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THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS EPHESIANS 6:14b Series: Strong In The Strength Of The Lord - Part Four Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 26, 2003 |
Please turn with me to Ephesians 6. We’re in the midst of a series of messages from Ephesians 6:10-17 where we’ve been looking at how we can be “Strong in the Strength of the Lord.” We’ve been looking at the Apostle Paul’s teaching about the struggles that all of us face in life. Paul has been teaching us is that these struggles find their source in the spiritual struggle that’s going on around us. We’re in a spiritual battle against Satan and his forces that are working to lead us away from God and to destroy us. Paul has been telling us that the only way to be strong in this struggle - to have victory in life - the only way is to completely trust in Jesus as the source of our strength and to remain committed in faith to Him. Last Sunday we came to the Armor of God - the illustration - that Paul gives to visibly explain what we need to do - how it is that we can live trusting in Jesus as our strength. This morning I’d like to have us read verses 14 to 17 - out loud - together - so that we can get the image of the entire armor in our minds. Then we’ll come back and look specifically at the Breastplate of Righteousness - which is the piece of armor we want to focus on today. Let’s read together, starting at verse 14: Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. When Paul wrote this letter to the Ephesian church Paul was imprisoned in Rome waiting for a hearing before the Emperor Nero. It’s not hard to imagine that as Paul was being dragged around the Roman Empire under guard he’d had a chance to view Roman armor close up. His readers in Ephesus - in Asia Minor - would have been very familiar with what a Roman Soldier looked like. Paul takes this familiar image and uses it symbolically about something more real than belts and shields and swords. In Romans 13:14, Paul writes, “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ…” Behind the illustration is the Lord Jesus Christ. He - Jesus - is the armor of God - who He is and what He’s prepared to do in and through our lives. When Paul writes about the different pieces of the armor he’s writing about different parts of our life in Jesus. When we study God’s armor we learn how our lives can be clothed in Jesus - how we live in His strength and be defended against Satan and his attacks. (Isaiah 58:17) “Stand firm….having put on the breastplate of righteousness.” A soldier’s breastplate was a chain metal shirt that covered his upper body - both front and back - from the neck down to the waist. The whole purpose was to guard - to protect - his vital organs. Paul’s point is that, as the soldier’s breastplate guarded his vital organs, so righteousness guards the core of who we are from the assaults of Satan. To understand that - how righteousness guards our lives - there are two truths about righteousness that we need to understand. The first truth is that RIGHTEOUSNESS IS GOD’S ACCEPTANCE OF US. In 1961 United Artists released the film Judgment At Nuremberg. Have you seen this film? The film takes place in 1948 and revolves around the trial of four German judges who’ve been indicted for their participation in Nazi atrocities. After listening to the remarks of the prosecution and defense, the presiding judge - Spencer Tracy - goes for a walk around historic Nuremberg. He’s impressed by the city’s charm - until he reaches the arena where so many Nazi rallies had been held. His eyes focus on the vast stands and the platform where Hitler had screamed out his hateful messages. He hears the voices - the shouts and cheers of the tremendous crowds rising in pitch - finally giving way to the voice of Hitler himself. Tracy’s character is struck by the ferocity of the pride - the immensity of the power. Later - back in the courtroom - the prosecution shows films of concentration camps. Silently - image after image of starved men and babies - emaciated bodies of the nameless dead heaped in piles - the charred remains in the crematorium - the horror of the depths of human depravity. The crux of the film is the issue of moral responsibility. But it also paints a subtle penetrating contrast between the power of Hitler’s followers and the helplessness of his victims. (1) All of us live with a death sentence hanging over us. We’re born into sin. We live in sin. We’re condemned by our sin. The penalty for our sin is death - eternal separation from God. Hell is a reality waiting for everyone of us. And, there’s nothing you or I can do about it. We’re helpless. That’s unrighteousness - a life completely separated from God. In God’s courtroom where we’re judged for our sins - we stand before God - who alone is worthy to pronounce judgment on us. Jesus enters and takes our penalty for us - dying on the cross in our place. His life for ours. So that we’re not longer condemned. We’re made right before God. That’s righteousness - a right relationship with God - which only God can do for us. Righteousness is something that each of us is indebted to God for. God’s acceptance of us requires that we let go of our pride and our efforts at living rightly before God - and simply receive what He’s already done for us. That’s what Paul means when he writes, “Put on the breastplate of righteousness.” Put it on. Accept what God has done for you in Jesus Christ. Last week Keith gave me a copy of ESPN’s magazine because there’s an article focusing on Barry Bonds and all that he’s had to struggle with this past year - foremost of which is the death of his father. In the article, Bonds talks about what’s been motivating him to keep going - to play at the level he plays at. “My godfather - Willie Mays - and my father - Bobby Bonds - two outstanding players of the game - they - are the only reason I played, for their approval. I admired the rest of them - Hank, Babe, Ted - but I wasn’t fighting for their approval. I’ve always played for the acceptance of my godfather and father. That’s it.” (2) Bonds - a 5 time MVP - who holds a tremendous number of records in baseball - plays at a level that some have describe as playing on the level of a different planet - is driven by acceptance. One wonders what level of achievement is good enough to earn that acceptance. If we could earn God’s acceptance - a right - righteous - relationship with Him by rolling a pea with our nose down 99 to L.A. - or some other almost impossible task. We’d all be on 99 scraping our noses on the pavement. Its so tempting for us to come and present our righteousness to God. We live morally upright. There are no mass murderers here - at least none that we know of. We’re decent - just people. We’re a little rough around the edges - some are more rough than others. But, we’re okay. We come to church. We serve. We give. We’re good parents. But in the struggles of life - in the spiritual battle - when Satan comes and asks, “Who are you?” Accuses us and condemns us for our sin. In those times when we’re more aware of our shortcomings - our failures - when we feel unworthy - doubtful - guilty - fearful - disillusioned - when our faith is tested - when we feel that God is angry with us - or distant - far off someplace - rejecting us. What good is our righteousness then? Mark Twain once said, “We are all like the moon. We have a dark side we don’t want anybody to see.” (3) In the reality of who we are - how do we defend against the attacks of Satan? We defend by remembering that God accepts us. He has made what was unrighteous to be righteous. When we come to God through Jesus Christ we quit trying to “be righteous” on our own. In other words, we don’t stand in our righteousness. We never could. But, we stand covered in His righteousness. That’s what Paul writes in Romans 8:1: “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” All these lies that Satan confounds us with have no basis. The only one who’s worthy to judge us has already died for us in our place. Say this - so we’ll remember it, “It’s not our righteousness. It’s His. Because of Jesus - God accepts me.” Second truth about righteousness: RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE LIFE WE LIVE BECAUSE GOD ACCEPTS US. Paul writes - Ephesians 6:14: “Stand firm…having put on the breastplate of righteousness.” “Having put on” - since we’ve already put on Jesus - since we’re living in His righteousness - now live “standing firm” - live righteously. It’s like getting into the shallow end of a swimming pool. When we get in it’s like accepting what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. We come into His righteousness. But, we need to become swimmers. We need to learn how to move about - to live - in His righteousness - to move on into the deeper and the wonderful things and strength of living the Christian life. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6) Imagine, while you’re sitting in here listening to me - someone is in the kitchen back there making chocolate chip cookies. That’s distraction. The smell of the cookies baking. Thinking about how they come out of the oven - warm - moist - chewy - the chocolate kind of melts in your mouth. Got Milk? After eating the chocolate chip cookies and being satisfied how long will it be until the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies again raises desire in you? Think about your most favorite food: a Double Double with extra onions and extra cheese - garlic fries - a quad espresso macchiato - whatever. Even though you’re satisfied - at some point wouldn’t you like more? Our bodies are designed by God to function in such a way that we grow hungry periodically. We eat a meal that helps us live healthy vigorous lives. Spending energy in activity leads to hunger again. That’s the way it is with us and righteousness. Living righteously is a process. When we come to salvation in Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven. We’re put into a right relationship with God. But the process of living out the Christian life and being made into righteous individuals has just begun. We begin a life of service and obedience to God - a life worth living - God giving to us all the good that comes with righteousness. That"righteous exercise" leads us to hunger again for righteousness - for God’s filling of our lives - and so on - a continuing process. The more we’re satisfied the more we desire. In 1908, Sir Ernest Shackleton and three companions - along with four horses to carry their load - Sir Ernest Shackleton set off to reach the South Pole. They came within 97 nautical miles of the pole before they had turn back. Their horses dead - their rations almost exhausted - staggering through the snow - suffering from dysentery - not knowing if they would survive - they struggled for 127 days to reach safety. In his book, “The Heart of the Antarctic,” Sir Ernest records that they spent each hour of this odyssey in hunger - talking about food - imagining elaborate feasts - mentally preparing gourmet meals - discussing sumptuous menus. They moved forward focused - passionate - consumed by the thought of food. (4) That’s what Jesus is talking about - to be consumed - passionate with the pursuit of righteousness. “Hunger and thirst” speak of deep desire. People hunger and thirst for almost as many things as there are things to hunger and thirst for - status, power, things, and money. The consuming purpose of our thoughts and actions - what we’re passionate about - motivates us - drives us - defines who we are. The Apostle Paul writes in Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ on His cross; so that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. This life that I live now, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave His life for me" (GNB) That’s passion - desire for God’s righteousness. That’s the point we need to get to in our own lives - the point where nothing else matters to us - complete surrender - openness - to the God who makes us to be righteous and desires to produce His life of righteousness in us. That life of righteousness cannot be destroyed by Satan because it’s lived solely in the strength of the Lord. Warren Wiersbe put it this way, “Satan is the accuser, but he cannot accuse the believer who is living a godly life in the power of the Spirit. The life we live either fortifies us against Satan’s attacks, or makes it easier for him to defeat us.” (2 Corinthians 6:1-10) (5) Watch those who are here on Sunday - Sunday after Sunday - who come early to prepare themselves - who come with expectation - to worship God and to hear from Him - not joking or talking - but to seek filling from God. Pay attention to those who are dedicated to Bible study and prayer. Observe the homes that are focused on serving God. Follow the example of those who are dedicated to sharing the Gospel with others. Individuals and families who desire to be molded by God - whose insatiable passionate desire is the righteousness of God. And these are the people - who regardless of the circumstances of their lives - are living in God’s strength. Two questions. Between you and God. QUESTION ONE: In whose righteousness are you living? Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior? Accepted God’s gift of righteousness? QUESTION TWO: What passion guides your life? Motivates you? Drives you? Are you living with an insatiable desire for God’s righteousness? To live with God? To wholly do God’s will from your heart?