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FAITH IN FELLOWSHIP JAMES 5:12-20 Series: Faith On Trial - Part Eleven Pastor Stephen Muncherian October 29, 2006 |
How many of
you have seen The Lord of the
Rings movie trilogy? How
many of you have
read the books by J.R.R. Tolkien?
You get
extra credit if you’ve read the books too.
The basic
plot of the books and the movie is
what? There’s this ring -
the One Ring of
Sauron - that’s given to Frodo - who is suppose to
take this ring -
which is the embodiment of evil - take this ring and
destroy it by
throwing it into this volcano - Mount Doom - in the
dark and evil land
of Mordor.
To help
Frodo destroy the ring a group is
assembled - The Fellowship Of The Ring.
is an unlikely fellowship. Not
in our
wildest dreams would we ever think of putting these
together - 2 humans who really don’t trust each other
- a dwarf - an
elf - and three other half size hobbits.
fellowship is guided by the white wizard
Gandalf - who’s a Christ-like figure.
passes through death into life. Gandalf
and preserves Frodo as he travels to destroy the One
A fellowship
of eight individuals who each
struggle with their own issues - have their own points
of weakness -
and yet will stand by each other - give their lives
for each other -
following the guidance of Gandalf - will sacrifice
everything for their
common purpose. Eight
individuals to whom
is entrusted the future of Middle Earth.
So here we
are - a pretty unlikely collection
of interesting people. Share
that with the
person next to you. “You’re
an interesting
We’re called
together - by God - into
fellowship - to be the Body of Christ - the Church. Called together - not to
destroy evil - which Jesus has
already done - through His death and resurrection. But to live in faith -
trusting in God - standing firm in
His victory - to share and live out the Gospel of
Jesus Christ in such
a way that others will see Jesus in us - so that
others will desire to
join us in this fellowship by committing themselves to
God through
Jesus Christ.
In this
letter of James that we’ve been
looking at - James has been writing to Jewish
believers scattered all
over the Roman Empire - who are generally on the lower
rung of society
- outcasts in Roman society - outcasts even with their
own people -
Christian Jews who are persecuted - abused -
struggling - given all
that is happening around them and to them - struggling
to live faithful
in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
So James has
been writing about faith. How
to hang in there when our faith gets
rocked by stuff that happens to us.
Satan pounds us with crud from this world. James
has written about faith in action - thinking about how
those who have
faith in Jesus demonstrate that faith in the ways we
serve each other
and meet the real needs of our Christian siblings.
He’s written
about when we mess up in our
faith - fall short of trusting God.
what it means to be on both sides of that coin. Those
who fall short and hurt others. And
who are hurt. Which is
most of us. Hang around
the church long enough and
somebody will say something - or do something to us -
that will hurt. That’s
not an excuse to wimp out - or run
someplace else. How do we
respond when
faith fails and live trusting God?
All of what
James has be writing focuses on
faith in fellowship. Regardless
of our
circumstances - how our faith in God is to remain firm
- so that as His
fellowship - as the church - we keep moving forward -
uplifting -
encouraging - supporting each other - moving forward
together as God’s
people - trusting God - God accomplishing His purposes
for us in us and
through us.
about where we are today as a
congregation - what James writes is crucial for us. Our faith is being tested -
collectively - individually. As
we move forward building - praying about
outreach - even doing outreach - examining our
individual lives and the
depth of our commitment to Jesus - as the heart of
this congregation is
growing closer to God - our Adversary is very active. Can anyone agree with me on
There are a
number of people here who have
been pounded by the Adversary. There
decisions we’re making about, should the building be
here or 8 feet
over - or where to meet next month - or little tacky
points of
irritation that come up in our relationship together -
just because of
the intensity of this building project - that our
Adversary would love
to use - to discourage us
- to cause us to
doubt - to challenge our faith in God and His purposes
- to get us to
turn against each other - or to just give up
altogether. Amen?
together what James been writing about
for 4½ chapters
coming to 5:12 - James’ parting words focus on 3
characteristics of faith in fellowship.
this is a great opportunity for us - this time in our
lives. To kick Satan in
the teeth - with all His work
against us. To stand up
together and in
deeper and greater commitment move forward together in
faith. What is essential
for us to do that?
The first
essential comes in verse 12 - INTEGRITY. Say
that, “Integrity.”
Verse 12: But above
all, my
brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth
of with any other
oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so
that you may not
fall under judgment.
Years ago -
a lot of years ago - when I was
as student at Biola - there was a girl I wanted to
take out on a date. But
the only way she would consent to go out
with me was if she could bring her friend. Which
meant that I had to find a date for this other girl. So, I promised her I’d find
a date for her friend.
I asked
every guy I knew. Everyone
had something to do - most of it legitimate. The best I could find was
some guys who were
available early in the evening and some guys who could
come later. Which I
figured was
good enough because I really wanted to go out with
this girl and I’d
promised I’d find a date for her friend.
So this
girl, her friend, and date #1 and I
went out to the movies. Part
way through
the movie - date #1 and I excused ourselves and went
to the restroom
where date #2 - who looked like date #1 and was
dressed identical to
date #1 - was waiting for us.
We made the
exchange - slipped back into the
movie. Which worked out
really good. The whole
way through this friend of my date’s
is talking with date #2 - never noticing that date #2
is not date #1. Worked
great until after the movies - when we
got out to the parking lot - and my date’s friend
realized that date #2
wasn’t date #1. I did a
lot of apologizing
for that one.
The idea of
swearing has the idea of putting
a fence around something. Good
fences make
good what? neighbors. Someone
would make a
promise to do something. Like,
“I promise to have those
50 anchovies and shrimp pizzas delivered by 6:00
tonight.” Or, “I promise
to never do
that again.” And then they’d put a fence
around that
promise by swearing. Protecting
promise within by taking an oath.
“So help me God.”
People today
understand this - in kind of a
twisted way - the authority - the reputation - of
God’s name. That’s
historically why God’s name gets used
in conversation so much. “God this
and God that.” “Jesus H.
this and Jesus H. that.” Giving
emphasis to what were saying, “I swear
to God.” Or as an
exclamation: “Oh my
“I’m going to add God’s
name - His reputation - to my oath because my
reputation ain’t so good.”
back in James’ day - because people actually had
respect for God - the
oath actually meant something. People
especially the Jews - were more aware that they were
attaching the name
of the Holy God to the promise they were making. As
James says in verse 12 - God is going to judge whether
or not we’re
keeping our promises - the sincerity of our heart.
figured out - back then - that if
someone made a promise using God’s name - they had
enough respect for
God - especially as the holy Judge - they realized
they needed to keep
that promise.
So they
twisted things a bit. Follow
this: What people had
been taught bent this truth to mean that only the
promises which
invoked God’s name were the ones they were responsible
to fulfill. God’s name
had became a formula. Use
it and one was legally bound. Without
name of God the promise was non-binding.
That’s why
James writes here in verse 12, “don’t
swear by heaven or
by earth.” People
would swear by all kinds of stuff related to God -
God’s heaven - God’s
earth - God’s throne - Jerusalem, God’s city - which
all sounded like
that fence was being put up. But
bottom line was all that was a sham.
They had no
intention of keeping their word.
The endless fine print in contracts today is a
sad reminder that people don’t trust each other. That
one’s oath - one’s promise - is non-binding unless
bound by reams of
iron clad fine print legalese - which any lawyer -
paid enough - can
shred. Today, someone
keeping their word
is only as important as the benefit to them
writes, “Your yes is to be yes,
and your no, no.” Say what you mean and mean
what you - what? say.
or subconsciously we use God’s
name - or swear by God’s stuff - to invoke God’s
authority - His
reputation and character - or people swear in general
today - all kinds
of colorful metaphors - four letter words - we hide
behind gossip and
innuendos about each other - knowing looks and
side-bar conversations -
that boost our egos and cover our own inadequacies -
to make what we’re
saying more seem credible - to make us seem more
deserving of respect -
or at least more than the other guy.
Hear this:
Fellowship is destroyed when we try to cover
our own inadequacies by deceiving each other through
the words we say. When we have
our eyes on our selves rather than having faith in God
for our adequacy
- our self-worth - and as those attitudes leak out
Satan takes those
words and uses them to drive wedges between us - to
hurt and maim and
wound others - to keep us back from each other in fear
and mistrust.
James calls
us to integrity in our words. He’s
very proactive. Integrity
in our words strengthens the bonds of fellowship. Enables
us to go deeper in our fellowship.
us more able to stand together against Satan.
Imagine if
we could trust the words we say to
each other - about each other. If
was no “self” or selfish motives in our speech. Our
“Yes” meaning “Yes” and our “No” meaning “No” - just
telling it like it
is. How would that effect
relationships here in the church - or at home - or
school or work.
That’s a
challenge for us. Share
that with the person next to you, “That’s a
challenge for
When we
really start thinking about it, how
much of what we say is shaded by what’s in our hearts? Just about everything. Are
our hearts 100% surrendered to God.
No. Mine isn’t. So we
have work to do.
The second
essential characteristic of faith
in fellowship is HONESTY. Say
together, “Honesty.”
Verse 13: Is anyone
among you suffering? Then
he must pray. Is anyone
cheerful? He is to sing
Some days
are better than - what? others. Whatever
the circumstances - hard times - good
times. Let the reality of
what’s going on
inside us come out. If
that’s a need for
prayer. Then pray. If
its praise. Then praise
God! Honesty.
Verse 14: Is anyone
among you sick? Then he
must call for the elders of the church
and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil
in the name of
the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore
the one who is
sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has
committed sins,
they will be forgiven him.
Notice three
First: The
elders - the
male spiritual leadership of the
church - as representatives of the Church body as a
whole - the elders
are to set the example
of coming
together and praying for the needs of others. They
oil - which is symbolic of the Holy Spirit - pour oil
on the sick
person in a visual - tangible - acknowledgment of the
Holy Spirit’s
power which can heal a person. Then
pray in faith. Not that
they somehow have
extra special faith that is going to heal this person. But, they are men of faith. The
point is the condition of their heart before God. Who
they’re trusting in for the healing.
Second -
notice the cause of the
illness - sin. In the last part of verse 15
James writes, “if he has committed
sins, they will be forgiven him.”
In the
Greek it’s a conditional clause -
meaning a probable condition. His
is most probably caused by some kind of sin.
Not all
sickness is a direct result of sin.
We’re part of a fallen race of sinners. Sickness - in general - is a
result of sin. But, every
time we get a cold or the flu or a
hang nail it isn’t because we’re living a life of
horrid sin.
But some
sickness is a result of sin. Persistent
sin can lead to emotional or
physical illness. May
even cause death. That
kind of sin and sickness is what James is
writing about here.
Third -
notice who asks for
prayer. Who
does the asking? It’s the
one who’s sick. “He must
call for the
elder.” - the representatives of the
church - to
engage in prayer - invoking the work of the Holy
Verse 16: Therefore
- ask.. “Wherefore
the therefore” Glad you
asked. Therefore -
because we need to be
honest about what’s going on in our lives - even if we
need prayer for
some sickness - even if it is because of some sin in
our lives - and
especially because we need healing - Therefore,
confess your
sins to one another, and pray for one another so that
you may be healed. The
effective prayer of a righteous man can
accomplish much.
We all are to pray for one another. Prayer is a privilege that
God gives to all of us to come
together and praise Him - to give thanks - and to bring our concerns and
needs to God.
The part
where we get tripped up on - which
causes our hearts to seize up - is James’ instruction,
“confess your sins to one
another.” Intellectually we know this. If we don’t confess our sins
we can’t pray for each other. If
we don’t open up to each other healing that
we need - physical - emotional - spiritual - healing
won’t take place. But, we
accommodate sin - acquiesce to unholy
behavior - put up what is self-destructive and harmful
to the body -
because we cannot get ourselves to the point of
honesty required by
those six little words: “Confess
your sins to one
another.” Are we together on this?
James must
have understood that. Must
have been the same in his day. Because
goes on with an example - verse 17:
Elijah was a man with a
nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it
would not rain, and
it did not rain on the earth for three years and six
months. Then he prayed
again, and the sky poured rain
and the earth produced its fruit.
After King
Solomon died the Kingdom of Israel
was divided and many evil kings ruled over Israel and
Judah. Probably the most
evil was Ahab and his wife
Jezebel. In fact, the
Bible says that Ahab
did more to anger God than any other of the kings of
Israel before him.
(1 Kings 16:33) Ahab and
worshipped Baal and led the people into tremendous
sin. It was an absolutely
evil time in the history of Israel.
Elijah was a prophet of God during those
As Elijah is
in prayer before God - God gives
him a message for King Ahab - a message of judgment. So Elijah goes to King Ahab
and says that
there isn’t going to be any rain - or even dew on the
ground - until I
there will be. Then
Elijah goes and hides from Ahab because - of course -
Ahab is not too
happy about this. For 3
plus years it doesn’t rain. There’s
famine - no rain - no crops - no food - dying cattle -
and lot of
hungry people.
Finally -
again while Elijah is praying - God
gives Elijah another message for Ahab - “Go show
yourself to
Ahab, and I will send rain.” (1
Kings 18:1)
There’s a
story about when Pope John Paul II
visited LA. He convinced
the driver of the
limousine to let him drive. The
Pope said, “I
always have to sit in the back. I’ve
been able to drive one of these limousines. And
to drive on the freeways here in LA would really be
exciting. Why don’t you
get in the back and I’ll drive
you around.”
So the Pope
is driving this limousine when he
gets pulled over by one of those helpful LAPD
motorcycle officers. Can
you imagine the officer walking up to the
side of the car. The
driver’s window
slides down. And here’s
the Pope. What do you do? He
gave him the ticket - for speeding - for driving
without a license -
and promised to go to confession.
Back at the
station some of the officers were
comparing all the important people they’d given
tickets to that day. This
is LA? Movie
stars. Famous singers. Till this one officer says,
“I don’t know who was in
the back seat. But he was
so important he
had the Pope as his chauffer.”
What does
James mean, Elijah was a man with a
nature like ours? How can
that be? This is God’s
man. Elijah
the prophet. Elijah prays
and things
happened. Kingdoms are
brought to their
knees. Drought happens. God used him powerfully. End
of comparison.
The point is
that when Elijah put on his toga
he put it on one sleeve at a time - just like us. Elijah
was created out of the dust of the earth - just like
us. Elijah struggled in
life - just like us. Elijah
had his failures while trying to live trusting God
- just like us. And hear
this: Elijah had a sin
nature - just like - us. And
yet God used Him - just as God desires to
use us. Maybe not as
visibly - but
certainly - and in prayer for each other - perhaps
with even greater
effectiveness than Elijah’s.
When James writes, “the
prayer of a
righteous man can accomplish much.” He’s not writing about a
standard of holiness
that we common
people can never
reach. It’s a reminder that
righteousness is
something that’s produced in us by God.
as with Elijah - our ability to have a relationship
with God - to live
rightly before Him - to be a part of this fellowship
is because of
God’s grace - not our merit.
That’s a
challenge for us. Share
that with the person next to you, “That’s a
challenge for
There’s no
room for pretense and pride and
self-focus in the kind of prayer James is writing
about. It’s the prayer of
people of like nature - being mutually
honest about their relationship with God. That
honesty - especially as it comes out in our prayer
together -
strengthens the bonds of fellowship.
us to go deeper together in Jesus.
us more able to stand together against Satan
essential. First: Integrity.
Second: Honesty. Third - ACCOUNTABILITY. Together,
Verse 19: My
brethren, if any among
you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let
him know that he
who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save
his soul from
death and will cover a multitude of sins.
A few years
ago I was on the Island of Kauai
- laying out on the beach - enjoying just being away
from everything. When I
noticed that there were hundreds of
little sand crabs all over the beach.
When the
water would go back out - they would
pop out of their holes and go running around looking
for food - each
one doing its best to avoid making any contact with
the other one. Then when
the next wave came back in they
would rush back into their holes and wait for the
water to go out again.
So often what we call fellowship can seem like that. Individuals
rushing around trying to get their needs met -
avoiding unnecessary
contact - trying to endure the circumstances of life -
waves crashing
over us.
Often - in
churches - when our comfort zone
gets challenged - maybe a building program - or the
music isn’t exactly
what we like - or there are ministries that need to be
made more
effective and that would require us actually getting
involved not just
offering sage advice from the sidelines - or the
pastor looses it and
starts preaching about sacrifice and following after
Jesus with all
that we are and all that God’s blessed us with -
stewardship gets
talked about in a way that’s going to rearrange our
priorities - way
too often people when our comfort zone gets challenged
we move on or at
least check out.
Would you
agree that that’s a reasonable
picture of the church in America today?
Think with
me. If
we’re all rushing around trying to avoid any real
contact with each
other - if we move from church to church to church when our comfort zone gets
challenged - how is God ever
suppose to use us to help each other to grow - to
change - to be
accountable to each other for the things He desires to
produce in us
and through us? It ain’t
gonna happen. If we’re
accountable only to ourselves we’ll
never grow up to be who He desires us to be.
Paul writes
- Galatians 6 - starting at verse
1: “Brethren,
even if anyone
is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual - not the more spiritually
mature - or you
who think you’re better than anyone else - but you -
the brethren -
each saved by grace and so - by God’s work - made
spiritually alive -
you - restore
such a one -
who’s struggling -
not with arrogance or condescension - but - in a
spirit of
gentleness; each one looking to yourself, to that you
too will not be
tempted -
realizing that at some
point you too may be the one in need of restoration -
Bear one another’s
burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ” - thereby live in obedience
to Jesus.
is a privilege. To have
people actually care enough about us - to even
know enough about us - to help us keep following Jesus
- living in His
truth. What a privilege
to help each other
through issues that have life changing implications
and eternal
That kind of
accountability strengthens the
bonds of fellowship. Enables
us to go
deeper in our fellowship. Makes
us more
able to stand together against Satan.
Say these
with me: “Integrity. Honesty.
Last point. How
can we - by faith - how can we be where God is going
to build these
three essentials into our fellowship here? One
Do you
remember the scene when Moses came
down off of Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments? For 40 days God’s people have been camped at the foot of
Mount Sinai
waiting for Moses to come down
off the mountain.
When Moses finally comes
down he’s holding God’s law - written
on tablets of
stone - by the very hand of the almighty God. And he’s got this shinning
thing going on on his face. This
glow that
declares the presence of God. Moses
been going one-on-one with God.
Remember how
this went? When
Moses finished speaking to the people he put a veil over his face. Whenever Moses spoke to the
people he would take off the
veil - and the people would see the face of Moses and
that the skin of
his face was shining with the glory of God. The
shining of his face would remind the people of Moses’
special position
before God. (Exodus
Paul writes,
in 2 Corinthians 3:13 - We’re not
to be “....like
Moses, who used
to put a veil over his face so that the sons of Israel
would not look
intently at the end of what was fading away.” When the glow faded Moses
kept the veil on. Moses -
who had a
nature like us -
kept the veil on - because he was afraid of
what the people would think of him. We all
wear veils -
coverings of who
we’d like people to think we are.
We live
afraid that people will see beneath our veils. We
fear exposure.
Paul writes - 2 Corinthians 3:16,17 “But
whenever a person
turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now
where the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of
the Lord is,
there is liberty” - freedom
from fear.
When we’re
most afraid of
exposure - of
people seeing us
as the sinners
we really are - its because we’ve taken our eyes off
of Jesus and put
them on to ourselves. The
more we focus on
Jesus the less concerned we are about what others see. The more we realize His
power in our lives - His
sufficiency. The greater
our freedom to
live with integrity - honesty - accountability. Whatever the circumstances. Whatever the needs. Whatever the challenges. God has given us each other. We’re moving together to where God is taking us. It’s a hang-on-to-the-edge-of-your-seat adventure with all kinds of awesome possibilities. The bottom line question is this - as we go there together - will we have faith in ourselves or will we have faith in God?
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible®, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. |