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JOHN 11:25,26

Pastor Stephen Muncherian
October 4, 2014

In John 11 there is account of the death and resurrection of Lazarus.  I’d like to have us walk through that account together - to get it fresh in our minds - and then come back to a question that Jesus asks.

In John 11 - Jesus is with His disciples - out beyond the Jordan River - preaching and baptizing.  We know how this goes.  Right?  While Jesus is out at the Jordan River - messengers arrive from the town of Bethany - which is about a days journey away - messengers arrive from Mary and Martha telling Jesus that Lazarus - their brother - someone that Jesus deeply cares about - Lazarus is sick.  He’s going to die kind of sick.

We know that Jesus - rather than rushing up to Bethany - hangs by the Jordan for 2 more days.  Then Jesus tells the disciples - verse 11 - He’s going to go
“wake up Lazarus.”  In verse 14 - to clarify - Jesus tells the disciples that asleep means “Lazarus is dead.”  In verse 15 - Jesus makes the point:  “The reason we’re going now - after Lazarus has died - is so that you may believe.”  What it means to believe is huge in this account.

Martha - who we know is a details orientated - type AAA personality - take charge no nonsense kinda gal - Martha meets Jesus on the way to Bethany.  Starting in verse 21 she lays into Jesus,
“If you’d have been here you could have healed him.”

Verse 23 - Jesus tells her,
“Lazarus will rise again.”

Verse 24 - Martha gives Jesus a learned it in the synagogue answer: 
“I know he’ll rise again on the last day.”  Meaning in the future.  But, today he’s still dead.  And He wouldn’t have been dead if you’d have been here.

Then in verses 25 and 26 - Jesus makes this astounding statement:  Jesus said to her,
“I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believe in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.”  And then the question:  “Do you believe this?”

Verse 27 - Martha’s answer: 
“Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.”  Which is a really good - doctrinally - theologically - right on answer.  “Yes I believe but my brother is still dead.”

Mary - the other sister - who’d sat at Jesus’ feet learning from Him - anointed Jesus’ feet - wiping His feet with her hair.  This is one incredibly - in love with Jesus - devoted follower.  In verse 32 Mary starts in on Jesus. 
“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Are we noticing a theme here?  “Jesus, you didn’t heal our brother the way we thought you should have healed him.”

In verse 33 we read that Jesus is deeply - greatly - troubled at the heart level by what He finds in Bethany.  Mary and Martha weeping.  The community weeping.  Grief.  Which we understand.  We need to mourn.  If God hadn’t given us the ability to grieve we’d pop.  Verse 35 - even Jesus weeps.

Verse 39 - Jesus tells them to
“Remove the stone” covering the tomb where Lazarus has been interred.

Martha - AAA - protests. 
“He’s been buried for 4 days.  He’ll stink.”  Which - if we think about it - is kind of a strange statement if Martha really does believe Jesus is the Christ.  Jesus - the resurrection and the life - would already have the smell part covered.

The stone gets moved.  Jesus commands Lazarus to come forth.  Which makes us wonder who were the first three to come out.  Lazarus - who was very much dead - comes forth - very much alive.

The focal point of all that comes in verses 41 and 42.  Before Jesus calls Lazarus from the tomb - Jesus prays to the Father - with everyone listening.  Jesus prays,
“Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.  I knew that You always hear Me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may believe that You sent Me.”

Emphasis belief.  Jesus is the One sent by God.  Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

“Do you believe?”
is a strange question.  But very relevant for us today. 

Martha and Mary had sent for Jesus - turned to Him - for help while their brother was dying.  They - and the disciples - many of those watching this take place - they’re devoted followers - friends - disciples.  Those who knew Jesus intimately.  They had the correct doctrine and theology and belief down pat. 

So, why ask the question?  Because its way too easy for them - for us - to struggle in our belief.

When we get hit with disease - cancer and heart problems and Alzheimer’s - and death.  When the wicked win.  When disaster happens.  When we’re getting hammered financially.  In the everyday crud of life that we all go through.  When its way too easy for us to stress - to get anxious - depressed - angry - frustrated - despairing - to think that we’re alone in what we’re feeling.  Like everything depends on what we do next.  Like they were - we also - we question God and His ways and His timing.

“If you’d have just been here”
is all about the when and how, and what we think God should be doing.

Jesus - lovingly - at the level of a weeping heart - brings the faith of those He loves back to Himself. 
“Do you believe?”  “What do you really believe about Me?”

Isn’t there way too often a disconnect between how we’re looking at what’s going on and what we’re expecting of God and what God is really up to?  Belief is about the commitment of our hearts - our lives - choosing to trust Jesus with all that we are simply because of Who He is - the Savior sent by God - the resurrection and the life.

Even right now.  To trust His grace and mercy and love.  To cling to Him.  To trust Him in the midst of what we feel even when we’re weeping and we don’t get what He’s doing.

The Bible describes where _____ is - Heaven - resurrected life with Jesus in the real time presence of God - forever.  Its a certainty.  A real place of no tears - no sorrow - no disease - no death - bodies that don’t wear out.  A place that this life - here on earth - as good as it may get - all this is only an image of the beyond our understanding - much to be desired - astounding reality of what Heaven is.

It’s a certain hope for the believer in Jesus Christ.  As believers - the next time we see _____ it’ll mean we’re there.  Based on how God has described that life to us - once we’re there I don’t think any of us will want to come back.

Times like these are hard.  Thank God for Jesus and the certain hope we have in Him.  Its a good question. 
“Do you believe?”



Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®  (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.