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WAITING FOR RELEASE MALACHI 3:13-4:6 Series: Waiting - Part Six Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 24, 2017 |
Would you stand with
me as we read together Gods’ word - what is the first
part of our text for this morning - Malachi 3:13-18: “Your words have been hard against Me,
says the Lord. But
you say, ‘How have we spoken against You?’ You
have said, ‘It is vain to serve God. What is the
profit of our keeping His charge or of walking as in
mourning before the Lord of hosts? And now we
call the arrogant blessed. Evildoers
not only prosper but they put God to the test and they
escape.’” Then those who feared the Lord
spoke with one another.
The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a
book of remembrance was written before Him of those
who feared the Lord and esteemed His name. “They shall
be Mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I
make up My treasured possession, and I will spare them
as a man spares his son who serves him. Then once
more you shall see the distinction between the
righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God
and one who does not serve Him. As we’ve been
studying Malachi - we’ve been seeing that Malachi is a
series of discussions between God and God’s people in
which God is helping His people to get back in sync
with Him and to trust Him for what He’s doing and why. Essentially
Malachi is a love letter with God reaching out to His
people - calling them back to Him. In the way books of
the Hebrew Bible are arranged - first to last -
Chronicles comes as the end of that arrangement. Nehemiah
records the last history of the Hebrew Bible. Malachi and
discussion six is the last prophesy until the birth of
Jesus. So
this is the Christmas Eve cliff hanger. The discussion begins
in verse 13 with God speaking to His people: “Your words have been hard against
Me, says the Lord.
“Hard” meaning
“harsh.” God’s
people have been speaking harshly about God. Talking
trash about God.
Super critical.
Just plain wrong. God says, “Your words have been hard against Me.” God’s people respond: “How have we spoken against You?” How have we been “harsh”? To understand the
discussion - God’s point and the people’s question -
we need understand where God’s people are coming from. You’ll notice in the
verses we’ve read that there are two groups of people
that are being described for us. Group One is described in these first 3 verses.
They’ve come to that
conclusion by observing what they see going on around
them. Those
who don’t keep God’s law - the arrogant and the
evildoers - seemingly they’re getting blessed. They’re
prospering. Whatever
messed up attitude they may have about God - God
seemingly let’s them get away with their attitude and
actions towards Him. We’ve seen this as
we’ve been going through Malachi. God’s people
have come back to Jerusalem. They’re
living in the ruins of what was Jerusalem the city of
David. A
shell of its former glory. Regardless
of the opposition they’ve rebuilt the Temple. They’re
doing the worship God sacrifices thing. They’re
rebuilding the walls of the city. God’s
people are waiting on God to make good on His promises
- made to Abraham - made about a coming king who’s
going to sit on David’s throne ushering in a time of
unprecedented lasting peace and prosperity when
Jerusalem becomes the de facto spiritual and political
capital of the world.
Which hasn’t happened yet. God’s people were
looking at those circumstances - which admittedly
weren’t so good - which actually were pretty messed
up. And
they were looking at themselves - and thinking that
they were trying to obey God in the midst of all that
- and looking at what they were up against and they’d
concluded that the righteous suffered and the wicked
flourished - meaning that when it came down to it God
really didn’t care.
So what was the point of living righteous?
Doesn’t it seem like
people who are doing just about anything but following
God - and even those who are against God - way too
often they seem to be doing just fine. Seemingly
the wicked are doing at least as good - if not better
- than the righteous.
The reason that seems to be true is because -
on a surface level - it is true. The flip side - where
the rubber meets the road for us - what’s hard about
that for us is that it seems like while the “wicked”
are doing quite well the righteous are usually getting
hammered. Which
is also probably true. So Group One -
they’re looking at their circumstances - which are not
good - looking at their enemies that are doing quite
well, thank you - and they’ve come to the conclusion -
that God is detached from all that - doesn’t really
care - doesn’t really love them - so it’s a waste of
time and effort - it’s vain - to serve God. Calling the arrogant
blessed was their way of saying that maybe it was
better to go through life doing the token God thing at
the Temple but overall following along with what the
world was doing.
That’s just how things work in the real world. Group Two is described in the next 3 verses. Same set of
circumstances. Same
enemies prospering around them. Same
expectations of God - waiting for God to fulfill His
promises. But Group Two is
described as those who “feared the Lord.” “Fear”
meaning “reverence.”
And we’re told that they “esteemed” God. They valued
God for Who He is and what He does. They we’re
counting on God to come through on His promises. Because
that’s what the Sovereign God of the Covenant does. It’s Who He
is. It’s
how He acts. Despite the
circumstances, Group Two was staying focused on God -
on giving God the honor and worship and faithful
obedience that was due Him. Verse 16 tells us
that Group Two comes together to speak with each
They gathered together to draw strengthen and
to encourage each other.
To keep themselves focused on God in the midst
of their circumstances. If we were living in
a spiritually dead towards God culture… “If” - just
saying. If
we were living in a spiritually dead towards God
culture that was being used by our adversary Satan to
influence us away from God - to distract us and
discourage us and lead us away from faithfully obeying
God. If we were living in
a culture where people have very little use for God
and those who say they have some insight on God or
spirituality are actually really confused about God. If we were living in
a culture like that - over time - maybe very slowly -
but over time wouldn’t it be possible over time to
accommodate some of that culture for ourselves and our
own way of thinking and doing and maybe not even
realize it? There’s a significant
danger in that for us.
We can accommodate sin in our lives for so long
that after a while it almost seems normal. Culture can
replace Christ as to what guides our lives. These people - Group
Two - realized that needed each other. We need each
other. Which
is why we need to come together - to reinforce each
other - to build each other up - to strengthen and
encourage each other -
to hold each other accountable - to keep each
other focused on God and faithfully and obediently
following Him. Because Group Two is
fearing and esteeming God and desiring to keep on
doing that regardless of their circumstances - God
uses Malachi to give us insight into some things about
Group Two that are not surface level obvious. But God
wants us to know about how He - God - views Group Two. Verse 16: “A book of remembrance was written
before God.” The idea of “a
book of remembrance”
is found in many places in Scripture - God keeping a
record of who His people are. In
Isaiah 49:16, God says, “Behold,
I have engraved you on the palms of
My hands” -
a beautiful picture of God’s relationship with His
people, a place of healing, safety, security, and
blessing. The ultimate book of remembrance is the
Book of Life - found in Revelation 20 - the record of
all those who have come to salvation in Jesus Christ -
those who will spend eternity with God. (Revelation
Verse 17 says: “They shall be Mine…” Emphasis “Mine.” “They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of
hosts, “in the day when I make up My treasured
possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his
son who serves him.” A treasured
possession is a possession that we... treasure. What is
unique and valuable.
If we are in Christ - saved by grace through
faith - you are God’s treasured possession. God chooses
us to be His treasured possession and God is not going
to let you go. God says that He will
spare His people like a man will spare His own
faithful son. “Spare”
- the Hebrew word means that God will have concern for
His people. God
will have compassion and mercy and pity on His people
- as if they are His own son. We’ve been seeing
that truth as we’ve been working through the Old
Testament - the Old Covenant - since Genesis and the
Fall. Remember the
Abrahamic Covenant?
Three parts:
Land - to dwell in with God. Seed -
meaning descendants.
And blessing.
God covenants to bless His people - that He
chose - covenants to bless them with a land to dwell
on with Him and to use them to be a blessing to the
nations - even us.
We’ve seen God Who is
relentless and purposeful in His commitment to do what
He has covenanted to do.
Despite the attitudes and actions of His people
- God goes on loving on His people. God doesn’t
change. God’s
purpose and plan for history doesn’t change. It’s
grounded in Who God is and what God does. In John 10 Jesus
said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know
them, and they follow Me. I give them
eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one
will snatch them out of My hand.” In Greek it’s a
double negative:
“They shall not never perish.” “Ain’t gonna happen.” Jesus goes on: “My Father, who has given them to
Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch
them out of the Father’s hand.” (John 10:27-29) We’re in the Son’s
hand and the Father’s hand envelops the Son’s hand. How secure
is that? Nothing
and no one is going to pry us out of there. God is
holding us tight because - in Christ - we’re His
treasured possession.
In the midst of our circumstances God is
compassionate and merciful towards us - sparing us. Malachi 3:18 tells us
that there are distinct differences between Group One
and Group Two. Some
of those differences are easily seen in the attitudes
and actions of the two groups. They were
obvious in Malachi’s day. Obvious to
people watching these two groups. But, some of
those differences are not as easily seen. They will be
seen. But
they’re distinctions based on what God has chosen to
do for His people. Same circumstances -
two distinct groups - two very different responses. Group One has looked
at their circumstances and chosen to trust their
understanding of all that - their perspective and
observations. A
response to their circumstances that has led them over
time to the point where they’re speaking against God
and they don’t even realize it. Group Two has looked
at the same circumstances and chosen to fear and
esteem God - to circle the wagons and trust God
together. Of the two groups
we’re told that Group Two - even though outward
circumstances might lead someone to question the
reality of this - we’re told that Group Two is God’s
treasured possession that God will spare them. Meaning that
what Group Two is trusting God for is the reality of
how God really has God has chosen to treat them. In our trying to
understand what’s going on behind the discussion and
the question being asked - where God’s people are
coming from - it really isn’t about the circumstances
so much as a choice to - at the heart level - our
choice to trust God - Who He is and what He’s said He
will do. In the midst of
whatever we’re going through in life - do we really
fear God, or not?
How greatly do we esteem God, or not? That’s the
distinction between these two groups. That’s what
God is looking at.
At the heart level who really are His people? These next 6 verses
are God’s answer - what He wants His people to grab on
to in the midst of their circumstances and their
conclusions and questions. Would you stand if
you’re able and let’s read this next section of God’s
word together: “For behold, the day is coming, burning
like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers
will be stubble.
The day that is coming shall set them ablaze,
says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them
neither root nor branch.
But for you who fear my name, the sun of
righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go
out leaping like calves from the stall. And you
shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes
under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act,
says the Lord of hosts. “Remember the law of my servant
Moses, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at
Horeb for all Israel.
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And he will
turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the
hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and
strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” Verse 19 begins “For Behold” “Behold”
in Hebrew is a powerful - forceful - word. In modern
English it carries the idea “Shut
up!” Just stop what you’re
doing. This is important. Be
silent. Engage
your brain and listen.
Focus. “For behold, the day is coming, burning
like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers
will be stubble.
The day that is coming shall set them ablaze,
says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them
neither root nor branch.
“The Day” is “The Day of
the Lord” - the day of God’s coming judgment. The
prophet Joel writes: “For the day
of the Lord is near; and it will come as destruction
from the Almighty.
The day of the Lord is indeed great and very
awesome, and who can endure it?” (Joel
1:15; 2:11b NASB) Isaiah writes: “For
the Lord of hosts will have a day of reckoning against
everyone who is proud and loft and against everyone
who is lifted up, that he may be abased. Behold the
day of the Lord is coming, cruel, with fury and
burning anger, to make the land a desolation; and He
will exterminate its sinners from it.” (Isaiah
2:12; 13:9 NASB) Zephaniah writes: “A
day of wrath is that day, a day of trouble and
distress, a day of destruction and desolation, a day
of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick
darkness, a day of trumpet and battle cry.”
(Zephaniah 1:15,16a NASB) Jesus told His
disciples: “For
then there will be a great tribulation, such as has
not occurred since the beginning of the world until
now, nor ever will.” (Matthew
24:21 NASB) The Day of The Lord is not a single 24
hour day that we can enter into our phone or tap into our
tablet. It’s
extended period of future time covering a number of
events - beginning at the return of Jesus - continuing
over a period of 7 years - often referred to as the
Tribulation - and perhaps continuing on for another
thousand years - into what has been called the
Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ here on earth. It’s still night and
we’re still living in the darkness and circumstances
of today. But
the day is coming.
The emphasis is that God will act. He will
bring judgment. The Bible teaches that those who enter into that day without a personal -
saving - relationship with Jesus will enter into that
day as time of judgement leading to eternal punishment
- eternal torment - eternal separation from God. They’ll
become like dried empty chaff - stubble - leftovers
from the harvest - and they will burn - be set ablaze - forever.
For anyone that
should be an attention getting sobering reality. If we’re not
“in Christ” that’s terrifying. “For behold, the day is coming…” Verse 2: But
for you who fear My name - Group Two - the
sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its
wings.” Some translations
capitalize the word “Sun.” Which has
led to the idea that the “Sun” is Jesus. Which is
true - meaning that in a very real sense all this is
still referring to the second return of Jesus. But the play
on words S-U-N and S-O-N exists in English not Hebrew. “Sun” in
Hebrew means... “sun.”
Like the sun rising in the east. The imagery is that
the same sun that rises with such intense heat that it
sets the evildoers ablaze is the same sun which rises
and brings healing to the righteous. In The Chronicles of
Narnia were told that in Narnia “...it is always winter and never
Christmas.” There
is an unfulfilled longing and hopelessness in that. The grey and
cold and dead of winter that continues without end. But when the sun
rises at the end of winter we can feel and welcome its
warmth. Its
healing of the death of winter. The renewing
of life. Snow
melts. Things
dry out. Sap
flows. Trees
turn green. Buds
pop. Flowers
bloom. Fruit
begins to grow. Warmth
penetrates to the bones. Another image: You shall go out leaping like
calves from the stall There’s an
invigorated joy in that.
A young calf released to exercise its legs -
unrestrained - free for the first time. Bounding and
leaping with joyful abandon. And you shall tread down the wicked, for
they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on
the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts. To tread down has the
imagery of treading grapes to make wine. Same word in
Hebrew. It
has the idea of crushing the grapes under foot. The idea behind the
imagery is that justice - God’s justice - will take
place. Circumstances
that seemed so wrong - what was endured for all of
history - the wicked continually trampling on the
righteous - what was wrong - God will make right. The
oppression by the wicked will cease. So God’s people -
Group Two - will be victorious - will be blessed beyond
anything they could possible imagine. And, that
blessing will go on throughout eternity. Same circumstance -
“the day” - two groups - two different results. The
distinction between the two groups is how God chooses
to respond to their attitude towards Him. The second part of
God’s answer are Instructions
For Waiting. What
to do while waiting - at least for the next 400 plus
years. First: Remember
The Law. Verse
4: “Remember the law of my servant
Moses, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at
Horeb for all Israel. To remember means to
keep that memory in the forefront of our thinking. Active
memory. Remembering
is constant - a day-by-day - moment-by-moment - we
need to make a conscious effort and take steps - to
keep this in the forefront of our thinking. The Law of Moses is…
the Law of Moses - the statutes and rules and commands
that God gave to His people. What God
delivered to His people through Moses at Horeb. Horeb is
another name for Mount Sinai. Where God’s people
arrive at after God - who has chosen them to be a
people - God who has chosen to deliver them from Egypt
by taking out Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt. God’s people
arrive at Mount Sinai. The imagery of that
is legendary. Passed
down through the generations and known to Malachi’s
readers. The
imagery of Moses on the Mountain with God. With all the
of the pyrotechnics - the lightening - the booming
thunder - what was totally terrifying. And God’s people down
below - staying back at a safe distance because they
were told if they touched the mountain they would die. God’s people
who had to wash and clean themselves - to totally
consecrate themselves to God - before they could even
watch at a safe distance. God’s people - at
Horeb - watching a manifestation of the unimaginable
awesomeness of God on display. Watching as
God dictates the terms of His covenant - as God gives
His law to Moses to give to His people. Meaning that all
those regulations like “Don’t touch that” and “Don’t eat that” and on which days and in which places to
do this and that.
And what to wear and when and how to wear it. And all
those instructions about heaving this and waving that
and what and when to heave and what and when to wave. And how to
kill birds. And
what to do with the blood and what not to do with the
blood. And
what God said about what to do when we sin - what to
offer and how to offer it. And on and
on. All those statutes
and rules and commands are there to help us to process
at the heart level the reality of Who God is and our
inadequacy to live anything close to what God requires
of us. God our Creator - Who
created and holds together the atoms of our existence. God Who is
beyond our comprehension and we would have no clue
about except that God created us and enabled us to
have some small concept of Who He is. God Who is
holy. God
Who is morally pure. And we are not. The Law - the written
down specifications of the character of God - proves
that we are totally inadequate - total failures - at
living anything like the absolute holiness of God. We live
totally depraved.
We are sinners who go right on sinning. There is
nothing within us that is worthy of God’s attention -
God’s love - nothing worthy of God acting on our
behalf. Nothing.
It is God Who has
chosen you. God
Who chose to reveal Himself to us. God Who
chooses to treasure us and to be gracious to us and to
have mercy and compassion on us. Even to save
us from eternal punishment and give to us eternity
with Him through Christ’s work on the cross. Instruction Number
two is to Wait
For The Prophet. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord
comes. And
he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children
and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I
come and strike the land with a decree of utter
destruction.” We know that the
prophet is John the Baptist. When the
angel Gabriel announced to John’s father Zechariah
what John’s ministry would be like - Zechariah was
told that John would come in “the spirit and power of Elijah.” John the Baptist himself refers to
Malachi describing his ministry. Jesus
identifies the ministry of Elijah with John the
Baptist. (Luke
1:17; John 3:28; Matthew 11:10) After 400 plus years
of waiting John is the renewal of the God speaking
through His prophets.
John who called God’s people to repentance - to
change their hearts towards God. To be heart
level ready for what God is doing - for what God will
do. Malachi tells us that
the ministry of John the Baptist - Elijah - would
change hearts. Unless
hearts change God will curse the land. Somehow the
ministry of the prophet would rectify the divide
between God and man that the Law exposed. John announced: “Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes
away the sin of the world.” (John
1:29) That was the purpose
of the prophet. John’s
purpose - to point people to Jesus. Wait for the
prophet to point us to Jesus. Only Jesus can change
hearts. Only
Jesus can bridge the uncrossable chasm between sinful
man and the Holy God.
God looking forward
in history from Malachi to Jesus - for 400 or so years
- politically - religiously - culturally -
economically - there’s 400 years of oppression and
persecution and turmoil and uncertainty. First from
the Greeks - then from within - then the Romans. 400 plus
years of circumstances - where God’s people are
waiting for God to do what God said God would do. And
wondering why He hadn’t. And here God is - in
Malachi - focusing His people - not on the
circumstances - but on Him. On what He -
God - is doing and will do to rectify - to redeem His
people - to restore His people to Himself. What God has
been doing since Genesis and the Fall - through real
people in real places in real time - through the “it
is finished” work of Jesus on the cross - what we who
are - saved by God’s grace through faith - what we
will experience together on “the day” when we enter
into eternity with God.
Group One looks at
their circumstances and concludes - in the midst of
all this - God is so not worth our trust and
obedience. God’s answer is a
future history lesson focused on Who He is and what He
is doing. And
God’s answer comes complete with instructions on how
to stay focused - not on our circumstances - but on
Him. Gods’ answer isn’t a
quick fix - easy answer - self-help program about what
to do in adverse circumstances. What often
times well-meaning people reduce Christianity down to. When we look at our
circumstances - maybe
see the righteous suffering and the unrighteous
flourishing - we can look at our lives and question if
God is really paying attention. “Why is life so good for them and
my life stinks.”
In the stuff of our lives we don’t need
sugar coated religious wishful thinking and worn out
answers - we need God. God’s answer is to
look to Him - to grab the big picture of Who He is and
what He is doing in His creation. Which
includes us and our separation from Him - but isn’t
all about us and our circumstances - but about God
choosing to work to bring to righteousness what is
unrighteous - which is about God and what God is doing
in His creation for His glory alone. Processing
all that… In Philippians - when
Paul writes about Jesus’ incarnation - His birth -
Jesus’ willful choosing to set aside His divine
attributes to make Himself nothing - taking on the
form of a servant - a slave - being born in the
circumstances of the small town of Bethlehem - born to
humble parents living in an occupied country -
humbling Himself in obedience to the will of the
Father - humbling Himself to the point of death - even
death on the cross.
Taking on Himself the full force of God’s wrath
against our sin and experiencing the rejection of God
which should have been ours. Jesus that
God highly exalted - raised and bestowed on Him the
name that is above every name. Do you remember how
all of that ends?
The purpose of all that? “So that at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the
earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10,11) Jesus born in
Bethlehem is about God - not us. The work of
the Son on the cross is about God - not us. It is what
God chooses to do for us. But it isn’t
about us. We
would miss so much of what God has for us if we fell
into the trap of thinking that all that is about us
and fail to be overwhelmed with the unimaginable
magnificence of God - God Who is at work for His
glory. Going through life
focused on us and our circumstances is always going to
leave us wallowing in depression and anger and
hopelessness and anxiety and despair and jealousy and
addiction and rivalry and division. Keeping us
in bondage to our own inadequacy and failure. Even living
as the world around us lives wondering if serving God
is really worth it. Going through life
focused on God - Who He is - what He is doing - will
always release us to experience the joy of His
presence - His peace and power in our lives - His love
and to live in love - and patience - kindness -
gentleness - contentment - self-control - hope - even
faithful obedience knowing that serving Him is always
worth it. He alone is worthy. To God alone
be the Glory. Question: In the
circumstances of your life are you a Group One person
or a Group Two person.
Heart level - be honest in how you answer -
question are you focused on God - committed to
faithfully obeying Him - or is your focus someplace
else? _______________ Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a
publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
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