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WORKMANSHIP EPHESIANS 2:1-10 Series: To God Be The Glory - Part Three Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 3, 2009 |
Please turn
with me to Ephesians 2. We are going on in our look at
the first three chapters of Paul’s letter to the
believers in Ephesus and others beyond Ephesus that
Paul is also writing to.
How many of you
like M&M’s?
I have here one peanut M&M. Would
anyone like it?
I have here a whole bag of peanut M&M’s. Given a
choice would you rather have a - singular - M7M or a
whole bag of M&M’s?
Anybody want this bag?
The passage
we’re coming to today is familiar. Many of us
have memorized verses 8 and 9. “For by
grace you have been saved…” We’ve heard the gospel: God loves
you and has a wonderful plan for your life. But, we’re
separated from God by our sin. Jesus died
so that our sins can be forgiven. We need to
personally accept God’s gracious gift by faith so that
that we can know God.
All that’s an
incredible reality.
Yes? And
all that is like having 1 M&M while God wants us
to have the whole bag.
As we go through this passage think about what
it is that God is offering to us. What it
means to have the whole bag.
Look with me at
Ephesians 2 - starting at verse 1: And you
were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you
formerly walked according to the course of this world,
according to the prince of the power of the air, of
the spirit that is now working in the sons of
disobedience. Among
them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our
flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the
mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as
the rest.
Let’s pause
there. Verses
1 to 3 are Paul’s description of Our Condition in this world. Paul
writes, “You were
dead.” Underline these
words: “You
were dead.” Let’s say that
together. “You
were dead.”
Paul gives two
descriptions of what it means for us to be dead - this
condition that we find ourselves in. First is
Paul’s description of the Physical
world we live in.
In the last two
Sundays we’ve described the world we live in as a what
kind of world? A
Humpty Dumpty world.
Relax, I’m not
going to have you recite the rhyme. But, we do
want to remember the obvious - that the world we
live in is fallen - cracked - whatever all the kings
horses and all the kings men have tried to do - there
is no way Humpty is getting put back together again.
If we were able
to take humanity and turn mankind loose on a planet
and let them create whatever kind of world they’d like
to create - whatever philosophies and politics and
economics and culture - whatever - the best that
they’d be able to come up with is pretty much what we
see going on around us.
A fallen - cracked - world messed up by people
who are dead spiritually.
Second Paul
describes the world behind the world that we live
in - the
spiritual world influenced by Satan.
Behind the
valley of the shadow of death - this near hell
experience that we live in - behind all that is Satan
and his minions - influencing what we see happening
around us - nudging us down this path of destruction
where evil is called good and good is called evil. Where so
many people live wounded - broken - hopeless -
searching - empty - without purpose and meaning in
their lives.
destroying ourselves endlessly searching for an answer
- knowing that the answer is within us - or at lease
humanity raising ourselves above our inhumanity. Satan’s
great deception:
Life is about me! God is whatever I think He is. Self not
God. Somehow
it’ll all work out.
Remember this
guy? Ed
Norton. Worked
in the Sewer - and loved it. That’s the lostness of this
world. Humanity
living in a sewer deceived into thinking this is all
good. Not
great. But
Paul writes -
verse 2 - Paul writes that “you” formerly walked
according to the course of this world. When Paul
wrote this letter he intended for it to be read not
only in Ephesus - but also by believers in other
places. Which
we’re doing today.
Ephesus and surrounding areas being Gentile not
Jewish. “You”
is us.
Then in verse
3, Paul writes, “we too” - meaning the Jews. We all
we’re caught up in the stuff of this world.
Do you eat to
live or live to eat?
One is preservation. One is passion. Most of us
error on the side of passion. We’re
passionate about gratifying our desires - doing what
pleases us. We
too lived in the lusts of our flesh - indulging the
desires of our bodies and minds.
Paul writes
that we all were living like the sons of
disobedience. What
does this sign mean?
70 mph? 75? What
about this one?
“Good Luck! Like I’m
goin’ 50 mph for 416 miles.” God lays
down His law and we’ve all broken it.
Paul writes
that we all were by nature children of wrath. The end
point of this path of destruction is death - physical
yes - spiritual more so. God’s wrath - eternal death -
separation forever from God. On that path we’re dead already.
A corpse has no
power - no ability.
A corpse decays.
It stinks being a corpse. It has no
hope of being anything more than dead. That’s us. Its not
pretty. Its
a blow to our pride.
Paul writes, “You were
Let’s go on. Verse 4: “But
God.” Underline those
two words. Let’s
say them together.
“But God.” Verses 4 to 7
are God’s Answer to our
But God,
being rich in mercy - God not giving us what we deserve
- us deserving His wrath - eternal death - But God,
being rich in mercy, because of His great love with
which He loved us - because God is Himself the source and
definition of love - even when we
were dead in our transgressions, made us alive
together with Christ (by grace - by God’s
undeserved - unearnable favor - by grace
you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and
seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ
Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the
surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us
in Christ Jesus.
There are four
parts to God’s answer. First: God made us alive. Say that
with me, “God made us
God - at the
core of who we are - the core of what makes us us -
that core that was spiritually dead - at the core of
who we are God has made us to be alive. When we
come to trust in Jesus as our Savior God places His
Spirit within us.
God Himself comes to take up residence inside
us. God
with us as close as the core of who we are. As we go
through life with God we find that its God who desires
to enable and empower and guide and gift and bless us
with everything that we need to live life.
Because of what
God has done for us in Jesus - we get to experience
life with the living God. Not as an enemy of God or living
in fear of the God of wrath or seeing God as a great
and terrible judge - condemning us to eternal death. But we get
to experience life knowing God as our loving Heavenly
Father. We
belong to Him. We’re
His children.
Second part to
God’s answer: God has raised us. Say that
with me, “God has raised
Jesus is raised
from the dead. When
we come to Christ as our Savior we’re joined to His
resurrection. God
raises us to real life.
Let’s be
honest. The
stuff of this Humpty Dumpty world can be pretty
enticing. Yes? Sin - for
the most part - feels pretty good. Otherwise
why would we ever go there? There’s different things that we
involve ourselves with that - on the surface - or at
first - those things may not seem so bad. Its easy to
follow along with the deception and get caught up in
the things of this world.
God raises us
out of the sewer - by His grace gives us a totally
different understanding of what we see going on around
us. God
opens up to us the understanding that the stuff of
Humpty Dumpty Land leads to death. Its a trap
- a kind of living death. God raises us up to a whole new
life - free of all that - with no need to go back to
any of that.
Third part of
God’s answer: God has seated us. Try that
with me, “God has seated
Back in chapter
1 - verse 20 - part of what we looked at last Sunday -
in chapter 1 - verse 20 - we read that God - by His
power raised Jesus -
from the dead
and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly
places - the
position of power and authority in creation and beyond
- far above - no thing - no
one even comes close - far above all
rule and authority and power and dominion, and every
name that is named, not only in this age but also in
the one to come.
everything and everyone - now and forever.
We saw -
looking at Philippians 2:9-11 - that one day - every
rational being will physically bow - every tongue will
audibly confess - with one voice - in agreement -
openly - in acknowledgement - no one is greater than Jesus. No one
deserves greater respect - honor - worship. He has first place in
everything. The dominion of Jesus is
greater. He is Lord over all of
creation. Jesus
is the Savior. Jesus
is the Christ. Jesus
is the Sovereign Lord God - Jehovah Himself.
That’s the
reality that Paul is referring to here in verse 6. Hold on to
that image of Jesus.
Paul - using
that image - here in verse 6 - Paul writes that God
has seated us with Jesus in the heavenly places - in
His kingdom. That’s
a mind bender. Isn’t
The heavenly
places aren’t some place way out there. What Paul
is saying is that right here and right now we’re
already part of God’s kingdom. Already -
right here - right now - each of us - in Christ - has
in that kingdom a place of authority - of power - of
Fourth part of
God’s answer: God’s Purpose. Let’s say
that together, “God’s
In verse 7 Paul
writes that God has made us alive - raised us - seated
us - so that - God’s purpose - so that in the ages to
come God can show the surpassing riches of His grace
in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
That word
“show” is important for us to understand. Back in the
original Greek - on one hand “to show” has the idea of
proving something.
God showing us - proving to us - the surpassing
value of His grace and kindness towards us.
Surpassing is
the Greek word we get “hyperbole” from. Exaggerated
beyond reason. Nothing
makes a fish bigger than almost being caught.
God making us
alive? God
raising us? God
seating us? How
can we explain that?
God’s exaggerated pouring out His grace and
kindness on us goes beyond our ability to mentally
process. Its
just too much. And
yet, God purposes to go on unreasonably pouring out on
us His grace and kindness on us forever and ever and
ever. To
show us - to prove to us - just how greatly He loves
On the other
hand - in the original Greek “to show” has the idea of
putting someone or something on display.
This is what? The Mona
Lisa. The
great 16th century masterpiece by Leonardo (da Caprio)
da Vinci. Have
any of you ever seen this in person? Great
crowds of people file by each day to just get a
glimpse of this masterpiece. When people look at that
painting - the painting is impressive. But when
people see the painting one has to marvel at the skill
of the artist - at the artistic genius of Leonardo da
God makes us
alive - raises us - seats us - but we still live in
Humpty Dumpty Land where other people need to be shown
God’s love - His grace - His mercy - to be made alive
- raised up - seated in His kingdom.
God’s purpose
in all this exaggerated pouring out His love on us is
to demonstrate to others what it means to be loved by
God - to be recipients of His grace and kindness. Here in the
sewer we are God’s masterpiece - on display - as He
pours out His grace and kindness on us - so that -
purpose - so that others will be attracted to the
artist - to God.
Verses 8 to 10
are Paul’s Explanation. Paul’s
explanation of what God’s done for us. This is
where we need to make sure we’re reaching for the
whole bag of M&M’s and not just one.
Verse 8: For by
grace you have been saved through faith; and that not
of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result
of works, so that no one may boast. For we are
His workmanship - read masterpiece - His
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in
There are two
parts to Paul’s explanation. First: Its not of
ourselves. Let’s
say that together, “Its not of
ourselves.” Whatever
surpassing love, grace, mercy - faith itself -
whatever we’ve received from God - salvation - it all
comes from God.
If we owe a
debt to someone for $5 trillion billion dollars and
someone offers to pay it for us. And that
person writes us a check for $5 trillion billion
dollars. And
we reach out and take it from him. What would
it sound like if we said, “Well,
it was my own ability that got me this money - taking
the check from this person like I did. And what I
did was for his benefit. If I hadn’t taken the check what
good would it have been for him to write it?”
Paul reminds us
that we’re dead - lost - disobedient - separated from
God. If
it wasn’t for God reaching down to us we’d be toast. Every brush
stroke. Every
ability. Our
identity. Our
hope. Everything
that’s worth having and that God has blessed us with
comes from God.
Its His initiative. His grace. His love
poured out.
With what God
has done for us - we have no right to say anything
about ourselves - to boast in ourselves - to take
credit for any of this.
We had absolutely nothing to do with what God’s
done. We
didn’t come up with it.
Couldn’t have made it happen even if we had
thought it up. We’re
just not sufficient.
That’s huge. God
purposes to show His grace and kindness to us. To draw us
into a personal saving relationship with Him through
Jesus Christ. But,
notice - there’s more than one M&M here.
The second part
of Paul’s explanation:
We are God’s workmanship. Try
that with me, “We are God’s
workmanship.” A masterpiece
of God’s work put on display for Him.
Paul writes in
verse 10 that “beforehand” - before we were saved -
before Christ went to the cross - before creation was
creation - God prepared - laid out - the good works
that He has for us to do - so that when - because of
His unsurpassable grace and kindness - God purposes to
save us - to make us alive - to raise us - to seat us
- in Jesus to create us to be His workmanship -
meaning that its by God’s artistry not our ability -
created us to be His workmanship so that we would be
His masterpiece on display in this world.
We aren’t some
paint by numbers garage sale item that God picked up
for 25 cents so He could line the bottom of a drawer
with us. We’re
a masterpiece that God planned - before creation -
planned and prepared to proudly hang on display as a
testimony of His very own character and workmanship.
Are you
grabbing what Paul is getting at here? Being saved
from hell - fire and brimstone - eternal consequences
for our sins. Salvation
is an awesome thing.
But God has purposes for us that go beyond
salvation - that we should live on display for Him -
even in this Humpty Dumpty world. That is
Do you see
yourself that way - as a masterpiece of God? Say this to
yourself, “I’m a
masterpiece of God.”
that with someone near you, “You are
a masterpiece of God.”
Do you know who
Susan Boyle is?
Back in April Susan Boyle - age 47 - somewhat
frumpy - unglamorous - unfashionable - unknown -
appeared as a contestant on “Britain’s Got Talent” -
the British version of American Idol. When you
watch this clip - notice the audience’s initial
Since Britain’s
Got Talent - on YouTube - clips with Susan Boyle have
gotten millions - maybe 100 million hits so far. She’s sung
before the Queen.
She’s a Disney movie ready to happen. Her
popularity is astronomical.
Maybe because
most of us can related to being the one laughed at. Most of us
would like to be valued - seen - as a masterpiece. Maybe even
if we have trouble seeing ourselves that way.
On several
occasions the Mona Lisa has been vandalized. But the
awesomeness of Leonardo da Vinci’s talent has never
been diminished.
Our being a masterpiece is about God’s grace -
God’s workmanship - God on display through us. Seen that
way - regardless of what others may see - we are
always a masterpiece.
Maybe God will
put us on display like Carrie Prejean - of The Rock
Church in San Diego. Carrie
as Miss California was as a contestant for Miss
America. She
got asked the politically loaded question “Do you
think every state should legalize same-sex marriage?” Carrie’s
answer - based on her morals - her upbringing - her
faith - Carrie’s answer: “I believe that
marriage should be between a man and a woman.” That answer
probably cost her the title of Miss America. Its an
answer she’s been shredded for.
Or maybe God
will put us on display like Shuang Shuying of Beijing,
China - arrested multiple times - beaten - tortured -
denied medical aid - went from 110 pounds down to 73 -
lost her vision while serving her last sentence -
released just in time to visit her husband just before
he died. Her
crime? She’s
a Christian.
God hangs His masterpieces in the strangest places - in our homes - at work - at school - in this Humpty Dumpty world. Sometimes the masterpieces get vandalized. But we are God’s masterpiece. May we hang for His glory.
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