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THE DIFFERENT LIFE Ephesians 4:17-32 Series: A Letter of Grace and Life - Part Eight Pastor Stephen Muncherian April 19, 2020 |
are studying through Paul’s letter to the church in
Ephesus. This
morning we are at Ephesians 4:17. Let me
read the passage for us and then we’ll go back and
unpack. Now this I say and testify in the
Lord, that you must no longer walk as the
Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. They are
darkened in their understanding, alienated from
the life of God because of the ignorance that is in
them, due to their hardness of heart. They have
become callous and have given themselves up to
sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of
impurity. But that is not the way
you learned Christ!—assuming that you have
heard about him and were taught in him, as the
truth is in Jesus, to put off your
old self, which belongs to your former manner
of life and is corrupt through deceitful
desires, and to be renewed in the spirit
of your minds, and to put on the new
self, created after the likeness of God in true
righteousness and holiness. Therefore, having put away falsehood,
let each one of you speak the truth with his
neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry
and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your
anger, and give no opportunity to the
devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but
rather let him labor, doing honest work
with his own hands, so that he may have
something to share with anyone in need. Let no
corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only
such as is good for building up, as fits the
occasion, that it may give grace to those who
hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit
of God, by whom you were sealed for the day
of redemption.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and
clamor and slander be put away from you, along with
all malice. Be
kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as
God in Christ forgave you. Let’s
think about how what Paul writes about here fits
into the big picture of Ephesians. The first
half of Paul’s letter is about who we are in Christ
because of God’s grace. What God
has done for us in Christ. Then
Paul began writing about what that means in the day
to day of our lives.
Paul began by challenging us that - what that
looks like - needs to be genuine - the real deal. Who we say
we are needs to match up with how we’re living. In
other words - if we say we’re saved by grace through
Christ’s work on the cross then we ought to be
living life in a way that demonstrates that’s really
true of our lives.
So Paul has been opening up what real life in
Christ looks like. Which
is what he’s opening up here. So,
here’s the big picture of where we’re going this
morning: When
we’re living life - because of God’s grace and our
trusting in Jesus as our Savior - our life is going
to look way different that what we see going on
around us in people who are distanced from God’s
grace and living without trusting Jesus as their
Savior. Life in Christ is different - and it
ought to look that way. Living different is
because of what God does in us and through us which
is a life that is way better than what we’d be
living without God.
And that isn’t about bringing glory us but
about bringing glory to God and attracting others to
the gospel so they can live that life by God’s grace
also. Paul begins - verse
17: Now this I say and testify in the
Lord, Which
is Paul’s way of saying, “I couldn’t make this up. No amount
of human reasoning would come up with this. It’s a God
thing.” Straight from the
mind and heart of God. Now this I say and testify in the
Lord, that you must no longer walk as the
Gentiles do, Gentiles here
meaning nations - the peoples of the world. I’m saying
this to you so that you don’t live like everyone
else in the world lives. Which is -
in the futility of their minds Let’s slow down and
make sure we’re understanding what Paul means by, “in the futility of their minds.”
Do you ever look at
our society - maybe even all the stuff that’s
happening in the world - all the conflicting ideas
and concepts that are thrown at us from all over -
and just wonder at it all? There’s so
much confusion and hurt around us. Even in times like
we’re in right now - which are times of crisis that
are like other times of crisis only maybe more so. When we
all need to pull together - some are - most aren’t. Humanity prides
itself in our ability to reason - our growing
knowledge of things - our understanding of things -
all that we’ve been able to devise and create. We point
with great pride to our technological achievements -
our modern society - our systems of government and
law and commerce. The forward
progress of humanity and our ability to manipulate
the world around us.
What humankind has done is impressive -
clever - startling - provocative. But with all that
there’s a nagging question that sits in the back of
our minds. Just
kind of sits there and thinking about it bothers us. Maybe
you’ve asked this question yourself. Here it is: Why - with
all this advanced technological society that we’ve
built - with all this forward progress - why do
things seem to be getting worse? Why are
abuse and promiscuity and perversion so prominent in
our society? Why
is the moral fabric of our society unraveling? Even with
the world shrinking - why can we never seem to come
together. The answer is
offensive. Paul
is blunt. Man
- priding himself - or herself - in our own
knowledge and reason - is only an exercise in
futility. Phillips paraphrase
puts it this way:
“For they live blindfold[ed] in a world of illusion.” Apart from God’s
grace and Jesus Christ the world is deluded into
thinking that we got it - when we don’t. In fact,
we’re only making things worse. Paul writes that
God’s people are not to live caught up in that
futility. We must no longer walk as the Gentiles do We must live
different. Crucial
that we do. John writes - 1
John 2:15: Do not love the world or the
things in the world - that includes how the world thinks
and does life - If anyone loves the world, the
love of the Father is not in him. Loving
God and thinking like the world are diametric
opposites - two totally different and opposite
things. James writes -
James 4:4 (NASB)
“...friendship with the world is
hostility towards God.” Thinking
like the world thinks puts us in direct conflict
with God. The Bible describes
a world a war - Satan waring against God and God’s
people - demons and angels - a spiritual battle that
we’re a part of - a spiritual battle with eternal
consequences and some brutal realities that we’re
living through today. Jesus said, “That which is highly esteemed among
men is detestable in the sight of God.” (Luke 16:15 NASB) If we follow Jesus
Christ our fundamental outlook on life must be
different - dramatically changed from how we used to
look at life. Christianity is not
a different set of moral ethics or a different
religious tradition among many. Christianity
is a radically different - diametrically opposed -
revolutionary - unique perspective of life which
comes direct from the mind of God. It comes with
meaning and purpose and value that glorifies God and
attracts others to Him. We must live
different. Crucial
that we do. Verse 18 - Paul
gives a description of the world’s mindset: alienated from the life of God because
of the ignorance that is in them, due to their
hardness of heart.
First, They are darkened in their
understanding, Dark is dark. Pitch
black. Being
able to see nada. Truth is light. Ignorance
is darkness. That’s
the metaphor. Right? Man without God
hopelessly groping around in the dark. Stumbling
in the dark. We’re
blinded. We
don’t see things as they really are. Man apart from God
sees the things of God - what’s good is considered
evil - and the Satan inspired things saturating our
society - evil is called good. Paul goes on with
his description:
They’re alienated from the life of God because
of the ignorance that is in them, Ignorance
meaning making the choice to be ignorant about God. God is something
ignorant people created to explain what they didn’t
understand and to help them cope with what
frightened them.
But we’re more enlightened. We don’t
need God anymore.
due to their hardness of heart. Give a thousand
monkeys a thousand iPads and given enough time
they’ll type out all the great works of literature. Heard
that? All we need is
enough time. Eventually
we’ll work out all the answers to all our problems. Rather than
stopping and looking at this honestly - turning to
God - humankind just urges the monkeys to type
faster. Put
more monkeys on the job - trying to find a way out
for us. But,
the faster we type - the more we move away from God
- the darker and emptier life becomes. Over time we just
become more hardened in our attitude towards God. The answer
can never be God. They have become callous - a word in Greek
that has the idea of no longer feeling anything. We feel nothing for others. Only
ourselves… maybe. callous and have given themselves
up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of
impurity. Sensuality tied to
greed and the pursuit of impurity - perversity. Sex that’s
about me and whatever I define sexuality to be. Sensuality
that demonstrates a heart level attitude that’s
focused on gratifying me, myself, and I. Pulling the world’s
mindset together. The Austrian
psychologist Carl Jung, wrote, “Those psychiatrists who are not
superficial have come to the conclusion that the
vast neurotic misery of the world could be termed
neurosis of emptiness.
Men cut themselves off from the root of their
being, from God, and then life turns empty, inane,
meaningless, without purpose. So when
God goes, goal goes.
When goal goes, meaning goes. When
meaning goes, value goes, and life turns dead on our
hands.” (1) Without God we got
nothing. Life
is futile. Verse 20: But that is not the way - the way of life -
that you learned Christ!—assuming
- if indeed - that you have heard about
Him and were taught in Him, as the truth is in
Jesus, Meaning
what you heard and understood and what you were
taught was solid instruction - what you learned from
that was that the truth about life is found only in
Jesus Christ. Let’s explore that. Abraham - the
father - is directed by God to sacrifice his son -
the only hope for the promised nation and blessing. Moses - the
fugitive - is directed by God to return to the
country where he’s wanted for murder - to the land
where his people are the slaves - to demand their
release from Pharaoh. God directs an army
to march around a city blowing trumpets. A young shepherd
boy - with a slingshot and a few rocks - takes on an
armed to the teeth battle hardened warrior. The young queen
comes before the mightiest tyrant on earth without
being sent for to plead for the life of her people
that the king just ordered to be massacred. The Son of God
gives Himself up for crucifixion. Living that way
makes no sense to the world we live in. But that’s
living by the truth we have learned and been taught. The truth
that is found only in Jesus Christ. Paul writes to the
Corinthian church - 1 Corinthians 1:27: “But God chose what is foolish in
the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak
in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is
low and despised in the world, even the things that
are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so
that no human being might boast in the presence of
God. And
because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became
to us wisdom from God, righteousness and
sanctification and redemption…”
(1 Corinthians 1:27-30) Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have
the Light of life.” (John 8:12) To live different
we need to learn Christ. Which is
to live by His truth.
In His Light.
Which will seem strange to those around us
and we will get push back. But that is the
life which is radically different than what’s being
lived by those who are marching with futility lock
step into the darkness. How that happens Paul describes
starting in verse 22.
First it means that
we put off our old self. The part
of us that belongs to our former way of doing life
which was corrupted by deceitful desires. To put off means to
cut out and cut off.
To kill it.
Dead. There’s the story
of a boy who thought he would teach some sparrows to
sing like a canary.
So he put the sparrows in a cage with the
canary hoping that the canary would give the
sparrows singing lessons. A while
later he came back to see how things were going and
he found the canary chirping like the sparrows. If we give
ourselves over to the attitudes and actions of those
around us - if we entertain the sins of our past -
if were not willing to do some serious cutting out
of sin - we’re going to get dragged back down into
the world. Let’s be honest -
Christians aren’t exempt from getting sucked back
into where we came from. What do we desire? What
captivates our attention? What are
we using to find fulfillment in life? To find
happiness? Satisfaction? To fill
voids and meet needs? Tech? Sports? Sex? Porn? Alcohol? Drugs? Approval? Name your
poison. The
philosophies and wisdom of the world says we need
this stuff. Paul warns us, “Its deceitful.”
All of this promises so much and delivers
nothing. Recognize
it for what it is.
Then, Paul says -
verse 23 - we need to be renewed in the spirit of
our minds. “Renewed” in the
Greek way of putting things is in the passive. Meaning it
gets done to us. Then the Holy
Spirit begins to renew our minds - transforming us
from thinking like we thought - thinking like the
world - to thinking with a mind and will in tune
with God’s. Passive meaning
that the Holy Sprit does it to us as we yield
ourselves to the Holy Spirit doing it. Then Paul says -
verse 24 - we need to put on the new self which is
created in the likeness of God in true righteousness
and holiness. What he’s talking
about is not for us to become some pious - stiff
lipped -starchy - pickled in embalming fluid -
religious people that talk in King James English -
who look down our noses at everybody living in the
world. What Paul’s writing
about is really becoming whole as a person. Healing
and fulfillment at the deepest level. Living
life rightly before God in the fullness of our
potential. Becoming
the men and women that God has created us to be. Exploring that. Years ago I took a
WSI - Water Safety Instructor class - a class for
people learning to be swimming instructors and
lifeguards. That
wasn’t my goal - being a lifeguard - but compared to
taking a regular PE class it sounded a whole lot
more interesting. As someone drowns
their lungs fill with water. Not a good
thing. When
we rescue that person - start to do CPR - there’s a
point where the water comes out of their lungs -
hopefully. They
kind of regurgitate the water as they struggle to
breath. The point of the
water coming out is not to empty the lungs. It’s to
create space - to get the air into - so the person
can live - can begin breathing again. Part of putting off
is letting go of those things that drown out the
voice of the Spirit - the destructive things that
we’ve filled our lives with. To reject
them - to create space - openness. Putting on is
learning to listen to the Spirit as He speaks the
words of truth of life in Christ into our hearts and
minds. The
Holy Spirit is waiting for us to put off the old so
He can rush in with the new. When we do that our
minds begin to change - renewal begins to take
place. We
begin to experience the new life that God has for us
- guided by His discernment and wisdom. While Satan is
constantly using the things of this world to deceive
us - constantly telling us that we’re less than we
are - constantly trying to confuse us and drag us
into the world’s downward spiral into darkness - God
intends for us something completely opposite - this
new self - this new wholeness of life in Christ -
that Paul is writing about. Verse 25. “Therefore” - because you are
in Christ - live different. Verse 25 -
here’s what different looks like. having put away falsehood, let each one
of you speak the truth with his neighbor,
for we are members one of another. Lying is a pretty
basic to being human.
Isn’t it?
Most of us don’t go to a school to learn how
to lie. It
comes pretty naturally. Lying goes all the
way back to the Garden - “Did God really say that?” We deceive
ourselves. We
deceive others.
We live in a society where people don’t trust
each other. There’s
a cynical expectation that we’re being lied to or
that we’re suppose to lie to others. We’re a
society of posers. When we lie or bend
the truth our marriages suffer - our relationships
suffer. As
a church our relationship and ministry and witness
suffers. We’re
just going along with the world going down. Paul writes, “put away falsehood.” Don’t go there. Reject it. Instead -
speak truth. That’s
practical. If
we’re speaking truth then we’re not lying. Because that’s
wholeness of life in Christ. Verse 26: Be angry and do not sin; do not let the
sun go down on your anger, and give no
opportunity to the devil. There is such a
thing as righteous anger. Jesus
throwing the businessmen out of the Temple. In reality most of
us are a long way from righteous anger. Justifying
our anger as righteous is pretty risky. But we
also need to be honest. We do get
angry. All of which gives
Satan an opening to turn us against each other. Paul - very
practically: God’s
people don’t let the sun go down on our anger. Meaning we
don’t hold on to it.
We don’t let it rattle around inside of us -
filling us with bitterness - tearing us apart and
damaging our relationships. God’s people deal
with anger. We
resolve it - quickly. That’s different to
what’s around us.
Speaking truth - honesty. Dealing
with what angers us.
Resolution rather than ongoing division. Verse 28: Let the thief no longer steal, but
rather let him labor, doing honest work
with his own hands, so that he may have
something to share with anyone in need. Stealing is
stealing. Whether
that’s taking something that were not entitled to or
hanging on to something God intends for someone
else. And
we’re not immune to that temptation. Where and when we
live - the focus being on what’s about us - the
general idea is to take care of ourselves. Whatever
the cost. Whoever
gets hurt. Just
don’t get caught.
And if you get caught. Blame
someone else. Paul - very
practically - Paul emphasizes giving not taking. The
actions and attitude of generosity. The word “labor”
has to do with physical effort. Paul is
encouraging Christians to work hard so that we can
help each other.
The focus is on others. Not us. One of the great
joys of being Creekside is seeing all the fruit and
veggies that get put out in the lobby - people
sharing with each other what they’ve worked at
producing. That’s
what Paul is writing about. Verse 29: Let no corrupting talk come out of your
mouths, In
Greek the word for “corrupting” describes rotting
fruit. Talk
that leads to decay and death. So
much of what gets said these days seems to be
someone building themselves up by tearing someone
else down. And
seemingly most people cannot put together a
complete sentence without using at least one swear
word or one derogatory use of God’s name. That all is just
like rotting fruit - death and decay. Let no corrupting talk come out of your
mouths, [speak] only such a word as is good for
edification according to the need of the moment, so
that it will give grace to those who hear. Very practically -
speech - Paul reminds us - is a gift of God. It comes
with God given purpose. Our words are to
build others up - according to what fits the moment. Words that
extend grace to others. Meaning that - from
our perspective when someone deserves to be leveled
- we don’t. Or
when we could be talking behind someone’s back to
our advantage - we don’t. Our words express
forgiveness - love - encouragement - compassion -
understanding - what builds into others and lifts
them up. What
helps others move forward in their relationship with
Jesus. That’s living
different. Verses 30 to 32 are
Paul pulling together what goes on heart level in
order for us to - in Christ - live different. “to grieve” in
Greek means... “to grieve.” To cause
pain. It
grieves the Holy Spirit when we’re pulling away from
God rather than opening ourselves up to what He
desires to do in and through us. Paul tells us that
the Holy Spirit seals us. Meaning
this is about the work of the Holy Spirit in the
day-to-day of our lives as we’re the day-to-day
process of getting to heaven. Hold onto this: The Holy
Spirit loves us.
The Spirit’s desires is for us to open
ourselves up to His work in our lives. Down deep
where we need it.
The more we
surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit we begin to open our
inner selves up to God’s attitudes - His character - God’s mindset and way of doing life
- so that the Holy Spirit begins to produce the life
of a follower of Jesus in us and through us. Paul’s pulling it all together point
number one: Living
different is living yielding to the Holy Spirit. Second - verse 31: Let all bitterness and wrath and anger
and clamor and slander be put away from you, along
with all malice.
Bitterness is a
deep seated feeling of resentment towards others -
feeling like we’ve been treated unjustly. Wrath is inner
boiling temper. Clamor wants to
just verbally level somebody. Slander is to speak
with disrespect - words that shred other people. Malice - is an evil
desire to hurt someone. Paul writes - “put them away from you.” Don’t go there. Paul’s pulling it all together point
number two: Living
different is rejecting anything that smacks of
ungodly behavior towards others. Then verse 31 -
instead: Be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in
Christ forgave you. “Kind” is being
good - gracious. “Tenderhearted” is
gut level compassion.
following the example of how God - in Christ -
forgave us. Paul’s pulling it all together point
number 3: Living
different is to demonstrate heart level godly
behavior towards others.
Processing all
that… Have you noticed
how easy it is for us to go from having learned
about life in Christ because of God’s grace being
shown to us through Christ - to slide from that into
the deception and futility of thinking that somehow
we’re suppose to make life in Christ happen by our
own futile efforts? And who in the
world is going to be attracted to life in Christ
when we’re stumbling around in the dark just like
everyone else?
And why would we want to a part of that? Paul began in verse
17 by saying he could never have come up with this
on his own. He’s
testifying of the Lord’s work. And Paul
ends by pointing us back to the Holy Spirit. Life different in
Christ isn’t about us.
It’s a God thing. God that
we need to yield ourselves to. People need to see
what God will do in and through someone who is
totally yielded to Him. To see the
reality of what life in Christ is all about. And as we long for
that ourselves we need to be praying for and
encouraging each other to yield and to be open to
God at work in us and through us for His glory. In Christ. Live
different. Because
of God and for God’s glory alone. _______________ 1. From a sermon by Ray Stedman, “Darkness Of Mind” Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles,
a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |