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THE WORKMANSHIP OF GRACE Ephesians 2:1-10 Series: A Letter of Grace and Life - Part Three Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 1, 2020 |
are continuing in our study of Paul’s letter to the
church of Ephesus.
The big picture of Ephesians comes in two
parts: chapters
1 to 3 focusing on grace and chapters 4 to 6
focusing on life.
So - big picture: Ephesians
is... “a letter of grace and life.” Grace
coming from God - which we desperately need. And life -
what it means for us to live out what God has so
graciously done for us. So if you are
able, please with me before God and His word and
would join with me as we read together beginning at
Ephesians 2 - starting at verse 1: And you were dead in the trespasses and
sins in which you once walked, following the course
of this world, following the prince of the power of
the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons
of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the
passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of
the body and the mind, and were by nature children
of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because
of the great love with which He loved us, even when
we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive
together with Christ—by grace you have been
saved—and raised us up with Him and seated us with
Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that
in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable
riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ
Jesus. For by grace you have been saved
through faith.
And this is not your own doing; it is the
gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one
may boast. For
we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for
good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we
should walk in them. Leading
up to chapter 2 - what we’ve seen in past Sundays -
Paul has being opening up how God has graciously
blessed those in Christ with every spiritual
blessing. Whatever
we need to do life - not surface level - but at the
core of who we are - heart and soul level - God
graciously blesses us with everything we need to do
life. What
Paul has opened up is astounding. God
has chosen us, predestined us to be His children,
redeemed us from the bondage and condemnation of our
sin, made Himself known to us - giving us life with
Him now and a certain hope of an unimaginable future
with Him. And
God seals us by the work of the Holy Spirit. We’re His
now and forever.
And God - being with us - blesses us with His
wisdom and guidance in the day to day of our lives -
giving purpose to our lives - and supplying the
strength we need to follow Him through it all. All of
which is for God’s glory alone. That’s
the back fill leading into chapter 2. God’s
grace poured out on us and overflowing our lives. Astounding. Verse
1 - Paul writes, “You were dead.” Dead
meaning… dead. The
theological term that describes that is... “Total
Depravity”. Which
describes us before God. Spiritually
dead. Harsh. But true. Total depravity
means each of us is totally corrupt in every part of
our nature. There’s
nothing within us that’s worthy of God’s approval. And
in how we live life - every one of us displays our
depravity as thoroughly and completely as we can. That is
who we are individually and as a race since Adam
fell. God
said, “Don’t eat fruit from that tree.” Adam - who
represented all of us - yet to be born - humans -
Adam made the choice to disobey God. Adam
- rather than having faith in God and obeying God -
Adam chooses to act independent of God - disobeys
God - and severs Himself spiritually from God and
dies - spiritually. And
everyone of us - descended from Adam - is born into
that hopeless separation from God and spiritual
death - forever. Total Depravity
describes our standing - as descendants of Adam -
our standing - who we are - before God without
Christ. Depravity
isn’t about how much or how little we’ve messed up
in life and all the horrible things we’ve done or
not done. Depravity
isn’t about making us feel guilty or giving us an
excuse to give up on ourselves. Depraved
is depraved. Dead
is dead. Spiritually
dead to God. Hopeless
and destined to the eternal wrath of God. Harsh. Hard to
hear. But
true. Paul
goes on - verse 2.
Paul writes that we walked in our trespasses
and sins. Trespasses
are like stepping over the line. Living
where we shouldn’t be living. Sin
is… sin. What
we do, or think, or say that’s disobedient to God -
His character - His will. Everyone
of us has - by our own sin - we just go on
confirming the choice that Adam made. Paul
writes that we walked that way - as depraved people
we lived that way - following the course of this
world. The
world is how the Bible talks about people. Humanity
with all of our great ideas and thoughts and
philosophies and religions and discoveries and
science and reasoning - our amassed extensive
knowledge - our culture and laws. If
we were able to turn humanity loose on a planet and
let them create whatever kind of world we’d like to
create - whatever philosophies and politics and
economics and culture - whatever - the best that
we’d be able to come up with is pretty much what we
see going on around us. A
fallen world messed up by spiritually dead depraved
people - a spiritual zombie land. Physically
living spiritually dead people. Paul
writes that the world of humanity walks - lives -
following the prince of the power of the air. Behind
this near hell experience that we live in - behind
all that is Satan and his minions - influencing what
we see happening around us - nudging us down this
path of self-destruction where evil is called good
and good is called evil. Where so
many people live wounded - broken - hopeless -
searching - empty - lonely - without purpose and
meaning in their lives. Where
we’re slowly destroying ourselves endlessly
searching for an answer. Our -
independent of God - self-driven efforts to better
ourselves. Believing
that the answer is within us. Our
ability to raise ourselves out of our inhumanity. Which
is Satan’s great deception going back to the Garden. We can
live independent of trusting God like we know more
than God. Remember
this guy? Ed
Norton. If
you don’t remember Ed, Google him. History
lesson in American pop culture. Ed worked
in the... sewer - and loved it. That’s
the lostness - the depravity - of this world. Humanity
living in a sewer deceived into thinking this is all
good. Not
great. But
good. We’re
inherently good.
We just need to fix up a few things. We’ll get
it right next time. Several
thousand years of human history later, how’s that
going? Then Paul writes -
verse 3 - that we all once lived in the passions of
our flesh. Question: Do you eat
to live or live to eat? One is
preservation. One
is passion. Most
of us error on the side of passion. Being
passionate about gratifying our desires - doing what
pleases us. We
all lived in the passions of our flesh - indulging
the desires of our bodies and minds. None of us
escape that. We’re
heart level passionate about our self-gratifying
sin. We
still struggle to be free of that. And
as a consequence - Paul writes - as a consequence we
all were by nature children of wrath. God’s
wrath. God’s
justly deserved eternal - forever separation from
God - forever punishment. The
forever endpoint of passionately following the
course of this world. Pulling
all that together.
A corpse has no power - no ability. A corpse
decays. A
corpse just lays there with no hope of being
anything more than dead. Ultimately,
it stinks being a corpse. Paul
writes, “You were dead.” On
a Sunday when we’re going to be sharing communion
together it is crucial that we be reminded of who we
were. It’s
not pretty. It’s
a blow to our self-serving pride. But
it’s a reality check to our egos that we need. To be
reminded of the depth of our depravity and our
desperate need for the unsurpassed height of God’s
grace. Paul
writes, “You were dead.” Let’s go on. Verse 4
begins... “But God.” That’s a total game
changer. Everything
before “but God” is who we were. Everything
after “but God” is who we are.
Verses 4 to 7 are what is now true of us
because of what God - by His grace - has done for
us. But God, being rich in mercy - Mercy meaning
God not giving us what we deserve. In our
depravity we deserve eternal wrath and punishment. But God, being rich in mercy, because
of His great love with which He loved us... “loved”
- the verb in the
Greek has the idea of timelessness. God
Who is love - Who is the source and definition of
what love is. God
has loved us from before creation was creation. And He
does love us. And
He will love us.
Why? He
just does. It’s
a God thing. But
God - in His over-the-top abundant mercy - because
He is love - has and does and will love us - even when we were dead in our
trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by
grace - by God’s
unprovoked and undeserved favor - by grace you have been saved—and raised
us up with Him and seated us with Him in the
heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the
coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of
His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Unpacking
that. Three
things that God - rich in mercy - greatly loving us
- by grace - that God has done for us. First
- verse 5 - God made us alive together with Christ. Meaning
that God - at the spiritual core of who we are being
spiritually dead - when we welcome what God has done
for us - trusting in Jesus as our Savior - God the
Holy Spirit enters into us and takes what was
spiritually dead and makes us to be spiritually
alive. Meaning
that our whole relationship with God changes. We’re
redeemed and forgiven and restored and adopted and
so much more. Because
of what God has done for us in Jesus - we get to
experience life with the living God. Not living
as an enemy of God or living in fear of the God of
wrath or seeing God as a great and terrible judge -
justifiably condemning us to eternal death. Second - verse 6 -
God has raised us up with Him - with Christ. “Raised” is about
resurrection. God
raised Jesus from death. Which
is our great hope.
When we come to Jesus as our Savior we’re
joined to His resurrection. The end
point of our lives is not God’s wrath and eternal
death but eternal life. As surely
as Jesus is the resurrected Son of God we know that
we will go on being God’s children forever. And
with that great future hope is our living raised
even today. Someone
once said that resurrection power works best in
graveyards. In
Christ, God raises us up out of the sewer. Meaning
that God - by His grace - God gives us a totally
different understanding of what we see going on
around us. God
opens up to us the understanding that sin - with all
its delusions and enticements - that following after
the world - that’s a trap. It’s
living death now and the end point is forever death. So
we don’t have to keep going there. We don’t
have to live entangled in all that. We can
live forgiven and free in the redeemed life God
gives to us. We
can live with a totally different perspective of
life - focused on God and what God has raised us up
to. And
as we trust and yield to God we learn that God is
with right there with us able and willing to enable
and empower and guide and gift and bless us with
everything that we need to live life - now and
forever. Third
- verse 6 - God has seated us with Him - with Christ. Seated
is what happens after we work hard all day and come
home and crash.
We’re done. Seated
meaning that after Jesus’ work on the cross was
finished. After
His death in our place - and His resurrection
assuring us of life - Jesus ascended to Heaven and
sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Meaning
everything that needed to be done - to accomplish
our salvation - everything that needed to be done
was done. Seated
is also about where Jesus is seated. Paul - back in
Ephesians 1:20 - Paul writes that God - by His power
raised Jesus - from the dead and seated Him at His
right hand in the heavenly places - the position of
power and authority in creation and beyond - far above all - not some but all
- rule and authority and power and
dominion, and above every name that is named, not
only in this age but also in the one to come. (Ephesians
1:20b,21) Jesus
has dominion and authority and rules over everything
and everyone - now and forever. Which
is the truth Paul is focusing on here in verse 6. Jesus. Work
accomplished. Seated. Jesus
reigns in divine authority over all of His creation. So
when Paul writes about our being seated “with Him”- with Jesus in the
heavenly places - Paul isn’t writing about the
heavenly places being some place way out there that
someday maybe we’ll get there if we’re good enough
at working hard enough at being a Christian and the
good Lord let’s us in. As
surely as Jesus’ work on our behalf was completed
and was all that was need to be done - in Christ -
right here and right now we’re already part of God’s
kingdom. Already
- right here - right now - each of us - in Christ -
has in that kingdom a place of authority - of power
- of privilege. Jesus
is seated. We’re
seated. Pulling
together those three things that God - “but God” -
being rich in mercy - greatly loving us - by grace -
that God has done for us. Those
three realities are a game changer in our position
before God. God
changing us from being spiritually dead in our sin
to being made spiritually alive before God. Our
relationship with God is made right. We’re
no longer left to hopelessly stumble through life
towards an uncertain future. But we
have true hope in Christ today and for forever. And
we’ve gone from destination Hell to destination
Heaven. Hold
on to the certain reality of all that for those who
are in Christ. Paul
writes that God has made us alive - raised us -
seated us - with Jesus so that - God’s purpose - so
that in the coming ages God can show the
immeasurable riches of His... grace in kindness
toward us in Christ Jesus. “Immeasurable” means…
immeasurable. It
translates the Greek word “uperbole” which is the
word we get our English word… “hyperbole”. Exaggerated
beyond reason.
word “show” has the idea of giving a demonstration -
displaying - visibly giving proof - evidence - of
something. In
the Greek, the verb has the idea of continuously
doing that. “Showing” “Kindness”
is about Who God is.
God is kindness. God is
goodness. God
is gracious. Meaning
that God’s purpose in all His making us spiritually
alive and raising us up out of the sewer of sin and
seating us with Him - God’s purpose in being
merciful and saving us by His grace is to go on
demonstrating to us - and all of creation - Who He
is by today and forever endlessly and immeasurably
lavishing His kindness and goodness and graciousness
on us. And
that’s just nuts.
Isn’t it?
Who gets that? God
making us alive?
God raising us?
God seating us?
The depraved?
The sinners?
Messed up and hung up? And
yet, God purposes to go on unreasonably pouring out
on us His grace and kindness on us forever and ever
and ever. That’s
God’s grace. Unprovoked
- undeserved - favor towards us. Verses
8 to 10 are familiar verses. Yes? In
the big picture of Paul’s letter - verses 8 to 10
are Paul pulling together who we were - who we are -
and God’s purposes in that. Who We Glorify. Which -
spoiler alert - isn’t us. We
are to live testifying of God’s grace. We’re
going to unpack these verses in two parts. Verses 8
and 9 focus on God’s gift. Verse
8: For by grace you have been saved
through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the
gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no
one may boast.
translates the Greek word “doron” which means… gift. Any
one like getting gifts? Especially
unexpected gifts that are really good? (Brentwood
Panini Maker) Let’s
be clear. God’s
gift of salvation by grace is way better than a
“Panini Maker.”
Hopefully we’re together on that. The
gift is unexpected and undeserved. Faith is
how we receive the gift. Faith is the means
- the instrument - “through faith” - that we receive
salvation. Faith
is sometimes compared to a syringe that delivers
lifesaving medicine.
What saves someone isn’t the syringe. It’s the
medicine. But
without the syringe - without the faith - salvation
isn’t possible. Faith
is our response through which we receive God’s
graciously offered gift of salvation of the
completed work of Christ on the cross. Faith is
simply trusting in what Christ has accomplished on
our behalf. Paul
is very specific:
this is not your own doing; it is the
gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one
may boast. Faith
is not a work.
Even faith is a gift of God’s grace. Faith
is not something we do that God recognizes and then
God gives us salvation. Faith is
our welcoming what God - by His grace - has already
and completely done for us by Christ’s work on the
cross. Paul
just reminded us that we’re dead - lost -
disobedient - hopelessly separated from God. If it
wasn’t for God reaching down to us we’d be toast. Grace is
the basis for everything that God has done for us. Every
ability. Our
identity. Our
hope. Faith
itself. Everything
that’s worth having and that God has blessed us with
comes from God.
It’s His initiative. His grace. His love
poured out. We
don’t get bragging rights on that. Just in
case we might be tempted to boast - or tempted to
think that just a little bit of that is because
we’re worth it or did something to earn it. We can’t
any credit for any of it. We were
dead. We
had absolutely nothing to do with what God’s done. We didn’t
come up with it.
Couldn’t have made it happen even if we had
thought it up.
gracious gift of salvation is received when God
opens our blinded by our sin - depraved - eyes to
His gospel and enables us to understand and respond
to its claims of what is offered to us in Christ -
to accept His promise of forgiveness and life for
all who believe. Salvation
is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ
alone. Which
is about God - not us.
To God alone be the glory. Paul goes on -
part two of our unpacking - verse 10: For we are His workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand so that we would walk in them. “Workmanship”
translates the Greek word “poiema.” The only other
place that word gets used in the New Testament is
Romans 1:20. Paul
writing about how God reveals Himself to us: “For His [God’s] invisible attributes,
namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have
been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of
the world, in the things that have been made.” Psalm
19 - same idea:
“The Heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. Day to day
pours our speech, and night to night reveals
knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1,2) In
the same way we are the workmanship of God that
declares Who God is. Paul
writes in verse 10 that “beforehand” - before we
were saved - before Christ went to the cross -
before creation was creation - God prepared - laid
out - the good works that He has for us to do. So
that when - because of His unsurpassable grace and
kindness - God by His grace purposes to save us - to
make us alive - to raise us - to seat us - in Jesus
to create us to be His workmanship - meaning that
its by God’s artistry not our ability - created us
to be His workmanship so that - as we live out the
works that He has prepared for us - we would be on
display in this world - to God alone be the glory. Are
we grabbing what Paul is getting at here? Being
saved from hell - fire and brimstone - eternal
consequences for our sins. Salvation
is an awesome thing. But
God has purposes for us that go beyond salvation -
that we should live on display for Him - God - the
God our creator.
That is huge. Do
you see yourself that way - as a masterpiece of God? Say this
to yourself, “I’m a masterpiece of God.” Share that with
someone near you, “You are a masterpiece of God.” We
aren’t some paint by numbers garage sale item that
God picked up for 25 cents so He could line the
bottom of a drawer with us. We’re a
masterpiece that God planned - before creation -
planned and prepared to proudly hang on display as a
testimony of His very own character and workmanship. God’s
purpose in all this exaggerated pouring out His love
on us is to demonstrate to others what it means to
be loved by God - to be recipients of His grace and
kindness. Here
in the sewer we are God’s masterpiece - on display -
as He pours out His grace and kindness on us - so
that - purpose - so that others will be attracted to
the artist - to God. Briefly
processing that... This
is what? The
Mona Lisa. The
great 16th century masterpiece by Leonardo (da
Caprio) da Vinci.
Have any of you ever seen this in person? In the
Louvre in Paris. Great
crowds of people file by each day to just get a
glimpse of this masterpiece. When
people look at that painting - the painting is
impressive. But
when people see the painting one has to marvel at
the skill of the artist - at the artistic genius of
Leonardo da Vinci. The
Mona Lisa has been stolen and vandalized. But it
still hangs as a testimony of Leonardo da Vinci’s
artistic talent. Maybe God will put
us on display like Pastor Lawan Andimi who - in
January - was kidnapped by Boko Haran militants from
his village in Nigeria. On
January 7th, the pastor’s captors forced him to
record a video from his place of captivity. With the
black flag of the Islamic State West African
Province hanging behind his shoulder, Lawan said, “I have never been discouraged, because
all conditions that one finds himself in is the
hands of God. … By the grace of God, I will be
together with my wife, my children and my
colleagues. [But] if the opportunity has not been
granted, maybe it is the will of God.” (1) On
January 20, Pastor Andimi was beheaded. Some
of us get to hang in the greater Merced metroplex. Some of
those positions may be more noticeable than others. Some of
them not so noticeable. God
hangs His masterpieces in the strangest places - in
our homes - at work - at school. Sometimes
the masterpieces get vandalized. But
we all hang for God.
Our being a masterpiece is about God’s grace
- God’s workmanship - Who we are because of Him -
God on display through us. By His
grace, may we hang for His glory. _______________ 1.
https://www.icommittopray.com/request/1989/lawan-andimi/ Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good
News Publishers.
Used by permission. All rights
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