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THE CISCO KID GENESIS 22:1-19 Series: Abraham - Part Nine Pastor Stephen Muncherian April 2, 2017 |
We are at Genesis 22. To get us
started we have a short quiz. So, if you
will take out your mental styluses... #1: In the
Abrahamic Covenant, God promised Abram... A. Land, B. Blessing C. Descendants D. All of the above Answer is D - all of
the above. #2: God changed
Abram’s name to Abraham.
The name Abraham means... A. “Exalted Father.” B. “Father Of Ham” C. “Father Of Many” D. “Blessed Of God” Answer is C - Father Of
Many #3: Abraham told
Abimelech that Sarah was his... A. Wife B. Sister-in-law C. Sister D. Lot’s wife Answer is C - She’s my
sister. #4: When Isaac was
born, Abraham was _____ years old. A. 89 B. 90 C. 99 D. 100 Answer is D - 100 Last question. #5: When Abimelech
and Phicol confronted Abraham, Abraham followed... A. Plan A B. Plan B C. Plans A and B D. Plan A - but he held
out an option for Plan B Answer A. Plan A. Always go with
Plan A. Which
is? Trust
God - faithful obedience. How’d you do? Fun. Yes? We’ve been looking at
Abraham and the lessons of faith he learned as he lived
life with God. What
God taught Abraham about trusting Him through the times
Abraham messed up in his faith and the times Abraham
remained faithful - obedient - trusting - God. Coming to chapter 22 -
we’re coming to a ginormous test of Abraham’s faith. What is
familiar - intense.
Genesis chapter 22. Verses 1 to 8
lays out for us The Test. God’s testing
of Abraham’s faith.
Let’s read together: Verse 1: After
these things God tested Abraham and said to him,
“Abraham!” And
he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take your
son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the
land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering
on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” So Abraham
rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took
two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac. And he cut the
wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the
place of which God had told him. On the third
day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from
afar. Then
Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the
donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and
come again to you.” And
Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it
on Isaac his son. And
he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So they went
both of them together.
And Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My
father!” And
he said, “Here I am, my son.” He said,
“Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb
for a burnt offering?”
Abraham said, “God will provide for himself the
lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So they went
both of them together. Familiar account. Yes? Let’s make
sure we’re not missing what’s here for us. Verse 1 begins: After
these things… meaning after what
things? After
what we’ve just seen - chapter 21. After the
birth of Isaac - the promised child - born when Abraham
was 100 years old - Sarah was 90 - a huge miracle of God
- and after the treaty with Abimelech - Abraham going
with Plan A - After
these things God tested Abraham and said to him,
“Abraham!” And
he said, “Here I am.” God calling the roll. “Abraham.” “Here.” Imagine being in a
class - where God is the instructor and you’re the only
student. One
on one instruction with God. Intense. Which is the way God
treats us. Isn’t
it? There
are billions of students.
But, we get individualized instruction. That’s how
much God loves us.
How much God wants us to get this. Abraham is present. He’s shown up
for class. He’s
seated at his desk.
He’s ready to learn. Verse 1 tells us that
the first thing on the lesson plan is a test. The word
“test” in Hebrew has the idea of proving something. Students can show up
for class everyday but that doesn’t mean they’re
learning. Right? The Chromebook
is on but they’re on a different site. The test here is to
examine what Abraham has learned these last 40 plus
years about living - faithfully obeying - trusting God. Let’s be careful. God knows
everything. God
knows whether or not Abraham passes of fails before
creation was created.
So why the test? The point of the test
is not to prove to God what God already knows. But to show
Abraham - and us - and everybody else - what it means to
faithfully obey God.
To live as God’s people trusting God. Verse 2: He - God - said, “Take your son, your only son - which son? your
only son - meaning Ishmael is
not in the picture.
We’re talking the son through whom God said He
would fulfill His promises - take
your only son Isaac, whom you love - which son? Isaac
whom you love, - your
only beloved son - the one you’ve bobbled on your knee -
doted over - taken pride in - watched grow up into a
young man - take your only beloved son - Isaac,
and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a
burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall
tell you.” Verse 2 is a word
problem. A
brutal test question.
Yes? Take
your only beloved son to Moriah and sacrifice him there
- as a burnt offering.
Work the problem and the answer is Isaac ends up
dead. Abraham isn’t some guy
who’s hearing voices in his head that are telling him to
go off and kill someone.
Abraham is man centered on God. Well in
possession of his faculties. If Abraham,
hearing this for the first time, wouldn’t you struggle
with this just a tad?
How are we suppose to unwind all that in our
minds? Can you hear Abraham
trying to process this?
“Why? This is the
son of promise. What
am I suppose to tell Sarah when I come back without
Isaac? There’s
no way I’m going to be able to come up with a story to
cover this one. How
am I suppose to find the strength to go through with
this? God
are you nuts? This
can’t be right. God
this can’t be your will?
God, why would you ask me to do something like
this?” Ever been there? We all face really
tough stuff in life.
Hard choices.
Brutal circumstances. Drama. Where we don’t
see what’s going on.
When we can’t see a way out or through. When there is
no logic to what’s happening to us. Situations and
circumstances that are known to God. That God
allows into our lives.
God in the midst of all that saying, “Obey
Me. Trust
Me.” And here, with Abraham,
God is even leading him into all that. “Obey
Me. Trust
Me.” There are times when
what God asks of us goes beyond our understanding. Verse 3: So
Abraham rose early in the morning - when? Early
in the morning - immediate complete
faithful obedience - Abraham saddles his donkey - takes
two of his young men with him and Isaac his only beloved
son - splits wood for the burnt offering and heads out
to the place where God told him to go. Verse 4: On
the third day - which day? On the third
day. Looking at the map. Abraham is
probably here - in Beersheba. The mountains
of Moriah are here.
Could have taken them 3 days to make the trip. Could have
taken them two or 4.
But we’re told it took exactly 3 days. Three days into the
journey Abraham looks up and off in the distance he sees
the place they’re heading.
He turns to the young men - verse 4 - and tells
them: “Stay
here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there
and worship and come again to you.” Notice - after the
worship - after the sacrifice - who’s coming back? “I
and the boy.” “I’m
not sure how God is going to work all this out but we’ll
be back.” That’s faith. In verse 6 Abraham
takes the wood for the offering and lays it on Isaac to
carry. Who’s
carrying the wood for the sacrifice? Isaac, the
only beloved son. Huge.
Isn’t it? Where
God is going with this? Abraham carries the
fire and the knife - the instruments of death - and they
walk on together - father and son - up the hill. As they’re
walking Isaac asks his father, “Father,
I see the fire and the wood, but where’s the lamb for
the burnt offering?”
Wouldn’t a question
like that just rip you apart - as a father? Verse 8: Abraham
said, “God - Who? God
will provide for Himself the lamb - the what? God
will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” So the two of
them walked on together.
No more questions from
the son. Amazing
the trust that the son has in the father. Verse 8 is the bottom
line of Abraham’s heart attitude. What was going
through Abraham’s heart and mind as he’s obediently
following through - taking God’s test. Hebrews 11 - starting
at verse 17 - gives us insight into Abraham’s heart: “By
faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and
he who had received the promises was in the act of
offering up his only son, of whom it was said, “Through
Isaac shall your offspring be named.” He - Abraham - considered that God was able even to
raise him from the dead, from which, figuratively
speaking, he did receive him back.” (Hebrews 11:17-19) This is Plan A
thinking. Plan
A is what? Trust
God - faithful obedience. No matter what happens
- trust God. Win
or lose. Joy
or sorrow. Comfort
or pain. In
sickness or in health.
Humiliation or exaltation. Riches or
poverty. Even
if we can’t connect all the dots. Whether it
makes sense to us or not.
With the flow or against the tide. Live or die. Even in death
- trust God. God
will fulfill His promises.
Can we hear Abraham? Repeating over
and over to himself...
has given me promises.
God has always come through on His promises. God has made
promises that can only be fulfilled if Isaac lives. Even if Isaac
dies - God will fulfill His promises. God is still
God. If God
has asked me to offer Isaac as a sacrifice then the only
answer is that God can raise Isaac from the dead.” For three days -
traveling from Beersheba to Moriah - in Abraham’s eyes
Isaac is already dead.
Abraham has no clue about Lazarus and the
resurrection of Jesus and the many others who’ve been
brought back from death.
He’s not looking back on this from our
perspective of future history. This isn’t
some familiar account we’ve read before. All He knows
is that God will provide.
God will take care of it. Go with Plan
A. “You
guys stay with the donkey.
We will be back.” Bottom line: Abraham’s
answer to the test question is faithful obedience. Trust God and
go to Moriah with Isaac.
Follow God’s instructions. Verses 9 to 14 is The Answer. The answer
key. God’s
answer to the test question. Read with me - verse 9: When
they came to the place of which God had told him,
Abraham built the altar there and laid the wood in order
and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar, on
top of the wood. Then
Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to
slaughter his son.
It takes time to build
the altar. To
find and arrange the stones. A raised pit
large enough to place Isaac on. Perhaps it was
all done in silence.
A solemnity. Each piece of wood has
been carried to the place of sacrifice by his son. Abraham had
build many altars.
The wood was arranged with expertise - laid out
in order - to make the fire burn the sacrifice - Isaac -
completely. Then to bind Isaac -
immovable - laid upon the altar. It’s not hard
to imagine that while Abraham is doing all this he’s
thinking of how long he and Sarah waited to have a
child. Images
of Isaac’s childhood playing through Abraham’s mind. The future
they envisioned for him.
With love Abraham binds his son. “Slaughter” in Hebrew
is the word “shachat”.
It means “to execute.” We can almost
hear the sound of the blade slicing through the flesh. “shaw-khat.” Clean. Decisive. Abraham takes
the knife. Raises
his hand - ready to “shaw-khat” his only beloved son. There is no doubt that
Abraham fully intends to go through with this. Verse 11: But
the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and
said, “Abraham, Abraham!”
There’s urgency in
that: “ABRAHAM
Who calls to Abraham? “The
angel of the Lord.” Studying through how
that title gets used elsewhere in Scripture - and what
we saw back in chapter 17 when we looked at Hagar and
Ishmael - and later on in chapter 22 down at verse 16 -
when “the angel of the Lord” speaks as God Himself - the
title refers specifically to the preincarnate Jesus -
who comes to speak God’s message to Abraham. Going on at verse 12: He
- Jesus - said, “Do not lay your hand on the
boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear
God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only
son, from me.” From Who? “From
Me” God. Actions speak louder
than… words. We
can say whatever we want about what we believe but all
of us are going to live out what we really believe at
the heart level. Our
actions demonstrate what’s in our heart. Testify to us
and others what we really believe about God. When we’re out
there in Mercedland - when our faith hits the asphalt of
life - what we really believe is going to come out in
how we’re doing life. The sacrifice of Isaac
is an outward demonstration - a proving of the reality
of Abraham’s heart level faith. Abraham
demonstrated - to himself and all mankind - his inner
commitment and surrender to God by his willingness to
lay his entire prosterity and the promise of God - Isaac
- on the altar. God says, “You pass. You’ve
demonstrated your faith.”
Going on - verse 13 -
let’s go on reading together: And
Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold,
behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham
went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt
offering instead of his son. So Abraham
called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”;
as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it
shall be provided.” Let’s make sure we’re
together with God.
The ram - the male lamb
offered by God in place of Isaac - is the first mention
of substutionary sacrifice in Scripture. Where the exact spot
is that God led Abraham to build his altar we don’t
exactly know. But
the hills of Moriah we do know are here - Jerusalem -
specifically what we know today as the Temple Mount. Which today
looks like this. You
can see in the middle the Dome of the Rock. Traditionally the
exact location of the sacrifice is inside the Dome of
the Rock - what looks like this today. Here - at the place
that Abraham was led to sacrifice Isaac - is the place
David set aside to build the first Temple - the focal
point of the entire Hebrew sacrificial system. The one place
where it was acceptable to offer sacrifices to God - in
faith believing that He - God - would forgive the sins
of His people. Abraham calls this
place “The
Lord will provide.”
In Hebrew its the name
of God - Jehovah Jireh.
God who see’s to it.”
Or, “The God who’s got it covered.” God’s
people looked at the Mount of the Lord and said, “God’s
got it covered.” Who’s got it covered? God. Who fulfills
His promises? God. Isaac is Abraham’s
only beloved son. That
image is used both in the old and new testaments to
identify the Messiah - Jesus, the Christ. (Psalm 2:7;
Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35) John writes - John 1:14
- The
Word - God the Son - Jesus -
flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory
as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace
and truth. (John 1:14 NASB) In Matthew 3 - as Jesus
is being baptized - as He rises from the Jordan River -
the sky opens - the Holy Spirit descends - the voice of
God the Father declares of Jesus, “This
is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) The ram foreshadows the
whole Levitical sacrificial system which finds its
fulfillment in Jesus Christ - our once for all
sacrificed lamb. In
John 1:29 - John the Baptist - points to Jesus and
declares, “Behold
the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) We can go on with this. Isaac caries
the wood. Jesus
carries a cross. Isaac
is offered up on the third day - and yet is set free. God - through
the resurrection of His Son on the third day - proves
the validity of our faith - assures us of what we hope
for - demonstrates the reality of our forgiveness - our
freedom from judgment and eternal death.
That Jesus Himself is
present at the sacrifice is not an accident. Behind all of
what we see going on here is God’s ultimate answer to
every test of our faith - whatever the struggle -
whatever the question - the living in the flesh reason
why Plan A always - always - works. Faith is the search for
what is reasonable to believe in. Christianity
is a reasonable faith.
The whole of what we believe as Christians is not
based on myths and stories but truth and real time
events witnessed by real people in real places. What’s here in
God’s answer is what Abraham believed by faith that we
understand as accomplished fact. Fact that
strengthens the reasonableness of our faith. The bottom line of
God’s answer to the test is Jesus. Try this
together. “God’s
answer is Jesus.” Verses 15 to 19 focus
on God’s Blessing. God - Jesus -
swearing by Himself - promising to fulfill His - God’s
promise. Verse 15: And
the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time
from heaven and said, “By myself I have sworn, declares
the Lord, because you have done this and have not
withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless
you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the
stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your
offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, and in
your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be
blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” So Abraham
returned to his young men, and they arose and went
together to Beersheba.
And Abraham lived at Beersheba. God isn’t some maniacal
God Who gets His jollies watching us jump through hoops
- putting us through one test of faith after another -
just because He gets His kicks out of watching us suffer
down here. There’s
purpose in these tests. Bottom line - after
this huge test of Abraham’s faith - God once again
renews His promise to Abraham. God blesses
Abraham - rewards Abraham - reminds Abraham that
trusting God isn’t about trials - it’s about God’s
blessing. God’s
presence and peace with us through life. God at work in
us and through us to accomplish His purposes for His
glory. Processing all that… for when we head out of here into what’s
waiting for us out there. How many of you have
seen The Karate Kid?
Quick scene set-up. Daniel - moves from New
Jersey to Reseda with his mom. Daniel gets
pounded on by these other kids who know karate. Daniel meets
Mr. Miyagi who agrees to teach Daniel karate. Agreement
being whatever Mr. Miyagi says to do, Daniel is to do
without question. Just
trust Mr. Miyagi the teacher. Plan A
thinking. (Video: The
Karate Kid) In Romans chapter
12:1,2, the Paul puts faithful obedience into real time: I
appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of
God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy
and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. (Romans 12:1,2) “Present”
- meaning showing up. Commitment to
be where God calls us to be. “Abraham.” “Here I am.” - “Present.” Paul writes, “present your bodies.” Our bodies are the
physical means through which everything else that we are
- mind - will - emotion - is presented to God.
Daily -
second-by-second moment-by-moment we need to choose to
live by faith in God - laying ourselves without
reservation on the altar before Him. Commitment to
Christ. Commitment
to Christ’s Body. Paul writes that our
presentation is to be “holy
and acceptable.” That which is holy is
dedicated - completely set apart - only for God’s use. Acceptable in
that God makes us to be acceptable to Him. In the Old Testament -
with the Tabernacle or the Temple - they set apart pots
and utensils and furniture - things that were dedicated
to God and only used in serving and worshiping God. Sprinkled with
the blood of some sacrificed animal. 1 Corinthians 6:20
says, “for
you were bought with a price. So glorify God
in your body.” That price is the
broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ. Come by faith
to God through Jesus and God applies Jesus’ blood to our
lives. God
- in Jesus - purifies us and He mercifully sets us apart
- enables us - and allows us to worship Him. Imagine - God
Himself by His mercy sets us aside for His use. God making us
holy for His use. Acceptable
to Him. To present ourselves -
Paul writes - is our “spiritual
worship.” To present ourselves in
worshipful service of God is the only logical reasonable
response to God’s mercy. God our creator who
creates out of nothing everything that is - including
us. We
being a collection of atoms created out of nothing and
held together solely by the will of God. For His
purposes. For
His glory. Heard
that? Living sacrificial holy
worship is giving to God what’s already His. That means
that it’s just wrong to hold back anything of ourselves
from God’s work in us - and His glorifying Himself
through us - whenever, wherever, and in
whatever way He chooses.
Total commitment.
Present yourselves.
That’s intense.
Isn’t it? Wax
on. Wax
off. Romans 12:2 is a
promise: Do
not be conformed to this world - which is totally
focused on trusting self - but
- instead - be transformed by the renewal of your
mind - which is what happens
when we commit to living by faithful obedience. God
transforming us to be live totally focused on Him - so -
by testing - think God testing
Abraham. But
here - it’s God’s will that’s being examined - God’s
faithfulness being demonstrated for all to see - so - that
by testing you may discern what is the will of God - so that we will come
to understand that the will of God is - good
and acceptable and perfect.” When we’re choosing to
present ourselves on the altar - by faith - doing
whatever God requires of us - even if we don’t see the
big picture or grab the logic of it - even if we don’t
understand all of what God is doing in us and through us
and in the drama around us - if we will by faith give
ourselves moment-by-moment -
circumstance-by-circumstance totally over to God - we
will find that God will and does fulfill His promises to
us. There is a huge - hand
on to that - promise in all that. He - God -
will transform us and bless us and use us and empower us
and work through us and sustain us - even prepare us for
greater tests of our faith that He knows are coming -
even to use us to serve Him - in ways that go way beyond
anything we could put together - according to His great
purposes and for His honor and glory - now and forever. The take home is this
- for whatever you’ve got waiting for you out there this
week - what we discover as we commit to Plan A - trust
God - faithful obedience - is that God’s will is always
good and acceptable and perfect. God will
always pass the test. _________________________ Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible,
English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |