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THE REBIRTH OF LIFE JOHN 3:1-21 Series: For Life - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian August 24, 2014 |
This morning
we’re going on with our study of the first four
chapters of John’s Gospel - looking at the early days
of Jesus’ ministry.
Thinking through what we believe about Jesus
and why and bottom line:
What all that truth and history can mean for us
as we live our lives in the places where we do life. This morning we’re
coming to John 3:1-21 - which is the next event in the
sequence of the beginning part of Jesus’ ministry. What we’re
coming to is a conversation between Nicodemus - whom
were going to meet in a moment - a conversation
between Nicodemus and Jesus that focuses on the bottom
line question of:
How do I live a life that pleases God? How do I
live a life that that God approves of - that God
blesses - that’s going to get me into heaven? Let’s jump into
the conversation.
Would you read with me - John 3 - starting at
verse 1: Now there was a man of the Pharisees
named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man
came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we
know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one
can do these signs that you do unless God is with
him.” Jesus
answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one
is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus
said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter
a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Let’s pause
there and make sure we’re on the page - or screen - or
whatever you’re using - the same page together with
this conversation. Not long after
Jesus cleaned out the Temple - what we looked at last
Sunday in chapter 2 - maybe even that night a man
named Nicodemus comes to Jesus. First, John
tells us that Nicodemus was a what? A Pharisee. We know about
the Pharisees. Right? These were
the religious fanatics of Israel. Let’s be
careful. Sometimes
the Pharisees get looked down on. At the core of
what they were all about - they really were concerned
about doing what God required - approved of - that
pleased God. Think
major commitment - devotion - even reverence for God. And, they
had a passionate desire to see others live with that
level of commitment to obeying God. There were only
about 6,000 Pharisees in Israel. Each of them
had taken a vow in front of three witnesses that they
would devote their lives to pleasing God by living in
obedience to His Ten Commandments - giving their lives
to obeying God’s law. Which really
isn’t a bad thing.
Right? The struggle
they had was in how to apply God’s law to the
specifics of everyday life. Which led
them to the fanatical approach to religious
regulations and piety that they often get slammed for. Example - in
order to keep the law the Pharisees had come out with
the Mishnah - which is a very thick book that the Jews
still have today - a very thick book that’s very
detailed on how to keep the Ten Commandments to every
day life. The
section on keeping the Sabbath goes on for 24
chapters. John then tells
us that Nicodemus is also a what? “a ruler of the Jews.” Nicodemus was a
member of the Sanhedrin.
Which was the ruling council - made up mostly
of Pharisees - a ruling council of 70 men that - in
the first century - the Sanhedrin was Israel’s
congress and supreme court. They had
authority over the religious affairs of Israel. And in fact
had religious authority over any Jew any place in the
world. Which is
probably why Nicodemus showed up a night. He’s got a
reputation that would’ve probably been compromised if
he’d been seen with Jesus. We’re together
on who Nicodemus is?
He’s a member in good standing of this
tight-knit brotherhood - a political and religious
group that had earned the respect of their fellow
Jews. A
devoutly religious man.
A leader of God’s people. John tells us
that Nicodemus initiates this conversation by
beginning with what was culturally a very respectful
greeting. He
addresses Jesus as “Rabbi” - meaning “master.” Notice also
the word “we.” He’s
probably speaking for others - maybe a majority of the
Sanhedrin. “We
know that you’re a teacher.” Key word
being “teacher.” Point being that
Nicodemus - and probably a number of the Pharisees -
while they had huge issues with what Jesus was
teaching - in their hearts that knew that he really
was a man from God - a teacher. Nicodemus wasn’t
doing miracles. Other
members of the Sanhedrin weren’t doing miracles. But Jesus
was. Miracles
- signs. Signs
point at things.
What Jesus was doing was pointing to Him as
being, at the very least, a man of God - potentially
the Messiah. So Nicodemus
comes with respect - initiates this conversation -
looking to Jesus as someone who just might have
insight in how to keep the law - how to live in
obedience to God - to live the life that God approves
of. Let’s be clear. Where
Nicodemus is coming from - behind all that obedience
and respect - is the same basic religious philosophy
that messes people up today. Even us. We can way
too easily get tripped up by this. The belief
that all we really need in order to get right with God
- to live pleasing to God - all we need is good
teaching (a knowledge of what God expects) and then a
commitment on our part to work at that - to live
pleasing to God. Maybe that’s
something you’re struggling with. If so,
you’re not alone in your struggle. It is way
too easy to slip into thinking that. Say a prayer
and then live righteous.
What God expects of us is to live life as best
as we can trying hard to do what God commands and if
we can do that then we’ll be pleasing God and we’ll be
accepted by Him.
Verse 3. Notice how
Jesus bypasses the cultural pleasantries and cuts to
the heart of Nicodemus - what he’s really struggling
with. Verse
3: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one
is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” “Truly” in Greek
is the word “amen.” Which is where we get our English
word… “amen.” “amen”
in Greek transliterates a Hebrew word “amen” which has
the idea of affirming what’s true. When we say,
“Amen” at the end of prayer we’re agreeing with what’s
been prayed. In
a sense, “Right on!”
“We agree.”
“That’s true.” Jesus is
affirming that what He’s about to say is absolute
truth - God’s truth.
Jesus’ repetition “Amen, Amen” adds emphasis. Each time in
the conversation Jesus says “Truly, truly” He’s about
to introduce truth that we need to pay attention to. In a sense: “Nicodemus, you need to wake up and smell
the coffee. Don’t
miss this. This
is God’s absolute truth that is essential for your
life.” Jesus tells
Nicodemus: “You’re not going to see God’s kingdom
unless you’ve been born again.” Truth
number one: Rebirth is Essential to see God’s Kingdom.
Physical birth
is the result of a man and a women joining their
bodies together in the way God designed that to
happen. 9
months or so later for the baby there’s a process of
transition. Birth
is the way we pass from one world into another - from
one form of existence into another. Womb to
world. That
transition comes with the giving of equipment that is
totally necessary if we’re to exist in this world. We really
have very little to do with any of that except to
perhaps initiate the timing of the process of birth. The word “again”
in the original Greek is: “anothen.” It has the
idea of doing something a second time. And - by the
literal definition of the word - that “second time” is
such a radical new beginning that it comes from above
- meaning heaven. “To see” has the
idea of seeing and understanding something because
we’ve seen it first hand. In other
words we have to be born into the world to see the
world outside the womb. What Jesus is
getting at is that being born again into the Kingdom
of God is something so radically new to our lives that
it can only be accomplished from above. Are we together? Spiritual
birth is similar to physical birth in that it has to
be done on behalf of the child. Spiritual
birth is entirely the work of God. Transforming
us - equipping us - so that we’re able to enter into -
“see” first hand - this whole new world of God’s
kingdom is a God thing. To see God’s
heavenly kingdom requires being born into it. God’s way. By God’s
working. By
nothing that we could ever do on our own. Let’s be
careful. Jesus
is not saying that being “born again” means we get a
“do over” on our lives. Maybe you’ve
said this: “If I knew then what I know now.” Let’s be honest - if we knew then what we
know now and could go back and do it over again we’d
just make different mistakes. It really
doesn’t matter how many “do overs” we get we’re still
going to mess up.
Just trying harder a second time or a third or
fourth or twenty millionth time isn’t going to get us
there. Nicodemus is not
some theological light weight. This man is
a brilliant theologian - skilled in the art of debate
- trained to dissect ideas and philosophies and
religion according to the teaching of Scripture. He was a
devout student of God’s law committed to doing the
right thing. Nicodemus knew
the right thing to do.
But he and every other top of the pile
religious person in Israel - the most righteous of the
righteous - all came up short in doing what they knew
they needed to do.
And no matter how hard they defined it -
categorized it - analyzed it - and worked harder at
doing it - over and over again - they kept coming up
short. Which points out
a huge struggle that we all have. Most of the
time we know what the right thing to do is but we come
up short in doing it. The reason that’s
true of all of us - no exceptions - is because its not
what we know or don’t know or what we do or don’t do
that’s the bottom line problem we all struggle with. What we all
struggle with - our problem is - who we are. Can we hear
Jesus? “You’re wasting your time if you think
you can see the kingdom of God the way you are. By what
you’re doing. They
reason you’re coming up empty is because you must be
born again.” In verse 4
Nicodemus asks: “How does an old guy enter the
womb again?” It’s
reasonable to think that Nicodemus is focused on the
physical act of birth because spiritually Nicodemus is
focused on doing things to earn God’s approval. But, minus
the gynecology it’s a good question: “How do we get born again?”
Jesus’ “truly,
truly” truth number two:
Rebirth is a work of the Spirit. Being born of
water is all about repentance. A few weeks
earlier the religious leadership in Jerusalem had sent
a delegation from Jerusalem out to the Jordan River
where John the Baptist was.. baptizing. They’d sent
the delegation to find out what John was doing and by
who’s authority he was doing it. It was
probably Nicodemus and the Sanhedrin that had sent
that delegation. So the report
came back to Nicodemus and the Sanhedrin. John is
baptizing and calling the nation to repentance - to
admit our sin and to get right with God. John’s
baptism is symbolic of that repentance. We’re clear on
this? Baptism
without repentance is like taking a shower with a rain
coat on. Might
clean the outside but it has absolutely no effect on
what’s inside. Baptism
as a sign of repentance is an outside act that
demonstrates what’s already gone on inside.
Which is a
struggle. Because
- like Nicodemus - as rugged individualists who pride
ourselves in our own whit, wisdom, and working we
don’t like to admit need. That there’s
something fundamentally wrong with us. It is so
easy for us to cling to the idea that there’s
something good within us that God ought to accept. Or, if we
just do enough good it kind of balances things out and
the good Lord will let us into His heaven. But repentance
is essential. We
need to be honest.
Despite our best efforts we’re not fulfilling
God’s law. We’re
not measuring up.
We can’t measure up. The problem
is much deeper than that. We are
what’s wrong. We
desperately need the Savior. We need to
let go of clinging to ourselves and turn our lives
over to God. Baptism
- as the sign of repentance - acknowledges our
understanding of that and our turning of our lives
over to God. Being born of
the Spirit is what God does when we repent. We don’t want to
get buried in a lot of theology and doctrine. But, if we
can hang together for a bit there’s a reality here
that we need to understand if we’re going to grab on
to the truth Jesus is teaching. What’s on this chart
is a description of how Scripture describes us as
human beings. Each
of us having three parts: body - soul
- and spirit. Do
you see those up there.
The blue circles
represent our soul.
Essentially - our soul is who we are. Our soul is
made up of our mind, will, and emotions. We behave -
what we do or think - by the exercise of our will
under the influence of our mind and our emotions. Our spirit is
uniquely something that God has given us. No other
creature has a spirit.
Only man.
The spirit has the capacity to survive and be
held morally responsible after we die physically. The spirit
is at the core of who we are in our relationship with
God and at the core of who we are in how we live life.
(1) Looking at the
chart - the spirit is at the center of the soul. Which can be
a little bit misleading.
The spirit is not part of the soul. The spirit
drives the soul - our mind, will, and emotions. Meaning that if
the spirit is alive towards God then what drives our
mind, will, and emotions - and the physical acts of
our bodies - is going to be a spirit alive towards God
- meaning we’re living pleasing to God. Or, if our
spirit is dead towards God then what’s driving our
soul is going to be dead towards God - meaning not
pleasing to God. Are we kind of
together? When Adam sinned
he died - spiritually.
His body lived.
Physically he went on living - pulling weeds,
herding goats, and having kids. His soul
lived. He
kept making decisions and acting on those decisions. But, just as
God said, “If you eat that you’ll die” when Adam disobeyed God spiritually he
died towards God. Which is true of
each one of us. We’re
born physically.
We have a soul.
But at the spirit level we’re born dead towards
God. Which
is why our own best efforts at pleasing God come up
short. Because
at the core of who we are we’re spiritually dead. Meaning
unable to please God. Which - coming back
to Nicodemus and Jesus - which is why being born of
the spirit is essential - essential if we’re to live
pleasing God - to see God’s kingdom - to enter God’s
kingdom. What
Jesus is describing is the rebirth of our spirit - our
spirit being made alive again by God. From above. What we
could never do for ourselves by our own efforts no
matter how “do overs” we got. Are we still
together? Jesus
illustration about wind blowing where it wishes is all
about God the Holy Spirit at work within us. When we
repent - God the Holy Spirit - enters into us and does
the work of rebirthing our spirit - of transformation
- that enables our entry into God’s kingdom. God sovereignly
blowing through a repentant person powerfully -
sometimes painfully - but with progress and purpose -
rebirthing that person - transforming that person - so
that that spiritually reborn person is going to move
through life where God leads. Our bodies
and souls being blown - being directed - by God. Living lives
that please God. Which is hugely
exciting. When
God gets a hold of our lives things change. Having our
lives directed and empowered by the God of creation
its impossible to go on the way we were. Who can
predict where God will lead you? What
exciting purposes God has created you for? The amazing
things God will do in you and through you? We’re in for
a totally different adventure through life. Verse 9: Nicodemus said to Him, “How can these
things be?” Jesus
answered him, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet
you do not understand these things? Truly,
truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and
bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not
receive our testimony.
If I have told you earthly things and you do
not believe, how can you believe it I tell you
heavenly things?
No one has ascended into heaven except He who
descended from heaven, the Son of Man. And as Moses
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the
Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him
may have eternal life.” Jesus number
three truth: Rebirth comes through faith. There’s a
progression here that leads to Jesus’ point. First, Jesus
asks Nicodemus how it is that Nicodemus as the teacher
of Israel doesn’t “get it.” “The”
teacher meaning that Nicodemus is not just “a” teacher
but “the” teacher.
He’s on a pedestal. Respected by
his peers. Looked
up to by the people.
He’s a leader - politically - religiously. If anyone
should “get” the truth of what Jesus is talking about,
Nicodemus should “get it.” This is
Relationship With God 101. The first part
of Jesus’ progression which is leading to His point is
that Nicodemus should understand but he doesn’t. Second Jesus
says that Nicodemus doesn’t accept the testimony of
the witnesses - plural.
“We speak of what we know… We bear
witness to what we’ve seen.” Every Jew knew -
every student of Scripture knew - Nicodemus knew -
that the law of Moses required at least 2 witnesses to
agree together in order to confirm that the testimony
offered was valid.
There was no stronger evidence than the
corroborating testimony of two or more witnesses. (Numbers
35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15) Jesus sent His
disciples out in twos.
The testimony of two being more acceptable than
one. Jesus
said that when we confront a brother in Christ about a
sin - Jesus said, “If he won’t listen to you take along one
or two others so that the evidence can be
established.” Jesus was accused at His trial by more
than one witness.
They had to do that according to the law of
Moses - especially in a capital case. (Matthew
18:15-20; 26:60; Mark 6:7) The witnesses
before Nicodemus are plural. First - the
Scriptures witness to the truth of what Jesus is
saying. The
witness that Nicodemus - as the teacher of Israel
should have understood. Second - Jesus
Himself is giving testimony to the truth of what He’s
saying. Jesus
is testifying of what He knows. What He’s
seen. Jesus
being an eye witness of heaven. A testimony
corroborated in part by all the signs that are
pointing to Jesus as the Messiah. Then Jesus tells
him, “How are you going to believe what I tell
you about heavenly things - God things - being
spiritually reborn - what you can’t see - if you’re
not believing what are you are seeing.” “Nicodemus the evidence is as plain as
the nose on your face.
Its not what you know or what you don’t know
that’s your problem.
You’re choosing not to believe because the
problem is who you are.”
Good old Mark
Twain: “Its not what I don’t know about
the Bible that troubles me, its what I do know!” Belief means
repentance. Letting
go of our clever attempts to try and make God fit into
our little box of understanding. With all the
books and studies and sermons and resources we have
available to us why do we still end up doing
just enough of what we say pleases God and avoiding
harder truths like taking up our cross - dying to
ourselves. Why
is it so hard for us to let go of everything that we
cling to in life?
Heaven is the
realm of God. Descent
from heaven is all about incarnation. What all
that ascending and descending points to is that Jesus
has come down from heaven. God Himself
has taken on what it means to be human. (Deuteronomy
30:11-14 [compare with John 1:14]; Job 38:4-11;
Proverbs 30:4) The title “the
Son of Man” has its roots deep in the witness of
Scripture. Jesus
applying that title to Himself is about Jesus focusing
on His incarnation - His humanity - human frailty -
weakness - all of what it means to be human. Jesus -
being fully human suffers the pains of humanity -
especially as He endures the ordeal of the cross. More significantly -
“Son of Man” is the title that Daniel gave to the
messianic figure in one of his visions. “One like the son of man” to Whom God gives everlasting dominion over
all the earth - to eternally rule over all peoples. (Daniel
7:13,14) In Nicodemus’
day - and even today - its hard to process the
incarnation - Jesus being fully God and fully man -
that God would take on what it means to human - the
suffering of the Messiah. But this is
Jesus’ way of identifying Himself as the sole Messiah
of Scripture - Who in fact is God. Then a second
illustration from Scripture: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, In the days of
Moses - on one of many occasions when the people of
Israel were disobeying God and grumbling because God
wasn’t doing things the way they thought He should -
at a time when they were under condemnation for their
sin and God was punishing them - the people of Israel
were being bitten by hundreds of poisonous snakes and
a number of the people were dying. Nothing they
could do could save them. Finally the
people admitted their sin. Told Moses
to pray for them.
God told Moses to take a pole and put a brass
snake on it and put it up where the people could see
it. The
snake in and of itself was just a brass snake. But God
said, when someone was bit by a poisonous snake - if
that person would look at the brass snake - meaning by
faith take God at His word - then God would heal them. Which they
did and God did.
(Numbers 21:4-9) Jesus is saying,
“That all applies to me.” Jesus - descended from heaven - Jesus
fully God - fully human - in His humanity lifted up to
die. When
that happens, if you’ll look at Me and believe that
I’m dying for you - lifted up for you in your place -
then God will give you life - eternal life. You can’t do it
for yourself. You
can’t even understand it because it’s a heaven thing
that I’m testifying of.
But, God can do it. You need to
believe in Me - in Who I am. Rebirth
comes through faith.
Hebrews 11:6
says that “...without faith it is impossible to
please God.” The reason
that’s true of all of us - no exceptions - is because
its not what we know or don’t know or what we do or
don’t do that’s the bottom line problem we all
struggle with. What
we all struggle with - our problem is - who we are. Hang on to
something. When we repent -
meaning when we agree with God that we are sinners in
rebellion against Him - fatally bitten by sin -
spiritually dead towards Him at the core of who we are
- and totally without hope. When we finally
give up and turn our back on our efforts at pleasing
God - because its not what we do that’s the problem. When we’re
willing to throw ourselves on God’s grace and mercy -
not because we understand it all or every could - not
because we’re clever enough - because its not what we
know that’s the problem. When we’re
willing to look to Jesus as our only Savior - crying
out to God to save us - then God the Holy Spirit will
enter into us - spiritually transforming us - giving
us new birth - spiritual life as only He can give it. Are we together?
“For God so loved the world, that He gave
His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have eternal life. For God did
not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
but in order that the world might be saved through
Him. Whoever
believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not
believe is condemned already, because he has not
believed in the name of the only Son of God. And this is
the judgment: the
light has come into the world, and people loved the
darkness rather than the light because their works
were evil. For
everyone who does wicked things hates the light and
does not come to the light, lest his works should be
exposed. But
whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that
it may be clearly seen that his works have been
carried out in God.” That’s pretty to
the point. Isn’t
it? There are two
trajectories through life. Every one of
us is on one or the other of those trajectories. Either we’re
living in darkness or we’re living in light. Living not
pleasing to God or living pleasing to God. Living
condemned or not condemned. Either we’re
perishing - meaning eternal punishment - or we’re
headed for eternal life - which is infinitely better. Spiritually -
we’re all born spiritually dead - living in darkness -
not pleasing God - condemned. Judgment is
coming and we’re all toast. Pretty
The promise of
God is that all those who believe - that’s faith not
what we do or know - but repentance and trust - all
those who believe God gives new birth to - saving us -
bringing us into His kingdom now and forever. Maybe you’re
longing to live life pleasing to God. But you’ve
never been born again.
Maybe you’re living seeking after God but
you’re hungry - empty inside - sensing the futility of
your own efforts.
Maybe you’re looking at your life and seeing
only bondage to the past or the failures of today. Being freed
of all that is by faith in the God who really does
love you. _________________________ 1. Definitions adapted from “The Mystery of Godliness” by Major Ian Thomas, Zondervan, 1964
Reference for this series: Charles R.
Swindoll, “Insights On John: Swindoll’s
New Testament Insights,” Zondervan,
2010 Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |