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LEADERSHIP? MICAH 3:1-12 Series: Who Is Like God? - Part Three Pastor Stephen Muncherian May 2, 2004 |
Please turn with me to Micah 3. This morning we want to think about the kind of impact we have on other people - especially as that impact relates to our leading people to Jesus Christ. Jake - a game warden - was always amazed that Sam - a fisherman - showed up at the end of the day with a two or three stringers full of fish. This happened even when all the other fishermen came back with only two or three fish. The lake was loaded with fish. But they seemed to elude the average fisherman. But not Sam. The game warden - Jake - his curiosity finally got the better of him. So one day he said to Sam, “I’d like to know your secret.” Sam - a man of few words - said, “Show up tomorrow morning.” The next morning - before dawn - Jake was there when Sam showed up. They got into the boat. About 40 minutes later - after motoring across the lake - they arrived in a secluded part of the lake with no one else around. When they stopped the motor it was as still as it could be. Jake decided to sit back - fold his arms - and watch Sam do his thing. Sam reached into his tackle box and pulled out a slender stick of dynamite - lit it - tossed it in the air. When it hit the level of the lake there was an enormous explosion. In a matter of seconds, fish of all sizes began to float up on the top of the lake. Without a word Sam just began to row his way around and with his net pick up the largest fish and string them. Jake screamed. “Wait! You can’t do that. You’ve broken every rule in the book. I’m gonna have to stick you in jail!” About that time Sam reached in his box - pulled out another stick of dynamite - lit it - tossed it in Jake’s lap and said, “Are you gonna sit there watchin’ all day or are you gonna fish?” (1) What kind of impact on others do we have for Jesus? What kind of testimony of Jesus Christ do we have? Here on “G” street? When people ask me what church do you pastor with - even if I’m in some other city - and I tell them the E Free Church on “G” street - they know where we are. People watch us. What kind of witness do we have in the community? Are we leading people to Jesus or away from Him? If this church closed down tomorrow would be people notice? Would they care? In Micah 3 - God is going to focus on 3 groups of leaders among His people - civil leaders - prophets - and priests. All of whom God has called - given a leadership role - a role in which they were to represent God - to witness and testify of God. The role of the leaders was to lead the people to God. In the Book of Exodus Moses is instructed to select leaders for the people who are “men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain…” Men who love God and hate evil and will lead the people in obedience to God. (Exodus 18:21) When the people looked at these leaders - even in Micah’s day - when the people looked at these leaders they were suppose to be drawn closer to God - to see in these leaders examples - a testimony - of God’s holiness - His justice - His mercy and love. A passion for God and a relationship with Him that they were to be enticed to seek for themselves. As we go through Micah 3 - God is going to judge - critique - those who were called to lead people to Him. There is a tremendous teaching here that that can challenge us in our witness for God. In verses 1 to 4 God begins with the first of leaders - the civil leaders - the government. Micah 3:1: And I said, “Hear now, heads of Jacob, and rulers of the house of Israel. Is it not for you to know justice? You who hate good and love evil, who tear off their skin from them and their flesh from their bones, who eat the flesh of my people, strip off their skin from them, break their bones and chop them up as for the pot and as meat in the kettle.” Then they will cry out to the Lord, but He will not answer them. Instead, He will hide His face from them at that time because they have practiced evil deeds. A few years back I found myself on the border of Syria and Lebanon at 2:00 in the morning. There are 3 checkpoints on the Syrian side of the border and 3 checkpoints on the Lebanese side of the border. On the Syrian side - to move through the checkpoints involved paying a little extra - a bribe - to certain officials. On the Lebanese side we had pay an official - a little extra - to wake up the official who was able to give me a visa. And of course that official needed a little extra for his pocket as well. That little extra is the way things are done. In Israel - in Micah’s day - the government officials had this down to a fine art. So much so that Micah says they were, “tearing the skin off the people - flesh from the bones.” Today we’d say, “They were skinning them alive” - “ripping them off.” Micah says the civil leaders were chopping up the people and using them as meat in the kettle. They were like cannibals - feasting on the very people God had called them to lead and protect and care for. The worst of this was happening in the courts where these civic leaders were misrepresenting God’s justice to His people. If you wanted justice you had to pay for it. Bribe the judge. Pay for a high priced lawyer. If you were poor there was no justice. Does that sound familiar? Those who win in court are the ones who’re able to pay for the best lawyers. The people cried out for justice and the civil leaders ignored them. All they were interested in was money and power. God’s response - in verse 4 - is silence. When these corrupt civil leaders cry out to God - just like they’ve misrepresented God’s justice - like they’ve ignored the poor - God ignores them. He hides His face. They’re helpless and God will not come to the rescue. In verses 5 to 8 God moves to the second group of leaders - the prophets. Verse 5: Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets who lead my people astray; when they have something to bite with their teeth, they cry, “Peace,” but against him who puts nothing in their mouths they declare holy war. The role of the prophets was to relate God’s word to the people: “Thus saith the Lord God…” So that the people would know what was coming or how they should be living. The prophets were suppose to be the trusted voice of God to His people. That was their role of leadership - witness for God. But the prophets - like the government officials - the prophets were in on the take. Those who could put a little extra in the prophet’s mouth - slip a little something extra - food or money - into their hands - the prophets would give them prophecies of peace - wonderful blessings of God. If a person couldn’t come up with that little extra something they’d get a prophecy of war - death - disaster. Please hear me. I’m not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. But, if I mention the words “Television Evangelist” what image comes to mind? You don’t have to raise your hands. But when I said Television Evangelist how many of you thought about money? “That’s what they’re all about. Money for themselves.” “We’ll pray for you or send you this special token of God’s blessing if you just send us money.” If you have that image in mind - you understand the prophets of Micah’s day. In verse 5 God says, the prophets are leading “My people astray.” God’s people have no idea what God expects of them or how they’re to live. The people are like a ship without a rudder - no compass - no idea of what direction to go or how to get there. Verse 6: Therefore it will be night for you - without vision, and darkness for you - without divination. The sun will go down on the prophets, and the day will become dark over them. The seers will be ashamed and the diviners will be embarrassed. Indeed, they will all cover their mouths because there is no answer from God. The prophetic voice is a gift from God. Just as easily as God can give the gift of prophecy and the honor of speaking for Him - God can shut down the prophet. Turn him off. Leave him with nothing. From God they’ll get nothing - no vision - no spiritual perception - no answers from God - nothing but empty darkness - God’s rejection. When a prophet has nothing to say - that’s shameful - an embarrassment - it exposes the fraud - the missing relationship with God. In contrast - Micah describes himself and those who really are speaking for God - leading people to God. Verse 8: On the other hand I am filled with power - with the Spirit of the Lord - and with justice and courage to make known to Jacob his rebellious act, even to Israel his sin. Do you remember Balaam the prophet of God? The people of Israel were camped on the east side of the Jordan River - getting ready to conquer Canaan - the Promised Land. Balak - the King of the Moabites has been watching the movements of Israel. Israel has just wiped out the Amorites. King Balak figures the he and Moabites are next on Israel’s “to do” list of people to be conquered. King Bakak tries to do what? Balak tries to hire Balaam - the prophet of God - to come and curse the people of Israel so when Balak goes up against Israel in battle he’ll win. Balak sends messengers to Balaam with an offer of money. And Balaam refuses. Again - a second time Balak sends more important men and an offer of even more money. He’s negotiating. “How much do you want to come and curse Israel?” Finally King Balak himself goes and promises to give Balaam riches beyond anything he can imagine. That’s the image Balak had been given of prophets and religion - an image many have today. Godly leadership is a vocation - a business. Balaam was a prophet for hire. Whoever paid him the most got the blessing. But Balaam 3 times blesses Israel and finally ends up cursing Moab. King Balak says, “What have you done? I took you to curse my enemies. But, you blessed them!” Balaam tells King Balak, “Didn’t I tell your messengers whom you sent to me - even though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything contrary to the command of the Lord, either good or bad, of my own accord. What the Lord speaks, that I will speak?” (Numbers 22-24) Micah says - in contrast to the rent-a-prophets - Micah is filled “with the Spirit of the Lord.” Like Balaam, he’s in touch with the living God. Listening to God. Led by God. God has filled Micah with His power - given Micah strength and courage - a passionate desire to see God’s justice represented to His people. Micah’s message its not popular. Its not politically correct. Its not a message of peace. Its a message of confrontation and judgment. He’s standing up and telling it like it is when it would have been so easy to crumble before the opposition or the promise of financial reward. But - here’s the bottom line - God - in love for His people - calls Micah to exercise true Godly leadership - to witness for Him - to represent God to the people. That’s what God’s prophet does. He speaks with the confidence and authority of one who speaks for God. To speak out against the disobedience and sin of God’s people - and lead them back to God. Going on - in verses 9 to 11 God comes to the third group of leaders - the priests. The priests were the mediators. They stood between God and His people - through the mediation of sacrifices and prayers - leading the people closer to God. Without the priests the people couldn’t maintain the holiness - the purity - of their covenant relationship with God. God brings 4 accusations against the priests. Verse 9: Now hear this, heads of the house of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel, who abhor justice and twist everything that is straight Accusation number one is perversion. Taking what is right and twisting it around so the people were confused about what was just and unjust - holy and unholy. Verse 10: who build Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with violent injustice Accusation number two - violence. They didn’t care who got hurt - spiritually or physically. Verse 11: Her leaders pronounce judgment for a bribe, her priests instruct for a price and her prophets divine for money Accusation number three - greed. The priests - like all the other leaders are in it for the money. They’re making money off of God. Selling religion to the people. Going on - Yet they lean on the Lord saying, “Is the Lord in our midst? Calamity will not come upon us.” Accusation number four - arrogance. They’ve turned the Temple worship into an empty ritual - a business venture devoid of the Spirit of the Lord. We can hear them talking to themselves, “Impressive Temple facilities. Attendance is good. Giving is up. We’re doing the worship thing okay.” They’re so arrogant they assume that God will take care of them - God will be there for His people - because - well, after all they are His people - God will be there for them regardless what they do. During the Passover week - the disciples and Jesus were in the Temple. On the way out the disciples are talking about what they’d seen - the money that was given - the temple complex. Remember what they said? “Jesus, look at these tremendous buildings! Look at the massive stones in the walls.” Remember how Jesus answered them? “Do you see these magnificent buildings? Not one stone will be left on top of another. It’s all going to be torn down.” (Mark 13:1,2) His point is what? The buildings aren’t what’s important here. Days later - after Jesus rose from death - the disciples remembered another time - when Jesus had spoken of Himself. Jesus had said, “Destroy this temple - same image as before - but referring to Himself - Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19-22) Jesus torn down - dying on the cross - and Himself raised from death 3 days later. The purpose of a Temple is what? To draw attention to deity within. Jesus - God - is what’s important. When we focus on the buildings - the size and style of the facilities - the different ministries we have - what we’re involved in - how we do worship - all the outward stuff of our religion - when we focus on all of that we’ve already taken our eyes off of God. Like the priests of Micah’s day it becomes easy for us to be impressed - to think that God has put all of this here for us. To forget that we’re here because of God - for God. The priests had taken this wonderful privilege of mediation and witness and turned into an empty travesty of self-focused religion. What good is it to have all this religion - an impressive temple and worship - if God Himself is not worshipped? If we - and those around us - are not brought into a relationship with God? Verse 12 - God’s judgment: Therefore - because you have failed to lead people to Me - therefore, on account of you Zion will be plowed as a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins, and the mountain of the temple will become high places of a forest. Which - according to the Jewish Talmud and tradition - this actually happened. When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. - Rufus - an officer in the Roman army had the foundations of the Temple on Mount Zion plowed just like field. Thinking about ourselves for a moment - the leadership position God has placed each of us in - in which we represent God to the people of our homes and community - the impact we’re having for Him. In what God says to these leaders there’s one truth that He keeps coming back to. Here it is: The bottom line requirement of leading people to God is that we ourselves are led by God. Phil Visher is the creator of VeggieTales. Last December Phil Visher spoke to BIOLA University graduates. He shared about the disappointment of seeing his company Big Idea Productions - which sold over 35 million VeggieTales videos - Phil shared about the disappointment of seeing his company being forced to file for bankruptcy. He said that, through these hard and humbling circumstances, he realized that he had allowed his desire to accomplish great things for God to overshadow his desire for relationship with God. “The most important thing is not the work I can do for God. The most important thing is to make God the most important thing.” (2) People are weary of civic leaders focused on themselves - using people to stay in power. They’re disillusioned with a church mired in scandal and politics and ungodly behavior. Repulsed by self serving religious leaders. Left wanting by empty ritual devoid of true worship. Aren’t we all? They need to see the genuine life of Jesus Christ lived out in us. They need to see the kind of courageous impassioned sincerity that Micah had - Micah filled with the Spirit of the Lord. Leadership that leads people to God comes from people who are led by God. _______________________________ 1. Max Lucado, No Wonder They Call Him Savior 2. BIOLA Connections, Spring 2004 Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. |