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PASSION I DEUTERONOMY 6:1-3 Series: Possession: Claiming God's Promise - Part Five Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 4, 2012 |
Please turn with
me to Deuteronomy chapter 6 - starting at verse 1. Let me
remind you that if you’ve missed any of where we’ve
been over the last few Sundays these messages are
online. You’ll
find the URL at the top of your Message Notes. Over the past
few Sundays we have been looking at what it means to
step forward in faith trusting God. Trusting
that what God has promised us - His presence - His
power - His provision - God walking with us through
life - the intimate personal presence and blessing of
the Almighty God of creation - we’ve been looking at
what it means to step forward in faith trusting that
God will actually be there fulfilling His promises in
the midst of all the stuff we go through in life. We’ve been
looking at Moses speaking to God’s people. God’s people
poised on the east side of the Jordan River - poised
to step across into the land of strong men, fortified
cities, and giants - poised to step forward in faith
trusting that God will be there with them as they take
possession of the land that God has promised them. We’ve been
studying what Moses told God’s people - reasons to
trust God. Step
forward in faith trusting God - why? Because what
God has done - redeeming His people out of Egypt -
providing for them - and on and on - what God has done
reveals Who God is - His essence and character - and
Who God is reveals what God will do. Our God has
and is and will be there for us. Our
circumstances may change - we may come up against
giants in our own lives - seemingly insurmountable
obstacles - illness - tragedy - failure - our
circumstances may change but God will never change in
His love for us.
His presence.
His provision
His protection.
His fulfilling of His promises - are rooted in
Who God is. We looked at
Moses instructing God’s people how they were step
forward in faith trusting God. Love God
supremely. Love
God with everything you are. For some -
maybe even here this morning - that may mean receiving
Jesus as your Savior and giving your life to Him. Love God
supremely. Love others
sacrificially. Desire
God’s best for others - even our enemies. That takes
sacrifice. Setting
ourselves aside - our wants - our prerogatives - our
egos - so that God can love others through us - so
that God will reach others with His gospel - use us -
lead us into the unimaginable opportunities that He
will lay before us. This morning we’re
coming to chapter 6.
Going on with Moses’ instructions to God’s
people. How
do we step forward in faith trusting God. Look with me at
Deuteronomy 6 - let’s read these words of Moses out
loud together - starting at verse 1: Now this is the commandment, the
statutes and the rules that the Lord your God
commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the
land to which you are going over, to possess it, that
you may fear the Lord your God, you and your son and
your son’s son, by keeping all His statutes and His
commandments, which I command you, all the days of
your life, and that your days may be long. Hear
therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them, that
it may go well with you, and that you may multiply
greatly, as the Lord the God of your fathers, has
promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey. Let’s unpack
these verses. In verse 1 - the
statutes and rules describe how God’s people are to
live as God’s people - the ordinances and laws and
procedures - the ways in which the Ten Commandments
were to be lived out in the Promised Land. God
commanded Moses to teach these statutes and rules to
His people so that they would listen to them, consider
them, and when they got into the Promised Land - if
they felt like it they could obey them. Well not
really. That
may have been what happened. Right? But the
purpose of God giving the statutes and rules to His
people was so that they would... do them.
James - be doers
of the word not just hearers who are deluding
themselves. (James
1:22) God’s people -
the people that really are God’s - trusting Him with
their lives - God’s people actually obey God. Moses gives two
results of that obedience - that we want to focus on
this morning. The
first result of obedience comes in verse 2 - obey them
so that you may fear the Lord your God. Obey God so
that - result - you may Fear God. Let’s
try together. “Fear God.” What does it
mean to fear God? Years ago - down
in Puerto Vallarta - I tried parasailing. Anyone ever
try this? They
hook you into a parachute that’s attached to a boat. The boat
takes off and up you go.
And up I went.
Really cool.
Way up. Palm
sweating way up there.
People look like ants. I was doing
great until I notice that the little clips that held
my harness to the parachute - those little clips were
all rusted out. Fear. When we talk
about fearing God a lot of times that brings to mind
wrath of God type images. God is holy. God is just
- almighty - sovereign - awesome beyond comprehension. God’s people
had seen God at work taking out the Egyptians. Seen God toasting
the top of Mount Sinai - thunder and lightening and
fire and darkness and earthquakes. God is
pretty scary. God is the God
who we know will one day pour out His justified wrath
on those who live in sin - in disobedience. Judgment is
coming. Punishment. Condemnation. Another
reason to fear God.
This all goes up in flames. And yet, we need
balance all that with God who is love - grace - mercy. God’s people had
experienced God providing for them in the wilderness -
manna and quail and water. There’s
something powerful in recognizing that its God who
gives us the very next breath we take here on earth. We are the
creation not the creator. We need to be
reminded that these commandments and the statutes and
rules - these revealed to God’s people that God is the
Lord their God - Yahweh your Elohim. Loving and
Almighty. The
one and only living righteous God who desires to have
a loving personal relationship with His people. If only they
would respond to Him - to His love - they would live
life as life was intended to be enjoyed - a fullness
of life with God - abundant life with God. Paul teaches
about God being both the God of holy and justified
wrath and yet the God of love - who saves and sustains
His people. Romans 5:8: “But God shows His love for us in
that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” The wrath of God - we deserve - being
poured out on Jesus.
The Hebrew words
for “fear” have to do with terror and dread and being
afraid - a psychological reaction. In Hebrew
“fear” also describes feelings of awe - respect - and
reverence. How can we comprehend the utterly
astounding reality of Jesus Christ - sacrificed in our
place - if we don’t first appreciate the fear of God? Without
total awe, wonder, terror, dread, reverence, and
respect for the perfect, holy, righteous, and just
Creator, how can we really appreciate what Jesus
Christ - the Son of God - did for us on the
Proverbs 9:10
tells us: “The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom” - fear of the Lord is the beginning of
understanding of what life is really all about and how
to do life God’s way. Psalm 86:11 -
David prays, “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may
walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” At the core of
who we are - when we begin to fear God - our desire is
going to be to learn from Him - to be taught by Him
how to do life His way. Grab this: To fear the
Lord God is how we respond to the Holy God who so
deeply loves us.
That response is a from the heart - from
deep inside us is a passionate desire to live life
God’s way. What does it mean to fear God? On a
practical level - it means giving God total authority
over how we live our lives. God sets the direction. God sets the
boundaries. God
establishes the purpose and priority of our lives. When we step
forward in faith - in obedience trusting God with our
lives - we begin to live in the day to day reality of
what it really means to fear God. The second result of obedience comes in
the second part of verse 2 - Obey God so “that your days may be long.” So that you will experience a Long Life. Let’s repeat
that together, “Long life.” Long life is a
word in Hebrew that has the idea of being stretched
out - enduring - lingering. Like plowing
furrows. Like
we see farmers plowing out here in the fields -
depending on the size of the field - some of those
furrows extend on and on. Same word in
Hebrew. “You” - meaning
you, your children, and your grandchildren -
generations enjoying long - enduring - life. Moses describes
that enduring life in verse 3. “That it may go well with you.” Which describes days of joy and gladness. Life that is
thoroughly pleasing.
Living the good life. “That
you may multiply greatly.” Which describes both posterity and
prosperity. Multiplied
descendants and multiplied herds. What God
promised Abraham:
“I will make of you a great nation, and I will
bless you and make your name great.” (Genesis
12:2) Then - all that
takes place - “in a land flowing with milk and honey.” Something like what we see around here. Contrast the
central valley with death valley. That phrase “a land flowing with milk and honey” is repeated 18 times in the Old
Testament. It
has to do with a land of plenty and fertility - that
produces abundant crops - everything we need to live
life is right there getting produced for us. God promised His
people that if they loved Him with all their hearts -
lived obeying Him - His commandments - they would
experience life as God defined it. Life where
things would go well with them personally and they
would be blessed with many children. Even their
livestock would be blessed. They would
experience the sweetness of living under the lordship
of their one and only living God. The point here
is not just quantity of days but quality of life -
abundant life - given by God to His people - as they
step forward in faith - in obedience trusting God. Abundant
life given even to us who trust in Jesus as our Savior
as we step forward in faith trusting God. Fear God -
giving God authority over our lives. Long life -
experiencing God’s blessing as we obey Him. What can that
mean for us as we live through the stuff of our lives. Do you know who
this is? Jeremy
Lin. Plays
point guard for the New York Knicks. Currently Jeremy
Lin is Linsanity - burning up the NBA - scoring mega
points per game. Torched the Lakers
by scoring 38 points.
Scored more points in his first 5 starts - 136
- more than any other player since the NBA-ABA merger
in 1976. He’s
been featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated -
twice. Is
featured in the current edition of Time magazine. Lin is the
first Harvard graduate to play in the NBA since 1954. The first
Taiwanese-American ever to play in the NBA. He led the
Knicks to a 7 game win streak - which given the Knicks
middle of the pack record is impressive. Right now Jeremy
Lin is hot stuff.
Linsanity. Before Linsanity
- coming out of high school - despite leading his team
to a state championship - coming out of high school -
Lin received no college basketball scholarships. Basically he
was panned. In
college - as a Taiwanese American - Lin faced frequent
racial. Rival
players would call him derogatory racial names -
rhymes with “ink.”
Despite a strong senior year in college no NBA
team picked Lin in the draft. Given the
usual racial make up of a basketball team he’s just
not perceived as being the right race. And, he went
to Harvard - a school that produces doctors and
lawyers and engineers. Finally he got a
contract with the Warriors - where he played bench
warmer - being shuffled back and forth to the minor
leagues - the NBA Development League - until finally
the Warriors dumped him - along with the Huston
Rockets that also dumped him. Even on the
Knicks the reason he got to start was because the guy
ahead of him was injured. Jeremy Lin grew
up in Palo Alto.
Went to Palo Alto High School. Anyone else
here go to Paly?
He grew up attending the Chinese Church in
Christ in Mountain View.
Which is a right on evangelical church. This guy is
a believer. Lin credits his success on the court and
his sudden rise to fame to his decision to put his
fate in the hands of God. He told the
San Jose Mercury News, “Sometimes you come up against a mountain
and you end up making the mountain seem bigger than
God. I
was on pins and needles.
I was putting all this unnecessary pressure on
myself. Now,
I feel like I'm free out there.” (1)
Stephen Chen -
Jeremy’s pastor says this, “There’s a sense in New York that Jeremy
is the savior of the Knicks. He doesn’t
want people to think of him that way. He wants
them to be able to know his Savior, Jesus Christ.” (2)
Jeremy’s dream? After the
NBA? His
dream is to become a pastor - working in inner city
communities to help underprivileged children. Grab that. The NBA is
the road not the destination. The
destination is up to God. How many of you have
seen this movie?
The Wizard of Oz.
The Tin Man needed a what? A heart. The movie
doesn’t tell us what the book tells us - which is why. It seems that
the woodman’s mother died and he grew really lonely. And there
was this beautiful Munchkin girl that the Tin Woodman
fell in love with - who told him that she’d marry him
if he could earn enough money and build her a house. So off he
went chopping wood. Earn money. Build house. Marry
Munchkin girl. Have
little Munchkins.
Which by the way - speaking from personal
experience - having little Munchkins is a good thing. The Munchkin
girl lived with this lazy old women who wanted the
Munchkin girl to stay with her and do her housework. So the old
women gets the Wicked Witch of the East to stop the
marriage by putting a spell on the woodcutter’s ax. As the
woodcutter is cutting wood the ax slips and cuts off
his leg. Which
he gets replaced with a tin leg. Goes on
cutting wood until the ax slips again and cuts off his
right leg. Which
gets replaced with a tin leg. Same thing
happens - left arm - right arm - head. Finally
body. As the tinner is
assembling the woodsman - now all made of tin parts -
the tinner forgets to put back his heart. No heart. In the words of
the Tin Woodman, “Alas!
I had now no heart, so that I lost all my love
for the Munchkin girl, and did not care whether I
married her or not.
I suppose she is still living with the old
woman, waiting for me to come after her.” (3)
Very sad.
Yes? Along comes
Dorothy and they’re off to see the Wizard. The
Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Dorothy who needs to understand that there’s no
place like home.
The Scarecrow that doesn’t scare crows and
thinks he’s a fool.
The lion who lives in fear that the other
animals will discover he’s really a coward. Hold onto that. They all
have issues. Including
the lonely Tin Man who’s heart was lost pursuing a
failed dream. We are extremely
fragile people. Sometimes
we try to pretend that we’re not. But, we are. Maybe it happens
when we’re young - we go through experiences as a
child that leave us feeling like we’ll never amount to
anything. We’re
destined to failure.
Like a unscarry scarecrow who thinks he’s a
fool. Or
maybe it happens later - we’re working away at the
things of life and whack - something tears into our
dreams - leaves our hearts a black emptiness. Or we’re
living an image - like a cowardly lion - fearful that
people will find out what we’re really like. The image is
a sham. Somehow we’re
left with the feeling that we’re not in Kansas any
more and all we’d like to do is to go home - to a
place of security and peace - wherever that is. But we don’t
know how. After melting
the wicked witch of the west - and arriving again in
Oz a second time - they find out that Oz the Great and
Terrible is a humbug - an elderly little bald man
hiding behind a screen who’s really good with
pyrotechnics, pulling levers, and ventriloquism. A lot of people
- when they think of God - fearing God - come up with
the idea that God is kinda like the Wizard of Oz - all
talk and no walk - all woe and no show. A humbug
hiding behind a screen of thunder and lightening and
fire on a mountain - that ultimately is powerless to
really help us - even if he wanted to. The yellow brick
road has all kinds of dangers and distractions - lions
and tigers and bears - oh my. As
does life. Is
it worth pursing God - as we travel the journey down
the road of life?
Does it make sense to step forward in faith
giving God the authority to set the direction - the
boundaries - the purpose and priority of our lives? Like a Jeremy
Lin who sees the glories of linsanity and the NBA as a
road - a part of the journey where the goal is
wherever God is taking him. God is not a
humbug. God
is worthy of our fear.
Worthy of our obedience. God who
promises us abundant life in the midst of the stuff of
life. For Abraham that
meant setting aside whatever dreams he may have had of
life in Haran - and following God down to Canaan. But God
blessed Abraham - the father of a nation - the means
of blessing to even us today. Joseph had
dreams. God
given dreams. That
Joseph had to remain faithful to - obedient to God -
even when he had no clue how God was going to work all
that out. Even
while being betrayed by his own brothers - being sold
into slavery - thrown into prison. But God
blessed Joseph - used him to preserve a nation - a
plan of redemption that includes us today. Moses was in
line to rule the most powerful nation on earth - to
become the most powerful man on the planet. Want
nothing. Lack
nothing. A
dream that so many have pursued. Instead God
took Moses on a journey through the wilderness -
playing nursemaid to a nation of whiners. But God
blessed Moses - used him as His spokesman speaking to
even us today. Paul was a
Hebrew among Hebrews - respected - upward mobile -
destined to be a leader among his people. When he met
Jesus he willingly became a slave. New
priorities. New
purpose in life.
God blessed Paul - used him as the greatest
theologian and evangelist of the church. A man who’s
writings - inspired by the Holy Spirit - are Scripture
that we live our lives by today. What God offers
us is so much greater than what we offer Him. So much
greater than what we cling to. What dream do
you have? We
all have dreams - visions of what we’d like our lives
to be like. Maybe
its a white picket fence in front of a home with a
husband or wife and 2.5 kids. Maybe it’s a
degree or a job.
Maybe it’s a home without drama. Maybe
this morning you have no dreams. They’ve all
been chopped into little tiny pieces. Maybe you’re
carrying around a load of woundedness that you’d just
like to off load someplace. You’re
tired. Weary
of being weary. Maybe
even fearful that someone will find out that the image
is a sham.
you know the revealed God of Scripture or are you
believing in a God who is kind of like Oz? Which God is
worthy of obedience?
Worthy of following through life - a yellow
brick road with distractions and dangers. Sliced and
diced by life which God worthy of seeking for the
restoration and healing we need? _______________________ 1. Daily Mail online 2.15.12
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