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THE OFFER JOHN 3:16 Pastor Stephen Muncherian April 4, 2010 |
many of you remember Joe
Isuzu? Pathological liar. Expert Isuzu salesman. There
is a reason for this. Watch
this. (Isuzu commercial) Think
about what it means to be
given an offer that we couldn’t possibly refuse. (Godfather
"Join the family") On
your sermon notes you’ll find
the words to John 3:16 - or they’re up here on the
overhead. I invite to
read John 3:16 together with me.
What we want to focus on is God’s irresistible
offer given to us in Jesus Christ.
astounding offer of life with Him that is the focus on
John 3:16. Let’s
read together: “For God so loved the
world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him
shall not
perish, but have
eternal life” (John 3:16) “For God so
loved the world.” Let’s say that
“For God so loved the world.” - us. The
truth of that statement is
so simple and yet it boggles the mind.
Its so
easy to say and so hard to wrap our minds
and hearts around. God loves us. Maybe
God’s love is hard to
understand because so many of us struggle with seeing
ourselves as
lovable. Why should God
love me? I can’t even
love myself. Maybe we
hear about God’s kind of love. But
in life we’ve been shown quite the opposite. And
yet the truth remains. God
loves us. Each of us, no
matter what we may think of ourselves.
No matter what others may think of us. No matter what our sins or our attitude
towards God. Whether
we accept the truth of His love or not - He does love
you. You can put
your own name there - each of us is a part of that
world that God loves. That
Jesus came for. For God so
loved - Steve - or Bill
or Daniel or Kathy or Shiela. God
loves -
put your name there. Go
ahead. Say it. Out loud.
“God loves
______.” What
does it mean that God loves us?
One definition of love
that I’ve heard Steve the younger share is that “Love takes
the initiative to act sacrificially to meet a need.” God
loves. God initiates.
Let’s say that together, “God
initiates.” The initiative
to love comes
from within God. Anyone
know who this is? This is
Hillis. Dick
Hillis was a missionary to China.
He founded what is now OC International which
has about
500 missionaries in about 65 countries.
Hillis died in 2005 just up 99 in Ripon.
Hillis - in his book, “Love is a Costly Thing” Dick writes about
a mother lying on the ground. In
her arms this mother held a tiny baby girl. Dick
writes, “As I put a cooked sweet
potato into her outstretched hand, I wondered if she
would live until
morning. Her strength was
almost gone, but
her tired eyes acknowledged my gift.
sweet potato could help so little.
But, it
was all I had. “Taking a bite she chewed
it carefully. Then,
placing her mouth over
her baby’s mouth, she forced the soft warm food into
the tiny throat. Although
the mother was starving, she used the
entire potato to keep her baby alive. “Exhausted from her
effort, she dropped her head on the ground and closed
her eyes. In a few
minutes the baby was asleep. I
later learned that during the night the
mother’s heart stopped, but her little girl lived.” One
definition of love that I’ve
heard Steve the younger share is that “Love takes
the initiative to act sacrificially to meet a need.” Sometimes
we see examples of
God’s kind of love lived out in the lives of others -
like in that
mother. Love that’s
sacrificial - that
gives outrageously - love that’s committed beyond
reason - love that
simply goes beyond what we can wrap our minds around. God’s
love is undeserved. Its
unearnable. God
doesn’t need to love us. Love
with God because God is love. He
chooses to love us. In
John 3:16
- Jesus goes on: “For God so loved the
world, that He gave His only begotten Son...”
We have three sons. And
I love each one of them very much.
I can’t begin to imagine
sacrificing any one of them for a for
a friend - especially
not an enemy. They
appreciate hearing that. How many of
us would give our son to die? Especially our
only son? Remember
Abraham? There was no higher proof of
Abraham’s love
for God than when he gave God his son - his only son -
Isaac whom he
loved. A
while back I read
a family that was reduced to absolute
starvation - and the
only possibility of preserving life was to sell one of
their children
into slavery. The hunger
was unbearable -
and the children’s
pleading for
bread was tearing
their parent’s hearts apart. So
they considered it. Imagine
the desperation. Sell
a child into slavery. But which
child? They
had four sons. Not the
first-born - the heir and future patriarch. And
the second
was too much like the father. The
was like the mother. And
their youngest -
the baby - how could they part with him?
concluded that it was better for all of them to die
together than to
part with one of their children.
Can you feel the struggle of that family. (1) There is an
old story about Knute Rockne - former football coach
of Notre
Dame. Rockne
a play where both guards and the center pull to go
block for the
ball-carrier. Which left a huge hole in the
center of the offensive line. It
was the
quarterback’s job to block all the big linemen who
poured through that
hole. In other words, the play was suicide for the
quarterback. One
day Rockne was
explaining the play to a fellow
coach when the coach stopped Rockne’s explanation to
ask how effective
the play had been. Rockne
admitted that he
didn’t know. He said that
his quarterback
had never been stupid enough to call that play. Its beyond
our comprehension that the God of
billions of galaxies would humble Himself to become
one of us and to
take upon Himself our weakness and our shame. But,
God is God. And, that is
exactly what He
did. God
does that for us. Romans
5:8: “God
demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we
were yet sinners - that’s desperate need - sin is
self-destructive - sin is spiritual suicide - sin
separates us from God. There
we were totally separated from God
without any hope of anything different - while we were
living in sin - God
demonstrates His own love towards us - sacrificial -
unimaginable - in that
Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Let’s
take that thought - God
giving His Son one step further.
- for 3 years - has been
purposefully moving around the countryside from Judah
in the south up
into southern Lebanon - traveling from the coast of
the Mediterranean -
around the Sea of Galilee - to east of the Jordan. He’s taught multitudes on
dusty roads - by the shores of
the sea - in humble homes - and in the grandeur of the
Temple. During
that time of ministry -
reaching out to the multitudes living in God’s
promised land - during
that ministry He’s triumphed over demons and the
forces of darkness -
proving that He’s greater than Satan and his minions. He’s proven His authority
over the forces of nature -
calming the wind and the sea. He’s
the sick - the lame - the blind - proving His
authority over disease
and the infirmities of this world.
He has
raised the dead. He’s
bested the greatest
theological minds of His day - of any day for that
matter. Jesus has
forgiven sins - claiming to be God incarnate -
the Messiah. And God the
Father Himself
has more than once attested to the truth of Jesus’
claim. Jesus
has brought the reality of
God’s kingdom into the lives of God’s people in a way
never before
understood - the realization of what God has promised
His people. Grab
that: Jesus
is the incarnate fulfillment of Biblical prophecy - of
all that God has
promised His people. That
Jesus was crucified is one
of the undeniable facts of history.
people may choose to deny His crucifixion. They
man choose to deny His death. But,
the scrutiny of the historical record we know without
a doubt that
Jesus was crucified - put to death in exactly the
manner God foretold -
according to God’s plan - in God’s timing - and for
God’s purposes. God gave His
Son to exile among men - to be
born in a manger - to work in a carpenter’s shop - to
be among scribes
and Pharisees - and their cruel tongues and slander. He gave His Son to hunger
and thirst - amid poverty and
desire. He gave Him to be
scourged and
crowned with thorns. He
gave Him to die on
a cross - crucified. And on the cross
- Jesus cries out “Eloi, Eloi, lama
(Mark 15:34) “My God, My God, why hast
Thou forsaken Me?”
- God hides
His face from Him. God
gave Him to be made
a curse for us - gave Him that He might die - Peter writes, “the just
for the unjust,
to bring us to God” (1 Peter
3:18). How many of
us would give up our first born
and only son for this? What
was there in
the world that God should love it?
so much to warrant His displeasure - wrath
- condemnation. Are any
of us worthy of
this love? During
that Passover week - on
the Friday before the Sabbath - the crucified Jesus -
very much
physically dead - was taken by Joseph of Arimathea - a
member of the
Jewish Council - the Sanhedrin - and Nicodemus - a
very wealthy
Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin.
two men were given permission by Pilate - Pilate who
had confirmed that
Jesus was indeed dead - under Pilate’s watchful eye
these two men took
Jesus’ body to Joseph’s own tomb - hastily wrapped it
- prepared it -
laid it in the tomb for decomposition.
rolled a large stone in front of the entrance. We know that the Romans
the Jews took
tremendous security precautions to protect against potential fraud and
lies by the
disciples of Jesus. Ordered
by Pilate to use the maximum measures
possible - a detachment of soldiers - who’s very lives
were forfeit if
they failed to keep the tomb secure - a detachment of
soldiers is
placed at the tomb. An
imperial Roman seal
is affixed to the stone - warning of death to any
unauthorized person
one who would break that seal. Jesus’
took every possible precaution to make sure that Jesus
stayed dead and in
the tomb. Apparently
He didn’t. Early
in the morning of the
first day of the week the women arrive at the tomb. They’ve come with spices and
perfumes - ready to complete
the preparation of Jesus’ body for burial. When
they arrive they find the stone rolled away from the
tomb and the body
of Jesus missing. Two
angels are there to state
the obvious. “He’s not
here. He has risen. Why
do you seek the living One among the dead? Don’t
you remember what He said to you in Galilee about His
crucifixion and
resurrection?” The Bible tells
us that at that
point the women understood - believed for themselves -
the reality of
what Jesus had been trying to tell them. A
series of events unfold. Jesus
walking with disciples on the road to
Emmaus - a village about 7 miles outside of Jerusalem
- revealing
Himself to them. Jesus
coming to the
disciples where they’re hiding - cowering - mourning -
hopeless. Showing them
that He’s alive. Thomas
having his doubts removed. Encounters
the living God. We
know that hundreds if not
thousands witnessed the resurrected Jesus. The
lives of the disciples were changed forever. Closer
to home - the reality of so many in this room - myself
included - who
will testify that we personally know Jesus Christ who
is very much
alive today. (Matthew 27:57-28:15; Mark 15:42-16:18;
Luke 24:1-49; John
20:1-21:25; Acts 2:14-47) I read a
story of a young man who had
quarreled with his father and left home.
continued to keep in touch with his mother, and wanted
very badly to
come home. But, he was
afraid his father
allow him to come home. His
wrote to him and urged him to come home.
he didn’t
feel he could until he knew that his father
had forgiven him. Finally,
there was no time for any more
letters. His mother wrote
and said she
would talk with the father. If
he had
forgiven him, she would tie a white rag on the tree
which grew beside
the railroad tracks near their home, which he could
see before the
train reached the station. If
there was no
rag, it would be better if he went didn’t come home. So the young
man started home. As the
train drew near his home - he was so nervous he
said to his friend - who was traveling with him, “I can’t
bear to look. You look
and tell me whether there is a rag on
it or not.” So his
friend looked out the window. After
a while the friend said, “Yes, I
see the tree.” The son asked, “Is there
a white rag
tied to it?” For a moment the friend
didn’t say anything. Then
he turned, and in a very gentle voice said, “There is
a white rag
tied to every limb of that tree!” (2) In Jesus,
God has removed all the
condemnation and made it possible for us to come
freely home to him. Why
and how - we
really don’t
understand. His
love is too deep - too pure - too
holy. But He has. In God’s
eternal purpose - Jesus was given
before the foundation of the world.
God gave His Son. Gave
purposefully as an act of His will - His
initiative - the process of which - the very intent of
which - the
demonstration of His love towards us as sinners - all
of which was laid
out before God even called creation into being. God
so loves each of us that He gave His only Son to die
for you. Which
brings us to the next part
of what Jesus says in verse 16: “For God so loved the
world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him...” For
God so loves. God
initiates. God gave. God acts.
Third - “Whoever believes” - God offers.
Let’s say that together, “God offers.” What
is it that God offers to each one of us? We
like noise. Appliances
that beep at us. When
we turn the computer on what happens?
a little light that comes on and a comforting hum to
let us know it
started. Wouldn’t you get
nervous if you
didn’t see that light and hear the hum? Cell
phones have all these ring
tone apps. Someone had
one the other day
that was the sound of a duck. That
us up. If
things don’t make noise or
have lights - or vibrate or hum or explode - we wonder
if they’re
working properly. Is the
power on? Is something
broken? God
demonstrates the reality of
Jesus’ resurrection through the empty tomb - through
the rolled away
stone - through the facts of the resurrection. Jesus
demonstrated it to His disciples with each encounter. We need those images. We
relate to them. They
connect with our
lives. But
as Jesus moves from
encounter to encounter - its not about establishing
evidence for what
is an incontrovertible fact of history - its about
application. Bringing the
reality of His resurrection into
the lives of His disciples. The
resurrection isn’t about
crosses and tombs and flowers oh my.
resurrection is about the saving work of the living
Jesus touching us
at the deepest need of our lives.
resurrection is about the forgiveness of sin - being
set free -
acquitted - from the penalty for our individual sin. Salvation from the wrath of
the Holy God which must be
poured out on the unholy. The
resurrection - minus all the
bells and whistles - is about our need
believe that Jesus - the Savior - is alive. That
what God’s offers us in Jesus - through the crucified
broken body and
shed blood of Jesus - God’s Son - God’s offer of
salvation - is real. An
offer that has been placed on the table
before each one of us. The
question before
each one of us is whether we will accept God’s offer -
to turn from our
sin and trust God with our lives.
God loves. God initiates. God gave.
God acts. Whoever
believes in Jesus. God
offers. Fourth - “shall not perish, but have
eternal life” God Promises.
Let’s say that together. “God
promises.” This
world is going to come to
an end. There is Gary
Larson’s version of
that. “Ooooooooooooo.” (Cartoon) If
you have a Bible please turn
with to Revelation 20 - starting at verse 10: Every
one of us is on one of two trajectories. Trajectory
number one is summed
up in Jesus’ word “perish.” The
word means
to be utterly destroyed. In
the way this
is stated in the Greek it has the idea of a
destruction that begins and
just continues on and on and on without end. Revelation
20 - starting at
verse 10. Look with me at
what’s coming -
at the end. Verse 10: And the devil - our enemy - who deceived
them was thrown into the lake of fire - a lake not
made of water -
but fire - eternal fire - and
brimstone -
sulfuric gas - acrid steam - foul odor - a place of
eternal burning -
choking - where the beast and
the false prophet are also; and they
will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
without relief. That’s
where Satan ends up. Verse
11: Then I saw a
great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose
presence earth
and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the
great and the small, standing
before the throne, and books were opened; and another
book was opened,
which is the book of life; and the dead were judged
from the things
which were written in the books, according to their
deeds,. And the sea gave
up the dead which were in it,
and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in
them; and they were
judged, every one of them according to their deeds Point
being that there really is
judgment coming. Judgment
with real
consequences. Judgment
where punishment is
given to sinners like us - condemned
of their sin. Verse
14: Then death
and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire - same place
where Satan ends up. And if
anyone’s name was not found written in the book of
life, he was thrown
into the lake of fire. No
one escapes what’s coming. The
end coming to the ungodly - who appear
before God’s throne without His forgiveness - those
who die without
trusting Jesus as their Savior - who appear the end is
a lake not made
of water - but fire - eternal fire and brimstone -
sulfuric gas - acrid
steam - foul odor - a place of eternal burning and
choking - unending
weeping - sorrow - gnashing of teeth - forever
separation from God. Nasty
place. Very
real. All
that is what is summed up in
Jesus’ word “perish” - the end point of trajectory
number one. Revelation
21 - starting at
verse 1 - the Apostle John writes, “I saw a new
heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the
first earth passed
away” John’s
description here is of what Jesus describes with
His words “eternal life.” Trajectory
two - life with God without end. John
writes that in that new
heaven and new earth we’re going to live where God
lives. That’s better than
any place on this earth. More
beautiful - more awesome - a place of great joy -
peace. There’s
a river that runs
through that dwelling - the river of life - refreshing
- renewing water
- the purist crystal clear water - coming right from
the throne of God. We’ll
be able to see God - right there on His
throne and drink from that river.
presence - God’s glory - will shine so there’s no
night - no darkness -
no sin. All
the crud of this world will
have been wiped away. The
baggage of sin
that pulls us down each of our lives - that entangles
us - that works
against us - sin will be no more.
relationships will be free of the struggles we have
now. There’ll
be no more death. When we
get to heaven we’re going to get new
bodies. Bodies that
aren’t subject to
disease - that don’t wear out and break down. God
Himself will wipe away our
tears. Wipe them away for
good. No more mourning -
no crying - no pain - all
the physical stuff that drags us down - all the those
things will have
died with this world. Whatever
Hell is - Heaven is the
opposite. A much better
place. Are
you looking forward to being
there? Amen? God
has us here today for a purpose.
But, I
have to confess - more and more each day I’m looking
forward to being
there. God’s
promise is that whoever
will respond to His love given to us in Jesus Christ -
God’s offer of
salvation laid out for us - whoever will respond to
that offer with
belief - turning from their sin and trusting Jesus as
their Savior -
God promises - that we will not perish - but we will
have eternal life
- now and into eternity with God. That
offer is on the table. An
offer it seems impossible to refuse.
Sadly many do. Maybe we can’t fully understand what it means that
God loves us. His love is
beyond our experience. And
yet, we need to accept His love - and
trust Him - to believe in His Son Jesus as our
personal savior. What
trajectory are you on? Have
you made the choice to take God at His
word? To accept His
offer? To trust in His
love? To
receive what He’s chosen to give you?
in His Son Jesus? What
choice have you
made? _________________________ 1. C.H. Spurgeon, Immeasurable Love, 07.26.1885 2. Ray Stedman, John 3:16-36, “The Best Possible News” |