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THE FATHER-IN-LAW OF MOSES EXODUS 18:1-27 Series: Moses - Part Four Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 21, 2017 |
morning we have arrived at Exodus 18 - going on in our
study of Moses - and God working our His plan of
redemption. Adam’s
choice back in the garden - each of us is born into sin
- born separated from God.
God choosing Abraham - a person who becomes a
people - a nation that God preserves and prepares in
Egypt. God
choosing Moses - preparing him and sending him back to
Egypt to lead God’s people out of bondage. Real
people living real lives in real places in real time
that God uses to demonstrate what it
means for us to live in a real time in relationship with
Him - to help us to understand how God desires to
uniquely involve each of us in what He’s doing. A people that
God is working through as He accomplishes His promised
redemption. Which
is what all of history points towards - what all of what
we’ve been looking at points towards. God - Who deeply loves
each one of us - desires for us to have a forever
relationship with Him.
God working to redeem us. Our
redemption price is the blood of Jesus Christ crucified
in our place - to set us free from bondage to sin. God redeeming
His people to the relationship with Him that was severed
in Eden. It
all points to Jesus - to redemption - to God alone be
the glory. Hopefully
that is beginning to sound really really familiar.
1: Jethro,
the priest of Midian, Moses’ father-in-law, heard of all
that God had done for Moses and for Israel his people,
how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt. Now Jethro,
Moses’ father-in-law, had taken Zipporah, Moses' wife,
after he had sent her home, along with her two sons. The name of
the one was Gershom (for he said, “I have been a
sojourner in a foreign land”), and the name of the
other, Eliezer (for he said, “The God of my father was
my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh”). Jethro, Moses’
father-in-law, came with his sons and his wife to Moses
in the wilderness where he was encamped at the mountain
of God. Let’s
pause there and get our bearings. Last Sunday we
were in chapter 3.
Now we’re in chapter 18. We’ve jumped
past a whole lot of history. Moses
and Aaron heading back to Egypt. The “Let My
people go” part with the plagues and the Passover - the
first born of Egypt getting dead. God’s people
leaving Egypt with parting gifts. The parting
and crossing of the Red Sea. Pharaoh
changing his mind yet one more time and Pharaoh’s army
doing the “Dead Man’s Float.” We’ve skipped
past God providing manna - quail - and water. In chapter 17
Israel took out the army of Amalek. That’s
a lot of history. Yes? Mostly
familiar. Yes? I said Pharaoh, Pharaoh I said Pharaoh, Pharaoh Coming
back to chapter 18.
Verse 5 tells us that Moses and God’s people are
where? The
Mountain of God. The
Mountain of God - is also known as… Mount Horeb
or... Mount Sinai.
Same place - different names based on who’s
calling it what. Last
Sunday we saw that Mount Horeb is probably here - the
western side of the wilderness of Midian. Lots of
desolation. Which
is a huge fulfillment of prophecy. It was on this
mountain where the burning bush conversation took place
and God told Moses - back before Moses went to Pharaoh -
while Moses was coming up with all kinds of objections
and struggling to have faith in God. It was here
that God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and that after God
delivered His people from Egypt - that God would bring
Moses and God’s people back to this mountain. Which
was to be a powerful faith building confirmation for
Moses - that God is the holy, faithful, compassionate,
sovereign God Who is in complete control - ever
trustworthy - ever present with Moses and speaking to
and through Moses - using Moses according to God’s plan
and purposes. Faith
building confirmation for Moses. Which
was to be a powerful real time faith building lesson for
God’s people. That
God’s people would know that God - the God of their
fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - that same God had
delivered them. What
they’re experiencing is a part of God’s unfolding plan. His work in
history in and through them. Which
is a real time example for us. There
are times in our lives when we see what God has
accomplished - maybe how God has worked out something
that we’ve been concerned about and praying about. Probably more
like “nutted up and stressing out over. Sometimes in
all of that we have these light bulb moments when we get
it. “Wow. Look what God
did.” Like all of sudden God
accomplished something. But,
God - Who is the sovereign God - God has been
accomplishing something - what was in His mind to do
before creation was creation. By God’s grace
we just woke up to it. Hebrews 11:1 - Faith
is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction -
the convinced at the heart level of the certainty that
it’s already a done deal - conviction of things not yet
seen. Which
means we don’t see yet what to God is already
accomplished future history. And yet we can
have faith in Him that it is. (Hebrews 11:1) Those
light bulb moments or realizing what God has done -
ought to clue us in - add conviction to our faith - to
help us understand that God is working on a whole lot of
other stuff in our life - even if we don’t yet see it -
that we can be trusting Him for as if that light bulb
moment has already taken place. Moses
and God’s people arrive at the mountain. Just being at
this mountain as God’s people is huge. A God inspired
light bulb moment.
God is at work here. Worthy of our
trust. To
God alone be the glory. Sometime prior to all
that while God was delivering His people - sometime
prior to all that - Moses had sent his wife Zipporah and
the boys - Gershom and Eliezer - Moses had sent them off
to Midian and Zipporah’s father Jethro. Meaning
that Jethro heard about the awesomeness of what God had
done for His people - delivering them and all. So now, with
Moses back in Midian - with God’s people before the
Mountain of God - Jethro shows up with Zipporah and the
boys - reuniting the family - which gives Jethro an
opportunity to see first hand what God is doing. We’re
together? This
is a hugely significant moment at a hugely significant
place. A
totally lit God moment. Verse
6: And
when he - Jethro - sent word to Moses, “I, your
father-in-law Jethro, am coming to you with your wife
and her two sons with her,” Moses went out
to meet his father-in-law and bowed down and kissed him. And they asked
each other of their welfare and went into the tent. When
Jethro shows up with Moses’ wife and the boys he sends a
messenger to announce their arrival. Which for us
today may sound a little weird. Just ring the
bell on the tent and here we are. We’re family. But,
formality and custom being important - especially in
that culture - Jethro sends a messenger to Moses and
Moses out goes to meet Jethro. Moses bows
before Jethro. They
exchange kisses. Which
was probably a formal kissing on one side and then the
other. They
exchange verbal greetings - inquiring of each other’s
welfare. All
of which takes place where? Out side the
tent. Public. Formal Cultural. Recorded for
us because we need to be aware of it. There's
something here God wants us to see. Jethro
doesn’t just drop in on Moses who greets him at the tent
flap in an “I Love Egypt” “T” shirt and fuzzy pink bunny
sandals with a cold beer in one hand. Jethro
is honoring Moses - the man God is working through -
honoring his son-in-law.
And Moses - spokesperson for God - deliverer of
God’s people - leader of the nation - comes out to meet
his father-in-law and bows before him. Moses honoring
his father-in-law - Jethro, the priest of Midian. Verse 8: Then
Moses told his father-in-law all that the Lord had done
to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, all
the hardship that had come upon them in the way, and how
the Lord had delivered them. And Jethro
rejoiced for all the good that the Lord had done to
Israel, in that he had delivered them out of the hand of
the Egyptians. Who
delivered Israel? The
Lord. Who
does Jethro rejoice in?
The Lord. Verse
10: Jethro
said, “Blessed be the Lord, who has delivered you out of
the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh
and has delivered the people from under the hand of the
Egyptians. Now
I know that the Lord is greater than all gods, because
in this affair they dealt arrogantly with the people.” The
Egyptians in arrogance tried to keep you in Egypt. Thought their
gods were more powerful.
But the Lord delivered you. Who delivered
Israel? The
Lord. That’s
why they’re camped at the Mountain of God. God at work. Light bulb
moment. Verse
12: And
Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, brought a burnt offering
and sacrifices to God; and Aaron came with all the
elders of Israel to eat bread with Moses’ father-in-law
before God. Notice
that in the formality and respect offered between Moses
- God’s chosen deliverer and leader of God’s people -
and Jethro the priest slash father-in-law from Midian -
it’s Jethro who takes leadership and offers sacrifices
to God - brings his family and the nation to worship God
- to eat this meal together before God. Notice
that there’s no conflict.
No drama. No
competition for leadership or headship. That the whole
focal point of this heart warming family reunion - even
the meal they share - the whole focus isn’t on the
individuals and personalities - but on recognizing that
it’s God Who has delivered and dwelt with His people. All
that honoring of each other is ultimately focused on
honoring God.
humility - the respecting and honoring others - the
minimizing of drama at home - the conflict between
parents and spouses and siblings and in-laws and
out-laws - what God can do in and us and through us as
we live focused on God and not us. When our
desire is to see God glorified and not us. If we’re
living our lives and leading our families towards God. Helping our
families to see where God is at work. Helping each
other to follow God in the real time real places of our
lives. That’s
a heart level reality check. Who really is
the focus or your life - of your life together as a
family? The
temptation is to come up with the boiler plate Sunday
School expected Christian answer: God.
is no way we can expect our kids or grandkids to become
life-long followers of God - of Jesus - if they aren’t
seeing that lived out in the real time of our lives and
the priority decisions that we’re making as a family. Actions
coming from the heart speak volumes louder than words
and intentions that have no basis in how we actually
live. Here
before the Mountain of God - this heart warming family
reunion - the focus is on God. Trusting God. To God alone
be the glory. The second part of
chapter 18 begins in verse 13 with Moses Holding Court. Verse
13: The
next day - after the reunion and
meal - the
next day Moses sat to judge the people, and the people
stood around Moses from morning till evening. When Moses’
father-in-law saw all that he was doing for the people,
he said, “What is this that you are doing for the
people? Why
do you sit alone, and all the people stand around you
from morning till evening?” Reality
check. There
are about two million plus people in the camp. How long is
the line to see Moses?
At this point DMV is looking good. Morning
to evening there’s a line of people with life changing
crucial issues: “He
got my goat.” “Well,
you’ve pulled it my leg.” Jethro
takes one look at the endless conga line and says, “Moses
what are you doing?” Verse
15: And
Moses said to his father-in-law, “Because the people
come to me to inquire of God; when they have a dispute,
they come to me and I decide between one person and
another, and I make them know the statutes of God and
his laws.” Who
do the people come to?
Me. “Moses” We
wouldn’t be reading anything into the account here if we
assumed that Moses was innocently doing what he thought
God had prepared him to do. This is the
kind of position that Moses - Prince of Egypt - was bred
for. Moses
was probably a great judge. And
just maybe some of that might have stroked his ego a
tad. Maybe
in all that there was a certain feeling of vindication -
after being rejected in Egypt and by his own people. Now Moses -
the judge - sits before the people as God’s
representative. But
there’s a huge problem here. What we just
saw at the family reunion.
Who delivered Israel? God. Who’s plan for
God’s people is being worked out? God’s. This whole
camping trip at the mountain of God - coming to God - is
about who? God. “Why are you doing this?” “Because they
come to me.”
it possible to serve God without serving God? Some
of us type AAA personalities are good at that. Because we’re
good at what we do.
Where we’re plugging along - doing really
excellent at what we’re doing. Doing really
good things - even here at Creekside. Or maybe we’re
just flowing along in our comfort zone. Sometimes
even with good intentions we can get into things - or
into a track of doing things - that we have no business
getting into. That
may actually be holding back what God desires to do. Hurting us or
hurting others. There
are times when the results aren’t what we imagined. Or the
pressure - the urgency - is just overwhelming. The stress
level is off the scale.
We need to make sure that what we’re doing good
at is what God has for us to do good at and not just
something we’re doing because of our own motivations and
issues. One
of the questions I’m learning - emphasis “learning” -
one of the gut checks I’m trying to think through when
I’m getting stressed out over all the things I see
myself as responsible for - and fully capable of doing -
and stuff isn’t going the way I think it should - is to
ask the Jethro question, “What
is this that you’re doing?” “Am I doing
this for me or for God?”
my answer is, “Because
they come to me” or something like that
- focus being on how all this effects me - chances are
really good that I’m doing it for me and not for God. Try
that sometime when you’re getting stressed over what you
“have” to do. Honestly
ask yourself, “Am
I doing this for God or for me?” The third part of
chapter 18 is Jethro’s Advice to
Moses. Verse
17: Moses’
father-in-law said to him, “What you are doing is not
good. You
and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves
out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not
able to do it alone.
that Jethro doesn’t shred Moses. “Moses,
you’re such a dweeb.
Look how you’re messing up here. I knew my
daughter was too good for you.” Jethro’s
focus is on what Moses is doing. His concern is
for the well-being of the people - for Moses. Not Moses
being an insecure failure with issues. There is such
a depth of love and wisdom coming through Jethro’s
words. Ever
been hurt because someone focuses on you rather than on
what’s going on in a situation? Rather than
building us up and helping us to change our actions - to
see that we have the potential to do something so much
better - instead we’ve been told that we’re schleps or
worse. We
are the failure not the action. Those are
wounds we can carry with us for a lifetime. God
- in His grace and mercy and love - sees us as He
created us in His image - and works to redeem us from
our sin and the consequences of our sinful action. Bottom
line of Jethro’s observation: This ain’t
working. Moses
you’re going to burn out.
The people are burning out - at least they were
burning up in line.
This whole system is about to crash. His tone and
focus prepares Moses for the fatherly advice that’s
coming. Let’s walk through
Jethro’s advice. Verse
19: Now
obey my voice - meaning: “Moses,
pay really really close attention to what I’m about to
tell you.” - I will give you advice, and God be with
you! Literally
the idea is - follow my advice and God will take His
stand with you - meaning God will support you - prop you
up. Keep
doing this your way and you’re on your own. Epic failure. Burn out. Do this God’s
way and God will be right there with you through it all. Number
One: You
shall represent the people before God and bring their
cases to God, and you shall warn them about the statutes
and the laws, and make them know the way in which they
must walk and what they must do.
God’s representative to God’s people you’re suppose to
instruct them and help God’s people to understand - the
statues and laws of God.
Meaning the whole big picture of what God is
going to reveal to you
-Moses - all those laws and regulations - and the
day-to-day of what all that law looks like in real time. How to live
life together before God as God’s people. You’re suppose
to communicate all that to God’s people. And
Moses, as the people’s representative to God - when
issues come up and God’s people need further instruction
from God - you’re suppose to go to God and ask for
clarification. God
has called you to be His advocate before the people and
the people’s representative before God. Being between
God and the people and the people and God isn’t about
you being between the people and the people. You’re trying
to do what God never called you to do. No wonder you
all are wearing out.
The whole Exodus camping trip is in jeopardy
here. Which
happens. Doesn’t
it? We burn
out and others burn out.
Life together as the Body of Christ can be more
about survival rather than knowing the joy of God
standing with us - upholding us - blessing us. That happens
when we or others here are not stepping up or stepping
in or we’ve stepped out of what God has for us to do. Second: Empower and encourage others to be who God has
created and called them to be.
whole administrative structure that Jethro is talking
about here potentially
involved over 260,000 men in a nation of over 2 million. Which meant
that Moses was trying to do the work of 260,000 men. Are we
together on how out of balance that was? Ministry
- or just living together as the Body of Christ - isn’t
about job security.
Or insecurity.
Hanging on to our own little piece of the
ministry - or our little happy spot in what goes on here
- hanging on to that because we need that to feel good
about ourselves. Too
many of us have seen the ugly side of this. People getting
really territorial - bent way out of shape over - for
what in the grand scheme of what God is doing in His
creation - is really insignificant. Ministry
is about empowering and encouraging others to grow up to
be the people that God has created them to be and to
live out the roles that God has created them for. One word: Discipleship. Find
men who fear God - who are truthful and honest - who
won’t serve for their own profit or gain. Teach them
God’s law and statutes.
Let them handle the minor disputes. The major
disputes - where you have to intercede for the people
before God - Moses - you handle those. Which is what
God has prepared you for and the role God has placed you
in to do anyway. Paul told Timothy: “…what
you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses
entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others
also.” (2 Timothy 2:2) Empower
and encourage others to step up or to step in to the
roles that God has created and called them to step up or
to step in to - to be life long followers of Jesus
Christ who will encourage and empower others to be life
long followers of Jesus Christ. Third - Expect Godly results. Expect God to
show up - to be working and fulfilling His promises. Verse
23: If
you do this, God will direct you, you will be able to
endure, and all this people also will go to their place
in peace.” If you do this - means you need to
choose. I’m
giving you my advice and the success of the Exodus hangs
in the balance - even the future of my daughter and
grandsons. But,
it’s up to you to choose if you want to go there. If you do this, God will direct you, you
will be able to endure, and all this people also will go
to their place in peace.” If
you follow my advice and God does shows up and moves
this plan forward - and we can expect that He will -
then you will be able to endure. Meaning you
won’t burn out because God Himself will supply
everything that you need to accomplish what God has
created and called you to do. And all these
people in that long hot endless conga line who are
seeking God - all those people will know God’s peace in
the midst of the issues of their lives. God
- our creator - is always unimaginably way ahead of us. He’s had all
this figured out before creation was creation. All of this is
about God and what He’s doing in His creation. Jesus -
redemption - bringing glory to Himself. Maybe we know
that. But
we still need to choose in the day-to-day whether or not
we’re going to follow Him. What
is encouraging for us - the advice of Jethro - is that
even if we’re struggling with our issues or the
overwhelminness of the task at hand - God has already
got it worked out as certain as if it’s already
happened. He
is 100% reliable - trustworthy - and He will lead us and
sustain us and be with us in the midst of whatever it is
that lies ahead. So,
by faith, expect it. With
so many options pulling at us - and trying to deal with
our own issues and so many other issues - trying to
balance all that out in our lives - and somehow serve
God - we need to hear Jethro’s advice. Focus
on doing what God has called you to do - encourage
others to do what God has called them to do - and trust
God for the results. Verse 24 - The Importance of Relationships: So
Moses listened to the voice of his father-in-law and did
all that he had said.
Moses chose able men out of all Israel and made
them heads over the people, chiefs of thousands, of
hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. And they
judged the people at all times. Any hard case
they brought to Moses, but any small matter they decided
themselves. Then
Moses let his father-in-law depart, and he went away to
his own country. Moses
listens. Moses
chooses. Jethro
departs. End
of chapter 18. The
way the account ends - the family reunion - where Moses
is at and where he needs to get back to - the advice
given by Jethro - all of which focuses on God and what
God is doing in and through His people - God’s unfolding
work of redemption - the way all of that comes together
here at the end emphasizes how all of that is woven in
and around the relationship of Jethro and Moses. A relationship
that’s probably been developing for about 40 years. An crucial
snapshot of which we see here in chapter 18. Point
being that none of what takes place, takes place except
in the uniqueness of the relationship of Jethro and his
son-in-law Moses. Processing
that there are two takeaways that can be helpful for us. Two questions: First: Who is your Jethro?
Every one of us needs a
Jethro. Someone
who will speak God’s truth into our lives. Who will
lovingly keep our feet to the fire. Every
one of us needs someone to help us stay on track with
God. Who
will step into our lives - to listen to our hearts - to
affirm us - to see clearly what it is that we’re valuing
- to respectfully challenge us to choose greater
obedience to God. Maybe
even pattern that for us.
And then to step out of the way. So that we’ll
learn for ourselves what it means to follow God through
life. So
that we’ll learn that with God working in and through us
we do have what it takes.
Abraham who stood by Lot - no matter how badly Lot
messed up - Abraham looked out for him, rescued him,
interceded for him. Or
like Jonathan who was willing to risk his life for his
friend David - to set aside even his own future as king
- because he believed in David and what God was about
doing in David’s life. Or
Barnabas who saw God at work in Paul and risked
everything to bring him before the church leadership -
who served with Paul as Paul evangelized the world. Or,
Jesus Who saw more in Peter than Peter saw in Peter. Jesus Who told
Peter, “Simon. You’re the
Rock. You’ve
got what it takes even if you can’t see it yet. Dude. I believe in
you.” Can
you imagine hearing those words? From God. To you. “I
believe in you.” He really does.
question: Who is your Moses? Every
one of us - at one time or another - is given the
opportunity to pour ourselves purposefully -
meaningfully - into the next generation. At home - at
work - at school - here at Creekside. To speaking
God’s truth into the lives of other men and women -
maybe even our children. And
yet to do that - to step into a loving - God focused -
vulnerable - roll of discipleship pouring lives into
someone else - may invoke the deepest kind of fear in
us. Probably,
because most of us have never or rarely experienced that
kind of relationship.
There’s an uncomfortable unknown in that. We’re
struggling to be a Moses.
How could we ever be a Jethro? As
Jethro is telling Moses he needs to pour himself into
others - Jethro focuses Moses on… God. Because the
confidence for being a Jethro - the strength - the
overcoming of our fears - all that comes from God. Not us. From God Who
speaks to us, “I
love you.” Who believes in you. Who died out
of love for you to redeem you from sin. Who empowers
and encourages us for what He calls us to be. It
comes down to a personal choice. To choose to
focus on God and what God has for us - to choose to
commit ourselves to encouraging and empowering others to
follow God - and to choose to expect that God will show
up and be there to supply whatever it is that’s needed -
especially what we need to get beyond our fears and
weaknesses. Because
God has and God does and God will.
_______________ Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
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