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TO GOD BE THE GLORY EPHESIANS 3:14-21 Series: To God Be The Glory - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 24, 2009 |
going to come to Ephesians 3 in a moment. But to get
us thinking about where we’re going this morning -
think with me about the purpose of life.
Roosevelt once said, “The purpose of
life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost,
to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and
richer experience.”
may be closer to reality: “Of course you
have purpose in life.
You pay taxes, don’t you.”
- in Ecclesiasties - asks the
question: “What
purpose is there in life?” Solomon observes that there comes a day when life has no
enjoyment - the productive years of our life come to
an end. We
no longer have a spirit of adventure but are content
to remain secure at home.
Ecclesiastes 12 - verse 6 - he says that there’s a day when the “silver
cord is broken and the golden bowl is crushed” - meaning our consciousness is
extinguished - the
by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern
is crushed - the
well runs dry - our bodies stop working - and - the dust
will return to the earth as it was.”
12:8 - a familiar verses - “Vanity of
vanities,” says the preacher, “all is vanity!” Life is futile
- empty - hopeless.
Life is because life is.
to the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition: “A man
is only worth the sum of his possessions.” The only real
value to our lives - the only valuable part of life -
is measured in what we gain for ourselves. He who dies
with the most toys - wins. Grab all you can while you can
because that’s all there is. There’s purpose in that. Life is
about me.
Lee Iacocca - remember
him? Lee
Iacocca said, “What do
guys like me do who’ve had the world by the string? I got some
notoriety... and made some money in the car
business... now that chapter has closed, and I don’t
think much about cars anymore. You can
plan everything in life, and then the roof caves in on
you because you haven’t done enough thinking about who
you are and what you should do with the rest of your
life.” (1)
Randolph Hearst - who
amassed one of the great fortunes of recent history
- ended his days
amidst all the opulence and splendor of Hearst Castle -
sitting in a
basement - playing over and over again
the movies of his Hollywood studio - in
an effort to capture a degree of enjoyment from the
said, “For what is a
man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or
forfeits himself?”
In this
Humpty Dumpty world - there’s got to be a greater
purpose for our lives than what we gain for ourselves.
Ephesians 3 - join me at verse 14 - Paul writing about
the purpose of our lives - Ephesians 3 - starting at
verse 14: For this
reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom
every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
pause there.
Verses 14 and 15 are What Motivates
Paul. Say that
with me, “What motivates
Paul.” What gets Paul
going - moves him - impassions him - knocks him off
his feet - down to his knees - to pray for the
Ephesian Christians.
writes, “For this
reason.” For what
Do you remember the words to “We are the family of God”? If you all can sing “This little light of mine” you can sing “We are the family of God.” We are the family of God - YES!
truth is what’s moves Paul.
chapter 1 Paul has been writing about God blessing us
- blessings that go above and beyond our wildest
imagination. Blessings
that touch the core of who we are - touching our
greatest needs.
choosing us to know Him. God determining that we should
be His children
God buying us back - setting us free from the
crud of this world - the clutches of Satan and his
minions. Setting
us free from bondage to sin and ultimately eternal
death - buying us back through the broken body and
shed blood of His Son Jesus.
making us to be inheritors of the riches of His
kingdom - life with God now - and life unimaginable -
way better than here - life with God that goes on
Life -
in which we can daily - even in the worst of our
circumstances - we can know with 100% certainty that
God is with us - that God has purpose for our lives -
in fact that He uses us - US! - in His awesome working
together of history - according to His purpose of
bringing glory to Himself. We are His masterpiece - on
display for His glory.
God -
Himself - gives us His Spirit - God the Holy Spirit
comes to dwell within us - to remind us that God will
fulfill His promises to us. To dwell within us that we will
have His power available to us to live life as its
designed by God to be lived.
you’ve been with us as we’ve been going through
Ephesians 1 to 3 - does this sound kind of familiar? I hope so. What God
has done is awesome.
And God
does all this - regardless of whether we are a Jew or
a Gentile. Jesus
- in His work on the cross - had broken down the
dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. God creates
a new community.
Takes Jews and Gentiles and puts them together
- creates something totally radically different - a
new international community of Jews and Gentiles -
organically the Body of Christ - spiritually without
distinction - the Church.
We - the
Gentiles - share the promises made to Israel. We’re not a
parenthetical afterthought - a footnote on the text of
history - something less than what God has for His
people - runner’s up in a spiritual contest. We are
God’s people - with all the rights and privileges and
promises and hope and purpose and inheritance and
relationship and future that that oneness of God and
His people has meant from Adam until today and forever
into the future.
In Jesus all that is ours.
Paul writes - in verse 14 - that he bows his knees
before the Father - the Greek word is “patera”. In verse 15
- the word he chooses to use for “family” is “patria.” It’s a
little play on words in the Greek that shows us that
Paul is focused on one family before one Father. Our Father
who is in Heaven.
By God’s
choice and work - we are the family of God. And God has
brought us together to be one in Him that we might
bring His light to the world.
amazing reality moves Paul - drops him to his knees
before God - in prayer for the Ephesians.
to verse 16 - verses 16 to 19 - are The Specifics of
Paul’s Prayer. Let’s
say that together.
“The specifics
of Paul’s prayer.”
drops to his knees and this is what he prays - verse
16 - Paul prays - that He - God - would
grant you, according to the riches of His glory - according to
everything that God is - all of who God is being made
available to us - to be
strengthened with power through His Spirit in the
inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts
through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded
in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints
what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
and to know the love of Christ which surpasses
knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the
fullness of God.
specifics of Paul’s prayer that we want to focus on. First specific: Inner
Strength. Let’s say
that together. “Inner
This is
like going to Home Depot. Imagine all the fun stuff
they’ve got at Home Depot. We’re told, “Take
what you want.”
And we
take maybe a Binford skill saw.
we’re at Costco - a shopper’s paradise. We’re told,
“Anything you need. It’s all
yours.” And we select
some frozen Stouffer’s Macaroni & Cheese - family
size of course.
And that’s it.
Paul is
praying that we’ll open ourselves up to all of God
strengthening us - strengthened according to the
riches of God’s glory - the whole enchilada - Costco -
Home Depot - everything. How rich is God? A whole lot
more than Bill Gates.
The full measure of God poured into our lives.
notice that Paul prays that we’ll be “strengthened
with power through His Spirit in the inner man.” That’s the
very presence of God being the inner fortitude - the
inner strength by which our lives are lived.
Then, “that
Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.” That we’ll
experience the reality of what it means to know Jesus
- a relationship with Him - in our hearts.
two images are closely related. The “inner
man” - “the heart” - the core of what makes us us -
who we are deep inside - what moves us and drives us.
has the idea of permanent residence. Someone who
comes - takes up residence in our homes - in our
hearts - takes over - and never leaves.
Do you
see what Paul is getting at here? When
we come to God - by faith in Jesus - give Him control
of the core of who we are - the unimaginable resources
of God - the incredible strength of God - His strength
- not ours - His strength becomes the strength that
enables us to do life.
about how awesome that is. As we surrender our lives to God
- God gives to us His strength to have patience with
our spouse - to put up with that “gentleman” at work -
to deal with stuff at school - whatever the challenges
of life. God
gives us His strength to respond to unrighteousness -
to endure ridicule - persecution - ungodliness - to go
through what by our own strength is impossible.
Second specific: Perspective. Let’s say
that together. “Perspective.”
writes that we would be “rooted
and grounded in love.”
That’s a
mixed metaphor.
Plants are rooted. Buildings are grounded. The idea is
a plant with strong roots and a building with an
immovable foundation.
Put together - immovable stability. Stability
cultivated by love.
Love is
not an easy thing.
When the example of love that we’ve had is
abuse coming from someone who was suppose to love us -
like a mother or father. When the example of love around
us is the world’s love - focused on self - getting our
needs met at the expense of others. Us -
getting shredded in the name of love.
Apostle John - in 1 John 4:10 - John writes, “This is
love - if we
want to know what love really is - this is it - This is
love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and
sent His Son to be the means by which our sins are
God -
knowing everything there is to know about us - the
worst of the worst - when there was no possible gain
for Himself - no possible selfish motivation to do so
- God still loved us so much that He sent Jesus to the
cross to die in our place. That’s God’s unselfish -
commitment - love.
Which is totally opposite to the self-focused -
gain all you can for yourself - abusive thing the
world tries to pass off as love.
love is why John can write later in chapter 4 -
verse 18: “There
is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.”
matter how chaotic our lives are - no matter what the
background - what level of abuse - or what our
struggles - when we begin to realize that God really
does love us - US - His love demonstrated in Christ
and continually poured out into our lives - that He
will never leave us - abuse us - abandon us - that His
love is safe - when we begin to realize that God
really does love us there’s stability in that. A secure
foundation to build our lives on.
writes that when we have this stability - begin to
trust that God loves us - we will “be able
to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth
and length and height and depth.”
is a word in Greek that has idea of having enough
strength to do something. “Comprehend” is a military term
used of chasing down an enemy and capturing them. Until we
open ourselves up to God - to receive what He desires
to place within us - we’re not able to capture - to
get our lives around - just how greatly God loves us.
When we
open ourselves up to God - to allow Him to strengthen
us at the core of who we are - to supply us with inner
strength - when we begin to trust that He really does
love us - its like God gives our lives an upgrade - an
upgrade to our operating system that allows us to
process the - breadth - length - height - and depth -
to process the unimaginable unlimited expanse - the
boundarylessness - of God’s love without a complete
shut down of our operating system.
simply - the more we see God at work in our lives the
more we realize its safe to trust that He really does
love us - and that we are loveable. That its
safe to trust His love.
the upgrade we can’t handle the possibilities of God’s
love. But,
with Him in control of our lives there’s the beginning
of a whole new foundation for understanding and living
life. We
begin to see ourselves as those who are loved with the
love Christ - a love that goes beyond our wildest
imaginations - beyond anything that we’ve experienced
in this life.
than living in fear we learn to live with boldness and
confidence - to engage life as children of the Creator
of all this - our Father - the Almighty God who’s got
all this under His authority and will.
Then -
Paul says we experience that with “all the
saints.” All of us
together experiencing God’s love. Not just
super spiritual people who are holy and pious. But us
normal people - some of us more normal than others.
God has
drawn us together to form this awesome community - the
church - Creekside - an upgrade of community beyond
the limits of what this world offers - to lavish His
love on us - for us to be channels of His love to each
relationships without fear. With openness and trust. Imagine
being able to experience and celebrate together His
healing and growth and the possibilities of community
that go way beyond anything we could have imagined or
ever achieved on our own.
second specific is that we will have a totally new
perspective of life - a new vision and understanding
of life - a foundation for doing life that comes upon
those who begin to see themselves as the beloved of
Third specific: Fullness. Let’s say
that together, “Fullness.”
you agree with this?
Ultimately - the best part of a pie is the
filling. The
whole point of the crust is to have some place to put
the filling. Opening
ourselves to God’s strength within and seeing
ourselves as the beloved of God are like crust. Once we
have all that - what we get is the fullness of God. God pouring
all that He is into our lives - giving us all that He
is - in order for us to be all that He desires for us
to be.
Now we
need to be careful.
Stay with me on this.
we think of filling like we go to the gas station and
get our tank filled with gas and then we have what we
need to go on tootling down the road.
isn’t God filling us up so we can do whatever we want. Filling is
fullness. Our
lives lived out according to God’s power and God’s
fullness of God is like spring around here. “M” street
with all those white blossoms. Its like
all those almond trees looking like they’re covered in
snow. Are
we tracking? The
inner life of the tree bursting out with blossoms.
God so
filling our lives that His life bursts out in how we
live life. So
that what’s lived - in the day to day stuff of our
lives - in the legacy that we leave behind in our
children and families and work places - in the ways we
serve Him in His congregation - in every experience
and dimension of our lives - what blooms out - what’s
lived - is His holiness - His character - what He
intends for our lives to be.
about those three specifics. Inner strength - God’s resources
- God’s strength - enabling us to do life. Perspective
- realizing that we’re loved by God. And the
third - fullness - living Godly - holy - from the core
of who we are - in every circumstance.
people want Christianity 101 - 5 easy steps to a
wonderful Christian life or 4 steps to having a Godly
marriage or 3 ways God wants you to do your taxes so
you won’t get audited.
Find a book - read an article - hear a sermon -
that holds the key to whatever we’re going through at
the time. So
many Christians are looking for easy solutions - quick
fixes - to the hard realities of life.
a place for all that.
But the bottom line is that when we come up
against the hard realities of life we don’t have time
to read a book or dig out our notes or Google what
someone else thinks is the answer to our lives. Chances are
the 5 principles or 6 keys that we learned won’t
exactly fit the situation we’re in anyway.
Paul is praying for is so much more crucial for our
lives. Paul
sees the reality of what God has done for us. Knocks him
off his feet. Drives
him to his knees.
prayer is that we will understand - realize - trust -
open ourselves up to the awesomeness of what it means
to live life strengthened and loved and filled by the
living God. Whatever
the circumstance - living life as Paul prays that we
would live life - we will always have what we need to
do life as life needs to be done.
20 and 21 are Paul’s Application. Let’s say
that together. “Paul’s
application.” What’s
the bottom line of all this? Remember we started off by
talking about purpose.
What purpose is there for our lives.
20: Now to
Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all
that we ask or think, according to the power that
works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and
in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
many of us asked God - before God created creation -
before we were alive and kicking on planet Earth -
anyone here ask God to include in His great purposes
to send Jesus to the cross to die for you? Or to make
it possible for Him to strengthen you at the core of
who you are - His power working within you - to love
you with everlasting love - to fill you with the
fullness of who He is - to open up to you eternity
with Him?
Paul writes about here goes beyond the scope of where
we live our lives.
Beyond our ability to think. And -
beyond that - Paul gives us the assurance that what we
understand now is only a fraction of what God intends
for us in the days and years and eternity to come.
Paul’s application is first that we’ll
realize just how awesome God is and just how
incredible what God has done for us really is.
And second - that we will see that the
purpose of all of what God has done for us - God so
richly - abundantly - unimaginably - blessing our
lives - the purpose for our lives - is that God
be glorified. That
our lives would wholly testify of Who God is.
writes - to God be the glory - in the church - the
testimony of the church is of God. And in
Christ Jesus - the work of the Son is to glorify - to
testify of the Father - to all generations - all God’s
people - forever and ever. May God be glorified.
a choice that each one of us makes. That’s
before each one of us - today - and every day of our
lives. It
is a fundamental choice of life. The answer
determines the purpose of your life. Here’s the
choice: Glorify
self. Or,
glorify God.
self - means living by our own strength - our own
self-love - our own wisdom and understanding of life. It is a
purpose which is empty of purpose. A pretty
lonely - hopeless - life to live. Glorify
self means that I get the credit for my life.
To live
glorifying God - means learning to live by His
strength - realizing that He loves you and that you
are loveable - living life by the wisdom and
understanding of the one who has designed life. Glorifying
God means living by the purpose for which you were
created and living within the blessings of that
purpose. Glorify
God means that God gets the credit because He is my
Glorify self? Glorify God? May we choose - each day - to glorify Him.
____________________ Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible®, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. |