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PASSION II DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9 Series: Possession: Claiming God's Promise - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 11, 2012 |
Please turn with me to Deuteronomy 6. We’ll be
starting at verse 4.
Today is our last look at Deuteronomy chapters
4 to 6 and “Possession - Claiming God’s Promise.” Let me
remind you that the series is online. The URL is
on your Message Notes. Also on your message notes there’s a
second part. The
“Taking It Home” part.
There are questions there that are take home
questions. Some
questions to help you think about and reflect on what
we’ve been looking at this morning. Maybe
something you’d like to think through during your
personal time with God this week. Maybe
something you’d like to think through and discuss with
others. We’ve been looking at what it means to
step forward in faith trusting God. To live our
lives trusting that God will actually be there with us
as we go through the stuff of life and even death. Moses speaking to God’s people - as
they’re ready to take possession of the land that God
has promised them - Moses is reminding God’s people of
who God is and what God has done. God
delivering them out of the bondage and slavery of
Egypt. That
same God will be with them as they step forward in
faith into the Promised Land. Because we’ve seen what God has done we
know who God is and what God is going to do. God saved
us. Jesus
undeservedly dying on the cross in our place - setting
us free from bondage to sin and death. That’s what
God has done - revealing that He is the Holy God of
justice and love and grace and mercy. As those
who’ve come to trust Jesus as our Savior - because we
know what God has done - we know that God will be
there with us in whatever comes in this life and
forever. Moses is teaching priorities. How to step
forward in faith trusting God. First: Love God
supremely. Love
God with everything you are. Second. Love others
sacrificially. Desire
God’s best for others - even our enemies. Life isn’t
about us. Life
is about what God wills to do in us and through us to
His glory. Moses teaches God’s people to fear God. When we
understand who God is and who we are before Him - the
only reasonable response is to passionately - from the
core of who we are - to give God the authority to set
the priorities and the purpose for our lives. To live in
obedience to Him so that our lives really are about
God and what He wills to do in us and through us. The crucial urgency of that is found in
where Moses takes us next - God’s concern for
Generation Next.
The effect our lives have on the next
generation. Living
in the promises of God isn’t just about us. Its about
mentoring and training and discipling those who come
after us. In January of last year - at Millard
South High School - Omaha, Nebraska - Robert Butler,
Jr. a high school senior - recently transferred to
Millard South - shot two administrators - the
principal who survived and the Vice Principal, Vicki
Kasper - whom he murdered. Then Robert
Butler killed himself. January - last year - a student brought
an automatic handgun onto the campus of Gardena High
School - down in the LA area. Had the gun
in his backpack when he came to health class. The backpack
got dropped. The
gun went off shooting a 15 year old girl in the head -
critically wounding her - and shooting a 15 year old
boy in the neck.
It seems that may have been more intentional
than just an accidental shooting. October - last year. Cape Fear
High School - Fayetteville, North Carolina. Two
teenagers were taken into custody after shooing a 15
year old fellow student. Last month - Chardon High School -
outside Cleveland, Ohio.
Remember this?
17 year old T.J. Lance opened fire on his
fellow students - killing three and wounding six
others. This is just the tip of an iceberg. The number
one cause of death for teenagers is accidents - think
driving. Number
two - homicide. Number
three - suicide. (1)
the pressure on kids and parents is tremendous -
drugs, stealing, violence, sex, disease, loneliness, emptiness. It doesn’t
matter a whole lot whether your in a public school or
a private school.
What are
parents to do? What
is anyone - who has a concern for the next generation
- to do? How
can we educate our children to survive in today’s
world - and live in our cherished beliefs and culture - to keep going through life stepping
forward in faith trusting God? Look with me at Deuteronomy 6 - starting
at verse 4: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our
God, the Lord is one.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these
words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall
teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk
of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk
by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall
bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as
frontlets between your eyes. You shall
write them on the doorposts of your house and on your
gates. “Hear,
O Israel: The
Lord our God, the Lord is one” is one of the greatest theological
statements in Scripture - if not the greatest. Right up
there with Peter’s declaration, “You
are the Christ, the Son of the loving God.” (Matthew 16:16) Theologians call this the Shema. Which is the
first word in the sentence - “Hear” “shema.” “Hear,
O Israel” is an impassioned plea. “O
Israel… Hear!” Like a parent pleading for the heart and
life of a child.
Please hear me.
Please understand this. This is so
crucial to life that if you don’t get this your life
is going to be a disaster. Hear -
because if you don’t get this you don’t get God. You’re not
going to understand who God is. You’ll miss
the point of Scripture - of life itself - of God’s
deep love for you. “The
Lord our God, the Lord is one.” Grab the uniqueness of God - Jehovah. Jehovah is the one absolute God. Not an
abstract notion - not some kind of absolute idea or an
absolute philosophy.
He’s not some national god - like the gods of
Egypt or like Baal.
He’s not the Christian god or the god of Islam
or the Jewish god. Its not like there’s a lot of names for
god and we’re all like pilgrims on a spiritual journey
wandering up a mountain looking for basically the same
god who’s someplace on the summit. There is no
polytheism or syncretism here. Jehovah is the unique God. The one
absolute living God.
Period. The
point is that the one absolute God has revealed
Himself to Israel as the one absolute God. He’s made
Himself known in His deeds in Israel for the salvation
of the whole world.
As the one God, therefore, Israel is to love
Jehovah, its God with all its heart, with all its
soul, and with all its might. Love God
Our heart comes first. The heart is
our seat of emotions - love in particular. Its that
place deep within - the unconscious core of who we are
that compels us to passion in our endeavors. Love God
with all your heart.
One cannot love God half-heartedly. Our soul - in this context - our soul is
the center of our personality - our self-conscious. The part of
us that is self-aware and thinks. Loving God
should capture and center the attention of our minds. Our might is the strength of our body -
physical action - obedience. Loving God
isn’t just an intellectual exercise in religious
theology and doctrine.
Loving God with all our strength is how our
lives are lived in the rubber meets the asphalt
reality of life. Loving God supremely is first - it is the
spiritual principle from which flows everything else
we do in our relationship with God. It is the
core of our passionate response to the absolute living
God. Going on in verse 6 - “and
- meaning if you heard number one -
“shema” -here’s what comes with it - and these
If you go back up to Deuteronomy 6:1 -
Moses is talking about the statutes and rules - even
what we looked at in chapter 5 - the Ten Commandments
- “these
words” are the “how” of how God’s people are to
live as God’s people when they enter into the land
that God is giving them - stepping forward trusting
God in faith. “And
these words - verse 6 - and
these words that I command you today shall be - where?
your heart.” What does it mean that these words shall
be on your heart? The commandments of God are to be an
affair of the heart.
Not just a memorized list of do’s and don’ts. Not an
intellectual or religious exercise. Not mere
legalism. But
internalized. Meditated
upon. So
that not only will we know the right path through life
- we will walk down the right path of life - stepping
forward in faith trusting God with our life. Are we together? Let me share a true story with you. Maybe some
of you are familiar with this story. On the west side is the town of Patterson. Out
Main Street from Turlock at I5. Back in 1986 - in Patterson - 15 year old
Felipe Garza, Jr. fell in love with 14 year old Donna
Ashlock. Donna
thought Felipe was sweet but she was going with Arthur
Oliva. So
she really didn’t return his love. But it seems
that that didn’t keep Felipe from loving Donna. Any of you
remember this? One day,
Donna doubled over in pain. Doctors
discovered that Donna was dying of a degenerative
heart disease and desperately needed a heart
transplant. Felipe
heard about Donna’s condition and told his mother, “I’m going
to die and I’m going to give my heart to the girl I love.” Sometimes
teenagers say things that sound pretty irrational to
their parents - so his mother didn’t really pay too
much attention to it.
After all, Felipe appeared to his mom to be in
perfect health. Three weeks
later, Felipe woke up and complained about a pain on
the left side of his head. He began
losing his breath - couldn’t
walk. When
he was taken to the hospital they discovered that a
blood vessel in his brain had burst. Felipe
died. While he
remained on a respirator, his family decided to let
physicians remove his kidneys and eyes for people in
need of those organs, and - according to Felipe’s
wishes - his heart for Donna. So, Donna
received Felipe’s heart! When Doctors’ Hospital in Modesto - where
Felipe had died - when Doctors’ Hospital told Donna’s
family that her boyfriend had died and left his heart
to Donna they though it was Arthur. Tough
moments. Can
you imagine? Then they found out it was Felipe. More tough
moments. Donna’s
father told her.
“He donated
his kidneys
and eyes.” There was a
pause and Donna said, “And I have
his heart.” I’ve read that the funeral procession - for Felipe - the procession through the orchards and
fields around Patterson - seemed to go on forever. The
procession was so long it could have been for royalty
or a celebrity. But
it was for Felipe.
His only claim to fame was his love and his
heart. It’s
unforgettable when a person gives up his life so that
someone he loved could live. It would be
unforgettable for us - if we had received a new and
healthy heart from someone who loved us more than we
could appreciate.
And every moment we would live - would be a
tribute to the one who loved us so much that he gave
his life for us.
Moses says
in verse 5 - “you shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your might....and these words which I command you
today shall be on your
heart.” The
greatest commandment is not a long indexed list of
“thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots” - but a call to
the total surrender and devotion of our lives to God -
who has given us His heart - His Son Jesus Christ. Obedience is
learning to respect, to love, to thank, and to worship
God - with everything we are in every moment of our
lives - in a loving relationship with the one unique absolute living God who has loved us so
completely. These commandments shall be on your
heart. Are
we together? Moses’ second point we want to grab onto
this morning comes in verse 7: “You - parents - you shall teach them - teach what? The
commandments - statutes and rules - the “how” of the
“how” to live life stepping forward in faith trusting
God - you shall teach them diligently to your
children.” For those of you who are trying to figure
where all that fits on the Message notes. Point one is
My Heart. Let’s
say that together.
“My heart.” Point two is
Their Heart. Let’s
say that together.
“Their heart.” Loving God
is not just trying to live in obedience to His
Its because we love God that we seek to live in
obedience to Him. And our children - those
around us - will know if we’re
simply obeying God or if we’re
deeply in love
with Him. Our kids
know us. They
know if we just come here because we’re Christians and that’s what Christians do. They know if we do things for
the church because we feel we’re obligated to. They watch
to see if we act one way here and another way at home. They listen to our words - our running commentary about people
and what goes on - especially at church. They hear our vocabulary. They know
what really interests us. They know if we live up to a
set of morals or standards because of our culture or
because of our relationship with God. If we’re trying to teach our
children to love God and obey Him - and we ourselves
are not passionately committed to the priority of
loving God - our children will reject our teaching as
hypocritical - and more than likely will reject God. When I was
younger, our family would go on these camping trips
with another family.
We’d get up in the morning and their boys and I
we’d be ready to go.
There were trails to be hiked and lakes to be
swam in - lots of stuff waiting to be done. The sun is
up. Why aren’t we moving? Its
at least 8:30 and we could have done about a
million things already. But, the
parents had this religious conspiracy thing going. Every
morning - even though it wasn’t Sunday - we’d have to
have devotions. One
dad would open his Bible and read us a passage. And then
while we all had to sit there he’d slowly explain what the passage
meant to him. And
then we’d have a discussion about the passage. And then - they’d have us
spend time in prayer. Even
though back then it was torture for me to sit there, I
learned something about my parents. God came
first. One time I
was thinking about buying a car. And I really
wanted the car. It
was a Mustang fastback in really excellent condition -
and it was white with a blue interior. Blue is my favorite color. And then my
parents asked me a really irritating question, “Have you
prayed about it?”
I didn’t
want to pray about it.
God was going to talk me out of buying the car
and I wanted the car.
But I learned - Seek God first. The
great disaster in our society today - and in our homes
- and in our culture - even in the church - is that we’ve
forgotten that God comes first. People just
don’t see how a relationship with God makes sense in
their everyday lives because many times they’ve never
been shown what it means to live with God in the
everyday circumstances of our lives. Teenagers that leave the church - as they
transition from high school to college - number one
time of life when Generation Next wanders away from
God. The
number one reason is because they’ve never grabbed the
relevancy of following God in the reality of everyday
life. Dr. James Dobson
- of Focus on the Family - commenting on the severe
circumstances in which our children are growing up -
Dr. Dobson writes, “The bell
sounds.... for a nation that is turning its back on
the moral law it once cherished - a law written on
every human heart, yet unrecognized by many members of
the younger generation who have never heard about it
from their elders.
Are we surprised at the spectacle of children
killing children?
Are we shocked to open our newspapers, turn on
our TVs and look into the faces of a couple of Opie
and Beaver look-alikes charged with five counts of
capital murder?” (2) Dr. Dobson wrote that back in 1998. The warning
bell sounds. How
crucially urgent for us today is what Moses taught
God’s people back then - especially as our society
moves farther from God and the pressures on Generation
Next increase. The bottom line is this: There’s a huge reason why Moses begins
with our heart and then moves to their heart - the
heart of our children.
When it comes to following God through life we can only teach who we are.
writes - verse 7 - teach the commandments
diligently. The
New Living Translation renders it, “Repeat them again and again to your
children.” Repetition
is the key to… learning.
Literally the Hebrew means “Drill it into them.” Constant - focused - purposeful teaching. There’s no time when we’re
not teaching about what it means to love God supremely - to step forward in faith
trusting God. Here’s how - Moses goes on - verse 7 -
here’s how you diligently teach them - “Talk of them when you sit in you house,
and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down.” The Hebrew word for Tabernacle - think a
holy sacred place - is closely related to the Hebrew
word for dwelling.
A word that’s sometimes used for a house - a
dwelling place. Meaning: The Hebrew
house is not just a place to hang your Yarmulke. Its your
sanctuary. Moses is talking to who? Parents. And
especially fathers.
Spiritually the head of the home. The Hebrew
word for Torah - the commandments and statues and
rules that God spoke through Moses - the Hebrew word
for Torah is closely related to the Hebrew words for
parent and teacher. Meaning - hang onto this: The
sanctuary of the home is the primary place of
spiritual instruction. Its been said that the Jewish religion
and culture would survive even if all the synagogues
and the temple were destroyed because the center of
Jewish education is in the home. Especially
at Shabbat - at least once a week - at sundown Friday
- the Hebrew home was a place of prayer - a place of
study - a place to gather spiritually. The dinner
table became an altar.
On the table is the “hallah” - two loaves of
bread that represent God’s presence. Songs of
praise are sung.
Words of Scripture are exchanged. Fathers -
like priests at the Tabernacle - instructing the
family in Torah - God’s law.
Last Friday night we watched the movie
Courageous. That
movie focuses on the importance of Godly fathers. Fathers who
are engaged - not just physically there - but engaged
with their children. Remember this from the movie? When a
father is absent a child is 5 times more likely to
commit suicide or do drugs. 20 times
more likely to end up in prison. The presence and involvement of a father
is positively associated with a child’s well being,
educational attainment, behavioral development,
self-esteem, and avoidance of high-risk behaviors. Children
growing up without a father present are more likely to
suffer physical, emotional, or educational neglect,
engage in juvenile delinquency including violent
crime, abuse drugs and alcohol, and become a teenage
mom living in poverty.
90% of all homeless and runaway children come
from fatherless homes. A survey done by the National Center for
Fathering in 2009 found 70% agreement of those
surveyed that the physical absence of fathers from the
home is the most significant family or social problem
facing America today.
(3) Proof? Look at
Merced. Fathers are the primary hindrance or help
to a child’s relationship with God. Known
reality - if a mother comes to church that’s great. The children
will come too. But,
if a father comes - when that child becomes an adult -
that child is about significantly more likely to keep
on following God through life. We don’t want to take anything away from
the importance of mothers. Mothers are
hugely - let me repeat that - mother’s are hugely
important to their children. But it is a
reality - as the father goes so goes the home and so
goes the society. Moses goes on - how to teach diligently -
verse 8 - Moses says “You shall bind the commandments as a
sign.” A
sign is something visible that commands belief -
obedience. “Bind them as a sign on your hand
and as frontlets between your eyes. Write them
on the doorposts of your house and gates.” The Hebrews had little scrolls with the
Ten Commandments and other passages - made little
boxes for them - called phylacteries - tied them on
the back of their left hand and bound them on their
forehead between their eyes. They wrote
the commandments on their doorposts and gates and the
outer entrances of their houses. They tried
to fulfill Moses’ words in a mechanical legalistic
way. But God’s dealing with the what? The heart. Obedience
from the heart. Our hands are what we use to work with. Obey God
from the heart when we’re working. Our eyes are
all about our thought life and what we see. Obey God
from the heart with our thoughts - our attitudes -
what we allow ourselves to see. Our
doorposts and gates are the avenues of contact with
the world around us.
Obey God from the heart in our relationships
with our neighbors and friends and others. Are you seeing Moses is getting at? When you’re
sitting around the house - being a couch potato - in
the morning - at night - eating meals - when you go in and when you
go out - at the mall - as you’re driving around town - keep these commandments
always on your heart. In every
circumstance live loving God - passionately from your heart - obeying God diligently in the everyday
circumstances of our lives - and the next generation
will learn - by observation and practice - what it means to know God in
the everyday circumstances
of their lives. Are we together? Let’s be careful. We’re not
just talking to parents.
But also to grand-parents and
great-grand-parents - and if you look around this
place - everyone of us has a stake in the spiritual
direction of Generation Next. Point being: Don’t
abdicate the privilege that God has given you to
impact Generation Next - to teach - to mentor - to
disciple - to encourage the next generation to know
what it means for them to step forward in faith
trusting God and living in the awesome abundance of
God’s promises. Hearing this kind of message is either
very encouraging or very discouraging. You’re
either sitting there thinking, “I’ve
got it nailed.” Or you may be thinking. “I’ve
been nailed.” Either its, “I’m
on the right track.
I just need to keep going.” Or, “Well,
its too late.” Brothers and sisters - no matter where
this message finds you it is never too late to start
where you are. Just
start. There’s
no need to look back in vain regrets beating yourself
up over the past.
Begin now.
That’s God’s grace to you. The God of
the impossible. He
can do wonders - even miracles - when and where you
begin. If
you’re willing to step forward in faith trusting Him. We as
children of our Heavenly Father need more and more to
ask Him to provide us with His knowledge, wisdom,
guidance, and power to become the Godly parents and
grandparents - disciples and mentors - that He wants us to be. To deepen
our relationship and love for God. We need to
be praying not only for ourselves and the other
parents we know, but also for our children and their
children, as well as for the children all around us
who are struggling with deep moral issues and at times
even life-and-death issues.
_______________________ 1. Center for Disease Control May 2010 2. Family
News From Dr. James Dobson, May 1998
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
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