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CHOOSING GOD JOSHUA 24:1-33 Series: Conquest and Chaos - Part Three Pastor Stephen Muncherian July 2, 2017 |
are moving through our study of God a work in history. This morning
we are at Joshua 24.
To catch us up we have a very short review quiz
which you all should totally ace - especially if you
were with us last Sunday. First
Question: Overall,
the Book of Joshua helps us to understand... a. Trust self and get
creamed. b. Trust God and get
victory. c. God always fulfills His
promises. d. All of the above. Answer
is… D. The
book of Joshua is basically about God’s people
conquering and dividing up the land that God had
promised them. Also
known as the... Promised Land. While
God’s people are doing all that conquering and dividing
they’re learning
to trust the God who is always faithful Who - by time we
get to the end of the book of Joshua - God has fulfilled
His promises to them.
Trust self and get creamed. Trust God and
get victory. If
we got that we’ve got the first 21 chapters of Joshua. The importance
of trusting God Who is worthy of trust.
a. Joshua’s last
instructions to God’s people. b. Instructions on how to
live trusting God. c. How to live life west
of the Jordan River. d. All of the above. Answer
is… D. Chapter 22 was the
altar on the west bank of the Jordan River and the 2½ tribes on the east
bank of the Jordan River.
The importance of choosing to cross the river and
not go back. Meaning
choosing to trust God and not to turn back from trusting
Him. Then
in chapters 23 and 24 Joshua gathers God’s people
together in two different gatherings - and is
challenging God’s people with what that choosing looks
like in real time.
The first gathering - chapter 23 -
is about choosing to pursue God with everything we are. Total heart
level devotion - clinging to God - guarding ourselves
from any influence that would lead us away from God. Those
messages are online for you to look and listen to. Chapter 24 brings us
to the second gathering.
Which begins with Joshua’s History Lesson.
1: Joshua
gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem and
summoned the elders, the heads, the judges, and the
officers of Israel.
And they presented themselves before God. Looking at the map… Shechem is up
north - west of the Jordan River and just east of Mount
Ebal and Mount Gerizim.
The location is ginormously significant. Zooming in… The last time
Israel was gathered together in that area Joshua had
called the nation together into a large valley between
Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim - he’d called the people
together - maybe 2 million of them - into this huge
natural amphitheatre - for a service of worship. Back
in Joshua 8 - after the defeat and then victory at Ai -
Joshua gathers the nation and divides them into two
groups. About
a million people are on the slopes of Mount Ebal - the
other million are on the slopes of Mount Gerizim. In
the valley between is Joshua - the altar - the Levitical
priest - priests - not just people from the tribe of
Levi - but priest anointed - consecrated - to serve - to
lead in worship. Then
there’s the ark of the covenant -
signifying God’s presence with His people. Then
in front of each half of the nation - in the expensive
standing spots are the elders, officers, and judges of
the people. Sacrifices
are offered on an altar of uncut stones. The
service is all about God - the relationship with God
that He allows His people to enjoy. God is
glorified - praised - honored. The people in
humility bring themselves before God and surrender their
lives to Him. Here
in chapter 24 - that Joshua gathers the people at
Shechem is strategic - intentional. A poignant -
visual - reminder of God’s relationship with His people. God at work. Verse 2: And
Joshua said to all the people, “Thus says the Lord, the
God of Israel, ‘Long ago, your fathers lived beyond the
Euphrates, Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor;
and they served other gods. Then I took
your father Abraham from beyond the River and led him
through all the land of Canaan, and made his offspring
many. I
gave him Isaac. And
to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. And I gave
Esau the hill country of Seir to possess, but Jacob and
his children went down to Egypt. 600
plus years earlier - after God had established his
covenant with Abraham - known as the Abrahamic… Covenant
- God promising to give Abraham a land - to make Abraham
a great nation - to bless all the peoples of the world
through Abraham’s descendants - when Abraham arrived in
the land for the first time - it was here - in this
location - that Abraham built his first altar to the
Lord. Jacob
dug a well here. Joseph’s
brothers - when Joseph went looking for them and they
threw him in a pit - sold him into slavery in Egypt - it
was at Shechem that they were pasturing their flocks. The patriarchs
dwelt in this land. As
Joshua is retelling Hebrew history and they’re
surrounded by it.
all were children and teenagers back then. You all saw
God at work with your own two eyes. Verse 8: Then
I brought you to the land of the Amorites, who lived on
the other side of the Jordan. They fought
with you, and I gave them into your hand, and you took
possession of their land, and I destroyed them before
you. Then
Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, arose and fought
against Israel. And
he sent and invited Balaam the son of Beor to curse you,
but I would not listen to Balaam. Indeed, he
blessed you. So I delivered you out of his hand. More
history. Remember
Balaam and Balak? The
donkey who sees an… angel and talks back to Balaam. Balaam gets
instructed by the angel and ends up blessing Israel
rather than cursing God’s people. God at work
delivering His people.
(Numbers 22-24)
The hornet was a
national symbol of Egypt.
GV is the Cougars.
Merced is the… Bears. El Cap is the…
Gouchos. The
Egyptians are the… Hornets. Go Hornets! The
Egyptian army - like a raging swarm of angry hornets -
the Egyptian army was supposed invoke fear on their
enemies. But
Israel had defeated Egypt.
Major upset.
So when Israel went to conquer the Promised Land
the people there feared Israel. That fear is
symbolized here by “the hornet.” (Joshua 2:11; 5:1;
9:24) God
says, “I
gave you that reputation.”
“I mowed down your enemies.” “I gave you
the land you dwell on.” Grab God speaking
through Joshua - the 1st person singular pronouns: “I
took your father Abraham from beyond the river.” “I gave him
Isaac.” To
Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau.” I gave Esau
the hill country of Seir.”
“I sent Moses and Aaron.” “I plagued
Egypt.” “I
brought your fathers out of Egypt.” You saw what I
did to Egypt.” “I
brought you.” I
gave them.” “I
destroyed.” “I
would not listen.”
“I delivered you.”
“I sent the hornet.” I gave you a
land.” The point of the
history lesson - at this sacred place - at this decisive
moment in their history - is to make sure that God’s
people are in sync with what they’ve seen first hand -
lived through - sweat through - what they’re surrounded
by - that God’s people are absolutely clear on one
foundational truth:
It is God Who has done this for you. Today
- when we’re living in the blurring of reality and
virtual - the overstimulating Niagara Falls like cascade
of information and images and entertainment - a universe
at our finger tips.
When we’re able to travel pretty much where we
want - when we want - to purchase or to experience or to
do pretty much whatever we want - it is very easy to
become self-focused in all of that and loose touch with
what is foundational to life - meaning the truth of Who
God is and what it means to live trusting Him. Life is about
God not us. When
we are hugely blessed by God we tend to loose focus on
that reality. Sometime
this week take time to write out all of how you’ve seen
God at work in your life.
Let that reality shape how you approach the world
you live in. God’s
people - it is God who has done this for you.
14: “Now
therefore - because we’re all in sync with the reality
that it’s God Who has done all this - Now
therefore fear
the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the
gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in
Egypt, and serve the Lord.
And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord
- if you don’t want to
serve God -
this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your
fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the
gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me
and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This
is pretty familiar.
Yes. Let’s
be careful we’re tracking with Joshua. Notice three
things: Thing one: The choice being offered. There
are options here - a list of gods to choose from. The gods our
fathers served - meaning back in Mesopotamia - Ur. Or the god’s
of Egypt that you grew up with. Or, the gods
of the Amorites. You
could just adopt the local gods as your own. Choosing
one of these gods means serving that god - to gain its
favor - its protection - to appease its wrath. Temples need
to be built. Altars
need to be constructed.
Rituals must to be performed. Human
sacrifice. Sexual
perversion. Or
you could choose the God who’s defeated all of those
other gods and given you this land. To choose the God means fearing and
serving Him. To
“fear” is the Hebrew “yare” which has the idea of
standing in awe of God - totally respecting and
reverencing Him because of Who He is. “To
serve” translates the Hebrew word “abad” that has the
idea of slavery with a whole lot of passionate devotion. The
Apostle Paul describes himself as a “servant” of Jesus
Christ. “Servant”
translates the Greek word the Greeks used to translate
the Hebrew word Joshua uses. Unquestioning
obedience coming from a heart of utter passionate
devotion. Which
is what we are to be to Jesus - God. Thing two: The choice is exclusive. In
verse 14 when Joshua says to “put
away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River
and in Egypt” he’s saying that
because some of God’s people were still trying to hang
on to gods they’d been carrying around with them since
back in Egypt. “We saw all that God did. The conquest
of the Promised Land thing. But just in
case this doesn’t work out we’ve got these other gods in
reserve.” We
can see all that God has done in our lives - be in sync
with the history lesson.
We get the “trust God” thing. And yet we can
slip back into trust self mode real easy. We can still
hang on to our own self-will - our own clever plans and
solutions to our lives - to things and people - trusting
them rather than God. “Serve”
in Greek translates the word Joshua used for serve. Same idea. There is no
way to have unquestioning total obedience coming from a
heart of utter passionate devotion divided between two
masters. Either
we live serving God or we’re not. Either we’re
serving God or we’re serving ourselves. Because
service - comes from the heart - the core of who we are. Service
demonstrates who it is that deep down we’re really
trusting with our lives.
Who we really are fearing and reverencing. Third - notice the choice Joshua made. The
most viewed video of all time on YouTube is what? “Gangnam Style” - 2.88
billion views and counting. Anyone
know what “Gangnam” means?
Gangnam is an affluent neighborhood in Seoul. So in the
video Psy - this rapper - is describing the kind of man
he is and the kind of woman he wants and what the
culture of Gangnam is like. Which is this
wealthy neighborhood where young people go to party. I
though about showing the video. But it’s 4
minutes long… In contrast… a few years
back Time Magazine
published Billy Graham as their cover story -
focusing on Billy Graham’s relationship with 11
Presidents. Quote,
more than anyone else, he had shaped the contours of
American public religion and had seen close up how the
Oval Office affects people.” (1) Time
- as a secular magazine - was incredibly respectful of
Dr. Graham. See
if you would agree with me on this. Billy Graham
is respected. Not
because he’s a great speaker and evangelist - which he
is. Not
because of his leadership or the organization he’s
founded. But
because of his integrity and his humility. The theme of
his life is not to draw attention to himself - but to
God. The
day-to-day choice to fear and serve God. That’s
Joshua. Joshua is how old? About 110. He’s seen it
all from slavery in Egypt to the dessert wanderings. Seen the
failures and successes of God’s people. Been
apprenticed by Moses.
Set apart and spoken to by God. Seen God at
work first hand. He’s
been the leader of a nation of 2 million people as they
conquered the Promised Land. That is an
impressive resume. And
yet… Joshua
with the position he held as the esteemed - respected -
leader of Israel - doesn't go on to establish a dynasty
with Joshua as the first king. In fact - no
where in Scripture is there a record of Joshua’s
descendants. Joshua
himself is the son of Nun (none). Bad pun. (1 Chronicles
7:27) With
all his success - here at the end of his life - Joshua
is respected as a man of integrity - humility - who has
continually pointed the people - influenced them -
towards God - who’s demonstrated for a nation what it
means to walk faithfully with God - what it means to
serve God. These
words - famous words:
for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” - those words are the
summary of that life - a plea to the nation to follow
his example and to do the same. I made the
choice - no other gods but the God. I will fear
and serve Him. Which
is a challenge for us.
Unless there is some miraculous intervention by
God - children will not grow up to be heart level
passionate about fearing and serving Jesus if their
parents are not heart level passionate about fearing and
serving Jesus. In
reality - parents who are distracted and serving the god
of self are a stumbling block for their children. Christians
who are not heart level passionate about fearing and
serving Jesus are actually a hindrance to the church and
to a community that needs Jesus. Joshua’s
choice - his challenge to the nation - is pure arrogance
unless he’s consistently lived the life that supports
it. Joshua
is our example. If
we want to live fearing and serving God - live life like
Joshua lived life fearing and serving God. Live life
where God alone gets the glory. Verse 16 brings us to
Joshua’s Warning.
16: Then
the people answered, “Far be it from us that we should
forsake the Lord to serve other gods, for it is the Lord
our God who brought us and our fathers up from the land
of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, and who did those
great signs in our sight and preserved us in all the way
that we went, and among all the peoples through whom we
passed. And
the Lord drove out before us all the peoples, the
Amorites who lived in the land. Therefore we
also will serve the Lord, for He is our God.” “Yahweh!
Yahweh! He’s
our God! These guys are pumped. “We’re
gonna serve God!” Verse
19: But
Joshua said to the people, “You are not able to serve
the Lord, for He is a holy God. He is a
jealous God; He will not forgive your transgressions or
your sins. If
you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then He
will turn and do you harm and consume you, after having
done you good.” Whoa
- talk about a downer.
Joshua’s response is not a feel good - warm
fuzzies - kind of statement. But, it is a
needed reality check warning. How can sinful
man serve the holy God?
He can’t. And,
there are consequences for failure. Verse 21: And
the people said to Joshua, “No, but we will serve the
Lord.” Verse
22: Then
Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against
yourselves that you have chosen the Lord, to serve Him.” And they said,
“We are witnesses.”
23: He
said, “Then - because you’ve chosen God - Then
away the foreign gods that are among you, and incline
your heart to the Lord, the God of Israel.” “If that’s your choice then this is what
you must do... First
- Choose: “Put
away the foreign gods.”
“Put away” translates the Hebrew
word “sur” which literally means “to cut off.” The word was
used to describe beheading someone. That’s a
pretty permanent - all in - cutting off - without any
possibility of getting reattached to our sin. Once for all
choose and don’t go back. Second
- Pursue: “...incline
your heart to the Lord.”
“Incline” is the word
“natah” which means to stretch towards - extend yourself
towards. Turn
towards God - pursue God - with everything you are
because your life depends on Him. Life is about
God. The
warning is clear. This
is not optional. You’ve
got to turn from your sin by turning to God with
everything you are. Verse
24: And
the people said to Joshua, “The Lord our God we will
serve, and His voice we will obey.” Three
times the people affirm their desire to serve God - a
dialogue that Joshua reminds the people that God has
been listening too.
Now, there are no more words that can be said. Joshua sets up
a memorial of their pledge - writes their words in the
book of the law of the Lord - sets up a large stone to
be a reminder to them. The
dialogue between Joshua and the people is like Peter
telling Jesus: “Jesus. If everyone
else deserts you, I won’t.
I’d rather die first.” (Matthew 26:33,35) There’s
a degree of spiritual arrogance and ignorance here. They’re not
hearing Joshua. They’re
not listening to his warning. There is a
danger that they are going to run off into the Promised
Land thinking that they’ve got what it takes to live up
to this commitment that God is going to hold them
accountable to. Verses
29 to 33 expose us to Joshua’s Generation. Verse
29: After
these things Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the
Lord, died, being 110 years old. And they
buried him in his own inheritance at Timnath-serah,
which is in the hill country of Ephraim, north of the
mountain of Gaash.
Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua,
and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua and
had known all the work that the Lord did for Israel. Verse
32: As
for the bones of Joseph, which the people of Israel
brought up from Egypt, they buried them at Shechem, in
the piece of land that Jacob bought from the sons of
Hamor the father of Shechem for a hundred pieces of
money. It
became an inheritance of the descendants of Joseph. Verse
33: And
Eleazar the son of Aaron died, and they buried him at
Gibeah, the town of Phinehas his son, which had been
given him in the hill country of Ephraim. Joseph
was 110 years old when he died. As he was
dying Joseph made his brothers swear an oath - that when
God took them back to the Promised Land that they’d take
his bones and bury him there. So Joseph was
embalmed and put in a coffin. Moses took the
bones into the Exodus.
Joshua took the bones into the land - where
Joseph was buried. What
was promised to the previous generation was fulfilled. As
Aaron served Moses - Eleazar served Joshua. Phinehas -
Eleazar’s son - is the next priest to serve. We’re watching
generations pass the baton forward. At
the age of 110 Joshua died and was buried. The example
his faith and service was followed while he lived and in
the generation that had known him. Point
being: The
generation that these men of faith belonged to is
passing away. It
is the time for the next generation - the one making
this commitment - it’s time for next generation to rise
up and to faithfully choose to pursue and to serve God. Which
is a cliff hanger.
Will they or won’t they? Come back next
Sunday - same time - same sanctuary. Processing all that for ourselves...
number one: We are generation next. Either we’ve
chosen God or we haven’t. The
point of the history lesson for Israel and Joshua’s
warning is the same for us and our need to be reminded
of Jesus’ work on the cross - the communion we shared
earlier - the point is that it is God who has done this
for us. How
does sinful man faithfully serve and live devoted to the
holy God. We
can’t. We
don’t have what it takes.
If we did, we wouldn’t need Jesus and His work on
the cross. The
only solution to our hopelessness is God’s solution.
cannot choose - pursue - or serve the Holy God - unless
the Holy God enables us.
And when we fail - forgives us. Our
relationship with God is not because of what we’ve done. It’s because
of who God is. Ephesians
2:8: “By
grace you have been saved through faith. And this is
not of your own doing; it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8) Each
of us needs to choose to turn from our sin and turn
towards God to welcome by faith what He, by His grace,
has done for us in Jesus.
Not to stand in arrogance and proclaim how we
will faithfully serve God with utter devotion or to try
to pretend before others and ourselves that we are. These
days what does that look like for you? Are you
repulsed by your sin - cutting yourself off from it -
turning from it or dabbling in it? Are you
extending towards God with everything you are or trying
to balance on the fence? Takeaway
number two: We are not generation last. There are
generations here that are following ours. With
all his success - here at the end of his life - Joshua
is respected as a man of integrity - humility - who’s
continually pointed the people - influenced them -
towards God - who’s demonstrated for a nation what it
means to walk faithfully with God - what it means to
serve God. Joshua’s
resolution: “As
for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” is the summary of that
life - a plea to the nation to follow his example and to
do the same. These
days, what does that look like for you? There are
generations that are watching us - watching you. Does your life
pointing them to God or somewhere else? _______________ 1.
Time - 08.20.07 Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
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