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THE ENCUMBRANCE OF DEATH HEBREWS 12:25-29 Series: Running By Faith - Part Eight Pastor Stephen Muncherian November 7, 2010 |
have been looking at faith. God
has not created us to live in… fear, but
by… faith in Him. In
Hebrews 11 God has
provided a long list of examples - men and women from
all kinds of
backgrounds and experiences - the good, the bad, the
ugly in life -
examples of people who set aside their fears and
trusted God - and God
showed up. Hebrews
12 - tells us that the
way to live life the way our lives were created to be
lived - with
abundance and fulfillment and joy - even in the midst
of crud - the way
to live life is to set aside our fears - fix our eyes
on Jesus - and
run forward through life trusting Him. The
examples - in Hebrews 11 -
are there to encourage us - in the real time of where
we live our lives
- to encourage us that we can trust God with the stuff
of our lives -
and run forward trusting Jesus. If
been with us over the last few Sundays that all sounds
familiar. Right? What
we’ve been looking at here
in chapter 12 is very practical.
let’s face it we all struggle with faith. Hebrews
12 says - here are the things you need to let go of -
four encumbrances
- weights - that we drag along with us - that hold us
back as we’re
trying to run through life by faith - four attitudes
that we have to
let go of if we’re ever going to get past our fears
and live trusting
God. The
first weight was what? The
encumbrance of our priorities.
Meaning that the agenda
for our lives needs to be God’s agenda for our lives
not our agenda. What
we’re investing our live in needs to be
what God has for us to invest our lives in. Our
priorities in life need to be God’s priorities. The
second weight was what? The
encumbrance of self. Meaning
that - we need to let go of ourselves
- our entitlements - our self-serving attitudes - in
order to pursue
peace with others - to be people of grace toward
others - so that
others will be attracted to God - not put off by our
attitudes. Life is not
about us. Its
about who? God. The
third weight - what we
looked at last Sunday - the third weight was what? The
encumbrance of religion. Instead
of living in some
kind of refuge of religious regulations - instead of
coming to God in
fear and trying to appease God by the things we do -
we can come to God
in faith - trusting that God really is gracious and
loving towards us -
enjoying the relationship that God gives to us in
Jesus. This
morning we’re coming to the
fourth weight - The Encumbrance Of Death.
say that together. “The
encumbrance of death.” If you’re not
there already
please join me at Hebrews 12 - starting at verse 25. Story
goes that someone asked
one of our astronauts, “How does if
feel inside a spaceship?”
The astronaut replied, “It really
makes you think, when everything is done according to
the lowest bidder. It
really makes you think.” How
secure do you feel? On
a blustery day - windy and
stormy - a man was working on his roof - which had a
sharp peak. So he decided
to be safe he should somehow
secure himself to something on the earth. He
tied a rope around his waist, pulled it tight, climbed
to the roof, and
went over the peak. Then
he threw the rope
over the side and said to his boy, “Tie that to
the tree.” Well
the little kid thought, “That tree
is rather small.” So he tied it to
the bumper of
his dad’s car. Mom
was busy in the house with
chores of her own. She
however, that she needed to make a quick trip to the
store. She went out, put
the car in reverses, and the
guy came off the roof really quick. As
we’re looking at these verses
- be thinking about what you’ve tied your rope on to. What
you’re clinging to for security. Hebrews
12 - starting at verse
25: See to it
that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For
if those did not escape when they refused him who
warned them on earth,
much less will we escape who turn away from Him who
warns from heaven. And
His voice shook the earth then, but now He
has promised, saying “Yet once more I will shake not
only the earth,
but also the heaven.” This
“Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things
which can be
shaken, as of created things, so that those things
which cannot be
shaken may remain. Walk
with me through these
verses. Remember
this from last Sunday
(Mt. Doom)? Verse 25
takes us back to
Mount Sinai - the people of God before God’s mountain.
