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WAITING FOR JUSTICE MALACHI 2:17--3:6 Series: Waiting - Part Four Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 10, 2017 |
you stand and read together with me our text this
morning from Malachi 2 - beginning at verse 17: You have wearied the Lord with your words. But you say,
“How have we wearied Him?”
By saying, “Everyone who does evil is good in the
sight of the Lord, and He delights in them.” Or by asking,
“Where is the God of justice?” “Behold,
I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before
me. And the
Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple; and
the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight,
behold, He is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who can
endure the day of His coming, and who can stand when He
appears? For
He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap. He will sit as
a refiner and purifier of silver, and He will purify the
sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and
they will bring offerings in righteousness to the Lord.
the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to
the Lord as in the days of old and as in former years. Then I will
draw near to you for judgment. I will be a
swift witness against the sorcerers, against the
adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against
those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the
widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside
the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the Lord of
hosts. “For
I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of
Jacob, are not consumed. Let’s
make sure we’re on the same page before we dive into
this. We’ve
been looking at Malachi - which is the last book of the
Old Testament. Which
was written about 445 BC.
God’s people have returned from 70 years of exile
in Babylon - and things have not worked out they way
they thought they we’re going to work out. Which
resonates. Someone
said life is what happens to you between tweets. It just
happens. And
most often not the way we expect it to. A
quote attributed to John Lennon: “Life
is what happens to you while you’re busy making other
plans.” Coming
back from exile things have not gone as God’s people had
expected. God’s
people are waiting on God to make good on His promises -
made to Abraham - made about a coming king who’s going
to sit on David’s throne ushering in a time of
unprecedented lasting peace and prosperity when
Jerusalem becomes the de facto spiritual and political
capital of the world. Which
hasn’t happened yet.
Not even close. As
we’ve been studying Malachi we’ve been looking at the
ongoing “discussion” between God’s people and God about
all their unfulfilled expectations. We’ve been
looking at what amounts to a series of Q and A arguments
- in which God is trying to help His people to get in
sync with Him about what He’s doing and why. We’re
together? [The Question] What we just
read is “discussion” number 4. Which comes
with the question:
is the God of justice?” Let’s
understand the question. Returning from exile - at the time Malachi is
writing - for eighty plus years or a
small remnant of Hebrews - around 100,000 or so - has been living
in Jerusalem. The
first wave of those who came back - with Zerubbabel and
Jeshua - about 50,000 people - came back in 536 BC and
worked at rebuilding the Temple. Which they’d
begun and then stalled out on working at for 15 years. Stalled for
the most part because they ran into massive opposition
from people already living in the area. Finally, 20
years after they’d gotten back - and a ton opposition
later - they finally finished the Temple. Then
in 457 BC a group of about 2,000 men returns with Ezra
to revive worship in the Temple. Which also
faces opposition. In
444 BC - another small group returns with Nehemiah to
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem - and again encounters
stiff opposition. Key
word being... “opposition.” They’ve got
enemies that are constantly working against them. As it seems
like is always the case when we’re trying to do what God
has for us to do. Well…
it seems like that’s pretty much life in general. Doesn’t it? Sometimes we
wonder where God is in all that.
Hebrews were surrounded by people who hated them. People that
saw the Hebrews - not as God’s people returning to what
had been theirs - but they saw the returning Hebrews as
a people taking away land that belong to those already
living there. They
hated the Hebrews and would have been really happy to
see them totally wiped out and never heard from again. The
more things change… look at the Middle East today. So,
living conditions are poor. Many were
discouraged. They’re surrounded by
enemies. Enemies
who were pagan - idol worshippers - involved in every perverse sin imaginable - immersed in
the occult. These were the enemies of the Hebrew people. The pressure
was on to cave in to the religion and culture around
them. Many
did. And
- key point - while the Hebrews suffered and feared for
their security - these enemies seemingly prospered. The
people of Malachi’s day looked at their enemies - looked at their own
lives - and didn’t see God doing anything about any of that. In fact,
things just seemed to be getting worse for them and
better for everyone else.
They asked the question: “Where is the God of
justice?” “Where” meaning not here - at
least not here the way we think God should be here. Whatever call a referee makes at
least half the people know it’s wrong. “Hey
ref. I
don’t know what game you’re watching but it ain’t this
one.” “Where” meaning God should step
in and do something about their enemies. Some kind of
pestilence or flood or something. A plague of
locusts. And
if God isn’t making the call the way we think God should
be making the call then God and His justice is just
messed up. Let’s
be clear. When
we question God’s judgment we set ourselves up to be the
judge. The
standard of right and wrong becomes ours not God’s. Just like
everyone in the stands disagreeing with the ref. The
profound tragedy is that the Hebrews
knew God. They had
history with God. They
knew what was right and what was wrong - what God expected of
them - because God had told them. And yet they’d
made the choice - based on their own understanding and
perspective of things - they’d chosen to hold themselves
accountable to a standard of right and wrong - righteous
and unrighteous - that was based on their understanding
of things and not God’s - and to hold even God
accountable to that standard. Verse
17: Evil is
good. Good
is evil. Right
is wrong. Wrong
is right. It’s
all a matter of perspective. Mine. Looking
at where and when we
live life, we get this. Right and wrog
have very little absolute meaning. Especially in
recent years - at least in terms of community - right
and wrong are based on common consensus. The lowering
common denominator.
- what we believe is truth is truth. My truth - the
standards I live my life by. Don’t be so
judgmental. Heard
that? Meaning
how I want to live my life is the standard of how I
should live my life.
So back off buckwheat. It is a
profound tragedy when that attitude creeps
into our lives as Christians as a way for us to justify
how we live our lives before God. When our words and
attitudes and teachings and how we approach life become
based on us - what makes sense to us - and not God. It’s
a very slippery slope.
We can accommodate sin so long that after a while
sin almost seems to be normal. Using
our own reasoning God’s truth becomes what we
believe is truth - or what fits our lives as a guideline for how we do life. Marriage is whatever we
can justify it to be.
Worshiping God - serving God - commitment to
Christ and His Church is about what’s convenient for us. Sin becomes an outdated
non-issue. Accountability
to God is optional. Maybe
the church in America has passed the tipping point. Certainly the
church in America is in serious trouble because we’re
focused on ourselves and not God who gives us life and
purpose to our lives.
We’re focused on ourselves and not our Savior. And seemingly
a huge part of the church in America thinks that’s
normal. “Justice” - the standard isn’t
us. It’s
God. It’s
not our perspective.
It’s God’s holiness. That’s what
we’re accountable to.
What we’re judged by. Verse
1 tells us that the attitudes and actions of God’s
people were making God “weary.” Which is Scripture’s
way of putting God’s actions and attitude - His response
- into terms we can understand. “Weary” meaning that God - with
all that He was continually putting out for His people -
God was tired of putting up with their attitude and sin. God really
does care even if His people choose to ignore that He
has been, is, and will be there. [The Answer] God’s answers His people. Malachi 3:1: “Behold,
I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before
me. And the
Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple; and
the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight,
behold, He is coming, says the Lord of hosts. 400 years after this word from God was
written, it happened. What we will
look at when we get to Mark in January. John the
Baptist proceeded Jesus.
Jesus came into His Temple. With
suddenness Jerusalem was turned upside down. A generation
and our world was changed.
Going on -
verse 2 - God has questions: But
who can endure the day of His coming, and who can stand
when He appears? Verse
2 is not a prophecy of a little baby born to humble
parents - born into an occupied country - being
surrounded by animals - as cute and warming as that may
be. This
isn’t a prophecy about a baby born as a servant - born
to die at the hands of His creation.
2 is yet to come. The
pattern in the prophecy will be repeated. On the future
day when Jesus returns no one will be able to endure it
- to remain standing - to stand against Him. God
- Jesus - King of kings and Lord of lords - the
sovereign creator and potentate of His creation - Holy
and righteous - the only one worthy to judge - coming
powerfully - visibly - riding a white horse of war -
dressed in the raiment of His exalted position - leading
the hosts - the armies of heaven and by His word alone
ending the foolishness of man. Jesus coming to judge and
to dispense justice - to sift and to send - some to
eternity with His Father - many to eternal damnation. God’s
answer is that God is doing something. Justice has been served - is
being served - and it will come. And on that
day what excuse will be given? Who will stand
and argue against God - that God is absent and uncaring
and unjust. Verse 2 goes on -
three things we need to see in God’s answer. First: God’s Judgment is a Process: For He is like a refiner’s fire and like
fullers’ soap. He
will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He
will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold
and silver, and they will bring offerings in
righteousness to the Lord.
you hear Handel’s Messiah in that you’re tracking. Together... “And He shall purify…” We’ll stop there. A
refiner takes silver or gold and holds it over the flame
until it liquefies.
If the metal could cry out it would scream in
pain. That’s
the process of removing - separating the sin from the
sinner. Fuller’s
soap is not the soft - sudsy - gentle on the hands - Bed and Bath soap
we use everyday. Fuller’s
soap is a harsh combination of soda and bleach. Clothes - being purified - were
submerged and subjected to that. The
process of purification will be a painful - a difficult
and complete process of removing sin from our lives. “Who can endure this? Who can stand
when judgment comes?” Second: God’s Judgment is about People. The
prophet Nathan came to King David and he told David a
story about a rich man who had a large flock of sheep. Remember this? This
rich man held a party and instead of killing one of his
own sheep for the party he stole the sheep of a poor man
- a lamb that this poor man had cared for and treated
like a member of the family. The rich man
took this poor man’s lamb - killed
it - made it into kebab. David
became enraged and - even though stealing sheep wasn’t a
capital crime - David called for this rich man to be put
to death. Then
Nathan said, “You are that man.” Because
Nathan had been speaking of David’s sin with Bathsheba. We want
God to judge others.
We see their sins.
But, God begins with us. With His
people. Purification
is personal because God loves us. First,
He begins with the sons of Levi - the priests. Purifying and
refining so that their offering - theirs and on behalf
of the people - their offering will be pure according to God’s
standard not theirs. Then in
verse 5 there’s a list - those involved in the occult -
then those
who were destroying families - then liars
and perjurers - then the
socially unjust - those who were exploited
and oppressing others
- then - bottom line - those who have no respect for God. It’s a comprehensive list covering all people
across the spectrum of
life. God sees
it all. God
will deal with the sins of His people. That day of
reckoning will come swiftly and no one will be able to
object or say that God is unjust. Third: God’s Judgment comes with Purpose. “For I the Lord do not change; therefore
you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. In Malachi’s day, they
asked "Where is the God
of justice?” In David’s
day the pagans asked, “Where is your God?” (Psalm
42:3) The enemies of
Jeremiah asked, “Where
is the Word of the Lord?” (Jeremiah
17:15) Jesus faced the scoffers daily
during his ministry.
And, they were there to taunt him at his trial
and execution. Scoffers
followed the Apostles during their ministry. In Peter’s day
they were asking - “Didn’t Jesus say
He would rise again?
Didn’t He say -
before He went away - that He would return? It’s been 30
years. Where
is He?" Almost two thousand years later we
still hear the same mocking questions. From outside
the church. Even
from within. So here we are. It’s easy to
wonder if maybe everyone else is right and we’ve got it
wrong. Time
will continue on just as it has - and God - if we choose
to believe in Him - is really detached from all this. Maybe
we really should be living
our lives by the brains God’s
given us. There’s something
essential about this unchanging God of justice that we
need to understand:
Justice is Who God is and how God acts. Meaning
that God is always acting according to His holiness in
relationship to Himself and His creation - us. He’s always
acting with moral uprightness and honesty. God institutes
laws - everything He’s commanded and expects of us - all
that is righteous and comes with just rewards and
penalties. God
is absolutely fair in all that - unchanging - because
God does not change. Meaning
there is no way to slip a few bucks under the table and
get God to go easy on us.
God is not playing bait and switch with us. It is against
Who God is for God to act unjust and God will always
resist any act against Him that will violate His
holiness. Which
is why we - in the hopelessness of our sin - our
depraved sinful unworthiness - having nothing within us
that’s worthy of God’s approval - which all of us have
proven multiple times - we are in serious serious
trouble before God.
We all are born facing damnation and Hell. God is totally
unchanging and just in treating us that way. And
yet we are not consumed.
Why? Reason
being - all of Who God is and what God does is always
happening at the same time. Meaning
that God is always omnipotent and omniscient and
perfection and righteous and loving and gracious and
merciful and just and on and on - all at the same time. Sometimes God
exercises one attribute of Who He is more than another. But always God
is acting in consistent unity with Who He is. Point
being hat if God is just He is also loving. So we are not
consumed because there are times when God holds back on
His acting in justice because God is acting more so in
love and grace and mercy. So,
if God hasn’t toasted Israel’s enemies yet or if Jesus
hasn’t come back yet - that doesn’t mean that God is not
out there or that God doesn’t give a rip about what’s
going on down here.
It means that God is being gracious and loving
towards us. Peter goes on with that truth
in 2 Peter 3:8: But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that
with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day.
We’re always going to be frustrated
and disappointed - led to doubt God - if we expect God
to act according to understanding in our perspective of time. God
has no beginning - no end.
God sees and knows all things independent of
time. God
isn’t bound by time like we are. God created time.
God uses time. How can we relate our
understanding of time to God who views 1,000 years with the
brevity of 1 day - and 1 day with the fullness of 1,000
years? Peter
writes in verse 9 - The
Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count
slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that
any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. God
speaks through Malachi, “For I, the Lord, do
not change - Who God is What God is
doing - what we’ve seen since January - that all doesn’t
change. God is always on task. Thousands of years may pass but My purpose
and My plan does not change - therefore you, O sons
of Jacob, are not consumed.” Even
while held over the fires of purification God is patient
towards us - holding us - watching over us - so that we’re
not consumed. It’s
God’s desire for His people to repent - to be purified
of sin - to return to worship and honor Him with hearts
completely surrendered to Him. God’s
purpose in judgment - the loving boundaries He places on
our lives - His process for His people - His purpose in
that is bring us to repentance and trust in Him -
because God loves us.
Desires for us - not damnation and Hell - but
Heaven and forever with Him. 2 Peter 3:10: But
the day of the Lord will come like a thief, then the
heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly
bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth
and the works that are done on it will be exposed.” When Jesus returns - that’s it. Judgment and
Hell and eternal separation for those without Jesus. But God loves
our family members and friends - our co-workers - who
have not trusted Jesus.
And He is patient - perhaps working through us -
to share the Gospel and bring them to salvation.
“Where is the God of justice?” He’s
where He has always been.
Aware of our sin - the sins against us - calling
us to return to Him. Processing all that… On
the night of Jesus’ betrayal and arrest - Jesus is
leading the Passover meal with His disciples - applying
parts of the meal to Himself - preparing His disciples
for what will come.
While the events and timing of that night are
familiar to us - it is painfully obvious that on that
night Jesus’ disciples had no clue what Jesus was
talking about. As
the meal is finishing Jesus drops the bombshell that one
of them will betray Him.
Immediately there are questions and denials and a
discussion about who would do such a thing. Then -
strangely - somehow that discussion about loyalty to
Jesus degrades into an argument as to who among them is
the greatest. An
argument focusing on self in comparison to others - even
Jesus’ betrayer. In
the Messiah’s kingdom who will have greater recognition
- greater stature - greater authority? Who will
govern at Jesus’ right hand? Who will rule
what cities? Who
is more worthy - more justified in having that rank and
title and privilege. Jesus
interrupts their “I’m
greatest” argument to correct
their view on the kingdom.
To adjust their perspective. The kingdom of
God operates very differently than the kingdoms of this
world. Ruling
and leading is about serving and being a servant. And
Jesus warns Peter that Satan has asked to “sift” Peter
like one “sifts” wheat.
To shake him to the core of who he is. To put his
faith to the test as Satan tested Job. Afflicting Job
for the sake of proving him unworthy. Jesus
tells Peter, “And
when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Meaning Jesus
saw Peter’s inevitable failure. Satan would
sift Peter and Peter will fail the test. But Jesus -
seeking to encourage Peter - Jesus tells Peter, after
you fail - then when you recover - encourage your
brothers. But
Peter… is Peter. Peter
- very much engaged in the “who’s the greatest” argument
- Peter
boldly declares: “Lord,
I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death!” That’s
a powerful declaration.
Maybe it even impressed the other disciples. “Jesus.
I’ll die for you.
I want to go with you. It doesn’t
matter what it costs.
I’ll die.” Jesus
- not impressed - Jesus’ famous words [right?]: “I
tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day,
until you deny three times that you know me.” [ouch] Then
Jesus - mercifully - returns to the ending of the meal -
to His preparations to leave. They sing
together. Then
Jesus leads them out of the upper room and to the Garden
of Gethsemane. We
know that in the garden - satisfied with a good meal and
in the darkness of what was late at night - while Jesus
prayed Peter the brave and the others slept. Judas
arrives - leading a crowd - a mob accompanying the chief
priests - the temple guards - the senior leadership of
the Temple. And
while soldiers remain hidden in the shadows Judas goes
through with his charade of a kiss. Jesus, now
identified, the troops move in for the arrest.
- seeing that Jesus has no clue about what's really
going on - about how to deal with these people. Peter
- perhaps sensing that this was his moment to prove
Jesus wrong - that Jesus’ accusations are unjust. That Peter’s
faith will remain strong in this moment of sifting - of
testing - Peter swings with his sword and slices off the
ear of Malchus - the high priest’s servant. Jesus
rebukes Peter, “Put
away your sword. You’re
getting between Me and what My Father has for Me to do.” Your perspective of
this - what’s right and what’s wrong - your perspective
is wrong. Before
they can tie up Jesus to lead Him away - Jesus restores
Malchus’ ear. As
Peter follows - to his credit Peter loves Jesus too much
to leave Him - but he’s too much of a coward - too
fearful - so as Jesus is led way - Peter follows at a
safe distance seeking a place where He can hide and
watch. Jesus
is led to the home of Caiaphas the high priest. As
Peter passes through the gate into the courtyard of the
house he’s met by a servant girl who asks Peter, “You’re
one of this man’s disciples, aren’t you?” Her question is almost
casual - innocent.
Not official.
no reason to fear this girl. But he does. Peter - in
fear - tries to blow her off: “Woman,
I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” It’s
a startling transformation. Peter was
prepared to lay down his life for Jesus and now he’s
just trying to save his own hide. Living in
self-focused fear - he’s carefully calculating his
distance and place in the courtyard - when he’s caught
off guard by the question.
Denial number 1. It’s
a cold night. A
charcoal fire is there in the courtyard. Gathered
around it is a crowd made up of the slaves of the
priest’s families - officers - temple police. Peter’s
afraid. He’s
self-confidence is gone.
But He doesn’t want to leave. So He moves to
sit next to the fire - to blend in - to get lost in the
crowd - to hide and keep warm and watch what’s going on
inside the house with Jesus. Someone
else - another servant - sees Peter - and makes the
accusation. “You
were one of them. I
can tell by your accent.”
Peter begins to curse -
paint pealing - language.
was not!” Denial number 2. A
hour goes by. Peter
sits warming himself.
Listening to the crowd’s perverse - blasphemous -
talk. Their
disgust with Jesus.
He sits among enemies. And
Peter listens - watches Jesus being interrogated. The false
accusations. The
false testimony. The
ridicule and hatred.
The foredrawn conclusion of the interrogation. After
about a hour of this - one of the bystanders - one of
Malchus’ relatives - meaning related to the guy who’s
ear Peter cut off - he makes the accusation: “Didn’t I see
you in the Garden with Him?” Peter
is exposed. This
man knows. He
was there. He
saw me. Peter
again begins to curse.
Emphatically leaving no doubt. No
uncertainty. Peter
dramatically swears an oath invoking God: “With
God as my witness, I don’t know the man.” Denial number 3. While
Peter is making his denial the rooster crows. And at that
moment Jesus turns and looks directly at Peter. The
word in Greek is “emblepo” - meaning to look at
something directly and with intention. Their
eyes lock. Peter
meets the stare of his Master, Jesus. What passed
between them we don’t know. But this
purposeful lingering stare penetrates Peter to the core
of who he is. It’s
recorded that Peter went out and wept bitterly. Wept bitterly
is more than just wept.
There’s a deeper intensity to that. Some versions
translate it as “deeply
grieving and distressed” - “painfully mourning grief” The Greek word
describes the mournful wailing cry of those hopelessly
grieving death. Peter: “You
are the Christ. I
will die for you.” Peter - the greatest
and most worthy of all the disciples. Peter proving
his faith by swinging his sword - defending Jesus
against all the sinful mob coming to arrest Jesus -
Peter - faith gone - knowing his failure - breaks down
sobbing uncontrollably. Three
days later - women coming to anoint the body of Jesus
are confronted with the mystery of an empty tomb. They’re told
by an angel to not be alarmed. That Jesus was
crucified and that He has risen from death. He’s not here. Mark
records that the angel told the women to specifically: “Go
tell his disciples and Peter...” (Mark 16:7) When
he hears - Peter runs to the tomb. Stooping down
he enters in. What
he sees there is beyond reason. Linen cloths
lying empty. The
face cloth that had been on Jesus’ head is lying
separate from the other burial cloth. It’s folded
neatly off to the side.
Peter is reduced to silence and belief. Something
changed in Peter at the empty tomb. Peter who had
failed Jesus so completely. What
would that be like - to stoop there staring at an empty
tomb? Eyes
moving over the linen and there’s no body. To have the
reality of that slowly penetrate your heart. Jesus is
alive. I’m
not condemned. My
sin - my failure is forgiven. Eternity with
God is mine. Because
of what follows - we see that at the tomb something
profoundly changed in Peter. Bravado
becomes true bravery.
Cowardice becomes true courage. Head knowledge
and understanding becomes heart level faith and
following. The
basis of Peter’s life - how Peter sees his life - sees
Himself in comparison to others - the bedrock foundation
is not Peter but Jesus. When
we see the red light in our rear view mirror - what goes
through our minds is generally not, “Oh
goody, an opportunity of justice.” But self-justifying
excuses and arguments - a desperate hoping for mercy and
grace. Been
there? When
we begin to understand God’s forgiveness of us - and His
love and His grace and His mercy - all of which He is
unchangingly - always at all times - when we come to
trust the reality of His forgiveness - we begin to get
past our self-focused - sin driven - skewed towards self
sense of self-serving justice - and to trust God for His. Life
is not about what we do for God and what know about God
and how righteous we may think we are and what we think
about ourselves in comparison to others. But life is
about God and what God has done for us through Christ’s
work on the cross. When we view justice through the lens of
the holy God’s forgiving us we begin to process justice
a whole lot differently. Very
practically - for when we head out there - when we view
justice through the lens of the holy God’s forgiving us
we begin to process what Jesus taught a whole lot
differently. Remember
“If anyone slaps you on the right cheek,
turn to him the other also.” “If anyone would sue you take your tunic,
let him have your cloak as well.” “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go
with him two miles.” “Give to the one who begs from you, and do
not refuse the one who would borrow from you.” “Love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father
who is in heaven.”
(Matthew 5:38-45) “Let him who is without sin… be the first
to throw a stone at her.”
(John 8:7) “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the
judgment you pronounce you will be judged and with the
measure you use it will be measured to you.” (Matthew
7:1,2) “For if you forgive others their
trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you,
but if you do not forgive others their trespasses,
neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:14,15) This
week. Out
there. What
would God’s perspective of justice look like in how you
do life? In
your marriage? At
work? At
school? In
whatever relationship God gives you the opportunity to
live for His glory? _______________ Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |