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DEVOTED TO BREAKING BREAD Acts 2:42-47 Series: Who We Are - Part Eight Pastor Stephen Muncherian June 30, 2019 |
If you are able -
would you please stand with me as we come before God
and His word this morning. Would you
read with me our text for today: Acts
2:42-47. And they devoted themselves to the
apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking
of bread and the prayers. And awe came
upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being
done through the apostles. And all who
believed were together and had all things in common. And they
were selling their possessions and belongings and
distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple
together and breaking bread in their homes, they
received their food with glad and generous hearts,
praising God and having favor with all people. And the Lord
added to their number day by day those who were being
saved. Some
brief back fill to get us up to speed together. We’ve
been studying the first 2 chapters of Acts. Seeking to
understand more of who we are as the church locally
gathered here as Creekside. What that
means. The
potential of what God has for us together. We’ve
seen that we are members of the church - witnesses
of the gospel - empower by the Holy Spirit - wo are
convicted and converted.
Verse 42 begins: “they devoted themselves…” Which is our introduction to what all
those “we ares” looks like in the real time of real
life for those of us generally unlike people who are
bound together, by God, in Christ. Being
devoted is being committed. 100% being
“all in” for the long haul. “Themselves” meaning
they did it together - with each other and for each
other. These believers were
- and we are to be - devoted - steadfast -
unswervingly “all in” committed 24/7/365 to what it
means to be the church gathered here together. As we’ve been going
through Acts, we’ve seen that they were - and we are
to be - devoted together to the apostle’s teaching. Which today
we have in the Bible.
Second - we saw that
they were devoted to the fellowship. Which is the
life that God gives us together in Christ. Being
devoted to each other. That’s the back fill. Which is
online. Moving forward -
we’re coming to the next quality of being the church
that they were devoted to. That we need
to be devoted to.
Being devoted together to… “the breaking of bread.” Which, as tempting as
it might be to think that is about breaking bread this
really isn’t so much about breaking bread but about
what breaking bread represents. Luke using that term
“breaking bread” is bringing together - mingling
together - two core essentials in the life of the
early church that they were devoted to. The big picture of
that is what’s on the wall here: Breaking
bread is about Loving God and Loving Others. The real time
example of that is in verse 46: And day by day, attending the
temple together and breaking bread in their homes,
they received their food with glad and generous
hearts, praising God and having favor with all people. Briefly unpacking
that: “day by day - meaning daily - meaning each day. Meaning
nothing else that they could have been doing got in
the way of them doing this. “Day by day [they were] attending the temple together…” “Attended” is a weak translation of the same Greek
word that’s translated earlier as “devoted.” Meaning that they did more than just show
up once in a while to attend services there. They were
all - daily - continually participating together at
the Temple. Which - let’s be
careful - which is more about what they did there at
the temple rather than the location - being at the
temple. The temple was
religiously and culturally significant. It was the
physical heart of Israel’s relationship with God. It’s where
God’s people knew to gather and worship God even
before becoming followers of Jesus. Coming to
faith in Jesus, the believers continued to gather
there for worship and to hear God’s word taught. Nothing distracted
them or kept them away from being 100% daily all in
“devoted” to being together at the Temple to worship
God. Love God. And they gave daily
priority - we’re devoted - to breaking bread in their homes. Smaller gatherings of less than 3,000
people met in homes.
Given the square footage of where most of us
live that makes logistical sense. In homes - smaller
groups gathered where... they received their food with glad
and generous hearts, praising God and having favor
with all people.” The early church
would meet in homes to enjoy a meal together - sing
hymns - read Scripture - hear teaching - and then at
the end of the meal - the high point of all of that
would be taking bread and wine together according to
Jesus’ instructions given to His disciples during the
Passover Meal. Jesus
recasting the images of the bread and the cup to
represent His body and His blood. The bread and wine
were eaten and drunk in remembrance of Jesus as a
means of having communion with the Lord Himself and
through Him with each other. The
celebration of the life we have together in Christ
because of Christ that is with Christ. Love Others. “The breaking of bread” describes the mingling of those two
essentials. The coming together
of Loving God - worship - and Loving Others -
communion - that God uses to grow us in Christ
likeness and to bring us to the fullness and depth and
unity of life together and with God - the joy and
testimony of being the church - that God desires to
bless us with and to use for His glory. That is a mouthful. We need to
slow down and understand the crucial significance of
that for ourselves.
What is God opening up to us? The great
potential of that.
What does “breaking bread” means for us. First - breaking
bread means Worship. Love
God. Hang on to this: Worship is
all about... God.
Not us. To
God alone be the glory. Paul writes - Romans
12:1 - writing to the Christians in Rome about how God
desires for us to worship Him. Paul writes: I appeal to you therefore,
brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your
bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to
God, which is your spiritual worship. We need to hear this: Worship is
our God given choice to daily commit all that we are
to God - laying ourselves without reservation on the
altar before Him - for His glory alone. We need to hear that
and let that sink into the deep parts of who we are. Way too easy we trend
towards worship being about us. What we get
out of worship. What
we bring to worship.
How well we’re worshiping. Who’s shows
up at worship. Where
we sit during worship. Worship - styles of
worship - music - liturgy - ritual - how the Bible is
taught or not - who gets to lead in worship - has been
a divisive issue in the Church in the United States
for a lot of years.
Divisive in a lot of places for a lot of years. It’s not a stretch -
given the diverse backgrounds of the church in Rome
that Paul’s writing to - that worship was an issue
with them as well.
2,000 years of us struggling not to focus on
ourselves in worship. Isaac Watts’ hymn, When I Survey The Wondrous Cross reflects what Paul is urging us to. Listen to
these words. When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. Without God calling
us to Himself we are alone and hopeless and forever
doomed. And
yet, God has - by His grace and mercy and love - God
has saved us - atoned us - redeemed us - renewed us -
even forgiven us.
God has adopted us. Made us one
in Christ. God
has called us to together - given us the ability -
shown us how - to together worship Him. Worship that
transcends the pettiness of what we focus on and
divide over. Worship
that triumphs over our egos and what we expect to get
out of worship - what the worship experience is
suppose to do for us.
Worship that brings
us to the cross - and falling down prostrate before
God - in total surrender of our lives to cry out in
desperation for Him to free us from the encumbrance of
our selves and our sin that we might worship Him
alone. Sometimes - as we’re
orientating our lives around our schedules and what is
important to us - sometimes we lose touch with the
reality that it is God Who gathers us into His
presence. Worship
is because of His initiative - not ours. We are to
respond to His commands - His words. This is His
anointed space. We
are in the presence of the transcendent living and
holy God our creator and redeemer. God is THE
central reality of all true worship. When we begin to
understand worship as God calls us to worship Him -
that is worship which God uses to bring us together in
Christ. To
build us up as the church. To enable
and empower us to live by faith together as we focus
not on ourselves but on God who alone is worthy of
worship. That’s
worship that God uses to bring glory to Himself. Second - breaking
bread means Communion. Love
Others. The high point - the
climax - of the early church’s small group - in homes
- fellowship around food - the high point of that
gathering was sharing together communion - taking
together the symbols of Christ’s body and blood. Sharing
together what symbolized not only their relationship
with Christ but also their relationship together
because of Christ. In order to think
about what that means for us we’re going to jump over
to Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. Following the example
of the Jerusalem church - the church in Corinth -met together in homes for prayer - preaching -
praise and worship.
Then they shared a meal together. Then
communion. As good as that may
sound, we know that Paul was writing to a congregation
that below the surface was deeply divided. Paul’s
letter isn’t filled with a lot of warm fuzzy fist
bumps and high fives.
But filled with deep concern for the ungodly
fractures in their fellowship that climaxed in
communion. In chapter 11 - in
what is a familiar passage - Paul focuses on the
“breaking of bread” and communion as the fault line of
that division. Instead of
sharing their food and rejoicing together over a meal
- rejoicing together over God’s provision
and blessing of their lives. Instead of recognizing that it was
during a meal that Jesus directed His followers as to
how they should remember Him. Instead
of being impressed and humbled by the grace of God and
His mercy extended to them. Instead of sharing and
rejoicing - there was a spirit of selfishness and
division. Cliques and
factions dominated.
The wealthy and powerful flaunted their
positions by gluttony and hoarding food in their own little groups. The poor and
the slaves were set aside and left hungry. It would be like
going first in line at a potluck and filling our plate
or two with food - strategically stacking as much as
we can arrange on the plate - and not really giving a
rip that at the end of the line it’s pretty slim
pickings. Not
caring that some at the end are doing without for the
sake of those stuffing themselves at the front. And then
choosing to sit with people like us - people we get
along with - and not seeing the opportunity to extend
fellowship to others. Paul says, if
all you’re getting together for is to eat and drink -
and focus on yourselves - if you’re not going to
care for each other - if you’re going to be
indifferent to the needs of those around you - if this gathering together is about you -
then stay home and spare the
Paul gives them an
illustration: For I received from the Lord what I also
delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night
when He was betrayed took bread, and when He had given
thanks, He broke it, and said, “This is My body which
is for you. Do
this in remembrance of me.” In the same
way also He took the cup, after supper, saying, “This
cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as
often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” For as often
as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim
the Lord’s death until He comes.” (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) Familiar verses. Yes? It’s helpful to see
those verses in the context of Paul bringing the
Corinthian church back to Jesus. Back to
where our heart attitude should be at potlucks or any
time we gather. Jesus - on the night
of His betrayal leading to the crucifixion - Jesus as
He’s serving and sharing the Passover Meal - Jesus is
teaching about His death. Jesus is sharing with
Peter who Jesus knows will deny Him. Sharing with
Thomas who will doubt Him. Serving the
others who will disbelieve and deny and desert Him. Even serving
Judas who He knows will betray Him. Jesus taught: “Greater love has no one than this,
that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) Jesus commands us: “A new commandment I give you, that
you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love
one another. By
this all people will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another.” (John
13:34,35). As we gather, is our
heart in sync with Jesus’ heart? A young mother was
preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, age 5 and
Ryan, age 4. As
they sat at the kitchen table waiting, the boys began
to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother, seeing
an opportunity for a moral lesson, reminded them, “If Jesus was sitting at our table,
He would say, ‘Mom, please let my brother have the
first pancake. I
can wait.’” Kevin then turned to
his younger brother and said, “Ryan, you be Jesus!” It’s not the food. It’s the
fellowship. Which
is all about our relationship... to God. Individually
and collectively.
Communion is the high point expression of who
we are with Christ - in Christ - because of Christ.
But then Paul warns
them - but if you participate with a wrong heart level attitude - take
communion together without sitting down
together as one body in Christian fellowship with the depth of what that means - then you are as guilty as those who
betrayed Jesus and sent Him to the cross. Are we hearing Paul? When we’re
taking communion, we’re either proclaiming Jesus or
we’re proclaiming ourselves. Taking
communion together either draws us closer
together or drives us apart and into condemnation. Paul writes - 1
Corinthians 11:28, “Let a person examine himself…” Which we’ve heard. Yes? To examine means
testing - discerning - an honest assessment of what’s
really going on in our hearts in order to have what’s
going on in our hearts what God wants going on in our
hearts. It is crucial
for us to take Paul’s warning seriously. That
we do that honest assessment of what’s really going on
in our hearts by inviting God to make that assessment
and to invite God to make the necessary corrections. Because
2,000 years of church history tells us that we all
struggle with this.
Communion especially
- but any time we gather - or in whatever God calls us
to do together - we need to individually and
collectively - we need God to do His work in our
hearts that we would love each other sacrificially as
Jesus commands us to love each other - and by His work
within us to enable us to experience together the
depth of God glorifying fellowship of what it means to
be in Christ - with Christ - because of Christ. What Paul is doing
here in these verses is helping the Corinthians to
look at their actions and so to examine their
relationships with others in the church. To do a
heart level attitude check. Which
encourages us to do a heart level - opening our lives
to God - examining our heart attitude in relationship
with others here at Creekside. Breaking of bread
mingles worship - Love God - with the fellowship of
communion - Love Others. 100% all in devotion
- being committed to that as the priority of our lives
- to the breaking of bread opens us up - individually
and as a congregation - opens us up to God using
worship and communion to draw us closer to each other
and to Him. Processing
all that… Hang on to this: We need to
be devoted to the breaking of bread - loving God -
loving others - because we need each other and because
together we need God. A few years back I
came across an article written by Jason Johansen. The title of
the article is “Going to Church Alone.” Jason writes, “About 10 years ago, I grew disillusioned
with the church I had attended all my life. I continued
to attend, but I avoided the people there. I kept
greetings brief and conversations superficial. I came late
and left quickly after the service. It surprised
me how easy it was to hide in plain sight in church,
especially when I had been active there my whole life. What
surprised me even more since then is how common this
experience is.” (1) Does that resonate? Maybe that’s
how you’re feeling this morning? It is deeply
concerning how alone we can feel in a group - even
with people that we’ve been around for a very long
time. That
we know a whole lot about. But don’t
really know. Or
that don’t really know us. Or don’t
even seem to want to know us. Even people
that we worship with and fellowship with. For as long as people
have been people we have a desire to know others and
to be known. Not
just superficially.
But to have relationships where people
genuinely know and care about us - what moves us on
the heart level.
Where there are people that we know who we know
will watch our backs.
Will help us up when we stumble. And where we
can do that for others. And yet - reality
check - in the places where we
do life - for as long as people have
been people - there is always a struggle for us to resist that.
To pull back from that level of intimacy. Ironically, we fear
the intimacy we crave. All of which doesn’t
change suddenly when we talk about being the church. Isolation
happens. The
danger being that we can come here and do worship
together - maybe even share a cup of coffee - and
leave without ever having experienced a meaningful
relationship with anyone. What it
means for us to experience being the church God
intends for us to be. The writer of
Hebrews encourages us:
“Let us consider [we need to be devoted together - we need
to be thinking together - to find ways together] to stir up one another [to push each other forward and encourage
each other] to love and good works [at the heart level and in our actions -
to be what it means to live together as Christ’s Body], not neglecting [not abandoning or deserting or letting
slide or giving a lesser priority] to meet together [but to be devoted to our gathering as
the church - not to neglect that gathering], as is the habit of some [which is the custom of some claiming to
be Christians - which in all honesty comes naturally
to all of us], but encouraging one another, and all the
more as you see the Day [Jesus is coming back] drawing near.” [there’s a crucial urgency to this] (Hebrews 10:24,25) The joy of being the
church - the depth of community - the spiritual growth
and character development and heart level
transformation - our own heart level peace and
wholeness and deepening relationship with God - the
potential for being a loving local expression of the
Body of Christ that testifies of the good news of the
gospel in a way that attracts others to Christ - that
depth of unity in Christ is made possible only by the working of God
within us and through us as we choose to mutually be devoted - to be committed
to each other - as the Body of Christ. Breaking of bread -
loving God - loving others - is what God uses to draw
us into that. Because
in the breaking of bread we acknowledge together our
brokenness and isolation and wounding and inability
and fear and our desperation for God. In the breaking of
bread the focus is not on us but God. In the
breaking of bread our desire together is for the
presence and power of God alone. In the
breaking of bread our faith and trust is in Him alone. In the breaking of
bread we come together - pleading with God - God alone
Who can supernaturally bind together generally unlike
people and use them for His purposes and His glory. Which He
will do if we will trust Him to do that. We need to be devoted
to the breaking of bread - loving God - loving others
- because we need each other and because together we
need God. _______________ 1. “Going To Church Alone” - Jason Johansen,
Leadership Journal, Fall 2013 Series
references: Thabiti
M. Anyabwile, What Is A Healthy Church Member? (Wheaton, Il,
Crossway Books, 2008) Mark
Dever, What Is A Healthy Church? (Wheaton,
IL, Crossway Books, 2007) Charles
R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 5:
Insights on Acts (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016) Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |