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JUDGMENT IN REAL LIFE JAMES 2:1-13 Series: Real Faith in Real Life - Part Four Pastor Stephen Muncherian June 2, 2013 |
Please join me at James 2 - staring at
verse 1. Today
we’re moving into a different section of James’
letter. In chapter one James focused on trials -
the struggles and difficulties we go through in life. The
temptations we face in life - especially when life
gets hard - and it does - the temptation to take the
bait - to choose to get hooked into a self-destructive
pattern of sin. James
has been focusing us on the bottom line choice that we
have in every trial and temptation - to choose to
continue trusting our own whit, wisdom, and working -
which ultimately is about me, myself, and I. Or, to
choose to seek God - to seek His wisdom - to live
obedience to His word.
To allow Him to use what we’re going through to
transform us to be who God has created and called us
to be. James’ point in chapter one is that real
faith in God - trusting God in the real time drama of
our lives - is used by God to produce real stability
in our lives. Choose
to trust God in the midst of life’s drama and no
matter what life throws at us God will guide us
through the storm.
God’s purposes in us and through us will be
accomplished. We
will know the huge blessing of God being with us
through all that.
Chapter two begins a new section of
James’ teaching.
James is going to focus us on this truth: Real faith
in real time produces real love. What can
real faith look like in our relationships with others? James is going to give us a series of
teachings - with illustrations - teachings and
illustrations for us to compare our lives to. What do our
actions tell us about our faith? Is our faith
kind of a shallow faith of convenience and culture? Is our faith
a deep faith - coming from the core of who we are? Or maybe
someplace in between?
Charles H. Spurgeon - Baptist pastor of
London, England - had a pastor friend, Dr. Newman
Hall, who wrote a book entitled Come To Jesus. How’s that
for a deep - faith inspiring - title? Another pastor published an article in
which he ridiculed Hall.
Hall handled the ridicule patiently at first. But, when
the article ridiculing him gained popularity - Hall
sat down and wrote a letter of protest. The kind of
letter - or response - that most of have churned over
and over in our minds on the few occasions when
something’s been done to us. Hall’s letter was full of retaliatory
invectives - caustic - stinging stuff - that outdid
anything in the article that attacked him. Before
mailing the letter, Hall took it to Spurgeon for his
opinion. Spurgeon read it carefully then, handed
it back, said it was excellent and that the writer of
the article - ridiculing Hall - deserved everything
that Hall had written.
“But,” Spurgeon added,
“it just lacks one thing.” After a pause Spurgeon continued.
“Underneath your signature you ought to write
the words, ‘Author of Come To Jesus.’” The two godly men looked at each other
for a few moments.
Then Hall tore up his letter. (1) Intellectually we can understand so much
about God. But,
its living out our faith in the practical stuff of
life that really shows us where our heart is - if
we’re really trusting God. Right? That’s where
James is coming from here. Practical
teaching - with examples - to show us the reality of
our faith in God as we’re living life with others. James 2 - let’s read verse 1 together: My brothers, show no partiality as
you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord
of glory. Verse 1 is James’ Principle - his main point here in verses 1 to 13. Real faith
and partiality are incompatible. We’re either
living by one or the other. There’s no
riding the fence. Let’s be careful. There’s a
difference between discernment and partiality.
Discernment means applying God’s wisdom
and insight - grasping from God’s perspective what is
often times not easily seen. Discernment
is God focused wisdom driving our responses to who or
what comes into our lives. Partiality is self-focused. The word in
Greek has the idea of “receiving the face.” Seeing
things only at face value. We form an
opinion of someone based on our first impression. Its
prejudice - pre-judging someone - forming an opinion
before we know all the facts. And, if
we’re focused on ourselves - we’re not going to choose
to go deeper than that.
Why would we?
There’s no benefit to me. Partiality is when our response to people
is being driven by me, myself, and I. Being driven
by our selfish desire for others to benefit us. God sends the prophet Samuel to the house
of Jesse. God
is going to choose a successor to King Saul. Samuel goes
down the line of the sons of Jesse - from the oldest
on down. Eliab
- the eldest - is brought out. He’s an
impressive handsome young man. Samuel
thought, “Surely this is the one God has chosen.” This guy just looks like a king. But God says to Samuel, “Nope.
Not him.
Don’t judge him based on his appearance. I’ve
rejected him.” God gives Samuel and explanation. “God doesn't’ see a man as man
does. Man
looks at the outward appearance. But God
looks at the heart.”
Remember this? God sends Samuel down the line of the
sons until the only one left is David - the youngest -
who’s out watching the sheep. God says, “This is the one.” (1 Samuel
16) You can’t judge a book by its - what? cover. God’s
perspective of people goes way deeper than our less
than skin deep opinions. James writes, “Don’t show partiality.” Notice that its a command given to who? Those who
have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. A command
given to those who said they had real faith. That’s hard to hear. As I’ve been
processing this I’m not sure I want to go where James
is pointing us. Let’s be honest. It is way
too easy for us to fall into the trap of judging
people based on externals. The color of
their skin. How
many piercings or tattoos they have. Their past. Where they
live or don’t. The
job they have or don’t.
Their politics.
Their involvement at Creekside. Where they
are spiritually.
Whether they’re home schooled or public
schooled. The
list is seemingly endless. The
potential for us to have a blind spot here is huge. And, once we’ve raced to our opinion -
having our mind made up - it is an easy jump from
there to acting irrationally based on our prejudice -
showing preference - showing partiality to be people -
treating some people different that others. James’ point? If we’re
really living by faith in God then we’re going to be
seeking to treat people - not based on the externals
we see - but we’re going to be seeking to treat people
according to what God sees. Let’s
read verses 2 to 4 together: For if a man wearing a gold ring
and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor
man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay
attention to the one who wears fine clothing and say,
“You sit here in a good place.” while you say to the
poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my
feet,” have you not then made distinctions among
yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Verses 2 to 4 are James’ Illustration of his principle. Looking
the diagram we can get a better picture of what James
is writing about.
In the 1st century synagogue the pulpit or
pulpits were near
the center of the meeting hall. The
Tabernacle - the place where the scrolls of the Law
were kept - was at the front. Seating for
the men was along the two sides by the pillars. The women
and children were kept farther back - usually balcony
seating. Point being that the best seats in the
synagogue - the seats of honor - were nearest the
pulpit. Down
at the center. Up
front. Now a days we tend to reverse that. Right? People seem
to think the seats in the back are the best. In James’ day if you were somebody you
got ushered up front. What James is writing about probably took
place many times over as these Christian Jews gathered
for worship. Someone
wearing clothing that fit to their position in life -
wealthy - noble - influential - a man comes wearing
jewelry - fine clothing.
Someone dressed to impress shows up at the
synagogue. Contrast
that with a man showing up with no jewels - shabby
clothes - no entourage - no seeming influence. To the average synagogue goer seeing this
the rich is noticeably rich and the poor is noticeably
poor. The
rich man is someone who could change our life with a
snap of his fingers.
The poor guy isn’t going to change anybody’s
life. In James’ illustration the ushers - going
on first impressions only - showing partiality - the
ushers escort the rich man down to the front - the
best seats in the synagogue - and the poor man gets
shoved to the back - maybe given a place on the floor. James writes, - when we make these
distinctions - its because - verse 4 - “we have become judges with evil
thoughts.” Thoughts that - implied in the Greek -
thoughts that literally come out of the pit of hell. Thinking
influenced by Satan.
Thoughts that are 180 degrees contrary to the
heart of God towards people. Let’s be careful. There’s
nothing essentially wrong with being rich - or poor. What James
is illustrating is the motive behind the behavior. Helping us
to think about why we do what we do in the ways we
treat others. Back in 1989 before the fall of the
Soviet Union I had the opportunity to lead a group of
youth on a tour in Armenia. In the
Communist days there were restaurants that were
reserved only for “special” people - those favored by
the party - or people the party was trying to impress. We were taken to one of these
restaurants. Not
that we were really special people but our presence
there was being used to impress people. So, in that
sense we were special. That night
around the table there were writers - PhD’s
of this and that - political
people - party hacks - “special
people.” In
typical fashion - there was a lot of alcohol - cognac
- vodka - beer - wine - if it was alcohol and you could drink
it - it was there.
There was also some food. If you were
into that sort of thing. There was a lot of toasting and speech
making. Every time someone got up to say
something they had to make a toast and everyone had to
drink more alcohol.
Each time someone got up to make a speech they
tried to outdo the last guy’s speech. On and on -
each one talking more eloquently about the virtues of
the next guy -
empty - worthless - compliments and praise. Being sober
and not totally
understanding all
of what I was hearing was a real blessing. The whole
night was a study in sincere insincerity. People
treating others nicely because of what they could gain
from them - evil thoughts. That kind of ungodly behavior goes on all
the time around us in the places we do life. A world
under the influence of Satan. Behavior
James shows us - attitudes and behavior that should
never be a part of our lives as Christians. In our
relationships here in the church and out there in our
relationships. James
says - bottom line - its sin. Don’t go
there. Going on to verse 5. Verses 5 to
11 are James’ Reasons. James
giving us three reasons why partiality is wrong for
those with real faith. Let’s read verses 5 to 11 together: Listen, my beloved brothers, has
not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be
rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has
promised to those who love him? But you have
dishonored the poor man.
Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, and
the ones who drag you into court? Are they not
the ones who blaspheme the honorable name by which you
were called? If you really fulfill the royal law
according to the Scripture, “You shall love your
neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. But if you
show partiality, you are committing sin and are
convicted by the law as transgressors. For whoever
keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become
accountable for all of it. For he who
said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not
murder.” If
you do not commit adultery but do murder, you have
become a transgressor of the law. Three
reasons why partiality is wrong for those with real
faith. Reason
number one is Theological - choosing is a God thing. James writes - verse 5: “God choose the poor of the world
to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom?” Who’s choice? God’s
choice. God
doesn’t hold a congregational meeting and ask for a
vote on who He should save. Choosing is
a God thing. Not
a people thing. God has chosen to save the poor right
along with the rich.
Not everyone here is wealthy with the stuff of
the world. Some
here are struggling to make ends meet. But, we’re
all still an integral part of this congregation. God has chosen to bless the poor. Not just
tolerate them or put up with them. To keep them
around so he can help ‘em out on occasion. But to
lavish His love on them.
To those who love Him, He makes them to be
fellow heirs of the riches of heaven - of the Kingdom
of God. Regardless
of our financial bottom line - spiritually - bottom
line - we’re siblings in Jesus. James is using the distinctions of poor
and rich to illustrate his point. But we need
to grab this also - James’ illustration touches a
truth that goes way beyond being poor or rich - way
beyond even who sits where in the church. God has chosen people with different
colored skin - who speak different languages - who
don’t dress like we do - who have shorter hair than we
do - who may be in a different place socially -
mentally - emotionally - spiritually - than we are. They may
even be more messed up that we are. These are people that God loves. He’s chosen
them to be our siblings in Jesus. Chosen -
like us - not on the basis of what’s outside - but
chosen on the basis of God’s love, grace, and mercy. If the choosing weren’t up to God none of
would be here. Amen?
If God has chosen these people - us - who
are we to show partiality? James’ second reason comes in verse 6: But you have dishonored the poor
man. Is
it not the rich who oppress you and personally drag
you into court? Do
they not blaspheme the fair name by which you have
been called? Reason number two - why partiality is
wrong for those with real faith - reason number two -
its Logical. James
writes in verse 6 that the poor are dishonored. James is writing to Jewish Christians
spread throughout the Roman Empire. Jews who
were tied ethnically to the homeland - the old
country. But,
many of them had never been there. They’ve been
born someplace else.
For many - Hebrew was a second language - maybe
even a third language - after Greek and Latin. Culturally
they were Jewish.
But they lived in a Gentile world. To the Jews of Jerusalem - the Diasporan
Jews were always second class - always looked down on. Never really
fully Jewish. To
the Gentiles that surrounded them they were less than
second class. Those
who were Christian Jews were below the lowest class -
despised by both the Jews and the Gentiles - oppressed
- exploited. Both
by wealthy Gentiles and wealthy Jews. These Christian Jews were living in
poverty - destitute.
Economically they were in serious trouble. Their
businesses were boycotted. They’d lost
their jobs.
They’re being dragged into court and cleaned
out. James writes, your oppressors - the rich
- they don’t give a rip about God. They’re
against God. They
blaspheme God. They
have no respect for you or what you believe. They’re
against the people God’s chosen to love. So James asks, why are you giving
preferential treatment to the people who are
exploiting you? Its
like insisting on buying gas at $5 a gallon. “I know I’m getting ripped off at
$3.95. But,
I’ll pay more because you’re such a wonderful gas
company. I’ll
pay $10 a gallon ‘cause you’re giving me 1% back on my
gas card.” Spend more save more. That’s
logical. Isn’t
it? We don’t often think in these extreme
terms. But
when we show partiality - when we’re sucking up to the
world - or doing church the way the world does world -
we’re dishonoring our siblings in Jesus - and others
that God calls us to love - we’re allied with their
oppressors. We’re marching lock step in line with a
world system under the delusion of Satan. We’re
helping to promote a system that’s blaspheming the
name of our Savior.
A system that’s oppressing our siblings in
Jesus and everyone else out there we should be
serving. Reason number three - why partiality is
wrong for those with real faith - comes in verses 8 to
11 - that is Scriptural. Its
what God commands. Verse 8:
If you really fulfill the royal law
according to the Scripture, “You shall love your
neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. The Greek word for “royal” is
“basilikos.” It
has the idea of something belonging to a king. The royal
law governs - like a king - governs over all the other
laws. James is quoting Leviticus 19:18 - a
verse that was familiar to his readers - as it is to
us - a quote that should have brought to mind Jesus’
summary of God’s laws about how we’re to live in relationship with
each other. “You shall
love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 7:12; 19:19; Mark 12:31; Romans
13:9; Galatians 5:14). Keep this law and we’re doing what God
commands us to do.
On the other hand, when we don’t love our
neighbors as ourselves we’re guilty of not doing what
God commands us to do.
Verse 9:
But if you show partiality, you are
committing sin and are convicted by the law as
transgressors. We’re guilty of breaking God’s royal law. Of sin. Verse 10:
For whoever keeps the whole law but fails
in one point has become accountable for all of it. One
strike and you’re out. Verse 11:
For he who said, “Do not commit
adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If you do
not commit adultery but do murder, you have become a
transgressor of the law. That may offend our pride. “Maybe I’ve got a few rough edges
here. But,
I’m not a murderer.
I’m not an adulterer.” But, when we show partiality for selfish
reasons - sin driven thinking - in God’s eyes we’re as
guilty as if we were. That’s intense. And that’s
James’ point. In
God’s eyes this is serious stuff. Show
partiality and we’ve broken God’s command. I ran across a poem in a sermon by David
Roper who used to pastor with PBC. Paul’s girl is rich and haughty; My girl is poor as clay. Paul’s girl is young and pretty; My girl looks like a bale of hay. Paul’s girl is smart and clever; My girl is dumb, but good. But would I trade my girl for Paul’s? You bet your life I would! (2) Everything we do in our relationships
with each other should be governed by God’s
commandment of love.
God doesn’t give us qualifiers - whether
someone looks like a bale of hay or not. Whether
someone fits our definition of lovable or not we’re
still commanded to love. Three reasons to examine what’s going on
in our heart - Theological - Logical - Scriptural. Are we
self-focused or others focused? Bottom line: Self-focused
or God focused? James’ Application comes in verses
12 and 13. Let’s
read these together:
So speak and so act as those who are to
be judged under the law of liberty. For judgment
is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy
triumphs over judgment.
The law of
liberty is freedom.
Remember this from last Sunday? God - by His
grace - by His choosing - in Christ, God sets us free. Sets us free
from the law of sin and death - meaning if we sin -
and we all do - we die - eternally punished -
eternally separated from God. God sets us from
bondage to all that not to do what
we want - follow our own selfish motives. But, the
freedom to choose to do what we should - to be doers -
to obey God - to live as God has created us and called
us to live. In
the drama of life to live by faith trusting God. As those set
free, that’s the standard God holds us accountable to
- judges us by. Are
we living life God’s way? To live by faith - meaning to live
trusting God is to be set free from having to live
needing to trust the world. That means
that we’re looking only to God to meet whatever needs
we have - spiritual - social - peer - personal -
physical - financial - whatever. That trust in God frees us from looking
at people as potential benefactors for us - frees us
to see them as potential benefiters of God’s love and
mercy through us.
Real faith in real life produces real love. Verse 13:
For judgment is without mercy to one who
has shown no mercy.
Mercy triumphs over judgment. Do
you remember Jesus’ conversation with Peter about
forgiveness? Forgiving
our brother 490 times.
Point being its not the number of times its our
heart attitude. Remember
that? Jesus follows that up with an
illustration. Slave
one owes the king 10,000 talents - an insurmountable
debt. The
king has mercy on slave one and forgives the debt. Slave one goes out - finds slave two who
owes slave one 100 denari - not a significant amount. Slave one
demands payment from slave two and when slave two
can’t pay back slave one, slave one does what to slave
two? Has
him thrown into prison. All of which is Jesus’ answer to Peter’s
question, “How many times do I need to forgive my
brother?” Its
not about the money - the amount - what you’re taking
at face value - the externals and how all that effects
you. Its
the attitude of your heart that’s messing up your
response to your brother. (Matthew
18:21-35) Mercy is one of those realities of how
God acts towards us that is hard - perhaps impossible
- to get our minds around. Mercy is not
getting what we deserve.
We deserve eternal damnation. Not knowing the extent of eternal
damnation its hard to know the depth of God’s mercy. But we do
know that whatever eternal damnation is its really
really really bad and we’re hugely grateful for God’s
love and grace and mercy - saving us from all that
damnation. Amen? We also know that if it wasn’t for God -
God’s choosing to love us and be gracious and be
merciful to us - we’d all be toast - forever. Amen? James’ application point: As those
who’ve been set free - who’ve been shown God’s mercy -
if we can process enough of what that means to
understand how undeserved and how great is God’s mercy
towards us - as messed up as we’ve been - and still
struggle with - that realization should hugely impact
how we treat others around us - those who are also
messed up and desperately needing God’s mercy. If we really understand enough of the
magnitude - the depth - the breadth - the scope of
God’s choosing us - accepting us - then there’s no way
we should act with selfish partiality towards others -
towards anyone. God’s
love - grace - mercy is about God - not us. There is a huge opportunity here for us. How many of you have ever been a road
trip with your family?
Sometimes that can be extremely intense. Family
dynamics 101. Siblings
crammed in the back seat of a car for hours who’d like
to kill each other.
We don’t choose our siblings. We don’t
choose our siblings in Christ. God does. James’ application is not about us
getting along like a bunch of cookie cutter Christian
clones - where we all look, act, and talk alike -
agreeing 100% on every fine point of doctrine and
theology. Let’s
get real. That
ain’t gonna happen. James’ application is about messed up
people getting along with messed up people because
we’re siblings in Christ by God’s choosing. His
application is about messed up people coming alongside
messed up people in a messed world and tangibly
demonstrating the mercy of God. Living life not based on faith in
ourselves. Needing
to take care of number one. But being
set free to be merciful because God takes care of us. Have you ever been in a check out line at
store and there’s a seemingly overwhelmed parent -
usually a mother - who’s there with kids who are into
everything - running amok - obnoxious - having a
meltdown. We’re
together? Most of the time we’re not thinking too
highly of the kids - or the parents. Right? What kind of
lack of parenting skills allows kids to behave like
that? Sometimes
what goes through my mind are suggestions and ways to
improve those parenting skills. Even if our own kids have had a meltdown
in line - which happens.
Most of the time we’re grateful to get away
from all that. Grateful
those kids aren’t our kids. Who’d want
to be in a family like that? Jesus opened up to His disciples the same
opportunity as James is opening up here. Jesus put it
this way: “By this all people will know that
you are my disciples, if you have - what? love for one another.” (John 13:35) We sing this song, “And they’ll know we are Christians by
our - what?
That goes back a ways. How we live - loving - gracious -
merciful - or not - demonstrates to the world what it
means to be God’s kids.
What it means to be loved by God. Which is a huge opportunity. God is
opening up so much potential for us here. The
possibilities are endless. If we can
really trust God - get past ourselves - there is so
much potential for people to know God’s love. For us to
behave towards each other and in the places out there
where we do life that is so radically different than
how the world does life.
So radically different that people will be
drawn to Jesus - not only by the way we avoid killing
each other - but in how we allow the love and grace
and mercy of God to flow through us to each other and
beyond. What this
all boils down to is trust - showing us the depth of our faith in
God. Who do we
trust to take care of us in life? Ourselves -
and our manipulations - our speech - and abilities - our flattery and partiality? Or God who
sincerely loves us.
If we learn to trust God - then we can learn to
sincerely love others. Imagine our
relationships with each other - husbands and wives -
here in the church - at work - with people we don’t
even know - homeless and in great need - if the basis
of our relationships was not what we get - but what we
give. Sincere
love motivated to uphold the real value of a person -
motivated by trust in God - without any expectation -
or need - of personal gain.
1. Leslie B.
Flynn, You Don’t Have To Go It Alone 2. David Roper,
James 2:1-13: “The Case of the Near-Sighted
Usher” Additional reference: Charles R.
Swindoll, Insights on James, 1 and 2 Peter - Zondervan, 2010 Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |