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PRIORITIES HEBREWS 12:1-12 Series: Running By Faith - Part Five Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 17, 2010 |
are talking about faith - not
living by fear but by faith in God.
have been looking at Hebrews chapter 11.
morning we have turned the page and we are coming to
Hebrews chapter 12. I
invite you turn there - Hebrews 12 -
starting at verse 1 and we’ll come there in a moment. Last
Monday USA Today ran an
editorial article entitled “Science and Religion
Aren’t Friends.” The
article was written by Dr. Jerry Coyne -
who is an atheist and a professor at the University of
Chicago in the
Department of Ecology and Evolution.
Coyne wrote this: “Atheist
books such as The God Delusion and The End of Faith
have, by exposing
the dangers of faith and the lack of evidence for the
God of Abraham,
become best-sellers. Science
nibbles at
religion from the other end, relentlessly consuming
divine explanations
and replacing them with material ones.”
goes on to quote Scripture. Which
really caught my eye because this is
where we began looking at faith back in September. Coyne writes, “Hebrews 11:1
states, with complete accuracy, “Now faith is the
substance of things
hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Indeed
a doubting-Thomas demand for evidence is often
considered rude… the
biggest problem with religious “truth”:
no way of knowing whether it’s true.”
would have been great if
Professor Coyne had gone on to quote the next two
verses of Hebrews 11. Verse
2: For by it - faith - the men of
old gained approval. By
faith we
understand that the worlds were prepared by the word
of God, so that
what is seen was not made out of things which are
visible. No
matter what we believe - we
live our lives based on what we believe.
have a choice of what explanation - speculation or
revelation - we have
a choice of what explanation to have faith in. Because
none of us was there when all this became all of this
- the origin of
things. We have to have
enough faith in
whatever explanation we choose to have faith in in
order to make
choices in how we live our lives. Science
speculates as to how all
this came about. Some
kind of big bang out
of nothing or something. They’re
not sure
yet. But - listening to
the voices of
Professor Coyne - who’s representing the views a of a
multitude of
others - we're told that science has the answers and
is blowing faith
out of the water because science is science. Just
the facts - as we understand them.
faith required. Revelation
is what we believe is
God’s explanation. Genesis
says that God
created all of this out of nothing.
11:3 says, “The worlds were
prepared by the word of God.” Same truth. The origin of it
all is God. God spoke and
it was. Nothing became
something. Revelation
invites us to look at
what is and see that there’s a reality behind the
reality. That there’s
design and there’s order. One
can even argue that there’s intent and purpose in what
we see around us. The
author of Hebrews’ point is
this: We weren’t there
when all this came
into being. But when we
see all of this it
assures us that there is a Creator - God. And
that we can live convinced of those things that we
don’t see. Faith
is not a roll of the dice
- chuck your brains at the door - religious happy time
experience for
easily brainwashed people who can’t cope with life and
have no clue how
to do science - who “just” believe because they know
that it ain’t so
but “you gotta have faith.” God
reveals that He is the
reality behind the reality. The
substance of faith is God. There’s
speculation in that. Just
reality. When
we see creation we have
evidence that God not only exists but that He is
worthy of our placing
our faith in Him. That
the God who spoke
creation into existence by His word speaks promises to
us - His
presence with us now - our spending eternity with Him
- promises that
we can live convinced that He will fulfill - not based
on speculation
but based upon the assurance - the unchanging reality
- of the
unchanging Creator God. Are
we together? That’s
what we’ve been looking
at in Hebrews chapter 11. Example
example of men and women who have trusted that the God
of creation is
trustworthy and that God really does have a plan and
purpose for our
lives. Men and women who
have let go of
their fears and chosen to step forward in faith. God
has not created us to live
in fear but by faith in Him. Heard
that? And
God showing up. Which is
a huge reassurance for us. This
just great doctrine and theology. God
really did use these Hebrews
11 people in His great purposes.
though their lives were often the pits God never left
them. He really was there
for them. God blessed
them - gave them what they needed for life. Example after example for us
in the real time
of where we live our lives that we can trust God with
the stuff of our
lives. That’s
where Hebrews 12 begins. Look
with me at Hebrews 12:1: Therefore - the reason for the therefore is
what comes next - therefore,
since we have so great a cloud of witnesses
surrounding us, Who
are the witnesses? Example
after example from Hebrews 11. From
Abel and Noah and Moses and David and the
prophets and the Jews up through the Maccabees -
multitudes of people -
who by the way they lived their lives - if they were
in this room today
- they would tell us “Live by
faith in God. Just do it” Therefore - because we
have these
incredible examples urging us to live by faith - let us also
lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so
easily entangles us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set
before us, fixing
our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith,
who for the joy
set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down
at the right hand of the throne of God. Looking
at this list here in
Hebrews 11 do you ever wonder “How
did they do that?” Don’t
you feel
just a tad intimidated by some of those names and what
they did? These are great
examples urging us to faith -
that trusting God is the way to go.
how do we even come close to living with that kind of
faith? Hebrews
12 is the answer to that
question. How can I life
that kind of life? How do
I set aside my fears and live by faith?
encumbrance is a weight. What
weighs us down. What
holds us back. What we
try to drag along
with us as we trying to run through life. We
get weighted down with worry,
sorrow, anger, money problems, whatever.
we’re dragging around stuff - abuse - from when we
were growing up. Or,
we’re dragging around crud from a failed
marriage. Or, maybe its
things that have
been said to us or really bad decisions we’ve made. We
look for satisfaction -
answers - in the things around us.
We turn
to food or drugs or possessions or pornography or
sports - addictions -
habits - relationships - the pursuit of success -
comfort. Even religion
can be an encumbrance - all that great
ritual - the Christian lifestyle - we can hide behind. We hang on to our
prerogatives to be angry or to hold
resentments or to gossip. We
ourselves from other people.
lead us into sin
because they lead us away from God - to faith in
ourselves - our
answers - our coping with life - not looking to God. An encumbrance is sin when
in the circumstances of our
lives - an encumbrance is sin when we fix our eyes
anywhere else but on
Jesus - on God. Sin
carries a weight. It
encumbers us. We
all live encumbered in one
way or another - going through life dragging along
stuff that’s
weighing us down - emotionally - physically -
spiritually - holding us
back from running - dragging along stuff that’s slowly
killing us. We
hang on to these things which
would seem logically - if we could get outside our
lives and kind of
look at ourselves objectively - it would be a no
brainer to drop these
encumbrances like a hot rock. Often
times we fear - there’s
that word fear - we fear what will happen if we did
let go. We’ve spent our
whole lives seeing ourselves
as encumbered people. Living
as people
where our priorities - the agenda for our lives - what
we focus on is
tied up in what encumbers us - on what makes sense to
us to get us
through life.
that weight is kind of like
an old friend. We have a
hard time
imagining what it would be like to live without that
kind of
encumbrance. The unknown
of living
different is fearful. (Cartoon) “Fed up with
how her diet is going, Charlene takes a more serious
aim at her target
weight.” Hebrews
12 invites us to lay
aside our encumbrances - to choose to get rid of them. Literally to toss aside our
fears by following the
examples of those who’ve gone before who’ve set aside
their fears - to
take aim at someone else - to fix our eyes on Jesus. Take
a look at the person on
your left - even if that’s across and aisle - just
look a little
farther. Are you looking? Now look at the person on
your right. As you made
that turn - when did you stop looking at the
person on your left and start looking a the person on
your right? Hard to tell
exactly when it was because its
all part of the same movement. Right? But there was a change of
who you were looking
at. Right? To
fix our eyes - in the Greek -
is a word that has the idea of both what we turn from
looking at and
what we turn to look to. Choose
to turn
from looking at our fears - at the encumbrances and
stuff we’re filling
our lives with - hanging on to ourselves. Choose
to look at Jesus. Jesus
is the ultimate in examples for us.
Jesus is God - a real
person in the real time of our lives that we can
relate to an fix our
eyes on and learn to live by faith by looking at Jesus
and how He did
life - knowing that beyond all the encumbrances is God
and the life
that He has for us - that Jesus opened up to us on the
cross. The
rest of chapter 12 is an
explanation of how to do that. There’s
of great truth here that we could spend years digging
through. But today and
the next three Sundays we’re
going to focus on four of those areas of our lives -
four encumbrances
- that we need to turn from in order to get our focus
on Jesus. The
first is here - beginning in
verse 3 - The Encumbrance of Our Priorities.
say that together. “The
encumbrance of our priorities.” We need to lay
aside the
encumbrances of our agenda for our lives To
help get us thinking about
the choices we make - choosing which things in our
life get the most
attention - we’re going to watch a little Brad
Paisley. (Video: Brad
Paisley “I’m Gonna Miss Her”) I
want to go on record as saying
that the views expressed by that video are not the
priorities of the
pastor. However, did you
happen to notice
the 49er’s score? San
Francisco 28. Dallas 3. Priorities
- our agenda for our
with me at Hebrews 12:3: For consider
Him - Jesus - who has
endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so
that you will not
grow weary and lose heart. You
have not
yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your
striving against
sin; Put
simply: “You’re not dead yet.”
It may feel like you’re dying. But you ain’t dead yet. And
there are worse things than death - like eternity in
Hell without God. Jesus
- despite the hostility
and shame and hatred and abuse and everything else
that was leveled at
Him - took on death and the worst of this world -
including our sins
and our encumbrances - and died on the cross for us so
that we could
live with the penalty for our sins paid - live free of
the wrath of God
- so that we could live with the certain hope of
eternity with God. Jesus
lived following God’s
agenda - God’s priorities - for His life. Jesus
faithfully followed after God’s plan for His life and
Jesus is alive
and victorious and so God is faithful and so don’t
loose heart because
you haven't even gotten close to doing what Jesus did
- whatever you’re
going through - Jesus went through worse and God took
care of Him and
God is still God and in Jesus He’s got you covered as
well. To
follow after God’s agenda for our lives is not easy. Its gonna require
surrendering everything we are. But
don’t loose heart. Don’t
be afraid to go there. Its
worth it. Verse
5: and you have
forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as
sons, My son, do
not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor
faint when you are
reproved by Him; for those who the Lord loves He
disciplines, and He
scourges every son whom He receives.
It is
for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as
with sons; for
what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without
discipline, of which all have
become partakers, then you are illegitimate children
and not sons. Are
we together on the
comparison? Human fathers
compared with
God our Heavenly Father. There
are tons of kids today who
are uncared for. Their
parents have
abdicated. They’ve been
abandoned by
parents who are more committed to themselves - their
own pleasure and
affluence - their own self-serving priorities in life Some
kids are throwaway kids
even before they’re born. The
get murdered
in the womb. And there’s
a ton of kids out
there who’ve been born but never known the true love
of a parent. They’re
rejects. Throwaways. Kids
who get bought off with
tons of stuff. Kids who
wander the streets
and join gangs - who get into drugs and other
self-destructive stuff -
who live without hope - who tune out - drop out - who
learn to live a
kind of empty life covered with lies and the image
they hope everyone
sees - kids who end up killing someone else or end up
like what the writer of
Hebrews says here in verse 8 - they’re undisciplined
and unloved. They’re
treated as illegitimate - bastards.
evidence that God loves us
is that He disciplines us. Any
worth being called a father is going to discipline his
child. Discipline means
instruction - nurture -
correcting mistakes - curbing passions - increasing
virtue -
cultivation of mind, morals, and soul. A
loving father isn’t going to
leave his child alone. A
loving father is
going to help his child to see the value in his or her
life - to teach
life skills - to instill a desire to be the best that
God has created
him or her to be. Any
father worth being
called a father is going to do everything possible to
help his child to
come to a relationship with Jesus and to know what it
means to live
life daily with the living God. To
live by
God’s priorities - to follow God’s agenda for his
life. Hold
on to this. Why does God
discipline us? Because He
loves us. We’re
His kids. He’s our Father
Who loves us. Verse
9: Furthermore,
we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we
respected them; shall
we not much rather be subject to the Father of
spirits, and live? For
they disciplined us for a short time as
seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our
good, so that we may
share His holiness. All
discipline for the
moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to
those who have
been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful
fruit of
righteousness. A
few years ago when I was in
High School I was on the wrestling team.
would do these grueling work outs - running for miles
- endless
stretching and training exercises - endless
repetitions of moves -
practicing against each other. All
in this
small room at the back of the locker room. There
was so much humidity in the work out room from all the
sweat coming off
of us that by the end of practice the walls were
dripping. Hours of
grueling work outs. Ever
heard this? “No Pain No
Gain.” That sign
was up in the locker room. Coming
out of
the work out room - drenched in sweat - seeing that
sign - that sign
made a whole of sense. The
word here in verse 11 for
“training” is the Greek word “gumnazo” which is were
we get our English
word? Gymnasium. Rigorous
- repetitious - painful - hard - muscle stretching
exercise. It
would be really easy -
reading through these verses - to think that if we’re
getting nailed by
something that God must be punishing us for something
we’ve done wrong. Discipline
means pain because I deserve pain. Sometimes
we might need to get
hit in the head with a 2X4 for God to get our
attention. But not all
the crud that comes at us is God sitting on
His throne in heaven punching the “SMITE” button on
His cosmic computer
and we get nailed with stuff. Sometimes
experience crud in life because life is full of crud. Discipline
means training. It may
not always be a joyful experience.
But that’s not because we’ve done anything
wrong. Its because we’re
learning to do
what’s right. Someone
has said, “Pain plants
the flag of reality in the fortress of a rebel heart.”
Lewis said, “God whispers to us
in our pleasures, speaks in our
conscience, but shouts in our pains:
it is
His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”
(1) Grab
on to this - in all the
circumstances of our lives - good - bad - ugly - some
of that self-inflicted - some of that God shouting at
us - some of that
just pure old grunting and groaning exercise - God
desires to train us
- His kids. So God
restricts us - corrects
us - demands of us what we do not want to hear. He
makes us face things about ourselves that we don’t
want to face. Slowly
stripping away the flab - the weight of
our encumbrances - our priorities - our agenda. And
all that isn’t easy. But
God loves us. God is not
going to allow us to grow up arrogant -
self-centered - spoiled brats - with no possibility of
joy and freedom
and love and living life in abundance with Him. Another
part of this analogy
here says that human fathers do what seems best to
them. Let’s face it -
even if we had the most loving father they
didn’t always do the best job of fathering. I
see that about myself. Thinking
about my efforts at fathering. Trying
to figure out what’s the right way to
approach a situation or what’s the right thing to say. There have been times that
I’ve had to go back and
apologize to my kids cause I’ve blown it. Just
ask them. They’ll tell
you. Dad is far from
perfect. Verse
9 tells us that if we can
respect our human fathers with all their flaws - how
much more we can
trust our Heavenly Father Who has no flaws. Dad
isn’t perfect. But God
is. Hold
on to that. God isn’t
winging it when it
comes to discipline - training us.
knows where He’s going with His discipline - how He’s
going to get
there - and why. God’s
purpose comes in verses 10
and 11 - where God is going with all this. The
first part is in verse 10 - “So that… what? So that - purpose - so that we
may share - or
partner - in His -
God’s - holiness.” Let’s
repeat that together, “Holiness.” Holiness
has the idea of
usefulness. Being useful
to God. When we come to
Jesus as our Savior - God
comes to live within us - to empower us - to supply us
with everything
we need to do life - to guide us through life. Holiness
here is our total dependence is on God - on all that
God supplies to us
- so that we’re totally availability to God to use us
however He
chooses. Think
of it this way. Holiness
is when our priorities in life match
God’s priorities for our lives. They’re
- the same. The
second part of God’s purpose
comes at the end of verse 11 - so
that as we
share in God’s holiness - as our priorities become one
with God’s
priorities - His agenda for our lives - what’s yielded
- what’s
produced in us and through us is the peaceful fruit of
righteousness. Let’s
repeat that together, “The
peaceful fruit of righteousness.” What
we begin to experience is a
character that’s right before God - filled with inner
peace and joy -
not fear - having the inner strength - wholeness -
quietness -
authority - confidence that comes with righteousness. A character that’s useful to
God in His work in history -
in His work of redemption. Us
living the
abundant life with confidence and purpose and meaning.
trying to run this race of
life - we’re trying to run and God desires for us to
run - to run well
- to run the way He’s created us to run - to run
through life empowered
by Him - available to Him - to lead us however He
chooses to lead us -
the best possible route to the finish line. And
yet God knows - as we know - that we’re running
encumbered - dragging
along all this weight. God’s
discipline is purposefully designed to separate us
from all those
encumbrances - to live life without encumbrance and
fear. To bring us to that
life of holiness with Him - to produce
in us and through us the peaceful fruit of
one uses nails any more. Have
you noticed this? People
use screws to build things - fences - walls -
whatever. Screws are just
more convenient - easier to use - they
hold things together better. A
years ago I inherited a whole bunch of nails. Several
cans and boxes of unwanted rusting nails. Since
no one uses nails any more
I thought, “Well, hey. I can take these
in and get money for the metal.” I
thought I had veritable
fortune in nails. So I
took them to that
scrap metal place Atwater off of 99.
know where that is? And
proudly presented
the guy there with my little treasure of nails. The
guy said, “Oh, we
don’t take those.” I
said, “Well.
Why not? He
said, “Well.
No one uses nails any more.”
said, “What about
as scrap metal?” He
said, “Well, they
aren’t really worth a whole lot even as scrap metal.” He
finally gave 75 cents. I
don’t know if he
was trying to rid of me or he was just taking pity on
me. People
that deal with scrap
metal have a really good understanding of the value of
that metal. They can look
at a old rusty something or
other and see in it the value of the metal or if the
part was cleaned
up what the part would be worth.
usefulness of the metal after it goes through the
process of smelting
or cleaning - separating all the accumulated crud that
keeps it from
being what its designed to be. That’s
what God is about doing
in our lives. He sees us
past the rust -
the encumbrances - to how He’s created us - our
potential - what it
means for us to live holy and righteous lives. Our
priorities - our agenda for
our lives - is focused on maintaining our own little
world. Taking us through
life the way we understand
life. Keeping us cocooned
in what we’ve
learned to live with - our feelings of fear and
failure and frustration
with life. No matter how
painful - how
hopeless. All that
encumbrance is at least
not as fearful as the unknown of something - anything
- different. Does
it solve anything? The
definition of insanity? Doing
the same thing over and over again and expecting
different results. Does
it solve the deep
issues of your life to keep plugging away at a
hopeless agenda? God
gives us a choice of where to fix our eyes - what God
offers us in Jesus. What
does it take to get your eyes fixed on
Jesus? What do you need
to turn from? What do you
need to do to turn towards Him? Maybe
this morning you may need
to turn from an addiction. The
hard of
work of training may be honesty and accountability. Maybe
you need to turn from some
attitude or behavior. The
hard work of
training might be asking for forgiveness - or
counseling - or who you
spend time with. Maybe
you need to get back into
the Bible or spend more time in prayer or serving God
- those all shape
our attitudes from the heart outward.
hard training of that might be turning away from how
you’re spending
your time or money. As
we go through the stuff of
life be praying, “God show me
- discipline me - help me to see what I need to let go
of and what I
need to cling to - so that you can train me in
holiness - so you will
produce in me Your righteousness - so that my
priorities for my life
are Your priorities for my life.
So I can
run without encumbrance.” _________________________ 1. C.S.
Lewis, The Problem of Pain. |