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WHAT TO DO WHILE WAITING... JUDE 1:20-23 Pastor Stephen Muncherian July 18, 2010 |
morning we’re going to take
a brief look at the letter of Jude.
we do that let me explain a bit of why we’re going
there. From
time to time I get in a
discussion with someone about Jesus’ coming back. Been
in one of those? Invariably
the question
comes up, “Do you think Jesus
will come back in our lifetime?” Ever
that? It’s a really good
for a number of reasons. One
of which is
prophecy. There
are more signs of Jesus’
return existing today than at any other time in
history. Some of those
signs are pretty general. Jesus
talked about nations rising against nations - wars
and rumors of wars - famines and earthquakes - all of
which have been a
part of human history since just about the time human
history began. Jesus
called these signs birth pangs. There’s
debate about whether all
that is increasing - if the birth pangs are panging
more frequently. Are the
earthquakes increasing in magnitude
and frequency? Which they
may be. But are we just
in a season of increase and
all that will eventually subside?
Maybe. So there’s
debate, “Are these
signs the signs?” There
are also some unique signs
- pretty specific signs - that we may actually be
getting really close
to Jesus’ return. For
example Daniel prophesied
that the time of the end would be proceeded by an
increase in travel. Those
of you that are texting right now may be
fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy. In
1914 the
average speed of cars and trucks was about 15 to 20
miles per hour. Today
rockets average 24,000 plus miles per
hour. With the internet
distance is
meaningless. We’ve
entered into the age of
the global community. That
reality is
unique in world history. Daniel
prophesied an increase
knowledge. Today - more
than any other
time in history - knowledge is exploding -
exponentially. We don’t
know what do with all that knowledge - which is a
huge part of our problem. But
knowledge is
exploding. Another
sign. What happened on
May 14, 1948? May 14, 1948, David Ben
Gurion read the
Declaration of Independence of the newly formed State
of Israel. Speaking prophetically - God
- in the Bible
told us that - just
before the end comes - Israel
would be restored - returned to their promised land - as a
sovereign nation. One
more: Jesus
said that the gospel will be preached to the whole
world and then the
end would come. For all
practical purposes
that prophecy has just about been fulfilled - if not
has been fulfilled. I’m
not going to say that Jesus
will return in our lifetime. But
there is
a justifiable feeling among believers today that He
could. Given all the
existing signs of His coming - if not now? When? Its
hard to
imagine a time more ripe for Jesus’ return. Which
- of course - is not the point.
signs of Jesus coming - all
those prophecies - are not given to us so that we can
form some kind of
exclusive club of those who “get it” and “get in” to
heaven. The prophecies
aren’t there to create
divisions in the church - arguments over different
interpretations of
future history. All that
prophecy is there
to focus us on God - God Who is Sovereign over future
history. And to focus us
on the task at hand - what God
has for us to do while we’re waiting for Jesus to come
back. The
bottom line of prophecy -
what’s crucial - is how we live today knowing that
Jesus will return. Which
is a significantly more practical
question. Is Jesus coming
back? Yes.
Soon? Probably. But -
more practically - what do we do while we’re waiting? Which
brings us to Jude - Jude
who’s writing to believers - believers in Jude’s day
and believers yet
to come - us. Tucked away
in Jude’s letter
- a person could almost skim by these - in verses 20
to 23 - are three
specifics things for us to focus on while we’re
waiting for Jesus to
return. Please
turn with me to the
postcard of Jude. This is
a little
postcard sized book which you will find just before
the Book of
Revelation. We’ll be
coming to verse 20 in
moment. As you’re turning
let me bring us
up to speed on Jude and where he’s coming from. Jude
is the half brother of
Jesus - one of the sons of Joseph and Mary - a blood
brother of James -
James who was a leader of the Jerusalem church - James
who wrote the
book of… James. In verse
1 - Jude 1 - Jude
describes himself as a slave of Jesus.
gives us a clue as to where Jude is coming from. He
could have said, “Jude - son
of the Joseph and the Mary. Brother
of the James and
the half brother of the Jesus - God
incarnate.” Could have done
a little name
dropping. But,
Jude chooses to introduce
himself as Jesus’ slave. Pretty
self-less. Jude’s life
isn’t about Jude. Its
about Jesus - his Savior. About
Jesus has for Jude to do. Jude
came to faith after he saw
the resurrected Jesus. He
became a
traveling evangelist - testifying of Jesus. During
Nero’s persecutions - Nero’s atrocities against
Christians - Christians
getting ripped to shreds and being used as torches at
Nero’s parties -
when Christians were given the choice “Deny or Die” -
and many did -
deny - and many chose death - Jude was crucified in AD
72 - testifying
of Jesus. Jude
was a guy who knew what he
believed and why. He was
a guy who walked
the talk. A rock solid
believer -
regardless of the cost. Who
was willing to
lay it all on the line for Jesus.
brother yes. But a
willing slave of Jesus
his Savior. What
to do while waiting. Jude
- verse 20 - read this with me: But you,
beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy
faith, praying in the
Holy Spirit.
up in in verse 3 Jude tells
us why he wrote this letter.. Jude
writes, “Beloved - meaning
brothers and sister in Jesus - loved by Jude -
loved by God - beloved,
while I was making every effort to write you about our
common salvation - in other
words Jude was intending that this letter would be
about our salvation
in Jesus Christ - but his purposes changed - I felt - going on - I felt the
necessity to write to you appealing that you contend
earnestly for the
faith which was once for all handed down to the
saints.” Faith
here is not saving faith
in the sense of “I believe
in Jesus” - but the
whole enchilada of what we Christians believe - all
the doctrine found
in Scripture - what had come from the Old Testament -
what Jesus had
taught - what the Apostles were passing down - all
that we believe and
what it means to live out our faith - our life with
Jesus - as
Christians. All that was
handed down - not
to some elitist class of clergy - but to the saints -
the church - the
beloved of God. Jude
is writing - to fellow
slaves of Jesus - like us - to encourage us to “contend
earnestly for the faith.” In the face of
animosity and
antagonism and apathy against what we believe - stay
on target -
maintain - fight on - never deny our faith - even if
it means death. Powerful
words coming from a man who was
martyred a few years after he wrote this. We’re
not going to read this
whole statement. But to
give us a
perspective of what Jude is writing about - would you
stand and read
with me 5 of the 10 articles of our Evangelical Free
Church Statement
of Faith. This is what we
believe as and
Evangelical Free Church. God: We
believe in one God, Creator of all things, holy,
infinitely perfect,
and eternally existing in a loving unity of three
equally divine
Persons: the Father, the
Son, and the Holy
Spirit. Having
knowledge and sovereign power, God has graciously
from eternity to redeem a people for Himself and to
make all things new
for His own glory. The Bible: We
that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and
Testaments, through the words of human authors. As the
verbally inspired Word of God, the Bible is
without error in the original writings, the complete
revelation of His
will for salvation, and the ultimate authority by
which every realm of
human knowledge and endeavor should be judged. Therefore,
it is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in
all that it
requires, and trusted in all that it promises. The Human Condition:
We believe that God created Adam and Eve in
His image, but they sinned when tempted by Satan. In
union with Adam, human beings are sinners by nature
and by choice,
alienated from God, and under His wrath.
Only through God’s saving
work in Jesus Christ can we
be rescued, reconciled and renewed.
Christ: We believe that
Jesus Christ is
God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in
two natures. Jesus—Israel’s
promised Messiah—was conceived
through the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He
lived a sinless life, was
crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the
dead, ascended
into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the
Father as our High
Priest and Advocate. The
Work of Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ,
as our
representative and substitute, shed His blood on the
cross as the
perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our
sins. His atoning death
and victorious resurrection constitute the only
ground for salvation. Sadly
way too many Christians
don’t have a clue about what all that means. They’ve
never thought about it. They’ve
studied it. The
vocabulary is like a
foreign language. And
they’re content with
their ignorance. Way
too many Christians in
America today are living a happy time Christianity -
going from
experience to experience - focused on how “being a
Christian” benefits
them. Some kind of
Christianity where we get to pick and choose what we
believe and serve
when and where we feel like it. To
a church that meets our needs when we feel like
attending. No
where in all that - as we’re
attending some feel good about ourselves Christian
mass rally - or
reading the latest self-help book - or going to
seminars about 5 steps
to a wonderful Christian life - no where in all that
is the building up
of an in-depth understanding and practice of our faith
that Jude is
writing about. The
Church in America is in
serious trouble - if not irrelevant - because we’ve
replaced being a
slave of Jesus with being slaves to our own selfish
passions. All
that theology and doctrine
and church history is something for pastors and
theologians to think
about. But Jude is
writing to the beloved
- fellow slaves contending for the faith. To
build means there’s got to be
a solid foundation to build on - what we believe. “Build your
house on the rock” -
on Jesus - not sand. On
His words. On the
teaching of the Apostles and prophets.
What we’ve been given here in the Bible. But
don’t stop there. Build
up. Dig
into the word. Study
theology. Study doctrine. Study
church history. Study how
our fellow
saints before us have wrestled with their passions
under the crucible
of God’s word. Know what
we believe and
Jude says build yourselves
up praying in the Holy Spirit. Praying in the
Spirit is a whole lot
different than handing God a grocery list of what we
want Him to do for
us. Vending Machine God. Put in a prayer and out
comes our blessing. All
that is about us. Someone
said, that “Prayer is
the Holy Spirit speaking in the believer, through
Christ, to the
Father.” Praying
in the Spirit means
praise and adoration and worship of the Almighty God. Praying in the Spirit means
praying by means of the Spirit
- dependent on Him - God Who enables prayer - empowers
prayer - Who
uses prayer to align our hearts with His. That’s
not about us. That’s
about God. God
taking us ever deeper in our
understanding of what it means to live out our faith. Verse
21 - first, “Build Up” -
second: Keep In.
Let’s say that together, “Keep in.” Read verse 21
with me: “Keep
yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for
the mercy of our
Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. Keeping
in God’s love means
realizing that God loves us - values us - cares about
what happens to
us. The Apostle John
writes, “God is love” Its Who He is. There’s nothing we can do to
keep God from loving us or to
make God love us more. He
just does. “For God so - what? Loves the
world.” That’s us.
a lot of people that’s hard
to accept. Someone said,
“God loves
you.” Answer. “Yeah, But
He has to love everybody.” Sometimes
love is tough to
accept. Isn’t it? God
loves me. I’m worth
loving. That’s hard. But God loves
you - even if you don't see yourself as lovable. He
still does. We’ve got to
take that in and
let it rattle around in our hearts.
really does love us. God
loves you. Get over it. When
we come to accept God’s
love - His salvation in Jesus - God’s love
demonstrated That He
saves us by grace - simply because He chooses to
love on us. Then we begin
to experience -
what Jude writes about here - we begin to experience
God’s mercy - even
to wait anxiously - impatiently for it. Mercy
relates to misery - the
consequences of our sin. Mankind
living apart from God
lives without hope. People
ask, “What
purpose is there to life?” “What
is there?” So many
people are trapped in despair and
depression. They carry
wounds of abuse and
rejection and condemnation - wounds that come from
parents and siblings
and people in their lives - and even from within
live under the weight of
inadequacy and failure and doubt and guilt and fear. Trapped and bound and
addicted people ask, “Is there a
way out of all this?” “Can
I ever find an
answer - a healing - for the deep burdens of my
heart?” God
sees the misery that our sin
causes us and so God is merciful.
deals with the consequences of our sin - the misery of
our lives. .He’s
concerned about us. He
cares for us. He brings
comfort to us. God’s
mercy is one huge reason
why we wait anxiously for Jesus to come back. Because
when Jesus comes back - God will end forever the
misery of this life -
the crud of this world. Rather
than the
misery of eternal damnation - we believers - because
God is merciful -
will spend eternity with Him. There’s
this children’s song. Do
you know this? Be careful
little eyes what you see Be careful
little eyes what you see There's a Father
up above And He's looking
down in love So, be careful
little eyes what you see The
other verses are what? Be
careful little ears what you hear.
Be careful little feet where you go. Be careful little hands what
you do. Be careful little
mouth what you say. I
read recently - someone was
saying that we often think of that song as a list of
things not to do. Don’t
look at that. Don’t
listen to that. Don’t
touch that. But really
that song is talking less about
what we choose not to focus on but rather what we
should choose to
focus on. Be
careful to see what is lovely
and pure and worthy of praise. Be
to hear what is worthy of listening to.
careful to go where God leads you and to use your
hands to God’s glory. Be
careful to speak God’s blessing to others. Ever think of that song that
way? What an opportunity. Keeping
in God’s love - waiting
for His mercy - is a series of choices we make -
choosing where to
focus our lives. Are we
focused on the
crud of this world - immersing ourselves in sin -
dwelling on our
misery - seeing ourselves as unlovable dweebs. Or,
are we focused on the God Who loves us?
we learning to trust Him with the stuff or our lives? Learning to live with
expectation that each day we get to
live out His great purposes for our lives? Are
we living our lives focused what’s coming or what’s
behind us? Build
up. Keep
in. Third: Have Mercy.
Let’s say that together, “Have mercy.” Let’s
read verses 22 and 23
together: And have
mercy on some, who are doubting; save others,
snatching them out of the
fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even
the garment
polluted by the flesh. In
2003 the Episcopal Church
USA elected this man - The Rev. V. Gene
Robinson as their first openly gay bishop. That
led to huge battles. Whole
sections of the
world wide communion of the Anglican church coming
apart. Then in December
of last year the Los Angeles branch of
the church ordained as a bishop this woman - The
Rev. Canon
Mary Glasspool - making her the first lesbian bishop
of the Episcopal
Church USA. Do you
know who this is? Katharine
Schori. Katharine
Jefferts Schori is the
Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United
States. Bishop
Schori - when she was
newly elected - speaking of the task of the Episcopal
Church - said
that the message they preach is this:
“God became
human in order that we may become divine.” (1) Think
about that statement in light of what Scripture
teaches. Does the Bible
teach that we’re all to become a god - or
join with some divine entity? Of
not. Lorenzo
Snow - fifth president
of the Mormon Church - a cult that believes that the
Bible is only
accurate if its translated by the Mormon Church - and
a cult that adds
to the Bible other works as equally authoritative -
Doctrine and
Covenants - The Pearl of Great Price - Lorenzo Snow
summarized core
Mormon belief - when he said, “As man now
is, God once was; As God now is, man may be.” (2) God
was once a man and over a long period of time he
gained what he needed
to become God Almighty. Does
that sound
kind of like what Bishop Shori is saying?
United Church of Christ
affirms the Bible as the authoritative witness to the
Word of God. Did you
catch that? The
Bible witnesses to the word of God - doesn’t mean it
is the authoritative
word of God. The UCC adds
to the Bible the creeds of the
ecumenical councils and the confessions of the
Reformation. (3) In other
words - there are other authoritative
witnesses to the Word of God other than the Bible. The United Church of Christ
teaches that the Muslims and
Christians all worship the same God. (4)
Christianity is faith tradition among other faith
traditions. (5) If
we back up to verse 18 - Jude
writes, “In the last time
there will be mockers, following after
their own ungodly lusts,” These
are the
ones who cause divisions, worldly-minded, devoid of
the Spirit. Scripture
defines the last days
as the time between Jesus’ birth and when He comes
back again. We’re all
living in the last days. As
long as there have been last days there’ve
been mockers - scoffers - people who make jokes about
the things of God
- who ridicule anyone for believing such nonsense. There were mockers in Jude’s
day. There
are mockers today. Agreed? What
these mockers question is
not a new question. The
Apostle Peter
writes that these mockers ask, “Where is
the promise of His -
Jesus’ - coming? For ever since the
fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from
the beginning of
creation.” (2 Peter 3:4) The
patriarchs - Abraham - Isaac
- Jacob - they’re all dead. Those
lived before us - our ancestors - our fathers -
they’re all dead. Generations
come and go. Each
day the sun comes up and the sun goes down. Nothing
changes. So why should
it? “Where is
Jesus’ promised coming? Hasn’t
happened. How can any
rational thinking person actually
believe that someone who lived and died and was buried
2,000 years ago
is actually going to show up flying around in the sky
with a bunch of
angels playing harps? How
can anyone
believe that some loving God is going to wipe out good
people and only
let some special born again nuts into His happy place. Let’s get real.” The
reason they mock - writes
Jude - is because they’re “following
after their own ungodly lusts.” Who
are they following after? Themselves. Not
God. Almost sounds like
Christians who’ve
become slaves of their own passions? What
is extremely unnerving
about what Jude writes - when he writes about the last
days and mockers
and worldly minded people following after their own
lusts - causing
division - what’s unnerving about all that is that
Jude is writing
about those within the church.
“beloved fellow slaves
let us contend for the faith” response to these people
is for us to
point our fingers in their ignorant little faces and
scream at them -
cause they’re obviously dense and hard of hearing -
and tell them all
that they’re going to hell and they’re going to burn
forever unless
they repent because Jesus loves them. Jude
says, “Have mercy.” These people are
in such pain - so wounded - living in
such hopelessness. They
are so confused by
the self-passion serving lies of this world that they
have no clue. They don’t
need more misery. They
need compassion - mercy - truth shared with love and
great patience. In
a time when there is so much
doubt cast on the word of God - so much confusion
about truth - if
there even is truth that those who desire to believe
have problems
doing so. Be patient with
the honest
doubters. Have compassion
on them. Help them out of
their misery. Some
of these people are on
their way to hell. They’re
desperate for
God’s salvation. They’re
so deluded that
they have no clue the fires they’re dangling over. Have mercy on them. They’re
wearing a garment
polluted by the flesh. They’re
around the burden of their sin - weighed down -
entangled - in bondage
to the crud and confusion and sin of this world that’s
destroying them. “Hating even
the garment polluted by the flesh” has the idea of
hating the sin
but loving the… sinner. Do
you see Jude’s point here? People
need Jesus. And
we have a limited time left to lead them towards Him. To lead them to a restored
relationship with Jesus. To
lead them towards salvation. To
live out the great commission. When
will Jesus come back? When
God is good and ready for Him to come
back - in His proper time. But we do know
that the time
between now and Jesus’ return is shorter than it was a
few minutes ago. And
waiting isn’t passive - just occupying
space and taking up oxygen. We
need to be building up -
growing - going deeper - in our faith - in our
relationship with Jesus. We
need to be keeping in - staying focused on
the awesomeness of life with God now and what He has
for us in eternity. And
with mercy - compassion - we should be
focused on those around us who have no clue what it
means to know that
God loves them. They need
Jesus. _______________
1. Quoted in USA Today, 02.05.07 2. FARMS 3. www.ucc.org 4. UCC General Synod 1989 adopted resolution
Relationship Between the United Church of Christ and
the Muslim
Community” 5. www.ucc.org Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. |