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WHAT THE BLIND MAN SAW MARK 10:46-52 Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ - Part Thirty Three Pastor Stephen Muncherian December 16, 2018 |
Would you stand with
me as we come together before God’s word. Would you
read with me our passage for this morning: Mark
10:46-52: And
they came to Jericho.
And as He was leaving Jericho with His
disciples and a great crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind
beggar, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the
roadside. And
when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began
to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy
on me!” And
many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried
out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And
Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” And
they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take heart. Get up; He
is calling you.”
And throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and
came to Jesus. And
Jesus said to him, “What do you want Me to do for
you?” And
the blind man said to Him, “Rabbi, let me recover my
sight.” And
Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made
you well.” And
immediately he recovered his sight and followed Him on
the way. Last Sunday we left
Jesus and the disciples where? Some place
on the road from Perea to Jericho heading towards
Jerusalem. In verse 46 we’re
told that Jesus and His disciples have come to
Jericho. And
that as they are leaving Jericho they and the crowd
encounter Bartimaeus - who is blind and a beggar - and
the son of Timaeus. “Bar” in Hebrew
meaning “son.” He
is… Bar - Timaeus.
Other than that we don’t know a whole lot about
him. We need to understand
the where and the when of that. This is The Pilgrimage. Jericho is a stopping
point on the journey to Jerusalem that Jesus has been
on. Jesus
and the disciples left the Galilee and probably have
followed a route through Perea - east side the Jordan
River - and have crossed back to the west in Judea and
have arrived at Jericho. Arrived at Jericho
with hundreds - if not thousands of others - who are
also traveling to Jerusalem. Why? Because it is almost
the high holy feast days of Passover, Unleavened
Bread, First Fruits - and 50 days after Passover the
end of harvest festival Shavuot - or what we know
as... Pentecost.
This is the time to be in Jerusalem. And the
nation is on the move getting there. And it is a “partay”
- crowds of people traveling together - camping
together - reunions - shish kabob and humus at night -
good times. There
is a spirit of comradery and community and celebration
- and anticipation of what’s coming when we all get to
Jerusalem. Jericho was the last
stop on that Pilgrimage.
Looking at the map. Jericho is just north
of the Dead Sea.
The Dead Sea being the lowest dry land place on
the planet. Meaning
that Jericho is about 845 feet below sea level. Jerusalem is
about 2,475 feet above sea level. An elevation
change of about 3,300 feet. The distance
between Jericho and Jerusalem is about 20 miles - or
what the average person could walk going up hill in
one day. I can tell you from
personal experience that that change in elevation in
that short distance is ear popping. And while
today there’s a freeway for most of that distance - in
Jesus’ day it was a winding dangerous road ascending
through the mountains. So Jericho was the
place where people stopped and camped and “partayed”
and prepared for the final 20 mile ascent to
Jerusalem. Anticipating
the feasts and celebrations of the coming days. The Psalms of Ascent
- Psalms 120 to 134 - are what these Pilgrims would
sing together as they ascended into Jerusalem. Not having
iPhones and iTunes they shared a great worship service
together on the road.
Singing psalms that express a wide variety of
emotion and spiritual experience. Psalm 121: “I lift up my eyes to the hills.” Imagine looking up
from Jericho to Jerusalem and anticipating being at
the Temple and the long winding road to get there. “I lift my eyes to the
hills. From
where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven
and earth.” Psalm 122: “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us
go to the house of the Lord!’” Psalm 125: “Those who trust in the Lord are like
Mount Zion - like Jerusalem or
where Jerusalem is located - which cannot be moved, but abides
forever. As
the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds
His people, from this time forth and forevermore.” So Jericho is the
pilgrim’s camp ground before the ascent. Where Jesus
and the disciples have been and are passing through
and preparing to ascend from along with these large
throngs of people. In the midst of all
that sits blind Bartimaeus - who’s blindness has
reduced him to begging for alms. The road to
the ascent - along with people probably selling stuff
and making money off these pilgrims - the road was
lined with beggars asking for alms. Which those
heading to worship - being more mindful of their
accountability to God - these pilgrims might have been
more freer to contribute. We know that around
here people have locations staked out where they know
people will pass by and might be freer to part with
change. Or
people show up here before or after services expecting
us to be more freer with our money. Maybe trying
to guilt us into giving.
So Bartimaeus sits
with many on the road begging from the hundreds of
pilgrims passing by.
And as he’s sitting there he’s listening to
what people are talking about as they pass by. A huge topic
of discussion was undoubtably Jesus. Most probably
Bartimaeus is hearing pilgrims talk about what Jesus
has been teaching and about His miracles - especially
healing the blind.
It’s not hard to imagine how that would have
stuck in Bartimaeus’ mind. He’d probably heard
how Jesus - in Nazareth - how Jesus had claimed to be
the One Isaiah spoke of.
Jesus in the synagogue reading from Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to
the poor. He
has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives and
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty
those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the
Lord’s favor.” (Isaiah
61:1,2; Luke 4:18,19) From what we know of
how Bartimaeus responds to Jesus - we understand that
Bartimaeus as he’s sitting and soaking all that in -
Bartimaeus is connecting the dots. He’s
processing Jesus.
He’s adding things up in his mind and coming to
his own conclusions about just Who this Jesus is. So, in verse 47 -
when Bartimaeus hears that it’s THE Jesus of Nazareth
who’s passing by in the midst of this crowd of
pilgrims - he begins to cry out: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Before we move on -
let’s be clear on the conclusion Bartimaeus has come
to - as he’s processing Jesus. Son of David
is one title with two meanings. Son of David speaks
of Jesus’ royal lineage.
He’s a descendent of THE King David. The title is
also Messianic. Bartimaeus
in processing Jesus has come to the conclusion that
Jesus is THE Messiah foretold by the prophets. Meaning that
Bartimaeus is crying out to his Messiah - the Christ -
for mercy knowing that it is Jesus alone Who is able
to help him in the darkness and poverty of where he’s
living his life. Verses 48 to 50
records Three Responses. The first response is the crowd rebuking
Bartimaeus. “Shut up!”
We know - because
we’ve been following Jesus around since chapter 1 - we
know that the disciples were still fuzzy on what Jesus
was doing and why.
We know that the crowd - the paparazzi - had
their expectations of Who Jesus is and what they
expected Him to do. They all had their
versions of who the Messiah was suppose to be and what
the Son of David was suppose to do in setting up his
kingdom. Which
we know was all about them and not about what God -
what Jesus - was actually doing. This blind beggar - among many -
crying out as he was - without anything to contribute
to the mission and work of Jesus and the coming
confrontation as Jesus establishes His kingdom - and
what all that might mean to those who were
“pilgirmming” with Jesus who are thinking only about
themselves - this poor blind beggar among many begging
is seen as a nuisance - a distraction - potentially
keeping Jesus from going up to Jerusalem and
confronting the leaders there and ushering in His
kingdom. The response of the
crowd is try and silence Bartimaeus. The second response is Bartimaeus who
cries out all the more: “Son of David, have mercy on me!” The Greek word for
“cry out” is “krazo” which is not a short loud
bursting out cry.
But a shriek. It’s the same word
used of the possessed man in the Decapolis - in the
tombs at night crying out - shrieking - screaming - a
blood curdling - toe curling - sound piercing through
stillness of the night shriek. The crowd tells
Bartimaeus to shut up and he screams louder. The
desperation of his need overwhelms any sense of pride
or restraint or dignity.
His only hope is passing by. Who cares
what anyone else thinks of him.
Let’s be clear. Jesus could
have just walked over to where Bartimaeus was sitting. Jesus
stopping and calling for Bartimaeus is a teaching
moment. Jesus instructing the
crowd “Call him” is a rebuke of the
attitude of the crowd.
The crowd that saw Bartimaeus as an outcast - a
blind beggar having nothing to offer and being a
distraction - a drag on Jesus’ ministry. The crowd
that tried to silence Bartimaeus. The crowd
that has been a hindrance to Bartimaeus’ healing. Have we seen this
before? “Let the children come. Don’t hinder
them.” Check your attitude. Heart level
- are we tracking with God or is this about us? Jesus - involving the
crowd - is teaching about what it means to bring
others to Him. That’s
what they need to be doing. They need to
be participating in Jesus’ ministry. What Jesus
is really all about.
And the joy of that. They get to
encourage Bartimaeus.
“Take heart. Jesus is
calling you.” And their
having a part in the miracle that comes later. And Jesus is teaching
about Himself. This
man who had been brushed off - passed by - who in the
assessment of the crowd had nothing to offer - is
brought front and center and used to demonstrate how
God works in His kingdom. Jesus
demonstrating his compassion and love and grace and
mercy and how God desires to restore and elevate those
who are broken and cast down.
So Jesus stops and
the cry for mercy is answered with the call to come. And Bartimaeus wastes
no time in coming.
Without any hesitation he literally drops
everything to come.
Tosses his outer foot catching cloak aside -
jumps to his feet - and comes - probably running. Years ago I had blind
friend who had had on his bucket list that he wanted
to drive a car. Not
something completely blind people normally do. Although the
way some people drive you we might wonder if some are. Somehow Rick
convinced a friend to let him do that. In a large
empty parking lot.
The two of them in this friends car. Rick behind
the wheel driving.
What would that be
like? A
blind man running through a crowd. Not caring
much about anything except getting to Jesus. Who cares
what he runs into or over. Just get to
Jesus. We can learn
something from Bartimaeus. Can’t we? How desperate are we
for God’s healing in our life? That nothing
else matters. That
we’re willing to let go of everything - what we own -
our pride - whatever.
And regardless of who stands in our way or
might restrain us or whatever obstacle might be
between us and Jesus we’re running to Him. How
desperate are we for God’s healing in our life? Verse 51 brings us
to Jesus’ Question: “What do you want Me to do for you?” Duh!!! The guy’s
blind. Heal
him. Let’s be careful. There are
other answers to the question. The crowd
doesn’t know why he’s crying out to Jesus. All they
know is he’s a beggar who’s strategically located
himself on Route 1 to Jerusalem… to beg. Crying out
for mercy. Mercy
probably means money. Possible answer
number one: “Can you spare a few shekels for a blind
man?” Meaning that
Bartimaeus is just like all the other beggars on the
road. His
priority in life.
Where his heart is at. That he has
a very limited faith and expectation of what Jesus can
do for him. Let’s be careful. Jesus
already knows the answer to the question. Jesus knows
our needs before we ask.
It’s for our benefit that we ask. Asking is
about exercising our faith - a faith exercising -
faith growing - heart level trusting God -
opportunity. Jesus’ question is
about revealing what’s really in Bartimaeus’ heart. What’s in
the heart behind the cry. A Chuck Swindoll
quote: “Far too many ask for too little of
Jesus; they seek an extra margin of comfort in their
miserable slavery to sin when they could ask for—and
receive—a full measure of God’s forgiveness, mercy,
and saving grace.” (1) Bartimaeus doesn’t
ask for a few shekels.
Without hesitation Bartimaeus responds: “Rabbi, let me recover my sight.” “Rabbi” being a title
of respect that Matthew and Luke render in their
accounts as “lord.”
Meaning that Bartimaeus is looking to Jesus as
not just your average “been to Rabbi school” teacher
but as someone much greater than that. “Recover” in Greek
has the idea of both “regaining” and “gaining.” Meaning
Bartimaeus is looking to Jesus to give him something
that only God can give. “Sight” - which in
the way this reads in the Greek means both physical
and spiritual sight.
I want to recover my sight. And to gain
much more than that. Bartimaeus who’s
added things up - knowing Who Jesus is - by faith asks
to gain his sight - physical healing. Yes. But he’s
also asking for spiritual “sight” - spiritual healing. Bartimaeus’
answer to Jesus’ question come from a heart level
faith in what only Jesus can do for him physically and
spiritually. In verse 52 Jesus
responds to that faith:
Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made
you well.”
Jesus physically
healing Bartimaeus outwardly demonstrating Jesus’
response to Bartimaeus’ inward spiritual condition -
spiritual healing - salvation - redemption and
righteousness and relationship with God now and
forever. Which we’ve seen
before. Right? In
Capernaum. Four friends cutting
a hole in a roof and lowering their paralyzed friend
down in front of Jesus.
Jesus - Who in response to the faith of the
five and especially the man on the stretcher - Jesus
declares his sins are forgiven. Which elicits a cry
of foul from the Pharisees. “He’s blaspheming!” To which Jesus
responds: “What’s easier? To say to
the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say,
‘Rise, take up your bed and walk’?” And Jesus does what? Heals the
paralytic to demonstrate His divine authority to
forgive sin. (Mark
2:1-12) Jesus’ question. “What do you want Me to do for you?” Is a question focused
on Bartimaeus’ heart.
Where are you at in your faith towards God? Towards Me?
And immediately -
sight restored - Bartimaeus follows Jesus on the way. Meaning,
Bartimaeus is all in as a disciple of Jesus for
whatever lies up the road in Jerusalem. Processing all that… Four takeaways for us
this morning. First:
Bartimaeus encountered Jesus’ healing power -
not on the basis of his own strength but in his
weakness - sitting on the side
of the road - reduced to begging - with no hope of
anything ever being different - with no ability to
ever change the direction - the situation - of his
life. The crowd did get
that right. The
crowd got it that Bartimaeus had nothing - nothing to
contribute to what Jesus was doing. He’s just a
blind beggar on the side of the road begging along
with all the other blind beggars. God speaks through
His prophet Joel:
“...everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord shall be saved.”
(Joel 2:32) That’s you and me. Most of us
aren’t exactly the living lifestyles of the rich and
famous. Merced
is not exactly the cultural hub of the western
hemisphere. And
with all of our foibles and failures - even in our
best moments - what exactly do we bring to the table? What do we contribute
to what Jesus is doing?
Except weakness and brokenness. Beggars on
the side of the road here in Merced. Who are we
except some of the everyone’s of this world? Take away number two is that Jesus had
time for Bartimaeus. He stopped. Jesus walks ahead. Jesus is on
a journey. Galilee
to Perea to Jericho to Jerusalem. He’s on a
mission. Purposeful. Focused. Jesus - at
the height of His popularity being followed by the
disciples and this huge and swelling crowd of
paparazzi with all of their expectations. All of this takes
place just before the high holy days - Palm Sunday - with the
high stakes and pressures and emotions and concerns
and knowing what’s coming - conflicts in the temple -
the betrayal and beatings and trial and rejection and
scourging and humiliations and the cross - His death. I don’t know how you
handle pressure or multi-tasking or interruptions when
you’re focused on something crucial. If you’re
like me, not well. It is impressive that
Jesus - with all of that driving Him and weighing down
on Him - as Jesus is beginning the ascent and assault
on Jerusalem - He just stops. Stops the
whole procession.
And takes the time to focus with compassion -
lovingly - graciously - mercifully - on this blind
beggar who has nothing to offer. It’s almost like
Bartimaeus is the whole reason Jesus is heading to
Jerusalem. In
a sense, maybe he is.
Right? What’s here is a real
time demonstration of what Jesus was just teaching
back across the Jordan River in Perea. Remember
this from last Sunday?
The greatest in the kingdom are those who serve
- who are the slaves of all. What stands out here
is the greatness of Jesus as He calls this helpless
man out of his darkness into the light of relationship
and life with God.
Jesus’ compassion and care that leads to the
salvation of a new disciple for the kingdom. The take away for us
in that is that Jesus has time for us. For you. For me. Always. As we cry
out to Him. Each
of us is why He has come into the flesh and blood of
our humanity and journeyed to the cross. The third take away is that Jesus does
not change. Sometimes we can read
and study these accounts in Scripture of God at work -
and what Jesus did back then - and we can marvel at
all that. Maybe
draw some inspiration or encouragement from what we’re
So we might feel a
sense of detachment from all that. Between us
and all those Bible characters and what God did in
their lives. But the link we have
with them isn’t found on that level - of time and
circumstance. Our
link with all that is God Himself. And it is
hugely important that we understand that truth. A J.I. Packer quote: “...the God with Whom they had to do is
the same God with Whom we have to do. We could
sharpen the point by saying, exactly the same God; for God does not
change in the least particular. Thus it
appears that the truth on which we must dwell in order
to dispel this feeling that there is an unbridgeable
gulf between the position of men in the Bible times
and our own, is the truth of God’s immutability.” (2) The immutability of
God meaning that God doesn’t change. Which is a truth
about God that is difficult and impossible for us to
fully understand because we change and everything
around us is changing - has changed and will change. But God
never changes. Who
He is, is Who He has been, and is, and will be. He is -
period. God isn’t like a
Marvel or DC superhero.
He doesn’t gain powers or lose the ones He had. He doesn’t
get wiser or better or more perfect. God does not
- cannot - change for the worse. God doesn’t
grow older like we do.
God doesn’t become bitter or grow more cynical
or become some crotchety old man. And here’s where this
truth gets personal:
God never becomes more or less truthful or more
or less loving or more or less gracious or more or
less merciful than He is. His word and
His promises towards us will never change. His purposes
and actions towards us will never change. Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ [God in the flesh and
blood of our humanity - the Messiah - our Savior] - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and
today and forever.” Hebrews 7:25: “Consequently, He is able to save to the
uttermost those who draw near to God through Him,
since He always lives to make intercession for them” - us. The truth of that
should be a bottom line foundational encouragement for
us as we read about Bartimaeus and consider our own
lives. That
same Jesus who responds to the cry of Bartimaeus -
also calls us to Himself with the same compassion and
love and grace and mercy - and the same unchanging
desire to bring His healing and renewed life to us. And because He is Who
He is we can respond unreservedly - without hesitation
- throwing else aside - and running to Him in complete
trust for all that we need. Take away number four is our need. Several years ago I
was with a group of tourists visiting Bangkok,
Thailand. Any of you ever been
there? Bangkok is
a very different place. One of my overall impressions
of Bangkok was a city - very dirty - very crowded - full of hopeless people. Our hotel
was like an island in the midst of all
of that. A modern
high-rise in the middle of confusion, congestion, and
poverty. One night - about dusk - I
left the hotel to look around and find a few bargains. There was a
kind of shopping bazaar close to the hotel. I saw something that night that has stuck in my mind. On the sidewalk - a few feet
away from our hotel entrance - on the sidewalk up
against the hotel wall - sat a boy - probably about 9
or 10 years old.
A boy who was
begging. This boy was crippled - his
bones broken and pushing out at very odd angles. His bones had been broken and no attempt had been made to
set them right. In Thailand - as in
other places - parents
deliberately break the bones of their children - cripple their
children - so that their children can earn
more for the family while begging. The more
they’re crippled - the more they’re pitied - especially by the tourists. The more pity the more money
people will give to them. A while back I was in
downtown San Francisco. That’s not unusual. What was
unusual was that this time I just stood
there - down on Market
Street - with my back up against a
building - and just watched the world go by. San
Francisco is a very different place. That’s an
understatement. Years ago we always had to
dress-up if we were going into “the city”. Downtown was
a special place - opulent - surreal - the opera - theaters - the financial district
- business men in suits.
It’s not like that today. Just standing there, watching
everything that was happening, was to vividly see how
empty, how hopeless, how impoverished our society is
today. Merced - in many ways
- is no different.
Despite all the good things about Merced - we
know that when we open our
eyes - what we see around us is tremendous need. Maybe even
here at Creekside. It is easy to see the
brokenness of all that and to not see that brokenness
in ourselves. The crowd that tried
to silence Bartimaeus were themselves blind. In their
pride - and stature in life - even their devotion to
God as they followed Jesus and prepared to ascend to
Jerusalem - they had lost sight of their own depravity
and sin and desperate need for what God was offering
them in Jesus. They
- and we - are very much like Bartimaeus. The scribes of the
Pharisees saw Jesus eating with sinners and tax
collectors, and they asked Jesus’ disciples, “Why is He eating and drinking with those
people? They’re
tax collectors and sinners!” Jesus heard them and
said, “It’s not those who are healthy who need
a physician, but those who are... sick;
I didn’t come to call the righteous, but
sinners. I
came for the poor people - for the captives - the
blind - the oppressed.” (Mark 2:17; Luke
4:18,19) And that’s us if we
have eyes to see it. In the sovereignty of
God’s plan Jesus is purposefully moving to Jerusalem -
to Palm Sunday - to the events which lead to the cross
- to resurrection - for the hopeless - the desperate -
those who are bound and looking for release. Who’s
marriages are breaking.
Who’s families are coming apart. Who’ve hit
bottom and see no way up. Those
struggling with deep issues of the heart - wounds -
grief. For those who are
spiritually empty.
For those who understand their spiritual
poverty and will cry out to God for mercy. John 10:10 - Jesus
says, “I came that they may have... life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Not just
eternal forever and ever. But right
here. Right
now. With
God. How about you?
_______________ 1. Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016) page 290. 2. J.I. Packer, Knowing God (Downers
Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press, 1973) page 68. Series references: Sinclair B. Ferguson,
Let’s Study Mark (Edinburgh, The
Banner of Truth Trust, 2016). Charles R. Swindoll,
Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament
Commentary, Volume 2:
Insights on Mark (Carol Stream, IL,
Tyndale House Publishers, 2016). Unless otherwise
indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy
Bible, English Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001
by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used
by permission. All
rights reserved. |