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O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM MICAH 5:2-5a Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 23, 2018 |
If you are able,
would you stand with me as we come before God’s word,
and would you read with me this mornings text from
Micah 5:2-5a. But you, O Bethlehem
Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of
Judah, from you shall come forth for Me One Who is to
be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old,
from ancient days. Therefore He shall
give them up until the time when she who is in labor
has given birth; then the rest of His brothers shall
return to the people of Israel. And He shall
stand and shepherd His flock in the strength of the
Lord His God. And
they shall dwell secure, for now He shall be great to
the ends of the earth. And He shall be their
peace. If you’ve been
around church for a while, the passage we’ve just read
together is probably a familiar one. Yes? At least
parts of it. So,
we need to be extra cautious that we do not loose
sight of what it is that we’re seeing. Yes? This morning
may we be renewed in our seeing God at work and the
significance of that work for His glory and by God’s
grace for our benefit. Verse
1 goes with the end of chapter 4. So this
morning we are beginning at verse 2 and with
Bethlehem. Specifically
Bethlehem Ephrathah and the where, when, and why of
Bethlehem Ephrathah. “Bethlehem”
- which in Hebrew means…
“house of bread.”
In Old Testament times the area was known for
producing grain.
“Ephrathah” which means “fruitful” because the
town is known for its vineyards and olive orchards. And
“Bethlehem Ephrathah” - not just Bethlehem
- but Micah identifies this Bethlehem as Bethlehem
Ephrathah because there’s another Bethlehem up near
Nazareth in the Galilee.
This Bethlehem Ephrathah is about 5 miles south
of Jerusalem. A
little less than from here to Atwater. Micah
goes on: But
you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be
among the clans of Judah, “Too little” because of size and
expectations. Today,
Bethlehem is a city of about 25,000 people. But back
then - Judah being a huge and significant tribe
numbering in the thousands - Bethlehem - in comparison
- was way smaller both in size and how people looked
at it. Micah
writes “but you” - meaning it was
unlikely that a king - any king - let alone the
foremost of all of Israel’s kings - David - would have
come from of all places Bethlehem. “But you”
meaning it’s even more unlikely that the Messiah would
be born there. Who
would have expected that? “But” that’s exactly what
God is doing there. Bethlehem
Ephrathah was the city of Boaz and Ruth - and later
Obed and then Jesse and then David and eventually
Joseph who’s betrothed to Mary. Who -
because of the decree of the Roman Caesar Augustus -
they make this journey from Nazareth to Joseph’s
family home to register for the census. Bethlehem
Ephrathah where Jesus - descendant of David - is born. No one
knows when Jesus was born. Different branches of
the Church celebrate Christmas on different days. One thing is certain - according
to the Bible - the description of shepherds out in the
fields - Jesus wasn’t born in
December. We
celebrate His incarnation on December 25th because in 354 A.D. Bishop Liberius of Rome
ordered people to celebrate the birth of Jesus on
December 25th as a way to Christianize
the pagan Feast of Saturn. Idea being
to honor Jesus instead of the Roman god
Saturn. The
date - when - isn’t as important as
where and why. Jesus was born in Bethlehem Ephrathah
- city of David - an
historical fact. In
Herod’s day - when the wise men from the east showed
up asking about the king of the Jews - and Herod
gathers the chief priests and scribes and asks where
the Messiah was to be born - to their credit, these
theologians - without even consulting their reference
material - without looking up the passages -
paraphrased Micah 5:2 - this prophecy that had been
given 700 years earlier - combined it with a reference
to 2 Samuel 5:2 - and they spilled out the answer to
Herod’s question. They
knew the answer.
It was on the tip of their tongues. Bethlehem
Ephrathah is the place where the royal lineage of
David begins and runs through the Messiah Who is also
born in Bethlehem Ephrathah and Who will also rule on
the throne of David.
being born in Bethlehem Ephrathah of David’s lineage
helps us to identify Jesus as the Messiah Who is the
fulfillment of Micah’s prophecy - the why of where. Micah
goes on: from
you shall come forth for Me One Who is to be ruler in
Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from
ancient days. Three
awesome statements about Jesus. First,
is the One who is coming forth
for God. Which
speaks of His role as the Savior. In 1 John
4:14, the Apostle John declares, “And we have seen and testify that
the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the
world.” Second, Micah says that Jesus will come forth for God to rule over God’s
people. Isaiah writes of Jesus: “Of the increase of His government and of
peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and
over his kingdom to establish and to uphold it with
justice and righteousness from this time forth and
forevermore. The
zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” (Isaiah 9:7) Then, third, Jesus
forth from eternity. “from ancient days” explains how old “from of old” really
is. “Ancient days” literally means
“from eternity.”
How old is old?
Forever old.
And so Jesus is.
Meaning that Jesus is the eternal God. John
begins his gospel account in by telling us that Jesus
was not only with God at the beginning of creation but
that Jesus is the God the creator of creation. John writes
[John 1:2,3] that
“He [Jesus] was in the beginning with God. All things
were made through Him, and without Him was not any
thing made that was made.” (John 1:1-3) Sometimes
when we sing, “O Little Town of
Bethlehem.” With the familiarity of the words - with our
familiarity with what Micah writes - we
can sometimes go numb
to how God ordained miraculous
those events were.
Augustus and his census that got Mary on that donkey
and moved her and Joseph from Nazareth to that little
town of Bethlehem Ephrathah - the
birthplace of Jesus.
Where Jesus - God - chooses to enter into the
flesh and blood of our humanity. Hang
on to that: God
choosing to wrap Himself up in human flesh - being born a human child - truly God and truly
man. All ordained by God before the creation of
time and the universe.
All of that according
to God’s purposes and plan for our salvation. Then verses 3 and 4
remind us that there is also darkness, distress, and
disaster that is a part of Bethlehem Ephrathah’s
history. Micah
lived in a little town
called Moresheth which was about 30 miles southwest of Jerusalem. He’s just an
ordinary guy
trying to follow God
through life that God choose to use as a prophet. Micah
lived in the mid 700’s to early 600’s
B.C. which was at
the same time the prophets Hosea and Isaiah were
around. He lived
during the reigns of kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Which
meant that during Micah’s day - and pretty much all of
Israel’s history - God’s people were worshipping other
gods. Except
for really brief interludes - God’s people had set up
idols and were practicing a religion that was pagan
and perverted and had nothing to do with the One true
living God of Israel. Which
meant that in Micah’s day there’s corruption in
the government. The
religious leadership for the most part was pagan. The economy
was at best uncertain. There was a constant threat of war and
invasion from the Assyrians and the Babylonians - present day Iraq. The
more things change, the more they… stay the same. “Therefore” because a ruler will
eventually come to deliver Israel - the Messiah of
verse 2 - and all that God is going to do through the
Messiah to save and deliver and restore His people -
therefore God is going to “give them up” because of their sin. God
is going to withdraw His blessing - His goodness - His
protection and provision - “until the time.” God will
leave His people alone to experience the consequences
of their choice to continue in the darkness of their
sin against Him.
A withdrawal that - in Micah’s day - leads to
exile and down the line of history leads to
generations of ongoing subjugation to the rule of
ungodly Gentiles - ongoing distress and disaster. In
the midst of the times Micah is living in God gives
Micah a vision not only of the coming Messiah - verse
2 - but the big picture of how God - down the line of
future history - how God is going to deal with the sin
of His people. Which
is what the whole book of Micah is about. Which is a
study for another time. But
condensing that big picture prophecy down to what’s
helpful for us this morning God gave Micah a vision of
down the line future history - God’s coming judgment on the sin of his
people. Micah
saw the future coming invasion of the Northern Kingdom
- Israel - by
the Assyrians. Which did
come in 722 B.C. And
God gave Micah a vision of the future coming Babylonian invasion of the Southern
Kingdom - Judah
- which came in 586 B.C. Within
about 100 years of God giving Micah this
prophecy God had “given them up.” God’s people had been conquered and led
into exile. And
we know - because we’re looking back into history -
that even though God brought a remnant of His people
back out of exile - we know that that ongoing distress
and disaster has been ongoing for God’s people and
continues to this day.
Even in Bethlehem Ephrathah. Herod
- the megalomaniac king - murdering baby boys is just
part of all that darkness and distress and disaster. The
Greeks and then the Romans and then the Arab Muslims
ruled over Bethlehem.
The Crusaders captured Bethlehem in the 1000’s
then lost it to the Muslims. The Ottoman
Turks took control of it in the 1500’s. During
World War I - in 1917 - the British took Bethlehem
from the Ottomans.
In 1948 it became a part of Jordan. Then in 1967
it was occupied by Israel. In
1995 Bethlehem was turned over to the Palestinian
National Authority so that if you were to go to
Bethlehem today that involves passing through a check
point going from what is Israel controlled territory
to Palestinian controlled territory. The Church of the
Nativity - which is the religious complex that’s been
built over where tradition says Jesus was born. The entrance
to that complex - to the Church of the Nativity - is
through this door called the “Door of Humility” which
is only 4’ high by 2’ wide. Purpose
being that someone has to bow down to go through it. An act of
humility - worship - reverence - bowing as we come
into such a sacred and holy place. I don’t know who
these people are.
It’s not my place to judge them. When I took
this picture - I think they were trying to worship. Notice the
lady in the lower left of the picture who seems to be
screaming in anger.
They seem to
represent what’s inside the church which is crowded
and loud and anything but worshipful and reverent. The
building itself is divided into three sections - three
altars - used by 5 different church authorities -
Greek, Armenian, Roman, Coptic, and Syrian. There are
fights between the priests over who’s disturbing who’s
worship and prayers and who’s suppose to clean what. Palestinian
police have had to be called in to restore peace and
order. In
1847 the cross marking Jesus’ birth place was stolen
and allegedly led to the Crimean War. “How still we see thee lie…” is ominous. The quiet
before the storm.
At best the eye of the storm. That we’re
still in today. Micah writes: Therefore He shall give them up, until
the time - “the time” meaning
that there is a time.
There is an end point to God’s withdrawal - to
the darkness and distress and disaster of what has
been the history of Bethlehem and of God’s people. A ruler will
come who will put an end to all of that. Walking
through some of the symbolism of what that means: “She who is in labor” symbolizes Jerusalem
and possibly the whole nation - laboring - crying out
- desperate for hope - for the end. The birth of
the Messiah in Bethlehem will put an end to the labor
of the nation. “His brothers shall return” meaning the exiles
will return from Assyria and Babylon - from captivity. An
image used in Scripture that often speaks of a future
regathering of the nation from it’s dispersion from
all over the world.
At some point the nation will be restored in a
national solidarity that will be like the days of King
David. Under
the coming king, Israel will again be Israel as God’s
people. Verse
4 - And He shall stand and shepherd His flock
in the strength of the Lord His God. If
that sounds to you like a shepherd caring for his
sheep - you’ve got the imagery. Psalm 23. Jesus being
the Good Shepherd. Israel
will be lovingly cared for by the messianic King who’s
going to carry on His duties in the strength of God. In a sense
God is going to reign over His people but in the
person of this messianic King. And
if that sounds to you like Jesus - God incarnate -
reigning over His people - shepherding His people. You got the
imagery. And they shall dwell secure” God’s people will
forever dwell secure in the security established by
the Messiah - the Shepherd Who rules. for now He shall be great to the ends of
the earth. Meaning
that the Messiah King - ruling in the strength and
might of God establishes God’s people in security on
the land. And
the blessings of that - the grace and benefits of that
security will extend beyond Israel to “the ends of the earth.” When
Israel benefits, everyone… benefits. Which
is a huge - significant - change - from the ongoing
darkness and distress and disaster of Israel’s
history. Of
human history. Which
brings us to the first part of verse 5. Which
belongs with this part of the prophecy and not what
comes later. The
text of Scripture is inspired not the verse numbers
and chapter divisions. Verse
5 is the bottom line - emphasis - of this section of
Micah’s prophecy.
Bethlehem and what is real peace. And He shall be their
peace. The way that this
reads in Hebrew there are actually two ideas here. First that
the Messiah - Jesus - is peace. That He
Himself - Who He is - within Him is real peace. And second
that the Messiah - Jesus - by
what He does - He brings real peace to His people. “Peace”
in Hebrew is the word…
“shalom.” By
definition “shalom” is harmony and wholeness and
completeness and prosperity and tranquility and being
well. “Shalom”
comes from a word that has the idea of safety and
security. If
we were to greet someone in Israel today and say
“shalom” to them - we’d be saying to them, “May you be
full of well-being” or “May health and prosperity be upon you.” Which
is a Messianic expectation. If
you’ve been with us on Sunday mornings as we’ve been
studying Mark’s Gospel account - we’ve noted several
times that the crowd that was following Jesus - the
paparazzi - was following Jesus because they expected Him -
being in the lineage of David and being born in
Bethlehem and fitting a number of other Messianic
prophecies - and by the things He taught and did -
they expected Jesus to go to Jerusalem and kick
the Romans back to Rome - and to set up His Messianic
kingdom - shepherding God’s people - restoring Israel
to prominence among the nations - and they all were
going to live together in “shalom.” Same
is true with the Jews today. There is a
sense of expectation - of coming “Shalom” - peace that
will begin in Israel and flow outward to the nations. A messianic
blessing that - a messianic age - that sadly - sees
the coming Messiah as more of an idea or philosophy -
and not a real person. If
we live good enough and peaceful enough and follow
what God teaches us in Torah - then we will effect
those around us - and be agents of bringing God’s
peace into the world. In
both expectations - then and now - there’s a lack of
understanding as to Who Jesus is - being Himself peace
- and a lack of understanding as to what it means that
Jesus brings peace.
What real peace is and how God
accomplishes that peace for His people. And
so it is with the world we live in. Most people
want peace. Human
history is littered with endless attempts at achieving
peace. Man’s
endless search for peace. Just like in Micah’s
day people today crying out for peace. This
morning - even as a follower of Jesus - maybe you’re
struggling with peace.
Most of us - when we’re looking at our lives
and the circumstances of our lives - its’ really hard
to see where there is any part of our lives where
there is peace. Maybe
it’s good that we slow down and that we take the time
this morning to think through the familiar prophecy of
Micah. God
defines peace by Himself. The source
of peace is God - who is peace. And real
peace is only found in Him and by Him and through Him
and because of Him.
What God means by: “and He shall be their peace.” Then
and now - Jesus still is the means of our peace and
still offers that peace to His people. Even to us. So
how can we know and experience God’s peace even in the
midst of our own Bethlehem Ephrathah? Would you read with
me Romans 5:1: Therefore since we have been justified by
faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ. “Therefore” - meaning verse 1 is
a summing up and application of everything that Paul
has been writing about since chapter 1. Paul has
written that each of us has fallen far short of the
high standard of God’s righteousness. We’re
sinners because of the choice made by Adam for all of
us and by the choices each of us has made individually
to sin which have proven that Adam made the right
choice as our representative. As
sinners were are separated from God - destined for
eternity apart from God - destined for the wrath of
God - eternal horrendous punishment - without any hope
or possibility of doing anything about it. Darkness -
distress - disaster forever. But
God by His grace - not because we deserve it or could
ever hope to earn it by our efforts - God for reasons
known only to God - when we take God at His word - by
faith trusting that God really is gracious - that God
has done everything we need done for us to make us
right with God and to save us from His deserved wrath
- meaning Jesus’ work on the cross on our behalf -
when by faith we throw ourselves on God’s grace and
mercy - God right then and there God declares us -
counts us as justified - just as if we’d never sinned
- we are forgiven - made righteous - justified by
faith by God - because God is gracious. The
death of our Lord Jesus Christ satisfied our debt of
sin - set aside the wrath of God - brought us into a
restored relationship with God. Our standing
- our relationship with God. Peace with
God. Therefore since we have been justified by
faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ. Let’s
be clear. Paul’s
point is not about our being toast before a wrathful
God. Paul’s
point is what God has done about it. “Therefore” - because we’re
justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ what
does it mean for us to have peace with God? Jesus
said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give
to you. Not
as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your
hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27). “My peace I give to you” The peace that Jesus
- Who is peace - gives to us - Jesus’ peace - the
quality of peace that Paul is writing about - that
Micah is prophesying about - peace with God is way
different that the world’s brand of peace. When
Scripture talks about “the world” - Scripture is
talking about man’s self-help plan. People
working hard at being good and trying to live
peaceful. Man’s
philosophy and politics and reasoning and spirituality
and wisdom and knowledge and all of our treaties and
laws and culture.
peace is subjective.
It’s based on our circumstances. Finding a
parking space at Wallmart. Personally
we may feel a settledness within. But unless
that settledness is based on what comes from God and
not us - even that settledness is going to leave us. The
circumstances of our lives are constantly changing. But
God is changeless.
God never changes. He is the
one constant in life.
Peace with God is an objective reality. It
transcends our circumstances because it’s found only
in the God Who is changeless. Peace
with God describes our no longer being subject to
God’s wrath because of our sin. Peace means
that our relationship with God is right - righteous -
restored. An
eternal truth - not conditioned by the circumstances
of our lives - but based on the promise of God who
does not change. That’s
the truth behind the bumper sticker: No Jesus. No Peace. Know Jesus. Know Peace. Real
peace is given only by God Who saves us and promises
to remain with us - and lead us - and sustain us and
to supply everything we need to follow Him - as we go
through the darkness and distress and disaster of our own
Bethlehem Ephrathahs. It
seems like every year about this time we all go into
survival mode. Trying
to balance out everything that’s going on in our lives
by adding even more stuff going on in our lives. And every
year we complain about that
and we try to get through it all just one more time. Maybe
longingly idealizing Christmases from way back when
that were less hectic.
Maybe we make resolutions that next year will
be different. But
knowing it probably will be just as hectic if not
worse. Probably
nothing that we’re looking at this morning is going to
change that craziness.
Sorry. But
if there is any encouragement for us in all of that,
it’s this: That
Jesus is our peace.
The fulfillment of the expectation - the
prophecy of Micah - - what Paul writes about - what
God is doing in history and what
God offers in Jesus.
What it means to know Him. Someplace
in all of whatever we’re going through in life - and
not just at Christmas - but in the ongoing craziness
of our lives - we need to choose to be reminded of the
reality of Who Jesus is and what He’s done for
us. To
purposefully choose to not go numb to that reality. But to
marinate in it and to trust and thank God for it.
_______________ Unless
otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
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