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THE HONEYMOONERS GENESIS 3:1-13,16 Series: Till Death Do Us Part - Part One Pastor Stephen Muncherian June 17, 2012 |
You ever feel
like that picture?
Someone said, “A man doesn’t know what happiness is
until he’s married.
By then it’s too late.” Oscar
Wilde was quoted as saying, “The man who says his wife can’t take a
joke, forgets that she took him…” This morning -
and for the next 2 Sundays - we’re going to be looking
at marriage. Right
up front let’s agree together that marriage has its
rough spots. We’re
not exactly polished people. Our desire -
looking at marriage - is to see more clearly God’s
intent for marriage - and to see more clearly from
God’s word how our marriages can keep getting better. Hopefully - as
we go through our study - some of what we’re looking
at will sound familiar - either because you’ve seen
this material before.
There is value in repetition. Or, because
you can turn to your spouse and say, “I’ve got this nailed.” No, don’t do
that. If you’re not
married what we’ll be looking at is important for you
as well. You
might know someone who is married or you might get
married someday.
Or, you might be picking up the pieces of a
marriage. What we’re
looking at here focuses on why marriages work and why
they don’t work.
Its never too late or too early to begin living
by God’s principles that make marriage work. So this
information is either going to be helpful to you
personally or to someone God may stick in your path
that needs to know what God says about marriage. Please turn with me to Genesis chapter 1. We’re going
to come to Genesis 3 in a moment - which is the
passage of Scripture we want to focus on this morning. But before
we get to chapter 3 we need to see how chapter 3 fits
to the big picture of what’s going on. In Genesis 1 God is doing what? Creating
stuff. Genesis
1 is where baseball is mentioned in the Bible. “In the big inning.” Old joke. Really bad. Collective
groan. We’re looking at The Creation.
Let’s say that together. “The creation.” God is creating the heavens and earth -
the sun - the moon - 24 hour days - vegetation - fish
- animals - birds.
For five days this goes on. After each
day of creation God steps back - looks at what He’s
created and says, “Its all good.” Day six - God
creates cattle and the creeping things. Steps back. Looks at
what He’s created and says, “Its all good.” We’re
together. Right? Genesis 1 - look with me at verse 26: Then God said -
still on day six - then God said, “Let Us make man in Our
image, after our likeness. And let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the
birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over
all the earth and over every creeping thing that
creeps on the earth.”
So God created man in His own image, in the
image of God He created him; male and female He
created them. Who’s created in the image of God? Man -
generic - specifically male and female. Both are
equally the image of God. A person can
point out the obvious and not so obvious differences
between male and female.
But the bottom line is that individually each -
male and female - is created in God’s image. Verse 28: And God blessed them -
the male and female image of God - God blessed them; and God said to them,
“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and
subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea
and over the birds of the heavens and over every
living thing that moves on the earth.”
God gives man - male and female - four
purposes in His - God’s - creation. Purpose number one is what? Be fruitful - Hebrew word “parah” meaning “to
prosper.” Which
isn’t about accumulating a lot of stuff - wealth - so
much as “be fruitful” is about the quality of life we
enjoy. Live in such a
way that God is going to be pleased with you. That God
will supply to you everything you need. That God
will bless your sandals off. That you
will enjoy the presence and pleasure of God in your
life. Purpose number two is what? Multiply.
Hebrew word “rabah” meaning to become numerous. Go out and
populate the planet.
Parent well.
Raise offspring.
Teach them how to be successful. Teach them
what it means to live life with the living God.
Purpose number
three is what? Subdue. Hebrew
word “kabash” meaning to put under bondage. Make the
living things of this planet serve you. Purpose number
four: Dominion. The
Hebrew word “radah.”
It means to dominate - to supervise - manage -
steward - rule - what God’s created. Dominate
over the fish and birds and cattle and creeping
things. Notice with me - The first two purposes are
relational. They
focus on who we are - the quality of our relationship
lived out with God and how that relationship is passed
on to future generations. Purposes numbers three and four
are vocational. What
we do in God’s creation on His behalf. Verse 29: And God said, “Behold -
“behold” in Hebrew is “hinah” which means… Wake up and
smell the coffee.
Pay attention to this. This needs
to shape how you live your life. Don’t miss
this. Behold, I have given you - given who? The male and
female image of God.
I have given you every plant yielding
seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every
tree with seed in its fruit. You shall
have them for food.
And to every beast of the earth and to every
bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on
the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I
have given every green plant for food.” And it was
so. I’ve given all of what lives on this
planet to you. Top
of the food chain baby.
Oh yeah. Its
all yours. Grab this - “behold” -
“hinah” - let it shape your thinking about marriage: God gives to
man - male and female - great purposes for our lives
together - and God so desires for us to be successful
at those purposes that as He laid the foundations of
His creation He (S2E8) - God - has given to us
everything we need in marriage - relationally - to be
successful at His purposes - vocationally. Purpose and success in marriage
come from God. Say
that with me, “Purpose and success in marriage
come from God.” We’re together
so far? Okay
- drop down with me to chapter 2 - starting at verse
15. Chapter
2 is the slo-mo frame by frame - don’t miss this -
highlights of chapter 1.
God filling in some missing details from
chapter 1 that we need to pay closer attention to. Chapter two is The Courtship of Adam and Eve. Let’s
say that together, “The courtship.”
In chapter one -
both male and female are
created equally
the image of God. Both
are given the great purposes of relation and vocation. Both are
given the tools of success. In chapter two -
the slo-mo version - we see that there’s
a designed - purposeful - order
to creation. Adam
comes first - then Eve.
Like the Godhead - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- all equally God - yet different in their roles. Within
that order - before the female is created - the male
is given the command not to eat from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. Hold onto that: male
and female are equal in purpose yet different
in their roles. Verse 18: Then the Lord God said, “It is not good
that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper
fit for him.” “Fit” is the
Hebrew “neged” meaning corresponding to. Like a pair
of shoes - one left shoe - one right shoe. Each is
reflective of the intent of their creator - the
purpose for which they’ve been designed - to be a pair
of shoes. Both
are individually different - left and right - and yet
they correspond.
Each is made for the other. Without the
other there’s no pair.
To work well they need to work in tandem - in
partnership - to fulfill their individual roles. Without Eve - in
marriage - Adam cannot do what God purposes. Top Ten Reasons
God Created Eve. 10. God worried
that Adam would always be lost in the garden because
men hate to ask for directions.
7. God knew that
Adam would never make a doctor's appointment for
5. God knew that
if the world was to be populated, men would never be
able to handle childbearing.
When God finished the creation of Adam, He stepped
back, scratched His head and said, “I can do better than that.” We know how this
goes. Right? God brings
all the animals by for Adam to name. For Adam to
realize that not one of those animals “fits” - none of them
corresponds - to him.
Then God takes Adam’s rib - from the side of
Adam - forms Eve - who corresponds to Adam. God brings
Eve to Adam. Verse 23: Then the man said, “This is at last is
bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This is the real deal here. This is what
I’ve been desiring.
She shall be called Woman, because she
was taken out of Man.”
In plain English. “Wow!!!” One of the most
awesome moments in a wedding is when a groom -
standing up front at the altar - can look down the
center aisle - to the head of the aisle - and see his
fiancé for the first time - standing there - in white
- revealed in all her glory. To stand
there and realize that this is the one that God has
prepared for you and brought to you - to fit - to be
your helper - suitable for each other. There’s a
definite “Wow!” factor in that. Verse 24 Therefore - wherefore? Because Male
and female corresponding to each other - brought
together by God for His purposes - a man shall leave his father and his
mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall
become one flesh. One huge problem
with gay marriage is that God has specific purposes
for marriage - procreation and parenting being just
two of them. The
way that God has designed for those purposes to be
accomplished is with a man and a woman in marriage. Not a male
and male or a female and a female. They just
don’t correspond.
They do not “fit” relationally and
vocationally. For this reason a man shall leave his
father and his mother, and hold fast to his wife - some versions read “be joined” - the
unique union of a man and women in marriage - and they shall become one flesh. Verse 25 - next
verse - the meaning of “one flesh” - And the man and his wife were both naked
and were not ashamed. A husband and a
wife are not just roommates - two people who happen to
be living in the same building and raising kids
together and occasionally having sex. The reality
of one flesh is a whole lot deeper than that. There’s nothing
between them - nothing held back - nothing to hide -
no fear - just innocence and openness and trust -
spiritually - emotionally - mentally - physically. There’s
nothing between them - no sin - no issues in their
relationship. They
could stand there in total innocence and openness
before each other and not feel the need to hide
anything - naked without shame. That’s
one flesh. Intimacy
- oneness - on the deepest level. Its an
understatement to say that we are continually
bombarded - at work
-at school - wherever - 24/7/365 - we are
continually bombarded by the culture we live in - have
repeatedly shoved in our face - the absolutely wrong
message about sexuality and marriage - a lie about
male/female relationships that is totally
self-destructive. Relationships
today are about hooking up - sex - maybe for a night -
maybe for something longer. A couple
falls in lust - has sex - moves in together - might
decide to get married - maybe the female is pregnant -
all of which works for a while - and then doesn’t. Young people
today - perhaps more so than any previous generation -
young people today are more experienced - more
assertive - more confident - feel more entitled - and
yet are more miserable than ever before. They keep
coming up empty. What’s left in
the wake of our social enlightenment is a growing
sub-culture - soon to be the dominant culture - of
broken single parent homes - of children living with
someone they’re probably not biologically related to. Broken
people - wounded.
People who stumble into marriage unprepared and
with no clue of the purposes and success and depth of
intimacy that God has purposed for marriage What is brain
rocking to consider is that they have no clue that
there can be anything different. And yet -
deep down - knowing the emptiness of how they’re
living - they desperately crave what God offers here
in Genesis. I would suggest
one other thought here.
Before we get too smug. The church
doesn't seem to be doing much better. Way too many
Christian young people have attitudes about sex and
marriage that might be slightly better than what’s
around us. Christian
marriages fail with about the same consistency as
what’s around us.
Certainly we’re not immune to our struggles in
marriage. We
are missing so much of what God’s offers us. Grab this for
yourself - married - will get married - know someone
who is married - God creating - preparing - bringing
Adam and Eve together for his awesome purposes. Courtship -
as a preparation for marriage - courtship isn’t about
Adam and Eve. Courtship
isn’t about us. Courtship - and
so marriage - is about God - what God intends marriage
to be - about what God desires to bless us with - for
what He purposes for us to do as His image - suitable
for each other. God’s reality of
courtship and marriage is what leads to the life long
“wow” factor - the intimacy and oneness - of a married
couple standing naked and innocent before each other
without shame. Let’s go on to
chapter 3 - starting at verse 1 - which is the passage
we’re actually looking at this morning. Chapter 3
begins The Honeymoon. Let’s
say that together, “The honeymoon.” Verse 1: Now - meaning that
we’ve left the slo-mo highlights of chapter two and
we’re picking up back where chapter one left off - now the serpent was more crafty
than any beast of the field that the Lord God had
made. He
said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall
not eat of any tree in the garden?’” And the
woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of
the trees in the Garden, but God said, ’You shall not
eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of
the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you
die.’” In
Genesis 2 - order of creation - Adam first then
Eve - God
Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil - apparently located in the center of
the garden. Adam
- in his role as first created - passed that command
on to Eve - who tells the Serpent what God said. Verse 4: But the serpent said to the woman, “You
will not surely die.
For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes
will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good
and evil.” So
when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the
tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of
its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her
husband who was with her, and he ate. Have you noticed
that there are differences between men and women? Men can read
smaller print than women. Women can
hear better. Male
hospital patients fall out of bed twice as often as
female hospital patients. Someone compared
men to waffles. Have
you heard this? Men
arrange things in little boxes in our minds. We
compartmentalize our thinking. Which is why
its hard for us to multitask - watch football and
listen to our wives at the same time. But if we’re
focused on a task.
We’re focused.
Stubbornly unstoppable. The number one
drive of man is to provide and to protect. When a
waffle minded man is in the provide and protect box
he’s going to do that really well because he’s not
going to be aware of anything in any other box. Protect and
provide. Stay
on task.
The number one
drive of a women is to love - to create and experience
closeness that provides security. Which is why
women make awesome mothers. Almost like
someone designed it that way. God has blessed
us - male and female - with differences so that
together in marriage we can fulfill the purposes for
which God has created us. Eve is
processing this conversation with the serpent. The
suggestions of the serpent. The quality
of the fruit as food - that it would satisfy one’s
hunger and physical needs. The beauty
of the fruit - its attractive - something to be
desired. The
value in gaining wisdom by eating the fruit. She’s
processing all that.
I’m pushing the text a bit here - but she’s
driving at love - security - increased relationship -
maybe with the serpent - maybe with God - certainly
with Adam. Where’s Adam? She also gave some to her husband who was
with her, and he ate.
Adam - standing there is focused on - who
knows? He
may have been wondering if dominion meant bar-b-qued
serpent. Provide
and protect. When the
discussion comes down to the wire Adam punts - fails
to protect - to take the lead in obeying God’s
“Great discussion Eve. But, bottom
line God said don’t eat that. Let’s go.” And Eve - not being protected by Adam -
Eve takes over leadership and provides food for Adam. “Adam.
Eat the fruit.” Adam’s act of
disobedience to God’s command “Don’t eat” we know is
The Fall - the entrance of sin into the human race -
the consequence of which is death - eternal punishment
and separation from God.
Which is a discussion for a different time. What we want to
see today is how
sin turns the honeymooners against each other. This
pair into despair.
Because of sin - the differences become
weaknesses - not strengths. Verse 7: “Then
the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were
naked. And
they sewed fig leaves together and made
themselves loincloths.” Effect of sin #1:
enters the relationship and oneness is gone. They have
shame between them.
Issues. Failure. Unfulfilled
needs and expectations.
They’re making loin coverings out of leaves. Instead of
openness - deep intimacy - knowing each other - they’re hiding from each other. How often in
marriage do we cover ourselves - hide from our spouses
- rather
than expose what we’re feeling inside? Verse 8: And they heard the sound of the Lord God
walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the
man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of
the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Effect of sin #2: They’re hiding from God. Running
from His presence.
They know they’ve blown it. They’re
living in fear. Fear
of God. Fear
of death and what they may mean for them. How brilliant is
it to hide from the all knowing God - to hide behind a
tree? And
yet how often do we hide behind trees? Couples will
find anything else to busy themselves with rather to
come clean before God together and let God deal with
the issues of their relationship. Verse 9: But the Lord God called to the man and
said to him, “Where are you?” And he - Adam - said, “I heard the sound of you in the
garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I
hid myself.” He
- God - said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you
eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to
eat?” The
man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she
gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” Then the
Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you
have done?” The
woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Effect of sin #3: They’re hiding from themselves. “The woman You gave me - she gave
me the fruit. Its
the woman’s fault.
Its Your fault for bringing me the bone of my
bones the flesh of my flesh. Some
suitable helper she turned out to be.” “Its the
serpent’s fault.” In a sense Eve’s
right. The
serpent put out the temptation. But it was
Eve and Adam who followed through. Remember Flip
Wilson? That’ll
date a few of us.
Remember Flip?
The Devil made me do it. “If only my wife would do - whatever.” “If only she
wasn’t so…” “If
only he wouldn’t...”
“If he would just - whatever.” “Why doesn’t
God do something about….?” It is so easy
for us to duck responsibility for our own role - our
own sin - in what’s gone wrong with the honeymoon. Jump down with
me to verse 16 - the last part of that verse. From verses
14 to 19 God is going through a list of curses and
effects of sin. The
last part of verse 16 is s kind of summary of these
other three we just saw. Verse 16 - last
part - God said to Eve,
“Your desire shall be for your husband,
and he shall rule over you.” Literally - the Hebrew has this idea: “Your desire is going to be to control
your husband. And
He is going to exercise control over you.” That one statement - focused on a
relationship severely damaged by sin - is the bottom
line reality of what we struggle with as husbands and
wives. Look at this
cycle - the energizing cycle. Karen and I
got these at a seminar a few years back while we were
at Mount Hermon.
These hopefully are familiar to some of you. They really
clarify what God says here. The number one
need of a man is - believe it or not - isn’t sex. The number
one need of a man is respect. The number
one drive of a man is to provide and protect. As a husband
is giving himself to do that providing and protecting
thing - he needs the unconditional respect of his
wife. The number one
need of a woman is what?
Love. She
desires love and relational security. Security
coming from a husband who will be there for her in the
way she needs him to be there for her -
unconditionally loving her. That love
provides the protection she needs to feel - what
allows her to feel secure. As the husband
loves his wife it motivates her to respect him which
motivates him to love her. That builds
one flesh - energizes us to do what God has purposed
and enabled us to do.
Are we seeing that together? Second cycle -
the weakening cycle.
The opposite - what’s gone wrong with the
Without love - Adam protecting Eve from the
serpent - Eve insecure - reacts without respect for
Adam - takes leadership away from Adam who’s let her
down - and Adam - not respected by Eve - because she’s
taken his role of protect and provide - Adam reacts
without love towards Eve. Are we
seeing that together? Does it make
reasonable sense how that just might tear apart one
flesh - weaken us for what God has purposed and
enabled us to do? Two really brief thoughts of
application. Thinking
about marriage. Number one: God
desires for us to be one flesh - to have the kind of
depth of intimacy that energizes us to do what God has
purposed for us to do. Second thought: The real
enemy here - to the being the one flesh that we crave
- the real enemy here is not our spouse. Its the
serpent. Satan
will do anything to get our focus off of God and God’s
design and purpose for marriage. We need to be
honest - when we’re going around on the cycle that’s
tearing us apart its because we’ve chosen to follow
the suggestions of Satan - the serpent - to dabble in
sin - the crud that he keeps putting gout there in the
world we live in - rather than to come out from behind
the tree and honestly open ourselves up to God for His
healing and restoration. On the flip side
of your Message Notes is the Taking It Home section. There are
some suggestions of things to do and think about. First, are
these two questions to get us started. First: If you had
to describe your marriage - which cycle are you going
around on? Second: What is
there in you - notice, not your spouse - what is there
in you - what sin - that needs to be opened up to God
- surrendered - confessed - that God needs to have
control over - so that you can be turning on the
energizing cycle?
_____________________ References: 1. For Men Only - and - For Women Only Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN
STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright© 1960,1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,
1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by
permission. |