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SEEKING GOD John 3:1-16 Pastor Stephen Muncherian August 11, 2019 |
As we have the
opportunity to come together before God and His word,
if you are able, would you please stand and read with
me John 3:16. Which
is the bottom line of where we’re going this morning. “For God so loved the world, that He gave
His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have eternal life. (cartoon)
“Why are you driving so slow?! Have you no
stress in your life?!!”
Ever feel like that? Ask anyone
that’s ridden with me.
That’s me driving. Does it not seem like
most people these days are simply just trying to do
life - just hanging in and hanging on? And that
what’s going on around us - locally and globally - all
that can be just a tad deeply concerning if not plain
down right frightening?
And sometimes, just what’s going inside of us
can be deeply concerning enough? Just saying. And… in the midst of
that, every one of us has some expectation of God. Just ask people in
Merced, what or Who God is or if there even is a God
and what that means to them - and there are almost as
many answers to those questions as there are people
out there. One way or another -
even for those who deny that there is a God - which is
its own expectation - one way or another people frame
their understandings and expectations of God - based
on what they see as what they need God to do for them
or see God able to do for them - as we all are hanging
in and hanging on. Which is
understandable. But
limits what God actually does desire to do in our
lives - limits that to Who we say God is and what we
say God does. John 3:16 is part of
a conversation that takes place between Jesus and a
man named Nicodemus.
Nicodemus, who comes to Jesus with a problem. Religiously
speaking, he’s trying to fit a square peg into a round
hole - and that’s not going very well for him. Sometimes we think
we’ve got life pretty much figured out - maybe even
God - and then stuff happens and messes with how we’re
thinking about things?
That’s pretty much life. Isn’t it? That’s where
Nicodemus is coming from. How he’s
been thinking about life and God doesn’t fit to what
he’s experiencing with Jesus and he’s trying to
process how to deal with all that. The give and take of
that conversation - Nicodemus and Jesus - is what
leads to verse 16.
Conversation that’s helpful for us to process
for ourselves. Backing up - that
conversation begins in verse 1: Now there was a man of the
Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. Nicodemus is a
Pharisee. Which
tells us that Nicodemus - like the other Pharisees -
he was deeply committed to doing what God required -
living rightly before God. And he was
passionate about seeing others live with that same
level of commitment to God. Which is
probably true of many of us here this morning. And Nicodemus is a
“ruler of the Jews.”
Which meant that Nicodemus was a member of the
Sanhedrin. Which
was like a combination of our congress and supreme
court - and which had authority over the religious
affairs of Israel.
They were the gatekeepers of things religious
in Israel. So Nicodemus is a
gatekeeper who is sincere in seeking after God. Verse 2: This man came to Jesus by night and
said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher
come from God, for no one can do these signs that you
do unless God is with him.” Why did Nicodemus
comes at night? We
don’t know. Possibly because he
had a reputation to maintain in the community and
being seen talking with Jesus might have messed with
that. But he did come. “By night”
means this is private.
Nicodemus is seeking after Jesus - not to trap
Him or to argue with Him - but because Nicodemus is
legit seeking answers to what he’s trying to process
about life and God. Nicodemus addresses
Jesus by the title of Rabbi. Which is
respectful. And
also introduces us to what Nicodemus is struggling
Which Jesus didn’t
have. “We” - verse 2 - “we”
the Pharisees and Sanhedrin - Nicodemus - we’ve been
watching you teach.
And while we may have issues with what you’re
teaching, and where you come from educationally, no
one can deny the signs you’re doing - the miracles and
healings and exorcisms Signs point at
things. What Jesus was doing
was like a glaring neon sign - pointing to Jesus as
being, at the very least, a man of God - a rabbi -
approved by God - and just possibly the Messiah
Himself. Which was the square
peg that Nicodemus was trying to put into the round
hole. The
question that Nicodemus doesn’t ask a question. But it’s
there between the title of “rabbi” and the signs. How can Jesus have
God’s approval without having our approval? We are the living
right with God - God appointed - gatekeepers of all
things religious in Israel. We represent
God to the people.
We’ve got a lock on how God does what God does
and what it means to live rightly before God. And Jesus is
coming from outside our box and yet God approves of
Him. Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly - meaning this is the absolute God’s
truth you can build your life on - I say to you, unless one is born
again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Today, being “born
again” is a description that gets used and abused and
over used. But,
imagine Nicodemus hearing the description for the
first time. Understandably
he asks “How?” “Say what?” The word “again” in
the original Greek has the idea of doing something…
“again.” Born again - in order
“to see” - literally to understand something by
experiencing it because we’re seeing it first hand
with our own eyes.
Born again to see first hand - to experience
for ourselves - life in the kingdom of God. Verse 5: Jesus [glad you asked] Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to
you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he
cannot enter the kingdom of God. Meaning: That which is born of the flesh is
flesh [physical] and that which is born of the
Spirit is spirit [spiritual]. They’re the same but
different. We need to get born
physically in order to know what life is like outside
the womb. Same
thing spiritually.
We have to be born spiritually in order for
us to see the kingdom of God - to live in relationship
with God in His kingdom. Verse 7: Do not marvel that I said to you,
‘You must be born again.’ The wind
blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you
do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is
with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Trying to fit God
into a box of our understanding and expecting God to
do things the way we expect God to do things is like
trying to control the wind. We can see
what it does. But
the wind will do what the wind wills to do. God does what God
wills to do according to whatever and however God
wills to do it because of Who God is. Question “How?” Answer: Spiritual
rebirth isn’t a people thing. Spiritual
rebirth is a God thing.
God who alone is able to give us the spiritual
life we must have to enter into - to experience - to
“see” first hand - His kingdom - life with God now and
forever. That’s not something
we can control or even totally understand. It’s outside
the box of what we can process. It is
something we need to trust God for. God who
says, “Trust Me.” When we repent of our
sins and by faith turn our lives over to God -
trusting in Jesus’ completed work on the cross on our
behalf - God the Holy Spirit - enters into us and does
the work of rebirthing our spirit - of spiritual
transformation - that enables our entry into God’s
kingdom. Jesus cuts to the
bottom line of our struggle. Life with
God - what makes the peg fit - is not trying to fit
the peg into the round hole of life with God. What makes
the peg fit is God reshaping the peg. Which is a God thing. Not a people
thing. It’s
not about us. It’s
about God who - by the work of the Holy Spirit - make
us to fit - spiritually transforms us - into a
relationship with Him. Verse 9: Nicodemus said to Him, “How can
these things be?”
Jesus answered him, “Are you the teacher
of Israel and yet you do not understand these things? Which sounds harsh. But it’s
blunt honesty that Nicodemus needs to hear. Verse 11: Truly, truly, I say to you, we
speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we
have seen, but you do not receive our testimony. If I have
told you earthly things and you do not believe, how
can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has
ascended into heaven except He who descended from
heaven, the Son of Man.
With everything that you’ve studied and know and teach about God. With everything that you do for God. With all that you’ve ordered and processed your life with - how is it that you’re not getting this? What about God’s word
- what about the writing of God’s prophets that God
used to explain what the signs point to - what about
God’s word do you not understand? What about
what the signs are connecting together with God’s
prophetic word - what about what the signs are
pointing at do you not understand? What holds
you back from receiving the testimony of what’s
already been testified?
You need to stop looking at yourself for the
answer and trust God for His." The title “the Son of
Man” has its roots deep in the witness of Scripture. Jesus applying that
title to Himself is about Jesus identifying Himself as
the Messiah of Scripture - Who in fact is the God -
descended from heaven.
And yet Jesus - being fully human who suffers
the pains of our humanity - especially as He endures
the ordeal of the cross. “Nicodemus.
The witnesses [plural] everything you’ve studied in
Scripture and the signs that you’ve seen Me do - that
all testifies of Me - that I am God - the Messiah. What I’m
teaching you is what it really - truly - means to be
spiritually reborn by God to what it means to live
life with God.” Then - verse 14 -
Jesus gives an illustration that goes to the heart of
why Nicodemus - why all of us struggle with our own
square pegs - a hugely sobering illustration - that
points at the core of where all of us struggle with
God. Verse 14: And as Moses lifted up the serpent
in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted
up, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal
life.” In the days of Moses
- out in the wilderness - on one of many occasions
when the people of Israel were disobeying God and
grumbling because God wasn’t doing things the way they
thought God should.
At a time when God was punishing them for their
sin - trying to wake them up and bring them back to
Him. At
that time the people of Israel were being bitten by
hundreds of poisonous snakes and a number of the
people were dying.
Nothing they could do - by their own efforts - nothing
could save them. Finally the people
admitted their sin against God and they told Moses to
pray for them. Which
Moses did. And
God told Moses to take a pole and put a brass snake on
it and put it up where the people could see it. God said that when
someone was bitten by a poisonous snake - if that
person would look at the brass snake - the sign of
God’s deliverance - and choose to by faith take God at
His word trusting God for their salvation - then God
would heal them.
Which as they did, God did. (Numbers
21:4-9) Which, when we think
about it sounds like some kind of primitive
superstitious tribal witch doctor thing. A brass
snake on a pole in the desert? Way beneath
our sophisticated understanding of religion and God. Except it
was God who told them to do it. Let’s be clear - the
snake in and of itself was just a brass snake. But it was
God who chose to respond to the faith of the people -
turning from their expectations of God and their
efforts at trying to save themselves and simply
trusting God. Which is an
illustration that Jesus applies to Himself. Jesus being
lifted up on our behalf to be our Savior. When we
agree with God of our sin and we choose to turn from
it - repent - and by faith trust God alone for our
salvation that He offers us in Jesus - that God will
and does save us.
God rebirthing us spiritually to eternal life
with Him. Which is a God thing
not a people thing.
What God does because He’s God and we need to
trust Him that He does. We’re together? Mostly? Here’s the sobering
part of Jesus’ illustration that touches us. What
Nicodemus as a teacher of Israel would have caught. Fast forward about
730 years from Moses and Hezekiah is king of Judah. In the years between
Moses and Hezekiah - God’s people had preserved the
brass snake as a religious relic that reminded them of
God’s deliverance. Of God powerfully responding and
coming through for His people. So, at
first, when they saw the brass snake on the pole they
thought of God and they worshiped and praised God. It helped
them to deepen their faith in God. But gradually - by
the time of Hezekiah - it had become a religious
symbol like the religious symbols of the pagan
religions around them.
The bronze snake on a pole had become itself the object of their worship. Not God. It had
become a part of their religious efforts at being
right with God. So much so, that
Hezekiah - when he was purifying the nation of it’s
pagan religions and their symbols - Hezekiah, with
contempt, had called this brass snake “Nehushtan” - “a
thing of brass”.
A sign pointing away from God not towards God. (2 Kings
18:4) Nicodemus would have
caught that in Jesus’ illustration. The religious leaders
of Israel with all that they had studied in Scripture
and all that they knew about God and the symbols of
living rightly with God - the Temple and the feasts -
who were so committed to obeying God that they’d made
all of that about them and not God. They’d completely
missed what all the Scripture and signs were pointing
them to - Jesus the Messiah - who would be lifted up
for all of them - and us. What it
means to have a relationship with God through faith in
Christ because God by His grace makes it so. We keep trying to do
life by our own whit, wisdom, working, and Wikipedia -
trying to pound the square peg into the round hole -
even as followers of Jesus who claim to know better we
fall into this - defaulting to our version of life and
God - and expecting different results. Speaking as
a square peg - that hurts… again. Are we hearing Jesus? “How’s that going for you?” That’s the back fill
conversation on John 3:16. Jesus
answering Nicodemus - and anyone who’s trying to do
life with their version of God or trying to do life on
their own. Unless
you’re born again spiritually by God - you will always
come up short. And if you are reborn
spiritually - keep coming back to the cross and God’s
grace - because it is way too easy for us to make a
relationship with God about us and not Him. Read again with me
John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that
He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have eternal life. That’s Jesus’ bottom
line. If there’s one verse
in the Bible that boils down the whole message of the
Bible - God’s answer to all of what confronts us -
what we really need not what we say we need - if
there’s one verse that boils the Bible down to a
bottom line - here’s the answer in one verse. First, there’s good news. God
loves the world.
That’s each of us. God loves us. Turn to the person next to you and tell
them that: “God loves you.” Each of us, no
matter what we may think of ourselves. No matter
what others may think of us. No matter
what we may think others may thing of us. No matter
what our past, baggage, and hang-ups. No matter
what our sins or our attitude
towards God.
Whether we accept the truth of His love or not
- He does love you. Second - there’s bad news. Jesus
talks about perishing and eternal life. The Bible tells us
that everyone one of us has sinned. Sin is
anything we say, do, or think that’s disobedient to
God. Adam
sinned. Each
of us is born into that sin and we go on sinning. Look at the world we
live in. There’s
a whole lot of sinning going on. And a whole
lot of pain and brokenness because of it. Even in our
own lives. It is our sin that
separates us from God who is without sin. The word “perish”
means to be utterly destroyed. The reality
is of destruction that we get a taste of today and
that continues on and on and on without end. Judgment for
our sins and some real sobering consequences. The contrast to that
is what Jesus described by the words “eternal life” -
life without end - our living forever with God. Joy - peace
- the presence of God.
Forever. Whatever
horror “perish” is - eternal life with God is the
opposite. The bad news is that
every one of us - apart from Jesus - because of our
sin every one of us is perishing - facing eternity
without God. Then there’s more
good news: God gave His only Son. The God Who created everything - God - humbles Himself to become one of us
and to take upon Himself our weakness and our shame. Which
is out of the box of how we might think of God. But, God is... God. And, that is
exactly what He choose to do. God gave His Son. Gave Him to be scourged and
crowned with thorns.
He gave Him to be lifted up and to die on a cross - crucified. To
deal with whatever needs to be dealt with because of
our sin - to heal whatever we’ve broken in our
relationship with God - and to do what needs to be
done to make us right with God. Which brings us to
the last part of John 3:16 - “whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have eternal life.” Each of us needs
to choose our own response to what God has done. You can walk out of
here this morning having rejected all of this as a
bunch of religious whatever - and that’s a choice. A commitment
of your life to a course of life. Or, you can take God
at His word and choose to by faith trust Him for what
He’s done through Christ’s work on the cross - reject
your sin and turn your life over to God - and let Him
do His - God only can do it work of spiritual rebirth
- and get you right with Him - giving you life with
Him now and forever. Good News. Bad News. Good News. You Choose. Whoever
believes - by faith - calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved. Whoever.
_______________ Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |