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THE ENCUMBRANCE OF SELF HEBREWS 12:12-17 Series: Running By Faith - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 24, 2010 |
are talking about faith. God
has not created us to live in fear but by
faith in Him. We’ve been
looking at
Hebrews 11 - which we looked at -
and 12 -
which we started looking at last Sunday - two great
chapters on faith. When
we looked at Hebrews 11 -
we were reminded that faith is not a check your brains
at the door -
just believe - attitude for easily deluded people who
have trouble
coping with life. Faith
is based in the
certainty of God who has created all of what we see
around us. That all of
what we see around us reveals that
there is a Creator who is personally involved with His
creation. Anyone
here ever see God? No. Anyone ever
see God’s work? God at
work? God stories? Tons. Hebrews
11 invites us to look at what God has
done - what we see - and to trust Him - who we don’t
see - to trust Him
with our lives. Hebrews
11 gives us examples -
examples of God at work in the lives of a long list of
people. People who had
their issues - who had reasons
to live in fear - to question God - who set all that
aside and trusting
God - lived by faith in God - and God showed up. God
really did use these Hebrews
11 people in His great purposes.
though their lives were often the pits God never left
them. He really was there
for them. God blessed
them - gave them what they needed for life. Example after example for us
in the real time
of where we live our lives that we can trust God with
the stuff of our
lives. Short
video clip. Remember
Indiana Jones and the last crusade?
3 challenges to get to the holy grail. Challenge #1:
The Breath of
God. Challenge #2: The
Word of God. Challenge
#3: The Path of God. As you’re
watching this think about what it means to step
forward in faith. (video: Indiana
Jones And The Last Crusade: 1:47:00
1:49:00) To
take that step of faith Indy
you must - what? believe. Let’s be honest here. It
really doesn’t matter how many
examples of faith there are in Hebrews 11 - all those
examples are
extremely helpful - and thinking about how I’ve seen
God work in my
life - that’s awesome. But
if I’m standing
there on that ledge staring into the abyss I have to
confess I struggle
with taking that first step. Anyone
me on that? That
is why we should so greatly
appreciate Hebrews 12. Hebrews
11 is a
list of examples and reasons to trust God. Hebrews
12 is how we do that. How
do we set aside
our fears and live by faith? The
first part of chapter 12 -
we looked at last Sunday tells us that life is like a
race. As we run this race
we carry along with us
encumbrances - weight. We
all live
encumbered in one way or another - going through life
dragging along
stuff that’s weighing us down - emotionally -
physically - spiritually
- holding us back from running - dragging along stuff
that’s slowly
killing us. We
hang on to these things which
would seem logically - if we could get outside our
lives and kind of
look at ourselves objectively - it would be a no
brainer to drop these
encumbrances like a hot rock. Step
off the
ledge into the abyss. But
all that weight is kind of
like an old friend. We’re
used to dragging
it around with us. We
have a hard time
imagining - maybe even we’re fearful of what it would
be like to live
without that kind of encumbrance.
unknown of living different is fearful. Life
without encumbrance -
without all that weight and fear - that really is
life. Life the way we
were created to live. The
life God offers to each one of us in Jesus. Life that - even though its
hard for us to
describe it - maybe even hard to imagine what that
would be like - we
long for that kind of life - a life of peace -
abundance - free of
what’s dragging us down - holding us back - living in
the blessings of
God - by God’s power - God working in us and through
us. Life that goes beyond
even the best of what we long for. What
Hebrews 12 is telling us -
the “how to” part of faith - is that to live by faith
and not by fear
we need to get our eyes off of what we fear and on to
Jesus. Get our eyes off
the encumbrance - lay aside
the encumbrance and focus our lives on Jesus - step
forward in faith. There
are four encumbrances here
in chapter 12 that we want to focus on.
looked one of these last Sunday - the encumbrance of
our priorities. That is
that we need to get our focus off of
our agenda for our lives - what we spend our lives
focused on as being
important - and to get our lives focused on God’s
agenda - God’s
priorities - for our lives. The
second encumbrance comes in
verse 12. If you haven’t
turned there yet
please join us at Hebrews 12 - starting at verse 12. What we’re looking at this
morning is The Encumbrance Of Self.
say that together. “The
encumbrance of self.” Hebrews
12 - starting at verse
12: Therefore,
strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that
are feeble, and
make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb
which is lame may
not be put out of joint, but rather be healed. That
therefore - verse 12 -
therefore is there for to remind us of what was just
said up a few
verses about God and discipline.
That God
- our loving Heavenly Father - is using the
circumstances of our lives
- good - bad - ugly - using them to discipline us - to
train us - to
bring us to where we’re living life where our
priorities are really
God’s priorities - where we’re living life the way we
were created to
live life.
in verses 12 and 13 are two
things we need to start with: strengthen
straighten. First
strengthen - which has the
idea of being
restored - having our whole attitude in life lifted
up. Isaiah
writes, “Encourage
the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble. Say
to those with anxious hearts, ‘Be strong and do not
fear, for your God
is coming to destroy your enemies.
He is
coming to save you!’” (Isaiah 35:3,4 NASB,NLT) That’s
the idea here. When the
stuff of life is coming at us - when
we’re called to step forward in faith and our knees to
turn to Jello -
when our hands start to shake - we need a new resolve. We need to be lifted up. Our
strength needs to be renewed. Live
expectation that God is going to deal with the crud
coming at you. Focus on
God not the crud. Along
with strengthen is the
command to straighten.
is the Greek word “orthos.” An
is a dentist who does what? Straightens
teeth. An orthopedic
doctor specializes in
straightening deformities - bones and joints that are
deformed. One
time when Jesus teaching in
a synagogue and there was a women there who had been
sick for 18 years. She
went around bent over double. Probably
the bones in her spine were fused together. There was no way she could
straighten up. Can you
imagine going around like that for 18
years? Horrible. Her
whole perspective of the world is bent down. Jesus
comes - sees this woman -
calls her over - and says to her, “Woman, you
are freed from your sickness.”
He lays His hands on her.
And she immediately straightens up - she’s
lifted up - restored - whatever was the cause of her
being bent over is
gone - and she goes off praising God.
13:10-13) How
would that feel - to be bent
over for 18 years - our whole view of the world is the
dirt of street -
and then suddenly we’re straight.
whole perspective of the world changes. Have
you ever known someone
who’s going through life like Eeyore?
Eeyore? How’s it going
Eeyore? “Not so
good.” They’re
focused on what weakens
them. What causes their
knees to shake. All the
burdens and struggles of their lives.
Whether its from some kind of physical problem
or emotional problem - what’s been done to them or bad
choices they’ve
made in life - their whole view of life is downward -
on themselves. They’re
constantly bent out of
shape. Look what’s been
done to me. Life is a raw
deal. The
world owes them something. Life
is unfair. Look what I
have to put up with. Life
is about what they’re entitled to.
Pretty self-focused. Not
that any of us would ever
feel that way? Right? Short video clip. (video: Funny
Parking) None
of us would ever do that. Right? Or ever
been tempted to do that? Being
late and
being behind the slowest driver in the world. Or
enjoying the drive and getting tailgated by some
Jimmie Johnson wannabe. Being
in a hurry and the some air head lady at
the register is fumbling around for exact change. None
of us has ever done the
“woe is me” thing or gotten bent out of shape when
someone got in our
way. Right?
be honest. We all
struggle with self. Are
you grabbing what’s being
said here? If our focus
in life is going
to change - from fear to faith - we’ve got to get
lifted up and
straightened out. We need
to stop being so
weak - so anxious - so worried - so bent out of shape. The focus of our lives has
got to be elsewhere than
ourselves. Grab
this: The place to begin
with the
encumbrance of self is to get a grip on our own
attitude towards
ourselves. Life is
not about me, myself, and I and what
chaps my hide.
14-21 are about getting
our focus off ourselves. Verse
14: Pursue peace
with all men, and the sanctification without which no
one will see the
Lord. See to it that no
one comes short of
the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing
up causes
trouble, and by it many be defiled; that there be no
immoral or godless
person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a
single meal. For you know
that even afterwards, when he
desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for
he found no place
for repentance, though he sought for it with tears. There
are two personal
responsibilities here that we must be focused on if
we’re to focus our
lives - not on ourselves - but to be focused where God
would have us
focus our lives. First
responsibility is To Pursue. Let’s
say that together, “To pursue.” Remember
Saul on the way to
Damascus? Breathing fire
and hatred. The whole
purpose of his life is wrapped up
getting to Damascus - tearing up the church and
dragging Christians
back to Jerusalem for trial and death.
is going to get between Saul and persecuting those
blasphemous apostate
Christians. One
of the meanings of “pursue”
is “to persecute.” Persecution
intensity - passion. Hunting
down and killing it - like every thing in our life
depends on it. Pursue
- get passionate - get
pumped - get serious about - number one:
Peace - with all men. Peace
is not just the absence of
war. Its what goes on
inside us. A tranquility
of the soul - a rightness - a
centeredness in our relationship with God. Saul
- Paul writes in Romans
12:18: “If
possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace
with all men.” When Paul
wrote these words peace for
Christians didn’t exist. Christians
seen as a cult - a superstition - cannibals who
performed all kinds of
evil rituals. Nero - the
Roman Emperor - was depraved -
insane. At night he lit
up his garden
parties with Christians burning alive on crosses. He
burned Rome and blamed the Christians.
had Christians arrested
and sent
to the coliseum to be torn apart by wild animals. The
Apostle Paul was martyred in 64 AD - beheaded at
Nero’s command. And
Paul was persecuted by his
own people - the Jews. He
was attacked by
those in the Church. When Paul
writes, “If
possible, so far as
it depends upon you, live peaceably with all.” These
are not
just spiritual platitudes - words written in a
philosophical vacuum -
they’re real words from a man who died living by them. Peace may not be possible.
amongst brethren and sistren. There’s no
way that we can force change on
someone else. Its
impossible to demand
apologies - admissions of guilt - changed behavior. People don’t change - or
recognize our rights - just
because we force them to.
In reality - if we’re
expecting that of others then we’re focusing on
ourselves and what we
feel we’re entitled to. To
pursue peace is to
passionately love our neighbor with the same
single-minded devotion
with which we love ourselves. Get
to know
their needs. Pursue their
growth - their
wellbeing - their health. To
work to
restore relationships - to uplift - to support - to
strengthen the weak
- to bring healing to the wounded. Second
- get passionate - get
pumped - get serious about - pursue sanctification - holiness -
being useful to
God. The
idea is to vigorously pursue
our relationship with God - so closely pursue God -
that we begin to
reflect His character more and more in our actions and
attitudes and
emotional responses. Pursue
living life
with God. God sanctifying
us. God setting us apart
for His use. God
making us to be holy and pure. Pursue
life that looks like Jesus living life so that as our
is more like His character others around us will be
drawn to Him. If
we’re not focused on
ourselves - if we’re focused on God - its amazing how
much easier it is
to bring the mind of Christ - His wisdom and
perspective into the
circumstances of our lives - into issues of life that
we go through
with those around us. If
we’re pursuing
God it is so much easier to direct people towards God
and what God
might have for them in life - even salvation in Jesus. People need to see Jesus not
us and our whining about what
we’re entitled to. Number
one responsibility: To
Pursue - pursue peace - pursue
sanctification. Number
two responsibility: See
to it that no one comes short of God’s
grace. We need to make it
our personal
responsibility to be gracious to people.
simply: Be Gracious.
Let’s try that together. “Be
gracious.” Do
you remember the parable
Jesus told about the servant that’s brought before the king who owes the king - what in
today’s money would
be about a billion dollars. Point
there’s no way
the servant can ever pay the
debt. The servant begs
for the life of his wife, children, and himself.
the king forgives the servant of
his debt and sets
him free. An
example of God’s outrageous forgiveness of our sin. What
happens next? The servant comes upon a a fellow servant who owes him what in today’s
money is a few
bucks. Trivial compared
to what he’s been
forgiven. Servant number
one demands
payment from servant number two - who can’t pay. So
servant number one has servant number two thrown in
prison. When the
king finds out about it he does what?
Drags servant number one in front of him. Chews him out, “You
should have had mercy on your fellow servant just as
I had mercy on
you!” The king
throws servant
number one in prison to be tortured until this entire
debt is paid. Which means
servant number is toast. Jesus warning was
what? Matthew
18:35: “This is
how my Heavenly
Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your
brother from your
heart.” (Matthew
18:23-35) If
God wasn’t forgiving of us we
wouldn’t know what forgiveness is all about. We’d
have no clue. But since
God forgives us we
know forgiveness and we know how we’re suppose to
treat others - to
outrageously forgive them - their debts against us.
First -
make sure you are gracious
bitter. We
had these huge trees in our
backyard that were threatening our house the neighbors
house. No amount of
pruning was working. They
had to go. So we called
in some professional tree people who took out these
two trees. But
that didn’t stop them. Where
the stump was they just kept growing.
The roots just kept starting new trees. It was evil. We
wanted to use one of the
spots where this one tree was to plant other plants
there. So we had the
stump taken out. Which
was a huge process. The
roots were like
this round. To kill the
roots we bored
holes in the roots and poured in like gallons of
Round-Up. The
way Round-up works is it
gets sucked down through the root killing the plant or
root as it goes
through and then when there isn’t any root anymore it
just dissipates
or something. The point
is that it kills
living stuff not dirt or soil.
we did all that - poured on
the Round-Up - covered up the hole - out of sight out
of mind - and
then we went on planting plants and three birch trees
near where that
stump was. Somehow the
roots of those
birch trees found the root of that other massive evil
tree and tapped
into the root and sucked up the Round-Up. Two
of three trees died and the third is sort of hanging
on. The
word here in verse 15 for
bitterness is also the Greek word for poison. The
result of letting this root of bitterness grow - maybe
unseen - not too
obvious to others around us - but we know its there. If were honest with
ourselves - willing to strengthen and
straighten. That that
bitterness really is
there in our hearts. The
result of
cultivating a root of bitterness - verse 15 - is
defilement. Literally
being polluted - contaminated. If
we’re not gracious to others
- if we’re focused on ourselves and what we feel is
what we’re entitled
to - how we’ve been wronged - what others owe us - our
resentments -
our rights - our prerogatives - then what inhabits our
lives - ours and
the people around us - is this deadly contamination. And
imagine if because of our
bitterness someone else were to miss out on knowing
God’s grace. If we were
actually driving people away from
God. We’re
called to the opposite of
that. Be gracious not
bitter. God’s
grace showers us with
undeserved gifts - most evident is His Son - His
forgiveness - His
freeing us from His wrath - His giving us abundant
life. Second
- make sure that you are gracious
not complacent. We
all remember Esau. Right? Esau was a
man ruled by his passions. Married
the people of God. Loved
to hike and hunt
and eat and explore and enjoy. A
man who
gave into every whim, every feeling, feeding his
sensual appetites. The
two words describing Esau -
here in verse 16 - are powerfully descriptive. “Immoral”
translates “pornos” which is a man who for money
prostitutes his body
for another’s lust - a male prostitute.
translates as profane - common. Meaning
Esau was just like any other ungodly pagan. He
really wasn’t God’s man Reading
through Scripture, Esau
didn’t really seem to care much about God and about
knowing God. Didn’t seem
to be interested in where God was
taking his family and what his role in all that was to
be. Esau basically cared
about Esau. Very
self-focused. Then
there was the famous stew
incident. On one hand
Jacob who cared
about God and wanted God’s blessing but thought the
way to get all that
was by his own scheming and manipulation. On
the other hand Esau who only cared about Esau and his
passions and the
fact that he was hungry. Jacob
Esau the pot of lentil stew in exchange for Esau’s
birthright - the
rights and advantages of the first born - his place in
the history of
God’s people. It
wasn’t until later when Esau
desired - and notice that word desire - the Greek word
has the idea of
making a willful choice based on one’s passions - what
one desires for
themselves. What Esau
desired was still
all about Esau. But now
Esau recognizes
the value to himself of what he gave up. Esau
comes to Isaac and desires
Isaac’s blessing to restore Esau’s rights as the first
born. But, no matter how
passionately Esau tearfully
begs Isaac to change his mind - to repent - Isaac
willfully chooses to
reaffirm that Jacob not Esau has the blessing. The
warning here is for us to
not be like Esau who’s appetite for things of life
grew so important to
him that he became complacent about the things of God. We cannot be complacent with
the blessings of God -
indifferent to their importance.
blessings of God are not all about us - feeding our
passions and desires - our short term view of life. God’s
blessings are about God
extending grace to us and through us to others. Where
we fit into the history of God’s people.
Shortly after the turn of the
century, Japan
invaded, conquered, and occupied Korea.
was ruthless - the occupation of Korea was savage and
brutal. One group
singled out for concentrated
oppression was the Christians. One
of the
first things the Japanese did was to board up the
evangelical churches
and deport most foreign missionaries. One pastor
persistently asked his local
Japanese police chief for permission to meet for
services. Finally one
meeting was allowed and Christians came from
all over Korea to worship God. While
the congregation sang
“Nearer My God to Thee” the
Japanese police chief gave the orders to barricade the
door. No one realized
that they had doused the
church with kerosene until they smelled the smoke. The dried wooden structure
quickly ignited. There
was a rush for the windows. Those
through were met by bullets. As
the building burned the
pastor led the congregation in one last hymn: “At
The Cross.” The words of
that hymn tugged
at the hearts of the helpless witnesses outside the
church - watching
the cruel torture and death of the innocent. The hate and
bitterness of that
event lasted for decades. There was no forgiveness of
the Japanese. A
memorial was built at the site of the massacre. A
memorial that only reminded people of the pain and of
their bitterness
and hatred of the Japanese. In 1972 a
group of Japanese pastors traveling
through Korea came upon the memorial.
When the read of how their
siblings in Jesus had died - overcome
with shame they returned to Japan and raised enough
money to build a
new church. When the
dedication service was held, a
delegation from Japan joined the relatives and special
guests. The speeches were
made - the details of the
tragedy recalled - the names of the dead honored. And
still there was hate and bitterness. The song
leader closed the service with this
hymn, “At The Cross” - the last hymn sung by the
martyrs as they died. Do
you know these words? Alas!
and did my
Savior bleed? And did my
Sovereign die? Would
He devote
that sacred head for such a worm as I? But
drops of grief
can ne'er repay the debt of love I owe: Here,
Lord, I give
myself away 'tis all that I can do! At
the cross, at
the cross where I first saw the light, And
the burden of
my heart rolled away, It
was there by
faith I received my sight, and now I am happy all the
day. It was the
realization of the love of God - God’s
graciousness to each
sinner - that
finally broke
through. In tears the
Japanese begged for
forgiveness. The Koreans
- with tears -
clung to their Japanese Christian brothers and sisters.
of bitterness came to an end. (1) Esau’s
repentance was not his
own. He desired his
father’s repentance. Repentance
is changing our minds - our hearts
- about ourselves - purposing to go in a totally
different direction -
to run towards Jesus keeping our eyes fixed on Him. Until
we come to the cross we
cannot get past our selves. Until
we come
to the cross - in humility - realizing that we - I -
do not deserve His
forgiveness - His love - His mercy - His grace - we
can’t completely turn
towards Him. We’re
still living encumbered by our selves. Have
you come to the cross? Given
your life to Jesus? Received
Him as your Savior? Have
you repented? Turned from
looking at
yourself - your desires - turned to Jesus so that your
life is all
about Him? And what He
desires to do in
you and through you? _________________________ 1. Little House on the Freeway, Tim Kimmel Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. |