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DEVOTED TO PRAYER Acts 2:42-47 Series: Who We Are - Part Nine Pastor Stephen Muncherian July 7, 2019 |
If you are able -
would you please stand with me as we come before God
and His word this morning - and as we read together
one more time today’s text - Acts 2:42-47. And they devoted themselves to the
apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking
of bread and the prayers. And awe came
upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being
done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and
had all things in common. And they
were selling their possessions and belongings and
distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple
together and breaking bread in their homes, they
received their food with glad and generous hearts,
praising God and having favor with all people. And the Lord
added to their number day by day those who were being
saved. This
morning is our last Sunday exploring who we are as the
church - gathered here - locally - as Creekside. Next Sunday
we’re going to be looking at Job and suffering. Which will
be lots of fun… and helpful. As we’ve been going
through the first 2 chapters of Acts - we’ve seen that
we are members of the church - witnesses of the gospel
- empower by the Holy Spirit - who are convicted and
bottom line of all that - with apologies to Alistair
Begg - is that...[read together] we are a supernatural
fellowship of generally unlike people bound together
by God and empowered by God - to be all of those “we
ares” and “devoted tos” - in Christ for God’s purposes
and for His glory. All
of which is backfill.
Should be familiar. And all of
which is online. This morning we are
coming to the last of the “devoted tos” which is
prayer. Specifically
- Luke records that the early church devoted
themselves to “the prayers.” Notice the definite
article. Not
just “prayer” but THE prayers. The
word is Greek is “proseuche” - which describes not
only the location of the prayer - meaning a place
designated for prayer - but also the type of prayer
offered. Meaning
formal prayer addressed to God. The
early church was devoted to regularly gathering
together in specific locations to pray together to
God. How
many of us would agree that prayer is important? All of us. Yes? How
many of us would agree that prayer is not only
important but that prayer is essential to what it
means to be follower of Jesus? All of us. Yes? How
many of us would agree that, at times, prayer is
difficult? Yes? Maybe
we don’t know what to pray or we’re just feeling
distant from God?
But it happens to all of us. Sometimes
prayer is difficult. Last
question. How
many of us would agree that, at times, prayer is not
our first response to what’s going on? Probably
more times that not.
All of us.
most of us - even having heard endless sermons on
prayer encouraging us to pray and knowing what we know
about prayer and God’s promises and all of that - for
most of us our knee jerk first reaction to things is
not to fall to our knees in prayer. Most of us
default to trying to reason things out on our own. And we fail
at that, then we start praying. That’s
reality. So,
can we all agree that prayer is important and that
there are times when we should be praying and we’re
not? And
that we all have room to grow when it comes to prayer? All of us
could be praying more.
Yes? So,
now that we have all that out of the way, can we also
agree that our purpose this morning is not to inflict
guilt about what we all agree is something we’re in
process on. We’re
good? What
is more helpful and even more challenging - as we’re
looking at these “devoted tos’ - is to be reminded
that one of the central things that the early church
devoted itself to was prayer. And in
seeing that to realize that we - all of us together -
are to be devoted to prayer... together. That
example of the early church needs to - and should -
speak to us as to what we all are to be devoted to
together to and the tremendous opportunity that God
opens up to us in prayer. What God
will do in us and through us if we will be devoted to
gathering together for prayer.
Exploring that
together this morning - here’s the big idea to hang on
to - as we consider what that can be like for us -
regularly gathering together for prayer - here’s the
big idea: Prayer is an act of faith. When
we pray we focus and direct our faith in specific
requests to God seeking to bring the resources of God
into the day-to-day circumstances of our lives. Prayer
is a - by faith - request that God do something. Let’s
be careful. Sometimes
we hear people say, “There’s power in prayer.” Or “I felt your prayers.” Like
prayer is a spiritual force that we control or that
the prayer itself has power. Let’s
be careful - when we act in faith and pray - we need
to be reminded that the spiritual authority and power
we have faith in - is not us - but God alone. Even
our faith is a gift of God’s grace. Not
something we achieve or increase by our own efforts. But God, by
His grace, is the source of even our faith. Sinclair
Ferguson writes:
“Faith is man in his weakness trusting in
God’s promise in His word. Only through
such weakness is the strength of God seen.” (1) So
in faith and in prayer - in every part of our lives -
we need to stay focused on God - dependent on God. And when we
struggle with that - when our faith is weak or
misplaced - we need to cry out to God - in prayer - to
help us. So
when we come together to pray - we’re coming together
and by faith acknowledging our individual and
corporate weakness - coming together before God and
trusting God to do what God has promised to do. And God uses
that act of our God given faith to draw us closer to
each other and to Him. We’re
kind of together on that? Maybe same
page but different paragraphs? Prayer
is an act of faith that God uses to draw us closer to
Him and to each other.
And that God responds to according to His will
and purposes. To help us think
through what that actually looks like - please turn
with me to Paul’s letter to the church gathered in
Colossae. Colossians
4 - starting at verse 2. Paul
writes: Continue steadfastly in prayer, being
watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same
time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door
for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on
account of which I am in prison—that I may make it
clear, which is how I ought to speak. (Colossians 4:2-4) Let’s
unpack that. First: Paul begins
“Continue steadfastly…” Which is The Priority of
Prayer. While Paul was on his way to
Jerusalem, he stopped for several days in Caesarea Maritima - on the
northern Mediterranean coast of Israel - at the home
of Philip the Evangelist. There was a prophet
there by the name of
Agabus. Through
Agabus - the Holy Spirit told Paul that when he went
to Jerusalem he would be captured by the Jews and
handed over to the Gentiles. The believers in Caesarea begged
Paul - pleaded with him - not to go to Jerusalem. “You’re gonna get arrested.” Paul went to Jerusalem knowing he was going
to be arrested. He
preached the
Gospel of Jesus Christ to the crowds that had gathered. Sure as
God’s word, Paul was seized by
the Jews and turned over to the Gentiles. The whole
city was in an uproar because of Paul and the Jews who were preparing to kill him. We
know that Paul
appealed his case to Caesar and was sent to Rome. It was in
Rome that Paul wrote this letter to the Colossians. He
writes in Colossians 4:3 - pray for me so that - even
in my imprisonment - facing death - God
will open a door of opportunity. That’s
Paul’s priority in asking for prayer: Pray that I will take
advantage of the opportunities God gives me to to
share Jesus with others. Paul’s letter to the
was also written during this same
imprisonment in Rome.
At the very end of Philippians, Paul makes a
statement that we could almost miss - just read right
by it.
Paul writes: “All
the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar’s
household.” (Philippians
4:22) That’s huge. Paul
writing about people in the Emperor’s service - slaves
- soldiers - most probably his guards. Guards -
employed by Caesar - who’d been chained to Paul every day
- his captive audience - that had to listen to his
sharing everyday God’s gospel truth
over and over and over again. Over time they’d come to trust in Jesus as their
Savior. Because Paul
stayed focused on Jesus, even the Emperor’s household
was responding to the Gospel. It wasn’t that Paul enjoyed being
arrested and thrown in prison - being beaten and
all of those miserable circumstances he went through. The ridicule
- even by his own people. But, Paul
saw prison as an opportunity to share Jesus with
others. Colossians
4:3 is why Paul is in prison. “To declare the mystery of Christ.” Who Jesus is. What it
means to have salvation and life in Him. We
need to grab onto that Paul’s prayer request isn’t for
release. “Woe is me.
Look how I’m suffering. Pray that
God will deliver me from this.” Paul’s
prayer request is that he will speak clearly. That he’ll
speak how he ought to speak - so the opportunity to
witness of the gospel won’t be lost. Paul could have
avoided Jerusalem all together. He could
have avoided Rome.
But he was praying - and calling on the
church gathered in Colossae and in Philippi - to join
him in prayer to be open and ready for the gospel
sharing opportunities that God would bring him to. Paul pleads with the Colossians - in verse 2 -
“Continue steadfastly in prayer...” “Steadfastly”
is the same word translated “devoted” in Acts 2. Be
continually 24/7/365 “all in” together devoted to
prayer with me. Give
priority to your prayer.
Don’t let anything or anyone distract you from
being in prayer.
For me. For
the sharing of the gospel. Which
is why God has us here in Merced. We are
witnesses of the gospel.
The witness of the church is the purpose of the
church on earth - here and now. Which we
need to be devoted together in prayer for - by faith
pleading with for that God - Who desires that all
mankind would come to salvation - that God will give
us those opportunities and that He will enable us to
witness clearly of Jesus. Second
- Prayer being an act of faith - what should that look
like for us? Paul
writes: “continue steadfastly in prayer, being
watchful in it” Which is about The Urgency of
Prayer. “Being watchful” Literally be alert in
prayer. Stay
awake in prayer.
Jesus - in the
garden of Gethsemane - just before He’s arrested - on
what is arguably the most significant night of His
ministry - before His betrayal - arrest - trial -
torture - crucifixion - and death - Jesus is doing
what? Praying. Jesus
tells the disciples, “Watch with me.” “Be alert
with Me in prayer.”
Greek word for “watch” that Paul uses in
Colossians. Then
Jesus leaves the disciples and goes deeper into the
garden to pray. When
He comes back He finds the disciples... sleeping. Jesus
rebukes them. Tells
them: “So, couldn’t you watch with me one hour. Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit
is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:36-46) Jesus
is praying in the Garden - alert - with the disciples
who are sleeping when they should have been praying. Sleeping
meaning overcome by their circumstances and wants and
perspective of all of what was going on - including a
great meal - a late night - and a quiet garden - and
we still don’t understand all of what Jesus was going
on about. Which
is very tempting for us as well. To be
distracted by whatever - rather than being in prayer. That
distraction can be getting caught up in politics and
culture and man’s great wisdom and understanding and
philosophy. It
could be what we do for recreation of how we spend
time as a family.
It could be our pursuit of a career or and
education. We
can get distracted by how we feel about our selves or
what we think other people think about us. We
can get distracted by what’s trending and endlessly
following links on YouTube or posting or liking the
latest meme on Facebook. We
can even be distracted by what we do at church -
hanging out together - serving together - but not
actually praying together. And even
when we gather for prayer sometimes we spend more time
talking about what we should pray about than actually
praying together. Not
that all of that is bad.
But - the reality is that most of us are way
too easily distracted from praying. And that is
hugely dangerous.
life is a spiritual “mind” field. Spiritually
dangerous. A
Satan tweaked spiritual war zone that gets lived out
in the day to day drama of our lives. And
individually and as congregations we can get locked up
in all that drama.
Drama that’s often self-focused,
self-inflicted, self-driven, and self-destructive. Amen? Point
being that if we allow ourselves to be distracted by
our abilities and our resources and our circumstances
and all the activities of our lives that we involve
ourselves with and whatever might be pressing down on
us or to be focused anywhere rather than being focused
on God and alert to what God is doing then we’re
already in serious trouble. Looking
through the New Testament. Consistently
- in the midst of significant drama connected with
significant ministry opportunities - Jesus
consistently gets alone with God and... prays. Like here in
the Garden. And
the church - consistently - in the midst of crisis and
yet great opportunity - the church is in prayer. That
should encourage us with the urgency of our own being
continually steadfastly watchful in prayer. The
church that prays together… stays together - focused
together - alert together - to God’s will and working
in us and through us.
church that doesn’t pray together is going to get
creamed together.
Ultimately, not staying together. Ultimately
once again destroying our witness of the gospel. The
promise of God is that when we choose to remain alert
together in prayer - feeling the urgency of that and
coming together and praying - God will draw us closer
to Him and each other - even in the midst of great
drama - He will lead us together into the huge and
significant and eternity impacting opportunities that
God desires to bring into our lives for His glory. Third
- Paul writes that we are to “continue steadfastly in prayer, being
watchful in it with... thanksgiving.” Thanksgiving because
of The Promise of Prayer. Three
weeks ago was...?
Kids Camp.
36 kids. 36
gospel seeds planted.
5 decisions to trust Jesus. 1 camper
made a solid decision to “all in” take her faith
seriously. That’s
what we know. God
alone knows what else He was doing. And
a team of 20 plus workers hanging on - covering the
bases and covering each other’s backs. A team of
workers that had all kinds of obstacles put in front
of it. Jury
duty being one that 5 workers needed to be released
from and they were. A
team that God brought together and brought closer
together and empowered and worked through. A team that
was being prayed for and that was praying together
before and during Kids Camp. We
didn’t do that. God
did. Thank
God! Back
To School Bash is coming on August 10th. We need to
be praying. And
thanking God for what He will do and when He does it. Operation
Christmas Child is coming in the Fall - thousands of
shoe boxes filling up this place. Thousands of
gospel opportunities.
We need to be praying. And thanking
God for what He will do and when He does it. Phase
II - the combo Gym, family room, kitchen, classrooms,
offices - $1
million building out back that needs to be built. Someone
said, “How can a small congregation like us
build something like that?” Look
around us. Phase
I with Sanctuary - entrance area - youth room -
bathrooms - quiet room - sound system - landscaping -
repaved parking lot - infrastructure for Phase II -
completed in 2006.
A wonderful tool of ministry - for reaching
people with the gospel.
$1 million plus in cost. Currently we
owe about $18,000. How
could a small congregation like us build something
like this. We
can’t. God
accomplished that.
Thank God! How
will Phase II be built?
God. We
need to be praying.
And thanking God for what He will do and when
He does it.
records that Jesus saw what was coming - the
destruction of the city - God’s judgment - and the
spiritual emptiness of the people who had no clue
about what God was offering them in Jesus. (Luke
19:41-44) Jesus - speaking to
His disciples about the people in Jerusalem - Jesus
said that Isaiah’s prophecy had been fulfilled. Isaiah
wrote: “You will indeed hear but never
understand, and you will indeed see but never
perceive. For
this people’s heart has grown dull, and with their
ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have
closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear
with their ears and understand with their heart and
turn, and I would heal them.” (Matthew 13:10-17) Meaning
that God’s people had become blind, deaf, and cold
hearted towards God.
They were missing out on God’s healing that
they so desperately needed. Jesus
weeping is the heart of God on display. Jesus
over and over again challenged His disciples - to see
and hear and feel with their hearts what Jesus was
seeing and hearing and feeling as He looked at the
people around Him.
To respond with God driven compassion for the
deep spiritual need of the people. The need
that moved Jesus to tears - weeping - even to the
cross. Thank
be devoted together in prayer and watchful together -
that we would be focused together on what God would
have us be focused on - seeing and hearing and feeling
as Jesus would see, hear, and feel - and to respond as
He would have us respond. To - by
faith pray and to thank God - with anticipation for
the privilege of serving Him and what He will yet do
in us and through us for His glory. And to thank
Him when He does. Prayer
is an act of faith.
In whatever the drama - whatever the
circumstances - as uphill as that may seem and as
improbable the outcome - being devoted together in
prayer is a by faith request that God do something -
prayer that God uses to draw us closer to Him and to
each other. Processing all that... What
would that be like for us as a congregation? If we were
devoted together 24/7/365 100% “all in” to gathering
for prayer together?
By faith - praying for God to do something? Look
again with me at verses 42-47. At the
results of the church being devoted together to being
the church. What
would this look like if Luke were writing this about
us? And Creekside devoted themselves to the
teaching and authority of God’s word over their lives,
and the fellowship of being devoted to each other, to
the breaking of bread in worship and communion, and
the prayers. The result was that awe came upon every
soul, and many wonders and signs were being done by
God. And
all who believed were together and had all things in
common. And
they were selling their possessions and belongings and
distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, worshiping together and
breaking bread in their homes, Creeksiders received
their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God
and having favor with all people. And the Lord
added to Creekside’s number day by day those who were
being saved. What
would that be like?
Admittedly it’s a tad overwhelming until we
cycle back to all that is what we need to be praying
for by faith and praising God for He does it. Wouldn’t
you love to be a part of something like that? To be at the
center of God at work in the world? Meaning
we are. Because
we are the church.
We are Creekside. 2
1/2 years ago we began studying in Genesis - with Adam
and Eve and the Fall and our own depravity and sin and
future condemnation and eternal punishment. We
saw what God is doing about that - our brokenness and
sin and separation from God. God - Who
loves us - how God is dealing with what separates us
from Him. Moving
through the Old Testament - we saw God at work -
relentlessly - purposefully - intentionally - working
through history.
Working through promises and covenants and law
and sacrifices and kingdoms and nations. Working
through real people in real situations in real places
in real time - prophets and kings and queens and
shepherds and ordinary people like us. All
of what points to Jesus.
What we saw as we studied Mark. Jesus’
message and ministry.
Christ’s all sufficient completed work of
redemption on the cross.
The good news of the gospel. That
salvation is by grace alone though faith alone in
Christ alone. Those
who believe the gospel, who by faith receive Jesus as
their savior, really do become forgiven and redeemed
children of God forever.
(John 1:12) We’ve
been studying Acts to see where and how we - Creekside
- fit into all of that.
God Who uses us - as members of the church - as
witnesses of the gospel - devoted to each other and to
Him - God uses us to bring others to Him. To
quote Allistair Begg - yet one more time: The very heart of it all: The local
church is one of the few places where you sit and
sing, where you listen and learn, where you grow and
serve with people who are different from us, with rich
people and poorer people, young people, old people,
black people, white people, yellow people, educated
people, uneducated people, and the unifying factor in
it all is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. A church is not a homogeneous club
of people like us with whom we would naturally like to
go on vacation. Rather,
it is a supernatural fellowship of people very unlike
us in whom we are bound in Christ. (2) Bottom
line: We
are a supernatural fellowship of generally unlike
people bound in Christ - called Creekside - who are
called to be devoted together to God first and to each
other - in all of those we ares and devoted tos - and
to hang on because of what He may yet do even in here
through us. To God alone be the glory.
_______________ 1. Sinclair B. Ferguson, Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). page 145 2. Allistair Begg,
Sermon: Membership Matters - Romans 12:1-10, September 6, 2015,
truthforlife.org Series
references: Thabiti
M. Anyabwile, What Is A Healthy Church Member? (Wheaton, Il,
Crossway Books, 2008) Mark
Dever, What Is A Healthy Church? (Wheaton,
IL, Crossway Books, 2007) Charles
R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 5:
Insights on Acts (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016) Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |