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IT'S NOT ABOUT DIVORCE... MARK 10:1-16 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Thirty Pastor Stephen Muncherian November 25, 2018 |
Before we come to Mark 10 we need to
make sure we’re on the same page with the big idea
of what Mark has recorded for us. The title
of today’s message is what? “It’s not
about divorce…” So, no matter how much it may seem that
what we’re looking at is about divorce… it’s not
about divorce.
So if it’s not about divorce what is “it”
about? The big picture: It’s not
about divorce,
It’s about... Jesus. The
Christ. What
it means to follow Jesus. If
you’re able please join me in standing as we come
before God’s word and let’s read together Mark
10:1-16. And
He left there and went to the region of Judea and
beyond the Jordan, and crowds gathered to Him again. And again,
as was His custom, He taught them. And
Pharisees came up and in order to test Him asked,
“Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” He
answered them, “What did Moses command you?” They
said, “Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of
divorce and send her away.” And
Jesus said to them, “Because of your hardness of
heart he wrote you this commandment. But from
the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and
female.’ ‘Therefore
a man shall leave his father and mother and hold
fast to his wife, and the two shall become one
flesh.’ So
they are no longer two but one flesh. What
therefore God has joined together, let not man
separate.” And
in the house the disciples asked Him again about
this matter. And
He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and
marries another commits adultery against her, and if
she divorces her husband and marries another, she
commits adultery.” And
they were bringing children to Him that He might
touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when
Jesus saw it, He was indignant and said to them,
“Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I
say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of
God like a child shall not enter it.” And He
took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His
hands on them. Verse
1 is the Where And Why of where all this takes place. Real
people real places real time real issues. This all
really happened. Looking at the map. Verse 1
tells us that Jesus left there. There is
where? Capernaum - north shore of the Sea of
Galilee. Where
Jesus has had His ministry headquarters. Where
Jesus has been teaching and reaching out to the
region of the Galilee to the Jews - and to the
Greeks and Romans of Tyre and Sidon and the
Decapolis - Caesarea Philippi. Beyond the Jordan meaning that Jesus is
in an area called Perea. Which was
the area where Jesus was baptized. Meaning
that after completing His ministry in the north -
all that needed to be done there has been done - Jesus has
come full circle to where His ministry began. Probably
to the area just east of Jericho. The where and why of that is hugely
significant. This
is a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry. Jesus - Who has been ministering in the
villages and towns of the outback of northern Israel
is now moving towards Judea and Jerusalem - to the
capitol and the cross.
To what will be His triumphant entrance into
Jerusalem - and His rejection - sacrificial death -
and then 3 days later, His resurrection. This is the pause before the passion. What takes
place just before Jesus crosses the Jordan. In that
pause crowds gather.
And again as Jesus has done many times before
- as the crowds gather - Jesus begins to teach them. Mark
records that in that crowd there were Pharisees who
came to Jesus with The Question:
it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” Let’s remember - no matter how much
this question looks like a question about divorce… it’s not
about divorce. Mark even tells us that the reason they
asked the question was to... “test Him” - to test Jesus. The Greek word translated “to test” -
back in chapter 1 - is translated “to tempt” -
describing what Satan did to Jesus during those 40
days in the wilderness. Same
motivation. Destroy
Jesus and His ministry. The Pharisees are not interested in
Jesus’ understanding of divorce and what’s legal or
lawful or permissible.
Jesus has already taught about divorce. They
already know His position. The question is about destroying Jesus
and His ministry.
Trapping Jesus - discrediting Jesus -
stopping Jesus before He crosses the Jordan River
and gets to Jerusalem. The choice of the topic - divorce - is
significant because of the controversy of the topic
and the location of where they’re asking the
question. We need to understand that: Why this
topic in this place?
Why is this so controversial and such a
potential trap for Jesus. In 1st century Judea divorce was a
formal process.
Much like today. Jews back
then married by legal agreement and they were
divorced by legal agreement. The
certificate of divorce - that legal agreement - had
to address the terms of the marriage contract in
order to severe it. At the time of Jesus just about
everyone agreed that divorce was permitted. The
question was on what grounds was divorce permitted. What are
the justified grounds for issuing a certificate of
divorce? What
is lawful? There were two schools of thought - two
different basic interpretations of what Moses had
commanded back in Deuteronomy - about what Moses
gave as legal grounds for being able to issue a
certificate of divorce. And
because there were two interpretations there was
controversy. So - a quick review to get us up to
speed with what Moses said - Deuteronomy 24:1-4 -
the law in question.
Moses gave this instruction: “When a man takes a wife and
marries her, if then she finds not favor in his eyes
because he has found some indecency in her, and he
writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in
her hand and sends her out of the house, and she
departs out of his house, and if she goes and
becomes another man’s wife, and the latter man hates
her and writes her a certificate of divorce and puts
it in her hand and sends her out of his house, or if
the latter man dies, who took her to be his wife,
then her former husband, who sent her away, may not
take her again to be his wife, after she has been
defiled, for that is an abomination before the Lord. And you
shall not bring sin upon the land that the Lord your
God is giving you for an inheritance.” The controversy centered on the word
“indecency.” The
Hebrew word is “arah”.
Which literally means “to be naked” and
therefore indecent or shameful. But what
exactly did Moses mean by that? One interpretation - one group followed
the teaching of Rabbi Shammai. They
believed that Moses meant some kind of immorality -
like adultery.
So they interpreted the law as giving a very
specific and limited grounds for divorce. The other interpretation - which was
the more widely held view - the other group followed
Rabbi Hillel and understood Moses as meaning any
indecent or shameful behavior. Meaning if
the husband found “any” indecency in her. Which is the infamous “She burned the
toast” clause. If the wife spoiled the dinner by
shamefully putting too much garlic in the hummus
then the husband had justified grounds for divorce. At the
time of Jesus some were going even further to
suggest that if the husband found a prettier women
he could divorce his wife and marry the prettier
woman. Meaning that just about anything
counted as being “indecency.” The more things change… the more they
stay the same. There was “not so easy divorce” and
there was “easy divorce” and there was “really easy
divorce” and the rabbis were deeply entrenched in
their positions on all that - endlessly and
pointlessly arguing over all that. So the
question isn’t about the Rabbis seeking to learn
something from Jesus and somehow they might change
their minds. The test question - it’s not about...
divorce. But
about Jesus - and who Jesus is going to side with in
the controversy - or not. It’s about
backing Jesus into a corner and destroying Him. Perea - the area beyond the Jordan - which is…
east of the Jordan River. Perea is
under the control of Herod Antipas. Ground
zero for the territory that Herod Antipas ruled
over. Remember Herod Antipas? From back
in chapter 6? Herod
Antipas was in this incestuous marriage with his
sister-in-law Herodias - who used to be married to
Herod Antipas’ brother Philip. The last person who said something
negative about their marriage was who? John the
Baptist. John
the Baptist who’d ticked off Herodias by telling
them that what they were doing violated God’s law. John who’d
been beheaded.
John who’d had his head served up on a
platter. It’s not about divorce. It’s about
Jesus. Who
they know is in alignment with John. The Pharisees are trying to back Jesus
into a corner where no matter what answer He comes
up with Jesus is going to tick someone off - maybe
even with fatal consequences. Test Him. Discredit
Him. Trip
Him up. Stop
Him before He crosses the river - before He gets to
Jerusalem. Jesus - absolutely brilliant in His
response - as Jesus often does - Jesus answers their
question with a question - that pushes them back to
Moses and what Moses’ original intent was in giving
the law. The
big picture context of what Moses was addressing. “What did Moses command you?” The Pharisees response - verse 4: “Moses
allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and
send her away.” That response exposes where their
hearts are at.
Focusing on the first part of Deuteronomy 24
- the “indecency clause” - and choosing to bypass
the rest of what Moses said. What we just read. Which was
what Moses actually said. Which was
Moses’ creating a legal barrier to men sinning as
they pleased. What
would have amounted to some kind elaborate wife
swapping scheme. Rather than giving permission for
divorce, Moses’ command is intended to restrict the
easiness in which divorce could take place. In part,
to protect women who would have been helpless
otherwise. The Pharisees - focusing on the
“indecency clause” had twisted that restriction
around into and opportunity for easy divorce. They’d
interpreted the restriction as a license giving
permission. Like
God actually approved of divorce. Their hearts are totally out of
alignment with Moses and God. What the Pharisees are totally missing
is the greater context of what Moses is actually
focused on - which is the heart of God - as God
speaks through Moses to His people about the
sanctity and permanence of the marriage covenant and
more so what it means to have a covenant
relationship with God. Jesus
said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart he
[Moses] wrote
you this commandment.
We’re grabbing the brilliance of Jesus? He’s not
falling into their trap. He’s not
siding with any of them. He’s
pushing back at the bottom line of their debate. The issue
that’s the source of their interpretation. God permitted divorce because His
people were hard hearted - stone cold towards God
and each other.
The word and wisdom of God wasn’t penetrating
down to the heart level of how they lived. Meaning
the reason you Pharisees are missing the point is
because you guys are missing what God has been
trying to say to you.
Your hearts are stone cold hard towards God. Then Jesus goes on the offensive -
pushing back big time - Jesus teaching about
marriage and God’s original intent of marriage. Jesus
takes them back to Genesis 1. But
from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male
and female.’
‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and
mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall
become one flesh.’
So they are no longer two but one flesh. What
therefore God has joined together, let not man
separate.” Creation Day 6: God
created Adam and Eve.
Created them in His image. Created
them for His purposes and for His glory. Which is more than sex. More than
who’s got the finer looking wife More than
who’s wife makes the best kebab. God’s design - God’s intent for
marriage - is for an indivisible insoluble covenant
union of one man and one women brought together by
God for life. Rabbis and theologians and Pharisees
and judges and scribes and pastors and whoever can
come up with whatever definition of marriage they
want to and whatever interpretations suit their
understanding of marriage and divorce and whatever
laws they want and they can write all the
certificates of marriage and divorce that they have
papyrus to write on. But all that changes nothing of what
God intends for marriage to be. Changes
nothing - nada - if God considers the couple
married. The Pharisees wanted to test Jesus with
divorce. To
use the controversy of divorce as a weapon to
destroy Jesus.
But Jesus insisted on teaching about
marriage. The Pharisees are interested in seeing
how far they can stretch the law with escape clauses
motivated by selfish hearts closed off to the
gracious and merciful and loving heart of God. God Who sets boundaries to protect us
from the worst effects of our sin. God Who
uses the covenant of marriage to sanctify and
conform us to His image. God Who
uses the covenant of marriage to reveal His heart to
us. Jesus is interested in restoring
husbands and wives to the quality of marriage
covenant that they are created for. To the
gift of relationship that only comes from God. Then
- verse 10 - Jesus Is In The House.
What house?
We don’t know.
The house.
Jesus is now with the disciples - probably
away from the Pharisees. A moment
of private instruction. If the Pharisees were stunned, the
disciples were astounded. To their
credit - they asked legitimate questions. What
questions? We
don’t know. However,
Matthew’s account of the same event - Matthew’s
account suggests that the disciples thought Jesus’
standards were unreasonable - impossible. Matthew
19:10: “The disciples said to Him, “If
such is the case of a man with his wife, it is
better not to marry.” Which is where so many people are
today. Even
Christians. Maybe
deep down we wonder if we’re really capable of that
kind of depth of long term commitment. Most marriages today end in divorce. So, why
deal with the pain of all that? Why not
just skip marriage and just live together? Marriage is outdated anyway. It just
doesn’t make sense in today’s world. The culture the disciples are living in
- that had influenced their thinking on marriage and
divorce - the culture that had come up with the
“indecency clause” - and what the disciples were
struggling to process - all that is way too close to
home. Devastatingly
close even for Christians. If we just look around where we do life
we get where they were coming from and what they
struggled with. Matthew
records what Jesus had taught about marriage and
divorce - different place and different teaching
opportunity - Matthew 5:32 - the Sermon on the Mount
- Matthew records Jesus teaching that a husband may
pursue divorce on the grounds of “sexual
immorality.” The Greek word translated “sexual
immorality” is “pornea” which covers a wide range of
sexual sin - not just adultery. It also
covers homosexuality and incest and bestiality and
child molestation and prostitution and even
spiritual idolatry - worshipping idols not God. Same word
we get “pornography” from. Paul - teaching on divorce - 1
Corinthians 7:15 - Paul writes concerning blatant
desertion by an unbelieving spouse. In such
cases a Christian can act as if his or her spouse
were dead so they’re not bound by the marriage
covenant. But those exceptions simply recognize
the reality of sin and the pain involved when a
marriage is crashing.
And while they underline the serious depth of
the marriage covenant and of marital sin they don’t
excuse the sin. Meaning that - as God sees marriage and
divorce - given a very specific set of circumstances
- a couple may choose divorce. Emphasis
“may.” But
they don’t have to choose divorce. And, by
God’s grace and for His glory may actually choose to
pursue healing in their marriage and not divorce. Which is the total opposite of an
“indecency escape clause” and what opens up to us
the heart of God and His desire for His people. Jesus doesn’t waver. In the
house - out of the public eye - He’s not backing up. He’s not
changing where He’s coming from. Jesus is
unwavering on God’s standard for marriage: “Whoever
divorces his wife and marries another commits
adultery against her, and if she divorces her
husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” William
Hendriksen - in his commentary on this passage -
Hendriksen says this:
“Thus by means of a few simple
words, Jesus discourages divorce, refutes the
rabbinical misinterpretation of the law, reaffirms
the law’s true meaning, censures the guilty party,
defends the innocent, and throughout it all upholds
the sacredness and inviolability of the marriage
bond as ordained by God.” (1) While the Pharisees are endlessly
arguing over what Moses meant by “indecency” Jesus
condemns them all as adulterers. Because
it’s not their standard that counts. It’s
God’s. Jesus
is unwavering in upholding God’s holy standards
which we all have fallen short of. And by focusing on “the beginning of creation” and “your hardness of heart” Jesus is bringing the discussion back
to what is not about divorce and is way more than a
discussion about the morals and ethics of marriage
and our gutting it out and trying to uphold all that
- even if there is adultery involved. Jesus is focusing on how God desires
for us to live together in relationship with Him. What we
continually fall short of and what God - in coming
in the flesh and blood of our humanity - what God
offers to us in Jesus.
It’s not about divorce. It’s about
Jesus and what it means to follow Him. Which is an issue that is way larger
than an individual or a couple that comes to
exchange marriage vows. It has to
do with what it means to have a soften heart level
relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The heart
level reality of life in God’s kingdom that makes
possible marriage as God designed it and what
ultimately demonstrates what life with God is all
about. Verse
13 - enter The Children. Probably while Jesus and His disciples
are having this discussion in the house - parents -
the wording in Greek is masculine - meaning that
fathers as well as mothers - were bringing their
children to Jesus.
Leading them to Jesus. Offering
them to Jesus.
Children meaning toddlers and older -
possibly youths. Their desire is for Jesus to what? “touch them” Which in Greek means they desired for
Jesus to… “touch them.” Jesus laying hands on the child’s head
or shoulders and pronouncing God’s blessing on them
for their future life. In the way that Mark writes his gospel
account - we need to be impressed that that
immediate contrast is intentional - not random. Mark is bringing us back to the theme
that we’ve seen and we’ll see again - what is a
core, touching the heart, theme of what it means to
follow Jesus. The
kingdom of God is not for the self-entitled and
self-righteous but for the weak and helpless who
come by faith. In immediate contrast to the hard
heartedness of the Pharisees - with their intrigue
and motivations and self-righteous pretense trying
to trip up Jesus - in contrast is the soft hearted
faith of the parents who bring their children to
Jesus desiring God’s blessing. The US Centers for
Disease Control reported this past week that from
2006 to 2015 - the year of the latest completed
survey - the number of per year abortions in the US
dropped 24%. The
number of abortions was down to “only” 638,169
unwanted children murdered in the US in 2015. (2) The Jewish mindset
- coming out of Scripture - saw a child as a
blessing of God created in the image of God. Which - in
a sense - was the exception to the world view. And still
- even with that exception - a child is still seen
as weak and pretty helpless - having potential but
not greatness.
Potential meaning a
son has the potential to work in the family
business. Girls
are less valued.
Children contribute little in terms of
protection and provision. They’re
ranked low on the scale of power and privilege and
influence. Potentially
children are a drain on the family resources. The disciples rebuke what Jesus
blesses. They
rebuke the parents.
Which means that they warned them. They
reprimanded them.
They instructed them to take the children
away. In
the eyes of the disciples these children are taking
up valuable time that Jesus should be devoting to
them - or at least to His ministry. These
children are an annoying distraction. When Jesus sees the faith of the
parents bringing their children and the disciples
rebuking them Jesus is indignant. “Indignant”
meaning at the gut level Jesus is grieved - pained -
by the attitude of His disciples. The disciples who are displaying the
same hard hearted attitude as the Pharisees. In their
response there’s no understanding of God and His
heart of love and grace and mercy and compassion
towards His people and what it means to live in
relationship with the living God. What is at
the core of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus Who
is the kingdom of God at hand. God
entering into the flesh and blood of our humanity. Jesus - as was His custom - something
He regularly did - Jesus uses the children as an
illustration of what the disciples - and the
Pharisees - had fallen short of. Jesus tells them: “Let
the children come to Me; do not hinder them - don’t hold them back -
for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Let them come - not because children
are innocent of sin or always such a delight to be
around. They’re
children who act like... children. Let them come because to such belongs
the kingdom of God.
Let them come because they illustrate genuine
discipleship - what it means to follow Jesus. They come as they are. Without
hesitation or inhibition. They
haven’t learned yet to be suspicious or to have
pride. They
trust completely and they come. They come empty handed. They have
nothing to offer.
They’re helpless - defenseless - disobedient
- unable to keep themselves clean or to dress
themselves. Children
are messy. They
can’t even change their own diapers. Wouldn’t
that be amazing?
Children are completely needy. They come - as their parents did - by
faith. In verse 16 - Jesus - in an act that
demonstrates how God’s salvation comes to us - Jesus
takes those who have come by faith - takes them in
His arms and blesses them as He lays His hands on
them. Blesses
them with God’s favor.
The experience of being welcomed and loved by
God. Processing all that… From Genesis to Revelation God uses the
covenant of marriage to illustrate for us how God
views His relationship with His people. There are
some very powerful and familiar demonstrations of
that. Boaz and Ruth. Ruth is not Hebrew. She’s from
a pagan family who’s spent most of her life in Moab
worshipping a demon god who demanded child sacrifice
to earn his favor.
She’s not a virgin. She’s
homeless. Childless. A widow. And she
lives with a bitter old angry mother-in-law. Boaz responds to Ruth by providing for
her physical needs.
By providing for her heart level emotional
needs. He
publicly redefines her worth in front of those who’d
been abusing her.
Boa prays over her a prayer of blessing that
invokes the blessing of the God of the Covenant -
that God would reward her and bless her. And He
marries her. In the account of Ruth, Boaz is a type
of Christ. Ruth
stands as a type of you and me. We are the
outcast widow from Moab. Boaz is an
example to us of what God desires to favor us with
in Jesus. Solomon and the Shulamite woman. The Shulamite woman is used as slave
labor by her family.
She has no time to take care of herself. Instead
she’s outside getting sun burned. She prunes
the vines. Sets
traps for foxes.
Keeps the flocks. She
probably smells a whole lot like sheep. One day there’s an announcement that
King Solomon is coming to visit in all of his regal
glory. The
king comes - sweeps her off her feet - takes her
back to Jerusalem.
They’re married in the palace. Then he
brings her to the banqueting house - not as a poor
abused sun burned girl who smells like sheep - but
as his queen. Proudly
displayed before all in regal splendor -
breathtakingly beautiful. We get this. The
Shulamite women is us.
Solomon is God who comes and brings us into
the covenant of marriage and gives to us love and
relationship with Him that we could never earn,
deserve, or expect. Hosea and Gomer. God tells Hosea, “Go marry a prostitute.” So he marries Gomer. Covenant of
marriage. They
have children together. And when
she dumps him for other men God tells Hosea to go
buy her back out of prostitution - her adultery -
and go on loving her.
She’s your wife. And so Hosea goes and pays for Gomer -
to buy her back.
And he goes on loving her. Totally
undeserved love and grace. Hosea represents God. Gomer
represents God’s people who live in spiritual
“pornea” - spiritual adultery - sin. Like
Hosea, God comes after us and buys us back from our
sin - redeems us - through the work of Christ on the
cross. An
act of God’s love and grace that we do not deserve. Paul - writing to the Ephesian church - Paul compares the marriage of
relationship of a husband and wife to the
relationship of Jesus and His church. The
intimacy and depth of that relationship - the love
of the husband for the wife. It’s about
God and us. Looking forward into future history Revelation 19:9 says, “Blessed are those who are
invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Revelation 19 describes Jesus Christ as
the Bridegroom - the Church is His bride - raptured
- resurrected - purified - made ready by marriage -
brought to the feast.
Until that time we’re separated. Jesus is
in heaven. We’re
on earth. The
marriage supper celebrates our formal union with
Christ in our eternal relationship. From that
moment on we will always be together. (Revelation
19:7-9) By God’s grace - because of God’s love
for us - as believers in Jesus you and I will be
there. What
a gathering! Are
you looking forward to being there? God’s love is given - not because of
the merit of the recipient - us. God’s love
is given because God - who is love - chooses to do
so. God
chooses - knowing us and the ugliness of our sin -
God chooses to place His only Son on the ugliness of
the cross - to die in our place to make real the
offer of our salvation - our forgiveness - our being
set free from bondage to our sins and the ugliness
of what we do with our lives - set free to
experience life as it is created to be lived - the
intimate depth of a made right relationship with
God. In Christ - as a follower of Jesus -
God has already brought us to the table of His
salvation. He’s
already brought us to the table of fellowship with
Him. He’s
already brought us to the table of relationship
together as His body. This
is not about divorce and “indecency escape clauses”
- but about our heart attitude response to God that
Jesus brings the discussion back to - which is the
from the heart of God - plan of God for His people -
what God offers to us in Jesus - the Christ - as He
invites us to come as children and by faith follow
Him. _______________ 1. William Hendriksen, New Testament Commentary, Exposition of
the Gospel According to Mark (Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Book House,
1975), page 380 2. CNN - 11.21.18 - https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/21/health/abortion-surveillance-cdc-2015-bn/index.html Series references: Sinclair B.
Ferguson, Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R.
Swindoll, Swindoll’s Living Insights New
Testament Commentary, Volume 2: Insights
on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles,
a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All
rights reserved. |