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DANCES WITH LIONS DANIEL 6:1-28 Series: Courage - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian February 8, 2015 |
I saw this posted on Facebook and thought it
fit to what we’ve been studying here in Daniel. “Why are you
stalling, Santa?
You gonna start the game or not?” “venison” - the “v” goes on a double
letter square so the word is worth 14 points - doubled
because you go first - 28 points - plus its a 7 letter
word which gives you a bonus of 50 points. 76 points. First word. Game over. What are the consequences if I play the
word? What
will the reindeer think… of me? A while back we took our car into the
shop to have some work done on it. On the way
to pick it up I was riding in the courtesy shuttle
that the shop provides for its customers. Ever ridden
in one of those?
There was the driver and this other passenger
and myself. As we we’re driving I noticed that the
radio was tuned to K-LUV - which isn’t always the
case. I
thought - “That’s probably
not an accident.”
I started thinking, “I wonder if
this guy is Christian.
I wonder if he’s part of a church or where he
is spiritually.” When the other passenger asked the
driver, “How’s it
going?” The driver starts sharing about his
family situation - just spilling out some really tough
stuff. I’m
listening to this and nodding and saying things like,
“That’s really
hard” and “Man that’s
tough.” And the whole time there’s this voice
inside of me saying, “Ask him how
he’s doing spiritually.” And I’m thinking, “No, I don’t
want to do that.”
That involves risk. Stepping out
of my comfort zone.
Have you ever been there? Suddenly I’m having this argument with
myself. The
driver’s listening to a Christian station. He’s
probably a brother in Jesus. This may be
the one opportunity that the other passenger hears
anything about Jesus.
We’re gonna get in an accident and die and this
passenger is gonna spend eternity in hell because you
didn’t ask one simple question. You’re a
pastor, why are you freezing up on this? The guilt
thing is going on and I’m wrestling with this. Then I began thinking about what we’ve
been looking at here in Daniel - about courage. That really
put the pressure on.
So I asked, “In the midst of
all of what you’re going through, how are you doing
spiritually?” Changed the whole focus of the
conversation. He
still talked about the struggles. But, the
driver also shared how Jesus was taking him through it
- working in his life - supplying everything he
needed. I
don’t know about the other passenger. But I got
charged up. Praise
God. There are times when we struggle to step
forward in faith.
Times when the consequences - real or perceived
- the consequences are very much on our minds. Times when
we need courage to do what is right - to live for God.
Here in Daniel we’ve been looking at what
that kind of courage looks like. Where it
comes from. How
we have that kind of courage in our lives. This morning we are coming to Daniel 6. Daniel and
the lions’ den. How
many of you have heard this account before? Pretty
familiar. God has us looking at this today for a
reason. Yes? Let’s be
careful that we don’t lose ourselves in familiarity
and miss what God wants us to hear this morning. We’re going
to go through the passage - unpacking as we go along -
getting it fresh in our minds. Then we’ll
come to application at the end. Verses 1 to 9 introduce us to Medo-Persian Politics. Daniel 1 - verse 1: It pleased
Darius to set over the kingdom 120 satraps, to be
throughout the whole kingdom; and over them three
presidents, of whom Daniel was one, to whom these
satraps should give account, so that the king might
suffer no loss. Which is what we see going on here in
chapter 6. Same
Darius the Mede who’s in verse 1. Looking at this next map - we can see
just how extensive the Persian Empire was - from about
539 to 331 BC. All
the way from Bulgaria through India - including Egypt
in the south and up into Armenia in the north. Literally
about the size of the US - maybe a tad bigger. Imagine
trying to govern all that without Facebook or Twitter
- any of the communication - or technology - that we
take for granted today? Nebuchadnezzar ruled the Babylonian
Empire with absolute despotic dictatorial authority -
micro management.
The Persian Empire was four times the size of
the Babylonian Empire and Cyrus ruled it differently. What we’re
being introduced to here are the layers of bureaucracy
ruling over differing groups of people - the nations -
that Cyrus and conquered and gathered into this
empire. Satraps were like governors of provinces
within the empire.
They were responsible for maintaining order -
security - and for collecting tribute. Then - above
the satraps were these three presidents - Daniel being
one of the presidents - three presidents who oversaw
the work of the satraps - making sure that the tribute
reached the king’s treasury. “So that the
king might suffer no loss.” Which was a real possibility. There being
all kinds of opportunities for the satraps - and every
one else along the way - and even the presidents to
skim their take off the tribute before it got to the
king. We’re together? Let’s go and
pick up some more information. Verse 3:
Then this Daniel
became distinguished above all the other presidents
and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king
planned to set him over the whole kingdom. Then the
presidents and the satraps sought to find a ground for
complaint against Daniel with regard to the kingdom,
but they could find no ground for complaint or any
fault, because he was faithful, and no error or fault
was found in him.
Then these men said, “We shall not find any
ground for complaint against this Daniel unless we
find it in connection with the law of his God.” Let’s pause. Notice two
things. First:
Daniel was engaged in the political
system. Daniel - at this point - is probably in
his mid 80’s. He’s
lived in Babylon for about 66 years - since he was a
young teenager. Darius
calls him out of retirement to serve in the
government. So,
he hangs up his fishing pole - comes out of retirement
to serve. Daniel
never resisted being involved in the politics of His
day. This
may be a stretch to some. But, its
possible to be obedient to God and still be in
politics. There’s no way to touch the world for
Jesus if we’re not in contact with it. God loves
people. If
we’re going to love people as God loves people then
we’ve got to allow God to push us out of our comfort
zone and use us even when we may not want to go there. Life doesn’t end at retirement. Our
usefulness to the kingdom of God doesn’t end when we
start eating off the senior’s menu at Denny’s. Nor does our
usefulness begin if we survive puberty. Whatever our age - regardless of our
physical or mental condition - whatever we may think
of ourselves or what we may think our limitations are
- if we’re here and breathing independently God has a
reason for it. When
we’ve completed what God has for us to do He’ll take
us home. One of the huge values of the local
church is that God puts us together multi-ethnic
- multi-generational - multi-economic - multi-messed
up - as a family.
A family with the same Heavenly Father - with
huge opportunity - being related in Christ so that we
can learn how to rely on Him and hang in there with
each other as He uses us in each other’s lives to grow
us and transform us and push us and use us to engage
the world. The local church. Not the
para-church. But
uniquely the local church as a family helping each
other to stay engaged.
Encouraging each other to live courageously
following Jesus. The younger generation needs the senior
generation to live faithful examples for us to follow. We need your
wisdom. We
need your experiences.
We need you to stay engaged in the battle. To set the
kind of example for us that Daniel has set for all of
us. Second:
While Daniel was engaged in the political
system he was not corrupted by it. Darius looked at Daniel and saw a man of
“extraordinary spirit” - a spirit that no one else
possessed. A
God given “extraordinary spirit.” Darius is
going to put Him in charge of the whole kingdom. Daniel was honest and without fault. Meaning that
he wasn’t skimming off the top. He’s not
going to be bribed.
Today we call these people “whistle blowers.” Right? Meaning if Daniel can’t be corrupted then
the other presidents and satraps and everyone else in
the food chain with sticky fingers can’t skim their
cut off the top of the tribute. Daniel’s
enemies saw that “extraordinary spirit” and hated
Daniel - plotted against him. But, no
matter how hard or how deep they probed - Daniel’s
enemies couldn’t get an accusation to stick. That’s a powerful testimony to the
character and integrity and faithfulness of Daniel. There were
boundaries - points beyond which Daniel would not go. Period. Boundaries
of behavior and participation that were shaped by God. In the midst
of all that ungodliness the only accusations they
could make stick were because of Daniel’s faith in
God. That’s a challenge for us. Isn’t it? Engaged. But, not
corrupted. Going on - verse 6: Then these
presidents and satraps came by agreement to the king
and said to him, “O King Darius, live forever! All the
presidents of the kingdom, the prefects and the
satraps, the counselors and the governors are agreed
that the king should establish an ordinance and
enforce an injunction, that whoever makes petition to
any god or man for thirty days, except to you, O king,
shall be cast into the den of lions. Now, O king,
establish the injunction and sign the document, so
that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the
Medes and the Persians, which cannot be revoked. Therefore
King Darius signed the document and injunction. Two last points about Medo-Persian
politics. First: The law of
the Medes and Persians meant that once a law was
signed it... it
couldn’t be changed - may not be revoked. Even the
king couldn’t go against it. Verses 10 to 18 bring us to Daniel’s Choice. Verse 10:
When Daniel knew
that the document had been signed, he went to his
house where he had windows in his upper chamber open
toward Jerusalem.
He got down on his knees three times a day and
prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done
previously. Then
these men came by agreement and found Daniel making
petition and plea before his God. Then they
came near and said before the king, concerning the
injunction, “O king!
Did you not sign an injunction, that anyone who
makes petition to any god or man within thirty days
except to you, O king, shall be cast into the den of
lions?” The
king answered and said, “The thing stands fast,
according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which
cannot be revoked.”
Then they answered and said before the king,
“Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no
attention to you, O king, or the injunction you have
signed, but makes his petition three times a day.” Daniel knew. He knew
about the plot propagated by his enemies. He knew
about the law the king signed. He knew the
irrevocable consequences. Do what’s
right before God and you’re kitty chow. Bottom line: Knowing all
that Daniel knew Daniel still made the choice to keep
doing what he had always done in the way he had always
done it. 3
times each day
- up in his roof chamber - window open facing towards
Jerusalem - prayer. We need
to make sure we’re together on that. Courage comes from consistency - being consistent in our commitment to
God. Jesus taught about the need to build our
lives on His word.
Remember this?
Build your house on the… rock. Not sand. So when the
storms of life come - and they will - if our lives are
built on the sure foundation of His word then our
lives will stand up against the worst of life throws
at us. (Matthew
7:24-27) Hear this.
The time to start building on the rock is not
when the storm hits - getting nailed with rain and
floods and then we start looking for a rock and
building materials. Paul taught Timothy: “Discipline
yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily
discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is
profitable for all things, since it holds promise for
the present life and also for the life to come.” (1
Timothy 4:7,8 NASB) “Discipline” translates the Greek word
“gumnazo” - from which we get our English word...
“gymnasium.” Meaning
heart pumping - deep breathing - sweat producing -
repetitive exercise.
Consistent commitment to prayer and worship and
serving and fellowshipping and reading and marinating
on God’s word - consistent commitment to God - period. How people diet reflects our society. Take a pill. Have an
operation. Go
on a crash diet.
Lose some weight and then a year or less later
most people weigh more than they did before. Why? Because we want weight loss without the
consistent commitment to the hard work of
life style change.
We may be committed for a while. But, we want
our cake and to eat it too. Consistent
commitment regardless of what it costs over the long
haul - day in and day out - that consistent commitment
isn’t on most people’s radar screens. But let’s be real. If we’re
going to keep on eating the way we’ve been eating and
living life as a couch potato - straining to lift the
remote - and expecting to look all buff and studly -
it ain’t gonna happen. Our society wants wealth without work. Endurance
without effort. Respect
without responsibility.
Service without sacrifice. Acclaim
without accountability. Christians want courage without being
consistent in our commitment to God. To show up
when we want. To
read when we can fit it in. To serve
without sacrifice.
If we’re not building on the foundation now how
can we possibility expect to stand courageously for
Christ when the storms of life hit us later? Daniel was consistent in his relationship
with God. That
foundation built of consistency was what he stood on
given the choice he was faced with. When the challenge came he’s got what he
needs because he’s been prepared by God. He’s been
here before. He’s
seen God at work before.
He’s knows God.
And He’s God’s man and he knows it. Verse 14:
Then the king,
when he heard these words, was much distressed and set
his mind to deliver Daniel. And he
labored till the sun went down to rescue him. Then these
men came by agreement to the king and said to the
king, “Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and
Persians that no injunction or ordinance that the king
establishes can be changed.” The Pirate’s Code is more like what? Guidelines
actually. Not
so with Medes and Persians. Darius tries
all day to find a way to free Daniel. The law
cannot be revoked. Verse 16:
Then the king
commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the
den of lions. The
king declared to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve
continually, deliver you!” And a stone
was brought and laid on the mouth of the den, and the
king sealed it with his own signet and with the signet
of his lords, that nothing might be changed concerning
Daniel. Then
the king went to his palace and spent the night
fasting; no diversions were brought to him, and sleep
fled from him. What do you say to someone who’s about to
be thrown into a lions’ den? “Have a nice
trip?” “Send
me a selfie.” “I can’t save
you. But
your God - whoever that God is - if He really is worth
praying to - trusting with your life - perhaps your
God can save you.”
The sound of the stone coming to rest in
place - woomph - that must have had a sobering
finality to it. There’s
an official seal.
No one’s going to mess with it. Just
in case the king tried to rescue Daniel - the noble’s
give their own signet of approval. Point being that the irrevocable
injunction is followed to the letter. There are no
tricks. Daniel
is in the lions’ den.
He is dead meat.
Only God can save him. Daniel’s
choice is to trust God. That’s powerful and the point of all the
repetition here.
Darius is limited in what he can do. Even Daniel
is limited in what he can do. But God is
not. Verses 19 to 28 bring us to God’s Glory. God bringing glory to Himself - God testifying about Who He is - in how He - God - chooses to act. Verse 19:
Then, at break
of day, the king arose and went in haste to the den of
lions. As
he came near to the den where Daniel was, he cried out
in a tone of anguish.
The king declared to Daniel, “O Daniel, servant
of the living God, has your God, whom you serve
continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?” Then Daniel said
to the king, “O king, live forever! My God sent
His angel and shut the lion’s mouths, and they have
not harmed me, because I was found blameless before
Him; and also before you, O king, I have done no
harm.” Then the king
was exceedingly glad, and commanded that Daniel be
taken up out of the den.
So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no
kind of harm was found on him, because he had trusted
in his God. And
the king commanded, and those men who had maliciously
accused Daniel were brought and cast into the den of
lions—they, and their children, and their wives. And before
they reached the bottom of the den, the lions
overpowered them and broke all their bones in pieces. How starving were the lions? Really
really starving. So this Daniel
prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of
Cyrus the Persian. Notice four ways God is glorified. First:
Daniel is spared. Verse
23 - “because he had
trusted in his God” - The word for “trusted” has the idea of
continually leaning on something for support. Daniel
consistently leaning on God for support - his sure
foundation the
rock - to sustain him. Consistency - every day - three times a
day - prayer. From
that daily intimacy with God - reliance on God for
over 80 plus years - comes courage - live or die -
Daniel trusts God. Point being: Daniel’s
trust points our attention to God - not Darius - not
Daniel - but to the sovereign God who chooses to
deliver Daniel. To
God be the glory. Second: True justice is satisfied - the law - which cannot be changed - is fulfilled with totally unexpected by human means results. All the wise men in the greatest empire of the time - they never saw this coming. Daniel is saved. The satraps and presidents - the skimmers and bottom feeders - and their families all become Meow Mix. Point being: The
sovereign God is in control over the affairs of
mankind. To
God be the glory. Third:
God’s awesomeness and sovereignty are
proclaimed - proclaimed throughout the Medo-Persian
Empire that ultimately stretched from Libya to China -
Egypt to Russia - proclaimed on three continents - by
Darius - the Mede - a pagan. Have we heard this before? Nebuchadnezzar
made the same proclamation in chapter four. Repetition
is so we - what?
Don’t miss the point. God is
awesome. God
is sovereign. God
is in control.
Get the point?
To God be the glory.
The sovereign God once again blesses
Daniel - Verse 28: So this Daniel
prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of
Cyrus the Persian.
Again repetition - God blesses His people
who trust Him. For
our glory. Nope. For God’s
glory. We’re
not end users of God’s blessings. Life is
about… God. To
God be glory. Processing all that for us and our need
for God given courage - out there. Three
Maybe we can’t see the lions. But, we can
hear them growling.
Consequences - real or perceived. What will
happen if we choose to go there. The choice
to trust God. Maybe
with the deeper issues of our hearts? Maybe with
issues in our families - or school - or work? Where is God calling you to trust Him? To stand up
for Him? To
rely on Him? Question Two: Why should you trust God? It almost seems like - this is church so
we shouldn’t be able to ask if God is really worthy of
our trust. But
let’s be honest.
We do wonder.
We do hesitate.
Especially when we hear lions growling. Chapters one to six of Daniel are the
historical section of the book - all about Daniel and
his friends - exiles living courageously for God in an
ungodly society.
There is such encouragement for us in these
chapters. Hang on to something. In chapter one we were reminded that
we’re God’s people. While we were once under the authority
and power of Satan and the powers of darkness - God so
loves us - so values and cherishes us - that He gave
Himself to die for us.
Our lives have been purchased from Satan’s
power through the broken body and shed blood of Jesus
the Christ. The Holy Spirit - God - has come to dwell
within us. We
are the temple of the Holy Spirit. He’s sealed
us - set us apart - given us the promise of heaven -
life with God which begins now and extends into
eternity. We
are the sons and daughters of the Almighty God of
creation - created in God’s image - citizens of His
Kingdom - heirs of the riches of heaven. We can trust God because being God’s
people has nothing to do with us and everything to do
with God choosing to make us to be His people.
In chapter two we glimpsed God’s
sovereignty. Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue
representing all the kingdoms of the world - the times
- the epochs - the seemingly uncertain movements of
history - all laid out before Nebuchadnezzar. And in
the end the stone that comes blows it all away like
chaff. The stone is Jesus. He will
crush the kingdoms of this world and the foolish
rebellion of humankind.
God will set up His eternal kingdom. We can trust God because God alone is
sovereign over the wavering affairs of human history.
The really really hot fiery furnace - and
God does not leave them alone. Satan uses
things in our society to try and confuse and delude us
- to intimidate us and drive us towards fear - to
thinking that we’re alone and we can only trust
ourselves. But we can trust God because God will
never leave us hanging. In chapter four we saw Nebuchadnezzar get
pasteurized. Nebuchadnezzar becoming a beast for 7
years. The
question: What
does God need to do to knock us off our little
pedestals of self?
Without God we’ve got nothing. We can trust God because our very lives -
every breath - every heart beat - are gift of
God. Then chapter five. The
handwriting on the wall. God appealing to us - telling us where
our actions - our posing - our pride - will take us. We can trust God because God alone is
able to meet the deepest needs of our hearts. There’s a repeated message here that all
comes together here in chapter six. The reality
that Daniel - this retired 80 plus year old man -
practiced consistently in his life. God alone is
worthy of our trust.
So let go of anything that keeps you back from
consistently going to God with your life. Courage -
and opportunity - and blessing - come as we totally
rely on Him. Question Three: How is your consistency? Ultimately - what we’re processing here
isn’t about guilt or failure. Pointing out
where we’ve slacked off or been inconsistent. What we’re
seeing here is about great opportunity - to gain
stability in our lives - courage for the hard times -
to have what it takes to stand for God. What will you do this week to be more
consistently committed to God - to building on the
foundation of your relationship with the God who is
worthy of your trust?
_________________________ Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
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