God descends on
His mountain and there’s thick smoke - fire - the
whole mountain is
shaking violently. God’s
voice shook the
earth. That
shaking is designed to grab
the attention of the people - to impress them with the
holiness of God
- that He - God - is holy - and separate from them
beyond anything they
can imagine. That shaking
is a warning not
to refuse God’s offer. On
Mount Sinai God lays out His
law before His people. What
it means to
live holy with the holy God. Behind
law is God’s love. God’s
offer to live in
relationship with His people. An
God’s people would be foolish to refuse. All
that shaking is a warning -
don’t refuse this. To
refuse means you
will live without God - rather than being a recipient
of His love
you’ll be subject to His wrath. Verse
25 goes on to say that God
warns us from heaven. Hebrews
1:2 says that in these
last days God has spoken to us in His Son. God
speaking from Heaven through Jesus.
2:3 warns us - as those who’ve heard the Gospel, “How will we
escape if we neglect so great a salvation after it was
spoken through
the Lord.” Same
God - same offer - same
seriousness - same penalty - same blessing - in fact
and even greater
blessing which comes through Jesus.
refuse what God offers you in Jesus.
refuse what a God offers you in Jesus means you’ll
live without God -
rather than being a recipient of His love you’ll be
subject to His
wrath. Verse
26 tells us that God isn’t
through shaking things up. Verse
26 “Yet once
more I will shake not only the earth but also the
heaven.” - heaven meaning atmosphere and
space. God
isn’t through shaking things
up. Put simply: There’s
a whole lot of shaking going on.
Only now
- instead of speaking on a mountain through Moses -
God’s speaking from
heaven through Jesus. In
the Bible, earthquakes - the
shaking up of the earth - earthquakes come a
significant times - God
doing something of significance - making sure His
people are paying
attention. “Can you
hear Me now?” At
Jesus’ crucifixion - when
Jesus yielded His spirit - the temple veil was torn in
two - top to
bottom - God Himself opening up the way to the Holy of
Holies - into
His presence. And the
earth shook - so
violently rocks were split into pieces.
are shook open. God’s
people are
resurrected - walking out of their tombs. God
saying, “Can you hear Me
now?” The
Roman centurion at the
crucifixion said, “This really
was the Son of God.” He
heard God’s message. (Matthew
27:50-54) At
Jesus’ resurrection - God
shakes the earth as the angel rolls the stone away
from the empty tomb. The
angel says to the women, “He’s not
here for He has risen.” “Can you
hear Me now?” In
Acts 16 - God rocks the
Philippian jail - uses and earthquake to spring Paul
and Silas. Its a God
moment. “Don’t
mess with My boys. You
need to hear what
they’ve got to say.” “Can you
hear Me now?” The
jailer and his family come
Jesus. They’re hearing
God’s voice. “Yet once
more” means and yet
there’s more shaking to come. Haggai
2:6: “For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Yet
once more in a
little while - did
you catch that phrase? It’s
the verse that
quoted here in Hebrews 12:26. “Thus says
the Lord of hosts, ‘Yet once more in a little while, I
am going to
shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the
dry land.” It’s
a prophecy about when Jesus
returns. More
earthquakes. The
Book of Revelation - the
sixth seal of God’s judgment - when its opened on a
day yet to come -
maybe not too far in the future - when the sixth seal
of judgment is
opened it unleashes the mother of all earthquakes. So much dust is thrown in
the air that the sun gets
blotted out. The moon
shines through the
haze with the color of blood. Every
moves. Every island
moves. The Earth gets
shaken apart at the seams. In
that day people will be
hearing God’s voice - they’ll be crying out for the
mountains to fall
on them to hide them from Jesus Who’s coming. (Revelation
6:12-17) The
prophet Zechariah tells us that when Jesus comes back
He’s going to
touch down on the Mount of Olives - in Jerusalem. When
Jesus steps back down on this earth that mount is
going to move - split
in two. Half of the
mountain is going to
move north. Half of the
mountain is going
to move south. There’s
going to be a
valley - running east to west - where that mountain
was. (Zechariah 14:4) What
Hebrews is telling us is
that once more God is going to shake things up. But
the next time God shakes things up Jesus is going to
touch down on the
Mount of Olives. He’s
coming back as the
conquering King of kings and Lord of lords. He’s
coming back as judge. It’s
a warning. Because if we
haven’t heard God now - everyone will hear
Him then. That’s
verse 27. Every thing
that mankind has put their trust in -
everything that mankind has been looking to for
security - is going to
get shaken. We’re all
gonna get shaken. But
only those in Jesus - who have not refused
to hear Him - those who’ve received His offer of
salvation - only God’s
people - when God is through shaking things up - only
God’s people are
gonna be left standing. Flip
forward with me to
Revelation 20 - starting at verse 10.
with me at what’s coming - at the end - after it all
gets shaken. Revelation
20 - starting at verse 10: And the
devil - our enemy - who deceived them was thrown into the
lake of fire - a lake not made of water -
but fire - eternal fire - and
brimstone -
sulfuric gas - acrid steam - foul odor - a place of
eternal burning and
choking - where the beast and
the false prophet are also; and they
will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
without relief - forever and ever.
where Satan - our adversary - ends up. Verse
11: Then I saw a
great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose
presence earth
and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. Jesus
the Judge sitting on His throne.
There is
no place to hide from His judgment. Verse
12: And I saw
the dead, the great and the small, standing before the
throne, and
books were opened; and another book was opened, which
is the book of
life; and the dead were judged from the things which
were written in
the books, according to their deeds,.
the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death
and Hades gave up
the dead which were in them; and they were judged,
every one of them
according to their deeds - no one escapes
this. Verse
14: Then death
and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire - same place
where Satan ends up. And if
anyone’s name was not found written in the book of
life, he was thrown
into the lake of fire. If you are
without Jesus that’s
where you end up - eternal burning and choking -
unending weeping -
sorrow - gnashing of teeth. What’s
that Newsboys song? “They don’t
serve breakfast -
where? in Hell.” I have a box of
Cap'n Crunch in my office that reminds me
of that song. Hell. Nasty place. Very
real. Is there any wonder
that God so
powerfully warns us not to refuse His offer?
21 - start in verse 3: I heard a
loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold the
tabernacle of God is
among men, and He will dwell among them, and they
shall be His people
and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe
away every tear
from their eyes; and there will not longer be any
death; there will no
longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first
things have
passed away.” Whatever
Hell is - Heaven is the
opposite. Given a choice. Take God up on His offer. Are
you hearing God? There
are two trajectories through life -
pathways through life - with God or without God. Everyone
is going through life on one or the other of those
trajectories. One
trajectory is what believers
in Jesus - followers of Jesus - are on.
who’ve listened to God’s speaking - accepted God’s
offer - who are
going through life trusting Jesus as their Savior and
Lord. The other
trajectory is the one everyone else
is on - those who’ve refused His offer. Both
of these trajectories
follow pretty closely parallel with each other. We
all go through pretty much the same stuff of life. The same seasons of life -
growing up and growing older. We
all have similar struggles - joys -
concerns. Some go through
all that with
Jesus. Some go through
all that without
Jesus. Both
trajectories experience
death. Sooner or later
everyone of us -
unless Jesus comes back before then - everyone of us
is going to die.
you know that Costco sells
caskets? At member
prices? The one on the
left is the “Edward Casket” which goes for
$2,999.99. The one on the
right is the “In
God’s Care” casket which sells for a cheap $1,299.99. By the way you can order
these in large quantities. Just
a thought - there are only 47 more
shopping days till Christmas. Sooner
or later whatever
trajectory we’re on passes through death. That’s
where these two trajectories split dramatically - at
death. One leads to
heaven the other to hell. Grab
this: If our security is
in anything or
anyone else besides God death should be feared. Because
death is coming and what’s waiting beyond death is
eternity without God. But
- if our security is in God - what all
this gets shaken out - death is not to be feared -
because death is
coming and what’s waiting beyond death is eternity
with God. Are
we seeing that? Verse 28: Therefore - here’s the reason for the
therefore - therefore since we
receive a kingdom which cannot be
shaken - meaning
that in Jesus our eternity with God is secure - let us show
gratitude -
literally - let us have gratitude - for what God has
done and because
we know what’s coming - let’s serve and worship God
not with compulsion
or guilt or fear - the encumbrances of religion -
let’s serve and
worship God out of gratitude - not what we have to do
but what we
desire to do - by which - serving God -
worshipping God with gratitude - by which we
may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence
and awe, for our
God is a consuming fire.
- while he was warning
God’s people not to forget their relationship with God
- warning them
about worshipping other gods - Moses - in Deuteronomy
4:24 says, “For the
Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”
imagery here in Hebrews means that the Lord is jealous
- that He wants
us to worship Him and Him only. Why
should we be grateful for
that? Think about it. Who doesn’t want a jealous
spouse? If
a wife leaves a husband and the husband doesn’t care
he never was the
kind of husband a woman would want in the first place. Right?
He wasn’t the kind of
husband who wanted his wife. We
worship the God who wants us
- who’s consumed with us - who burns with passion for
us. Who desires purity in
our love for Him. That’s
something to be thankful for. How
does Hebrews tell us that we
should show gratitude to God? Verse
28. With “acceptable
service - meaning
service - with reverence and
awe.” The
Apostle Paul writes - in
Romans 12:1: “I urge you - I passionately
plead with you
- I urge you, brethren, by the
mercies of God, to present
your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to
God, which is
your spiritual service of worship.” Mercy
is what? not getting what
we deserve. For
our sin - our spiritual and moral failure - while we
deserve God’s
condemnation and wrath justly poured out upon us -
while we deserve the
fires and torments of hell and eternal separation from
God’s presence -
God is merciful and offers to everyone undeserved
salvation -
forgiveness - cleansing - in Jesus Christ. Paul
writes, “By the
mercies of God” -
by the means of God’s mercy - because God enables you
to do it - “present” yourselves
before Him. “Present” is a military
term. It means to stand
at attention before a superior officer.
Think about who we’re standing before. God. Omniscient. Omnipresent.
Holy. Almighty. And a
whole lot of other theological words we use to
describe God but can’t
even come close to understanding the meaning of. We
need to get off of our own
little pedestals of our agendas and priorities for our
lives - and our
little prerogatives and entitlements for our lives -
and all the
self-serving worship and things that we say we do for
God but really
are about us. We need to
“get off” of
ourselves and realize that none of us has the right to
expect or assume
or demand the privilege of being before God. That
we live and breath and exist and come only because its
by God’s mercy
and God’s mercy alone. With
that attitude - Paul writes
- present yourselves. First - Paul writes,
your bodies.” Some of us might
say, “Well, are
you sure God really wants this body?”
bodies are the physical means through which everything
else that we are
- our heart - our mind - our soul - our bodies are the
physical means
through which everything we are is presented to God. Animal
sacrifices are led to the
altar and tied down. The
animal doesn’t
have a choice in what’s about to happen to it
physically. The point is
- we’re not dumb animals. You
can tell that to the person next to you, “You’re not
a dumb animal.” We choose to present our bodies -
ourselves to God.
Second - Paul says
that our
presentation is “living.” A sacrificed
animal - sliced - diced - and Bar-B-Qued -
it’s dead. It doesn’t get
up again. But we
live. Paul’s
talking about our choice to honor God in the daily
things of our lives. To
present our bodies as instruments of
righteousness. Mouths
that speak words which
encourage and build up and bring others to closer to
God. Caring hands that
reach out in His love to embrace those
who are hurting. Eyes
that dwell on what
is pure before God. Eyes
that look for
those who are in need of God’s love.
that walk in His ways. Imagine
cooking, cleaning,
changing diapers, driving, teaching, golfing, having
“discussions” with
our spouse, disciplining our children, taking classes
- all the daily
things that living bodies do. By
these become acts of daily worship as we present
ourselves to God to do
through us whatever He wills. Third - our
presentation is “holy.” That which is
holy is dedicated - completely set apart -
only for God’s use. It’s
arrogance to think that we
get ourselves up on Sunday morning - drive ourselves
over here - and
somehow we honor God by sacrificing some of our
precious time on Sunday
morning. We sacrifice so
much to show up
here for a Service of Worship. 1
Corinthians 6:20 says, “You have
been bought with a price.”
That price is the broken
body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.
God -
in Jesus - purifies us and He mercifully enables and
allows us to
worship Him. Presenting
ourselves is giving
to God what is already His. That
that it is just wrong to hold back anything of
ourselves from God’s
work in us - and His glorifying Himself through us -
whenever and in
whatever way He chooses. Total
commitment. Paul
concludes in verse 1 - that
is our “spiritual service
of worship.” Literally, in
the original Greek
the idea is that this sacrificial worship is the only
logical -
rational - way for people who have been shown God’s
mercy - it’s the
only response that makes sense. It’s
like the old story of the
chicken and the pig that were discussing breakfast. The pig was complaining. “For you
chickens, breakfast means giving an offering. For
us pigs it’s a total sacrifice.” Have
you noticed that a lot of
the things that people look to for security seem just
a tad insecure? People
look to security in
numbers - alliances and partnerships.
to be a hand shake was enough to seal an agreement. Today we have so many scraps
of paper - legal documents -
that really aren’t worth a whole lot.
good lawyer can shred any agreement.
trusts anybody. People
look to security in
organization. If we can
just get ourselves
organized we can take care of any problem. Government
is a human organization. Used
to be “our”
government. Now it’s
“the” government. An
organization that’s run away from us and
now we’re afraid of it - its control and influence on
our lives. Looming ahead
is a one world government. People
look to security in
people - in humanity - the ultimate goodness of
humanity. The wonderful
global community that’s developing.
Which has its good points.
And yet - there on the net is the best of
humanity - our
civilization, culture, and crud.
with all that openness and community is a whole lot of
concern about
who’s using all our personal information? We
could go on with this. Right? Security
in money. Security in
science. Security
in medicine. Real Estate. That went well
didn’t it? There’s
a reason why all that
security seems kind of shaky. Because
is. That’s
why death is such an
encumbrance. Because if
we can’t see down
the trajectory that we’re on - to see beyond death -
to heaven - death
should be feared. And
every move we make
in life should be weighed by the encumbrance of our
mortality. If we can’t
see past death to heaven the only
security we have is in what’s shaking around us. Going
back to Hebrews: “Acceptable
service with reverence and awe” requires
everything that we are. A
daily choosing to commit all that we are to God -
laying ourselves
without reservation on the altar before Him. If
we’ve really heard God speaking it’s the only response
that makes sense. Its
God’s invitation to live
life without the fear of death. To
down the trajectory of our lives - to see past death -
to see Heaven. Several
years ago I attended a
seminar led by Don Roberts from Bible Couriers
International. Bible
Couriers is a missions organization
focused on delivering the Bible to Christians in
places where they’re
restricted or persecuted. As
I was listening to Don
Roberts speak - kind of half listening - half dozing
like some are now. This
was 3:30 on a warm afternoon so I had an
excuse. Don asked this
question, “How can the
church in the United States prepare for coming
persecution.” Immediately my
ears perked up. Don
said, that as they’ve been
in contact with persecuted Christians around the world
- many who’ve
been imprisoned for their faith - they’ve asked them
this question. “What would
you tell Christians in America that they need to do to
prepare for
coming persecution?” Great question. The right people to ask. Here’s
what they said to us. Number
one answer - with almost universal
agreement: “You must
learn to voluntarily deny yourself daily so that when
you are made to
involuntarily deny yourself you will ready. Otherwise,
when the time comes you will compromise.” Self-denial
means letting go of
anything - any encumbrance - that keeps us from
totally trusting the
Lord. Whatever else -
besides God - that
we place our security in - Social Security - IRA’s -
politics - a paid
off mortgage - insurance - our own wits and abilities. If our security is placed in
any thing or any one else
beside God - then Satan will use that item of security
as a weapon
against us - to compromise
- to trust the
wrong thing - to do the wrong thing - to make wrong
decisions - that
limit our ability to run through life by faith -
living as God has
created us to live. Ask
yourself, “If God took
this away - whatever this is - even my life - is that
okay?” If
its not okay, then we’re placing greater security in
having whatever
that is than in God. That
security is what
we need to voluntarily deny ourselves today. Jesus
said, “If you
cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give
up your life for
Me, you will find it.” (Matthew 10:39
NLT) The way to find life
is to let go of our life. That’s
not suicide. That’s
realizing that the only life worth living - the only
security in life -
now and for eternity - is found in Jesus. Think
about it. What are you
really clinging to? Only
when we give up our lives -
when we’ve died to ourselves - laying our lives on the
altar before God
- only when we’ve already died - then death no longer
is an encumbrance. _________________________ Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. |