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PROLOGUE II DEUTERONOMY 4:32-40 Series: Possession: Claiming God's Promise - Part Two Pastor Stephen Muncherian February 12, 2012 |
This morning we are going on in our look
at Deuteronomy chapters 4 to 6. In a moment
we’re going to be coming to chapter 4 - starting at
verse 32. If
you want to turn there in your Bibles. Also, in
your bulletin there are Message Notes that will be
helpful to you. To help us get into Deuteronomy 4 and
where Moses and God’s people are at we have short
video clip we’d like to show you. How many of
you have seen “Facing The Giant’s”? Great movie.
If you haven’t seen it you need to see it. The scene we’re about see takes place the
locker room just before the Shiloh Eagles football
team - all 32 of them - are about to take on Bobby Lee
Duke and the Richland Giants - all 85 of them - for
the Georgia State Championship. The classic
David verses Goliath match up. This scene
is Coach Taylor’s motivational speech. (DVD - Facing The Giants) Great speech? “You are about to play the biggest team
you’ve ever faced.
They’re strong, fast, and undefeated… so far. But I want
you to remember where God has brought us…. If there is
anything in you that says this is a loosing effort
throw it out. Because
as I stand here I believe that as long as we honor God
nothing is impossible… nothing…. Now, who will go
fight the Giants with me?” In Deuteronomy that’s Moses before God’s
people. Deuteronomy is a pivotal moment in the
history of God’s people.
This is a new generation. After 40
years of God’s people wandering in the wilderness this
is a different generation than the generation that
were slaves and came out of Egypt. It is a
different generation than the one that came up to the
Promised Land the first time and decided they couldn’t
trust God. Remember
that? The
spies that came back.
The land is filled with really strong people,
fortified cities, and giants, oh my. Ever face “giants” in your life? Issues -
circumstances - that are huge. We’ve all
been there. If
I go out there I’m gonna get dead - slaughtered. There is no
way to overcome this.
Deuteronomy is a new a generation. This is a
pivotal moment. Things
are about to change - significantly change - for God’s
people. They’re
done with wandering in the wilderness. God’s people
are camped out just east of the Jordan River - just
across the river from Jericho. They’re
poised - ready to enter the Promised Land - ready to
enter into all that God has promised them.
Deuteronomy for the most part is a
collection of three speeches that Moses gave to God’s
people just before he died. Think Moses
the Motivator. Moses
- not only encouraging God’s people to step forward
trusting God. But
giving them reasons as to why they should step forward
trusting God. We need to hear what Moses said for
ourselves. When
we face giants we need more than generic religious
sounding answers.
You just gotta have more faith. Read your
Bible. Pray. Jesus. Which is
true. But why?
Why trust God and step forward - trusting that
He’ll be there with us - when we come up against those
life changing moments that stun us and rock us and
shake us to the core of who we are? When God
calls us to step forward in faith and it seems so much
safer to hang back and trust ourselves? Last Sunday - if you were with us - we
looked at 4:1 - and Moses’ history lesson in chapters
1 to 3. All
of which is Moses’ reason number one for “why” trust
God. Moses
the Motivator reminding God’s people where they’d come
from and how - despite themselves - God got them to
where they are. God’s
incredible faithfulness to His people. God’s
undeserved presence and provision and protection of
His people. In all the changes of their lives the
only constant in that change has been? God. A huge
reason to trust God.
The only constant in life is change. The only
constant in change is God. What God has done - is doing - in our
lives is a huge answer to the question of why should
we trust God. Coming to Deuteronomy 4 - starting at
verse 32 - we’re coming to Moses’ reason number two of
why we should trust God. Deuteronomy 4 - starting at verse 32: For ask now of the days that are past,
which were before you, since the day that God created
man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to
the other, whether such a great thing as this has ever
happened or was ever heard of. Did any
people ever hear the voice of a god speaking out of
the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and still
live? Or
has any god ever attempted to go and take a nation for
himself from the midst of another nation, by trials,
by signs, by wonders, and by war, by a mighty hand and
an outstretched arm, and by great deeds of terror, all
of which the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before
your eyes? Let’s pause there. Moses is
asking three mind popping question. Do you see
them? Verse 32 - question number one: “Have you ever heard of anything so great
as this ever happening before?” Before you were born. Go back
farther - back to Adam and Eve. Or, even farther
- creation. God
creating heaven and earth and angels and stuff. If you could
go back and ask the angels in heaven - angels who’ve
been around longer than man: “Angels, have you ever heard of anything
so amazing as this?” - what God has done for His people. Their answer
will be, “No!
Never!” Our God - the Creator of creation -
creator of mankind - of the nations - has become
personally involved with us. He calls us
His people. Reveals
Himself to us as the awesome Lord of our history and
Mount Sinai and the Exodus. Nothing like
that has ever happened before or since. Verse 33 - question number two: “Has any other people heard the voice of
God speaking out of fire - as you have - and lived?” Remember God’s people standing before God
at the foot of Mount Sinai and God giving them His
law? Exodus 19 - starting at verse 16 - says
this: “On the morning of the third day
there were thunders and lightening and a thick cloud
on the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast, so that
all the people in the camp trembled. Then Moses
brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and
they took their stand at the foot of the mountain. Now Mount
Sinai was wrapped in smoke because the Lord had
descended on it in fire.
The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a
kiln, and the whole mountain trembled greatly. And as the
sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses
spoke, and God answered him in thunder.” (Exodus
19:16-19) Moses is saying here in Deuteronomy - not
only did you come before God’s presence at Mount Sinai
- in trembling before His awesomeness - but you heard
Him speak - and you lived to tell about it. No other
people has ever had that kind of experience - that
kind of relationship - with God. Verse 34 - question number three: “Has any god ever attempted to take for
himself one nation out of another nation?” To do that by trials - what God did to
Pharaoh. Or
signs, by wonders - the plagues. Or war -
swimming lessons for Pharaoh’s army. Or by a
mighty hand and an outstretched arm - God pulling
His people out of slavery in Egypt. Great deeds
of terror - all the things that God did for you before
your very eyes and what you’ve heard about from your
fathers. Only God.
Our God has done that. Here’s why - going on - verse 35: To you it was shown, that you might know
that the Lord is God; there is no other besides him. Point number one on your Message Notes: What God does reveals who God is. Let’s
say that together.
“What God does reveals who God is.” God’s people were surrounded by the 2,000
gods of Egypt for four hundred years. Many of them
had been brainwashed to believe that the gods of
insects and cattle and birds - oh my - and cats and
the Nile River - that those gods would provide for
them and give them hope for eternity. Just like the world today tries to
brainwash us into thinking that God is somehow less
than He is and that our thinking of things - our
perception of the world - is somehow the right
understanding of how things are. That what we
cling to instead of God is somehow better able to save
and preserve us. How many of you have seen The 10
Commandments? Charlton
Heston - Yul Brynner - Anne Baxter. What about
The Prince of Egypt?
Great movies.
Biblically speaking - hugely inaccurate. Just watching those movies one would
think that God delivering His people is all about
equal rights and unfair labor laws. God delivering His people is not a
political statement designed to express God’s
dissatisfaction with the status quo in Egypt and to
show mankind a better more loving PC way to live. God’s
delivering His people is all about revealing the
indescribable awesomeness of the Almighty God of
Creation through a demonstration of the one true
living God’s personal working in the life of the
people He has chosen to be His people. Verse 35 - “To be shown that you might know” has the idea of observing - perceiving -
and learning. Looking
intensely at something - here, what God has done - in
order to find out who God is. “that you might know that the Lord is
God.” In Hebrew “Lord” and “God” are two
different names describing the one true God of Israel. Names for
the Hebrews were a profound thing. Your name
was who you were - your reputation - the summary and
representation of your character. With a good
name you were respected.
With a bad name you were dishonored. In
Scripture, the “name” of God is the description of who
He is - God’s reputation - His character - His nature. “Lord” translates the Hebrew name for God
- “Yahweh.”
Yahweh is the name used when God - Yahweh
- comes to Abraham and tells him to leave his country
and kin and head south to the Promised Land. Its Yahweh
who promises Abraham the land that God’s people are
about to step forward on to. Yahweh who
promised Abraham descendants living on that land - and
incredible blessing - and that Yahweh was going to use
Abraham and his descendants to be a blessing to all
the nations of the world. When
God meets Moses at the burning bush, Moses says to
God, “You’re sending me back to Egypt to the
people of Israel to tell them that the God of your
fathers has sent me.
They’re going to ask me, ‘What is His name?’ What should
I tell them?” God
answers Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. Thus you
shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to
you.’” Same name - “I
AM” - “Yahweh”. (Exodus 3:13,14) Yahweh sends Moses to Egypt to deliver
His people. Later
- in Exodus 19 - its Yahweh who establishes His
covenant with His people - all of what He - Yahweh -
will do for His people. The name Yahweh emphasizes God’s intimate
relationship with His people. Yahweh
personally saving and delivering His people. Yahweh
personally fulfilling His promises to His people. Are we
together? “God” - in verse 35 is the Hebrew name
“Elohim.” Elohim
describes God as the holy sovereign almighty
self-sufficient God.
Elohim emphasizes God who is transcendent. God who is
other than His creation - distant - removed. The Holy God
ruling over and sustaining all that He - God - has
created. There are parts of God that we just don’t
get. God
is free from the succession of time. He creates
it. Uses
it. We’re
linear. Birth
- death. God
is eternal. How
can we process existing in a continual now without end
either past or future. God never changes - what theologians call
immutability. We’re
changing all the time.
Things that used to work, don’t. God is infinite - meaning He’s free from
all limitations.
Nothing limits His power, His wisdom, His
justice. Sometimes
its hard for us just to get up and moving in the
morning. God is not dependent on anything outside
of Himself. God
occupies all space with the entirety of His being. There are parts of God - attributes -
that we just can’t process. Moses puts those two names together: “See what God has done and know that
Yahweh is Elohim.” What Moses is reminding God’s people of
is just who God is.
The one true living God that personally moved
and took out the gods of Egypt. God who
served up death or life at the Passover. God who
opened up the Red Sea for them to cross over - then
took out Pharaoh’s army by closing up the sea. God who
spoke to them at Mount Sinai. God who gave
them His holy law.
There is no other god like our God. Why step forward in faith trusting God? Because we have
seen and know that Yahweh is Elohim. And our God
can and will do whatever He - Yahweh who is Elohim -
the sovereign almighty creator God will and can do
whatever He chooses to do - including keeping His
promise to us. Moses’ first point is that What God does
reveals who God is.
His second point - beginning in verse 36 is
that Who God is reveals what God will do. Let’s
say that together.
“Who God is reveals what God will do.” Look with me at verse 36: Out of heaven he let you hear his voice,
that he might discipline you. And on earth
he let you see his great fire, and you heard his words
out of the midst of the fire. And because
he loved your fathers and chose their offspring after
them and brought you out of Egypt with his own
presence, by his great power, driving out before you
nations greater and mightier than yourselves, to bring
you in, to give you their land for an inheritance, as
it is this day, Moses reminds God’s people that the God
of heaven spoke to you.
Why? To
discipline you. Sometimes
we forget that the law is really a huge expression of
God’s love. Parents put boundaries on their children
to keep them from doing dangerous and bad stuff. That’s love. Then when
their children do dangerous and bad stuff anyway the
law becomes a tool to help us point out where our
children messed up.
That’s love. The law is God’s boundary that tells
God’s children where not to go and when they do it
point out that they messed up. All of which
as designed by a loving God to help His children
understand their need for forgiveness and to prepare
them to receive the coming Savior - Jesus. That’s love. Moses goes on - verse 37 - that God
revealed Himself to you because He loved your fathers
- despite their rebelliousness and stubbornness - God
loved them and God brought them and you out of Egypt. And that
love has been lavished on you their children. Point - God
loves you. Who loves you? God. By His power - not yours - by His power
God took out nations greater and mightier than you -
hear giants in that?
God did all that to bring you here - Israel
camped on the east bank of the Jordan River - getting
ready to enter the Promised Land - God did all that to
bring you here to give you their land - the land that
He promised you as your inheritance. God did that - in part - because God
loves you. Going on - verse 39: know therefore today, and lay it to your
heart, that the Lord is God in heaven above and on
earth beneath; there is no other. Know therefore - or therefore know -
because God has revealed for you Who He is in what
He’s lovingly done for you - therefore know - and lay
it on your heart - meaning take this in and let it
rattle around at the core of who you are - that the
Lord - Yahweh - is God - Elohim - in heaven above and
on earth beneath - there is no other. There’s a contrast here. Moses
describing God as the God who’s the God of heaven
above and the God of earth beneath. Heaven - in contrast to the earth - is
what’s up there.
And there is a lot of up there up there. Yes? A few quick
glimpses. These
are galaxies in the nearby area. A reminder of the
vastness of space.
This is an artist version our galaxy. You can see
where we are there where it says “Sun.” Its kinda
the Steve Martin thing.
“Let’s get small.”
Point being that “heaven” is beyond
measure and comprehension. God has
authority over all that.
He is the creator - sustainer - ruler over
what’s up there. And - contrast - He is the God of earth
below. God
speaks through the prophet Isaiah and God says, “Elohim is the Creator of the heavens. He formed
the earth and made it.
He established it; He did not create it to be
empty, but formed it to be inhabited...” (Isaiah
45:18 - HCSB) God creates the earth - forms it - shapes
it - designs it - not to be empty - but to be
inhabited - by us. Anybody
know where this is?
Mercury. Not
inhabited. Anyone know where
this is? Surface
of Venus. Also
not inhabited. Very
nasty place. This is where? Mars. No
inhabitants. Very
cold. This is where? Our moon. Been there. No
indigenous life forms.
Uninhabited. This
is where? Yosemite. Quite a
contrast with the moon. A place of great
beauty. Not
to far from here. Habitable and
inhabited. Earth. By the way,
those are Ken’s pictures. The earth is a very special place. The Creator
God - who is sovereign over the earth that He formed -
designed. God
made the Earth habitable. Why? Because God
loves us. Every time we take a breath of air we
experience the love of God. Every time
we see trees popping out flowers around here - that’s
an act of God’s love.
God created the Earth for us to live on in a
relationship with Him where we experience His presence
and provision and protection - His love lavished out
on us. God creates the Promised Land. Creates it
as a land flowing with milk and honey. In the midst
of the barely inhabitable sand factory of the middle
east - that land is very desirable. Moses - in verse 38 - Moses reminds the
people that God is giving that land to His people as
an inheritance. An
inheritance isn’t something we earn. Its given to
us. Its
what a loving relative gives to us as an act of love. Who’s giving
the land to them?
God. Why? Because He
loves them. The Promised Land is more than dirt. The Promised
Land is a place to call home. To put down
roots. To
cease wandering and to raise up generations. To belong. The place
where God’s people - trusting God - dwelt in the land
in obedience to God’s statutes and rules - where God
dwelt with them.
The land is a place of God’s presence and
provision and protection. God dwelling
with His people in a deeply satisfying - intimate -
relationship with them.
God meeting their deepest needs. Why create the land? Why bring
the people to the land?
Because God loves His people. Why trust that God is going to give us
the land - to take out the strong dudes and fortified
cities and giants - because we’ve seen who God is and
what our unique - there is no other - God of love has
done. And
we know that that is what He can and will do for us. Its Yahweh Who promised Abraham and the
offspring of Abraham - that’s us in Christ - that He -
God - would be their God - our God - personally -
intimately - knowing each of us and God being
intimately known by us - a right relationship with God
Himself. Jesus
comes from the Greek form of the Hebrew “yeshua” -
which combines the name of God “Yahweh” with the word
“yasa” - to help - to deliver - to save. In
the New Testament God
reveals the name of His Son - Jesus - as “Yahweh saves.” The
angel tells Joseph, “You must call Him Yahweh saves, for He
will save His people from their sins.” Athanasius
- one of the early defenders and explainers of our
faith - Anthanasius once said, “Our Lord took a body like ours and lived
as a man in order that those who had refused to
recognize Him in His superintendence and captaincy of
the whole universe might come to recognize from the
works He did here below in the body, that what dwelt
in this body was the Word of God.” It
is amazing to contemplate that God Himself is so in
love with His creation - creatures who reject Him -
who live in sinful disobedience of His will - that God
Himself has come to be with us - to call us into a
relationship with Him. Why trust that Yahweh - Yeshua -
Jesus - will save us?
Because we have seen and know that Yahweh is
Elohim. And
Elohim can do and will do whatever He - Elohim - the
sovereign almighty creator God chooses to do. And we know
that God loves us. Verse 40 is Moses’ application
point. Verse 40:
Therefore - because what
God has done reveals who God is and who God is reveals
what God will do - therefore you shall keep his statutes and
his commandments, which I command you today, that it
may go well with you and with your children after you,
and that you may prolong your days in the land that
the Lord your God is giving you for all time. How do we respond when we come up against
giants in our lives?
Answer - step forward in faith - trusting the
God who promises to be there with us - providing -
protecting. Obey
God. Stay
the course. Follow
God. Claim
His promise and know that it will be well with us. Why? Because He
loves you. The words of Coach Taylor are huge. “You are about to play the biggest team
you’ve ever faced.
They’re strong, fast, and undefeated… so far. But I want
you to remember where God has brought us…. If there is
anything in you that says this is a loosing effort
throw it out. Because
as I stand here I believe that as long as we honor God
nothing is impossible… nothing…. Now, who will go
fight the Giants with me?” _______________________ Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |