” That’s counter
intuitive to how we live. Counter
intuitive to our tendency to want to control our
lives. To
protect self. To
reason things out.
To struggle on.
Even to jump ahead of God. “Wait in Jerusalem” is taking the
intellectual of what Jesus taught His disciples and
bringing down to heart level obedience. Which is the
day-to-day learning to wait on God - the counter
intuitive yielding to God - that teaches us to heart
level have faith in Him. Here’s the spiritual
truth: We
need to die in order live. We need to
yield in order to be. We
need to first come to the Passover. To let go of
our idea that life is about us. To die to
all that. To
confess and repent and turn from the sin of all that. Choosing
moment-by-moment in all our circumstances to turn to
God and to trust God with our lives. Which is
Pentecost. In
faith, yielding to God.
real time that means that we must be constantly
soaking up and saturated in God’s Word. Looking at
and listening to what God has taught and commanded. We
need to be in continual prayer. Talking with
and listening to God - seeking Him in all things we’ve
got going on. We
need to learn to wait on Him. Not run
ahead or fall behind but moving when and how and where
He moves us forward for what He intends for us. We
need to be intentional - giving priority to gathering
for worship and study and service and accountability
with other members of Christ’s church. Local. Here. Creekside. So God can
uses us in each other’s lives to keep us yielded and
yielding to Him. Love
God - Love Others - Serve the Church - Serve the World
- is crucial to what is a life long - real time -
process of experiences that God uses to take head
knowledge and cement it into our hearts and actions -
to teach us and mature us in what it means to yield
our lives in faithful obedience to Him. Which
is the bottom line of living the Christian life. Of being the
church. To
die to ourselves so that the only thing living in us
is of God. So
that when people look at our lives they see only God
at work. The
witness is of God.
is Pentecost. The
world-wide witness of the Church - living the
Christian life - impossible without the indwelling and
empowering of the Holy Spirit. But by the
Spirit it is possible.
Yielding leaves us wide open to the work of the
Holy Spirit in and through us. Amazing -
astonishing potential. Say
it together with me:
“What God intends, God empowers.” _______________ Series
references: Thabiti
M. Anyabwile, What Is A Healthy Church Member? (Wheaton, Il,
Crossway Books, 2008) Mark
Dever, What Is A Healthy Church? (Wheaton,
IL, Crossway Books, 2007) Charles
R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 5:
Insights on Acts (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016) Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |