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THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB EXODUS 12:1-13 Series: Behold The Lamb - Part One Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 2, 2012 |
In first chapter
of John’s gospel - John - the Apostle - records the
account of the baptism of Jesus. A familiar
scene. Yes? John the Baptist
is at the Jordan River preaching about repentance -
turning from sin and turning towards God - preparing
our hearts for the coming Messiah. When John
saw Jesus coming toward him, John says, “Behold, the Lamb of God, Who
takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29b) That is an
amazingly significant declaration. Huge in its
implications. Yes? “Behold” - has
the idea of seeing - perceiving - experiencing -
discerning - spiritually getting it. Process this
at the core of who you are: Jesus is the
Lamb of God. The Lamb Who
does what? Takes
away the sin of the world. Literally -
He picks it up - bears it on Himself - and carries it
off far from us.
Who’s sin?
The world’s sin.
Our sin. John’s
declaration is an amazing description of Jesus - the
coming Messiah - born in a manger. God in the
flesh. Jesus
the Lamb of God - Who has come for us.
Over the next
few Sundays - as we approach Christmas - the
celebration of Jesus’ incarnation - Jesus being born
in human flesh - we’re going to take up John’s
invitation to behold the Lamb of God. To process
together the huge significance for us that Jesus is
the Lamb of God. What does that
mean for us - for us individually - as we celebrate
Jesus’ coming? Please turn with
me to Exodus 12.
Next Sunday we’ll be in Revelation - eventually
in Philippians. We’re
going to move around a bit in Scripture. This morning
we’re going to begin in Exodus 12 with The Blood of
the Lamb. Exodus 12 -
starting at verse 1:
The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the
land of Egypt, “This month shall be for you the
beginning of months.
It shall be the first month of the year for
you. Let’s pause
there - just briefly.
As we go through these verses there are some
key points that we need to grab onto along the way. The first is
here in verse 2.
“This month shall be for you the
beginning of months.
It shall be the first month of the year for
you.” Happy New Year! The Hebrews
had two calendars.
One was secular which was used for government
and business - general stuff. The second
calendar was spiritual.
The whole purpose of which was to keep the
people focused on their relationship with God.
The first day of
the secular calendar began with the new moon -
September - Octoberish.
The first day of the spiritual calendar begins
here in Exodus 12 - what is about our March or April. Spiritually
- day one of year one begins at this moment in Hebrew
history. Hold
onto that. God
is about to do something totally new in the life of
His people. Let’s go on. Verse 3: Tell all the congregation of
Israel that on the tenth day of this month every man
shall take a lamb according to their father’s houses,
a lamb for a household.
And if the household is too small for a lamb,
then he and his nearest neighbor shall take according
to the number of persons; according to what each can
eat you shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb
shall be without blemish, a male a year old. You may take
it from the sheep or from the goats, and you shall
keep it until the fourteenth day of this month, when
the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall
kill their lambs at twilight. Let’s pause and
grab the description of the lamb. Notice 7
things. First
- every household is to have one. If you’ve
got a small household you can double up. But every
person in every house is to have a representative
lamb. Second - its
according to their father’s houses. The head of
the home - on behalf of everyone in the home - the
father - sacrifices the lamb. Third - the lamb
is without blemish - meaning its perfect - without
flaw. Not
any old lamb will do.
That perfection is what makes it acceptable
before God as a sacrifice.
Fifth - its a
year old - which means its come into its prime. Sixth - its kept
until the 14th day of the month. What month? The first
month of the new year.
Religious calendar. At twilight
on the 14th day the lamb is killed - sacrificed by the
father for the household. Seventh. Lamb is
singular. Not
lambs. While
the lamb is sacrificed for many - the household -
there is one lamb representing each person within the
household. Are we together
on where God is going with all this? God is
giving His people an incredible purposeful
foreshadowing of Jesus - the coming Messiah. God the
Father’s sinless sacrificial lamb. God focusing
forward on the Lamb of Calvary - singular - Who is
sacrificed - not only for the sins of the world - but
for each of us individually. The lamb is
sacrificed on the 14th day of the month at twilight. Which if you
work out the timing of this - on the religious
calendar - was exactly when Jesus was crucified and
died. Nothing but a
perfect sacrifice could satisfy the requirements of
God - who Himself is perfect. Jesus - the
perfect male Lamb - sinless - is sacrificed - by the
Father - on our behalf. We’re together? There is no
question that ultimately this is about Jesus.
Let’s go on -
verse 7: Then they shall take some of the
blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel
of the houses in which they eat it. Blood is
significant. Scripture
tells us that blood is life. (Leviticus
17:14) Symbolically
- and in a very practical way - blood represents the
life of a person.
Try living without blood. Pretty
tough. The blood of the
lamb is sprinkled on the doorpost and the lintel of
the door. The
blood of the sacrificed lamb which represents each
individual living inside the house. Verse 8: They shall eat the flesh that
night, roasted on the fire with unleavened bread and
bitter herbs they shall eat it. Do not eat
any of it raw or boiled in water, but roasted, its
head with its legs and its inner parts. And you
shall let none of it remain until morning; anything
that remains until morning you shall burn. In this
manner you shall eat it:
with your belt fastened, your sandals on your
feet, and your staff in your hand. And you
shall eat it in haste. Let’s pause
there. With
the sacrifice of the lamb - while God is providing for
what’s coming outside the house - the blood on the
door jam protecting from coming judgment - with the
sacrifice of the lamb - God is also providing
substance for those inside the house. Hold on to this: Eating has the idea of taking something
into ourselves so that it becomes part of us.
Stay with me. One
understanding is that “unleavened” is what we see in
throughout Scripture - where Scripture uses leaven as
a symbol for sin.
In other words “unleavened bread” is bread
without sin. Point
being - this is about removing sin - being without
sin. Bitter herbs
represent remorse for sin. Sin is not a
good thing. Understatement. Realizing
that it was for our sin that Jesus died - that’s
bitter. Another
understanding of what’s being pictured here is that
unleavened represents haste - bread made quickly -
without having to wait around for it to rise. Bitter herbs
represent what we’ve left behind - the bitterness of
slavery - what we leave behind as we exodus out of
Egypt. God says, “You shall eat it in haste.” How?
“with your belt fastened, your sandals on
your feet, and your staff in your hand.” Belt fastened
meant those long robes - you can picture those - the
long robes they wore were tied up around their waist
so they wouldn’t trip over them as the moved quickly
out of Egypt. Sandals
on their feet meant they were ready to walk. The staff is
a sign of pilgrimage - going on a journey. Eat in
haste. Ready
to move forward to where God will take you. Deliverance
from bondage - slavery - bitterness in Egypt. Putting all
those ideas together - here’s what we need to see: We need to
get the sin out of our lives - to run quickly from the
bitterness of being bound by our sin. To quickly
leave all that behind - to repent - to turn from all
that towards God’s deliverance - towards the life that
God has for us in Jesus.
To run towards what God has for us in Jesus. We need to feed
on Jesus - Who in another description is the Bread
of... Life - here He’s the sacrificed Lamb. We need to
take Jesus into ourselves. To let Him
enter in and be the sustenance of our lives - not the
sin we need to hastily turn from. One other
observation. There
are no leftovers.
No doggie bag to take with us. It all gets
eaten. The
sacrifice in all its ceremony was to be completed
within one night.
At sunup there was to be no trace of the
sacrificed lamb. Peter writes - 1
Peter 3:18 - “For Christ also suffered once for sins,
the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring
us to God…” The atoning work
of Jesus on the cross - His shedding of His blood in
our place - is not an ongoing work. Its not
progressive - a process with more to be accomplished. There’s no
more to be done.
Its complete.
Its been accomplished definitely and eternally. It is
finished. There is a huge
confidence in that.
Isn’t there?
When we run to Jesus - when we turn to Him - we
don’t need to look elsewhere. Everything
we need is found in Him.
The issue of our salvation has been settled.
Jesus laying
down His life for us becomes the very means of our
deliverance and the very substance of our lives that
we need to desperately turn from our sins and to feast
on - to take in to our lives - that the very substance
and basis of our lives is Jesus. Let’s go on. The end of
verse 11 and verses 12 and 13 are the bottom line
summary of what God is laying out before us. Verse 11: “It is the Lord’s Passover. For I will
pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will
strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both
man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will
execute judgments:
I am the Lord.
The blood shall be a sign for you, on the
houses where you are.
And when I see the blood, I will pass over you,
and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I
strike the land of Egypt.
Bottom line summary
point number one - verse 11: It is the Lord’s Passover. Who’s Passover? The Lord’s. In verse 13 God
describes what He will do to the Egyptians. The Hebrew
word for plague describes intense affliction -
unimaginable suffering.
Destroying and striking - in Hebrew - those
words describe judgment and punishment and utter ruin
- total devastation. The Book of
Exodus records 10 plagues. There’s a
purpose to these 10 plagues that goes way beyond just
God delivering His people from slavery. Grab on to
this: The
sovereign holy God is judging Egypt for her sin - her
arrogant defiance of God. Plague number
one was what? The
Nile River turns to blood. God takes on
the Egyptian god Osiris who was the giver of life. The Nile was
his bloodstream.
The Nile was the bloodstream of Egypt. Without the
Nile Egypt economically was toast. Point being: God is
sovereign over life and the economics of what sustains
life. Plague two was
what? Frogs. God taking
on the Egyptian gods - Hapi and Heket - gods of
childbirth. Where
and how life originates is up to God. Plague three was
what? Gnats. The plague
is against Seb the earth god - showing God’s authority
over the earth - dirt - soil. Plague number
four was? Flies
or scarabs - beetles - which is against Khephera - who
was suppose to be the god of resurrection. The
Egyptians would put scarabs over the hearts of mummies
to makes sure they made it okay in the afterlife. Point being
- God - and only God - is the God of what comes next. In plague five
God takes out the livestock - the dairy and cattle
industry. More
importantly God takes out Hathor the cow-headed love
goddess that was Pharaoh’s own personal god.
Hail wipes out
flax and barley - disgracing the gods that were
suppose to protect the land from destruction that came
from the sky. Locusts takes
out Serapia who was a locust-headed god who was
suppose to protect the Egyptians from… locusts. Darkness is
against Ra - the sun god who is the greatest god of
all the Egyptian gods.
In Egypt its dark at noon. While in
Goshen - where God’s people are - in Goshen they’ve
still got sunlight.
Three days of darkness and Ra is humiliated. Plague number
ten - the death of the firstborn - is against Pharaoh
himself. Pharaoh
who was the supreme god of all the Egyptian gods. And plague
10 is against the first born of Pharaoh - the next god
- who dies along with the cattle - on the level of
animal. With
all his power and affluence and arrogance Pharaoh is
powerless against God. The Egyptians
seemingly recorded everything in stone. All those
monuments - statues and edifices and reliefs. Can you
picture that? Propaganda
to pass on down the line of history their version of
how great they were.
So devastating were the plagues - so complete
was God’s victory - that the Egyptians didn’t record
it. They
couldn’t spin it.
Each plague
testifies not only of God’s sovereignty but also His
holiness. Taken
as a whole they demonstrate God’s response to sin -
justified anger - justified wrath. The word
“Passover” in Hebrew means “to pass over.” Passover also
has the idea of soothing or appeasing. Meaning that
God’s judgment is being leveled against Egypt. And yet,
when God - who is holy - perfect - righteous - when
God sees the blood His justified demand for judgment -
for punishment - for wrath poured out on sin - being
met - God is appeased and God passes over those within
the house - because of the blood of the sacrificed
lamb. In Genesis 22 -
Abraham is instructed to take his son Isaac up into
the mountains of Moriah and there to offer his son as
a sacrifice to God.
The conversation between Isaac and Abraham - as
they leave the others and head up into the hills -
that conversation is familiar. Yes? Isaac - who’s
carrying the wood for the sacrifice - turns to Abraham
- who’s carrying the fire and the knife - Isaac asks,
“I see the wood and fire. But, where’s
the lamb?” Abraham - in a
huge act of faith answers - quote: “God will provide for Himself the
lamb for a burnt offering.” (Genesis
22:1-8). “God will provide for Himself.” God provides for
Himself a lamb to assert His sovereignty - His throne
- to magnify His holiness - to satisfy His justice. The sacrifice of
Jesus - is a bloody offering to appease - to sooth -
the holy wrath of the sin hating - sin punishing -
holy God. Sacrificed
- Jesus satisfies - appeases God’s legal requirement
of punishment. That’s
why John can declare:
“Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away
the sin of the world.” That’s why the
Passover is God’s.
Because it is all about what God has done. The perfect
- righteous - holy - sovereign God judging and
condemning and pouring out His justified anger - His
wrath - taking out the gods and sin and corruption and
arrogance of Egypt.
God Who initiates. God Who
provides the means of His appeasement - the means of
deliverance for His people. God Who
passes over. What all that
means - please hear this - what all that means is that
God is glorified even if not one sinner comes to
salvation through the blood of Jesus. Put another
way - salvation isn’t about what we do but
about what God has done. Moses comes and
tells the people, “Look this is what God wants us to do.” Can you imagine
that night - blood applied outside - eating lamb
inside. What
absolute foolishness.
Listening to the screams of those attending the
dead. Imagine
being the first-born.
Who are we before the sovereign God? What good is
a little blood sprinkled on a doorpost going to do
against death? Fear
is easy - even knowing that God’s ongoing victory over
the Egyptian gods. God’s people
could go through all the intricacies of preparing the
sacrifice and the meal - to do all that with the
greatest care and attention to detail - even putting
the blood on the door posts and lintel - but doesn’t
bring salvation - because they’re still toast unless
God does what God says God will do. Religious
experiences. Baptism. Taking
communion. Church-membership. Turning over
a new leaf. Trying
to live a better life.
Giving to the poor. Reading the
Bible cover to cover including the maps and
concordance. Donating
tons of money to Creekside - not that that’s such a
bad thing. Going
forward - responding to some appeal by an evangelist. Some great
act of penance - devotion - giving up In-N-Out
burgers. Our
worthiness. Our
cleaning ourselves up.
That all may be great stuff. But it
doesn’t save us. Good people
doing good things isn’t good enough. We have no
assurance - no peace - no confidence if the basis of
our salvation depends on what we do - on how we
respond to God. If
the Passover isn’t God’s Passover then all we’re left
with is some religious happy thoughts and good
intentions. Deliverance from
God’s wrath - the reality of life with God now and
forever - is by the finished work of Jesus on the
cross and that alone.
Period. The
Lamb of God is the assurance of our salvation - the
realization of our peace before God - the reality of
the forgiveness of our sins - the basis of our
relationship with God made right. Not because
of us. But
because the sovereign holy God says so. Bottom line
summary point number two - The Blood Must Be Applied. Many many years
ago I was touring the Wat Arun temple complex in
Bangkok, Thailand.
There - in one of the courtyards of the complex
- was a woman on her knees - bowing in front of a
concrete statue.
From a bowl in front of this statue she was
using her hands to splash water over her head. I don’t
fully understand all of what she was doing. But it was
an act of worship - devotion - that involved this
idol. It would be so
easy for us think about that woman and think that
she’s part of some primitive misguided religion -
worshiping at statue made of concrete - something than
man made. It
would be so easy to think of ourselves as way more
sophisticated than a bunch of wacked out Egyptians
worshiping cow-headed goddesses and frogs and flies -
oh my. The first three
plagues focus on the comfort of the Egyptians -
depriving them of water to drink - to bathe in - frogs
invading their homes - lice relentlessly attacking
them personally.
The second three plagues focus on their
possessions. The
last three plagues brought desolation and death - even
the death of their ultimate god - the next Pharaoh. The plagues are
a description of our world-system focused on our man
made - man focused - humanistic - defiance of God -
economics - philosophy
- and even religion.
Every thing we stumble over - everything - in our
arrogance - we get caught up in trusting - rather than
God. In verse 13 -
God says, “When I see the blood I will pass over
you.” If blood isn’t
applied to the door jam no amount of believing that
its there would have brought deliverance. Our knowing
that Jesus is the Lamb of God doesn’t save us. At some
point - by faith the blood has to be applied to the
door jam. We
need to trust God’s promise - to receive the gift He
freely provides for us. What we’re
looking at here could be a great exercise in doctrine
- a wonderful sermon - a study of the sovereignty of
God - great theological exposition. But what
would be the point?
What good does it do knowing all this - or
doing all the religious stuff - if you’ve never
trusted God with your life? If you’ve
never opened your life to Him? If you’ve
never accepted - by faith - His offer to save you? We need to stop
trusting in the gods of Egypt and begin trusting in
the living God of the Bible. To make
haste to let go of our sin and trust God for the
deliverance He offers. There’s
something else here that - as I’ve been thinking about
all this - there is one other thing here that really
challenges me. That
is how easy it is - once the blood is applied - to go
back to trusting the gods of Egypt. The hardest part
of a diet isn’t loosing the weight. Its what? Its keeping
the weight off. Once
we get some weight off we get complacent. We loose our
sense of purpose - or urgency - of haste - running
from all that self-destructive - weight gaining
eating. We
start to compromise.
We fudge - literally - with what we allow
ourselves to eat.
It doesn’t take much to end up back where we
started - maybe even heavier.
After God
delivers His people - after all the plagues - the
parting gifts of the Egyptians - Pharaoh’s army
getting drown - all the reasons God’s people should
have trusted Him - right there in front of the
mountain with God up on top revealing His awesome
presence - God’s people are making a golden calf -
turning back to the religious practices of Egypt. God takes His
people through the wilderness right up to the land He
promised to hand over to them. When God’s
people saw those living in the land - enemies way
inferior to the Egyptians God has already wiped out -
God’s people doubt God - choose to trust their own
wisdom and self-sufficiency - not God. Through out the
wilderness - it didn’t matter how God provided for His
people - the people still whined. “We should have stayed in Egypt. We’d rather
be eating leeks and onions. We’d rather
be slaves.” Even after God
established His people in the Land - they compromised. Failed to
clean out the leaven of the ungodly people. They
compromised and ended up bowing and worshiping other
gods just like everyone else - living in gross
immorality. Recorded in
Scripture - God - time and time again - God reminds
His people that He - God - delivered them from Egypt -
from bondage to serve Him - to be His blessed people. God - time
and time again - reminds His people to teach their
children that He - God - delivered them from Egypt. Time and time
again God pleads with Him people. Trust Me. Obey Me. Be blessed
by Me. And
time and time again God’s people forgot - wandered off
trusting other gods - self-destructing in their own
foolishness and sin. Jesus said, “This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in
remembrance of Me.”
(Luke 22:19). One of the great
values to looking at what we’re looking at this
morning - of regularly sharing communion together - is
to be reminded of what God has done for us and to
renew our faith in Him.
Because it is way too easy for us to go back to
bowing before the gods of Egypt. Faith is opening
our lives to receive what God has already done for us. Turning from
whatever we’re looking to for our security - turning
with haste - quickly letting go of the bitterness of
sin - and following God into His deliverance - into
the hugely blessed life He has for us with Him. Have
you trusted God with your life? Are you
trusting God with your life? _________________________ |