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THE HIGH CHAPARRAL GENESIS 17:1-27 Series: Abraham - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian March 12, 2017 |
have arrived at Genesis 17 - studying the life of… Abraham. The
Bible can be divided into two sections. Everything
before... God called Abraham and everything... after God
called Abraham. Genesis
chapters 1 to 11 are foundational. Creation and
the Fall. The
Flood and the dispersion of the nations. Sin on display
- God’s judgment and yet there’s hope. That all lays
the ground work for what God is about to do. Where our
creator - the sovereign God - is going with His creation
and why. God
calling Abraham builds on that foundation. God calling
out a person - a family - the beginnings of a people to
be God’s people - to live in relationship with Him -
blessed by Him. A
relationship and blessing that we experience as we come
to salvation in Jesus Christ. God
is showing us through Abraham what that looks like. What it means
to live in relationship with Him. To live by
faith in God and to experience God’s presence and
blessing in our lives. Chapter 17 is the next
lesson in what that can look like for us. Let’s jump
into the text and read together verses 1 to 8. God Affirming His Covenant… again. Verse
1: When
Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to
Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; walk before
Me, and be blameless, that I may make my covenant
between Me and you, and may multiply you greatly.” Then Abram
fell on his face. And
God said to him, “Behold, my covenant is with you, and
you shall be the father of a multitude of nations. No
longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name
shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a
multitude of nations. I
will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make you
into nations, and kings shall come from you. And
I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your
offspring after you throughout their generations for an
everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your
offspring after you. And
I will give to you and to your offspring after you the
land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an
everlasting possession, and I will be their God.” Does
this sound familiar?
Once again we’re looking at God affirming His
covenant with Abram.
But each time God does that “affirming His
covenant” thing God reveals more of what God wants Abram
- and us - to know about what God is doing and how to
respond to God. So,
let’s walk through what God says here together. There are some
significant truths that God is revealing to us that we
need to grab on to. First - notice that we’re told that Abram
was 99 years old. Meaning
it’s been 13 years since chapter 16. Ishmael is now
a teenager. Oh
boy. Sarai
is almost 89. For
13 years Abram - Sarai - and Hagar have been watching
Ishmael grow up. For
13 years Sarai has not gotten pregnant. 13 year of
potentially more stress and tension in the happy
homestead. Meaning
they’ve been waiting for 13 years. Waiting for 13
years of silence - God not saying anything. 13 years of
wondering and waiting for God to move forward fulfilling
His promises. Which
we understand. There
are times when we’re praying for a situation or a person
- a need - and we’re waiting. Time is going
by and we’re still looking for God to do something or to
give us some direction.
Up stairs we get it that He is. But, in real
time... time is passing.
Waiting and wondering. We’ve been
there. Right? Maybe
that describes where you are today. Like most of
us it probably does. Second notice God’s name. “I am God Almighty.” In
Hebrew it’s the name “El Shaddai” Literally “I
am God - the Almighty.” Which
God? The
Almighty God. Emphasis
Almighty. Emphasis
- the all sufficient - all powerful - most awesome -
eternal - cannot be moved - greatest - self-existent -
incomparable - totally sovereign - omniwhatever -
almighty God. Behind
that word “shaddai” is the idea of mountains. God “El
Shaddai” is the God who is like a mountain. Immovable. Powerful. We
all recognize where this is. Yes? Doesn’t
Yosemite get you thinking about God? Almost like it
was designed to do that.
Capitan rises over 3,000 feet off the valley floor. Half Dome
rises almost 5,000 feet.
Those are some impressive rocks. Granite cliffs
- towering - majestic.
Immovable. Strength
that transcends who we are and the time we spend here on
earth. Which
is the idea behind “El Shaddai” Meaning
- what God is focusing Abram and us on - is that God “El
Shaddai” is the almighty all sufficient God. God is all
powerful and completely able to do anything that God our
creator wills to do.
Nothing can move Him from accomplishing what He
purposes to do. He
is the totally adequate - completely capable - all
sufficient God. Point
being that whatever God covenants - purposes or promises
- to accomplish in Abram’s life - and in our lives - God
is able and will accomplish. This is the
God - our God - Who comes and speaks to Abram - the 99
year old man - who’s been waiting 13 years for God to do
something. “I
am God Almighty.” Then notice what God commands Abram to do: “Walk
before me, and be blameless”
has the idea of being “perfect” - complete - perfection. There’s
nothing messed up between us and God. No sin. We’re right
with God righteous. Point
being - Abram and us - we are to walk through life
totally right with God. Let’s
be careful that we understand what God is getting at
here. It
would be really easy to get messed up by this. How are we
suppose to live blameless before God? When
we stop to think about it we realize just how far short
of perfection we fall - repeatedly. Or, if we’re
listening to other people’s opinions about us they might
be helping us to come to the same conclusion about how
far short of perfection we fall. It would be
easy to think that the answer is to just try harder or
maybe even just give up.
Which misses the point of what God is calling
Abram and us to. Notice
- in verse 1 - that God’s command is first to what? to “walk
before Me” - to live with God. Meaning the
choice to give our lives to God first - “and”
what comes from that is
being blameless. Which we saw with
Abram back in chapter 15 - the last time God affirmed
His covenant. God
showing Abram all those countless stars and impressing
Abram with His - God’s - sufficiency to fulfill God’s
promises to Abram.
God declares Abram to be righteous - blameless - before
Him. (Genesis
15:6) Let’s
be careful. Abram
is not righteous because of His faith. Abram is made
to be righteous by God - because God - seeing the heart
level faith of Abram - God chooses to make Abram to be
right before Him. Which is true of us. Hebrews 10:14
tells us: “For
by a single offering He [Jesus] has perfected for all time those who
are being sanctified.” (Hebrews 10:14). At
the moment we come to trust in Jesus as our Savior God
chooses to place us into the sinless perfection of
Christ. Meaning
that right now and forever - positionally - as God looks
at us - God sees us as being perfect - blameless -
before Him. It’s
like He’s looking at us and seeing Jesus. Being
made right before God must come as a gift of God’s
grace. We
can’t earn it. We
can’t achieve it. We
don’t even understand it.
God gives it.
We must receive it by faith. Faith that God
awakens within us.
Faith that’s because of God’s grace not the depth
of our spiritual insight or righteous worthiness. Meaning
we simply have to take God at His word and welcome what
God has done for us.
God who makes us to be positionally perfect -
without the guilt of sin blameless - before Him. What
we all understand too well is the second part of Hebrews
10:14 - which is the “being
sanctified” part. Meaning in the
day-to-day of our lives we are living far from perfect. We are all in
process of learning to live by faith sanctified - set
apart - holy - blameless before God. We’re
together? Positionally
we’re perfect. Practically
we’re in process. Coming
back to Abram. God
already declared Abram to be righteous. God has
already enabled Abram to walk blameless. What God is
calling Abram - here in verse 1 - what God is calling
Abram to is the day-to-day living that out process of
walking through life moment-by-moment trusting God - God
Almighty - who is all sufficient for what Abram needs to
walk moment-by-moment trusting in God. For
us to walk before God blameless speaks directly to the
openness of our hearts to God. To be perfect
- nothing lacking - meaning that nothing is lacking in
our complete openness to God - from the core of who we
are - our utter dependence - faith - trust - in Him to
supply to us everything that we need to live life as
He’s created life to be lived. In
verse 1 - God - the Almighty - comes to this 99 year old
man - and says to Him -
I am your sufficiency - trust me with your life. In verse 2 God goes on
may make my covenant between me and you…” Notice
it’s conditional. “walk
before me, and be blameless - so that I may…” Previously
when God stated His covenant promise to Abram that
condition was implied.
Here - God affirming and revealing more - God
puts it right out there in black and white. To
benefit from the blessings of God we need to be walking
by faith in Him. We
need to be in the place where God will bless us. Abram - his
descendants - us. Why
should we expect that God will bless us when we’re
living trusting ourselves?
When we’re saying we’re God’s people but we’re
living for ourselves.
When we make a relationship with God what we say
a relationship with God is not what God says it is. If
we desire His blessings we need to be living in faithful
obedience to Him. Makes
sense? Abram
falls on his face and worships God. Deep respect - deep heart
level faith in God. Then
God reaffirms his covenant with Abram. What
theologians call the…
Abrahamic Covenant. The
3 parts of which are… Land
- meaning a place to dwell with God in security. The Promised
Land. Seed
- meaning innumerable descendants - a great nation of
great influence Blessing
- meaning God is going to bless Abram’s descendants and
through them bless all the nations of the world. In the context of God
- the Almighty - re-affirming His Abrahamic Covenant
promise to Abram - the 99 year old waiting man - called
to live before God with total heart dedication - within
all that God changes Abram’s name. Which is a
tectonic shift in a culture where names are ginormously
significant. Our
children all have first names that come out of the Bible
- names that reflect our faith and we pray - will be
reflective of their own personal relationship with God
as they learn to follow Jesus through life. Their middle
names are Armenian - reflecting their ethnicity - and
also those middle names are names of members of our
family. Our
children are integral links - connecting parts between
past and future generations. All of that
has great significance. It’s
a great privilege given to parents to name their
children. Isn’t
it? As a
parent - with prayer - seeking God - reflecting our
hopes and dreams and prayers for that child - to give a
name to another person.
A name that they’re going to carry with them
through life and maybe even pass on to another
generation. Thinking
about that - the privilege of naming a child reflects
the authority of the parent over that child. Adam
was told to name the animals since he was to have
dominion over them.
Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter. He had
authority over His disciple and his future. Follow
this: The
deeper current running through Abram’s name change is
the authority of God over Abraham’s life - who Abram is
and Abram’s future history. To this point Abram
has been called… Abram.
The name given to him by his father... Terah. Abram means
“exalted father.” And
he has been. As
Abram’s been going along in life he’s become a man of
wealth - position - power - esteemed - lifted up -
exalted in the eyes of those around him. God
changes Abram’s name to...
Abraham. Which
means “father of many” or, “father of nations.” Which fits to
God’s promise to Abraham. God
has authority over Abraham’s life. He is God -
the Almighty - the One that Abraham has fallen on his
face before - believed in - is trusting in. It is God the
Almighty who makes this covenant with Abraham. God the Almighty
who declares that make Abraham a father of nations. God who will
make Abraham exceedingly fruitful. God the
Almighty who commands Abraham to walk before him. Grab
this: Abram
was exalted. He
achieved great things and great respect. Abraham is
God’s to exalt - to make into the father of nations. Do
you hear the call of God in that? Even for our
own lives? To
live with God - in the life that He’s created for us -
we must loose our desire to exalt ourselves and learn to
give control of our hearts totally to the One who really
does have authority over our lives - God - the Almighty. God
affirming His covenant again. Revealing
more. Going
on to verse 9 - God Illustrating His Covenant. Verse
9: And
God said to Abraham, “As for you, you shall keep my
covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout
their generations. This
is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you
and your offspring after you: Every male
among you shall be circumcised. You
shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and
it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. He
who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised. Every male
throughout your generations, whether born in your house
or bought with your money from any foreigner who is not
of your offspring, both he who is born in your house and
he who is bought with your money, shall surely be
circumcised. So
shall My covenant be in your flesh an everlasting
covenant. Any
uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh
of his foreskin shall be cut off from his people; he has
broken My covenant.” Let’s
notice a few things.
First - who gets left out? Women and
those not in the covenant.
Otherwise God is very specific. Every male -
eight days old and up - every male born or brought under
Abraham’s tent - now and in generations to come - every
male is to be circumcised. Notice
verse 11: “and
it shall be a sign of the covenant…” Circumcision is the
sign of the covenant not the covenant itself. Verse
13: Circumcision
is a sign of an everlasting covenant. The sign of
the covenant is this permanent removal of skin. This marking -
branding - of the person that declares God’s ownership -
forever. Ray
Stedman writes, “What
a strange thing this is - the removal of the foreskin of
the male procreative organ - literally carving in the
flesh the sign of God’s Lordship! This is the
great sign of Jewry, intended by God to be the mark of
His possession, that they were God’s instrument to use
for blessing among the nations. It was placed
upon this particular part of the body to indicate that
they were to be physically separate from the other
nations. The
very organ by which that separation could be violated,
bore upon it the mark of God’s ownership.” (1) Circumcised
- you’re in the covenant.
You’re God’s.
Uncircumcised - you’re out. You’re on your
own. Have a
nice day. We
need to be careful.
where the Jews took this?
They made circumcision a litmus test for being
one of God’s people.
The sign of the covenant becomes the covenant
itself. They
thought that as long as they’d done this circumcision
thing for God then they were okay. God would
bless them and do all those things God promised them. They compared
themselves to the uncircumcised nations around them and
came off with an attitude of superiority - of
self-righteousness - proud of their “chosen people”
status with God. Paul
warns us in Philippians 2:
out for… those mutilators who say you need to be
circumcised to be saved.
For we who worship by the Spirit of God are the
ones who are truly circumcised. We rely on
what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no
confidence in human effort…” (Philippians 3:2,3 NLT) What
was a physical cutting of the flesh to Abraham is really
intended to show something of great spiritual
significance - the circumcision of the heart - our mind,
will, and emotions - our soul - our spirit - the core of
who we are totally submitted to God’s ownership - God’s
authority - His sovereignty over our lives. Circumcision
is the outward illustration - the sign of a circumcised
heart. Are
we seeing how that illustrates what God is revealing as
He affirms His covenant?
Abraham’s keeping of the covenant - his walking
blameless before God - all that takes place as his heart
is placed under God’s control. Circumcision
illustrates the heart surrendered to the all sufficient
almighty God. To
be a follower of Jesus Christ means that our hearts need
to bear the sign of Jesus’ Lordship. All of who we
are is to be moment-by-moment at God’s
disposal - under God’s sovereign authority and control. To walk before
God blameless speaks directly to the openness of our
what? hearts to God - the Almighty. Verses 15 to 22 are God Defining His Covenant. Verse
15: And
God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall
not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. I
will bless her, and moreover, I will give you a son by
her. I will
bless her, and she shall become nations; kings of
peoples shall come from her.” Then
Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to
himself, “Shall a child be born to a man who is a
hundred years old?
Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a
child?” And
Abraham said to God, “Oh that Ishmael might live before
You!” God
said, “No, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and
you shall call his name Isaac. I will
establish My covenant with him as an everlasting
covenant for his offspring after him. As
for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I have blessed
him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He shall
father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great
nation. But
I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah
shall bear to you at this time next year.” Let’s
walk through this. Notice the name
change. Names
are ginormously significant. Sarai means
“contentious.” Could
have been she was a difficult women to live with. Certainly an
interesting choice of names for her parents. God
changes her name to Sarah - meaning “princess” or
“mother of nations and kings.” Which is part
of God’s promised blessing to her in verse 16: “she
shall become nations; kings of peoples shall come from
her.” Point
being: God
revealing to Abraham that the child of promise will come
through Sarah. Not
Hagar or anyone else.
But Sarah - mother of nations and kings. Then
notice Abraham’s falling on his face laughing. Which seems a
tad out of place for a man of great faith. A man who has
these face-to-face conversations with God. Who gets
promised so much by God.
He just falls over laughing. The
falling on his face is like what we saw back in verse 3. This is
respect - worship - adoration with great uncontainable
joy. Taken
off guard and processing what God is saying - the
reality of what God is saying is so overwhelming that
Abraham is caught up in worship and laughter - joy. And
notice that doesn’t mean a lack of faith. After 25 plus
years of not having a child by Sarah - Abraham probably
believed that God could do it - no question in his mind. But he’d
probably given up expecting that it would happen. There’s no way
Sarah’s getting pregnant. It’s
the difference between what we believe intellectually
and what we believe in our hearts. We’re praying
for God to do something but in our hearts we’ve given up
believing that He will.
Overcome when we realize that He’s still there
response: “No,
but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall
call his name Isaac - meaning “laughter” -
God and His sense of humor coming through - I
will establish My covenant with him as an everlasting
covenant for his offspring after him. Verse
21 gives us a 1 year time frame. God defining
His covenant. It’s
pretty clear. Isn’t
it? My covenant is with
Isaac - to be born from Sarah - this time next year. Notice
also God’s grace: As
for Ishmael, I have heard you - I heard your prayer -
I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and
multiply him greatly.
He shall father twelve princes, and I will make
him into a great nation. Which
reading down through chapter 25 we see that God did and
still does. The
Middle East today is full of the descendants of Ishmael. Which brings us to
verses 23-27 and Abraham’s Response to God’s Covenant. Are
we seeing the choice Abraham’s confronted with? Whatever his
doubts or expectations of what God - El Shaddai - can
and will do - Abraham knows what God has said - the
covenant promises - God’s promises about Sarah and
Isaac. His
ongoing grace towards Hagar and Ishmael. He’s heard
God’s command to walk before Him and be blameless. Circumcision
being the sign of that commitment of the heart. Bottom
line: Abraham
- you need to choose who will control your heart. Verse
23: When
He had finished talking with him, God went up from
Abraham. Then
- when? “Then”
- not the following week
- not when he could schedule it in on his calendar - God
leaves. Abraham
moves. Immediate
response. Going
on: Then
Abraham took Ishmael his son and all those born in his
house or bought with his money, every male among the men
of Abraham's house, and he circumcised the flesh of
their foreskins that very day, as God had said to him. Abraham was
ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised in the
flesh of his foreskin. And
Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was
circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. That
very day Abraham and his son Ishmael were circumcised. And
all the men of his house, those born in the house and
those bought with money from a foreigner, were
circumcised with him. When
did Abraham do all this?
At age 99. At
the ripe old - improbable to have children - age of 99 -
not when he turned 100.
Emphasis that very day. Who
took whom? Abraham
took Ishmael. Took
every male of the household. Not some. Not just those
who were willing to go along with this. This isn’t up
for a vote. Bought
or unbought. You’re
either in or you’re not.
All of them.
On that day they were circumcised. Point
being: Complete
- total - immediate - obedience. Abraham
responded - did exactly what God had commanded him to
do. That’s
the heart of a man - or woman - who is totally
surrendered to God.
Walking - trusting the God who is sufficient. Processing all that... Do
you ever find yourself where Abraham was? Convinced of
God’s sovereignty.
Convinced of God’s sufficiency. We
know that God has great plans for our lives. That He will
bless us and provide for us and care for us - now and
forever. He
can heal us and bring us to wholeness. Whatever God
wills to do in our lives God can do. To God alone
be the glory. And
yet in that twilight zone between faith and reality -
deep down there are times when we struggle. We struggle
with who we are and what we deal with and sometimes we
even struggle with God.
Walking by faith - blameless - is not always our
first immediate response. Processing
all that take home number one is to marinate this week
in Who God is and God’s sufficiency for our lives. To
help us with that read with me Psalm 121 which puts a
lot of what we’re looking at here in a nutshell. Maybe this
week you might want to go back and read through it a few
more times - marinating in what’s here. I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper;
the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil;
He will keep your life. The Lord will keep
your going out and your coming in
from this time forth and forevermore. Whatever
God Almighty chooses to do - help us - keep us - shade
us - protect us - guard us - spiritually - physically -
now and forever - God is sufficient to do. Processing all that
take home number two is God’s invitation to step forward
in faith. Just
do it.
faith - deep faith - circumcision of the heart faith -
walking blameless made right and Spirit empowered faith
- grows deeper - when commitment - control of our lives
- when our choice of walking before God becomes
irrevocable - a dogged determination to trust God - with
no conditions placed on Him to earn that trust. When trust
seems to the hardest thing to do - perhaps even insane. Moses. When the
plague thing doesn’t seem to be working - God says go
tell Pharaoh that his first born son is going to die. And he goes. Or, Peter
stepping out of a boat onto a raging sea - just because
Jesus says, “Come.” Paul and Silas - beaten
and thrown in prison - singing their hearts out at
midnight - praising God.
Or, calming down a panicked crew on a sinking
ship. Or
Abraham - trust me there’s a son coming through Sarah. That’s
faith that inspires others - that transforms lives -
that brings glory to God - that God desires for us -
that He can and will accomplish in us and through us to
His glory - if we’ll trust Him. _______________ 1. Ray Stedman Genesis
17:1-27 “The
Circumcised Life” Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |