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THERE WAS NO KING JUDGES 19:1-21:25 Series: Conquest and Chaos - Part Four Pastor Stephen Muncherian July 9, 2017 |
morning we are going through the entire book of Judges. Hang on to
something. If
all goes well we should be out of her by about 3:30 or
so. The
first and last verses of the book summarize what Judges
is all about. If
we get these, we get Judges and what God may have for us
to take away this morning. Judges chapter 1:1
tells us: After
the death of Joshua, the people of Israel inquired of
the Lord, “Who shall go up first for us against the
Canaanites, to fight against them?” Joshua
dies at the age of… 110.
In those 110 years - this warrior and leader of
God’s people - he had seen so much. The slavery of
Egypt. The
wilderness wandering.
God and Moses up close. The conquest
of Canaan. In
obedience to God - the settling of the Promised Land -
dividing it among the Twelve Tribes. Joshua is this
great man of steadfast faith who had lived so close to
God. As Joshua is dying he
calls God’s people together - calls together the leaders
of the nation - and he challenges them with these
familiar words: “Choose
this day whom you will serve,
whether the gods your fathers served in the region
beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose
land you dwell. But
as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15) Our
cliff hanger last Sunday.
As we were looking at the end of Joshua - we saw
God’s people hearing that challenge and they were all in
- agreeing and committing and praising God: “We’re
with you Joshua. We’re
going to do it. We’re
going to stay faithful and obedient to God. Yahweh! Yahweh! He’s our God!” The
sad reality is that when Joshua died - and as those who
had known him - others from his generation - as they all
died out - what we see unfolding here in Judges - what
verse 1 opens up to us - was that there really was no
one who stepped up to take Joshua’s place Judges
1:1 tells us - when Joshua died there was no one to “go
up first” - no one ready to step up to lead the fight
against their enemies - to guard the nation - to set the
standard of faithful obedience to the sovereign God - to
lead the nation in following after God. The
bottom line of all that is that after all of the
astounding ways that God had delivered His people and
provided for them and established His people on the land
that He’d promised them - after the conquest God’s
people compromised.
Judges records their descent from conquest to
chaos. Before
we come to the last verse of the book - and how all this
ends up and out takeaways - we have a
short video to help us with an overview of what all that
descent from conquest to chaos looks like. Video: Judges (1) That’s a great video. Isn’t it? The complete
chart is available in the Foyer on the table where
Message Notes are along with the URL if you want to
check out their other videos. To
make sure we’re all on the same page with what we just
saw we have a quick pop quiz: First Question: In
contrast to Joshua, which emphasizes the victory of
faith (Trust self get creamed. Trust God get
victory. God
is always worthy of Trust), in contrast to Joshua -
Judges emphasizes… a. The failure of compromise b. The failure of poor planning c. The failure of bad irrigation d. The failure of corruption. Answer
is A. The
Book of Judges covers a period of about 330 years. During that
time there are 6 main judges and these cycles of sin. What’s up
there on the chart - beginning in chapter 2 - lower left
side: Sin
leading to oppression leading to repentance leading to
deliverance leading to peace leading to sin. Which
- if we’re putting our name in there instead Israel -
all that comes out way too familiar. Steve
does evil in God’s sight.
God hits Steve over the head with a 2X4 to get my
attention. Steve
cries out to God. God
delivers Steve working through all the issues and
consequences. Then
Steve goes on living close to God until Steve chooses to
again compromise with sin. There
are parts of Judges that resonate too close to home. Yes? Question number two: The book of
Judges teaches us that God’s purpose is not frustrated
by… a. Poor leadership b. Our failure c. An ungodly society d. All of the above. Answer
is D. God
is at work in history - working to save mankind. God chooses to
work with these judges - these tribal military political
leaders. Judges
who through these cycles of sin - as we move through the
book of Judges - these judges digress from being pretty
good judges to being worse judges. God
chooses to work with these judges to accomplish His
purposes. Which
isn’t an endorsement of their sin but a demonstration of
how God works to accomplish what He’s been working to
accomplish since Genesis.
Which is the salvation of His people - even us. Which
is hugely reassuring for us. Whatever the
chaos God is always on task. God saves us. God loves us. God doesn’t
give up on us. God
chooses to work in us and through us. Hold
on to that. Whatever
the chaos God is on task. Which brings us to the
“Very Disturbing” part of the Judges [the lower far
right hand corner] and how the book of Judges lurches to
it’s very disturbing end in 21:25. The
reason chapters 19 to 21 are labeled “Very Disturbing”
is because they’re... “Very Disturbing.” What’s here is
a warning for us - a warning that comes out of real
disturbing things that happened to real people in real
times - ungodly chaos - as a result of really bad
decisions to compromise. Still hanging on to
something? I
encourage you to go back and read these chapters for
yourself. But
- in an effort to get us out of here by 3:30 please let
me walk us through these chapters and bring us to 21:25
and what we can takeaway with us this morning. Chapter 19 tells us
about The Levite & His Concubine. In
chapter 19 a Levite - someone from the tribe of Levi -
is living in the remote hill country of the tribe of
Ephraim. Which
you can see about where that is on the map. Notice that
Ephraim is the tribe just north of the tribe of
Benjamin. And
north of the tribe of Judah. Meaning that
to get to Bethlehem in Judah from Ephraim you have to go
through Benjamin. We’re
the Levite gets to Bethlehem the concubine’s father
welcomes him, and invites him to stay for 3 days. Which ends up
becoming 4 days and then 5 days. Because every
time the Levite gets ready to leave, the father throws a
meal. Middle
Eastern hospitality being what it is it would be rude to
leave. So
the Levite stays and stays. But finally -
late in the afternoon on day 5 - the Levite takes his
concubine [slash] wife and his servant and heads north
towards home. They get as far as
Gibeah [on the map there] which belongs to which tribe? Benjamin. They
arrive in Gibeah of Benjamin just as it’s getting to
late in the day to travel farther safely on the road. And also they
arrive in Gibeah too late to get a place to stay in the
town. So
they start to set up camp in the town square. Where an old
man finds them. Is
concerned for their safety and invites them to spend the
night with him. He
even takes care of their animals. Nice
guy. Things
are going good. Yes? What
happens next is like what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah
to the angels that went to warn Lot and the men who
showed up wanting to have sex with the angels. These men from
Gibeah show up at the old man’s door with perverse
intent. In
what may seem strange to us - but Middle Eastern
hospitality being what it is - rather than letting the
Levite and his servant be abused - the old man offers
the men his virgin daughter and the concubine. The men choose
the concubine - whom we’re told - they abused all night. Things have
gotten that evil in Gibeah. In
the morning her husband finds her laying there on the
doorstep. He
tells her to get up because they need to go. But, when she
isn’t able to do that - presumably because she’s dead or
close to it - he throws her over the donkey and takes
her back home. When
they get there he takes a knife - cuts her - his
concubine [slash] wife - cuts here up into 12 pieces -
and sends one of his wife’s body parts to each of the 12
tribes. That’s
chapter 19. Disturbing. Yes? Chapter
20 is The Civil War - or what comes down
to everybody against the tribe of Benjamin - fratricide
on a national scale. In
chapter 20 - the whole nation of Israel - from Dan in
the north to Beersheeba in the south - all the tribes
come together at Mizpah [on the map]. Gathered at
Mizpah are the leaders of the people and about 400,000
armed to the teeth foot soldiers - from all the
different tribes. Chapter
20 verse 1 tells us that they were “as
one man.” For the first time in a
long time all the tribes are together on the same page
with each other - very disturbed and very ticked off at
the very same thing. They
ask the Levite what’s up with the body parts. “How
did this evil thing happen?” And the Levite
explains in horrific detail what he did and why. Which just
disturbs and ticks off everyone even more. The
tribes decide to deal with the sin. To punish
those involved. They
get themselves organized and head down to Gibeah to
demand that the men who’ve done this horrendously evil
thing be brought out and punished. When
they get to Gibeah - which is in… Benjamin -
rather than turning over these perverse men - the town
comes together and refuses to give them up. Which says
volumes about the depravity of the people of Gibeah. What would
have been a quick punitive action now ends up degrading
into a full-scale civil war. The
Benjaminites put together an army of about 26,000 men
and go up against their 400,000 armed to the teeth
siblings. The
battle on day one goes in favor of Benjamin that takes
out about 22,000 of their siblings. Day two also
goes to Benjamin who slaughter 18,000 more of their
siblings. At
the end of Day Two - having lost 40,000 men - the tribes
decide to hold a worship service to ask God if they
should go out for Day Three. Phinehas - son
of Eleazar - son of Aaron - brother of Moses - Phinehas
who was the priest in those days - Phinehas tells them
that God will give them the victory. Let’s
be careful. God
is enabling what they’re doing so long as it’s in accord
with what God is doing - judgment and punishment and
purification of sin.
God working in and through the lives of His
people according to His plan and for His glory. God is not
endorsing their sin - or the extent of the coming
slaughter. So
- Day Three - Israel heads out one more time - does one
of these classic sucker the main army out of the town by
demonstrating supposed weakness and defeat while
sneaking up from the rear and surprising the defenders
of the town end run moves and they end up taking out
25,000 plus Gibeahnites.
Followed by the traditional burning of the town
to the ground and killing everyone and basically
anything that moved. Then
Israel just pours it on tearing up the rest of Benjamin. Systematically
and methodically taking out whatever else is the rest of
the blue area there on the map. Killing the
men. Killing
the cattle. Killing
anything that moves.
Burning the towns.
Leaving waste and devastation behind them. What
goes way beyond what God had enabled His people to
accomplish. It’s
payback for the 40,000 men Benjamin slaughtered. It’s
horrendous. It’s
pure evil on a rampage of retribution. Chapter 20 ends by
telling us, that in the midst of that fratricide, 600
men from Benjamin fled to the rock of Rimmon. The Rock of
Rimmon is a limestone hill about 4 miles east of Bethel
that has lots of caves to hide out in. So the
survivors of Benjamin dig in at Rimmon for 4 months. Chapter 21 is The Offer - or 400 Brides for 600 Brothers. After
the slaughter the men of Israel come together at Bethel
and they realize they’ve got a problem. They’ve gone
too far. Often
happens when we’re out of control being driven by our
flesh in anger. The
problem is that they’ve all but eliminated their brother
tribe. Back
when they were at Mizpah - planning all this out -
they’d taken an oath swearing that none of them would
every give a daughter to be married to one of “those”
evil Benjaminites.
Problem is, on the other side of the slaughter -
after 4 months and tempers have cooled down - they’re
realizing that unless brides can be found the tribe of
Benjamin is history.
Meaning there’s 600 brothers and no brides. So
they ask: “Were
there any tribes of Israel that weren’t at Mizpah that
would be free from the oath?” Answer: Pulling back a
little. No
one came from Jabesh-gilead. Jabesh-gilead
is a town about 2 miles east of the Jordan River in the
territory of the ½ tribe of Manasseh. Solution: They send
12,000 of their bravest men to take out Jabesh-gilead -
all the men, women, and children - except for the
virgins. Of
which there are 400 left over after the slaughter. 400 hundred
young girls - who’s families they’ve slaughtered - and
that they haul back with them to Shiloh. Shiloh was where
Joshua had set up the Tabernacle as a center of worship
for God’s people. And
it is here at Shiloh where God’s people work out a deal
with the men of Benjamin.
How to transfer possession of the young girls to
the men of Benjamin without actually giving them to the
men of Benjamin and without the men of Benjamin having
to pay a dowry. Because
money is also an important consideration here. At
Shiloh - being a center of worship - there’s a festival
which comes at the end of the harvest. Which was an
opportunity to acknowledge God’s blessings and to give
thanks to God. Which
- in chapter 21 - as they’re planning this wife swap -
God isn’t mentioned and the festival is only a religious
shaded opportunity to gather. During
that festival the young girls are sent into the
vineyards to dance and while the men in Shiloh [wink
wink] look the other way while the men of Benjamin
ambush and abduct them - drag them back to Benjamin -
and use them to repopulate their tribe and towns. And that is how the
book of Judges lurches to its very disturbing end. A descent into
chaos that’s summarized by Judges 21:25: In
those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did
what was right in his own eyes. God’s
people - living in sexual perversity - abusing women -
making a mockery of marriage. Murdering each
other in God’s name.
God’s people not knowing God. Worshiping Him
and acknowledging His blessings are just religious
formalities - cultural events. For the most
part there is no difference between God’s people and any
other people. God’s
people have gone from conquest - the victory given to
them by God - the blessings of relationship with God -
fallen into total corruption - chaos. Israel has hit
bottom. Processing all that… Judges
can be a very depressing book. Going from
conquest to chaos in 21 chapters. And yet this
book is about hope. Takeaway number one is this: While there
was no king in Israel one day there will be. Judges
sets the stage for what comes next. What it means
to be the king of God’s people. The origins of
the Davidic line of kings - leading through David - to
Jesus the Messiah.
Judges sets the stage for the kingdom that is
realized and yet is coming. That each of
us in Christ is a citizen of - now and forever. We
live in a country that condones the murder of children. That allows
women and children to be enslaved. That champions
moral depravity. That
wages war for our own economic and political benefit. Where justice
is by common consensus - meaning right can be wrong and
wrong can be right.
Where violence and fear are becoming ways of
life. Where
our society and culture are unraveling at the seams and
the future is deeply concerning. That
chaos is global and it’s local and it’s personal. We experience
the reality of that chaos in our hearts and in our
homes. The
more things change the more they... stay the same. Judges
is a sobering reality check of where we live our lives. It is a
sobering explanation of the human condition and our
desperate need for God’s grace and the King who has come
and is coming. Sometimes
we loose touch with the desperation we’re in and how
desperate we are for God.
Each of us - before God - each of us is totally
corrupt in every part of our nature. We live in sin
and there’s nothing within us that’s worthy of God’s
approval. That’s
who we are individually and as a race since Adam fell. Takeaway
number one is to see behind the chaos to God at work. In the chaos
of your life look for God.
In the chaos of the society we live in - the
world we live in - look for God. Because He is
there and He is always on task. God has been
on task since before creation was creation. Since Genesis
through the cross through Revelation and beyond. These
days how is that going for you? Are focusing
on the chaos or the King? Takeaway number two is the danger of doing
what is right in our own eyes. When
everyone does whatever is right in their own eyes then
whatever anyone does is right in their own eyes. Another way of
saying that is: If
you believe it then it’s truth for you. Whatever works
for you is okay. Meaning
truth can be a lie and lie can be a truth. Righteousness
and evil are just shades of our own perception of the
world. Today
- we live in the blurring of reality and virtual - the
overstimulating Yosemite Falls like cascade of
information and images and entertainment and events and
opportunities - a universe at our finger tips. When we’re
able to travel pretty much where we want - when we want
- to purchase or to experience or to do pretty much
whatever we want. Whether
that’s in our own personal bubble world car -
self-driving - going to the mall or browsing the net -
and having drones drop stuff off at our house. In
many ways we are more blessed than any civilization in
history - than any peoples on the planet today. And we are in
great danger from all of that. Because
virtual or real it doesn’t matter. The bottom
line is that it’s about us. We live in a
culture of overindulgence - immediate gratification -
and an economic system that enables it. That enables
our own self-destruction.
Welcome to the Promised Land. Judges
reminds us that it is very easy - even for God’s people
- way too easy for us to become self-focused in all of
that and loose touch with what is foundational to life -
meaning the truth of Who God is and what it means to
live trusting Him.
of us is a collection of atoms created and held together
by God for His purposes and for His glory. Virtual isn’t
- unless God wills it to be so. Life is about
God not us. James
writes: What
causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Which
is a great question.
Isn’t it? Everyone
one of us experiences this. Quarrels and
conflicts touches every human relationship - from
nations down to communities - our neighbors - to
relationships at work or school or in the church - to
families and marriages - parents and kids. Volumes have
been written about how to resolve quarrels and
conflicts. Because
we all struggle with this. James
goes for the bottom line:
causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this
[read it with me] that your passions are at war within
you? (James 4:1) Almost
sounds like Judges.
met the enemy and he is… us.” Our own self-serving
attitudes and desires.
Whatever is right for us. Apart from God
we are the creators of our own chaos. The
answer is Jesus. In John 17 - Jesus
prayed for us. He
prayed that we would experience oneness with the Son and
with the Father. He
prayed that we would experience the same quality of
oneness that Jesus experiences with the Father. (John
17:20-26) We
have no clue what that means but don’t you long for it? Here? In our homes? In our hearts? Chaos
is being against each other. Oneness is
being together in Christ.
That only comes as we get our eyes off of us -
what is right in our own eyes and get our eyes onto
Jesus - what is right in His eyes - not ours. This
morning how’s that going for you? In your life,
who gets to be God? In
our own personal chaos God gives to each of us the
opportunity to turn from our sin and to turn towards God
to welcome by faith what He, by His grace, has done for
us in Jesus. We
need to live in that humility each day of our lives -
crying out to God to grab hold of us and make us to be
who He’s created us to be for His glory alone. And to trust
that He is and He will.
_______________ 1.
Judges video: https://thebibleproject.com/all-videos/?page=4 Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |