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...REST GENESIS 1:3-2:3 Series: In the beginning... - Part Two Pastor Stephen Muncherian January 8, 2017 |
is what? The
Torre di Pisa
- The bell tower of the Cathedral of the City of Pisa. Otherwise
known as... The leaning Tower of
Pisa. 183
feet tall and 17 feet off vertical. Anyone
been there? In
1990 - they closed the tower in order to stabilize it. In 2001, the
tower was declared as stable and is expected to stand
for another 300 years. The
renovation also included a safety barrier. A
long time ago - before they added the safety barrier - I
wandered out onto the really slippery marble “13%
slopping down away from you” side. Actual
photo. Very
scary palm sweating experience. Good
foundations are crucial.
Unless we want our life to become some kind of
unstable death defying tourist trap. Last Sunday we began
looking at the first three chapters of Genesis. Genesis
is where God lays foundations for His creation. For us. “In
the beginning…” God’s
power and authority in human history - the deity and
authority of Jesus - God’s love and care for His
creation - for us.
Understanding our own existence and purpose and
destiny is tied to understanding these first three
chapters of Genesis.
Genesis is foundational. It is bedrock
for everything that comes next. So,
we’re marinating in Genesis chapters 1 to 3. This
morning we’ve come to chapter 1 - starting at verse 3. What are the 6
days of God creating and the one day of God resting. At
a museum they have... exhibits. Stuff
displayed to help us understanding things. As we go
through these verses we’re going to pause and look at
each day as an exhibit.
Take note of what can be seen there. And then
process all that for when we head out of here. Together? Welcome
to the museum. Exhibit
One. Day
One of Creation. Let’s
read together: And
God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw
that the light was good.
And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the
light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was
evening and there was morning, the first day. “And”
ties us back to what we looked at last Sunday. Which is
online if you were unable to be with us last Sunday. Briefly
backfill… In
verse one we were introduced to THE one true God Who in
the beginning - before which nothing except God existed
- in the beginning God created out of nothing everything
that exists. What
is impressive in that it’s intricate and immeasurable -
all of which displays the unprocessable awesomeness of
Who God is. In
verse two we were introduced to the Holy Spirit hovering
over one planet in the midst of all that vast intricate
immeasurableness. One
planet covered in water - in chaos and surrounded by
darkness. Unformed. Uninhabited. And yet over
that planet - this planet - God hovers - is intimately
engaged with what He will do on that planet. Here
in verse 3 God takes what is without form and begins His
work of fashioning all that into an inhabited planet
useful for His purposes. Day
Three: God
speaks and there’s light.
God sees that light is good. Meaning it’s
exactly what God was going for. Light is
separated out of darkness.
Light is called day. Darkness is
called night. There’s
and evening and a morning - Day One. One
of the great questions that gets raised when we talk
about the days of creation is… how long? How long were
the days? What
exactly are we looking at here? Evening and
morning - Day One.
Are we looking at 24 hour solar days or long ages
of time or a combination of all that? At the center of the
discussion is the Hebrew word for “day” which is “yom”. Let’s say that
together: “yom”. “Yom”
is used at least 8 different ways in Scripture - some of
which are not 24 hour solar days. For example: The Day of the
Lord is not a specific 24 hour day or night but a time
frame. 4
of those 8 different ways that “yom” gets used - 4 of
those uses are here in just the first two chapters of
Genesis. Sometimes
in the same verse. In
1:14 “yom” is used both as a 12 hour period of daylight
as opposed to 12 hours of night. And - same
verse - verse 14 - “yom” is used for a 24 hour solar
day. In
2:4 “yom” is the entire 6 day creative period. So,
here in verse 5 is “yom” describing 24 solar hours or an
indefinite period of light on the first creative day? Some
really good people have spent a lot of grey matter
thinking this through.
There are at least four reasonably legitimate
theories that people have come up with to answer the
question: “How
long were the days?” Which
are important for us - as students of Scripture - and as
we go through these days - to be thinking about. What exactly
are we looking at here? Four
Theories: How
Long Were The Days? First: The Literal
Day Theory: Which
says that each day was approximately 24 solar hours
long. Meaning
if God wanted to create His creation with age and all of
the mechanics in place to make it work from the “get go”
and if God wanted to take just 24 solar hours or so,
times 6, to do that - then God being THE God - THE
Creator - then God can do whatever God wants to do. The
overwhelming use of “yom” in Scripture is for a literal
24 hour solar day so if the plain sense makes good sense
seek no other sense. Second: The Day-Age
Theory: Which
says that each day was a long period of indefinite
duration. Each
day is seen as symbolic rather than a literal 24 hour
solar day. The
idea here is an attempt to correlate the geologic ages
as we currently understand them - what appear to be
billions of years of process leading up to what we see
today - to correlate these ages within the 6 days in
Genesis 1. Third: The
Literal-Day-With-Gaps Theory: Which says
that each day is a literal 24 hour solar day. But, each of
these 24 hour “creative” days comes after an indefinite
- probably really long period of time - in which the
events previously described were completed. Fourth: The Revelatory
Day Theory: Which
says that the days of creation are not actual days of
creation at all but days of revelation which God is
using to help us understand who He is as the God and
creator of what exists. How
many of you see #1 - the literal day theory as
representing where you’re at? #2 - Day-Age? #3? #4? If
you want my opinion - which you didn’t ask for - but
you’re going to get anyway. I lean towards
theory number one - 6 literal 24 hour solar days. But I have
questions. So,
how long were the days?
Well… we really don’t know. Does it
matter? Well…
Yes. But we
need to be careful not to lose the forest for the trees.
“I just had a
big debate with some evolution-pushing atheists and I
hit ’em hard with the ‘What, Where, When, and How’ of
creation!” “Did
you tell them about the ‘Who’ of creation?” God has preserved this
account for us as an invitation to explore what He’s
done so that we draw closer to Him. Even in the
discussion about the length of days what God is
intending for us to understand in all that is more about
Who He is and what it means for us to live in
relationship with God our creator. Which
we need to keep in mind as we move through these
exhibits. Who
and what the displays are helping us to understand. Let’s move on to
exhibit number two - Day Two. Read with me
at verse 6: And
God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the
waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” And God made
the expanse and separated the waters that were under the
expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. And God called
the expanse Heaven.
And there was evening and there was morning, the
second day. The
Hebrews understood heaven as being one of three
different places. Heaven
meaning THE heaven - think angels and the throne room of
God. Heaven
#2 meaning everything outside of our atmosphere -
uncountable stars and billions plus galaxies and beyond. Heaven #3
meaning what surrounds earth - atmosphere. What we’re
looking at here. God
calls the expanse - the place where the clouds are -
Heaven. “Expanse”
translates the Hebrew word “raqia” - which to the
Hebrews was an extended surface - like a large flat
plate. It’s
like God slips this plate into the waters that are
covering the earth - and then God raises the plate -
lifting some water up and leaving some water down. Water
up “heaven” is atmosphere with humidity and clouds. Below is
whatever water is left over covering the earth. Evening
and morning and we’re done with day two. Next exhibit: Read with me
at verse 9: And
God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered
together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. God called the
dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered
together He called Seas.
And God saw that it was good. And God said, “Let the earth sprout
vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees
bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to
its kind, on the earth.”
And it was so.
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants
yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees
bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to
its kind. And
God saw that it was good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the
third day. We
get what we’re seeing here. Yes? Water below
the expanse of heaven - atmosphere - becomes seas and
oceans. Dry
land appearing - continents and islands. Mountains and
valleys - probably also rivers and lakes. All of which
God pronounces as “good.” Good
meaning that it pleases God. It’s
acceptable to Him. Sometimes
when we build things - or we got some kind of project
around the house - when we finish and step back and look
at what we’ve done we realize our limitations. Just saying. What
God is creating here is exactly what God wants to
create. God
speaks again and there’s vegetation on the earth -
plants and trees - that reproduce after their own kind
with seeds and fruit. Creation
is no longer about inanimate things like dirt and water
but about living things. God
is specific. Those
things that are living reproduce - plants and trees -
reproduce after their own kind. “Kind” translates a
Hebrew word that has the idea of that which resembles
itself. A
tomato seed doesn’t reproduce a palm tree and voila
suddenly we have a new species of living things. Tomatoes
reproduce tomatoes that look like tomatoes because they
are tomatoes and palm trees reproduce palm trees that
look like palm trees because they are palm trees. Again,
we’re told that God looks at what He’s created and it’s
good. Evening
and morning - end of the day three exhibit. Next exhibit - verse
14: And
God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the
heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them
be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years,
and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to
give light upon the earth.” And it was so. And God made
the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day
and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. And God set
them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the
earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to
separate the light from the darkness. And God saw
that it was good. And
there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. What it seems we’re
being shown is God’s completing His work of creation of
the heavens #2 - meaning space - sun, moon, stars. The emphasis
here is on function.
To separate is what each of these lights does. Function
number one is to provide signs.
also has to do with faith and judgment and prophecy. Signs that
point to what God is doing and call us to respond. Wise men being
led by a star to Bethlehem and so on. Function number two is
to distinguish seasons, days, and years - seasonal
changes. Changes
that effect breeding and migration. What has a
huge effect on agriculture and just about everything we
humans do. Function number three
is to give light upon the earth. Light is
essential for life. To
rule means that these light are up there functioning
according to God’s authority - representing God and His
purposes - having dominion - during the day or during
the night. God
looks at what He’s created and says that it’s good -
acceptable - pleasing.
It all is exactly the way God desires for it to
be. Evening
and morning - end of the Day Four exhibit. Day Five - verse 20: And
God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living
creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the
expanse of the heavens.”
So God created the great sea creatures and every
living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm,
according to their kinds, and every winged bird
according to its kind.
And God saw that it was good. And God
blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill
the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the
earth.” And
there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day. God
creates swarms of living creatures in the sea - small -
large. God
creates the birds in the heavens. Living
creatures that reproduce after their own kinds. Fish reproduce
fish. Birds
reproduce birds. What
were being shown is not a process that happens over long
periods of time. It
happens on Day Five.
Swarms and kinds are not small numbers of
individual pairs. God
creating only one pair of turtle doves to get things
started. God
looks and says it’s all good. Absolute
perfection - everything is exactly what God wanted to
create. God
- through His blessing - communicates the capacity to
reproduce in the extreme. Meaning
that by the end of Day Five the earth is a fully
functioning ecosystem
filled with vegetation and swarming with wildlife in the
sea and in the air.
and morning. End
of exhibit five.
pause there. This
first part of the Day Six exhibit is a lot like Day Five
- except now God is creating living creatures that
lumber and creep over the earth. Livestock
- the wording in Hebrew - is domesticated animals - cows
and camels and so on.
And also it can mean larger animals as well. Creeping
things are the smaller land animals - which can include
reptiles, insects, worms. Beasts
of the earth are freely roaming wild animals. Lions and
tigers and bears. Oh
my. Reproduction
is according to its kind. Again
we’re told that God saw that it was good. Everything God
desired to create He created exactly as He desired to
create it. So God created man in His own image, in the
image of God He created him; male and
female He created them. And
God blessed them. And
God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the
earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of
the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every
living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said,
“Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that
is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with
seed in its fruit.
You shall have them for food. And to every
beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and
to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that
has the breath of life, I have given every green plant
for food.” And
it was so. And
God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was
very good. And
there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (cartoon) “The
theory voted most likely to tick off everyone… ‘Oh, look,
Honey, the Darwins are here. Better get
another apple.’” There are three main
theories about how we all got here. Theory
Number One: Evolution. Darwin
theorized what? Generally
speaking - and admittedly this is way oversimplifying
what Darwin suggested - that the beginnings and
development of what we see around us was all by a
process of evolution - a process of division and
mutation - that ultimately resulted in the variety of
life we see around us today. Meaning
that all living organisms arose from one simple, living
cell. The
origin of that cell is traced to either a combination of
chemical and protein elements or some crystal - all of
which is based on the idea of spontaneous generation. Theory Number Two: Theistic
Evolution - assumes what science tells us about
evolutionary geology and biology are both valid and
authoritative and also that the Bible is the revealed
Word of God. Meaning
that Theistic Evolution is an attempt to harmonize the
two - current scientific understanding and Scripture. Meaning
that God ordered and directed the evolutionary process -
either by giving it an initial push and stepping back or
after getting it started God is continuing to tweek it
along the way. Theory Number Three: Special
Creation - asserts that God - through a series of
supernatural acts - produced the earth and all the life
forms on it - including Adam and family - in a
relatively brief period of time - probably 6 literal 24
hour solar “yom” days - not ages or days with gaps. Meaning
that what we’re being shown here is not symbolic but
historical - to be taken literally. Which
- understandably - some good people will object to. As there are
objections to the other two theories. We
all need a dose of humility. God does not
need to be constrained by our current understanding of
geology and biology.
Human scientific understanding is limited -
changes - tends to be fallible. Our
understanding of Scripture is in process. However
- what we’re being shown here is not a long process
taking place over indefinite periods of time or God
giving things an initial push and then maybe tweeking
things along the way.
What we’re being shown here is that God created
life that reproduce themselves and only themselves. Period. We’re being
shown God uniquely created man. Singular event
not process. The
point of thinking through all that - how we got here -
is to marinate more deeply on the astounding reality of
what we’re being shown here about God and our
relationship with Him. God says, “Let Us make
man in our image…” Us
is plural. Emphasis
being that the entirety of the Triune God - Father, Son,
Spirit - is purposefully engaged and represented in what
is taking place here in a way that He is not engaged in
in any of His other creative acts. Man
- male and female - is created in God’s own image and
likeness. Meaning
what? Each
of us is like God.
We see. We
hear. We
feel. We
reason. We
choose. And
yet, each of us is not like God. Man dies. God does not. Man is seen. God is not. Man is limited
in our knowledge and power and so on. God is not. Image
means that somehow who we are represents Who God is. Likeness is
more than physical.
It’s spiritual - mental. Our best understanding
of that is this: Man
uniquely bears the spiritual, intellectual, and moral
likeness of God Who has created and breathed life into
us. God uniquely creates
us in His image and likeness and then gives to us
purpose. Be
fruitful and multiply.
Fill and subdue.
Have Dominion. Multiply
- fill up the earth peoples. Bring the
earth under subjection to your authority. Have dominion. “Top of the
food chain baby!” No
other living creature is given that purpose. Mankind is
unique. Each
of us as the image and likeness of God - Each of us and
all of us are Gods’ representatives on His earth. We are
stewards of His creation.
The original environmentalists. Filling and
multiplying and dominioning all to bring glory to the
Triune God our creator.
That’s what the image and likeness of God is
uniquely created to do. God
looks at everything He’s created - the whole ecosystem
and cosmos - all of what is living - including us - and
our unique creation and relationship with Him and in
this world as His representatives - and God says... “Behold,
it was very good.” Behold
is a Hebrew word that means “wake up and smell the
coffee.” “Very
good” meaning abundant - exceedingly - immensely good. Hang
on to that. Mankind
- each of us - you are not the product of random forces
which somehow have developed complexity which may or may
not have been tweeked by God along the way. You are a
purposeful specific act of our Creator God who has made
you to be in His image and given to you the unique role
of bringing glory to Him.
In God’s eyes you are very good. Evening
and morning. What? Evening and
morning. End
of Day Six. Day
Seven. Read
with me at chapter 2:
the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the
host of them. And
on the seventh day God finished His work that he had
done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work
that he had done. So
God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on
it God rested from all His work that He had done in
creation. Can
you imagine not having anything left to do? Some of you
are sitting here looking at me but your mind is on all
the things you have to do this afternoon. Exhibit
Seven tells us that when God was finished He rested. Meaning that
everything God had set out to do, He’d done. So, God
rested. God
didn’t rest because He was tired from all His creating. He rested
because He was finished. Exhibit
Seven tells us that God blessed the Seventh Day and made
holy. He
set it apart as unique - because on that day God rested.
Seven is unique. Day
Seven begins unique.
Except on Day One when we’re introduced to the
Creation Narrative - and even then when God goes to work
- every day of God’s creative work begins with “And
God said...” Day
Seven begins with a description. We’re told
that God is finished and that on the Seventh Day God
rested. Seven
- used as a number in Scripture - identifies something
as finished or complete.
Rest translates the Hebrew word “Sabbath” -
meaning to cease - desist - rest. Meaning stop. Later
on in history God is going to tie seventh day Sabbath
rest to Jewish ceremonial Law. What will have
deep meaning for His people. But here we’re
being introduced to the roots of Sabbath rest as a
because of God’s completed work. Day
Seven is unique in how it begins. And
Day Seven is unique in how it ends. Because it
Day Seven is unique in relationship - who’s with God. Every living
thing has been created.
Including us - male and female - image of God -
multiplying and dominioning - stewards of God - resting
with God in His finished work. We’re
together? Rest
is something that God’s creation - mankind included - we
area created to experience with God forever. Resting with
God in the
goodness of God’s completed work. Processing all that… We
know - because we live and breathe and do life - that
that relationship of rest has been broken by our sin. We do not
experience the goodness of what God has created and the
relationship with Him that we are created for. Far from it. There’s
another finishing point in history. Yes? John 19:30: When
Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is
finished,” and He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. “It is finished” in Greek is actually
only one word: “tetelestai”
- which comes from the verb “teleo” - which has the idea
of arriving at a goal - reaching the end. There is
nothing more to be done.
statement is the summary of where history has been
going. Jesus’
“tetelestai” is Jesus’ emphatic declaration that the
debt of sin has been canceled - completely satisfied. That debt paid
- Jesus willingly bowed His head and gave up His spirit. The work of
the Son is finished. The writer of Hebrews
tells us: “So
then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of
God, for whoever has entered Gods’ rest has also rested
from his works as God did from His.” (Hebrews 4:9,10) Jesus is our Sabbath
rest. The
fulfillment of what the ceremonial Sabbath foreshadows. The
restoration of what God opened up to us on Day Seven. (Matthew
12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Hebrews 4:9-11) Jesus
Who invites us: “Come
to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.”
(Matthew 11:28) Thinking
about us. The
problem is that way too often we struggle to believe
that it really is finished. To see
ourselves as God sees us - very good - being created His
image - given great purpose - invited to rest in what He
has done as our Creator and Savior. So
many times we’re walking around through our lives as if
the debt hasn’t been paid.
We’re thinking that God isn’t really pleased with
us. That
our relationship is still broken. That we’re
still guilty and that somehow we have to do some
incredible spiritual thing to please God. We
get caught up in thinking that we’re worthless and who
really cares about us.
We drag around with us the guilt for stuff we’ve
done - our failures as parents and just plain people. The lies about
ourselves that we’ve bought into. The anger that
we can’t seem to let go of. The
bitterness. The
lust that keeps pulling us down. Way
too often we’re living defeated - depressed - unable to
conquer what beats us down and tears us apart. Feeling
abandoned and guilty and worthless. We come to end
of ourselves and we’ve got nothing. But,
hear the word of Jesus - our Sabbath rest: “It
is finished.” The exhibits of
creation point to Who God is - who we are - what it
means to live in relationship with Him. Which isn’t
about us. Hear
this - if you hear nothing else this morning - hear
this: The
only way to live life as we have been created to live
life - as God’s image bearers - with God’s purpose - in
relationship with Him - is to rest our lives in Him - to
daily choose to trust in the sufficiency of His
completed work.
_________________________ Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |