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JESUS WALKS AHEAD MARK 10:32-45 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Thirty Two Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 9, 2018 |
Please stand with me as
we come together before God’s word. Let me read
for us our passage for today from Mark 10:32-45. And
they were
on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was
walking ahead of them.
And they were amazed, and those who followed were
afraid. And
taking the twelve again, He began
to tell them what was to happen to Him, saying, “See, we
are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be
delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes, and
they will condemn Him to death and deliver Him over to
the Gentiles. And
they will mock Him and spit on Him, and flog Him and
kill Him. And
after three days He will rise.” And
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to Him and
said to Him, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever
we ask of You.” And
He said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And
they said to Him, “Grant us to sit, one at your right
hand and one at your left, in your glory.” And
they said to Him, “We are able.” And
Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will
drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized,
you will be baptized, but to sit at My right hand or at
My left is not Mine to grant, but it is for those for
whom it has been prepared.” And
when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at
James and John. And
Jesus called them to Him and said to the, “You know that
those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it
over them, and their great ones exercise authority over
them. But
it shall not be so among you. But whoever
would be great among you must be your servant, and
whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the
Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to
give His life as a ransom for many.” Verse 32 brings us
back to Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. Which is where
Jesus has been going since He left Galilee and the
north. He’s
been in Perea on the east side of the Jordan River. And now He is
moving across the river to the area of Jericho - which
we’ll look at next Sunday - and beyond Jericho - up the
hill - to Jerusalem.
But this trip is
different. Jesus
is on a mission. Purposeful. Jesus is
walking ahead. Out
in front of the pack.
Jesus is walking ahead with a somber resolve. Jesus is journeying to
Jerusalem to die. To
surrender and sacrifice Himself. To finalize
the very purpose for His birth - His entering into the
flesh and blood of our humanity - which happened not too
far from where He’s at - in Bethlehem just up the hill. Behind Him are the
disciples who are amazed.
The word in Greek has the idea that they were
astounded. If
not a tad fearful.
They didn’t get Jesus’ determination and drive to
get to Jerusalem. Seemingly
this is nuts. Mark records that twice
before Jesus has talked about His going to Jerusalem to
die. Which
- while the disciples might have been a little fuzzy on
what Jesus’ meant by that - it doesn’t sound good. So their
amazement may have been at Jesus’ resolve in going. The crowd following -
and probably the disciples - Mark tells us that they
were afraid.
Even if they’d not heard Jesus talk about His
coming death they’d seen the growing conflict between
Jesus and their religious leaders. And Jesus is
heading right into the center of all that conflict. So not knowing how all
that was going to play out the atmosphere is
understandably tense.
For those that are following Jesus. There’s a
sense of approaching crisis and impending doom. Which is
understandable. Isn’t
it? How
many times have we sensed or known that something was
coming? Maybe
we were unclear about what that might be. And we had no
idea how all that was going to play out? Which might make us
just a tad anxious.
Maybe even we’ve lost some sleep over it. Faced with the
unknown most of us are really good at coming up with the
worst case scenario.
Doing the Eeyore thing. “We’re
all gonna die.” Jesus walking ahead
with resolve is leading this band of not so merry men. And at some
point in this journey Jesus takes the 12 disciples aside
and tells them again what is about to happen to Him. This the third time
Mark records that Jesus has told them what’s about to
happen. And
on this occasion Jesus includes even more detail - more
specifics - than He’s shared before. Luke’s account
also includes Jesus telling His disciples that what’s
about to happen is a fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus taking the twelve
aside is Jesus is trying to help them process what Jesus
is focused on and to deal with their fear and to help
them prepare for what’s coming. They need to understand
that as these events unfold - that as they see all this
happening - they need to remember that Jesus had said it
would happen this way.
And, in fact, the prophets - Isaiah and others -
the prophets had said it would be like this. All of this is
unfolding according to God’s sovereign will and plan. God, Who had
ordained before creation was creation that all this
would unfold as it will unfold. Jesus will be betrayed. Jesus will be
delivered over to the chief priests and scribes - and
they will condemn Him to death - and they will hand Him
over to the Gentiles.
And those Gentiles will mock Jesus and spit on
Him and flog Him and eventually kill Him. Unimaginably
shameful - especially since it’s Gentiles doing that to
a Jew. And
yet three days after He is killed and unquestionably
dead - Jesus will rise from the dead. Hugely helpful for the
disciples - and us - to know that on this journey to
Jerusalem - that Jesus Who’s focused and journeying with
resolve - Jesus knows where He’s going. Why He’s going
there. What
will happen when He gets there. And what will
be the outcome of what takes place there. Verse 35 brings us to
the ignorance of the disciples and what seemingly is
an outrageous request by James and John. Being right up
there on the dais with Jesus sitting on His throne -
each of them sitting on thrones on Jesus’ right and left
- in their own positions of preeminence and proximity and power. While Jesus is focused
on His coming rejection - humiliation - suffering and
sacrificial death - His disciples are seemingly
jockeying for positions of power in the coming Kingdom. What appears
to be political maneuvering and sneaking ahead of others
in line. Matthew records that it
was their mother - Mrs. Zebedee - who’d made the
request. Mark
records that they also brought it up to Jesus. Which suggests
that the boys had talked her into it. At the heart
level it was really the boys seemingly outrageous -
totally insensitive - idea. We need to be careful. Before we
throw the boys under the chariot we need to make sure
we’re hearing their hearts. Why the request? Last Sunday we looked
at the wealthy young ruler who came to Jesus and had the
question about what more he needed to do in order to
know that he really did have eternal life. Familiar? Yes? Jesus gave him push
back focusing on his heart attitude towards God. Go sell your
possessions - give the proceeds to the poor - and then
you’ll have treasure in heaven - and then come follow
Me. Which
was Jesus trying to help the man understand that the way
into God’s kingdom is something that comes by God’s
grace alone and not our efforts at being good enough. Then Jesus turns to His
disciples and teaches them about true sacrifice and the
priority of being last.
Letting go of our efforts at being good enough
and instead surrendering everything to God and trusting
God for everything. Jesus taught that if we
choose to actually sacrifice everything - to trust God
fully - God will not leave us hanging. God will bless
our socks off supplying what we need for today and
forever. What
God will bless us with will be staggering - outrageous
blessing for today and outrageous blessing for eternity. We’re together. Yes? Matthew’s account of
that same teaching - Matthew writing to a different
audience - Matthew gives us additional information
beyond what Mark records.
What Matthew records helps us to understand where
James and John are coming from. Matthew 19:28 - same
teaching - after the rich young man walks off: “Jesus
said to them [His disciples], ‘Truly, I say to you, in the new
world, when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious
throne, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’ Which is a further -
staggering - description of what God will bless the
disciples with. That all just took
place in Perea just before this journey to Jerusalem. So, what’s
here on the journey is political line jumping. Sure. But having
that teaching in mind - knowing that James and John had
just heard that teaching and promise from Jesus - that
may help us to understand James and John’s motivation. They’re asking for
three things.
Second they’re asking for Proximity. To be up front
- on the dais - near Jesus. Which is
a good thing. Isn’t
it? Wouldn’t
we all like to be closer to Jesus?
Third they’re asking for Power. Right side. Left side. Positions of
recognized power and authority. Which not only
had Jesus promised.
But, when Jesus had sent them out on a mission
earlier - under His authority - Jesus had given them the
power to heal and cast out demons. They’d already
tasted some of that for themselves. So, on one hand we
might look at what they’re requesting and think about how outrageous
all that might seem.
But in a very real sense what they’re asking for
are all really good things that had already been
promised to them by Jesus if they choose to trust God
with everything and to follow Jesus. Which they
were doing. Amazed
and fearful. Yes. But on this
journey to Jerusalem following Jesus - whatever that
might mean. Notice that Jesus does
not rebuke them for what they’re asking for - only their
ignorance in asking it.
do not know what you are asking.” Let’s be clear. It’s not that
they’re asking for the wrong thing. It’s that they
have no understanding of what’s involved. Point A to Point B. What needs to
take place between where they are on the journey - Point
A - and the coming future glory given to Jesus that they
will share in - Point B. Which is often true for
us. We’re
asking God for things that we believe are within His
will. But
we’re ignorant of the process - God’s perfect timing and
the steps involved - that lead to the fulfillment of
what we’ve asked for. Which can amaze us. In the sense
that we can struggle to understand what God is doing. We can become
fearful. Maybe
even discouraged or doubtful. Maybe even
hesitant to follow. Jesus goes on to
explain to them what they’re ignorant of. The journey
that Jesus is on - the way to glory - the journey they
desire to follow comes with a cost. Jesus is on
His way to glory. But
there’s a price to be paid. Jesus is ready
and resolves to pay that price. For them to
follow Jesus to His glory comes with a cost. So, Jesus asks them a
question: Are
you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be
baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” Let’s make sure we’re
understanding the symbols that Jesus is using to
illustrate His journey to glory and the cost. The “cup” symbolizes
what comes at us in life that we have no control over. Which pretty
much is life. Yes? Control is an
illusion. Some of what’s in that
cup may be pretty sweet joyful experiences. Like in Psalm
23:5: “My
cup overflows.” Some of that may be
really harsh. Jeremiah
speaks of the cup of God’s wrath. Consequences
of being sinful people living in a fallen world. (Jeremiah
22:15) In the Garden of
Gethsemane Jesus prays, “Father,
if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Nevertheless,
not My will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42) The “cup” symbolizes
what comes at us in life that we have no control over
but God in His sovereignty does. “Baptism” is symbolic
of how we go through all of what comes at us in life. When we’re baptized as
believers we pass through the waters of baptism. Symbolically
we’re leaving behind our old life apart from Christ and
passing through the waters of baptism into new life in
Christ. Baptism
symbolizes the choice we’ve made - in where our lives
were at - to repent of our sins and to by faith trust
God for what He graciously supplies to us - new life in
Christ. In Hebrew history
there’s an example of how Jesus is applying that symbol
of baptism to how we go through what comes at us in
life. Moses took God’s people
through the Red
Sea - passing from bondage in Egypt - passing through
the Red Sea - into life on the other side leading to
life with God in the Promised Land. Paul writing to the
Corinthians even makes the connection of that event with
baptism. Paul
writes that that passing through describes God’s people
being baptized into Moses.
(1 Corinthians 10:2) It’s not hard to
imagine that while the Hebrews were passing through the
waters of the Red Sea - just looking around - that they
were in over their heads.
Maybe a tad amazed and fearful. Having to move
forward - by faith - from the security of what was
behind - to what God had promised them up which was up
ahead. The experiences that we
pass through on the way to what God has ahead for us -
as staggeringly glorious as what He’s promised may be - the
experiences we pass through - what life throws up at us
- those experiences are way too often overwhelming -
mind bending and emotion crushing and physically
weakening - not so sweet - types of experiences. Jesus is talking about
His journey to the cross - His rejection and humiliation
and suffering and anguish and the pain and the mocking
and the flogging and the spitting - the agony of the
crucifixion - His being forsaken by the Father - on our
behalf - the cup and baptism that He will go through -
following the will of the Father - what will lead to His resurrection
and glory. Jesus asks James and
John, “Are
you able?” Their reply is almost
arrogant - if not sincere:
“Sure! We’re ready. Bring it on! We can take
it! We’re
able!” Jesus tells them. What should
have been a sobering statement. “You
will. You
will suffer for My sake.” But the glory - right
hand - left hand - what’s promised isn’t something that
Jesus just hands out to whomever gets there first. All of that “is
for those for whom it has been prepared.” The journey and where
it leads is in the hands of the sovereign God Who has
prepared it. Thinking carefully
about that. What
Jesus seems to be saying is that God chooses those that
He will honor. And
God uses “the cup” and “baptism” to prepare that person
for that honor. God
leads them through all of that. Then God
honors that person.
What is promised does come. Which God did for James
and John. God
had prepared the journey they would travel. And God -
Jesus - would be with them on that journey. Isaiah 43: “When
you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and
through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when
you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the
flame shall not consume you. For I am the
Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” (Isaiah
43:2,3a) James and John are the
front and back covers of the history book of what it
meant for the apostles to follow Jesus - the sacrifice -
the cost of that apostleship. When Herod Agrippa was
made governor of Judea by the Roman Emperor Caligula -
Herod unleashed persecution against the Christians. And he
especially singled out James as the focal point of his
hatred. In 44 AD James was
arrested. Led
out to die by the man who had made false accusations
against him. And
beheaded. James
was the first of the apostles to be martyred. (Acts 12:1,2). John died last. The testimony
of the early church fathers records that the Emperor
Domitian had him arrested and tried to boil John in a
caldron of oil. Miraculously
he survived. Then
John was exiled to Patmos - what is an isolated island
off the coast of what’s now Turkey. Later John
probably died in Ephesus of natural causes somewhere
around 100 AD. Both James and John
suffered shame and humiliation and punishment as they
followed Jesus - witnessing of Him. They drank
from the cup and were baptized. God answered
their prayer. He
prepared the way and He prepared them for the way. And He led
them through all of that to what He had promised them. One day we
will see them on those thrones. But at this point James
and John were ignorant of what they were asking for -
the journey to the glory - the price of that glory. What God had
prepared. What
they would have to pass through. Jesus - asking them
question - is helping them to understand that there is a
price - a journey that leads to glory. We need to hear in that
the desire of the Sovereign God to unfold His divine
plan in our lives.
The journey that we’re on that leads to what God
has promised us in Christ Jesus. The journey
that He has prepared and will be with us on that journey
and will lead us through as we trust and follow Him. In verse 41 we’re
given the example of Jesus. Jesus giving
Himself as an example of what the “cup” and “passing
through baptism” looks like in real time. Jesus giving
Himself as a real time example to follow. Mark records that when
the other disciples heard what James and John had asked
for they were “indignant.” And why not? James and John
had gotten to Jesus first.
Indignant maybe because they hadn’t jumped ahead
in line themselves.
didn’t I think of that?”
Let’s be careful. “indignant”
translates a Greek word - the same Greek word used back
in 10:14 - when Jesus was “indignant” with the disciples
because they were rebuking and hindering parents who
were trying to bring their children to Jesus. “indignant” meaning at
the gut level Jesus is grieving over the moral failure
of the disciples who were more interested in their own
self interests than what interests God. Disciples who
were displaying the same hard heartedness of the
Pharisees and scribes and not the tenderhearted love and
grace and mercy of God towards the parents and their
children who were coming by faith.
But “indignant” because
at the heart level they realized their own failure to
ask for the same thing they should have been asking for. “Indignant”
because they’re still thinking about this as some kind
of competition - gabbing at positions in the kingdom -
rather than living the life of sacrifice and faith
leading to the glory prepared for them by God. Again, there’s no
rebuke coming from Jesus.
Only an explanation of what the other 10 are also
ignorant of. And
this time Jesus uses Himself - not a cup or baptism -
but Jesus uses Himself as the real time example of what
it means to trust and follow God through what the cup
and baptism symbolize. Jesus calls them all -
all the indignants - together for a team huddle. Verse 41: “You
know that those who are considered rulers of the
Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones
exercise authority over them. “You
know” because they did know. As we know. Leadership in the world
of the Gentiles - the world we live in - leadership in
the world is about using authority and position and
power as a means of controlling others for selfish gain: “lording it”
over others. The
“great ones” exercising authority over others. Political line
jumping. In verse 44 Jesus uses
slavery as an example.
Also something “known” to the disciples. For the Romans
and the Greeks slavery was a shameful existence. In contrast to slavery
- the Romans and the Greeks measured greatness in terms
of authority. Caesar
- the Roman Emperor - the chief sovereign of the most
powerful nation - he was worshipped as god. He alone
possessed the preeminence, position, and power to
command whatever he wanted in much of the known world. Slaves obeyed masters. Masters obeyed
the king. As
someone said, “It’s
good to be the king.” And the Temple
authorities and the religious leadership of Israel - the
Sadducees and Pharisees and scribes - that Jesus is in
conflict with - they’d all bought into the world system. They owned
slaves. They
were line jumping over the nation and each other to
their secure their own positions of “lording” and
“authoritating it” over others. Jesus - verse 43: But
it shall not be so among you. In other words: Stop looking
at the world’s model of preeminence and position and
power for what it means to follow Me. What you
desire is good. How
you’re choosing to get there is not only ignorant of
what God has prepared for you - but it’s wrong. Wrong model. Wrong means. In contrast - this is
the journey you need to be on - verse 43: whoever
would be great among you must be your servant [diakonos],
and whoever would be first among you must be slave [doulos]
the church that was someone in the office of Deacon or
Deaconess who was responsible for taking care of the
poor in the congregation - distributing money collected
for their needs. Or
especially in the case of a Deaconess that meant taking
care of either poor or sick women. A
deacon is someone who serves to meet the needs of
another person. The
word describes the person who’s doing the serving as
they choose to do that service on behalf of someone
else. To
become great means choosing to serve. To
be a “doulos” is to be a slave. A much harsher
term that diakonos.
To be a slave means to give oneself totally to
the needs and service of someone else. To be given
over totally to the will of someone else. To be legally
bound to a relationship of servitude to someone else. To
become first means to become a slave - of all. Not just the
lovable or those we gravitate towards. But the
Pharisees and Sadducees and scribes in our lives. James
R. Edwards - in his commentary on Mark - James Edwards
makes this observation:
no place do the ethics of the kingdom of God clash more
vigorously with the ethics of the world than in matters
of power and service.”
the kingdom of God greatness isn’t how high we’ve
climbed on the ladder - jumping rungs and stepping on
people on the way up.
But greatness in the kingdom of God is how low
we’re willing to descend for the sake of others. Greatness is
not about seeking our own honor but about seeking to
honor others. In
the Kingdom of God the king bows in service to His
subjects and those who hold the greatest authority are
the slaves of all. Verse
45: For
even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give His life as a ransom for many.” That
is an astounding statement coming from Jesus. Jesus Who is
the Christ - God. God
who has entered into the flesh and blood of our humanity
- which is what the Messianic title “Son of Man”
implies. Jesus
who heals the sick and demonstrates His Divine authority
over disease. Jesus
who casts out demons and demonstrates His Divine
authority over Satan and Satan’s forces of evil and
darkness. Jesus
Who calms storms and walks on water and demonstrates His
Divine authority over nature. Jesus
who raises the dead and demonstrates His Divine
authority over death. Jesus
Who miraculously feeds thousands and demonstrates His
Divine love and grace and mercy and ability to provide
for our daily needs. Jesus
who speaks and teaches with the authority of God
Himself. Jesus
Who has the Divine authority to forgive sins. Jesus
Who has come to serve - to deacon - to be a slave - a
doulos. Jesus
Who has come to give His life as a ransom for many -
which includes us. A very familiar
writing. But
at this point it is good for us to be reminded of what
Paul writes to the Philippians: “Have
this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ
Jesus, Who, though He was in the form of God, did not
count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made
Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being
born in the likeness of men. And being
found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming
obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
2:5-8) That’s
the example of Jesus.
What it means to follow Jesus. Not line
jumping. No
matter how good we may think the reason. But become a
servant - a slave - giving our life in service to others
- even if it means death.
That’s the journey - the prepared path to glory -
that we follow as we follow Jesus following God’s will. Processing all
that… This
morning - what cup are you holding? What baptism
are you passing through?
What lies ahead and what are you going through. We all got
something. Grab
this and hold on to it for yourself: Jesus walks
ahead. Jesus
is ahead of us on the journey. And He knows
the way. He
is the way. And
Jesus is the risen Lord - victorious over whatever life
may throw up at us.
Whatever the price to be paid. No matter how
whatever we’re going through is - as long as we’re
following Jesus we’re going to be okay. To
follow Jesus means walking as He walked - totally
surrendered to God - obedient to God’s will - trusting
God - hanging on to God Who is with us as and will
sustain us and use us and will bring us through
whatever we may be overwhelmed by - to what He has
prepared for us- to all of what God has promised to us
now and forever. Before
we pray let me remind us of Paul’s familiar words to the
Christians in Rome.
Followers of Jesus that when Mark is writing his
Gospel they could see the cup of persecution coming. By the time
when Paul is writing, they were passing through it. How important
were these truths for them - for us - as they choose to
follow Jesus walking ahead. “What
shall we say to these things? If God is for
us, who can be against us?
Christ Jesus is the One Who died—more than that,
Who was raised—Who is at the right hand of God, Who is
interceding for us. “Who
shall separate us from the love of God in Christ? Shall
tribulation, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or
danger, or sword? As
it is written, ‘For Your sake we are being killed all
the day long; we are
regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.’
in all these things we are more than conquerors through
Him Who loved us. For
I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor
rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor
powers, nor
height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation.
Will be able to separate us from the love of God in
Christ Jesus our Lord.”
8:31,34,35-39) _______________ 1. James R. Edwards, The Gospel According To Mark: The Pillar New
Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI,
Eerdmans, 2002), page 325 - quoted by Charles Swindoll,
page 284 Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson, Let’s
Study Mark (Edinburgh, The Banner
of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll, Swindoll’s
Living Insights New Testament Commentary, Volume 2: Insights on
Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible,
English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |