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SOLA FIDE EPHESIANS 2:8,9 Series: Reformation - Part Two Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 15, 2017 |
month we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the
Reformation. On
October 31, 1517 - an Austinian monk - Martin Luther -
walked the short distance from the University of
Wittenberg, Germany - where he was a professor of moral
theology - he walked the short distance through town to
the Castle church where he posted his 95 Theses on the
door of the church - which was kind of a community
bulletin board - the social media posting of the time. Luther’s
95 Theses were essentially questions. What Luther
did was to take the spiritual issues that were
circulating around Europe and to organized them into 95
questions that he wanted the church to formally discuss
- to give answers to. The
central idea in Luther’s Theses was that God intended
believers to seek repentance and that only by grace
through faith alone - not works of penance - saying
prayers or some form of self-denial - or paying
indulgences or by participating in some religious
sacrament like communion or baptism or because of what
some church official says about us or because of some
inner goodness that makes us worthy to be saved - but
that salvation coming from God was only by grace through
faith alone. Period. The
Reformation was a call to purify the church. To call the
church back to the foundations of our faith. That
foundation has been summarized by five... “solas” coming
out of the Reformation - bullet point summaries of what
the reformers were calling the church back to - of what
we believe.
been looking at those “solas” as way of strengthening
and encouraging and challenging us in our faith as we
week to follow Jesus today. “Sola”
meaning… “solo” - only.
Meaning this alone is foundational to our faith. We
began 2 Sundays ago with… “Sola Scriptura” which means…
“only Scripture”. Which
was the reformers way of saying that only the Bible -
because it is God’s word - only the Bible contains
everything anyone needs to know for salvation and the
Bible alone is the highest authority over how we do life
with God. Last
Sunday we looked at... “Sola Gratia” which means… “only grace”
or “by grace alone”.
Which was the reformers way of saying that we’re
saved only by the unprovoked and undeserved acceptance
of God. Our
righteous standing before God is given to us only by
God’s grace because of the work of Christ Jesus our Lord
and Savior. All of which is online if you’d like
to go back and read or listen to it. This
morning we are looking at “Sola Fide” which means… “only faith”
or “by faith alone”.
Which was the reformers way of saying that we’re
only by grace through faith. Let’s be clear. Faith is not a
work. Faith
is not something we do that God recognizes and then God
gives us salvation.
Faith is our welcoming what God - by His grace -
has already and completely done for us by Christ’s work
on the cross.
Would you read with me: For
by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not
of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of
works, so that no one may boast. There
are two words here that are crucial for us to
understand. The first word is… GRACE. To grab what Paul means by grace here
in verse 8 we need to back up to verse 1. Let’s
begin reading together - Ephesians 2:1: And
you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you
once walked, following the course of this world,
following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit
that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among
whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh,
carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and
were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of
mankind. What
Paul is describing here is who we were. Paul
writes, “You
were dead.” Dead
meaning… dead. The
theological term that describes that is... “Total
Depravity”. Which
describes us before God.
Spiritually dead.
Harsh. But
depravity means each of us is totally corrupt in every
part of our nature.
There’s nothing within us that’s worthy of God’s
approval. And
in how we live life - every one of us displays our
depravity as thoroughly and completely as we can. That is who we
are individually and as a race since Adam fell. Back
in the Garden - Adam - who represented all of us - yet
to be born - humans - Adam made the choice to disobey
God. God
said, “Don’t
eat fruit from that tree.” Adam - rather
than having faith in God - rather than trusting in God’s
understanding of what’s right and what’s wrong - rather
depending on God for what gives life and what brings
death - Adam chooses to act independent of God -
disobeys God - severs Himself spiritually from God and
dies - spiritually. And
everyone of us - descended from Adam - is born into that
hopeless separation from God and spiritual death -
forever. And
if someone would say, “Well,
that’s not fair.” Everyone of us has - by
our own sin - confirmed the choice Adam made. Let’s
be clear. Total
Depravity doesn’t mean than any one of us is any more or
less sinful than anyone else. Depravity
isn’t about how much or how little we’ve messed up in
life and all the horrible things we’ve done or not done. Depravity
isn’t about making us feel guilty or giving us an excuse
to give up on ourselves or think less of other people. Total
Depravity describes our standing - as descendants of
Adam - our standing before God without Christ. Depraved
is depraved. Dead
is dead. Spiritually
dead to God. Hopeless
and destined to the eternal wrath of God. Paul
goes on. Paul
writes that we walked in our
trespasses and sins.
Trespasses are like stepping over the line. Living where
we shouldn’t be living.
Sin is… sin.
What we do, or think, or say that’s disobedient
to God - His character - His will. Paul
writes that we walked that way - as depraved people we
lived that way - following the course of this world. The
world is how the Bible talks about people. Humanity with
all of our great ideas and thoughts and philosophies and
religions and discoveries and science and reasoning -
our amassed extensive knowledge - our culture and laws. If
we were able to turn humanity loose on a planet and let
them create whatever kind of world we’d like to create -
whatever philosophies and politics and economics and
culture - whatever - the best that we’d be able to come
up with is pretty much what we see going on around us. A fallen world
messed up by spiritually dead depraved people - a
spiritual zombie land.
Physically living spiritually dead people. Paul
writes that the world of humanity walks - lives -
following the prince of the power of the air. Behind the
valley of the shadow of death - this near hell
experience that we live in - behind all that is Satan
and his minions - influencing what we see happening
around us - nudging us down this path of
self-destruction where evil is called good and good is
called evil. Where
so many people live wounded - broken - hopeless -
searching - empty - without purpose and meaning in their
lives. Where
we’re slowly destroying ourselves endlessly searching
for an answer. Our
- independent of God - self-driven efforts to better
ourselves. Believing
that the answer is within us. Our ability to
raise ourselves out of our inhumanity. Which
is Satan’s great deception going back to the Garden. We can live
independent of trusting God like we know more than God. Several
thousand years of human history later, how’s that going? Remember
this guy? Ed
Norton. If
you don’t remember Ed, Google him. History lesson
in American pop culture.
Ed worked in the sewer - and loved it. That’s
the lostness - the depravity - of this world. Humanity
living in a sewer deceived into thinking this is all
good. Not
great. But
good. We
just need to fix up a few things. Then
Paul writes - verse 3 - that we all once lived in the
passions of our flesh. Question: Do you eat to
live or live to eat?
One is preservation. One is
passion. Most
of us error on the side of passion. We’re
passionate about gratifying our desires - doing what
pleases us. We
all lived in the passions of our flesh - indulging the
desires of our bodies and minds. None of us
escape that. We’re
heart level passionate about our self-gratifying sin. And
as a consequence - Paul writes - as a consequence we all
were by nature children of wrath. God’s wrath. God’s justly
deserved eternal - forever separation from God - forever
punishment. The
forever endpoint of passionately following the course of
this world. In
our depravity we’re on that path dead already. Let’s
be clear. A
corpse has no power - no ability. A corpse
decays. It
stinks being a corpse.
A corpse just lays there with no hope of being
anything more than dead. That’s
us. It’s
not pretty. It’s
a blow to our self-serving pride. But it’s
reality. Paul
writes, “You
were dead.” Let’s go on. Verse 4: But
God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with
which He loved us, even when we were dead in our
trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace
you have been saved—and raised us up with Him and seated
us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so
that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable
riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ
before “but
God” is what was. Everything
after “but
God” is what is. What
is now true because of what God has done for us. Verses 4 to 7
are God’s response to our being dead. But God, being rich in mercy - Mercy meaning God
not giving us what we deserve. In our
depravity we deserve eternal wrath and punishment. But God, being rich in mercy, because of
His great love with which He loved us... “loved”
- the verb in the Greek
has the idea of timelessness. God
Who is love - Who is the source and definition of what
love is. God
has loved us from before creation was creation. And He does
love us. And
He will love us. Why? He just does. It’s a God
thing. But
God - in His over-the-top abundant mercy - because He is
love - has and does and will love us - even
when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive
together with Christ—by grace - by God’s unprovoked and undeserved favor - by grace you have been saved—and
raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the
heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming
ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace
in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Notice three things
that God - rich in mercy - greatly loving us - by grace
- that God has done for us. First: God made us alive together with Christ. Meaning
that God - at the core of who we are - that core that
was spiritually dead - when we welcome what God has done
for us - trusting in Jesus as our Savior - God the Holy
Spirit enters into us and takes what was spiritually
dead and makes us alive spiritually. Meaning
that our whole relationship with God changes. Like Jesus -
the Son of God - we’re family. We belong to
God. We’re
His children. Meaning
that God is with us as close as the core of who we are. As we go
through life learning to trust God - we find that God is
with right there with us able and willing to enable and
empower and guide and gift and bless us with everything
that we need to live life.
that because of what God has done for us in Jesus - we
get to experience life with the living God. Not living as
an enemy of God or living in fear of the God of wrath or
seeing God as a great and terrible judge - condemning us
to eternal death. But
we get to experience life knowing God as our loving
Heavenly Father. Second: God has raised us up with Him. “Raised” is about resurrection. God raised
Jesus from death. When
we come to Jesus as our Savior we’re joined to His
resurrection. The
end point of our lives is not God’s wrath and eternal
death but eternal life.
As surely as Jesus is the resurrected Son of God
we know that we will go on being God’s children forever. And
being raised with Jesus means that our resurrected life
begins now. God’s
rebooting - God’s giving us a whole new beginning to our
lives - is about life today. God
raises us out of the sewer. Meaning that
God - by His grace - God gives us a totally different
understanding of what we see going on around us. God opens up
to us the understanding that sin - with all its
delusions and enticements - that following after the
world - that’s a trap.
It’s living death now and the end point is
forever death. So
we don’t have to keep going there. We don’t have
to live entangled in all that. We can live
forgiven and free in the restored life God gives to us. We can live
with a totally different perspective of life - focused
on God and what God has raised us up to - newness of
life now and forever. Third: God has seated us with Him. Seated
meaning that after Jesus’ work on the cross was finished
- after His death in our place - and His resurrection
assuring us of life - Jesus ascended to Heaven and sat
down at the right hand of the throne of God. Meaning
everything that needed to be done - to accomplish our
salvation - everything that needed to be done was done. Paul - back in
Ephesians 1:20 - Paul writes that God - by His power
raised Jesus -
the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the
heavenly places - the position of power
and authority in creation and beyond -
far above - no thing - no one even
comes close -
far above all rule and authority and power and dominion,
and above every name that is named, not only in this age
but also in the one to come. That’s everything and
everyone - now and forever. (Ephesians
1:20b,21) In
Philippians 2:9-11 Paul writes that one day - every
rational being will physically bow - every tongue will
audibly confess - with one voice - in agreement - openly
- in acknowledgement - no one is
greater than Jesus.
No one deserves greater respect - honor - worship. Jesus has first
place in everything. The
dominion of Jesus is greater. He is Lord
over all of creation. Lord of lords
and King of kings.
Jesus is the Savior. Jesus is the
Christ. Jesus
is the Sovereign Lord God - Yahweh Himself. That’s
the reality that Paul is referring to here in verse 6. Jesus. Work
accomplished. Seated. The Son is
glorified. So
when Paul writes about our being seated with Jesus in
the heavenly places Paul isn’t writing about the
heavenly places being some place way out there. Pie-in-the-sky
by-and-by and someday maybe we’ll get there if we’re
good enough and the good Lord let’s us in. Or, if we pay
some indulgences or do some religious ritual - some work
that the Church says we need to do. Our working
harder at being a Christian. As
surely as Jesus’ work on our behalf was completed and
was all that was need to be done - in Christ - right
here and right now we’re already part of God’s kingdom. Already -
right here - right now - each of us - in Christ - has in
that kingdom a place of authority - of power - of
privilege. We
belong to God. We’re
His children. As
surely as Jesus is the resurrected Son of God we know
that we will go on being God’s children forever enjoying
the unimaginable riches of our heavenly home. Paul
- using that image - Paul writes that God has made us
alive together with Jesus - raised us up with Jesus -
seated us with Jesus in the heavenly places - in His
kingdom. That’s
a mind bender. Isn’t
it? Then notice God’s purpose in all that. In
verse 7 Paul writes that God has made us alive - raised
us - seated us - with Jesus so that - God’s purpose - so
that in the coming ages God can show the immeasurable
riches of His... grace in kindness toward us in Christ
Jesus. “Immeasurable” means… immeasurable. It translates
the Greek word “uperbole” which is the word we get our
English word… “hyperbole”. Exaggerated
beyond reason. Nothing
makes a fish bigger to a fisherman than its almost being
caught. The
word “show” has the idea of giving a demonstration -
displaying - visibly giving proof - evidence - of
something. In
the Greek, the verb has the idea of continuously doing
that. “Kindness”
is about Who God is.
God is kindness.
God is goodness.
God is gracious. Meaning
that God’s purpose in all His making us spiritually
alive and raising us up out of the sewer of sin and
seating us with Him - God’s purpose in being merciful
and saving us by His grace is to go on demonstrating to
us - and all of creation - Who He is by today and
forever endlessly and immeasurably lavishing His
kindness and goodness and graciousness on us. And
that’s just nuts. Isn’t
it? God
making us alive? God
raising us? God
seating us? How
can we explain that?
God’s exaggerated pouring out His grace and
kindness on us goes beyond our ability to mentally
process. It’s
just too much. And
yet, God purposes to go on unreasonably pouring out on
us His grace and kindness on us forever and ever and
ever. To
show us - to prove to us - just how greatly He loves us. That’s
God’s grace. Unprovoked
- undeserved - favor towards us. To God alone
be the glory. The second word that’s
crucial for us to understand is… FAITH. Look with me at Hebrews 11:1. Familiar
verse. Very
helpful definition of faith. Let’s read together: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped
for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hold
on to something. “Assurance”
meaning confidence, that beneath what we believe, is
something or someone that’s worth putting our faith in. Where
you’re living - how many of you have cement slabs for
foundations? Question: Assuming you
weren’t there when they built your house - how do you
that there’s dirt under the cement? I’ve
never seen it - the dirt under the foundation. But I have
assurance -I
believe that the dirt is there - because the foundation
rests on something. We
have faith that our house will stand because we have
confidence that under the foundation is dirt. And that gives
us hope. The
word for “hope”
has the idea of what
Israel was hoping for - which was their coming promised
Messiah. Jesus
Who’s come. Hope
for us concerns what God - because of Messiah Jesus’
coming and His work on the cross - what God promises to
us. Salvation
and life with God now and forever. We
are assured - we have confidence - that what we hope for
- all of what God has promised us - is a certain
reality, because we believe - we have faith - in what or
Whom upholds those promises. “Conviction” in Greek describes
evidence presented at a trial. The evidence -
the proof - being presented that convinces a judge or
jury that - even though they never saw the crime
themselves - the evidence presented moves them to a
certain conviction - to believe - to have faith - that
the testimony being given is true. Still
holding on? Hebrews 11:3 is
evidence. Let’s
read together: “By
faith we understand that the universe was created by the
word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of
things that are visible.” How
many of us were there when God created the universe? Not many. No matter how
old some of us are. So
how do we know that the universe exists? Look around. Slightly
different question.
How do we know that God created what we see? This
is... Stephen
Hawking. Very
famous and deservedly a well respected British
theoretical physicist and cosmetologist... Cosmologist. Just checking. Hawking has
done well respected work in quantum gravity and quantum
mechanics. In
2010 Stephen Hawking came out with his book, The
Grand Design - in which Hawking
takes on the ultimate questions of life and the universe
and everything - origins. Hawking
- who speaks for a huge part of the scientific community
- makes this statement:
universe can and will create itself from nothing.” Hawking
writes, “Spontaneous
creation is the reason why there is something rather
than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.” Are
we hearing Hawking?
When we put together all the mathematics and
theories and philosophies about how all this came about
the bottom line is that all this exists because all this
exists - poof - out of nothing. Hawking
writes, “It
is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch
paper - the fuse - and set the universe going.” (1) Let’s
be clear. There
are two explanations for all of what exists - how all
this got here. One
is speculation. The
other is revelation. Speculation
because none of us where there and so we speculate based
on what we observe.
Maybe it was some kind of big bang. And we can
hope - as we’re speculating - we can hope that we got it
right. Revelation
because the Bible tells us that God - who was around -
that God in the Bible is revealing to us what He did. Providing
there really is a God. Both
explanations need to be accepted by faith. Right? We can choose
to believe what we’re speculating or we can choose to
believe what the Bible says is God revealing to us what
He did. Hawking,
in another work, stated:
are each free to believe what we want and it is my view
that the simplest explanation is there is no God. No one created
the universe and no one directs our fate.” (2) We
have a choice of what explanation - speculation or
revelation - we have a choice of what explanation to
have faith in. Revelation
- like speculation - invites us to look at what is and
see the reality behind the reality. Hebrews
11:3 says, “The
universe was created by the word of God.” The origin of it all is
God. God
spoke and it was. Nothing
became something. The
universe is infinitely complex in its great vastness and
in its minute detail.
The reality of the universe is that there’s
design and there’s order.
One can even argue that there’s intent and
purpose. The
author of Hebrews’ point is this: We weren’t
there when God created all this. But we see
what He created. What
we see - creation - assures us that we can live
convinced of those things we don’t see - that the
reality behind the reality is God the creator of that
reality. And
so we choose to believe in God - to have faith that He
is. Point
being: Faith
is not a roll of the dice - chuck your brains at the
door - religious happy time experience for easily
brainwashed people who can’t cope with life and have no
clue how to do science - who “just” believe because they
know that it ain’t so but “you
gotta have faith.” When
we see creation we have evidence that God not only
exists but that He is worthy of our placing our faith in
Him. That
the God who spoke creation into existence by His word
speaks promises to us - such as eternity with Him -
promises that we can live convinced that He will fulfill
- not based on speculation but based upon the assurance
- the unchanging reality - of the unchanging Creator God
who is behind it all and upholds it all. We’re
together? Our
faith in God - our welcoming of what God has, by His
grace, done for us - His offer to save us and make us
alive - raising us - seating us - is not wishful
thinking - speculation - but conviction that comes to us
based on the assurance found in the reality of God’s
grace demonstrated through the incontrovertible true
fact of history crucified to death and resurrected to
life Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Paul
concludes verse 9 by saying that what God has done - His
offer of salvation - that’s not something that began
with us. It’s
not of our own doing.
It’s the gift of God. Origin God. It’s not a
result of works - what we could earn or achieve on our
own. So
that no one can boast about what they’ve done. What
God has chosen by His grace to do for us is soli because
God by His grace has chosen to do so. The only way
to respond is soli by faith. Processing all that... (Video: Ameriquest
Insurance) We
have a short video clip for us to watch. Question: Have you ever
felt that you were unfairly judged? Someone jumped
to a conclusion. All
the evidence wasn’t considered. They never
heard my side of the story. Maybe we
struggle to judge ourselves fairly. Here’s
the point: God
will never judge you unfairly. God is always
just in His judgment.
Because... God
gets us. He
knows every success and every failure. Every victory
and every mess-up.
He knows every good thing we done and He knows
every bad thing we’ve done. God knows what
we’ve done to distance ourselves from God - what is
ungodly and offense to Him. And God knows
what’s been done to us - good and bad. God gets the
depth of our depravity and where we do life. And
- God will never judge you unfairly because… God
feels us. God
is even more in touch with our feelings that we are. He knows our
doubts and fears and feelings of inadequacy and shame
and guilt. He
knows what we carry around with us that we hope nobody
ever knows about. And
how that burdens us.
He knows what makes us anxious and what we loose
sleep over. God
understands how we feel about ourselves and our life. God
will never judge us unfairly - unjustly - because there
is no part of our depravity or what goes on deep within
us - there is no part of that that God doesn’t know. That will
surprise God. That
will catch Him off guard.
That will change or add to what God has known
about us since before creation was creation. “Well, I didn’t see that before. No more
salvation for Steve.” Our
depravity doesn’t change the reality that God has
greatly loved us since before creation was creation. Our depravity
doesn’t change the reality that God - because He is rich
in mercy - does not pour out His justified wrath on us. Our depravity
doesn’t change the reality that God desires to have an
eternal relationship with us in which He goes on pouring
out His immeasurable riches on us now and forever and
ever and ever. Our
depravity does not change the reality that God - by His
undeserved and unprovoked grace - so favors us - that Jesus -
God Himself - came and sacrificed Himself - taking our
place and punishment - taking our depravity on Himself -
in order that through a - we can’t add anything do it -
indescribable - completed work offers to us the gift of
forgiveness of our sins and the restoring of our
relationship with Him - now and forever.
when we come to a choice of faith we react with fear. What
will it mean to trust God?
We know where we live life now - good or bad. What will God
change? What
will that take? What
will it be like on the other side of my choosing to
trust God? We
don’t know. If
we knew it wouldn’t be faith. But
God is trustable. Just
look at the evidence of the cross. Faith
is our choice to surrender of our lives to God in utter
total dependence on Him - whatever God wills for us -
because He alone is worthy of that trust. To raise our
hands - open - outstretched - to receive the gift - the
life - that He offers us in Jesus.
_______________ 1. Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design,
Bantam Books, 2010 2. “Curiosity: Did God Create the
Universe?” Discovery
Communications, LLC. August 7,2011. Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |